PV PARITY D44 Grid Integration Cost of PV - Final 300913 PDF

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Grid Integration Cost of

PhotoVoltaic Power Generation

Direct Costs Analysis related to Grid Impacts of Photovoltaics

D. Pudjianto, P. Djapic, J. Dragovic, G. Strbac

Imperial College London, September 2013

1 Introduction to the Project .................................................... 6
1.1 THE PV PARITY PROJECT ................................................................................. 6
1.1.1 Project strategic objectives .......................................................................................6
1.1.2 Project partners ........................................................................................................8

2 Introduction to this Deliverable ............................................ 9

2.1 Context.................................................................................................................. 9
2.2 Objective ............................................................................................................... 9
2.3 Scope .................................................................................................................. 10
2.3.1 Capacity credit and additional capacity cost of PV .................................................10
2.3.2 Costs and benefits of PV on the capacity of European main transmission corridors10
2.3.3 Operating reserve cost of PV .................................................................................10
2.3.4 Costs and benefits of PV on distribution network capacity and losses ....................10
2.3.5 Demand Response as a mitigation measure ..........................................................11
2.3.6 Target countries .....................................................................................................11
2.4 Structure of the report ......................................................................................... 11

3 Overview of the Approaches and the Key Results ............ 12

3.1 Quantifying additional capacity cost of PV .......................................................... 12
3.1.1 Additional capacity cost of PV ................................................................................14
3.2 Quantifying the EU Grid cost and the balancing cost of PV ................................ 15
3.2.1 Description of studies .............................................................................................15
3.2.2 Additional EU Grid cost of PV.................................................................................16
3.2.3 Balancing cost of PV ..............................................................................................18
3.3 Quantifying the additional distribution network cost of PV .................................. 19
3.3.1 Distribution network cost of PV ...............................................................................20
3.3.2 Impacts on distribution network losses ...................................................................21
3.4 Summary............................................................................................................. 24

4 Case Studies on Selected Target Countries ...................... 25

4.1 Description of case studies ................................................................................. 25
4.2 AUSTRIA ............................................................................................................ 27
4.3 BELGIUM ............................................................................................................ 29
4.4 CZECH REPUBLIC ............................................................................................. 31
4.5 FRANCE ............................................................................................................. 33
4.6 GERMANY .......................................................................................................... 35

4.7 GREECE .............................................................................................................37
4.8 ITALY ..................................................................................................................39
4.9 PORTUGAL.........................................................................................................41
4.10 SPAIN..................................................................................................................43
4.11 THE NETHERLANDS..........................................................................................45
4.12 THE UNITED KINGDOM .....................................................................................47
4.13 EUROPE .............................................................................................................49

5 Conclusions ......................................................................... 50
5.1 Europe can integrate large PV penetration..........................................................50
5.2 Cost of PV integration is location specifics ..........................................................50
5.3 The cost in Northern Europe is higher than the cost in Southern Europe ............50
5.4 Additional generating capacity cost is the major component of system integration
costs ....................................................................................................................50
5.5 Additional EU grid cost of PV is relatively low .....................................................51
5.6 Balancing cost of PV is low .................................................................................51
5.7 Additional distribution network cost of PV is the second major component .........51
5.8 At low and medium penetration levels, PV reduces network losses ....................51
5.9 The cost tends to increase along with increased capacity of PV .........................51
5.10 The integration cost of PV is relatively modest ....................................................52
5.11 Demand Response reduces the grid integration cost of PV ................................52

Executive Summary

Photovoltaics have emerged as one of the key technologies for generating electricity from
renewable sources. Rapid increase in the new installations of PV modules across Europe
in the past few years demands better understanding of the system impacts that PV will
bring to the European electricity systems. These impact assessments and quantifications
are critical for determining the actual full cost of PV and subsequently the competitiveness
of PV in relation to other generation technologies.

In this report, an expert team from Imperial College of London, presents the approaches
and the results of quantifying PV system integration costs in 11 key EU markets. The aim
is to check the feasibility of installing up to 480 GW PV by 2030, covering more than 10%
of the European electricity demand. The report shows that not only it is technically feasible
but also that the costs of implementing the necessary system integration measures are
relatively modest.

One of the major findings is that the back-up capacity cost can be an important component
of PV integration costs, especially in Northern Europe (circa €14.5/MWh).This reflects the
lower ability of PV to displace conventional generation capacity, compared with Southern
Europe where this cost is lower and may be even negative when there is a strong
correlation between PV output and peak demands.

The second major cost component of PV integration is the distribution network cost of PV.
Reinforcing distribution networks to accommodate PV would cost about €9/MWh by 2030.
This cost usually reduces when peak consumption coincides with peak PV production, as
it would be the case in Southern Europe.

Another important result of the analysis is that transmission cost linked to the integration of
480 GW PV by 2030 remains modest. In 2020 the cost is estimated circa €0.5/MW,
increasing to €2.8/MWh by 2030.

Balancing costs are another analysed component. Costs reflect the fact that more
generators run part-loaded to provide additional balancing services and reserves due to
the uncertainty in PV generation production. However this cost will remain modest, circa
€1/MWh by 2030, assuming the full integration of EU balancing market.

The impacts of PV on distribution network losses have also been investigated. At low
penetration levels, up to 10% energy penetration, PV connected at distribution networks is
likely to reduce distribution network losses. Beyond this level, the trend starts to reverse.
The threshold varies from country to country. Southern Europe where peak demand
coincides with PV output is likely to have a higher threshold. The savings that PV brings in
reducing the losses are estimated to be between €2.5/MWh and €5.6/MWh of PV output.
This can partially compensate the other grid integration costs. However the savings
diminish with the increased penetration of PV.

To summarize, the grid integration cost of PV for the selected target countries for PV
penetration levels between 2% and 18% in steps of 2% is illustrated in the next figure. The
study concludes that grid integration cost of PV is relatively modest, and it will increase to
around €26/MWh by 2030.

The range of grid integration cost of PV in Europe

The report also demonstrates that the applications of Demand Response (DR) or storage
solutions can be effective to reduce the integration cost of PV, which could decrease the
cost on average by 20%.

11. Introduction
Introduction to
to the
the Project


The PV PARITY project aims at defining grid parity, i.e. achieving a stage of
development of the PV technology, at which it is competitive with conventional
electricity sources. It will also provide relevant policy makers in the EU Member
States with a clear understanding of the necessary measures to support solar PV
technology in achieving grid parity. The project will also develop strategies for
supporting the PV sector after grid parity is reached. As a result, an increased PV
penetration in EU electricity markets and grid will be accomplished at the lowest
possible price for the community.

The consortium is made up of knowledgeable partners from the research and academic
sector, from the industry and from the energy production sector. The project focuses on 11
EU countries, namely Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Italy,
The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and United Kingdom. The country selection aims to
cover a large proportion of the EU electricity market and to be representative of various
country configurations in terms of electricity prices, maturity of the national PV market and
growth potential in the coming years. Some MENA countries will also be considered, in
view of their high PV market potential.

The project starts from the assumption that the goal of existing support schemes is to help
the PV technology become competitive with conventional electricity sources in the coming
years. However, the support to PV from policy makers is under heavy pressure and some
countries are already experiencing signs of a downturn in the level of support from policy
makers as well as from the public opinion.

1.1.1 Project strategic objectives

The strategic objective in the long-term of the PV Parity project is to ensure an appropriate
policy framework for photovoltaics in order to achieve up to 12% of the EU electricity
demand by 2020. This target for 2020 will imply reaching a total installed capacity of about
390 GWp according to the EPIA, SET For 2020 study. In order to achieve this aim, in the
first part of the project, the steps necessary to define grid parity will be carried out. This
implies to identify the parameters which may influence the grid parity:

• PV generation costs - projections;

• electricity prices, especially in the coming decade – projections;
• the impact of PV generation on base-load, mid-merit and peak-load generation in
terms of technical and economic challenges and opportunities;
• the role of technologies that can be used to minimise the cost or maximise the
benefits of PV such as storage, and demand response;
• electricity transmission and distribution costs.

In Figure 1 the parameters influencing the PV parity are shown.

Figure 1: Parameters influencing PV parity: the classical, limited approaches, which only
look at PV generation and electricity prices, and the more sophisticated approaches used
in the project. Source: ECN, Wim Sinke.

The project will also present information which is needed to identify support schemes most
appropriate to reach grid parity and also include information on PV market developments
and regulations in several European and MENA countries.

The PV Parity project started in June 2011 and it will end in November 2013. The PV
Parity project is co-financed by the European Commission in the framework of the
Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) Program (Contract No. IEE/10/307 / SI2.592205).

1.1.2 Project partners

The list of the partners cooperating in this project is shown below. More information about
them and the project is available under www.pvparity.eu.

WIP www.wip-munich.de

EPIA www.epia.org

ECN www.ecn.nl

TUC www.enveng.tuc.gr

SUER www.stiftung-umweltenergierecht.de

GSE www.gse.it

EGP www.enelgreenpower.com

ICON www.imperial-consultants.co.uk

TUW www.tuwien.ac.at

IDAE www.idae.es

EDF EN www.edf-energies-nouvelles.com

22. Introduction

2.1 Context the system cost of PV includes the

system capacity costs associated with
Photovoltaics (PV) have emerged as one capacity needed for security, network
of the key technologies for generating costs, balancing costs and cost of losses.
electricity from renewable sources. This Both account the total cost of PV. While
has been demonstrated by the rapid some information about the LCOE of PV
increase in the new installations of PV is available1 the information related to the
modules in the past few years. While the system integration cost of PV on the
environmental related benefits of PV in European power systems was missing.
reducing Green House Gas including CO2
emissions are relatively clear, the impacts
The competitiveness of PV compared
of PV on the incumbent power system are to other low carbon or traditional power
less well understood. These system sources should be evaluated based on
integration impacts need to be assessed the full cost, LCOE and grid integration
in order for the overall cost of PV to be cost.
quantified. In the context of PV parity, the
competitiveness of PV in relation to other
generation technologies should be 2.2 Objective
evaluated based on the full cost of PV
that includes system integration costs in In this context, the overall aim of the
addition to manufacturing and installation report is to analyse and quantify the grid
costs. integration cost and benefit of PV for
selected target European countries by
It is therefore essential to understand the evaluating the impacts of increased
total cost of PV, which contains the penetration of PV power generation
Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) of technology on the future power system
PV and the system cost of PV. The latter infrastructure and operating
is defined as the total of additional requirements. The analyses described in
infrastructure and/or additional operating this report focus on the impacts of PV on
costs to the system as a result of (i) the capacity requirements of
integrating PV power generation. generation needed for maintaining
reliability of electricity supply, (ii) main
European transmission corridors, (iii)
distribution systems and (iv) as well as
the operating reserve requirements and
losses. Insights from these studies are
used to inform the work on determining
the grid parity of PV.

Figure 2 Total cost of PV

LCOE considers the capital cost and Branker, K.; Pathak, M.J.M.; Pearce, J.M. (2011). "A
Review of Solar Photovoltaic Levelized Cost of
O&M cost of PV over the project life while Electricity". Renewable and Sustainable Energy
Reviews 15 (9):4470.
2.3 Scope PV in Southern Europe is expected to be
twice than the capacity factor of PV in
The following outlines the scope of PV’s Northern Europe. Therefore it can be
grid integration costs that have been expected that in the future, significant
quantified in this project. capacity of PV may be deployed in
Southern Europe or in Middle East North
2.3.1 Capacity credit and additional
Africa (MENA) countries. This will require
capacity cost of PV
reinforcement of European main
The capacity credit of PV reflects the firm interconnectors. The additional network
capacity of incumbent conventional capacity required due to increased PV
generators that can be displaced by PV. penetration and the associated network
This particularly depends on the cost has been calculated and discussed
availability of PV during peak demand later in the report.
conditions. For Northern European
2.3.3 Operating reserve cost of PV
countries where peak demand occurs
during winter evening, the capacity credit In this project, the effect of PV
of PV is relatively low or practically zero. intermittency on the increased short term
In this condition, PV cannot displace the operating reserves for demand-supply
capacity of conventional generators balancing has also been analysed. As
although it displaces their energy. This operating reserves especially the
increases the cost of incumbent spinning reserves are typically obtained
generators as they have to remunerate from running generators part loaded, the
the same capacity cost with reduced increase in reserve requirement means
capacity factors. that more generating plants will need to
run part loaded. This reduces the
However for Southern Europe where the
operational efficiency of the plants and
maximum PV output may coincide with
subsequently increases their operating
summer peak demand, the capacity cost
cost and carbon emissions.
may become negative as PV displaces
the capacity of incumbent generators 2.3.4 Costs and benefits of PV on
more than their energy. distribution network capacity and
It is important to note that the additional
capacity cost of PV is not related to the Increased penetration of PV system, on
manufacture/installation cost of PV but to the one hand, at a certain point may
the increase in capacity cost per MWh trigger distribution network problems such
output of incumbent generation as they as over-voltages due to voltage rise
need to operate with lower load factors to effects, thermal overloading, and/or
remunerate their investment costs. reverse power flows. In this case,
distribution networks may need to be
2.3.2 Costs and benefits of PV on the
reinforced and the corresponding cost
capacity of European main
can be defined as the additional
transmission corridors
distribution network cost of PV.
We also have evaluated the impact of PV
On the other hand, PV may bring benefits
on the main European transmission
such as reduction in circuits’ peak load
network capacity. The capacity factor of
and therefore it may release network insight on the potential value of
capacity, supporting voltage for heavily implementing DR technologies to support
loaded circuits, and lead to reduction in deployment of PV power generation in
losses. In this case, the cost may become European electricity system.
negative indicating the benefits of PV in
2.3.6 Target countries
reducing network costs.
Our studies focus on a set of target
2.3.5 Demand Response as a mitigation
measure countries, i.e. Austria (AT), Belgium (BE),
Czech Republic (CZ), France (FR),
In order to minimise the PV integration Germany (DE), Greece (GR), Italy (IT),
cost to the system, we have analysed the Portugal (PT), Spain (ES), the
benefits of Demand Response (DR)/ Netherlands (NL), and the United
energy storage applications for load Kingdom (UK).
management. By time-shifting the load,
DR/storage can increase the self- 2.4 Structure of the report
consumption of the PV output. Generally,
In the next chapter, the methodologies
this will minimise the impact of PV on the
used in quantifying the system integration
grid and therefore reduces the integration
cost of PV and the key results for each
cost of PV.
cost categories are summarised and
In this report, we have not implemented discussed. In Chapter 4, the key results
an integrated control strategy of DR and analysis of the impacts of PV in all
across different applications. selected target countries are described.
Consequently, there may be conflicts In the end, we provide the conclusions of
between different applications; therefore the overall findings presented in the
the results obtained in the study tend to report.
be optimistic. Nevertheless, it will provide

3 3.Overview

3.1 Quantifying additional capacity We note that the ratio between the
cost of PV capacity of gas plant that can be
displaced by PV, and the installed
In order to calculate the magnitude of the capacity of PV, while maintaining the
additional capacity costs driven by PV same level of security of supply is defined
technology, we use the following as the capacity credit of PV.
expression2: The displaced energy production of
conventional generation is equal to the
ratio of expected output production from
PV and the expected output production of
the conventional plant (with no PV). Since
PV is a zero marginal cost plant;
therefore it has a priority dispatch.
Equation (1) shows the ratio of between
the load factor of PV and the load factor
of gas fired power generation
Figure 3 Additional capacity cost of PV

As the above expression shows, the ratio
between conventional generation
capacity that can be displaced by PV where LFPV is the load factor of PV and
(expressed as percentage, DC) and the LFgas is the load factor of gas fired power
energy production of conventional generation in a system without PV.
generation that can be displaced by PV To quantify the capacity of conventional
(expressed as percentage, DE) is one of generation that can be displaced by PV
the main factors that determine the and the PV installed capacity, we apply
additional capacity cost attributable to PV. the established generation adequacy
The other factor is the capacity cost of the assessment model which in principle
conventional generation. We assume that follows the model used to evaluate the
the marginal conventional generation capacity credit of wind3. The model
affected by PV is gas fired generation calculates system reliability indices given
technologies. We assume that the a predefined generation and demand
annuitized capital cost of gas fired background.
generation is circa €67/kW per year.

2 3
Goran Strbac, Anser A Shakoor, “Framework for Anser A Shakoor, Goran Strbac, Ronald N. Allan,
Determining System Capacity Cost of Intermittency PART 1: ”Quantifying Risk of Interruptions and Evaluating
Two technology system”, Technical Report for DTI Centre Generation System Adequacy with Wind Generation”, the
for Distributed Generation and Sustainable Electrical Energy, 9th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods
UK, March 2006 Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS) June 2006, Sweden
Table 1 Additional generating capacity cost of intermittent power technology (€/MWh)

Capacity credit
Load factor 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%

5% 14.07 6.42 - 1.23 - 8.88 - 16.52 - 24.17 - 31.82 - 39.47 - 47.12 - 54.77 - 62.41

10% 14.07 10.25 6.42 2.60 - 1.23 - 5.05 - 8.88 - 12.70 - 16.52 - 20.35 - 24.17

15% 14.07 11.52 8.97 6.42 3.87 1.32 - 1.23 - 3.78 - 6.33 - 8.88 - 11.42

20% 14.07 12.16 10.25 8.33 6.42 4.51 2.60 0.69 - 1.23 - 3.14 - 5.05

25% 14.07 12.54 11.01 9.48 7.95 6.42 4.89 3.36 1.83 0.30 - 1.23

30% 14.07 12.80 11.52 10.25 8.97 7.70 6.42 5.15 3.87 2.60 1.32

35% 14.07 12.98 11.88 10.79 9.70 8.61 7.51 6.42 5.33 4.24 3.14

40% 14.07 13.11 12.16 11.20 10.25 9.29 8.33 7.38 6.42 5.47 4.51

45% 14.07 13.22 12.37 11.52 10.67 9.82 8.97 8.12 7.27 6.42 5.57

50% 14.07 13.31 12.54 11.78 11.01 10.25 9.48 8.72 7.95 7.19 6.42

therefore calculate the capacity of gas

A reliability criterion, i.e. Loss of Load
fired plant that can be displaced by PV.
Expectation (LOLE)4 must not exceed 4
hours/year, is used in our study. This For different load factors and capacity
desired level of reliability is calculated by credits of non-conventional generation
balancing the costs of additional capacity technologies, we have computed the
against the expected cost of interruption additional generating capacity costs. As
in the electricity TSO B.V,2011)5. For an example, the results are summarised
simplicity, this standard is applied in Table 1. The cost is expressed in
uniformly to all selected target countries. €/MWh of the respective generation
The model can incorporate all types of
generation technologies such as hydro The results show that for a generation
power, wind, PV, nuclear, gas fired technology that has 0% capacity credit,
plants. All technologies are modelled in the additional capacity cost is at
sufficient detail according to their maximum (€14.07/MWh6) irrespective of
individual technical characteristics. the amount of energy it can produce
annually. For a generation technology
The approach can be summarized as
that can displace more capacity than the
follows. Firstly, we determine the
energy of incumbent generators, i.e. the
minimum capacity of gas fired plant in a
respective capacity credit is greater than
system without PV in order to meet the
the load factor; the cost is negative as
reliability criterion. Secondly, PV is added
shown in the shaded area of Table 1. The
to the system and the capacity of gas
larger the difference between the capacity
fired plant is reduced so that the desired
credit and the load factor, the lower the
level of reliability is maintained. We can
additional capacity cost of that technology
and vice versa.
LOLE indicates the expected number of hours in a year in
which demand exceeds the available generating capacity in
the system, which leads into load curtailment. This depends on the capex of primary technology and
TenneT TSO B.V.,”Security of Supply Monitoring its capacity factor. In this study, we assume that the
Report 2010-2026”, May 2011 load factor of marginal gas plant is 54%.
In the context of PV, this demonstrates penetration level is low and the maximum
that the availability of the capacity of PV cost is obtained when the penetration
during peak demand condition is the main level is high. In some cases, the range is
factor in determining its additional very narrow, e.g. in Spain (ES) or the UK
capacity cost. Another factor is the load which indicates that the cost is not
factor of PV; the additional capacity cost sensitive to the PV penetration level. This
increases as the load factor increases. is generally observed for countries that
have winter evening peak load conditions.
3.1.1 Additional capacity cost of PV In the case of Spain and Portugal, our
data suggest that peak demand in winter
Figure 4 and Figure 5 illustrate the is comparable or higher than the peak
additional capacity cost of PV for the demand in summer. The cost can be
selected target countries in Europe for a negative as in the case of Greece due to
range of PV penetration levels between a strong correlation between PV output
2% and 18% without and with DR and peak demand conditions which occur
respectively. In these figures, the during summer period.
minimum cost is obtained when the

Figure 4 The range of additional capacity cost of PV in Europe for various PV penetration levels (2% - 18%)

Figure 5 The range of additional capacity cost of PV in Europe with demand response for various PV penetration
levels (2% - 18%)

On the other hand, DSIM also estimates
As demonstrated in Figure 5, DR can
the system operating cost, mainly driven
reduce the grid integration cost. The
by generation costs (fuel, no-load, and
savings obtained from DR are system
start-up cost). This operating cost
specifics and therefore vary from country
includes the carbon prices and also the
to country.
effect of running a generator part-loaded
3.2 Quantifying the EU Grid cost to provide operating reserves. As PV
and the balancing cost of PV installed capacity increases, the operating
reserves also increase to hedge the risk
In order to evaluate the impact of PV of uncertainty caused by unit
technology on the capacity of main unavailability or changes in PV energy
European grid and the increased sources, amongst others. By comparing
operating cost due to increased operating the operating costs of two different
reserves to deal with the intermittency of scenarios, with and without increase in
PV, we have employed the Imperial operating reserves, we can derive the
College’s Dynamic System Investment changes in system balancing cost due to
Model (DSIM)7 to calculate the system increased PV capacity.
operating cost and the incremental
network capacity needed to facilitate
increase in the installed capacity of PV
across Europe.

The model optimizes generation and

transmission investment decisions as well
as the short-term operation of the entire
European system on an hourly basis,
including plant dispatch and scheduling of
reserve and frequency regulation services
to ensure sub-hour (seconds to minutes) Figure 6 PV power output from a 2.2 kWp PV panel
in London
balancing of the system. The model
takes account of system adequacy and Figure 6 is an illustrative example on how
security requirements. the PV power output varies across time.
The aggregated power output variation
DSIM provides information on the amount
from a large number of PV installations
of transmission capacity needed in the
dispersed geographically will be much
system to maximize the overall benefits.
lower. Nevertheless it indicates that
This enables quantification on the
increased PV penetration will require
increased network capacity caused by
additional balancing services and
incremental changes in PV installed
increased capacity of operating reserve.

3.2.1 Description of studies

D. Pudjianto, M. Castro, G. Strbac, and E. As the impacts of PV on European
Gaxiola, “Transmission Infrastructure Investment
Requirements in the Future European Low- transmission depend on the reference
Carbon Electricity System”, Proc. 10th case selected, two key target years are
International Conference on European Energy used as reference cases, i.e. 2020 (240
Market Conference, Stockholm, 27-31 May 2013.
GW) and 2030 (485 GW) based on the corridors particularly the Spain – France
EPIA scenarios. Installed capacity of PV interconnectors need reinforcing beyond
is increased incrementally (5%-15%) and the proposed capacity by ENTSO-E to
the changes on transmission investment accommodate the projected PV 2020
proposed by DSIM are used to evaluate scenario.
the network cost associated with
increased PV. Some additional studies More network investment proposition can
have also been carried out, by increasing be seen in Figure 7 (c) that shows the
the PV capacity in a specific target optimal capacity to accommodate the 485
country by 50%. For the 2030 sensitivity GW PV Parity of 2030 scenario. It is
study, only one case study has been important to note that not all network
investments shown here are driven by
carried out with 5% increase in PV
PV. Some are driven by other
capacity uniformly across Europe
technologies particularly wind power in
compared to the PV capacity in the 2030
Northern part of Europe and increase in
reference case. It is assumed that the
capacity of EU Grid has been reinforced
according to the ENTSO-E Ten Year The results of our analyses are
Network Development Plan (TYNDP) summarised in Table 2, showing that the
20208. additional EU grid cost of PV by 2020 is
In addition to uniform distribution of modest, less than €0.5/MWh. Even with
incremental changes in PV capacity, we increasing further the installed capacity at
have also evaluated the impact of a particular country up to 50%, the
additional cost of PV is still relatively
incremental changes in selected target
modest. This is likely to be caused by the
countries such as Italy, France, Germany,
Spain, and the UK. availability of sufficient capacity margin
provided by the 2020 capacity proposed
In order to evaluate the impacts of PV on by ENTSO-E.
the balancing requirements, two cases
Table 2 Additional EU Grid cost of PV
are simulated; (i) assuming that the
incremental changes in PV does not Increase in PV  annual
 grid cost Additional EU
affect the operating reserve , and (ii) the installed energy
Grid cost
capacity from output
increased in PV increases the operating the ref. case

EU : 5% 4.38 12.9 0.3409
3.2.2 Additional EU Grid cost of PV EU : 10% 9.73 25.7 0.3782
EU : 15% 15.42 38.6 0.3997
Figure 7 (a) shows the capacity of Spain:50% 0.92 17.6 0.0523
European main transmission system Italy:50% 2.80 25.0 0.1120
France:50% 1.16 25.3 0.0459
proposed by ENTSO-E and Figure 7 (b) Germany:50% 8.55 27.6 0.3103
shows the network capacity required 2030
EU: 5% 70. 25 2.80
proposed by DSIM to accommodate 240
GW of PV in Europe by 2020. It can be
observed visually that some of the

(a) ENTSO-E 2020 (b) PV Parity 2020
- -


- E
N -

N E -
S L - N
- P
F L - C C
- F -
N R E -
W - - S
C T -
H - E H
S -
- S - I i O
- N
W -
E E +
- I R
- T
E E S -
E - - L
- E


(c) PV Parity 2030

Figure 7 Impact of PV on European Transmission Grid

By 2030, higher deployment of renewable With regards to wind power, the

power generation including wind power characteristics of wind energy output are
and PV has increased demand for new complementary to the characteristics of
investment in European grid. It is solar power. Wind is strong in winter
illustrated in Figure 7 (c) that the capacity periods and evening time while solar is
of many interconnectors, both cross- strong in summer period and day time.
border or within the Member States, need The weekly output from solar-wind power
to be upgraded. In this condition, the is shown in Figure 8. Considering the
transmission cost of increasing PV sources of wind are in the North and for
capacity increases to €2.8/MW. solar in the South; this allows power flows
to change direction utilising the same
It is important to note that in the model, network capacity while optimising the use
the utilisation of network capacity has of different renewable sources. This effect
been efficiently shared across different is important to drive down the
generation technologies including transmission cost of PV.
Figure 8 Weekly electricity output from different generation technologies

It is worth to mention that high operating efficiency and as a result,

penetration of PV may also trigger increase the operating cost. However,
reinforcement for local transmission some generators can provide this service
which is excluded in our analysis. The quite efficiently e.g. hydro plant.
impact of PV on transmission is also
affected by many other factors that
cannot be evaluated in isolation. For
example, changes in load and generation
mixes and generation operating cost,
RES profiles and etc.

3.2.3 Balancing cost of PV

Figure 9 and Figure 10 illustrate the

Figure 9 Additional frequency response reserves
additional frequency response and due to PV intermittency by 2020
operating reserves (spinning and
standing) for the PV parity 2020 scenario
for each country. This increase in
reserves is needed to deal with the error
in forecasting the output of PV.

The increase in frequency response

reserve requirements typically will be
lower compared to the increase in
operating reserves. The timescale for
Figure 10 Additional operating reserves due to PV
frequency response services is typically intermittency by 2020
below 15 minutes while the operating
Our studies indicate that the balancing
reserve are needed to deal with much
cost due to PV in 2020 is relatively
longer (up to 4 hours) credible system
modest, circa €0.5/MWh assuming the full
changes. With longer time frame, the
integration of EU balancing market. This
uncertainty increases.
increases to €1.04/MWh by 2030. It can
The increase in reserve has to be be expected that the balancing cost will
provided typically by part loading increase along with the increased
conventional generators. This decrease penetration of PV.
3.3 Quantifying the additional has been validated using actual network
distribution network cost of PV data11.

In order to calculate the impact of PV on For this study, we use the generic models
distribution networks, we applied to identify the minimum required
Imperial’s distribution network planning distribution network reinforcements to
tools to create a set of representative accommodate a certain level of PV
distribution network models9 that penetration. The distribution network cost
resemble LV and HV distribution system of PV can be calculated by dividing the
in Europe. As the impacts of PV depend, cost of network upgrade by the annual PV
among others, on the topology and output. The cost is expressed in €/MWh
characteristics of the distribution of PV output.
networks, it is important to model
Depending on the penetration level of PV,
distribution networks with different
amongst other factors, the impacts of PV
characteristics, e.g. urban, semi-urban,
deployment can be positive (benefits) or
semi-rural, and rural networks. In this
negative (costs) to the system. For
study, fifteen network models have been
example, PV may release some capacity
created. It model has different
of the network allowing load growth
characteristics in terms of capacity and
without necessarily incurring network
voltage level configurations; different
investment and reduce losses. On the
mixture of overhead and underground
other hand, PV may increase network
lines, and different load density, number
cost by causing network overloads or due
and mixture of customers. Figure 11
to voltage rise effect. PV generation may
illustrates the four voltage (left) and three
also increase losses.
voltage (right) configurations of generic
distribution network models used in this Year round power flow analysis is carried
study. out to calculate losses and to capture
critical operating snapshots that drive
The parameters of the Low Voltage
network capacity; for example, maximum
generic network models in terms of
demand with minimum (zero) PV and
length, capacity, etc. have been validated
minimum demand with maximum PV for
using the Statistical Network Design
countries where the peak demand
Tool10. Figure 12 illustrates 2 distribution
conditions occur during winter evening.
network models that resemble urban and
rural models created by the tool. The tool

Cao D.M., Pudjianto D., Strbac G., Ferris B., Foster I.,
Aten M.,”Examination of the impact of possible
distribution network design on network losses”, CIRED -
20th Intl. Conf. on Electricity Distribution, Prague 8-11
June 2009
10 11
Gan C.K., Silva N., Pudjianto D., Strbac G., Ferris C. K. Gan, P. Mancarella, D. Pudjianto, and G.
B., Foster I., Aten M.,” Evaluation of alternative Strbac, "Statistical appraisal of economic design
distribution network design strategies”, CIRED - 20th strategies of LV distribution networks," Electric Power
Intl. Conf. on Electricity Distribution, Prague 8-11 June Systems Research, vol. 81, July 2011,pp. 1363-1372.
Figure 11 Illustrative diagram of four and three voltage level generic distribution network

• Urban system: • Rural system:

– 5MVA/km2 – 0.2MVA/km2
– 20 Sub/km2 – 8 Sub/km2
– Size of Sub: 200kVA-630kVA – Size of Sub: 50kVA–200kVA
– Total capacity (all subs) 6.5 MVA – Total capacity (all subs): 3.3 MVA

0.95 km 2.6 km

Figure 12 Illustrative example of reference network for urban (left diagram) and rural (right diagram)

3.3.1 Distribution network cost of PV not always obtained when the penetration
level is low since the cost tends to
Figure 13 and Figure 14 show the range decrease at certain extent when PV
of additional distribution network cost capacity increases. But up to certain
triggered by PV installations in the point, varies between 8%-14%
European distribution systems for various penetration level, the cost starts to
penetration levels (2%-18%) without and increase again along with increased PV
with DR respectively. The cost is capacity. The maximum cost is still
expressed in €/MWh. It is important to obtained at the highest penetration level.
note that in this case, the minimum cost is

Figure 13 The range of additional distribution network cost of PV in Europe for various PV penetration levels
(2% - 18%)

Figure 14 The range of additional distribution network cost of PV in Europe with demand response for various
PV penetration levels (2% - 18%)

The cost at low penetration level is very At 18% penetration level the cost is still
modest. In Greece, the cost is even relatively low (circa €9/MWh in Belgium).
negative indicating the benefit that PV With DR, the cost can be substantially
can bring in reducing/releasing the reduced or completely mitigated as
distribution network capacity in the shown in Figure 14.
country. This is due to the strong
3.3.2 Impacts on distribution network
correlation between peak demand and
output of PV. The results also show that
the costs in Southern European countries PV generation may reduce distribution
are generally lower than the cost in flows in distribution network and reduce
Northern countries. network losses. Our studies indicate that
the loss reduction that can be obtained is
between 0.25% and 0.75% depending on Figure 16. Similar patterns can be
the characteristics of the distribution observed. It can be concluded that at the
networks and the penetration level of PV. current installed capacity of PV until
The impact of PV on losses for rural 2020, where the penetration level is still
networks tends to be higher compared to far below 10%, PV contributes to losses
the loss reduction in urban networks due reduction in distribution networks.
to the length and circuit characteristics of
both networks. With the assumption that the cost of
losses is €50/MWh, the savings that PV
Increasing PV penetration up to a certain can bring at 2% penetration level are
level will reduce the losses; however between €2.5/MWh and €5.5/MWh. The
there is a point where further increase in savings reduce as the PV penetration
PV capacity will start increasing the level increases. At 18% penetration level,
losses due to increased reverse power the losses may have increased. This is
flows in the system. This point is reached illustrated in Figure 17.
when PV penetration level is around 8% -
With DR, the savings in losses improve
10%. Figure 15 shows the impact on
losses of increased PV deployment in as DR enhances the self-consumption
that leads to loss reduction. At 2%
distribution networks in Germany, Spain,
France, Italy, and the UK with and without penetration level, the savings vary
DR. between €2.5/MWh and €7.5/MWh with
Italy has experienced the largest
The results of our analysis on all improvement. This is depicted in Figure
European countries are illustrated in 18.

Figure 15 Impact of increased PV penetration on distribution network losses in Germany, Spain, France, Italy
and the UK

Figure 16 Impact of increased PV penetration on European distribution network losses

Figure 17 The range of cost of losses contributed by PV in Europe for various PV penetration levels (2% - 18%)

Figure 18 The range of cost of losses contributed by PV in Europe for various PV penetration levels (2% - 18%)
with demand response

3.4 Summary The grid integration cost varies from
country to country. At 2% penetration of
By summing all components of grid PV, the cost varies between - € 50/MWh
integration cost of PV that have been (in Greece) and €13/MWh. At 18%
described earlier, the total cost can be penetration, the cost increases up to
derived. This total cost includes the cost €26/MWh. It can be observed that in
of maintaining the adequacy of general the cost in Southern Europe is
generation capacity for security purposes, lower than the cost in Northern Europe.
the cost of upgrading EU grid main
transmission system, the cost of With DR, the cost at low penetration level
reinforcing distribution network, the cost varies between -€50/MWh and
of losses attributed to PV and the cost of €9.5/MWh. The cost also reduces by 20%
having more operating reserve at high penetration level from €26/MWh to
requirements due to increased PV €21.5 as illustrated in Figure 20.
generation. The grid integration cost of
More detailed discussions on individual
PV for the selected target countries countries are given in the next chapter of
without DR and with DR are shown in this report.
Figure 19 and Figure 20 respectively.

Figure 19 The range of grid integration cost of PV in Europe for various PV penetration levels (2% - 18%)

Figure 20 The range of grid integration cost of PV in Europe for various PV penetration levels (2% - 18%)

44. Case

4.1 Description of case studies generally improves the self-consumption

of PV power production.
For each selected target country12, the
additional generating capacity cost and For each target country, the results are
the distribution network cost of PV are presented by five graphs. The first graph,
quantified from 2% up to 18% PV as illustrated in Figure 21, shows the
penetration levels in steps of 2%. This capacity credit of PV without DR (Cap
percentage reflects the amount of PV Credit), the capacity credit of PV with DR
energy that supplies the national demand. (Cap credit [DR]), and the additional
This range captures the level of PV capacity cost without (AddCapCost) and
penetration in Europe projected by EPIA, with DR (AddCapCost [DR]). The x-axis
i.e. 15% by 2030. shows the penetration level of PV with the
respective installed capacity of PV in a
The respective installed capacity of PV square-bracket. There are two y-axes;
for each penetration level is derived by one refers to the capacity credit of PV in
taking into account the appropriate PV’s percentage of PV’s capacity and the
capacity factor, which varies across second one refers to the additional
Europe. PV in Southern Europe has capacity cost of PV in €/MWh output of
larger capacity factors than PV in PV.
Northern Europe.

In presenting the penetration level of PV,

we use an average national figure.
However, it is likely that PV is not
uniformly distributed and the level may
actually be higher or lower at some areas.
Therefore, in interpreting the results
especially for the distribution network cost
of PV, this factor should be kept in mind. Figure 21 An illustrative graph showing the capacity
credit and additional capacity cost of PV with and
In order to minimize the negative impacts without DR.

of PV on distribution networks and to The second graph, Figure 22, shows the
improve the capacity credit of PV, we magnitude of daily peak demand with the
have investigated the applications of corresponding PV output across one year
Demand Response (DR). It is assumed period taking into account temporal
that there will be adequate amount of demand variation including generally
flexible loads that can be used to lower peak during weekend periods.
minimise the peak of the net load profiles
(loads – PV output); this strategy

Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany,
Italy, Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, and the United
Kingdom (UK)
100% leads to a smaller network capacity, i.e.
higher impedances, losses may not be
70% affected too significantly.
Power (p.u.)

Peak Load PV output at peak load

Figure 22 An illustrative graph showing the level of

PV output at daily peak demand across one year

The third graph (Figure 23) illustrates the

additional distribution network cost of PV Figure 24 An illustrative graph showing the cost of
losses attributed to PV (€/MWh)
across various PV penetration levels (x-
axis) without DR (DisCost) and with DR The last graph (Figure 25) provides the
(DisCost[DR]). The cost is also expressed total grid integration cost of PV without
in €/MWh output of PV. DR(Grid Integration Cost) and with DR
(Grid Integration Cost [DR]) as functions
of PV penetration levels (x-axis). This
includes all system costs attributed to PV
that have been analysed so far: (i)
additional capacity cost, (ii) EU grid cost,
(iii) balancing cost, (iv) distribution
network cost, and (v) cost of losses. The
total cost is also expressed in €/MWh
output of PV.

Figure 23 An illustrative graph showing the

additional distribution network cost of PV (€/MWh)

The fourth graph (Figure 24) shows the

cost of losses13 attributed to PV
generation for various PV penetration
levels (x-axis) without DR (Losses) and
with DR (Losses[DR]). At low PV
penetration level, the value is likely to be
negative. The savings in losses reduce
with further increase in PV installations Figure 25 An illustrative graph showing the grid
and at high PV penetration the value may integration cost of PV (€/MWh)
become positive.
The following sections describe the key
DR may improve the reduction in losses, results of our studies for each target
but as the implementation of DR also country.

With an assumption that the average wholesale
electricity price is €50/MWh.
4.2 AUSTRIA penetration level), the additional
generating capacity cost is relatively low
By the end of 2012, the installed capacity (circa €6/MWh).
of PV in Austria was about 418 MW and
although the implementation of Feed-in At low penetration levels, the
Tariff has boosted the growth of PV in the implementation of DR or storage, by
past few years, its contribution to energy flattening the net electricity demand (load
demand is still very modest, less than – PV), is not needed as suggested by our
1%. However, today’s installed capacity analysis (Figure 27). At 6% penetration
has already exceeded the 2020 National level, DR becomes more valuable as it
Renewable Energy Action Plan can reduce slightly the additional
(NREAP)’s target (322 MW). The 2020 generating capacity cost of PV. Without
projection may need to be revised to DR, the additional capacity cost is
allow larger contribution of PV to the expected to be within the range of
Austrian’s energy supply. €6/MWh to €13/MWh (at 18% penetration
level). With DR, this reduces to €6/MWh -
In Austria, the contribution of PV to peak €12/MWh.
demand is not insignificant especially at
low PV penetration. Few of the peak 90%
demand conditions occur during daytime; 80%
hence it allows PV to contribute at certain
Power (p.u.)

extent to the security of supply; however 50%
the coincidence factor between the PV 30%
peak output and peak demand is not 20%
strong as illustrated in Figure 26. As a
result, the capacity credit of PV declines Peak Load
PV output at peak load
rapidly along with increase in its installed
capacity. But considering a very small Figure 26 The level of PV output at daily peak
demand across one year period in Austria
penetration of PV (less than 1%

Figure 27 The capacity credit and additional generating capacity cost of PV in Austria

decreases with further increase in PV
installations. At 18% penetration, the net
benefit is practically negligible. With DR,
the savings can be improved slightly. The
cost of PV on losses for various PV
penetration levels with and without DR is
shown in Figure 29.

Figure 28 Additional distribution network cost of PV

(€/MWh) in Austria

For distribution network, the impact of PV,

in term of reinforcement cost, varies from
€1.7/MWh at 2% penetration level up to
€4.2/MWh at 18% penetration level, as
shown in Figure 28.

It is worth to mention that due to the Figure 29 Cost of losses attributed to PV (€/MWh) in
lumpiness of the network investment in
the model, one can observe the reduction Figure 30 shows the total grid integration
of cost per MWh when PV’s penetration cost of PV in the system with and without
level increases. However, the cost of DR taking into account all cost
network always increases with higher components. At present, the cost is
penetration of PV due to a requirement around €4/MWh and increases to
for larger network reinforcements. €21.7/MWh when PV penetration in
Austria is at 18% penetration level. With
This additional cost can be successfully
DR, the cost can be reduced to €2/MWh -
mitigated by deploying DR applications,
and the results suggest that no additional
network reinforcement is required until
the PV penetration level reaches 12%.
However the application of DR at low
penetration level is not required
especially when the output of PV already
coincides with peak demand.

At the current level, PV in Austria

contributes to the reduction in losses.
Assuming the average electricity price is
€50/MWh, the savings in losses attributed
to PV is around €4/MWh. This benefit Figure 30 Grid integration cost of PV (€/MWh) in

4.3 BELGIUM of PV without energy storage is small.
The coincidence factor between the PV
The implementation of Green Certificate peak output and peak demand is small as
(GC) schemes, net-metering for systems illustrated in Figure 31.
below 10 kVA, and the tax credit (until the
end of 2011) that allowed individuals to As results, the capacity credit of PV is
recover some part of PV investment have relatively small and declines along with
stimulated PV deployment in Belgium in increase in its installed capacity. The
the recent years. Almost 1 GW of new PV additional generating capacity cost,
capacity was added on top of 1 GW without DR, is expected to be between
installed capacity in 2010. Total capacity €9/MWh - €13/MWh.
reached 2.6 GW by the end of 2012.
DR or storage can reduce the cost up to
Currently, PV contributes to slightly more
10% - 15%. The savings for low PV
than 2% of electricity consumption in
penetration is generally lower than the
savings for higher PV penetration levels.
This has exceeded, by far, the capacity
projection in NREAP. If the PV installation 90%
rate of 1 GW/year continues for another
Power (p.u.)

10 years, the installed PV capacity will 60%

reach 10 GW - 12 GW in 2020. This will 50%

supply 10% to 12% of Belgium’s 30%

electricity consumption. 20%

However, the contribution of PV to Peak Load
PV output at peak load
security of supply is relatively small. Peak
demand occurs in winter Figure 31 The level of PV output at daily peak
demand across one year period in Belgium
afternoon/evening; hence the contribution

Figure 32 The capacity credit and additional generating capacity cost of PV in Belgium

Figure 34 shows the savings in losses is
around €3.6/MWh. This benefit decreases
with further increase in PV installations.
At 18% penetration, PV increases losses
although the cost is very modest. With
DR, the savings can be improved slightly.
The cost of PV on losses for various PV
penetration levels with and without DR is
shown in Figure 34.
Figure 33 Additional distribution network cost of PV
(€/MWh) in Belgium

The additional distribution network cost of

PV in Belgium is expected to be between
€0.5/MWh and €8.7/MWh (at 18%
penetration level). Figure 33 shows the
distribution network cost of PV for various
PV penetration levels.

At 2% PV penetration level, the

distribution network upgrade cost due to Figure 34 Cost of losses attributed to PV (€/MWh) in
PV is circa €2/MWh. Similar to the Belgium
previous case, due to lumpiness in Figure 35 shows the total grid integration
network reinforcement, further increase in cost of PV with and without DR. The cost
PV system, up to 8% penetration level, is between €7.6/MWh and €26/MWh (at
reduces the cost down to €0.5/MWh and 18% penetration level). With DR, this
then the cost increases again for higher reduces to €4.5/MWh - €21.5/MWh.
penetration levels.

This additional cost can be fully mitigated

by deploying DR applications, and the
results suggest that no additional network
reinforcement is required until the PV
penetration level reaches 10%. At 18%
penetration level, DR can reduce the
distribution network cost due to PV from
circa €8.7/MWh to €6/MWh.

At the current level, PV in Belgium Figure 35 Additional capacity cost and distribution
network cost of PV (€/MWh) in Belgium
contributes to the reduction in losses.

4.4 CZECH REPUBLIC Our analysis suggests that the additional
capacity cost due to PV in Czech, without
Currently, the growth of PV in Czech DR or storage, is within the range of
Republic has been stalled by the €10.5/MWh for low penetration and
reduction of support for new PV €13.5/MWh for high penetration levels, as
deployment after significant, almost 2 GW illustrated in Figure 37.
increase in PV capacity in the period of
2009-2010. By the end of 2012, the total The use of DR and storage should be
installed capacity was slightly more than considered to reduce the additional
2 GW, supplying around 2% of national capacity cost. The savings from DR are
electricity demand. about 5% (low penetration) to 18% (high
The current capacity already exceeds the
NREAP target capacity in 2020 (1.7 GW).
As the future of any kind of support for PV 90%
is very uncertain, the growth can only be 80%
facilitated if there is also a breakthrough Power (p.u.)
in reducing the investment cost of PV and 50%
removing the grid barriers or network 30%
congestion that has been experienced 20%
today. 0%
Peak Load PV output at peak load
Considering the relatively low coincidence
factor of PV output and peak demand in Figure 36 The level of PV output at daily peak
Czech, as illustrated in Figure 36, the demand across one year period in Czech Republic

capacity credit of PV in Czech is low

(approx. 5%).

Figure 37 The capacity credit and additional generating capacity cost of PV in Czech Republic

€4.4/MWh. This benefit decreases with
further increase in PV installations. At
16% penetration, PV starts increasing
losses although the cost at 18%
penetration level is still very modest. With
DR, the savings can be improved but
insignificant. The cost of PV on losses for
various PV penetration levels with and
without DR is shown in Figure 39.

Figure 38 Additional distribution network cost of PV

(€/MWh) in Czech Republic

The additional distribution network cost

due to PV in Czech Republic is expected
between €0.5/MWh and €8.3/MWh (at
18% penetration level). Figure 38 shows
the distribution network cost due to PV for
various PV penetration levels.

At 2% PV penetration level, the cost of

Figure 39 Cost of losses attributed to PV (€/MWh) in
upgrading distribution network due to PV Czech Republic
is circa €2/MWh. For higher penetration,
Figure 40 shows the grid integration cost
up to 8%, the cost decreases to
of PV with and without DR. The cost is
€0.5/MWh at 8% penetration level;
between €8.5/MWh and €26/MWh (at
however at this point the trend starts to
18% penetration level). With DR, this
reverse and the cost starts increasing for
reduces to €5.9/MWh - €21.3/MWh.
even higher penetration levels. At 12%
penetration level, the cost starts to
increase more rapidly due to a
requirement for larger network

Up to 10% penetration level, the

additional network cost can be
successfully mitigated by deploying DR
technologies. At 18% penetration level,
DR can reduce the distribution network
cost of PV from circa €8.3/MWh to Figure 40 Additional capacity cost and distribution
€5.8/MWh. network cost of PV (€/MWh) in Czech Republic

At the current level (2%), PV contributes

to the reduction in losses. Figure 39
shows the savings in losses is around

4.5 FRANCE less. Thus, contribution of PV capacity to
peak demand security is insignificant.
In the last three years, installed PV
capacity has increased significantly. In Our analysis suggests that the additional
2008, the PV capacity was less than 100 capacity cost due to PV in France is
MW, but in 2011, it reached 2.7 GW. By between €12.4/MWh at low penetration
the end of 2012, the capacity was 4 GW. levels and around €15/MWh at high
This rapid growth can be attributed to the penetration levels, as shown in Figure 42.
implementation of attractive FiT schemes.
The impact of DR or storage to improve
However, the contribution of PV to supply
the capacity credit of PV and reduce the
electricity load in France is still very
additional capacity cost is positive. The
modest, less than 1%.
savings are in the range of 6% (for low
By 2020, the NREAP is projecting 4.9 penetration) and 20% (for high
GW of PV capacity; this requires another penetration).
0.9 GW of new PV investment from 2013
until 2020. More ambitious projection by
EPIA suggests that France can have 30 90%
GW of PV by 2020. This will provide
Power (p.u.)

about 7% of electricity consumption in 60%

France. 50%
France has winter evening peak demand 20%

and this leads into a very low coincidence 10%

factor of PV output and peak demand, as Peak Load
PV output at peak load
illustrated in Figure 41, and the capacity
credit of PV, therefore, is small, 5% or Figure 41 The level of PV output at daily peak
demand across one year period in France

Figure 42 The capacity credit and additional generating capacity cost of PV in France

€2.5/MWh. This benefit decreases with
further increase in PV installations. Even
at 18% penetration, PV can still reduce
losses although the savings are small.
With DR, the savings can be improved
but insignificant. The cost of PV on losses
for various PV penetration levels with and
without DR is shown in Figure 44.

Figure 43 Additional distribution network cost of PV

(€/MWh) in France

The additional distribution network cost

triggered by PV in France is expected
between €0.5/MWh up to €4.6/MWh (at
18% penetration level). Figure 43 shows
the distribution network cost due to PV for
various PV penetration levels.

At 2% PV penetration level, the cost of Figure 44 Cost of losses attributed to PV (€/MWh) in

upgrading distribution network cost France

caused by PV is circa €1.3/ MWh. Similar Figure 45 shows the grid integration of
to the previous case, higher penetration PV in France with and without the
of PV, up to 10%, reduces the cost down implementation of DR. The cost is
to €0.5/MWh. However, at this point, the between €11.5/MWh and €22.9/MWh (at
cost starts to increase for higher 18% penetration level). With DR, this
penetration levels. At 14% penetration reduces to €9.5/MWh - €17.2/MWh.
level, the cost starts to increase more
rapidly due to larger network
reinforcement required.

Up to 12% penetration level, the

additional network cost can be
successfully mitigated by deploying DR
applications. At 18% penetration level,
DR can reduce the PV driven distribution
network cost from circa €4.6/MWh to
Figure 45 Additional capacity cost and distribution
At the current level (1%), PV contributes network cost of PV (€/MWh) in France
to the reduction in losses. Figure 44
shows the savings in losses is more than

4.6 GERMANY Our analysis (Figure 47) suggests that
the additional capacity cost due to PV in
There are about 33 GW of PV installed in Germany is within a narrow range, i.e. €
Germany at present. The strong growth of 11.8/MWh - €12.8/MWh. The future PV
PV capacity has been facilitated by the investment will only contribute to a
implementation of attractive FiT for a modest increase in the capacity cost.
number of years. This also supports the
development of PV industry in Germany. DR can improve the capacity credit of PV
With its current capacity, PV in Germany by 4%; but the impact on the additional
can supply almost 5% of its national capacity cost can be more substantial as
electricity consumption. it reduces up to 22% of the cost. With DR,
the additional capacity cost of PV in
By 2020, according to its NREAP, the Germany is between €9.2/MWh and
installed PV capacity is projected to be €10.1/MWh.
around 52 GW, supplying 8% of its
national electricity consumption. This 100%
penetration level is considered to be the 80%

largest amongst other European 70%

Power (p.u.)

countries and put Germany as a leader in 50%

PV industry, 40%
However, the capacity factor of PV in 10%

Germany is low compared to the capacity 0%

Peak Load PV output at peak load
factor of PV installed in Southern Europe.
And as Germany experiences peak Figure 46 The level of PV output at daily peak
demand during winter evening, the demand across one year period in Germany
coincidence factor of PV output and peak
demand is relatively low as shown in
Figure 46.

Figure 47 The capacity credit and additional generating capacity cost of PV in Germany

Figure 49 shows the savings in losses is
around €3.2/MWh. This benefit decreases
with further increase in PV installations.
At 18% penetration, the net impact of PV
on losses is practically zero (very small).
With DR, the savings can be improved
slightly. The cost of PV on losses for
various PV penetration levels with and
without DR is shown in Figure 49.
Figure 48 Additional distribution network cost of PV
(€/MWh) in Germany

The additional distribution network cost

due to PV in Germany is expected
between € 0.5/MWh up to €8.1/MWh (at
18% penetration level). Figure 48 shows
the PV driven distribution network cost for
various PV penetration levels.

At 2% PV penetration level, the

distribution network cost of PV is circa €2/ Figure 49 Cost of losses attributed to PV (€/MWh) in
MWh. And similar to the trend in other
countries, the cost decreases with higher Figure 50 shows the grid integration cost
penetration, up to 8%. At this point the of PV in Germany with and without DR.
cost is €0.5/MWh and then the trend The cost is between €10/MWh to
reverses and the cost starts increasing for €24.7/MWh (at 18% penetration level).
higher penetration levels. At 12% With DR, the cost can reduce to
penetration level, the cost starts to €4.6/MWh - €18.5/MWh.
increase rapidly due to larger network
reinforcement required.

Up to 12% penetration level, the

additional network cost can be
successfully mitigated by deploying DR
applications. At 18% penetration level,
DR can reduce the distribution network
cost of PV from circa €8.1/MWh down to

At the current level (5%), PV in Germany

Figure 50 Additional capacity cost and distribution
contributes to the reduction in losses. network cost of PV (€/MWh) in Germany

4.7 GREECE around 9% penetration level, the cost will
become positive but still relatively low
Having the most potential solar sources in compared to the cost in other EU Member
Europe, the installed capacity of PV in States.
Greece has increased rapidly in the past
few years. By the end of April 2013, the As indicated by Figure 52, at low PV
installed capacity reached almost 2.5 penetration levels, the application of DR
GW, which supplies more than 5% of its for flattening load is not required as the
national electricity consumption and has PV output already has a strong
exceeded the NREAP target, i.e. 2.2 GW correlation with peak demand. However
of PV by 2020. Even under austerity DR can bring system benefits when the
measures, the growth rate of PV in penetration of PV reaches 9% or higher.
Greece is very promising; indicating
significant interest in the investment of 90%
this technology. EPIA projects that

Power (p.u.)
Greece can potentially have 8 GW of PV 60%
by 2020 that supplies around 18% of their
national electricity demand. 30%

As the peak demand in Greece is driven 10%

by loads during summer day, which Peak Load
PV output at peak load
coincide with the peak output of PV (see
Figure 51), the capacity credit of PV is Figure 51 The level of PV output at daily peak
demand across one year period in Greece
high and PV can displace the capacity of
conventional generating capacity. At

Figure 52 The capacity credit and additional generating capacity cost of PV in Greece

Figure 53 Additional distribution network cost of PV
(€/MWh) in Greece

Greece is one of the best candidates Figure 54 Cost of losses attributed to PV (€/MWh) in
among other European countries for PV
deployment, as the installation of new PV The total grid integration cost of PV is
reduces peak load and releases network negative up to 10% penetration level and
capacity which in turn it decreases considerably lower for higher penetration
distribution network cost. The distribution than the rest of Europe, as presented in
network cost of PV in Greece is negative Figure 55. Similar to others, the cost
indicating the benefits/savings that PV tends to increase with higher PV
can make. This is illustrated in Figure 53. penetration levels. It is also important to
In this context, these savings diminish the note that since the distribution of PV in
need for DR. This is in contrast to other Greece is not uniform, some parts with
European countries especially the higher PV concentration may experience
Northern European where DR can higher grid costs.
contribute significantly to reduce the
system cost of PV.

At the current level (5%), PV contributes

to the reduction in losses. Figure 54
shows the savings in losses is around
€2.5/MWh. This benefit decreases with
further increase in PV installations even
up to 18% penetration level. With DR, the
savings can be improved slightly. The
cost of PV on losses for various PV Figure 55 Additional capacity cost and distribution
penetration levels with and without DR is network cost of PV (€/MWh) in Greece
shown in Figure 54.

4.8 ITALY penetration levels and €13.4/MWh at high
penetration levels.
The implementation of FiT schemes in
2008 had led to a boom in PV In order to improve the capacity credit of
installations in Italy. In 2008, there were PV and subsequently to reduce the
about 400 MW PV capacity and by the additional capacity cost, the use of DR
end of 2012, the capacity was 16.4 GW; and storage should be considered. DR
more than 40 times of installed capacity can improve the capacity credit of PV by
in 2008 and it has exceeded, by 8.4GW, 10%; the impact on the additional
the NREAP target in 2020 (8GW). With capacity cost can be more substantial as
such capacity, PV in Italy supplies around it reduces more than 50% of the cost.
7% of national electricity consumption.
EPIA projects that the capacity of PV in
Italy can reach 42 GW by 2020. 90%

Our data suggests that the peak demand 70%

Power (p.u.)
in Italy is driven not only by summer day 50%

loads but also winter evening loads, as 40%

illustrated in Figure 56. This limits the 20%

contribution of PV to peak demand 10%

security indicated by relatively low Peak Load
PV output at peak load
capacity credit (10% or less) as shown in
Figure 57. Figure 56 The level of PV output at daily peak
demand across one year period in Italy
Our analysis suggests that the additional
capacity cost due to PV in Italy without
DR is between €9.6/MWh at low

Figure 57 The capacity credit and additional generating capacity cost of PV in Italy

further increase in PV installations. With
DR, the savings can be improved. The
cost of PV on losses for various PV
penetration levels with and without DR is
shown in Figure 59.

Figure 58 Additional distribution network cost of PV

(€/MWh) in Italy

The additional distribution network cost of

PV in Italy is very low and the maximum
cost is expected around €0.9/MWh.
Figure 58 shows the distribution network Figure 59 Cost of losses attributed to PV (€/MWh) in
cost of PV for various PV penetration Italy
levels in Italy. Figure 60 shows the grid integration cost
At 2% PV penetration level, there is no of PV in Italy with and without the
reinforcement requirement due to new PV implementation of DR. The cost is
connections in distribution network. between €5.2/MWh and €15.9/MWh (at
However, at 4% penetration level PV will 18% penetration level). With DR, this
trigger some network reinforcements; this reduces to - €3.7/MWh (savings) -
increases the cost to €0.9/MWh. Similar €6.2/MWh.
to the previous case, due to lumpiness in
network reinforcement, further increase of
PV system, up to 16% penetration level,
reduces the cost down to €0.25/MWh and
then the cost increases again for higher
penetration levels.

Up to 18% penetration level, the

additional network cost can be
successfully mitigated by deploying DR
applications especially for managing Figure 60 Additional capacity cost and distribution
demand in winter period. network cost of PV (€/MWh) in Italy

At the current level (7%), PV reduces

distribution network losses in Italy. Figure
59 shows the savings in losses is around
€3.67/MWh. This benefit decreases with

4.9 PORTUGAL negligible and the contribution of PV
capacity to peak demand security is low.
Similar to some other European member
states where the financial crisis affected Our analysis suggests that the additional
considerably the economic growth, the capacity cost due to PV in Portugal is
growth of PV in Portugal has been stalled about €15.8/MWh flat across all
by the fall of support for new PV penetration levels, as illustrated in Figure
deployment after around 183 MW 62.
increase in PV capacity in the period of
In order to improve the capacity credit of
2007-2011. By the end of 2012, the total
PV and subsequently to reduce the
installed capacity was 244 MW. This is
additional capacity cost, the use of DR
relatively surprising given the solar
and storage should be considered. DR
potential in Portugal.
can improve the capacity credit of PV by
The current capacity is still far below the 12%-15%; the impact on the additional
NREAP target capacity in 2020 (1GW). capacity cost can be more substantial as
By 2020, if the target is met, PV will it reduces up to 50% of the cost.
contribute to around 3% of electricity
consumption and at this level the grid 90%
impact of PV will become more apparent.
Power (p.u.)

As our data suggest, the peak demand 50%

conditions in Portugal are (surprisingly) 40%

driven by cold winter conditions rather 20%

than by sunny summer days, the 10%

coincidence factor of PV output and peak Peak Load
PV output at peak load
demand in Portugal is relative low, as
illustrated in Figure 61. Consequently, the Figure 61 The level of PV output at daily peak
demand across one year period in Portugal
capacity credit of PV in Portugal is

Figure 62 The capacity credit and additional generating capacity cost of PV in Portugal

more than €3/MWh. This benefit
decreases with further increase in PV
installations. With DR, the savings can be
improved slightly. The cost of PV on
losses for various PV penetration levels
with and without DR is shown in Figure

Figure 63 Additional distribution network cost of PV

(€/MWh) in Portugal

The additional distribution network cost of

PV in Portugal is very low and the
maximum cost is expected around
€1.2/MWh. Figure 63 shows the PV
driven distribution network cost for Figure 64 Cost of losses attributed to PV (€/MWh) in
various PV penetration levels in Portugal. Portugal

At 2% PV penetration level, there is no Figure 65 shows the grid integration cost

reinforcement requirement due to new PV of PV with and without DR. The cost is
connections in distribution network. between €13.1/MWh to €19/MWh. With
However, 4% penetration level will trigger DR, this reduces to €5/MWh -
some network reinforcements; this €10.8/MWh.
increases the cost to €1.2/MWh. The
cost per MWh of PV output continues
decreasing until it reaches the 18%
penetration level, reduces the cost down
to €0.28/MWh.

Up to 18% penetration level, the

additional network cost can be
successfully mitigated by deploying DR
applications especially for managing
demand in winter period.
Figure 65 Additional capacity cost and distribution
network cost of PV (€/MWh) in Portugal
At the current level (less than 1%), PV
reduces network losses in Portugal.
Figure 64 shows the savings in losses is

4.10 SPAIN This limits the capacity credit of PV as
shown in Figure 67. Our analysis
The installed capacity of PV in Spain had suggests that the additional capacity cost
increased more than 35 times (155 MW in due to PV in Spain is within €12.5/MWh -
2006 to 5.2 GW by end of 2012) for the €13.0 /MWh flat across all penetration
past five years, steamed by generous levels, as illustrated in Figure 67.
incentives. Amidst financial crisis and
changes in FiT, the rate of new PV In order to improve the capacity credit of
installations has slowed down. Spain also PV and subsequently to reduce the
suffers lack of interconnection with additional capacity cost, the use of DR
Europe which limits the ability of Spanish and storage should be considered. DR
system to integrate larger amount of new can improve the capacity credit of PV by
PV in their electricity system. more than 10%; the impact on the
additional capacity cost can be more
With today’s capacity PV has supplied substantial as it reduces up to 40% of the
slightly more than 2% of Spanish cost.
electricity consumption. This capacity
needs to be doubled by 2020 if the 100%
NREAP target (8.4 GW) is going to be 80%

met, or more than tripled for the EPIA 70%

Power (p.u.)

projection (18 GW) to be realised. 50%

In Spain, our data indicate that the peak 30%

demand conditions are driven both by air- 10%
conditioning loads for heating in winter 0%
Peak Load PV output at peak load
and cooling in summer (Figure 66). While
peak demand in summer coincides with Figure 66 The level of PV output at daily peak
PV output, the contribution of PV for peak demand across one year period in Spain
demand in winter is modest.

Figure 67 The capacity credit and additional generating capacity cost of PV in Spain

Figure 68 Additional distribution network cost of PV Figure 69 Cost of losses attributed to PV (€/MWh) in
(€/MWh) in Spain Spain

The additional distribution network cost in The grid integration cost of PV for various
Spain ranges from €0.28/MWh at 2% PV penetration levels in Spain with and
penetration level, reaching peak of without the implementation of DR is
€1.04/MWh at 4% and constantly shown in Figure 70. The cost varies
decreasing up to 16 %, as shown in between €7.6/MWh and €17.5/MWh. With
Figure 68. DR or storage implementation, the cost
can be reduced significantly to €1.1/MWh
To reduce this additional distribution
(low penetration) to €11.9/MWh (high
network cost, the use of DR and storage
should be taken in account as it can
mitigate fully the cost for all penetration
levels up to 18% penetration level. At this
level, DR can reduce the cost from 0.6
down to almost zero.

At the current level (2%), PV reduces

distribution network losses in Spain.
Figure 69 shows the savings in losses is
around €5.6/MWh. This benefit decreases
with further increase in PV installations.
At 18% penetration, the net impact of PV
on losses will be practically zero. Beyond Figure 70 Additional capacity cost and distribution
network cost of PV (€/MWh) in Spain
this level, PV will start increasing losses.
With DR, the savings can be improved
but relatively insignificant. The cost of PV
on losses for various PV penetration
levels with and without DR is shown in
Figure 69.

4.11 THE NETHERLANDS cost due to PV in the Netherlands is
between €11/MWh and €13/MWh as
Penetration of PV technology in illustrated in Figure 72.
Netherlands is relatively small. The
installed capacity by the end of 2012 was In order to improve the capacity credit of
around 270 MW. Although the capacity PV and subsequently to reduce the
had increased more than three times additional capacity cost, the use of DR
compared to the one installed in 2010 (80 and storage should be considered
MW), its contribution to electricity supply especially at high PV penetration. DR can
is very modest. improve the capacity credit of PV (5%)
although the value is still relatively small.
The capacity nowadays is still far smaller The impact on the additional capacity
than the NREAP target capacity in 2020 cost can be more substantial as it
(0.7GW) which would supply less than reduces up to 5% - 15% of the cost.
1% of the country’s electricity

With relatively low load factor and also 90%

low capacity credit of PV in Netherlands, 70%
Power (p.u.)

its contribution to the future supply 60%

system is likely to be modest. As the peak 40%

demand conditions in the Netherlands are 30%

driven by heating, amongst others, in 10%
winter evenings, the contribution of PV 0%
Peak Load PV output at peak load
output to security is low (Figure 71).
Figure 71 The level of PV output at daily peak
Our analysis suggests that due to low demand across one year period in the Netherlands
capacity credit, the additional capacity

Figure 72 The capacity credit and additional generating capacity cost of PV in the Netherlands

18% penetration, the net impact of PV on
losses will be practically zero. Beyond
this level, PV will start increasing losses.
With DR, the savings can be improved
slightly. The cost of PV on losses for
various PV penetration levels with and
without DR is shown in Figure 74.

Figure 73 Additional distribution network cost of PV

(€/MWh) in the Netherlands

The additional distribution network cost of

PV in the Netherlands is expected
between € 0.6/MWh and €6.8/MWh (at
18% penetration level). Figure 73 shows
the distribution network cost of PV for
various PV penetration levels.

At 2% PV penetration level, the

Figure 74 Cost of losses attributed to PV (€/MWh) in
distribution network cost of PV is circa the Netherlands
€2.1/ MWh. The cost then reduces with
higher penetration level, up to 10%. At Figure 75 shows the grid integration cost
this point, the cost is down to €0.6/MWh. of PV in the Netherlands with and without
and then increases again for higher the implementation of DR or energy
penetration levels. At 12% penetration storage. Depending on the penetration
level, the cost starts to increase rapidly level of PV, the cost varies between
due to larger network reinforcement €9.9/MWh and €23.8/MWh. With DR, the
required. cost reduces to €5.7/MWh - €18.1/MWh.

Up to 12% penetration level, the

additional network cost can be
successfully mitigated by deploying DR
applications. At 18% penetration level,
DR can reduce the distribution network
cost of PV from circa €6.7/MWh down to

At the current level (1%), PV contributes

to the reduction in losses. Figure 74
shows the savings in losses is around
€3/MWh. This benefit decreases with Figure 75 Additional capacity cost and distribution
network cost of PV (€/MWh) in the Netherlands
further increase in PV installations. At

4.12 THE UNITED KINGDOM €14/MWh flat across all penetration
levels, as illustrated in Figure 77.
Installed capacity of PV in the UK has
increased significantly in the past 2 years By shifting the evening loads to
from around 100 MW in 2010 to more morning/afternoon periods, the capacity
than 1.8 GW by the end of 2012. This credit of PV can be improved slightly (up
rapid deployment has been primarily to 5%) and subsequently this can reduce
steamed by generous FiT and other the additional capacity cost. DR can
supporting policies. improve the capacity credit of PV by 5%;
the impact on the additional capacity cost
Amidst financial crisis, the implementation can be more substantial as it reduces up
of austerity measures, and progressive to 30%-35% of the cost.
reduction of the FiT, the UK is in the good
progress of meeting their 2020 NREAP 100%
target, i.e. 2.7 GW of PV. Considering the 80%

load factor of PV is low, especially in the 70%

Power (p.u.)
UK, at today’s penetration level their 50%

contribution to energy supply is very 40%

modest. 20%

Similar to other Northern European 0%

Peak Load PV output at peak load
countries, the coincidence factor of PV
output and peak demand is negligible as Figure 76 The level of PV output at daily peak
illustrated in Figure 76. Consequently, the demand across one year period in the United
capacity credit of PV is negligible.

Our analysis suggests that the additional

capacity cost due to PV is about

Figure 77 The capacity credit and additional generating capacity cost of PV in the United Kingdom

decreases with further increase in PV
installations. At 18% penetration, the net
impact of PV on losses will be practically
zero. Beyond this level, PV will start
increasing losses. With DR, the savings
can be improved slightly. The cost of PV
on losses for various PV penetration
levels with and without DR is shown in
Figure 79.

Figure 78 Additional distribution network cost of PV

(€/MWh) in the United Kingdom

The additional distribution network cost of

PV in the UK is expected between
€0.5/MWh and €2.2/MWh (at 18%
penetration level). Figure 78 shows the
distribution network cost of PV for various
PV penetration levels.

At 2% PV penetration level, the Figure 79 Cost of losses attributed to PV (€/MWh) in

distribution network cost of PV is circa the United Kingdom
€1.8/ MWh. Similar to the previous case, Figure 80 shows the total grid integration
due to lumpiness in network cost of PV in the UK with and without the
reinforcement, the increased penetration implementation of DR or energy storage.
of PV, up to 10% penetration level, The cost varies between €12.3/MWh and
reduces the cost down to €0.5/MWh and €20.3/MWh. Implementation of DR
then the cost increases again for higher technologies can reduce the cost to
penetration levels. At 14% penetration €3.9/MWh - €14.2/MWh.
level, the cost starts to increase
significantly due to larger network
reinforcement required.

Up to 14% penetration level, the

additional network cost can be
successfully mitigated by deploying DR
applications. At 18% penetration level,
DR can reduce the distribution network
cost of PV from circa €2.2/MWh down to
Figure 80 Additional capacity cost and distribution
network cost of PV (€/MWh) in the United Kingdom
At the current level, PV contributes to the
reduction in losses in the UK. Figure 79
shows the savings in losses is around
€4/MWh - €5/MWh. This benefit

4.13 EUROPE PV to peak demand is practically
negligible. It can be generically concluded
The total PV installed capacity in Europe that the contribution of PV capacity to
by the end of 2012 was 69 GW. This peak demand security in Europe is very
contributed to about 2% of the European modest.
electricity consumption. Based on the
NREAP, by 2020 the PV capacity will Our analysis suggests that the additional
reach 84.4 GW. More ambitious target by capacity cost due to PV in Europe is circa
EPIA projects around 250 GW of PV by €14.5/MWh flat across all penetration
2020. This will supply about 6% of levels, as illustrated in Figure 81.
European annual electricity demand.
In order to improve the capacity credit of
By assuming Europe as a copper plate PV and subsequently to reduce the
with no network constraints between the additional capacity cost, the use of DR
Member States, the peak demand of and storage should be considered. DR
electricity in Europe is still heavily driven can improve the capacity credit of PV by
by cold winter evening loads. 4%- 5%; the impact on the additional
capacity cost can be more substantial as
As the peak demand occurs typically in it reduces 30%-38% of the cost.
cold winter evening, the contribution of

Figure 81 The capacity credit and additional generating capacity cost of PV in Europe

5 5. Conclusions

5.1 Europe can integrate large PV generation portfolio, its connections with
penetration neighbourhood regions, designs of the
distribution networks, etc.
Our studies, using PV Parity 2020 and
2030 scenarios with 240 GW and 480 5.3 The cost in Northern Europe is
GW installed capacity of PV, respectively, higher than the cost in Southern
demonstrate that the Grid is able to Europe
integrate such large amount of PV. This is
in addition to other renewable power The results of our studies demonstrate
generation (wind) and other low carbon that the grid integration cost of PV can
generation technologies. The reliability of reach €26/MWh14 (this is equivalent to 2.6
electricity supply and the economic Euro cents per kWh). The maximum cost
occurs for high penetration of PV (18%) in
efficiency of power system operation can
Northern European countries. For
still be maintained. This is indicated by a
Southern European countries, the cost
low level (less than 0.4%) of RES
curtailment achieved in our simulations. tends to be lower; the maximum cost is
observed around €20/MWh which occurs
System integration cost of PV includes at a high PV penetration level (18%).
costs associated with maintaining security
of supply, reinforcements of transmission, 5.4 Additional generating capacity
distribution networks and increase of cost is the major component of
generation reserves needed to support system integration costs
real time supply demand balancing.
Additional generating capacity cost of PV
However, some mitigation measures such
reflects the cost of maintaining sufficient
as the use of Demand Response,
generating capacity in the system for
storage, smart grid technologies can be
security reasons since PV output may not
used to reduce the system integration
be available during peak demand. For
Northern Europe, the cost between
5.2 Cost of PV integration is €14/MWh - €16/MWh since the capacity
location specifics credit of PV for this region is very limited
due to low coincidence factor between PV
The results of our studies suggest that output and peak demand. For Southern
the grid integration cost of PV is location Europe, the cost is smaller and at low
specifics. It varies from country to country penetration level, the cost can be even
depending on complex interaction negative, e.g. in Greece.
between many parameters such as PV
characteristics (electricity output profiles,
load factors, installed capacity, etc),
characteristics of electricity load
(magnitude of peak load, load profiles
and correlation with PV output), The cost is expressed in Euro per MWh of PV’s
energy production.
5.5 Additional EU grid cost of PV is cost in Southern Europe tends to be
relatively low smaller than the cost in the Northern
Europe. This is due to better correlation
The ability of an isolated system to between peak demand and PV output in
integrate large amount of renewables is Southern Europe.
limited. A strong interconnected system
will benefit from diversity of sources and 5.8 At low and medium penetration
loads, enabling access to the most levels, PV reduces network
economic sources, and sharing losses
resources. This in turn will facilitate more
efficient integration and capability to At low penetration levels, up to 10%
absorb more renewable power. energy penetration, PV connected at
distribution networks is likely to reduce
In 2020, when PV penetration level distribution network losses. Beyond this
reaches 6.5%, the additional cost to EU level, new PV connections may increase
grid due to PV is less than €0.5/MWh. By network losses. The threshold varies from
2030 the cost increases to €2.80/MWh as country to country. Southern Europe
the PV capacity doubles. where peak demand coincides with PV
output is likely to have a higher threshold.
5.6 Balancing cost of PV is low
Our analysis suggests that PV can
Due to uncertainty in PV output and its contribute to reduction of losses by 0.25%
forecast error, additional frequency to 0.75% (of annual energy). Assuming
response and operating reserve services the average wholesale electricity price is
need procuring by the system operator. €50/MWh, the savings at 2% PV
Our studies suggest that the balancing penetration level are between €2.5/MWh
cost in 2020 is modest, circa €0.5/MWh. and €5.6/MWh of PV output. This can
The cost increases to €1.04 by 2030. partially compensate the other costs.
However the savings diminish with the
5.7 Additional distribution network
increased penetration of PV.
cost of PV is the second major
component 5.9 The cost tends to increase along
with increased capacity of PV
Increased PV penetration at distribution
systems may trigger network problems The grid integration cost of PV is a
(over voltages, thermal overloads, function of PV penetration levels. It can
reverse power flows) and the systems be concluded from our studies that the
may need reinforcing to maintain its higher the penetration level, the cost
security and operation within the statutory tends to be higher. This is expected since
limits. more deployment of new infrastructure
may be needed to accommodate higher
Our analyses suggest that the distribution
PV penetration.
network cost due to PV at high
penetration level (18%) may be up to
€9/MWh. Similarly to additional
generating capacity cost, we have
observed that the distribution network

5.10 The integration cost of PV is Demand Response (DR) or storage for
relatively modest load shifting has been investigated. The
results suggest that DR can reduce
In comparison to the LCOE of PV, the significantly the integration cost of PV.
integration cost of PV, up to 18% The maximum cost with DR is found to be
penetration level, is relatively modest circa €21/MWh; this is about 20% lower
(circa 15% - 20%). This indicates that the than the cost without DR.
grid integration cost of PV may not have
significant impact on the competitiveness One of the key findings suggests that in
of PV. some Southern European countries such
as Greece, the need for DR to support PV
5.11 Demand Response reduces the is relatively low as there is already a
grid integration cost of PV strong correlation between PV output and
peak demand conditions.
In order to mitigate or to reduce the grid
integration cost of PV, the applications of - End of the report -


WIP – Renewable Energies
Ms Ingrid Weiss • [email protected] • +49 89 7201 2741


Energy Futures Lab, Imperial College London

Dr Danny Pudjianto • [email protected] • +44 79 8944 3398

Disclaimer: The sole responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the authors. It
does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European commission.

The European commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the
information contained therein.

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