Syllabus For CSE021-01: Introduction To Computing II: Designation: Catalog Description

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Syllabus for CSE021-01: Introduction to Computing II

Spring 2019
Instructor: Santosh Chandrasekhar
Designation: CSE21: Introduction to Computing II
Catalog Description: CSE21 is intended to continue presenting the basics of programming to the beginner.
Modern topics in computer science such as Object-Oriented Programming, recursion
and data manipulation will be covered, using the Java programming language as a
learning and exploration tool. CSE21 is a 2 credit course, which includes 50 minutes
of lecture, 2 hours and 50 minutes of lab, and various projects each week. Students in
CSE21 are expected to have a firm command of the topics presented in CSE 20.
Text Books and Other ZyBooks: Programming in Java
Required Materials: 1. Sign in or create an account at using your UC Merced email
2. Enter zyBook code UCMERCEDCSE021ChandrasekharSpring2019
3. Subscribe
Each student must subscribe his/her own copy with a UC MERCED EMAIL
ADDRESS. Participation grade will be evaluated based on the activities within the
subscription account.

If you encounter a problem, contact [email protected] to get it resolved.

IMPORTANT NOTES -- Participation grade will be partly evaluated based on the

activities within the subscription account.

If you were previously subscribed to CSE 20 within the last year, you should qualify
for an automated discount of up to 50%.

If you are retaking CSE 21, you may qualify for a retake subscription, and will need
to contact [email protected] to avail this subscription.

For all other students, when you enter the code in zyBooks, you will be given two
options. One for the school term (Cheaper), and the other for the school term + 1
year (More expensive). Please note that the extension in the second (more expensive)
option is for PERSONAL USE ONLY and cannot be used in this course or any other
Course Objectives/ Students will learn how to apply knowledge of computing and mathematics to
Student Learning programming. Students are expected to acquire abilities to analyze a problem and
Outcomes: identify the computing requirements appropriate for its solution. Students will also
learn to design, implement, and evaluate a computer-based system, process, or
program to meet desired needs. In addition, students will learn to recognize the need
for an ability to engage in continuing professional development. Students will learn
to use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computing practice. Students
are expected to learn to apply mathematical foundation, algorithmic principles, and
computer science theory to the modeling and design of computer-based system in a
way that demonstrates comprehension of the trade-off involved in design choices.
Program Learning
Prerequisite by Topic: Class Prerequisite: CSE 020
Computers are NOT needed for tests or for any in-lecture activities. Please do not
bring laptops or mobile gaming devices to lecture. It is not necessary for you to have
your own computer for this course, as all computing resources necessary will be
provided in the lab. Projects and lab assignments are designed to be completed
within the designated weekly lab sessions. If you do not complete a particular
assignment during normal lab hours, you may use any Open Access lab to complete
your work. Even though our labs will use the Linux operating system, the Eclipse
programming environment we will use is identical for Linux, Windows and macOS.

For LAB ASSIGNMENTS, you may work together with other students if you wish
or when assignment asks for explicit collaboration. Giving each other help in finding
bugs and in understanding the assignment is encouraged. It is permissible to allow
other students to see small portions of your code on-screen during lab, but you may
not allow them to copy directly.

For PROJECTS, each student must write their program as an individual or in pairs.
You may talk with other students about general approaches to the problem, but you
may not allow others to see your code, nor may you ask to see another student's

You may, of course, seek assistance from the course TAs and the course instructor
for all the assignments.


Projects and lab assignments will be submitted through CatCourses. To ensure that
your submission is graded, you are REQUIRED to demonstrate your code to your
TA or instructor BEFORE the submission deadline. Submissions without a
demonstration will receive a grade of ZERO.

During demonstration, you may be asked to perform a walkthrough of your code that
involves presenting your program in a step-by-step manner to the TA or instructor
and answering any assignment-related questions that are posed to you. Questions
about your lab assignments or projects can be wide-ranging. For instance, you can be
asked to explain portions of your code in detail, provide reasons behind your
decisions and choices, predict program behavior when modifications are introduced,
etc. These questions will be used to test your knowledge of programming and
theoretical concepts relevant to the lab assignment or project being evaluated.


The posted deadline on CatCourses will be the official deadline for each assignment.
In general, the deadline for submission of a LAB ASSIGNMENT will be ONE
WEEK, and of a PROJECT will be TWO WEEKS after it is posted on CatCourses;
however, you will be given a grace period of THREE days to complete your
submission. The instructor has the discretion to change this grace period on a per-
assignment or per-project basis.

No late work past the grace period will be accepted. Exceptions to this policy can
only be made for valid reasons, with documentation. If you know before an
assignment or project begins that you will not be able to make a deadline, please
make arrangements with the instructor ahead of time. Similarly, make-up exams will
NOT be provided unless arrangements are made beforehand.


You are expected to attend the lab session for which you are enrolled, unless you
make explicit arrangements with the instructor. Lab sections are where you will get
most of the information and learn so it is important to be there physically every
week. Your participation grade will be a direct reflection of your lab attendance, in
addition to textbook activities.
Academic Dishonesty a. Each student in this course is expected to abide by the University of California,
Statement: Merced's Academic Honesty Policy. Any work submitted by a student in this
course for academic credit will be the student's own work.
b. You are encouraged to study together and to discuss information and concepts
covered in lecture and the sections with other students. You can give
"consulting" help to or receive "consulting" help from such students. However,
this permissible cooperation should never involve one student having possession
of a copy of all or part of work done by someone else, in the form of an e mail,
an e mail attachment file, a diskette, or a hard copy. Should copying occur, both
the student who copied work from another student and the student who gave
material to be copied will both automatically receive a zero for the assignment.
Penalty for violation of this Policy can also be extended to include failure of the
course and University disciplinary action.
c. During examinations, you must do your own work. Talking or discussion is not
permitted during the examinations, nor may you compare papers, copy from
others, or collaborate in any way. Any collaborative behavior during the
examinations will result in failure of the exam, and may lead to failure of the
course and University disciplinary action.
Disability Statement: Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: The University of California
Merced is committed to ensuring equal academic opportunities and inclusion for
students with disabilities based on the principles of independent living, accessible
universal design and diversity. I am available to discuss appropriate academic
accommodations that may be required for student with disabilities. Requests for
academic accommodations are to be made during the first three weeks of the
semester, except for unusual circumstances. Students are encouraged to register with
Disability Services Center to verify their eligibility for appropriate accommodations.
Topics: Methods
Classes and Objects
2D Arrays
Advanced I/O
Class/laboratory Lecture: M 3:30-4:20pm, CLSSRM 102; Lab: See class schedule for times and
Schedule: locations
Midterm/Final Exam This schedule is subject to change, but is tentatively set as follows:
Schedule: Midterm: 11-MAR, M 3:30-4:20pm, CLSSRM 102
Final Exam: 14-MAY, T 11:30-2:30pm, CLSSRM 102
Course Calendar:
Assessment/Grading Grading will be based on written tests, computer programs, weekly computer-based
Policy: lab assignments, and class/lab/reading participation. All tests will be open-book and
open-notes. Your final grade will be calculated based on the following:
Participation: 15%
2 Projects: 15%
1 Midterm: 20%
Lab assignments: 25%
Final exam (comprehensive): 25%
Coordinator: Santosh Chandrasekhar
Contact Information: Email: [email protected]
Office: AOA 143
I will try to answer your emails within 48 hours. However, I may not be able to
answer emails after 5:00 p.m. or during weekends/holidays. Please plan accordingly.

Office Hours: Instructor (Santosh Chandrasekhar):

TR 10:00-1:00pm, AOA 143
or by appointment

Teaching Assistants:
Xueting Li F 3:00-5:00pm, SE2 Lounge/Lobby (first floor)
Jie Liu F 3:00-5:00pm, SE2 Lounge/Lobby (first floor)
Mina Naghshnejad R 9:00-11:00am, AOA Lobby
Xiumin Shang F 10:00-12:00pm, COB 268
Tiantian Wang F 4:00-6:00pm, SE2 Lounge/Lobby (first floor)

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