Kittel Chap4 Revised 10-25-2013new
Kittel Chap4 Revised 10-25-2013new
Kittel Chap4 Revised 10-25-2013new
Crystal Vibrations
Major Elementary Excitation in Solids
Displacement of Planes of Atoms
in a Longitudinal Wave
Us is defined as the displacement for the plane s from
its equilibrium position
Us // K
Longitudinal wave
Displacement of Planes of Atoms
in a Transverse Wave
Us K
Transverse Wave
Hooke’s Law
We assume the elastic response of the crystal is a linear function of the forces.
The elastic energy is a quadratic function of the relative displacement of any
two points in the crystal.
Hooke’s Law : The force exerted on the plane s as caused by the displacement
of the plane s+p is directly proportional to the difference of the displacement
us+p – us . For nearest neighbor interaction, p = ± 1
The total force on plane s from planes s+1, and s-1 is
-p < K a < p
K‘ = K – 2 n p/a = K – n G
We can always subtract a reciprocal lattice vector G from K to become K’,
to be inside the first Brillouin zone.
At the zone boundary, K max = p/a, and -p/a
From Eq. 9,
> 2a
K < p/a
Group Velocity Vg vs k of Mono Atomic Lattice
Derivation of Force Constant from Experiment
M1 M2
Here M1 > M2