St. Joseph Parish: The Spring Festival Is Sunday!!
St. Joseph Parish: The Spring Festival Is Sunday!!
St. Joseph Parish: The Spring Festival Is Sunday!!
306 Iowa, PO Box 165, Olpe, KS 620-475-3326
Parish email: [email protected]
Facebook: “St. Joseph Catholic Church”
Fr. Brandon Farrar, Parochial Administrator
Fr. Ratna Swamy Nannam MSFS, Parochial Vicar
April 28, 2019 – 2nd Sunday of Easter
Altar Society: Carolyn Cole 340-3766 Sat. 04/27 5:00 pm For the people of our parish
Cemetery: Terry Taylor 340-5062 Sun. 04/28 8:30 am +Dave Schneider
Family Life Ministry: Kay Schmidt 475-3767 Monday – Friday (April 29-May 3) - NO MASS
Finance Council Brian Schmidt 475-3767 Sat. 05/04 5:00 pm +Cliff & Evan Cole
Funeral Dinners: Linda Dieker 475-3567 Sun. 05/05 8:30 am First Communicants
Knights of Columbus: Brian Flott 343-9241
Outreach Arlene Redeker 475-3414
Pastoral Council: Diana Kuhlmann 475-3784
Religious Ed: Rose Redeker 475-3403
* Catholic Kidz Camp has been scheduled for Monday, July 15 through Friday, July 19.
*With your help, the 7/8th graders collected, loaded, and delivered 400 pounds of aluminum cans to Hetlinger Developmental Services
Inc. in Emporia. Your gift was greatly appreciated and will be used to provide special activities which aren't funded by other means. It's
wonderful what a little time and effort can do for others in need. Also, this class sent greetings with encouraging words, birthday cards,
Christmas and Easter cards to two seminarians from the archdiocese. One of the seminarians, Nicholas Ashmore, will be ordained as a
priest on May 25, 2019. Nicholas lived in Burlington, but attended St. Joseph School. We invite you to read his story about his journey to
the priesthood in the April 12, edition of the Leaven.
*The 6th grade religious education class would like to thank the parish for donations of food items for the poor. We
delivered six boxes of assorted breakfast, lunch, and supper items. Young students get these food items and they have
said that our church does a good job with providing things that they don't normally get and are excited to have. The
small things we do makes a BIG difference for them. Thank you!
Is your Child or Family going to Camp this Summer?
If you are interested in applying for a Scholarship to help with the cost of sending your child to Prairie Star Ranch or Camp
Tekawitha this summer, please let Kay Schmidt or Laurie Schmidt know by May 1 st as we need to include in next years’ budget.
Thank you! ………………Kay Schmidt-Family Life Ministry 620-340-5638
We hope everyone has noticed the improvements made to our St. Joseph’s Catholic Cemetery thus far. We are currently having the
center sign painted. We hope to post our rules and regulations for the cemetery in the next few weeks. We continue to seek
donations to complete the remaining sections of the cemetery fence and apply additional gravel to the roadways in the cemetery from
all the recent rains. Anyone interested in donating please see a committee member.
We want to thank everyone who has assisted with the improvements thus far. We thank these individuals for their time, talents, and
treasures for our cemetery and Parish. We also appreciate the time and effort put in by the committee members.
Congratulations to Matthew Glazier as he journeys through the process of becoming a priest. He was installed as a
Lector with 5 other candidates by Bishop Kemme at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Wichita. He
continues to study for 2 more years at Kinnrick-Glennon Seminary in St. Louis before becoming a priest in 2021.
Please pray for him!
I would like to thank everyone for their cards, visits, and calls, and for coming to my
90th birthday reception. It will long be remembered! Blessings to all!........Mary Dee Brinkman
ALSO on May 11 and 12 after masses, the Knights will be distributing baby bottles for their “Kansans for Life”
campaign. Please fill the bottles and bring back to church on Father’s Day weekend.
Minutes of St. Anne’s Altar Society 2nd Quarterly Meeting - Sunday, April 14, 2019 – St. Joe School Basement
Call to Order 9:52 am - Officers present: Carolyn Cole, Jade Cole, Kim Irwin, Carol Soyez, Lisa Temeyer
Members present: 14
Approval of the Minutes: Peggy Wendling motion, Jade Cole 2 nd .
Treasurer’s Report Approved as Read. Motion Jade Cole, 2 nd Carol Soyez
Old Business:
CCD Meals -Brought from table motion Jade Cole, 2nd Carol Soyez - Motion Postponed indefinitely, members felt this
responsibility will fall under the new commissions. Motion Jade Cole 2 nd Carol Soyez. Motion Passed.
Dues: Motion by Deb Cole to Amend the Bylaws Article II Section 2 to say Each Member is required to pay dues annually.
There will be a proposal $5.00 annually in the president book notes. It will also be published to be effective 2020. 2 nd By
Shirley Langley and Viola Hoelting. Motion Passed.
New Business:
The discussion on St. Anne’s mission and participation going forth was summed up to just wait until further notice of the
parish commissions roll out their plan. Shirley Langley Motion Peggy Wendling 2 nd Motion Passed.
Vestments for Priests – This is our duty. Motion to purchase a “pretty”/more ceremonial white vestment for our parish that
priest may use for baptisms, weddings and funerals- Motion by Viola Hoelting. 2nd Shirley Langley. Motion Passed.
Announcements: April 21st – Easter April 28th – Spring Festival May 5th – 1st Communion
May 12th – Mother’s Day— Sell Roses for birthright this weekend Funeral Dinner – Circle 2