USMB Configuration Campaign Management v2.0

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Campaign Management

USMB Configuration Document

Information in this document is subject to change without notice.

No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
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© 2010 Temenos Headquarters SA - all rights reserved.

Document History

Author /
Version Date Status Change Description
Changed By

Vijay and
1.0 Nov-112014 Initial Draft Campaign Management

1.1 Nov-12-2014 Vishnu Review

1.2 Nov-18-2014 Vishnu Amended Updated the document based on the

review discussion with Vijay and

1.2 Nov-20-2014 Ranga Review

1.3 Nov-21-2014 Vishnu Amended Updated the document based on the

review comments.

2.0 Nov-21-2014 Ranga Baselined

2 USMB Configuration Document_ Campaign Management

Table of Contents

Purpose of this document ............................................................................................................................... 4

Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
Demo Scenario 1 ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Existing Requirement 5
New Requirement 10
Real-time opportunity for Special Certificate of Deposit ............................................................................ 10
Model Bank changes 11
Defining Rules in Tool Box ........................................................................................................................ 11
CRM Processing parameter ...................................................................................................................... 11
TSA.SERVICE ........................................................................................................................................... 13
Demo Scenario 2 .......................................................................................................................................... 14
Existing Requirement 14
New Requirement 16
Model Bank changes 16
Running Campaign .................................................................................................................................... 16
RBHP details ................................................................................................................................................. 17
Input screen 17
Opportunity generation .............................................................................................................................. 17
Campaign generation ................................................................................................................................ 17
Customer Input Screen 18
Inquiry 18

3 USMB Configuration Document_ Campaign Management

Purpose of this document
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for detailed configuation setup in the USMB
environment for the scenarios in Campaign Management. Customization effort may be required to achieve
some of the steps. Please cover all steps and ensure the excpected outcome for demo is achiaved.

T24 CRM provides the Bank with an effective tool to create and manage inbound and outbound campaigns.
The Rule engine helps in creating rules for automatically identifying the target customers. The
communication of the campaign to the target customer can also be recorded and follow up can be done.
Promotional offers can be made to the customers qualifying the defined criteria and results recorded and
further with the consent of the customer the real time opportunities generated can be booked online
leading to better cross selling efficiency.
The following scenarios need to be achieved with T24 Customer Relationship Managent solution:.

# CRM Scenario Expected outcome for Demo

1 All customers who are maintaining  Anthony Bamford has two accounts with balance $3,000 and
more than the Bank defined $5,000
balance in their account (all  A Teller (and FT) credit into account 1 of $2,000 and above
accounts of the Customer) are should trigger the opportunity and alert online
eligible for ‘Special Certificate of  A pop up message (alert / override) to User says a new CD can
Deposit’. The customers eligible now be marketed. With three options (Yes, No and Maybe).
for the same are identified and  Yes should take the user to the AA deposit screen with all
offered CD online, real-time. information (Customer No, Product code etc.) mapped
Eligibility rule: Balances in the  No should delete the opportunity or mark it as Customer
account (one or more account of Rejected
same Customer) should be equal  Maybe should update the contact log and the campaign
to or greater than $ 10,000.00. management log to be displayed at a later stage and in SCV
2 All customers with age greater  Customer whose age is more than 18 years, based on value in
than 18 & Salary greater than $ DATE.OF.BIRTH in Customer record.
100,000.00 (per annum) should be  Customer whose income in more than $ 100,000.00 (per annum).
offered Personal Loan. Calculated by multiplying value in field NET.MONTHLY.IN (in
Eligibility rule: Customer age Customer record) by 12.
greater than 18 and salary greater  All Customers who meet both the rule above should have
than $ 100,000.00 Campaign Alert generated and displayed in respective SCV.
 Also, when the user creates Customer record with age more than
18 and income more than $ 100.000.00 (or edits existing
Customer’s income as $ 100,000.00 or more annually), at such
instance Campaign alert should be triggered online.
 An online inquiry should be available to list all Campaigns
generated along with the outcome, i.e. how many Yes, No and

4 USMB Configuration Document_ Campaign Management

Demo Scenario 1
# CRM Scenario Expected outcome for Demo
1 All customers who are maintaining  Anthony Bamford has two accounts (SA 1 and SA 2)with balance
more than the Bank defined $3,000 and $5,000
balance in their account (all  A Teller (and FT) credit into account SA 1 of $2,000 and above
accounts of the Customer) are should trigger the opportunity and alert online.
eligible for “Special Certificate of  A pop up message (alert / override) to User says a new CD can
Deposit”. The customers eligible now be marketed. With three options (Yes, No and Maybe).
for the same are identified and  Yes should take the user to the AA deposit screen with all
offered CD online, real-time. information (Customer No, Product code etc.) mapped
Eligibility rule: Balances in the  No should delete the opportunity or mark it as Customer
account (one or more account of Rejected
same Customer) should be equal  Maybe should update the contact log and the campaign
to or greater than $ 10,000.00. management log to be displayed at a later stage and in SCV

Existing Requirement
In Model Bank real time opportunity is defined for Loan Term Fixed Deposit product. Have shown below the
screenshot of parameter setup in Model Bank
1. Opportunity Definition Manager (CR.OPPERTUNITY.DEFINITION,CR)

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Note: Record opened through command line to show all fields.

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Shown below is the screenshot of transaction tried in Model Bank based on existing Real Time Opportunity
Generation setup for Long Term Fixed Deposit.
4.1. Log in to the Teller Home Page
4.2. Cash Deposited in to the Customer’s account

4.3. Real-time opportunity generated

9 USMB Configuration Document_ Campaign Management

4.4. Deal booking screen prompted for the deposit

4.5. Once booked product features in the Single Customer Screen of the Customer (mock up below)

New Requirement
The new requirement is to trigger real-time opportunity for Special Certificate of Deposit product when credit
transaction in Customer account makes the balance to go above $10,000.00.

Real-time opportunity for Special Certificate of Deposit

All customers who maintain a target / pre-defined balance in their account are eligible for Special Certificate
of Deposit (CD).
Account can be credited through Funds Transfer, Teller Financial Services (TFS) and Teller (cash and check
transactions are handled via Teller application in USMB at present, refer to Reg-C and Reg-CC
development). When a user inputs a credit transaction increasing the balance in the account of the Customer
to / more than $10,000.00, at that instance, an opportunity for Special Certificate of Deposit should be

10 USMB Configuration Document_ Campaign Management

displayed in a pop-up window. With Customer’s positive reply, the user must be able to translate the
opportunity into sale of the product through the AA Deposit screen.

Model Bank changes

Defining Rules in Tool Box
New rule need to be built to identify the eligible Customer’s for CD product.
Rule details:

Rule Value Result

Savings Account category range as shown in table below
Online Working balance greater than $10,000 True

 Savings Account category:

Account Products Category

Savings Accounts - Personal 6000 - 6099

Savings Club 6100 - 6149

Please use T24 Toolbox to build this rule.

CRM Processing parameter

 Reuse record APPLY.LTFD.RT.TFS and create new record APPLY.CD.USMB
 In both description fields, replace text “Long Term Fixed Deposit” with “Special Certificate
of Deposit”.
 Create a process workflow and link it to this parameter. The workflow for real-time
opportunity should have three option:
o “Apply Now”
 When clicked, new deposit booking screen should open. Customer ID,
Currency and Product (Special Certificate of Deposit) should be defaulted
 User should be asked only to enter the commitment amount (default value
should be $10,000) and term (default value should be 1Y).
 Customer’s account credited (that triggered real-time opportunity) should
be automatically defaulted in the pay-in account field under Settlement
arrangement condition.
 Auto funding should be parameterized in Payment Schedule arrangement
o “Maybe Later”
 When clicked, should move this message to Opportunity tab under SCV.
o “No, Thanks”

11 USMB Configuration Document_ Campaign Management

 When clicked, should record the event accordingly and should not be
triggered again when another credit transaction on same
account/Customer’ account satisfy the eligibility rule.
 Transaction done though Branch, Internet Banking and Mobile Banking should trigger real-
time opportunity message.
 Also, when done through other channels Opportunity tab in SCV should be update with the
CD product offer.
RBHP Path details for the parameter to be placed in USMB:


Proposed Path Finance Manager home page  General Parameter  CRM  Opportunity

Proposed Title Opportunity Definition

Other Comments  Set zero authorization for this version

 New inquiry Opportunity Definition need to be built to list the records
o Columns – Reference ID (@ID; must be hidden with + symbol),
Description (Short Description), Product, Inbound/Outbound,
and Channel.
o Selection criteria should be in sentence case and the ones
mentioned in inquiry column point above should be on top.
o Drilldown – view and edit
o New drilldown should be available as part of the inquiry tool.
o Drilldown should launch screen in bottom screen.

 Record ID is SYSTEM
 Replace the existing Long Term Fixed Deposit opportunity definition record with the new
Special CD opportunity.
 The new Special CD opportunity should be triggered when account is credited via one of
the following modes:
o Account transfer is done in the branch using Funds Transfer version
o Account transfer is done in Internet Banking page using Funds Transfer version
o Cash is deposited using Teller Financial Services and Teller version. Both local
credit and foreign currency credits. (please check Reg-C development)
o Check deposited using Teller Financial Services and Teller version (please check
Reg-CC development)
o Account is credit via Mobile Banking
o Account is credited via all other channels/means – ATC, ACH transactions, etc.

12 USMB Configuration Document_ Campaign Management

RBHP Path details for the parameter to be placed in USMB:


Proposed Path Finance Manager home page  General Parameter  CRM  Opportunity

Proposed Title Opportunity Parameter

Other Comments  Set zero authorization for this version

 New inquiry Opportunity Parameter need to be built to list the
o Columns –Reference ID (@ID; must be hidden with +
symbol), Opportunities, Product, Inbound/Outbound,
Channel, Start Date and Duration
o Selection criteria should be in sentence case and the ones
mentioned in inquiry column point above should be on top.
o Drilldown – view and edit
o Drilldown should launch screen in bottom frame.

Have provided below the batch services details:

Service Name Value to be set in Service Control field





13 USMB Configuration Document_ Campaign Management

Demo Scenario 2
# CRM Scenario Expected outcome for Demo
2 All customers with age greater  Customer whose age is more than 18 years, based on value in
than 18 & Salary greater than field DATE.OF.BIRTH in Customer record, and
$100,000.00 (per annum) should  income is more than $ 100,000.00 (per annum). Calculated by
be offered Personal Loan. multiplying value in field NET.MONTHLY.IN (in Customer record)
Eligibility rule: Customer age by 12.
greater than 18 and salary  should have Campaign Alert generated and displayed in
greater than $ 100,000.00 respective SCV.
 An online inquiry should be available to list all Campaigns
generated along with the outcome, i.e. how many Yes, No and

Existing Requirement
Have provided below the details on existing Loan campaign.
1. Running campaign

o This record need to be committed and then verified. Campaign services should be running in
the background to generate opportunity record for eligible customers.
o Once the record is verified, the ‘Iter Status’ field is set to ‘PENDING’, denoting that the
Campaign processing has been initiated.

14 USMB Configuration Document_ Campaign Management

2. Update of Opportunities in SCV Tab

 The opportunity by default would be engraved with status as “COMMUNICATED BUT. NOT

 Click on the button to ‘Accept’ the opportunity for the customer.

 Upon acceptance the origination workflow gets updated on the Active Process tab

3. Booking Loan

 Now the Origination work flow to be

triggered to gets to completion of the
sale of Loan.

 Please note that model bank setup

takes to loan booking screen in LD

15 USMB Configuration Document_ Campaign Management

New Requirement
Campaign Processing for Peronal loan
All customers whose age is greater than 18 & salary is greater than $ 100,000.00 (per annum) should be
offered Personal Loan.
The following section explains the Model Bank changes for generating an Outbound Campaign, where the
target Customers are identified and opportunity generated through workflows translating to sale.

Model Bank changes

Running Campaign
Identifying an opportunity through Outbound campaign
1. Defining Rules in Tool Box
The rules for satisfying the Personal Loan campaign program are listed as follow:

Rule Value Result

Age should be greater than 18
Salary greater than $100,000.00
Customer Type (SECTOR) should be between 1000 and 1999

 Age should be calculated based on value in field Date of Birth (DATE.OF.BIRTH) in
Customer Input screen (CUSTOMER,INPUT.USCORE)
 Salary per annum should be calculated by multiplying value in field NET.MONTHLY.IN by 12.

2. CRM parameter setup

 Create new record APPLY.PERSONAL.LOAN.USMB
 In Short Description fields, enter text “Apply for Personal Loan”
 In Description fields, enter text “We are offering Personal Loan at competitive price, would
you like to apply for our Personal Loan product.”
 Two process workflows need to be created (details below) and linked to this parameter
o Sales Campaign Workflow
 Workflow to generate the campaign and display it as a ‘Sales Campaign’
in the Active Process tab within SCV need to be built.
o Opportunity Campaign Workflow
 When a campaign is set to run, by default the status of the opportunity will
when user do access the campaign record and edits status to Accepted,
then another opportunity workflow is triggered. Which will get updated on
the Active Process tab with process name as “Opportunity Campaign
 New opportunity workflow need to be defined for this scenario, which
should launch the Personal Loan (AA Product) origination screen when

16 USMB Configuration Document_ Campaign Management

user clicks on action icon for the Opportunity Campaign Workflow under
Active Process tab in SCV.
 Direction to be set as “Outbound”

 Opportunity definition APPLY.PERSONAL.LOAN.USMB created above to be linked to this
 Start & End date of the campaign program to be set as Jan-01-2014 to Dec-31-2015
 This parameter should be setup accordingly to generate campaign for all Customers who
meet the evaluation rule. The opportunity record should be updated in the SCV under
Active Process tab.

RBHP details
Input screen
Opportunity generation

Proposed Path Customer Service Agent home page  CRM  Real-time Opportunity

Proposed Title Real-time Opportunity

Other Comments  Set zero authorization for this version

 New inquiry Real-time Opportunity need to be built to list the records in
o Columns – Reference ID (@ID; must be hidden with + symbol),
Opportunity, Status, Start Date and Duration
o Selection criteria should be in sentence case and the ones
mentioned in inquiry column point above should be on top.
o Drilldown – view and edit
o New drilldown should be available as part of the inquiry tool
o Drilldown should launch screen in bottom frame in version

Campaign generation

Proposed Path Customer Service Agent home page  CRM  Campaign Generator

Proposed Title Campaign Generator

Other Comments  Set zero authorization for this version

 New inquiry Campaign Generator need to be built to list the records in

17 USMB Configuration Document_ Campaign Management

o Columns – Reference ID (@ID; must be hidden with + symbol),
Opportunity, Start Date, End Date and Iter Status
o For Opportunity column, short description from
CR.OPPERTUNITY.DEFINITION table must be shown.
o Selection criteria should be in sentence case and the ones
mentioned in inquiry column point above should be on top.
o Drilldown – view and edit
o New drilldown should be available as part of the inquiry tool
o Drilldown should launch screen in bottom frame in version

Customer Input Screen

Below shown is the screenshot of Financial Details tab in Customer Input screen

Remove the Salary Date Freq (SALARY.DATE.FREQ) highlighted above, from this tab.


All these three highlighted inquiries should be made available in path:

1. Customer Service Agent home page  CRM  Inquiries  Opportunity by Customer
Inquiry Changes
o At the top of the inquiry display “Customer ID: <nnnnnn> Customer Name: <aaa aaa>”
o Date should be as per US date format.
o Set 3 records per page.

2. Customer Service Agent home page  CRM  Inquiries  Customer Opportunity History
Inquiry Changes
o Rename column “Customer” to “Customer ID”

18 USMB Configuration Document_ Campaign Management

o Value in column Direction should be in sentence case.
o Date should be as per US date format.
o Set 3 records per page.

3. Customer Service Agent home page  CRM  Inquiries  Opportunity List by Product
Inquiry Changes
o Starting two columns should be Customer ID and Customer Name.
o All values in columns should be in sentence case.
o Date should be as per US date format.
o Set 3 records per page.

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