Kittel Chap4 Revised 10-25-2013new

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Chap 4: Phonons I

Crystal Vibrations
Major Elementary Excitation in Solids
Displacement of Planes of Atoms
in a Longitudinal Wave
Us is defined as the displacement for the plane s from
its equilibrium position

Us // K
Longitudinal wave
Displacement of Planes of Atoms
in a Transverse Wave

Us K
Transverse Wave
Hooke’s Law
 We assume the elastic response of the crystal is a linear function of the forces.
 The elastic energy is a quadratic function of the relative displacement of any
two points in the crystal.
 Hooke’s Law : The force exerted on the plane s as caused by the displacement
of the plane s+p is directly proportional to the difference of the displacement
us+p – us . For nearest neighbor interaction, p = ± 1
 The total force on plane s from planes s+1, and s-1 is

The equation of motion of the plane s is

With time dependence, u = u exp (-iwt)

By traveling wave solution in the form of us= u exp (isKa)

At the first Brillouin zone boundary, K = p/a, and -p/a ,
w vs k Dispersion for Monoatomic Lattice

-p < K a < p

-p/a < K < p/a

The meaningful range of K is only inside the first Brillouin Zone

of the linear lattice.

K‘ = K – 2 n p/a = K – n G
We can always subtract a reciprocal lattice vector G from K to become K’,
to be inside the first Brillouin zone.
At the zone boundary, K max = p/a, and -p/a

This is a standing wave, Us = u or –u, depending on s is an even, or

odd integer.
Group Velocity
The trasmission velocity of a wave packet is the group velocity

From Eq. 9,

At zone boundary, K = p/a, ug = 0 for standing wave

At the zone center, Ka << 1, the continuum approximation

vg = (C/M)1/2 a Vg ~ is nearly a constant

The Traveling Wave Description of
the Atomic Displacement

 > 2a
K < p/a
Group Velocity Vg vs k of Mono Atomic Lattice
Derivation of Force Constant from Experiment

For longer range force, we include p nearest planes of contributions

to w

We times M cos rKa term on both sides,

and integrate over K

Note the integral vanishes, except for p = r

From experimentally measured wK, we will derive Cp

Displacement of a Diatomic Linear
Crystal Structure

M1 M2

Here M1 > M2

Considering only nearest neighbor interaction, force constants

are identical between all pairs of near-neighbor planes
Equation of Motion for a Diatomic Linear Crystal

Traveling wave solution

a as the distance between nearest identical planes,

not nearest neighbor planes.
w vs K for a Diatomic Linear Crystal
Solution exists only if the determinant of the coefficients vanishes

At Ka << 1, the zone center

Nearly a constant with K

Nearly linear with K

At Ka = p, -p, the zone boundary
Optical and Acoustic Branches of the
Dispersion for a Diatomic Linear Lattice
[111] Phonon
Dispersion in Ge
[111] Phonon
Dispersion in KBr
Transverse Optical and Transverse Acoustic
Waves of a Diatomic Linear Lattice
Substituting Eq. 23 to Eq. 20, we get

For K = 0, optical branch

M1 u + M2 v = 0

Center of mass is fixed

like a dipole as easily excited by
E field in the optical wave.

For K = 0, acoustic branch, u = v The atoms move in phase

like acoustic wave in long
Quantization of Elastic Waves
The quantum of lattice vibration energy is called phonon, and
the quantum number is denoted as n. The elastic waves in
crystals are made of phonons.

U = uo cos Kx cos wt for a standing wave

The time average kinetic energy is

The sign of w is usually positive, for imaginary w, the crystal is unstable.

An optical mode with w close to zero is called a soft mode.
Phonon Momentum

Physical momentum of a crystal is

The physical momentum of a crystal is zero.

Phonon Momentum

Elastic scattering of photons by a crystal

For inelastic photon scattering,

it creates a phonon momentum K

For absorption of a phonon

Inelastic neutron scattering by phonons to obtain w(K)

Phonon Dispersions of Na in 3-D

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