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FRIA Liquidation

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SUSPENSION OF PAYMENTS (RA 10142, FR Rules [A.M. No. 12-12-11-SC], and
FLSP Rules [A.M. No.15-04-06-SC])

A. Basic concepts

1. Rehabilitation

RA 10142
Section 4
Rehabilitation shall refer to the restoration of the debtor to a condition of
successful operation and solvency, if it is shown that its continuance of
operation is economically feasible and its creditors can recover by way of the
present value of payments projected in the plan, more if the debtor continues
as a going concern than if it is immediately liquidated.

2. Insolvent

RA 10142
Section 4
Insolvent shall refer to the financial condition of a debtor that is generally
unable to pay its or his liabilities as they fall due in the ordinary course of
business or has liabilities that are greater than its or his assets.

3. Liquidation

RA 10142
Section 4
Liquidation shall refer to the proceedings under Chapter V of this Act.

4. Suspension of payments

RA 10142
(A) Suspension of Payments.
Section 94.

Petition. - An individual debtor who, possessing sufficient property to cover all

his debts but foreseeing the impossibility of meeting them when they
respectively fall due, may file a verified petition that he be declared in the
state of suspension of payments by the court of the province or city in which
he has resides for six (6) months prior to the filing of his petition. He shall
attach to his petition, as a minimum: (a) a schedule of debts and liabilities; (b)
an inventory of assess; and (c) a proposed agreement with his creditors.
C. Liquidation

RA 10142
Chapter V

1. Voluntary liquidation vs. involuntary liquidation vs. conversion

Section 90 – 92

Section 90. Voluntary Liquidation. - An insolvent debtor may apply for liquidation by filing a
petition for liquidation with the court. The petition shall be verified, shall establish the insolvency
of the debtor and shall contain, whether as an attachment or as part of the body of the petition;

(a) a schedule of the debtor's debts and liabilities including a list of creditors with their
addresses, amounts of claims and collaterals, or securities, if any;

(b) an inventory of all its assets including receivables and claims against third parties;

(c) the names of at least three (3) nominees to the position of liquidator.

At any time during the pendency of court-supervised or pre-negotiated rehabilitation proceedings,

the debtor may also initiate liquidation proceedings by filing a motion in the same court where the
rehabilitation proceedings are pending to convert the rehabilitation proceedings into liquidation
proceedings. The motion shall be verified, shall contain or set forth the same matters required in
the preceding paragraph, and state that the debtor is seeking immediate dissolution and
termination of its corporate existence.

If the petition or the motion, as the case may be, is sufficient in form and substance, the court
shall issue a Liquidation Order mentioned in Section 112 hereof.

Section 91. Involuntary Liquidation. - Three (3) or more creditors the aggregate of whose claims
is at least either One million pesos (Php1,000,000,00) or at least twenty-five percent (25%0 of
the subscribed capital stock or partner's contributions of the debtor, whichever is higher, may
apply for and seek the liquidation of an insolvent debtor by filing a petition for liquidation of the
debtor with the court. The petition shall show that:

(a) there is no genuine issue of fact or law on the claims/s of the petitioner/s, and that the
due and demandable payments thereon have not been made for at least one hundred
eighty (180) days or that the debtor has failed generally to meet its liabilities as they fall
due; and

(b) there is no substantial likelihood that the debtor may be rehabilitated.

At any time during the pendency of or after a rehabilitation court-supervised or pre-negotiated

rehabilitation proceedings, three (3) or more creditors whose claims is at least either One million
pesos (Php1,000,000.00) or at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the subscribed capital or
partner's contributions of the debtor, whichever is higher, may also initiate liquidation
proceedings by filing a motion in the same court where the rehabilitation proceedings are
pending to convert the rehabilitation proceedings into liquidation proceedings. The motion shall
be verified, shall contain or set forth the same matters required in the preceding paragraph, and
state that the movants are seeking the immediate liquidation of the debtor.
If the petition or motion is sufficient in form and substance, the court shall issue an Order:

(1) directing the publication of the petition or motion in a newspaper of general circulation
once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks; and

(2) directing the debtor and all creditors who are not the petitioners to file their comment
on the petition or motion within fifteen (15) days from the date of last publication.

If, after considering the comments filed, the court determines that the petition or motion is
meritorious, it shall issue the Liquidation Order mentioned in Section 112 hereof.

Section 92. Conversion by the Court into Liquidation Proceedings. - During the pendency of
court-supervised or pre-negotiated rehabilitation proceedings, the court may order the conversion
of rehabilitation proceedings to liquidation proceedings pursuant to (a) Section 25(c) of this Act;
or (b) Section 72 of this Act; or (c) Section 75 of this Act; or (d) Section 90 of this Act; or at any
other time upon the recommendation of the rehabilitation receiver that the rehabilitation of the
debtor is not feasible. Thereupon, the court shall issue the Liquidation Order mentioned in
Section 112 hereof.

2. Procedure

a. Liquidation order; effects

Section 104

Section 104. Liquidation Order. - If the court finds the petition sufficient in form and
substance it shall, within five (5) working days issue the Liquidation Order mentioned
in Section 112 hereof.

Section 112 – 113

(A) The Liquidation Order.

Section 112. Liquidation Order. - The Liquidation Order shall:

(a) declare the debtor insolvent;

(b) order the liquidation of the debtor and, in the case of a juridical debtor, declare it as

(c) order the sheriff to take possession and control of all the property of the debtor,
except those that may be exempt from execution;

(d) order the publication of the petition or motion in a newspaper of general circulation
once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks;

(e) direct payments of any claims and conveyance of any property due the debtor to the

(f) prohibit payments by the debtor and the transfer of any property by the debtor;
(g) direct all creditors to file their claims with the liquidator within the period set by the
rules of procedure;

(h) authorize the payment of administrative expenses as they become due;

(i) state that the debtor and creditors who are not petitioner/s may submit the names of
other nominees to the position of liquidator; and

(j) set the case for hearing for the election and appointment of the liquidator, which date
shall not be less than thirty (30) days nor more than forty-five (45) days from the date of
the last publication.

Section 113. Effects of the Liquidation Order. - Upon the issuance of the Liquidation Order:

(a) the juridical debtor shall be deemed dissolved and its corporate or juridical existence

(b) legal title to and control of all the assets of the debtor, except those that may be
exempt from execution, shall be deemed vested in the liquidator or, pending his election
or appointment, with the court;

(c) all contracts of the debtor shall be deemed terminated and/or breached, unless the
liquidator, within ninety (90) days from the date of his assumption of office, declares
otherwise and the contracting party agrees;

(d) no separate action for the collection of an unsecured claim shall be allowed. Such
actions already pending will be transferred to the Liquidator for him to accept and settle
or contest. If the liquidator contests or disputes the claim, the court shall allow, hear and
resolve such contest except when the case is already on appeal. In such a case, the suit
may proceed to judgment, and any final and executor judgment therein for a claim
against the debtor shall be filed and allowed in court; and

(e) no foreclosure proceeding shall be allowed for a period of one hundred eighty (180)

3. Determination of claims

Section 123 – 126

(C) Determination of Claims

Section 123. Registry of Claims. - Within twenty (20) days from his assumption into office the
liquidator shall prepare a preliminary registry of claims of secured and unsecured creditors.
Secured creditors who have waived their security or lien, or have fixed the value of the property
subject of their security or lien by agreement with the liquidator and is admitted as a creditor for
the balance , shall be considered as unsecured creditors. The liquidator shall make the registry
available for public inspection and provide publication notice to creditors, individual debtors
owner/s of the sole proprietorship-debtor, the partners of the partnership-debtor and
shareholders or members of the corporation-debtor, on where and when they may inspect it. All
claims must be duly proven before being paid.
Section 124. Right of Set-off. - If the debtor and creditor are mutually debtor and creditor of each
other one debt shall be set off against the other, and only the balance, if any shall be allowed in
the liquidation proceedings.

Section 125. - Opposition or Challenge to Claims. - Within thirty (30 ) days from the expiration of
the period for filing of applications for recognition of claims, creditors, individual debtors, owner/s
of the sole proprietorship-debtor, partners of the partnership-debtor and shareholders or
members of the corporation -debtor and other interested parties may submit a challenge to claim
or claims to the court, serving a certified copy on the liquidator and the creditor holding the
challenged claim. Upon the expiration of the (30) day period, the rehabilitation receiver shall
submit to the court the registry of claims containing the undisputed claims that have not been
subject to challenge. Such claims shall become final upon the filling of the register and may be
subsequently set aside only on grounds or fraud, accident, mistake or inexcusable neglect.

Section 126. Submission of Disputed to the Court. - The liquidator shall resolve disputed claims
and submit his findings thereon to the court for final approval. The liquidator may disallow claims.

D. Suspension of Payments; Suspension of Payment Order

Section 94 – 96

(A) Suspension of Payments.

Section 94. Petition. - An individual debtor who, possessing sufficient property to cover all his
debts but foreseeing the impossibility of meeting them when they respectively fall due, may file a
verified petition that he be declared in the state of suspension of payments by the court of the
province or city in which he has resides for six (6) months prior to the filing of his petition. He
shall attach to his petition, as a minimum: (a) a schedule of debts and liabilities; (b) an inventory
of assess; and (c) a proposed agreement with his creditors.

Section 95. Action on the Petition. - If the court finds the petition sufficient in form and
substance, it shall, within five (5) working days from the filing of the petition, issue an Order:

(a) calling a meeting of all the creditors named in the schedule of debts and liabilities at
such time not less than fifteen (15) days nor more than forty (40) days from the date of
such Order and designating the date, time and place of the meeting;

(b) directing such creditors to prepare and present written evidence of their claims before
the scheduled creditors' meeting;

(c) directing the publication of the said order in a newspaper of general circulation
published in the province or city in which the petition is filed once a week for two (2)
consecutive weeks, with the first publication to be made within seven (7) days from the
time of the issuance of the Order;

(d) directing the clerk of court to cause the sending of a copy of the Order by registered
mail, postage prepaid, to all creditors named in the schedule of debts and liabilities;

(e) forbidding the individual debtor from selling, transferring, encumbering or disposing in
any manner of his property, except those used in the ordinary operations of commerce or
of industry in which the petitioning individual debtor is engaged so long as the
proceedings relative to the suspension of payments are pending;

(f) prohibiting the individual debtor from making any payment outside of the necessary or
legitimate expenses of his business or industry, so long as the proceedings relative to the
suspension of payments are pending; and

(g) appointing a commissioner to preside over the creditors' meeting.

Section 96. Actions Suspended. - Upon motion filed by the individual debtor, the court may issue
an order suspending any pending execution against the individual debtor. Provide, That
properties held as security by secured creditors shall not be the subject of such suspension
order. The suspension order shall lapse when three (3) months shall have passed without the
proposed agreement being accepted by the creditors or as soon as such agreement is denied.

No creditor shall sue or institute proceedings to collect his claim from the debtor from the time of
the filing of the petition for suspension of payments and for as long as proceedings remain
pending except:

(a) those creditors having claims for personal labor, maintenance, expense of last illness
and funeral of the wife or children of the debtor incurred in the sixty (60) days
immediately prior to the filing of the petition; and

(b) secured creditors.

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