B. Financial Structure Analysis: I. Asset Structure Analysis
B. Financial Structure Analysis: I. Asset Structure Analysis
B. Financial Structure Analysis: I. Asset Structure Analysis
But, the data of 2016 by 19,95 percent and the data of 2017 by 26,22 percent. An
increase can be seen in proportion of cash & cash equivalents is good liquidity to
ensure the business activities. This cash reserve is quite high to not use exceed cash
to investment which lose opportunities to earn profit in the future.
2. Proportion of financial investment:
In the period of 3 year, the proportion of financial investments are not change and
rise slightly in 2017 (nearly 3%). The proportion of short-term financial investments
are high level to show association between SCD company with other banks. SCD
company have many opportunities to earn profit from bank deposit.
Proportion of short-term financial investments in 2015 is triple compared to
proportion of short-term financial investments in 2017. An decrease can be seen in
bank deposit because in 2016 and 2017 proportion of recelvables is rise so
proportion of short-term financial investments is decrease to help for business
3. Proportion of account receivable - short-term :
In the period of 3 year, the proportion of short-term receivables is high over 20
percent. This data show that capital sources of SCD company is occupied in the
short-term by others.If these receivables are recovered early, they will add a large
amount of capital for the business operation. The company need not to borrow from
- Distribution methods are almost wholesale which account for a large proportion of
receivables (over 50% of total receivables). For example, in 2017, Hieu Huy
services trading company limited (36%), Khue Minh trading company
limited(14%),Quoc Thang company limited (10%)
-Customer’s liquidity is bad. For examples, Hieu Huy Company’ receivables rise
from 2015(only 6%) to 2017 (at 36%)
Morover, SCD company does not long term receivables.
4. Proportion of inventories:
Proportion of inventories is medium nearly 5 percent between 2015 and 2016. SCD
company is the drinks industry that material is not seasonality in business. Therefor,
GROUP 2. 42K18.3.CLC 3
material and finish goods need not reserve overmuch. Purpose is reduce warehouse
cost and maintenance cost so rising to use effective captital sources. In addtion, the
amount of allowance for decline in inventories is decrease.
In 2017, proportion of inventories in 2017 is double compared to the previous two
year. Because finish good of SCD company reduce consumption when the amount
of revenue decrease by 92,519 (million VNĐ).
5. Proportion of fixed assets:
Proportion of fixed assets are medium because of the drink industry focus on
produce beverages. Therefor, Buying machinery and equipment is medium level.
This proportion help company can easily withdraw from the drinks industry.
Proportion of fixed assets in 2015 is triple compared to the next 2 year. Because in
2015 SCD company buy machinery nearly 2 billion so proportion of fixed assets is
rise. Morover, in 2016, SCD company is assets liquidation and also depreciation of
fixed assets for new machinery so proportion of fixed assets is decrease.
6. Porportion of investments property:
In 2015, SCD company is not investments property. But, from 2016 to 2017, The
company have porportion of investments property nearly 8-10% to bring profit in
the future
7. Proportion of other current assets & non-current assets, Porportion of long
term work in progress:
Proportion of other non-current assets, proportion of other current assets and
porportion of long term work in progress are low so less affect for business
II. Source of fund analysis:
Debt ratio
29.87% 27.80% 22.64%
(6) = (1)/(5)*100%
Self-fund ratio
70.13% 72.20% 77.36%
(7) = (2)/(5)*100%
Debt/owner's equity ratio
42.60% 38.50% 29.27%
(8) = (1)/(2)*100%
Short-term resources ratio
29.66% 27.59% 22.34%
(9) = (3)/(5)*100%
Long-term resources ratio
70.34% 72.41% 77.66%
(10) = (4)/(5)*100%
Owner’ equity/ Long-term
resources ratio 99.69% 99.71% 99.61%
(11) = (2)/(4)*100%
2015 2016 2017
Long- Term Liabilities (1) 620,000,000 620,000,000 720,000,000
Owner’s Equity (2) 200,620,982,332 212,714,948,505 185,671,213,280
Long- Term Asset (3) 60,769,552,904 52,098,852,626 47,734,270,417
Long- Term resources
201.240.982.332 213.334.948.505 186.391.213.280
Net working capital
140,471,429,428 161,236,095,879 138,656,942,863
NWC/WC (6)=(4)/(3) 1,31 4,09 1,9
Short-term account
59,735,704,402 76,642,832,767 58,892,937,520
receivable (2)
Other current assets (3) 937,943,226 346,120,041 1,160,465,802
Short-term liabilities (4) 84,840,061,296 81,280,153,681 53,631,114,876
Net working capital
requirement (10,272,672,635) 11,235,328,683 31,502,188,762
(5) = (1) + (2) + (3) – (4)
Net working capital (6) 140,471,429,428 161,236,095,879 138,656,942,863
Net fund
150,744,102,063 150,000,767,196 107,154,754,101
(7) = (6) – (5)