Epfl TH7911 PDF
Epfl TH7911 PDF
Epfl TH7911 PDF
Since the early developments of structural concrete, designers have searched for
consistent and comprehensive methods for its design. One approach developed in this frame
was the stress field method, grounded on the theory of plasticity and allowing designers for an
enhanced freedom to arrange the reinforcement and deciding upon the main load-carrying
actions. Currently, other than tools suitable for design of new structures, the assessment of the
strength of existing structures is becoming a significant task to be performed by engineers. Such
assessment allows checking on the level of safety of existing structures and if they are suitable
for new or upgraded actions without the need of retrofitting them.
Within this frame, the thesis of Filip Niketić investigates on the application of stress
fields both for cases related to design and to assessment. The work presents first the conceptual
differences between design and assessment and possible approaches for both cases. Also, the
possibility of developing suitable stress fields in an automated manner valid both for design and
assessment purposes is discussed. This latter is approached by developing elastic-plastic stress
fields, which are justified to yield exact solutions according to limit analysis as, at failure, they
yield a licit stress field compatible with a licit failure mechanism. The research of Filip Niketić
on elastic-plastic stress fields is completed with a systematic comparison to test results, showing
excellent agreement, as well as a discussion on the safety format issues.
In addition, the thesis presents a detailed investigation on the strength of compression
fields developing in concrete accounting for the influence of transverse strains and its
interaction with the web reinforcement. This discussion, usually referred to as the strength
reduction factors or efficiency factors of concrete, is one of the basic inputs to calculate the
strength of stress fields. In the thesis, a new approach to the issue is presented, based on a
mechanical model describing the various potential failure modes. The results of this approach
are observed to be consistent to test observations and to explain the results of currently used
formulas with an empirical ground.
Grateful son
“Let the future tell the truth and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments.
The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine.”
Over the period of my PhD studies, I sheared my office with ten amazing people:
Stefano, Francesco (Donarini), Rinaldo, Hugo, Joël, Quentin, Simone, Carlos, Francesco
(Moccia), Luca and Francesco (Moccia again!). I would like to thank each and every one of
you for making my days at EPFL fun and my studies enjoyable. I am looking forward to joining
you on the “Wall of Fame”.
Special thanks goes to the officemate who managed to put up with me the longest:
Francesco Moccia. We spent a lot of great moment together, and I am lucky to have you as a
I would like to thank Fabio and his family (Riccardo, Claire and Sandro) for accepting
me from the very beginning, and making me feel at home in Switzerland. I am glad to have met
you, and I am looking forward to our future moments.
I am more than happy to know Marie-Rose, Qianhui, Angelica, Raluca, Sarah, Pia,
Maléna, Francisco, Frédéric, Dan, Jürgen, Darko, Michael, Patrick, Raffaele, Ioannis,
Francesco (Cavagnis), Ovidiu, (big) João, Shenghan, Alessandro, Hadi and many more
interesting, talented and fun people from EPFL. I will cherish the time we spent together for as
long as I live.
I would also like to thank my old friends Zoki, Ilija, Miloš, Luka, Vasja, Mile, Nemanja,
Dražen, Šeki, Paja, Buda, Knele, Isi and Urke for supporting me regardless of the physical
distance and the little time we spent together over the past four years.
To my family: Mira, Vasa, Vlada, Miša, Bane, Bojka, Buca, Stevan and Naca I say
thank you for giving me your love and attention, for nourishing and forming me as a person. I
love you all.
I am lucky to have a cousin who loves and supports me with all her hart. Ana you showed
me what it means to have a sister. I am glad that life brought us closer together.
Mici always had a special place in my heart, and the words cannot quantify the amount
of love and support she gave me from the very beginning. For this, I thank her greatly.
I could not ask for more loving and generous parents than Sneža and Žika. To you I owe
my life, my soul my everything. You have carried me swiftly through the darkest moments of
my life and have always made me feel safe and loved. Thank you for teaching me how to be
confident, persistent and strong.
Designing new concrete members and assessing the strength of existing elements
subjected to in-plane stress state conditions is often conducted by means of Stress Fields (SF)
and Strut-and-Tie Models (STM). These methods are usually accounting for identical load-
carrying mechanisms for design and assessment, even if the goals for these two tasks are not
the same. When designing new elements, the aim is to obtain solutions that are in equilibrium
with external actions, with simple reinforcement layouts while ensuring satisfactory behaviour
at serviceability limit state. When assessing the ultimate strength of existing elements, the goal
is to avoid an unnecessary strengthening and limit the amount of retrofitting. The required
complexity of assessment models depends on the strength requirements, and need to be
gradually refined if the results from current models prove to be insufficient. This refinement
process ultimately leads to increasingly more exact solutions that eventually correspond to the
largest possible strength according to the limit analysis.
This thesis presents various strategies which can be employed to develop SF and STM
suitable for the design and assessment of structural concrete members. The idea of a gradual
model refinement (both for design and assessment) is introduced through practical examples,
while potential challenges related to each solution are indicated and discussed.
Moreover, the accuracy and the generality of exact solutions obtained using Elastic-
Plastic Stress Fields (EPSF) are investigated. To do this, ultimate loads estimated with EPSF
are compared to test results found in the literature. To facilitate further studies by other
researchers, they are available online. The analysis of structural members with insufficient
anchorage and indirectly supported concrete elements with EPSF are presented and discussed.
Furthermore, this thesis focuses on a sensitivity analysis of the EPSF, to investigate the
stability of the results as a function the size, shape and orientation of the finite elements. The
influence of the number of iteration steps on the accuracy of EPSF models is evaluated, and
clear recommendations are provided.
Stress fields based on exact solutions of the theory of plasticity simulate the physical
behaviour of structural concrete members more accurately than current code provisions. On this
basis, a procedure for tailoring partial safety factors for steel and concrete is presented and
discussed. Reduced PSF could potentially be used when assessing the strength of existing
reinforced and prestressed concrete elements, which would (could?) lead to significant cost
reductions in the field of structural maintenance.
To better understand the mechanical origins of concrete compression softening
(important for an accurate application of stress fields), a mechanical model for estimating the
effective concrete compressive strength is developed and discussed. Concrete cover spalling,
concrete crushing and crack sliding are taken into account. Special attention is given to the
dowel action of the reinforcement and its effects on the surrounding concrete matrix. The model
is validated using experimental results found in literature. Finally, the pertinence of existing
semi-empirical approaches for determining the effective concrete compressive strength is
evaluated and discussed.
Le dimensionnement d’éléments en béton armé et l’évaluation de la résistance de
structures existantes soumises à un état de contrainte plan sont souvent effectués au moyen de
Champs de Contraintes (CC) et de Modèles de Bielles-et-Tirants (MBT). Ces méthodes
complémentaires sont typiquement utilisées en prenant en compte des mécanismes de transfert
de charge similaires, même si les objectifs principaux du dimensionnement et de l’évaluation
soient fondamentalement différents. Dans le cadre du dimensionnement de nouveaux éléments,
le but est d’obtenir des solutions qui sont en équilibre avec les actions extérieures, ce qui permet
d’obtenir des schémas d’armature simples, tout en garantissant un comportement satisfaisant à
l’état limite de service. Dans le cadre de l’évaluation de la résistance d’un ouvrage existant, le
but est d’éviter tout renforcement inutile. La complexité requise pour les modèles d’évaluation
dépend donc des exigences de résistance de la structure et doit être progressivement raffinée si
les résultats s’avèrent insuffisants. Cette procédure itérative conduit finalement à la solution
exacte selon la théorie de la plasticité, qui est associée à la résistance la plus grande.
Cette thèse présente plusieurs stratégies qui peuvent être employées pour développer
des CC et MBT appropriés tant pour le dimensionnement que pour l’évaluation d’éléments
structuraux en béton armé. Un raffinement graduel de ces modèles est proposé au travers
d’exemples pratiques et les enjeux associés à chacune de ces solutions sont discutés.
Des investigations supplémentaires permettent d’appréhender la précision et
l’applicabilité des solutions exactes obtenues par la méthode des Champs de Contraintes
Élastiques-Plastiques (CCEP). Ceci a été réalisé au travers de comparaisons entre les valeurs
de charges ultimes estimées par cette méthode et celles provenant de la littérature spécifique.
Pour faciliter l’approfondissement de cette étude par d’autres chercheurs, les résultats sont
disponibles en ligne. L’analyse par CCEP traite des éléments structuraux avec ancrage
insuffisants, des éléments à supports indirects ainsi que des éléments précontraints.
Cette thèse présente également une analyse de la stabilité de la solution CCEP en
fonction de la taille, de la forme et de l’orientation des éléments finis utilisés. L’influence du
nombre d’itérations sur la précision des modèles CCEP est évaluée et des recommandations
particulières sont données.
Les champs de contraintes basés sur les solutions exactes de la théorie de la plasticité
simulent le comportement structurel d’éléments en béton armé de manière plus précise que les
normes actuelles. Cela pourrait permettre d’adapter les facteurs partiels de sécurité pour l’acier
et le béton. Une réduction de ces derniers peut être envisagée dans le cadre de l’évaluation
d’ouvrages existants en béton armé ou précontraint, ce qui peut conduire à une réduction
significative des coûts associés à la réparation dans le domaine des structures et ouvrages d’art.
Pour mieux comprendre l’origine des mécanismes liés au comportement adoucissant du
béton en compression (primordial pour une application optimale des champs de contraintes),
un modèle mécanique a été développé pour estimer la résistance effective du béton à la
compression. L’éclatement du béton d’enrobage, l’écrasement du béton et le glissement dans
les fissures sont pris en compte. Une attention particulière est donnée à l’effet goujon de
l’armature et ses effets sur la matrice de béton avoisinante. Le modèle est validé par des résultats
expérimentaux provenant de la littérature spécifique. Finalement, la pertinence des approches
semi-empiriques actuelles est évaluée vis-à-vis de la réduction de la résistance à la compression
provoquée par la présence de déformations transversales.
Häufig werden Spannungsfelder und Fachwerkmodelle für die Bemessung und Prüfung
von neuen bzw. bestehenden Stahlbetonbauteilen verwendet. Üblicherweise berücksichtigen
diese Methoden bei der Bemessung neuer und dem Tragwiderstandsnachweis bestehender
Bauwerke dieselben Widerstandsmechanismen, obwohl die verfolgten Ziele unterschiedlich
sind. Bei der Bemessung von neuen Elementen möchte man eine sich mit den äusseren
Belastungen im Gleichgewicht befindende Lösung ermitteln, welche zu einer einfachen
Bewehrung führt und ein gutes Verhalten am Grenzzustand der Gebrauchstauglichkeit
vorweist. Beim Tragsicherheitsnachweis bestehender Bauwerke möchte man hingegen nicht
erforderliche Verstärkungsmassnahmen vermeiden und die Instandsetzungsarbeiten so gering
wie möglich halten. Hierfür müssen, abhängig von der erforderlichen Widerstandsfähigkeit,
unterschiedlich komplexe Modelle verwendet werden: sollten die Ergebnisse von einem Modell
keine ausreichenden Lastreserven vorweisen, dann muss dieses Modell schrittweise verfeinert
werden. Der Verfeinerungsprozess führt zu fortschreitend genaueren Ergebnissen, welche
letztlich dem Widerstandswert gemäss der Grenzwertanalyse entsprechen.
Diese Arbeit beschreibt verschiedene Strategien, die für die Erstellung von
Spannungsfelder und Fachwerkmodellen für den Entwurf und die Bewertung der Tragfähigkeit
von Stahlbetonbauteilen verwendet werden können. Das Prinzip der schrittweisen Verfeinerung
wird anhand praktischer Beispiele erläutert. Für jede Strategie werden möglicherweise
auftretende Schwierigkeiten und Probleme beschrieben und diskutiert.
Die Anwendbarkeit von Elastisch-Plastischen Spannungsfeldern (EPSF) sowie die
Genauigkeit der hiermit gefundenen Lösungen werden untersucht. Die ermittelten Grenzlasten
werden mit Versuchsergebnissen aus der Literatur verglichen. Um zukünftige Studien zu
erleichtern sind alle durchgeführten Simulationen online verfügbar. Die Analyse von
Stahlbetonträgern mit unzureichender Bewehrungsverankerung wurde ebenfalls durchgeführt
und diskutiert.
Die vorliegende Arbeit beinhaltet desweiteren eine Sensibilitätsstudie der EPSF, welche
die Auswirkung von Grösse, Form und Orientierung der finiten Elemente auf die Ergebnisse
untersucht. Auch der Einfluss der Anzahl der Iterationsschritte wird diskutiert, sodass klare
Empfehlungen formuliert werden können.
Spannungsfelder, welche auf den exakten Lösungen der Plastizitätstheorie basieren,
simulieren das physische Verhalten von Stahlbetonbauteilen genauer als derzeitige Norm-
vorgaben. Darauf aufbauend wird ein Verfahren zur Ermittlung der Teilsicherheitskoeffiziente
für Beton und Bewehrungsstahl präsentiert und diskutiert. Tiefere Teilsicherheitskoeffiziente
könnten für die Auswertung von bestehenden Stahlbeton- und Spannbetonbauteile verwendet
werden, was zu bedeutend niedrigeren Kosten für die Instandsetzung und Instandhaltung von
Bauwerken führen kann.
Um die mechanische Ursache der Druckfestigkeitsabnahme im Nachbruchbereich
besser zu verstehen, wurde ein mechanisches Modell für die Schätzung der wirksamen
Betondruckfestigkeit entwickelt. Dieses ist für die Anwendung der Spannungsfelder
ausschlaggebend. Das Abplatzen der Betondeckung, der Betondruckbruch, sowie das Gleiten
von Rissen werden hierbei berücksichtigt. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit wird der Dübelwirkung
der Bewehrung geschenkt, sowie dessen Einfluss auf die umliegende Betonmatrix. Das Modell
wird anhand von Versuchsergebnissen aus der Literatur validiert. Schliesslich wird die Validität
existierender semi-empirischer Ansätze zur Ermittlung der wirksamen Betondruckfestigkeit
gewertet und diskutiert.
La progettazione di nuove strutture e la stima della resistenza ultima per strutture
esistenti soggette ad uno stato di sforzi membranali sono spesso condotte mediante
modellazioni che utilizzano campi di tensione o sistemi puntone-tirante. Questi metodi sono
spesso utilizzati sia per il dimensionamento che per la verifica ipotizzando legami costituitivi e
meccanismi di trasmissione sostanzialmente simili malgrado gli scopi possano essere differenti.
Nel caso del dimensionamento di nuove strutture, l’obbiettivo del calcolo è l’ottenimento di
soluzioni che siano in equilibrio con le forze esterne, con disposizioni semplici delle armature
e assicurando allo stesso tempo un comportamento soddisfacente allo Stato Limite di Esercizio.
Nel caso della verifica della resistenza ultima di strutture esistenti, lo scopo è, invece, evitare
rinforzi strutturali non necessari.
La complessità richiesta nei modelli di verifica dipende dai requisiti di resistenza, e
necessita di un raffinamento graduale se i risultati ottenuti coi modelli attuali forniscono risultati
insufficienti. Questo processo di raffinamento porta a soluzioni sempre piu’ esatte che
corrispondono, infine, alla massima resistenza ammissibile calcolata aitraverso l’analisi limite.
Questa tesi presenta varie strategie che posso essere adottate in caso di modellizzazioni
di campi di tensione e modelli puntone-tirante nel caso di dimensionamento e verifica di
strutture in calcestruzzo armato. L’idea di un graduale raffinamento del modello (sia per il
dimensionamento che per la verifica) verrà introdotta mediante esempi pratici. Allo stesso
tempo, potenziali raffinamenti legati ad ogni soluzione saranno elencati e discussi.
Saranno inoltre investigate l’accuratezza e la generalità di soluzioni esatte ottenute con
Campi di Tensione Elasto-Plastici (CTEP). A tal fine, i carichi di rottura ottenuti mediante tali
campi saranno confrontati con risultati sperimentali presi dalla letteratura. Al fine di facilitare
futuri studi, tali risultati sono stati inseriti in un database disponibile online. Saranno presentati
e discussi, inoltre, analisi mediante CTEP di elementi strutturali con ancoraggi insufficienti o
indirettamente appoggiati.
Questa tesi si focalizza, anche, su analisi di sensitività dei campi di tensione elasto –
plastici, al fine di investigare la stabilità dei risultati in funzione della taglia, forma e
dell’orientamento degli elementi finiti. Infine, sarà analizzata l’influenza del numero di
incrementi di carico e chiare raccomandazioni saranno fornite a riguardo.
Campi di tensione basati su soluzioni esatte della teoria della plasticità simulano il
comportamento fisico di elementi strutturali in calcestruzzo in maniera piu’ accurata che gli
attuali codici. Per tale motivo, una procedura di calibrazione dei fattori parziali di sicurezza per
il calcestruzzo e l’acciaio sará presentata e discussa. I fattori di sicurezza parziali ridotti possono
essere utilizzati nel caso di verifica della resistenza di strutture esistenti o in elementi strutturali
precompressi. Tali riduzioni potrebbero portare, a significativi abbassamenti dei costi nel
campo della manutenzione strutturale.
Al fine di comprendere al meglio gli aspetti constituivi legati al comportamento di
softening del calcestruzzo in compressione (importante per l’applicazione dei campi tensionali),
un modello meccanico per la stima della resistenza effettiva a compressione del calcestruzzo
sarà sviluppato e trattato in dettaglio. Lo “spalling” del copriferro, lo schiacciamento del
calcestruzzo per elevati sforzi di compressione e lo scorrimento della fessura saranno presi in
Un’attenzione speciale sarà data al contributo dell’effetto spinotto prodotto dalle
armature e ai suoi effetti sulla matrice di calcestruzzo circostante. Il modello sarà validato
mediante risultati sperimentali presenti in letteratura. Infine, sarà valutata la pertinenza degli
approcci semi-empirici esistenti per tenere conto della riduzione della resistenza a
compressione per softening, in presenza di deformazioni trasversali.
Пројектoвање нових и процена носивости постојећих елемената у равном стању
напона, често се врши коришћењем модела Притиснутих и Затегнутих Штапова (ПЗШ),
односно развојем Поља Напона (ПН) читавог носача. Иако коначни циљ самог процеса
пројектовања и процене стања није идентичан, обе методе (ПЗШ и ПН) се често
употребљавају на исти начин током обављања ових принципијeлно другачијих задатака.
Када говоримо о пројектовању нових конструкција, задовољавајуће решење произилази
из модела који је у равнотежи са нанетим оптерећењем и уједно даје једноставне планове
арматуре који гарантују задовољавајуће понашање елемената у граничном стању
употребљивости. Током процене носивости, модели имају за циљ да избегну непотребна
ојачавања постојећих објеката или смање обим неопходних интервенција. Комплексност
ових модела зависи од захтеваног нивоа носивости. Почевши од једноставних решења,
комплексност модела треба постепено повећавати све док се гарантована отпорност не
нађе изнад захтеване. Ово усложњавање је могуће све до достизања егзактног решења,
које по принципима теорије пластичности даје максималну теоретску носивост једног
У оквиру ове тезе представљени су различити процеси развоја ПН као и модела
ПЗШ оптималних за пројектовање нових или процену отпорности постојећих елемената.
Идеја постепеног усложњавања модела је показана кроз практичне примере. Уједно,
потенцијални проблеми који могу настати као последица неправилног моделирања су
назначени и објашњени.
Применљивост и прецизност егзактних решења која су добијена применом методе
Еласто-Пластичних Поља Напона (ЕППН) је истражена кроз поређење процењених и
експериментално измерених вредности лома носећих елемената. Како би се обезбедила
апсолутна транспарентност представљеног истраживања и уједно олакшао будући рад у
овом домену, сви модели су доступни онлајн. Посебна пажња посвећена је елементима
са неадекватно анкерисаном арматуром и индиректним ослонцима.
У циљу анализе стабилности решења добијених применом ЕППН (која су
заснована на Методи Коначних Елемената - МКЕ), одређени носачи су моделирани
помоћу КЕ различите величине, облика и орјентације. Утицај броја итерација на
прецизност коначног решења је испитана и препоруке за практичну примену ЕППН су
јасно назначене.
Чињеница да еласто-пластична поља напона приказују расподелу унутрашњих
сила далеко прецизније од препорука актуелних правилника за бетонске конструкције,
Table of content
Foreword i
Acknowledgements vii
Abstract ix
Résumé xi
Zusammenfassung xiii
Riassunto xv
Сиже xviii
Notation xxiii
Upper Latin characters xxiii
Lower Latin characters xxiii
Upper Greek characters xxiv
Lower Greek characters xxiv
Subscript xxv
Upper Latin characters xxv
Lower Latin characters xxv
Greek characters xxvi
Numbers xxvi
Acronyms xxvi
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Aims of the research 3
1.2 Structure of the thesis 4
1.3 Scientific contributions of the thesis 5
Chapter 2: Strut-and-tie models and stress fields as tools for design and assessment of
structural concrete members 7
2.1 Introduction 7
2.2 State of the art on strut-and-tie models and stress fields 13
2.3 Suitable approaches for designing new structural elements with stress fields 26
2.3.1 Design models inspired by the existing cases 26
Table of content
Table of content
4.2.3 Concrete strength accounting for the presence of initial cracks and rebars 111 Strength of the damaged struts 113 Strength of the undamaged struts 117
4.2.4 Parameters governing the compressive strength of concrete 118
4.3 Numerical solving procedure for the proposed compression softening model 120
4.3.1 Cracking of the panel 120
4.3.2 Onset of yielding or early concrete crushing 120
4.3.3 Failure of the panel 123
4.4 Experimental validation and comparison to available methods 124
Chapter 5: Conclusions and future research 131
5.1 Conclusions 131
5.1.1 Regarding the application of STM and SF as tools for design and assessment 131
5.1.2 Regarding the advanced modeling of structural concrete with EPSF method 133
5.1.3 Regarding the effectiveness factor for concrete compressive strength 134
5.2 Future research 135
References 137
Curriculum vitae
Following notation is used in this thesis:
of an analysed panel
n’ : number of damaged struts in a critical section of analysed panel
q : applied distributed load; relative amount
s : spacing between two consecutive cracks; spacing between two neighbouring
u : displacement in horizontal direction
v : displacement in vertical direction
w : crack width
Greek characters
ε : accounting for induced transverse strains
τ : accounts for the presence of the initial cracks in concrete
0 : reference value; refers to concrete compressive strength
1 : direction of the principal tensile strains (stresses)
3 : direction of the principal compressive strains (stresses)
ACI : American Concrete Institute
CoV : Coefficient of Variation
EC : Euro Code
EPSF : Elastic-Plastic Stress Field
CCEP : Champs de Contraintes Élastiques-Plastiques
CTEP : Campi di Tensione Elasto-Plastici
ЕППН : Еласто-Пластичнa Поља Напона
FE : Finite Element
GSP : Global Safety Format
LoA : Level of Approximation
MC : Model Code
MCFT : Modified Compression Field Theory
PSF : Partial Safety Format
RC : Reinforced Concrete
RPSF : Rigid-Plastic Stress Field
SF : Stress Field
SLS : Serviceability Limit State
std : Standard deviation
STM : Strut-and-Tie Model
ULS : Ultimate Limit State
Chapter 1: Introduction
Application of reinforced and prestressed concrete in civil engineering has been
steadily increasing over the past century, ever since Hennebique [101] patented a
manufacturing process for ribbed reinforced concrete slabs, and used it in practice by the late
nineteenth century. Purely intuitive structural concrete analysis gradually evolved into
mechanically based models by the end of the fifties, when the development of exact solutions
according to the theory of plasticity took place. The increased demands for the residential,
infrastructural and industrial facilities caused by the global urbanization popularized the
application of concrete as reliable and accessible building material.
The end of the twentieth century marked the end of the designed life span for many
concrete structures, which now required assessment to reinsure safety of further usage.
Retrofitting the existing objects became a frequent engineering task, since the available
construction space was decreasing and the idea of sustainable building gained on importance.
At the same time, the general knowledge on mechanical behaviour of reinforced and
prestressed concrete members increased and the current codes of practice have been updated.
Compared to their previous versions, more conservative criteria for acceptable structural
behaviour have sometimes been imposed, which resulted in structural strengthening.
However, the fact that the design models usually govern conservative results compared to
reality (some load-carrying mechanisms are neglected), means that the strengthening can
often be avoided by increasing the accuracy of the applied methods.
Limit analysis provides a consistent frame suitable for the design and the assessment
of structural concrete members. Lower-bound theorem can be used to develop models that
give safe estimates of element’s strength, and as such they can be used for the structural
design. On the other hand, upper-bound theorem governs unsafe results by definition.
Nevertheless, in combination with the lower-bound theorem it can be used to obtain the exact
solution which, according to the theory of plasticity, gives the highest possible strength of an
analysed element and is therefore suitable for structural assessment.
This thesis focuses on the differences between the models that can be used when
designing new structural concrete members subjected to plane stress state and assessing the
strength of existing ones. It aims to show that the difference in principal goals (design or
assessment) dictates the form and accuracy of the final solution. Various procedures for
designing and assessing the strength of structural concrete members are presented and
discussed, using a deep beam with an opening as an example (originally introduced by
Schlaich et al. [107]).
Chapter 1: Introduction
Special attention is given to the Elastic-Plastic Stress Field (EPSF) approach, which
automatically accounts for all potential load-carrying mechanisms at ultimate limit state, thus
giving an exact solution according to the limit analysis. Results obtained using the EPSF are
compared to experimentally-measured values found in the literature in order to prove its
accuracy and generality. Based on this, a database containing 315 reinforced and prestressed
concrete members is created and placed online.
Robustness of the EPSF method has been evaluated by conducting a detailed
sensitivity analysis. Influence of finite element size, shape and orientation on the convergence
of EPSF are estimated and discussed.
Additional focus is placed on the development of EPSF suitable for investigating
members with insufficient anchorage length and elements with indirect supports (which is
particularly useful when analysing bridge diaphragms). In order to profit from increased
accuracy of the EPSF models, a procedure for tailoring partial safety format is presented and
If the strength of an element is governed by the concrete, accuracy of the exact
solution depends on the pertinence of the approach used to estimate the effective concrete
compressive strength. This has been observed in the late seventies, and since then various
semi-empirical softening equations have been proposed by different authors (Vecchio and
Collins [120], Hsu [47], Pang [94], Kaufmann [52, 53], Muttoni [82, 89], Hars [41], etc.).
However, none of the existing models take directly into account the influence of the different
failure modes (crushing of the struts, spalling of the concrete cover and sliding of the struts
along the weakest planes). In order to overcome this, a mechanically based procedure for
estimating the effective concrete compressive strength has been developed and presented. The
model showed satisfactory results when compared to experimentally measured values.
Finally, the results of the presented mechanical approach were used to justify the accuracy
and the consistency of the existing semi-empirical approaches.
1.1 Aims of the research
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.2 Structure of the thesis
Chapter 2: Strut-and-tie models and stress
fields as tools for design and
assessment of structural concrete
The work presented in the following chapter is based on a technical paper titled
“Design versus Assessment of Concrete Structures Using Stress Fields and Strut-and-Tie
Models”, written by Aurelio Muttoni, Miguel Fernández Ruiz, and Filip Niketić. The article
was published in ACI Structural Journal, volume 112, number 5 as a part of the September -
October 2015 issue of the paper.
The contributions of Filip Niketić to creation of this publication involved:
1. Developing the examples of stress fields and strut-and-tie models suitable for
designing a deep beam with an opening;
2. Developing the examples of stress fields and strut-and-tie models suitable for
assessing the ultimate strength of a deep beam with an opening;
3. Validating the generality and accuracy of the EPSF method by assembling a
database containing 150 structural elements (the database was later extended to
a total of 315 structural elements presented in this thesis);
4. Making a web page which contains the basic geometrical and mechanical
properties of analysed elements, as well as the corresponding EPSF models
which can be downloaded and recalculated in ICONC
2.1 Introduction
Structural analysis of concrete elements in modern civil engineering is widely done
using Stress Fields (SF) and Strut-and-Tie Models (STM). These approaches have been
incorporated in most codes of practice in the last decades. Given a fact that up to recently the
demand for assessing the ultimate strength of existing structural concrete members was
relatively low, means that most of the code recommendations were mainly directed towards
the design. However, this trend is gradually changing as retrofitting of the existing structures
becomes more and more common due to:
1. Limited space for conceiving new structures in heavily populated areas;
Chapter 2: Strut-and-tie models and stress fields as tools for design and assessment
(a) σc V
Fan region bw·z·sinθ·cosθ
σc z
c M
V/sinθ V
M z
θ’ θ θ
cotθ’ c cotθ
2z 2
Figure 2.1: (a) Stress field of a simple beam; (b) corresponding strut-and-tie model
Stress field and strut-and-tie methods share many analogies. They are complimentary
tools which should be used in parallel weather designing new or assessing the strength of
existing structures. Stress field method [34] allows determining a licit stress state of a member
2.1 Introduction
subjected to external actions (as presented in Fig.2.1a). Combining the internal forces with
the geometrical properties of the cross-section, allows one to determine the direction (θ) and
the intensity (σc) of the principal compressive stresses in the concrete. Combining them with
the number, position, and diameter of the rebars on the other hand determines the stress state
inside the reinforcement. Strut-and-tie model corresponding to a specific stress field,
represents nothing else but its resultant (refer to Fig.2.1b). It is easier to find an equilibrium
between the applied actions and the internal forces in this manner, and to determine which
regions of the analysed element are subjected to tension or compression. The inclination of
the struts and ties and the intensity of the forces inside them can be determined through
integration of the stress field over areas indicated in Fig.2.1. This becomes more obvious
when comparing the inclination of the strut which is closest to the support to the inclination of
the other struts in the beam. As it can be seen θ’ is not parallel to θ, since it corresponds to the
resultant of the fan region, and not the compressive field with constant inclination.
When searching for an optimal solution for design and assessment, the final goal is
formally the same: reduce the cost while ensuring a satisfactory structural behaviour. With
this in mind, the appropriate SF and STM for structural design leads towards the solutions that
minimize the amount of necessary material (both steel and concrete), and are easy to develop
and build (requiring little time and labour force). The two goals do not necessary have the
same direction, and sometimes more material is required for achieving simpler reinforcement
layouts. This means that the optimal solution for design will always depend on the current
market. The optimization process of the models used for strength assessment on the other
hand is more straightforward, since the cost are always reduced by minimizing or possibly
avoiding any structural strengthening. However, this does not mean that the model which
accounts for all potential load-carrying mechanisms of an element is the appropriate solution.
It is rather the simplest one which proves that the structure has sufficient resistance with
respect to the required design loads. Only in case a model does not provide sufficient
structural safety, it should be changed to account for the additional load-carrying mechanisms.
According to the limit analysis, this process can be repeated until exact solution has been
obtained. Only if the exact solution shows insufficient resistance compared to the design
loads, the structure should be strengthened accordingly.
This concept of gradual model refinement is known as the Levels-of-Approximation
(LoA) approach and was introduced in MC 2010 [34] by Muttoni et Fernández-Ruiz [85,86].
As presented in Fig.2.2a the lower LoA models take less time to develop but are more
conservative compared to the actual element resistance. As the LoA increases, so does the
models computational time and accuracy.
Fig.2.2b gives an example of the correct application of the LoA approach, by
calculating the shear resistance of a rectangular cross section according to section of
MC 2010 [34]. Assuming that this is an existing element whose required resistance (Vreq) is
indicated in the graph using a dashed line (see Fig.2.2b), the modelling process should start
using the simplest solution – the 1st LoA where the minimal SF inclination is limited to 30°
and the concrete compressive strength effectiveness factor is 0.55. As presented it Fig.2.2b,
the obtained resistance does not satisfy the imposed requirements, which means that the 2nd
Chapter 2: Strut-and-tie models and stress fields as tools for design and assessment
LoA model should be applied. According to MC 2010 [34], this implies more accurate
estimation of the minimal SF inclination angle as well as a re-evaluation of the concrete
compressive strength effectiveness factor. As presented in Fig.2.2b, the necessary
requirements have now been met, which means that there is no need to develop models of the
3rd and the 4th LoA.
V/Vreq [-]
Figure 2.2: Levels-of-Approximation (LoA) approach: (a) accuracy of a model in function of the
time necessary for it’s development; (b) shear strength of a given cross-section
estimated with two LoA according to MC 2010 [34]
Stress field and strut-and-tie methods are in agreement with limit analysis and provide
a consistent frame for the design and assessment of structural concrete. Since both methods
respect the yield condition at all points and are in equilibrium with applied loads, SF and
STM can be treated as lower-bound solutions. Drucker [27], described the application of the
lower-bound theorem to structural concrete in the following manner: “If an equilibrium
distribution of stress can be found in the concrete and the steel which is nowhere tensile in the
concrete and is everywhere at or below yield, the structure will not collapse or will just be at
the point of collapse”. It can therefore be seen that if a model respects the lower-bound
theorem of the limit analysis, the estimated strength of the corresponding element will be
conservative, and the members will have sufficient ductility. In other words, SF and STM
based on the lower bound theorem are suitable tools for the design of structural concrete.
A few examples of the lower-bound solutions are presented in Fig.2.3 b to d, where
stress fields (given in a form of moment diagrams) are developed for a double clamped beam
subjected to uniformly distributed load. Each of the models is in equilibrium with the applied
loads (refer to M-diagrams presented in red) and the ultimate strength of concrete and steel is
never exceeded along the beam (MR-diagrams always surpass the M-diagrams), which makes
them licit lower-bound solutions. SF which show a positive behaviour at SLS while assuring
sufficient safety at ULS should be selected when designing a structural concrete member (as
described by Muttoni et al. [89]). Given a fact that placing reinforcement only in the upper
part of the beam’s cross-section (see Fig.2.3b) or only in its lower part (see Fig.2.3c) leads to
unacceptably wide cracks in the middle of the beam or close to the supports, means that the
solution presented in Fig.2.3d is the most acceptable one (shows the best performance at
SLS). Whether it is an optimal solution or not depends on the amount of applied material,
simplicity of the final reinforcement layout, and the amount of robustness required from the
newly designed structure. Given a fact that in Fig.2.3d MR-diagram never touches the M-
2.1 Introduction
diagram, indicates that there is some margin for the reduction of applied materials. Whether
this reduction is necessary to make or not is a question that should be answered by the
responsible designer.
(a) q
(b) MR
q·l M
(c) M
(d) MR
q·l2 M
Figure 2.3: Lower-bound solutions (suitable for design): (a) Geometry and loading properties of a
double clamped beam; (b) to (d) moment diagrams and corresponding deformed shapes
resulting from reinforcement being placed:(b) on the top of the beam;(c) at the bottom
of the beam;(d) both on the top and at the bottom of the beam
Limit analysis has also an upper bound theorem which can be used to calculate the
strength of the existing structural concrete elements. According to Drucker [27]: “The
structure will collapse if there is any compatible pattern of plastic deformation for which the
rate of work of the external loads exceeds the rate of internal dissipation”. Once more, there
are multiple solutions which can satisfy the upper-bound theorem and they are non-
conservative by definition. Referring to the double clamped beam from Fig.2.4a, two
mechanisms (amongst infinite number of solutions) presented in Fig.2.4d and c can be
assumed to determine an upper bound of its strength. Both are kinematically admissible and
correspond to SF which is in equilibrium with the applied loads (refer to M1 and M2-
diagrams). However, estimated resistances of the same element using these two deferent
mechanisms are not equal. The solution presented in Fig.2.4b governs higher ultimate loads
compared to the one from Fig.2.4c. In addition to this SF from Fig.2.4b violates the yield
condition in the middle of the beam. Therefore, such mechanism cannot be accepted as a licit
solution and is therefore disregarded. On the other hand, the mechanism of Fig.2.4c fully
respects the yield condition along the beam yet allows the development of the assumed
kinematics. In addition to this it is in equilibrium with applied loads, which means that it
respects both lower and upper-bound theorems of the limit analysis. Such solution is called
the exact solution. According to the limit analysis, it is considered to be the best potential SF
which can develop in an existing structure, since it provides the largest strength of all
potential safe (lower bound) solutions. When assessing the strength of an existing element,
exact solutions present the most refined (highest LoA) models, which minimize the cost of
Chapter 2: Strut-and-tie models and stress fields as tools for design and assessment
Mechanisms ULS
MR qult,1·l2 M1
MR qult,2·l2 M2
Figure 2.4: Lower-bound solutions (suitable for the ultimate strength assessment) (a) Geometry
properties and the reinforcement layout of a double clamped beam (b) and (c) assumed
mechanisms and corresponing moment diagrams resulting from a: (b) four-hinge
mechanism; (c) three-hinge mechanism
It can be concluded that the lower-bound solutions are suitable for design of structural
concrete members, but can also be used as tools for safe assessment of the strength of existing
structures. The upper-bound models on the other hand, generally lead towards unsafe
solutions, but they can be optimized in order to find an exact solution. Such solution can be
used as a powerful tool when estimating the strength of existing structural concrete element,
in which case it requires the analysis of the highest LoA. Exact solution can also be used for
designing, in case it is required to determine the minimal amount of building materials
necessary to support the applied loads. However, such level of accuracy is not necessarily
positive in designing, since it leaves little space to compensating for the unexpected actions
during the construction and over the lifetime of a structure.
This chapter will focus of presenting various strategies which can be used for
developing suitable stress fields and strut-and-tie models for design and assessment of
structural concrete members, through practical examples and references. The concepts are
explained from a general point of view even though structural design and strength assessment
are performed on elements subjected to in-plain loading. The accuracy of limit analysis is
finally compared to available test data showing the consistency of the approach and its
2.2 State of the art
Anchorage A Slab
A Stirrup
Figure 2.5: Reinforcement layout patented by Hennebique:(a) shape of the longitudinal rebars and
disposition of the transverse reinforcement; (b) correct placing the reinforcement in the
cross-section of the rib;(c) detail of the stirrup (adopted from [101])
Inspired by the patent of Hennebique, Ritter [101] introduced a simple approach for
designing structural concrete beams, presented in Fig.2.6.
(a) (b) q
Neutral axis Concrete
stress state
Strain state
Reinforcement stress state e
Figure 2.6: Design approach proposed by Ritter:(a) stress and strain state of an analysed cross-
section; (b) truss-model (adopted from [101])
Determining the necessary area of the longitudinal steel and concrete, was based on
sectional analysis presented in Fig.2.6a. After obtaining the position of the neutral axis, a
linear strain distribution across the section is assumed. This determines the strain state of
every fibre, and consequently its stress state. According to Ritter, concrete can take
compression stresses (following a nonlinear distribution) as well as the tensile stresses
(following a liner distribution). However, since the tensile strength of concrete is quite small
(approximately 1/10 of its compressive strength), it was proposed that the entire tensile force
acting across a section should be supported by the reinforcement.
In addition to this, Ritter introduced a truss model which should be used to calculate
the position and the amount of the stirrups in a beam (refer to Fig.2.6b). The model was based
on an observation that a reinforced concrete beam subjected to external loads develops cracks
which form at approximately 45°. This means that a truss-like mechanism is formed inside
Chapter 2: Strut-and-tie models and stress fields as tools for design and assessment
such an element, allowing the compressive forces that pass between the cracks to be taken by
the concrete, before being suspended by the vertical stirrups (which cross the cracks), until
finally reaching the supports. This implies that the principal direction of concrete struts is
parallel to the direction of the cracks (θ=45°), and that the vertical reinforcement should be
sufficient to take the applied shear force. According to the presented truss model,
recommended stirrup spacing (e in Fig.2.6c) is equal to the beam’s lever arm (z). Finally,
based on the equilibrium conditions, Ritter concluded that the optimal stirrup inclination is
45° (perpendicular to the compressed struts). However, since vertical reinforcement can be
disposed on a construction site with greater accuracy, 90° inclinations should be used in
(a) (b) Smeared truss
z 45°
l Q
Figure 2.7: (a) RC beam with vertical stirrups tested by Mörsch; (b) smeared truss model
Truss model of Ritter was later investigated and improved by Mörsch [80], who
conducted a large experimental campaign containing reinforced concrete beams with vertical
stirrups (refer to Fig. 2.7a), reinforced concrete beams with inclined rebars (refer to Fig. 2.8a
and c), and reinforced concrete beams with no transverse reinforcement (refer to Fig.2.9a).
(a) Q (b)
z 45° 2·z
(c) Q Q Q
(d) Smeared truss
z z
Figure 2.8: (a) RC beam with inclined rebars tested by Mörsch; (b) truss model of a beam with
inclined rebars;(c) RC beam with closely spaced inclined rebars tested by Mörsch;
(d) smeared truss model for beams with inclined rebars
The spacing of the transverse bars in the investigated elements was reduced compared
to recommendations given by Ritter [101]. Consequently, the compression field of the beam
was able to spread over the entire web of the element, leading to more efficient usage of the
concrete (as presented in Fig. 2.7b). The same conclusion was obtained after conducting a
similar experimental campaign involving beams with inclined rebars (notice the difference
between the two trusses in Fig. 2.8b and Fig. 2.8d).
Investigation of elements with no transfers reinforcement led to a conclusion that a
significant shear force can be transferred by a beam even though none of the truss load-
2.2 State of the art
carrying mechanisms presented in Fig. 2.7 and Fig. 2.8 can be formed. Mörsch explained this
by introducing a direct strut action (refer to Fig.2.9b), where shear force is carried through the
web by means of a single element in compression. Aside from the material properties of steel
and concrete, strength of such elements mainly depends on their slenderness (ratio between l
and z in Fig.2.9b, later investigated by Kani [50], followed by many others [84]).
Q (b) Q
Direct strut
l Q
Figure 2.9: (a) RC beam without transverse reinforcement tested by Mörsch; (b) direct strut action
Mörsch also combined the direct strut action with the smeared truss model, obtaining a
more realistic picture of the load-carrying mechanisms in a structural concrete beam (refer to
Fig.2.10a). All this finally gave birth to a new truss model (presented in Fig.2.10b). As it can
be seen, it implied a variable inclination of the struts as well as smaller inclination of the
compression field (θ<45°). Nevertheless, the truss of Mörsch was not used in practice at the
time, since he himself recommended that the inclination of the concrete struts should be equal
to 45° for the design purposes.
Q (b) Q
(a) Direct strut Smeared truss Variable inclination
z z θ
l Q l Q
Figure 2.10: Truss models of Mörsch with:(a) smeared struts and direct strut action;(b) variable
strut inclination
The practical application of variable stress fields with compressive strut direction
lower that 45° was not used until the sixties when Kupfer [64] reintroduced this idea in order
to reduce the material costs of newly designed reinforced concrete structures. He showed that
the reduction of the stress field inclination increases the number of stirrups which are actively
participating in caring shear force, thus allowing to reduce the total area of transverse
reinforcement. He also distinguished the fan region (presented in Fig.2.1a) from the region
having a constant stress field inclination in a reinforced concrete beam.
Truss models were later developed so that they could be used for analysing various
structural concrete elements (such as deep beams, members with openings or dapped-ends,
pile caps, bridge diaphragms etc.). Deriving a consistent approach for analysis of such
elements was initially led by Leonhardt and Walther [69] who conducted an experimental
campaign on reinforced concrete deep beams and intersecting elements. It was shown that
there is no need for a load-carrying model to be an actual truss (statically determinate or
indeterminate system). Instead funicular models which are in equilibrium with the applied
actions are also suitable for analysis or structural concrete elements (refer to Fig.2.11c). This
Chapter 2: Strut-and-tie models and stress fields as tools for design and assessment
discovery lead towards to the development of modern strut-and-tie models which are still used
today. The work of Leonhardt was later continued and generalized by Schlaich et al. [107],
who focused on defining methods which can be used for defining the suitable geometry of
STM. His approach was based on elastic uncracked stress field of a member (presented in
Fig.2.11b), which can be used to determine the location of the strut and the ties (the resultant
of compressive stresses corresponds to location of struts, and the resultant of tensile stresses
defines the geometry of the ties, as shown in Fig.2.11c).
Such approach was very convenient at that time since elastic uncracked internal forces
could be calculated using the photoelasticity or linear finite element method. Schlaich et al.
[107] also proposed a simplification when analysing a structure with STM. Instead of
developing a STM for an entire member, it is sufficient to analyse just the regions where
Bernoulli-Naviers hypothesis is not respected. The rest of the member can be easily calculated
using the beam theory. Hence, an element would be divided into Beam regions (B-regions)
and Discontinuity regions (D-regions), as presented Fig.2.11a, and a STM would only be
required to verify the detail close to the supports.
D - region Compression
B - region h h h
h h Tension Tie
Figure 2.11: Strut-and-tie models proposed by Schlaich et al.:(a) B-regions and D-regions of a deep
beam (adopted from Schlaich et al. [107]);(b) elastic uncracked stress field of a deep
beam;(c) corresponding strut-and-tie model of a deep beam
The stress fields originated from a completely different basis compared to STM. It
involved the direct application on the theory of plasticity based on a crude assumption that the
materials do not deform until they have reached the point of yielding (refer to adopted
constitutive laws in Fig.2.12a and b).
- fy -fce
Adopted -fc
Figure 2.12: Rigid-plastic constitutive laws: (a) actual and adopted stress-stain diagram for steel;
(b) actual and adopted stress-stain diagram for concrete
This assumption is acceptable in case a constitutive law shows significant deformation
capacity of the material once it reached its elastic limit, such is the case with steel (refer to
2.2 State of the art
actual stress-strain diagram from Fig.2.12a). The actual stress-stain diagram of concrete on
the other hand, does not show a similar behaviour (see Fig.2.12b). In order to insure sufficient
ductility of concrete, the actual compressive strength (fc) has to be reduced down to effective
compressive strength (fce) while the tensile strength of concrete has to be neglected (as can be
seen in Fig.2.12b). The reduction of the concrete strength was first introduced in Denmark
1969 [91], where it was argued that the lower bound solution of theory of plasticity can give
unconservative results in case unreduced concrete compressive strength is used. In 1979
Exner [30] gave the first theoretical bases for estimating the concrete compressive strength
effectiveness factor. Based on the test results involving RC beams with no transverse
reinforcement he introduced the following empirical expression:
3 .2
where fc represents the concrete compressive strength obtained from the standard cylinder
The effective concrete compressive strength was later investigated by many authors
(Muttoni [82, 89], Vecchio and Collins [120], Hsu [47], Pang [94], Kaufmann [52, 53], Hars
[41], etc.), as it will be presented in Chapter 4 of this thesis. However, in the beginning of the
20th century when the theory of plasticity was first applied on structural concrete the ductile
behaviour of elements was ensured by imposing steel yielding as the principal failure mode.
Even though the origins of the theory of plasticity can first be found in the works of
Ingerlsev [48] and Johansen [49], Gvozdev [40] was the first to consistently formulate the
concepts of the yield surface, upper- and lower-bound solutions as well as the flow rule (the
initial publication of Gvozdev was made in 1936 and was translated in English in 1960).
(a) (b) l
½l QR qR
½h ½h
¾h ¾h
h h
b·fc ½h b·fc ½h
External External
anchorage ½lqR anchorage
b·fc ½QR b·fc
Figure 2.13: Lower-bound stress field of a simple beam: (a) subjected to point load; (b) subjected to
distributed load (adopted from Drucker [27])
The theory of plasticity was later used by Drucker [27] to develop a stress field for a
simply supported beam subjected to a point load (refer to Fig.2.13a) and distributed loading
(refer to Fig.2.13b). Both models are in equilibrium with external action and are not
surpassing the strength of applied materials (steel and concrete), meaning that they are licit
lower-bound solutions. As indicated in Fig.2.13, light grey zones of the SF are subjected to
Chapter 2: Strut-and-tie models and stress fields as tools for design and assessment
uniaxial compression equal to concrete compressive strength (fc). This maximises the lever-
arm of a beam, and reduces the total amount of reinforcement. Due to the fact that the tensile
strength of concrete is neglected (as presented in Fig.2.12b), these zones have a constant
width. Dark grey regions are subjected to equal stresses in all directions (quasi-hydrostatic
stress state equal to fce), while the rest of the beam is stress free.
In addition to the lower-bound solution presented in Fig.2.13, Drucker also focused on
the upper-bound solutions using a simple beam subjected to a point load (refer to Fig.2.14).
Two potential mechanisms were assumed. One having completely rigid reinforcement and
failing due to the concrete crushing in the mid-span and next to the external anchorage plates
(as presented in Fig.2.14a), and the other assuming yielding of the reinforcement along with
the concrete crushing in the mid-section of the element (as indicated in Fig.2.14c).
l QR (b) ½QR
point ½h bfc
Crusing Crusing Crusing
½h bfc ½h
l QR (d) ½QR
point bfc
½h Asfy
½QR 2Δh/l ½QR ½QR
Figure 2.14: Upper-bound solution: (a) “mechanism 1” – assuming concrete crushing in the middle
of the beam and concrete crushing close to the supports; (b) free-body corresponding to
the “mechanism 1”; (c) “mechanism 2” – assuming concrete crushing and steel
yielding in the middle of the beam; (d) free-body corresponding to the “mechanism 2”
(adopted from Drucker [27])
Free-bodies corresponding to the mechanisms in Fig.2.14a and c are given on their
right (Fig.2.14b and d). After expressing all the necessary displacements of the two
mechanism as a function of Δ (see Fig.2.14b and d), the expression for internal and external
work can be written. Drucker then showed that both mechanisms governed the same ultimate
load (QR) which is identical to the one in equilibrium with the lower-bound stress field from
Fig.2.14a, thus obtaining the exact solution according to the theory of plasticity. Even though
ultimate loads derived from Druckers exact solution were sometimes unconservative
compared to experimentally obtained values (due to the fact that the concrete strength
effectiveness factor was not applied, as indicated in Fig.2.12b), he established a clear
theoretical bases which is still used today.
The stress fields were later developed particularly in Denmark and Switzerland. An
alternative approach for obtaining the exact solution using stress fields was proposed by
2.2 State of the art
Nielsen and Hoang [92]. A free body of a deep beam indicated in Fig.2.15a was divided into
triangles having a constant stress state (regions 1 to 3 in Fig.2.15b).
Figure 2.15: Stress field of a simply supported deep beam: (a) geometry and loading properties;
(b) stress field and border stresses inside the analysed free-body; (c) stress state of each
region represented with a Mohr’s circle (adopted from Nielsen et Hoang [92])
As it can be seen, the analysed disk (deep beam in this case) is assumed to have plastic
tensile strength, which can be determined using the degree of reinforcement (noted as Φ in
Fig.2.15b and c). In order to maximize the lever arm, point N in Fig.2.15b should be placed
high enough so that the border stress acting on the vertical surface of the area 3 is equal to fce.
Once the location of this point is determined, the geometry of all three triangles is known.
This can then be used to obtain the stress state of all the regions using the Mohr’s circle
(presented in Fig.2.15c). Point C represents the pole of circle 1 and point A the pole of circle
3. Lines A-B and B-C, which are parallel to the lines separating zones 2-3 and 1-2, are used to
determine the shear and normal stress acting along the borders between the zones (points D
and E in Fig.2.15c). Once all the points are determined Mohrs circles can be drawn, and the
ultimate load qR is obtained.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Wide crack
Figure 2.16: Developing a suitable stress field for a panel with an opening: (a) to (d) potential strut-
and-tie models at ULS and corresponding behaviour at SLS (adopted from Muttoni [89])
Some of the most significant works in the field of stress fields and strut-and-tie models
can be found in Thürlimann et al. [116], Müller [81], Marti [73] and Muttoni et al. [89] who
Chapter 2: Strut-and-tie models and stress fields as tools for design and assessment
gave clear recommendations for the design of reinforced and prestressed concrete elements
using SF method and STM, most of which can be found in codes of practice. A general
procedure for the development of SF for nonstandard structural concrete members (such as
elements with opening, dapped-ends or complex loading) was introduced by
Muttoni et al. [89] (see Fig.2.16).
The procedure takes into account the behaviour of a member at ULS (refer to the top
row in Fig.2.16) and in a qualitative manner at SLS (refer to bottom row in Fig.2.16). When
talking about the ULS, all the models indicated in Fig.2.16a to d seem suitable (due to the fact
that they are in equilibrium with the external loads). However, when looking at SLS it
becomes clear that only the last STM shows appropriate behaviour, since some of the cracks
indicated in Fig.2.16a to c are unacceptably wide. It is important to indicate that the
procedure proposed by Muttoni et al. is iterative. In this sense Fig.2.16 does not show four
independent models that can be used to design the same structural concrete element, but rather
an evolution (refinement) of a single solution. The stress transfer mechanism should always
be kept as simple as possible, and the model should be modified until the structural behaviour
at ULS and SLS becomes acceptable.
In order to overcome the fact that modelling of elements with D-regions using SF and
STM is time consuming and requires good engineering intuition and experience, various
procedures for their automatic development have been proposed. Inspired by the approach of
Dorn et al. [26] who worked on the automatic optimization of steel trusses, Kumar [62]
introduced a procedure which could generate STM starting from an initial truss using the
energy deformation criterion. Similar procedures then followed using different optimization
criteria. Xie and Steven [125] used an algorithm which favorited elements in tension based on
the amount of force they carried. Biondini et al. [12] used the material volume criterion
whereas Ali and White [4] focused on determining the amount of virtual work or each
potential tie in the model, favouring those having minimal work as well as the ties which were
placed in horizontal and vertical direction.
Starting from the work of Ali and White [4] Kostić [59] developed a procedure which
transforms a STM (presented in Fig.2.17a) into a SF (see Fig.2.17b) using an algorithm that
optimized the geometry of the nodal regions by imposing a pseudo-hydrostatic state of stress.
(a) Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q
4Q 4Q b·fce b·fce
Figure 2.17: (a) Generated strut-and-tie model; (b) corresponding stress field with pseudo
hydrostatic nodes (adopted from Kostic [59])
The process of automatic stress field generation was taken one step further by
Fernández Ruiz and Muttoni [32] who developed the Elastic-Plastic Stress Field method
(EPSF) and implemented it in a finite element program (JCONC – which has been integrated
2.2 State of the art
fy fct -fce,1
Ec = tanφc σc,1
Eh = tanφh Adopted εc
Es = tanφs φs
εs ε·
-fce -fce,2
φh - fy Adopted -fc ε·
Figure 2.18: Elastic-plastic constitutive laws: (a) actual and adopted stress-stain diagram for steel;
(b) actual and adopted stress-stain diagram for concrete; (c) concrete failure surface
The concrete constitutive law is presented in Fig.2.18b. Its behaviour under
compression is assumed to be elastic-perfectly plastic, whereas its tensile strength is
completely neglected. Concrete modulus of elasticity (Ec) is adopted as secant modulus of the
material, and the effective concrete strength (fce) is calculated in the following manner:
f ce f c fc (2.3)
f co
η fc 3 1 (2.4)
Chapter 2: Strut-and-tie models and stress fields as tools for design and assessment
ηε 1 (2.5)
0.8 170 ε1
Figure 2.19: Reduction factors for concrete compressive strength in RPSF: (a) no imposed
transverse strains; (b) imposed perpendicular strains; (c) imposed inclined strains
In-plane concrete strength can be represented using a Mohr-Coulomb yield surface
with a tension cut-off (refer to Fig.2.18c). The effect which transverse strains have on
material strength can be understood as shrinkage in the yield surface with respect to the
positive transverse strain increase. It should be noted that effective concrete strength (fce)
cannot be increased due to application of negative transverse strains (concrete confinement is
Bar FE εs σs Fs,i
1 (u1, v1) 1 1 1
Figure 2.20: Bar finite element: (a) geometry properties and imposed nodal displacements; (b)strain
state; (c) stress strate; (d) nodal forces
2.2 State of the art
Figure 2.21: Concrete finite element: (a) geometry properties and imposed nodal displacements;
(b) strain state; (c ) stress state; (d) nodal forces; (e) definition of the characterisitc
angle β in the node j
Concrete is modelled using constant strain triangles. Once again, a displacement field
is imposed on a concrete FE (refer to Fig.2.21a) which is then used to obtain a strain state (εx,
εy and γxy). Using the Mohr’s transformations the principle strains (ε1 and ε2) as well as their
principle direction θi are obtained (refer to Fig.2.21b).
Assuming that the principal stresses are parallel to the principal strains, concrete
stresses can be directly calculated (refer to Fig.2.21c) using the constitutive law defined in
Fig.2.18b. Finally as presented in Fig.2.21d and e, nodal forces can be derived as following:
lj l j 1
Fcj ,i σ i cosβ j cosβ j 1 i 1,2& j 1,2,3 (2.6)
2 2
where Fcj,i represents the nodal force in j-node and i-principle stress direction determined
from a concrete FE;
σc,i represents the concrete stress in i-principle direction;
lj represents the length of j-side of the FE triangular;
βj represents the characteristic angle in j-node presented in Fig.2.21e.
Chapter 2: Strut-and-tie models and stress fields as tools for design and assessment
The iterative process for obtaining an EPSF for a given load, geometry and
reinforcement layout starts with a linear elastic FEM calculation, in which both materials
(concrete and steel) have infinite strength in tension and compression. This is done in order to
obtain an initial displacement field, which is then imposed back to the model. This time
however, the materials (concrete and steel) are assuming with an elastic-plastic behaviour (as
presented Fig.2.18). Strains, stresses and nodal forces coming from the bar and concrete FE
are obtained (as described above), after which equilibrium of each node is checked. This
usually results in having some residual (un-equilibrated) forces. The intensity and the
direction of these forces are then used to correct the initial displacement field, by moving the
nodes at a certain rate using the Newton-Raphson algorithm. This defines a second
displacement field, which is then reused in the same manner. The entire process is repeated
for a predefined number of steps until a convergence is reached (a point in which residual
forces become insignificant).
q q
(a) (b)
160 160
1’600 7×stØ5
Figure 2.22: Elastic-plastic stress field method: (a) geometry properties and reinforcement layout of
a RC wall tested by Leonhardt [59]; (b) corresponding FE mesh and EPSF
As described above, the method verifies the equilibrium of the system and the yield
condition everywhere (lower bound theorem is respected). It also respects compatibility
conditions and eventually becomes a failure mechanism (the upper bound theorem is
respected). According to the theory of plasticity, this means that the final solution is the exact
solution. One major advantage of the EPSF is the fact that the failure kinematics of an
analysed member is clearly visible, and can be used to develop an upper bound solution
according the RPSF to verify the results. An example of an EPSF is given in Fig.2.22.
Geometry properties and the reinforcement layout of a deep beam tested by Leonhardt [69]
are presented in Fig.2.22a. The corresponding EPSF at its ULS is given in Fig.2.22b. Blue
lines indicate the principal concrete compressive stress direction and intensity (with their
inclination and length) and the thickness of the red lines indicated the stress level in the
reinforcement (dark red represents yielding).
An alternative approach to EPSF was introduced by Kuchma and Tjhin [61]. Their
Computer Aided Strut-and-Tie design tool (CAST) has been used to generate the STM of
elements with D-region and estimate the minimal necessary space to pass the concrete struts
and place the critical nodes.
Hoogenboom [46] introduced an iterative procedure that uses linear and nonlinear
stringer-panel models to optimize both geometry and reinforcement layout of a structural
2.2 State of the art
concrete element, based on the maximal acceptable crack width at SLS and required design
load at ULS.
Another computer aided design tool was developed by Lourenço and Almeida [71] as
a part of their Adaptive Stress Field Approach, which offers a different SF for different load
level. As a part of their research they conducted an advanced analysis or RC deep beams
(tested by Leonhardt [69]) during which they focused on elements ductility, deformations and
crack width. The method proved to be very useful when analysing structural concrete
members at SLS.
Considering the practical application of stress fields and strut-and-tie models, it can be
concluded that each method has its advantages. Using them in a combined manner is perhaps
the most suitable approach, as both are expressing the same physical behaviour in a different
manner. Stress fields can be used to determine the minimal necessary width of the struts in
order to satisfy the compatibility condition, or estimate the stress state in a specific region of
the structure in order to compare it to concrete strength. In addition to this they allow
understanding and identifying the location where smeared reinforcement is to be arranged.
The development of stress fields is thus particularly useful for detailing (required space for
the struts, reinforcement bents, stresses in the nodal regions) and to account for variable angle
of the compression fields (fan or constant-angle compression fields). Nevertheless, a complete
development of the stress field for a structural concrete element may be too time-consuming.
This becomes even more evident during the design, when an iterative procedure involving a
gradual model refinement is applied. In order to overcome this, stress fields can be combined
with strut-and-tie models, which in fact represent nothing else but a simplification accounting
only for the resultants (forces) of the stress fields. However, a single STM can be interpreted
in different manners leading to different reinforcement layout (refer to [42]). This is why a
local stress field analysis of the critical concrete regions based on the final reinforcement
layout needs to be conducted in order to assure a satisfactory behaviour of the structural
Chapter 2: Strut-and-tie models and stress fields as tools for design and assessment
2.3 Suitable approaches for designing new structural elements with stress fields
Design of new elements should be performed in order to obtain safe structures at ULS
with satisfactory behaviour at SLS while keeping the reinforcement layout as simple as
possible (thus accommodating a precise and fast execution at the construction site). There are
various strategies which can be used for this purpose, four of which will be presented and
compared in the following section.
The methods can be used separately or be combined, depending on the given case. The
selection of the most suitable approach should be decided by the designer based on his/her
experience, the complexity of the problem and the required level of accuracy of the analysis.
2.3 Suitable approaches for designing
2’000 kN
bw=250 mm
fc=20 MPa S2
4’750 mm
2’750 mm
fy=435 MPa
S1 T3 S4 S5
1’500 mm
2’000 kN
(c) (d)
S9 2Ø8@200
S7 S12 2Ø20
Ø20 Ø20
T7 T9 S11 S13 2×2Ø20
T4 S10 T5 T10 stØ8@200
714 kN 1’286 kN
Figure 2.23: Developing a design model based on analogies with the existing solutions: (a) geometry
and load properties of the analysed element; (b) strut-and-tie model of a dapped-end
detail combined with the contribution of the column and beam around the opening;
(c) merged model; (d) reinforcement layout
Some of the nodes (S6-S10-T4, S6-S7-T7, S7-S8-T8, S13-T5-T6-T10 and S16-R-T6)
are placed in the proximity of the elements surface, meaning that the anchorage of the
reinforcement needs to be sufficient enough to assure the required force transfer [13]. In order
to do that, the U-shaped re-bars having the same diameter as the once from the main
reinforcement (dimeter Ø20 in this case) are placed in the nodal regions (see Fig.2.23d). The
reinforcement is usually completed with a minimum smeared reinforcement in order to
control the cracking and to allow spreading of the concentrated loads (refer to the ground
mesh of Fig.2.23d). Applying the minimal reinforcement increases the load-bearing capacity
of the element. Even though this reinforcement can be taken into account in the STM (making
it more accurate), having some reserve in the ultimate strength is considered as positive when
designing new elements. Over its expected lifetime, a structure might change its purpose
(which imposes different load conditions), or experience unexpected events that could
jeopardise its integrity. Both situations would benefit from unaccounted load-carrying
mechanisms. When developing STM suitable for design, it is important to keep in mind that
from a practical point of view exact solutions do not necessarily give the most satisfying
Chapter 2: Strut-and-tie models and stress fields as tools for design and assessment
results since they leave very little space for human errors that can occur during the
construction phase and can be time consuming to develop and validate.
2’000 kN
(a) S1 (b)
S4 T3 S8 S1 S2
S3 S7
T1 T1
Figure 2.24: Developing a design model for a deep beam with an opening using the deviated thrust
lines: (a) STM spreading the strut around an opening; (b) funicular STM
The internal forces corresponding to the STM from Fig.2.24 are given in Tab.2.2 and
can be used to determine the reinforcement layout, similar to the one presented in Fig.2.23d.
2.3 Suitable approaches for designing
(a) (b)
Crack 2 Crack 2
Crack 1
Figure 2.25: Potential problems of a STM neglecting the presence of lower part of the wall:
(a) statically admissible solution; (b) corresponding deformed shape
The second issue regards the limit of the angle between the struts and the ties in STM,
and is presented in Fig.2.25 (refer to Crack 2). When no compatibility conditions are
accounted (assuming for instance a rigid-plastic material behaviour) and if no transverse
reinforcement is available, the angle between the struts and the ties should usually be
considered larger or equal than 45° (refer to Muttoni et al. [89]). In case the transverse
reinforcement is present in a model, the angle between the struts and the ties can be reduced.
However, the angle between struts and ties (named θ in Fig.2.25a) should not be lower than
20°-25°. This limit is grounded by Grob [39] on the fact that otherwise the strain state of the
member (tension in the reinforcement and compression in the concrete) can otherwise become
incompatible, requiring large tensile strains as well as crack widths to develop (refer to
Crack 2 in Fig.2.25a and b). This potentially reduces the effective concrete compressive
Chapter 2: Strut-and-tie models and stress fields as tools for design and assessment
strength (ν reduction factor to be exact, refer to Fig.2.19) below the conventional thresholds
(0.55-0.6 in this case), resulting in an un-conservative estimation of elements load capacity.
(a) (b)
Figure 2.27: Potential problems of a STM resulting in a reinforcement layout without any crack
contorl reinforcement: (a) staticaly admisible solution; (b) corresponding deformed
2.3 Suitable approaches for designing
As discussed by Schlaich et al. [107] or Muttoni et al. [89], the strut-and-tie model has
to consider that compression in concrete tends to occupy all available space following the St-
Venant’s principle. This is particularly significant with respect to the introduction of
concentrated loads [14], and should be also considered for the anchorage of tension ties. For
instance, Fig.2.27 presents a load-carrying model where the vertical tension tie is anchored
within the element but not at its edge.
As experimentally shown by Maxwell [77], this may lead to development of wide
cracks on top of the anchorage region, since the strut tends to occupy all available concrete
(unreinforced anchorage region of the vertical tie, indicated in Fig.2.27a). These cracks
ultimately join with the crack that originates from the top left corner of the opening (see
Fig.2.27b) forming a kinematically admissible mechanism.
2’000 kN 2’000 kN
(a) (b)
Figure 2.28: Element design inspired by an elastic uncracked behaviour: (a) elastic uncracked stress
field of a deep beam with an opening; (b) corresponding STM
Nevertheless, this approach does have a few weak points:
1. The location and arrangement of the reinforcement is not decided by the designer.
Following the distribution of elastic stresses inside an uncracked member leads to
application of inclined bars which may be difficult to put in place and inspect at the
construction site (see Fig.2.28b). Nonetheless such reinforcement layout assures a
positive behaviour.
Chapter 2: Strut-and-tie models and stress fields as tools for design and assessment
2. The method leads potentially to TTT nodes (for instance for corner frames with
opening moments), which need to be avoided in design.
3. Finally, the amount of required reinforcement is not necessarily the minimum required
for equilibrium reasons. This is for instance the case when imposed strains are
considered as actions (imposed strains can be dissipated provided that the member has
sufficient ductility). Also, this results from the location of the tension ties, which are
generally more efficient when placed at the outermost fiber of the member respecting
concrete cover to maximize the lever arms (as presented in Fig.2.29c), rather than at
the resultant of the uncracked stress field (see Fig.2.29a and b). In a similar manner,
placing the concrete strut in the resultant of compressive stresses leads to reduction of
the lever arm, and thus increases the required amount of reinforcement for the design.
Figure 2.29: (a) Uncracked elastic SF of a deep beam subjected to uniformly distributed load;
(b) STM resulting from the uncracked elastic SF; (c) STM resulting from a plastic SF
2.3 Suitable approaches for designing
the orthogonal mesh from Fig.2.30a), the stress state of the reinforcement can be calculated
for each bar FE (σsi). In the next step, the area of the reinforcement (Asi) can then be updated
so that the steel stress does not violate the yield strength of the material:
Asi , j Asi , j 1 Asi ,min (2.7)
f yi
2’000 kN
(a) σc / fce
0.5 2Ø16
Ø16 Ø16
714 kN 1’286 kN
Figure 2.30: Design of a deep beam with an opening using the EPSF method: (a) EPSF of fully
cracked element; (b) resulting reinforcement layout
With the updated reinforcement area, the EPSF analyses can be repeated until the
solution converges to a final reinforcement layout, such as the one presented in Fig.2.30b
(assuming design yield strength of the reinforcement equal to 435 MPa). The final rebar
diameter is slightly increased to round it to available commercial value (Ø8 and Ø16 in this
cases), which introduces some reserve of the ultimate strength. The required number of
iterations to attain the final solution is quite low, and the method is robust for its practical
application (investigated by Kostić [59]).
Unlike previous approaches, where minimum crack control reinforcement (As,min) was
added in the end of the calculations to assure a positive behaviour of the model at SLS and
ULS, the EPSF considers it from the beginning. In this manner, its contribution to resist the
applied design loads is taken into account, which leads to potential savings of the
reinforcement amount. Finally, taking advantage of the compatibility conditions of the EPSF,
the final reinforcement layout can be also analysed at serviceability limit state, both for
deflections and cracking.
Chapter 2: Strut-and-tie models and stress fields as tools for design and assessment
2.4 Suitable approaches for assessing the ultimate strength of structural concrete
elements with stress fields
In case an existing structure is subjected to increased loads, requires retrofitting or is
deteriorated after several decades of usage, its structural assessment is usually performed. In
addition to this, estimation of a load-carrying capacity is also required when new code
provisions become more severe compared to the existing ones, making the structural
assessment more and more common in modern engineering practice.
Nonetheless structural retrofitting is an expensive and complicated procedure that
involves a number of constrains during its physical execution. Therefore, estimating the load-
carrying capacity of existing structures is directed towards avoiding or minimizing the
necessary interventions. As already stated in the beginning of this chapter, the modelling
process can be performed following a Levels-of-Approximation approach [85], starting with
simple load-carrying models and refining them whenever the obtained structural resistance
proves to be insufficient.
During the process of structural design, even when using rational approaches that were
previously presented, some elements are not considered within the load-carrying model. This
usually refers to the minimal reinforcement for crack control. Nevertheless, this additional
reinforcement should be considered as part of the load-carrying mechanism for an assessment,
since it increases the strength of the member in potentially non-negligible manner (especially
when analysing RC walls with significant quantity of crack control reinforcement). In
addition to this, design based on lower-bound solutions according to limit analysis (such are
stress fields or strut-and-tie models) implies that more efficient load-carrying mechanisms
may develop within the member for the available geometry and reinforcement (which was
graphically presented in Fig.2.4h).
In case conventional analyses do not allow ensuring sufficient strength with respect to
the design actions, refined estimates of the strength are required. In this case, it means
selecting a lower-bound solution that gives the highest possible resistance according to the
limit analysis, in other words exact solution (refer to Fig.2.4h). Different techniques can be
used to obtain it, and in the following section two approaches will be examined:
1. The one based on rigid-plastic stress field approach;
2. The one based on elastic-plastic stress field approach.
As for design, strength assessment will be presented using a practical example.
Therefore, a deep beam with an opening from Fig.2.23a will be analysed assuming the
reinforcement layout presented in Fig.2.23d.
2.4.1 Assessing the ultimate strength using a rigid-plastic stress field approach
The use of rigid-plastic stress fields combined with mechanisms for the search of an
exact solution has been discussed by Muttoni et al. [89]. This can be performed by selecting a
licit collapse mechanism (upper-bound solution) whose free bodies are separated with discrete
2.4 Suitable approaches for assessing the ultimate strength
cracks and concrete hinges as presented in Fig.2.31a. According to the upper-bound theorem
of the theory of plasticity, all rebars crossing the cracks have already reached their yield
strength, which means that the intensity of the forces in the ties at ultimate limit state can be
directly calculated (refer to Fig.2.32 and Tab.2.3). The contact zones between the free bodies
are considered as compression zones, which accommodate the development of the struts or
the nodal regions. There are two methods to calculate the load-carrying capacity of a given
1. Using the work equation, where the work of external loads (sum of scalar product of
external forces and related displacements) has to be equal to the internal plastic
dissipation (sum of all reinforcement yielding forces and concrete forces multiplied by
their elongation or shortenings);
2. Finding the equilibrium of every free-body.
With respect to the second method, solving the equilibrium equations of every free
body can be performed by:
1. Following an iterative procedure based on optimizing the thrust -lines inside the free-
2. Determining the contact forces between the free-bodies and then solving a system of
equations relating all the implied variables.
In order to qualitatively define the crack length and the location of the compressed
zones of the assumed failure mechanism, detailed analysis of its kinematic behaviour is
conducted and presented in Fig.2.31c.
(a) (c) PA
PBC PC ψc ψB
Figure 2.31: Kinematical analysis of an assumed failure mechanism: (a) rigid plates A to D;
(b) corresponding deformed shape; (c) plan of rotation poles
Chapter 2: Strut-and-tie models and stress fields as tools for design and assessment
A y
QU x
2.4 Suitable approaches for assessing the ultimate strength
is vertical). Thus, the horizontal component of concrete forces SBD and SCD can be calculated
(equal to TCD and TBD) and vertical component is assumed equal to 0. The next step could be
the investigation of body C which allows calculating the force at the left support (RL) and the
horizontal component SAC. The latter is however not compatible with previous assumptions so
that a second iteration step is needed. To do so, the horizontal component of the force SAC
increases the shear strength of the free body A as the shear span is reduced (as presented in
Fig.2.33a). However, it also reduces the shear strength of the free body D as a tensile normal
force acts now on the coupling beam. The iterative process is finished when the calculated
horizontal component of SAC from equilibrium of the free-body C equals the assumed value
for investigating body A. Once the iterations are completed, equilibrium can be checked
investigating the equilibrium of body B, and therefore the load-carrying capacity of the
member (QU) is obtained (refer to Tab.2.3 to see the intensity of analysed struts and ties after
the 1st and final iteration). This check can also be done by developing the force diagrams
(refer to Fig.2.33b) which is also called the Cremona diagram.
final iteration 2408 kN
(a) fce (c)
1st iteration Point A
Figure 2.33: Verifying equilibrium and boundary conditions of an assumed mechanism: (a) analysis
of the A free-body using RPSF approach; (b) cremona diagram of the thrust lines
inside the free-body and RPSF details of points A and B; (c) resulting STM
Alternatively, the contact forces between the free-bodies can be determined directly,
without the need of performing any iterations. This holds true as the 12 unknown force
components (two components of each of the four contact forces Sij plus the load-carrying
capacity QU and the three reactions of the statically determinate system, refer to Fig.2.32) can
be calculated using the 12 equilibrium conditions (3 for each of the four free bodies). In
addition to this, the location of the points A and B can be calculated on the basis of the width
of the struts (bAB and bAC in Fig.2.33b) in the following manner:
Chapter 2: Strut-and-tie models and stress fields as tools for design and assessment
bij (2.8)
bw f ce
where bw represents the width of the wall;
Sij represents the compressive force in a strut between the free-bodies i and j;
fce represents the effective concrete compressive strength (as defined in Eq.2.3 using ν
reduction factor presented in Fig.2.19 instead of ηε).
Table 2.3: Forces corresponding to the strut-and-tie models from Fig.2.32 and 2.33
Free Struts Force 1st Force final Ties Force 1st Force final
body “S“ iteration [kN] iteration [kN] “T” iteration [kN] iteration [kN]
SAB,x -754 -897 TAB1 481 481
SAB,y 71 -28 TAB2 -437 -437
SAC,x 0 143 TAB3 273 273
SAC,y 639 738 TAB4 -273 -273
SAB,x 754 897 TAB1 -481 -481
SAB,y -71 28 TAB2 437 437
SBD,x 590 447 TAB3 -273 -273
SBD,y 0 122 TAB4 273 273
RR 1150 1548 TBC -590 -590
QU -1789 -2408 - - -
SAC,x 0 -143 TCD 590 590
SAC,y -639 -738
“C” SCD,x -590 -447
- - -
SCD,y -275 -122
RL 639 860
SCD,x 590 447 TCD -590 -590
SCD,y 275 122 TBD 590 590
SBD,x -590 -447
- - -
SBD,y -275 -122
The load carrying capacity QU of the selected mechanism (presented in Fig.2.31a),
calculated by any of the previous procedures, is still not proved to be corresponding to that of
the exact solution according to limit analysis, as other potential mechanisms (such as the one
shown in Fig.2.34b) can develop. As this procedure is based upon the upper-bound theorem
of limit analysis, the exact load carrying capacity (QU,exact) could be lower than the calculated
value QU. An interesting approach to verify if the selected mechanism corresponds to the
exact solution can be performed by combining both theorems of limit analysis. As stated by
Drucker [27]: “agreement of upper and lower bounds proves that the load carrying capacity
is exactly halved”. This procedure can be seen as an optimization where the criterion is related
to the load-carrying capacity.
In our example, this can be done by developing a stress fields (STM) inside the
investigated element in order to verify if the boundary conditions, as well as the strengths of
steel and concrete elements will be respected. This is shown in Fig.2.33a and c. The location
of the node N4 can be determined by using the direction of the forces SAC and TAB3. After
solving the nodal equilibrium, a similar procedure can be used to obtain the location of the
2.4 Suitable approaches for assessing the ultimate strength
node N3. The strut deviates at every intersection with the reinforcement, until it reaches the
internal force SAB on the opposite side of the free-body A. Provided that the compression
fields remain within concrete (as is the case in Fig.2.33c), a licit solution will have been
(b) (c)
Figure 2.34: Kinematical analysis of an assumed failure mechanism: (a) rigid plates A and B;
(b) corresponding deformed shape; (c) plan of rotation poles
On the contrary, when the calculated stress field leads to compression forces
developing where no concrete is available (as it is presented in Fig.2.35b), the selected
mechanism is not corresponding to the exact solution and the ultimate strength is
overestimated (QU = 3’201 kN).
3201 kN
(a) (b)
Violation of the
TAB4 TAB4 boundary conditions
RL RR 1144 kN
2057 kN
Figure 2.35: (a) Free-body equilibrium of parts A and B; (b) corresponding STM
In this cases, other mechanisms have to be investigated. The kinematics of the
corresponding mechanism is presented in Fig.2.34, which shows the discontinuity lines (in
Fig.2.34a), deformed shape of the deep beam in Fig.2.34b and plan of the rotation poles for
the rigid plates A and B in Fig.2.34c. As it was the case with the mechanism analyzed in
Chapter 2: Strut-and-tie models and stress fields as tools for design and assessment
detail from Fig.2.31a, the ultimate force corresponding to the kinematics from Fig.2.34a, can
be determined through iterations or by solving a system of equations (having 8 unknown in
this case). The intensity of the contact forces presented in Fig.2.35a can be found in Tab.2.4.
The obtained result (from Fig.2.33c) for the reinforcement layout of Fig.2.23d, leads
to a failure load of 2’408 kN. This result is above the original design load of 2’000 kN and
shows a strength reserve of 20%. This is due to the fact that:
1. The selected strut-and-tie model for design of the main reinforcement is a lower
2. Necessary reinforcement was rounded (increased) to the next available commercial
rebar diameter;
3. The minimum reinforcement amount was not considered to contribute to the beam’s
strength (contrary to the EPSF approach for design shown in Fig.2.30b).
Table 2.4: Forces corresponding to the strut-and-tie models from Fig.2.35 and 2.34
Free Struts Ties
Force [kN] Force [kN]
body “S“ “T”
SAB1,x -1700 TAB1 435
SAB1,y -1144 TAB2 370
“A” RL 1144 TAB3 305
TAB4 295
- -
TAB5 295
SAB2,x 1700 TAB1 -435
SAB2,y -2057 TAB2 -370
“B” RR 2057 TAB3 -305
TAB4 -295
- -
TAB5 -295
2.4.2 Assessing the ultimate strength using elastic-plastic stress field approach
Despite the generality of the approach explained in the previous section, obtaining a
solution following a rigid-plastic approach might be time-consuming. It requires iterations to
solve as well as the analysis of more than a single failure mechanism. In addition to this,
sometimes it is not so evident how a potential failure mechanism might develop due to
complex geometry of the element and its loading conditions. In case of over-reinforced
structures, where elements can potentially fail due to the crushing of the concrete, the analysis
of an upper-bound solution becomes even more challenging.
A suitable alternatively overcoming this shortcoming is the development of elastic-
plastic stress fields, that can be used to obtain exact solutions according to limit analysis in an
automated and time-efficient manner. This type of stress field considers an elastic behaviour
for concrete and steel (following their elastic stiffness) until the plastic plateau is reached. No
tensile stresses are also considered for concrete. This type of stress field, since it accounts for
the conditions of a lower-bound solution (equilibrium and yield conditions) but also for the
compatibility of displacements (stress field calculated on the basis of a displacement field),
allows obtaining exact solutions in an automated manner. In addition to this, the effective
2.4 Suitable approaches for assessing the ultimate strength
2’678 kN
(b) 2’678 kN
σc / fce ηε
1.0 0.0
0.5 0.5
0.0 1.0
Figure 2.36: Exact solution obtained using the EPSF approach: (a) stress fields; (b) corresponding
This is for instance shown in Fig.2.36 where the elastic-plastic stress field (Fig.2.36a)
and its corresponding displacement field (Fig.2.36b) are presented for the investigated
member using the reinforcement layout of Fig.2.23d. The blue lines indicate the intensity and
the direction of the concrete stresses whereas the thickness of the red lines represents the label
of stress in the reinforcement, with dark red lines indicating yielding. The dark surfaces in
Fig.2.36b show the concrete compressive strength reduction according to Vecchio and
Collins [120], marking more significant reduction (which translates into increased transverse
strains of the concrete and therefore more damage) with darker shades of grey.
The failure load according to the EPSF method is 2’678 kN. The difference with
respect to the mechanism calculated using the rigid-plastic approach can mostly be explained
by the vertical reinforcement of the column at the left-hand side of the opening (which was
neglected for the rigid-plastic analysis) and by the role of the compression reinforcement (also
neglected for the rigid-plastic analysis shown previously). It can also be noted that the
computed failure mechanism (from Fig.2.36b) nicely agrees with the selected mechanism at
failure for the rigid-plastic analysis.
Chapter 2: Strut-and-tie models and stress fields as tools for design and assessment
2.5 Collected database and validation
The results from Fig.2.37 are presented in function of four physical parameters
(concrete compressive strength, average prestress, longitudinal and transversal reinforcement
(a) (b)
Moving average
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 5 10 15 20 25
fc [MPa] σp,inf = Fp,inf /A [MPa]
(c) (d)
Aver: 1.04
CoV: 0.10
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
ρ [%] ρw [%]
Figure 2.37: Ratio of measured and estimated strength of the elements from the online database
using the EPSF method in function of: (a) concrete compressive strength; (b) initial
prestress; (c) longitudinal reinforcement ratio; (d) transversal reinforcement ratio
Chapter 2: Strut-and-tie models and stress fields as tools for design and assessment
Each of the graphs contains a red line, which was obtained by computing an average
value of the five nearest points in each graph (averaging values on both axis). This “moving
average”, as it was named, facilitates observing any trends in the results. As it can be seen no
trends have been noted in the results despite the wide range of physical parameters,
investigated by numerous researchers from different institutes (which makes the results even
more satisfying due to the fact that certain level of scatter caused by human error or various
types of measurement equipment is already present).
Tab.2.6 gives the results of EPSF analysis of each experimental campaign (average
and coefficient of variation). Once again it can be seen that the EPSF prediction of the
ultimate resistance is sufficiently accurate for all investigated cases. Elements which failed in
compression due to the spalling of the concrete cover (refer to dapped-end beams in the online
database), required application of link finite elements that introduce the fracture energy of
concrete back into the system (refer to Mata Falcón 2015 [76] for further details).
2.5 Collected database and validation
However, it can be seen that the EPSF method gives conservative results for a few
elements (Qtest/QEPSF > 1.25). These were the members, which had no transverse
reinforcement (Saqan and Frosh [105]), or had very low concrete compressive strength (less
than 15 MPa). Limit analysis is not applicable in the first case, since members experienced
crack concentration (refer to Campana [16]), and the concrete quality of element in the second
case was not well documented.
(a) (b)
Moving average
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 5 10 15 20 25
fc [MPa] σp,inf = Fp,inf /A [MPa]
(c) (d)
Aver: 1.02
CoV: 0.08
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
ρ [%] ρw [%]
Figure 2.38: Selected EPSF results from the Database presented in function of: (a) concrete
compressive strength; (b) inital prestress; (c) longitudinal reinforcement ratio;
(d) transversal reinforcement ratio
After taking such elements out from Fig.2.37, the results become even better (average
Qtest/QEPSF is equal to 1.02 with 0.08 CoV, as presented in Fig.2.38). The two remaining
models with slightly conservative results are beams with significant doweling action
Chapter 2: Strut-and-tie models and stress fields as tools for design and assessment
(Sørensen [110] and Placas [96]). Once again, no trends in the results have been observed,
thus confirming the generality and accuracy of the approach.
It is important to emphasise that the current database is the results of the collective work
of multiple PhD students who applied the EPSF during their research at IBETON (Structural
Concrete Laboratory, at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland):
Kostić [59], Campana [16], Rupf [103], Mata-Falcon [76], Argirova [6, 7], Moccia [79] and
myself (all the models have been revised by the author). The main reason for assembling a
database containing work of multiple authors is to assure the generality of the approach before
introducing it into every-day engineering practice. In this manner additional user related
uncertainties can be taken into account, which would not be the case if the entire modelling
has been done by a single author. The mesh size, shape and refinement, number of iterations,
introduction of concentrated loads in ICONC (FE implementation of EPSF available for free
download at http://i-concrete.epfl.ch in the “applets” menu) was slightly varied by each user,
which had some influence on the final result (more on this will be presented in following
chapter of the thesis). In the future, as more EPSF models are provided the Database is
expected to grow, potentially opening new areas of research.
Chapter 3: Advanced modelling of structural
concrete members with EPSF
This chapter is based on the FEDRO (Federal Roads Office) report number 680, titled
“Assessment of Existing Structures Based on Elastic-Plastic Stress Fields and Modelling of
Critical Details and Investigation of the In-Plane Shear Transverse Bending Interaction”,
written by Prof. Aurelio Muttoni, Dr. Miguel Fernández Ruiz, Filip Niketić and Marie-Rose
Backes. This was part of the research project AGB 2009/009, requested by the AGB bridge
research group. The report was published by the OFROU in October 2016.
Contributions of Filip Niketić involved:
1. Conducting a sensitivity analysis of the EPSF method with respect to FE size,
shape, orientation and number of iterations until the convergence;
2. Developing and validating a procedure for modelling rebars with insufficient
anchorage length using the EPSF method;
3. Developing and validating a procedure for modelling indirectly loaded and/or
supported structural concrete members using the EPSF method;
4. Tailoring partial safety factors which can be used with the EPSF method
following the works of P. Tanner et al. [112, 113, 114].
3.1 Sensitivity analysis of EPSF method with respect to its finite element
Considering the fact that EPSF are developed using finite element analysis, it is
important to investigate the sensitivity of the method with respect to mesh properties. In other
words, it is necessary to show how size, shape and finite element orientation affect the form of
ultimate stress fields and if this has any influence on the estimated strength of a member.
Consequently, it is important to determine what are the limits in which satisfactory accuracy is
ensured, and how much error is introduced in case optimal meshes cannot be applied.
When developing an EPSF, the number of iterations steps until the convergence needs
to be predefined, which could also play an important role in the accuracy of the results. This is
why special attention is given to this parametric study, with a goal to determine the smallest
number of iterations required to obtain satisfactory results.
Chapter 3: Advanced modelling of structural concrete members with EPSF
Q Central
(a) (b)
bw bw bw
510 mm2
720 720 720
bw 1’200
Figure 3.1: Geometry properties of structural concrete members used to investigate the sensitivity
analysis of EPSF method: (a) RC Panels subjected to uniform compression, tension and
shear; (b) RC beam subjected to 4-point bending
This allows to investigate the behaviour and stability of EPSF models used to simulate
the basic stress states which can occur in structural concrete elements separately. The sensitivity
analysis also involved a reinforced concrete beam subjected to four-point bending (refer to
Fig.3.1b), which was used to perform the same sensitivity analysis of a non-uniform stress state.
The idea behind it was to investigate a realistic model which combines all three stress states in
a structure with potential redistributions amongst the elements.
3.1 Sensitivity analysis
Four types of meshes (M1 to M4, presented in Fig.3.2) were applied when modelling
each of the structural concrete elements presented in Fig.3.1. Meshes were kept uniform (all
FE had identical shape and orientation), while the area of applied FE triangles was varied
(surface of the FE triangle from mesh M4 is four times the size of that from mesh M1). This
allowed a direct comparison of the results and avoided the influence of any undesired mesh
parameters (such are presence of skewed FE and local mesh refinement).
Concrete FE
Figure 3.2: Investigation of different finite element mesh size:(a) geometry properties of mesh
M4 – disposition of the concrete FE, bar FE and corresponding nodes;(b) geometry
properties of mesh M3;(c) geometry properties of mesh M2;(d) geometry properties of
mesh M1
As it is presented in Fig.3.2a, each mesh consists of blocks of four concrete FE triangles
which are surrounded with four bar FE. Given the fact that the concrete cannot carry any tensile
stresses (one of the main assumptions of the EPSF method) means that it is important to avoid
models where concrete FE are not connected to at least a single bar FE. In extreme cases where
the spacing of the rebars is such that the corresponding mesh would be unacceptably crude (too
big FE), one could refine it. However, in such cases it is important to pay attention to the
concrete compressive strength reduction factor (ηε) that can be unrealistically low, which would
lead to conservative estimates of failure loads. This can be explained by the fact that assumed
deformations of concrete FE are exaggerated (due to the fact that nothing can resist the tension
forces). In such cases, it is better to smear the reinforcement (place smaller fictitious bars closer
to each other) so that the deformation of concrete FE would be more realistic. It is important to
emphasise that the actual rebar spacing was always sufficient to assure satisfactory behaviour
of EPSF models within the scope of presented investigation, and the reinforcement was never
When modelling structural concrete panels (refer to Fig.3.1a), each concrete FE in the
model shared nodes with bar FE in both directions (as it is presented in Fig.3.2), which is an
exaggeration (a more realistic case will be used when analysing the I cross-section beam
presented in Fig.3.1b). However, such disposition was selected in order to avoid any anisotropy
in the RC panels.
Chapter 3: Advanced modelling of structural concrete members with EPSF
steel yielding strength was 550 MPa. The element was subjected to an uniformly distributed
load over the two facing edges, as presented in Fig.3.3b and c.
The element was modelled using four meshes presented in Fig.3.2 (M1 to M4), and the
corresponding ultimate loads QM1 to QM4 were compared (all models are available for download
at http://i-concrete.epfl.ch/epsf/epsf.html).
1.25 bw
QMi / QM1
M1 M3 AMi
1.00 ρx = ρz = 0.1%
M2 M4
0.75 bw = 400 mm
0 1 2 3 4 5 QM4=15.4 MN/m’ QMi
AMi / AM1
Figure 3.3: Sensitivity of EPSF results obtained after analysing structural concrete elements
subjected to pure compression:(a) ultimate strength estimated using four meshes with
different FE size;(b) ultimate stress field of a model using M4 mesh;(c) geometry
properties and load conditions of analysed member
The results are presented in Fig.3.3a. As it can be observed there is no mesh
dependency, and all models failed at exactly the same load level. The horizontal axis shows the
normalized area of applied FE (area of applied FE triangles was divided with the area of the FE
applied in M1-mesh), and vertical axis shows the normalized failure loads (Qult of each
simulation was divided with the Qult obtained after applying the M1-mesh). The stress field of
the panel at ULS is presented in Fig.3.3b, black FE triangles indicate concrete crushing,
whereas the blue lines mark the direction of the principal compressive stresses.
1.25 bw
QMi / QM1
M1 M3 AMi
1.00 ρx = ρz = 0.1%
M2 M4
bw = 400 mm
0 1 2 3 4 5 QM4=220 kN/m’ QMi
AMi / AM1
Figure 3.4: Sensitivity of EPSF results obtained after analysing structural concrete elements
subjected to pure tension:(a) ultimate strength estimated using four meshes with
different FE size;(b) ultimate stress field of a model using M4 mesh;(c) geometry
properties and load conditions of analysed member
3.1 Sensitivity analysis
The material and geometry properties of a panel subjected to pure tension are the same
as the one subjected to pure compression (fcp=38MPa and fy=550MPa). After applying the
meshes given in Fig.3.2 (M1 to M4) no difference in the governing ultimate load was observed
(as it can be seen in Fig.3.4a). Once more the two axis show normalized values of the FE area
and failure load and the models can be downloaded at http://i-concrete.epfl.ch/epsf/epsf.html.
Ultimate stress field of the panel using the M4-mesh is presented in Fig.3.4b. Dark red
colour of the reinforcement indicates yielding of the steel, and white concrete triangles suggest
that they are not subjected to any stresses.
QM4=179 kN/m’
QMi / QM1
M1 M3 AMi
1.00 QMi ρx = ρz = 1.05 %
M2 M4
0.75 bw = 70 mm
Figure 3.5: Sensitivity of EPSF results obtained after analysing structural concrete elements
subjected to pure shear: (a) ultimate strength estimated using four meshes with different
FE size; (b) ultimate stress field of a model using M4 mesh; (c) geometry properties and
load conditions of analysed member
Once again four different meshes, presented in Fig.3.2 (M1 to M4) were applied. No
difference in the ultimate shear stress was observed between the models, and all of them failed
when 2.56 MPa shear force was applied (compared to the measured 2.86 MPa). Element’s
geometry properties and the results of the EPSF analysis are presented in Fig.3.5a. Concrete
compressive strength was 26.6MPa, and structural steel yielded at 242 MPa. Same as before,
horizontal and vertical axis are normalized and the applied models can be found at http://i-
The ultimate stress field of the panel using the M4 mesh is presented in Fig.3.5b. Dark
red colour of the reinforcement indicates yielding of the steel, whereas the dark grey triangles
indicate the solicitation of the concrete. In this case concrete compressive strength was
uniformly reduced over the entire surface of the panel (ηε=0.278) and the solicitation of the
concrete was equal to 69% (σc3/fce=0.69).
Previous example showed that the FE size does not have any influence on EPSF result
in case of symmetrically reinforced structural concrete panels subjected to pure shear (ρx = ρz).
In order to push the limits of the sensitivity analysis even further, the same panel was
Chapter 3: Advanced modelling of structural concrete members with EPSF
QM4=153 kN/m’
QM4=153 kN/m’
QMi / QM1
M1 M3 AMi
1.00 QMi ρx = 0.53%
M2 M4 ρz = 1.05 %
0.75 bw = 70 mm
Figure 3.6: Sensitivity of EPSF results obtained after analysing structural concrete elements
subjected to pure shear: (a) ultimate strength estimated using four meshes with different
FE size; (b) ultimate stress field of a model using M4 mesh; (c) geometry properties and
load conditions of analysed member
Ultimate strength of an unsymmetrically reinforced concrete panel estimated with the
EPSF method did not depend on the applied FE size (all four model failed at exactly the same
load, as presented in Fig. 3.6a and b). Reinforcement yield in both directions and concrete
compressive strength was uniformly reduced to approximately 15% of its initial value
(ηε=0.145). The solicitation of compressive struts was at 100% (σc3/fce=1.00), which is very
important to underline. Therefore, it can be concluded that the EPSF method governs identical
ultimate loads of members subjected to uniform shear stresses regardless of applied FE size.
Concrete FE
bw = variable
bf = 800 mm
720 2’400 720
Figure 3.7: Geometry properties of an I-cross section beam used to investigate the influence of
finite element size on EPSF results – disposition of concrete FE, bar FE and
corresponding nodes
3.1 Sensitivity analysis
Geometry and mesh properties of analysed beam (modelled using M4 mesh) can be seen
in Fig.3.7. The beam was designed to experience shear failure of its central (web) region. Web
provided a space with uniform geometrical properties, which allowed direct application of
meshes M1 to M4. Total amount of transverse steel in the web (810 mm2) was kept constant for
all investigated models. Vertical reinforcement was smeared between concrete finite elements
as presented in Fig.3.7 (4 concrete FE triangles were placed between 2 bar FE). It is important
to emphasize that in this case (contrary to previous investigations of elements subjected to pure
compression, tension and shear), applied meshes could not be entirely uniform, due to the
presence of flanges where slightly elongated finite elements were applied. However, this
influence became negligible by forcing the beam to fail inside the web.
QMi / QM1
M2 M4
ρw=1.13% ρw=0.34%
ρw= 0.68% ρw=0.17%
0 1 2 3 4 5
AMi / AM1
Figure 3.8: Sensitivity of EPSF results obtained after analysing structural concrete elements
subjected to non-uniform stress state with ultimate strength estimated using four meshes
with different FE size on four beams with different transverse reinforcement ratio
In order to cover a wide range of shear failure modes (starting from yielding of the
stirrups, to crushing of the concrete) four beams having four different web thicknesses were
1. bw = 200 mm corresponding to ρw = 0.17%
2. bw = 100mm corresponding to ρw = 0.34%
3. bw = 50mm corresponding to ρw = 0.68%
4. bw = 30mm corresponding to ρw = 1.13%
where ρw presents the transverse shear reinforcement ratio.
Plastic concrete compressive strength was equal to 38 MPa and steel yield strength was
equal to 550 MPa.
As it can be seen in Fig.3.8, EPSF models showed some mesh dependency. Application
of smaller FE governed lower failure loads for all four transverse reinforcement ratios.
However, it can be observed that the difference between the ultimate loads obtained using
meshes M1 and M4 was almost 9% in case RC beam had ρw = 1.13%, whereas this difference
dropped down to around 5% and 1% when relative amount of transverse reinforcement was
Chapter 3: Advanced modelling of structural concrete members with EPSF
equal to ρw = 0.34% and ρw = 0.17%. This means that the stability of the results depends on the
type of failure. Structural members which experienced concrete crushing without yielding of
the transverse reinforcement (refer to ρw = 1.13%) are more sensitive to FE size compared to
elements that failed in concrete crushing along with yielding of the steel (refer to ρw = 0.17%).
ρw = 0.17%
ρw = 1.13%
ρw = 0.34%
ρw = 0.68%
σc / fce
M4: t4 ~ 30 s
1’039 kN
776 kN
552 kN
400 kN
M3: t3 ~ 1 min
1’027 kN
764 kN
386 kN
536 kN
M2: t2 ~ 2 min
1’022 kN
754 kN
518 kN
373 kN
M1: t1 ~ 3 min 30 s
1’020 kN
740 kN
513 kN
368 kN
Figure 3.9: Stress fields and concrete compressive strength reduction factor for I-cross section
beams having four different transverse reinforcement ratios analysed with four finite
elements mesh sizes
3.1 Sensitivity analysis
The reason for this can be observed in Fig.3.9, which shows the stress field (SF), the
concrete compressive strength efficiency factor (ηε) as well as the calculation time for all sixteen
analysed beams (four different web thicknesses modelled using four meshes M1 to M4, available
to download at http://i-concrete.epfl.ch/epsf/epsf.html). All models failed locally due to
crushing of the concrete close to one of the flanges (top flange in case of models with higher
transverse reinforcement ratio, and bottom flange in case of the beams with lower transverse
reinforcement ratio). As the FE area decreased, so did the size of the damaged zone. Since
models did not have any longitudinal reinforcement in the web, there was nothing to evenly
spread the deformations (especially in case of ρw = 1.13%). Therefore, the concrete compressive
strength was significantly reduced in a single FE row – in other words, strain concertation was
observed. Since the reinforced concrete beam was only numerically analysed (it was not a part
of an experimental campaign) it is not sure whether or not the strain localization close to the
flange would actually appear in real life of not.
The reason why the beams with lower transverse reinforcement ratio (ρw = 0.34% and
ρw = 0.17%) were less affected by this phenomenon lays in the fact that the stains were much
better averaged over the web once the stirrups yielded. Since concrete compressive strength
reduction factor (ηε) is directly depended on the principal tensile strains, the ultimate strength
of the reinforced concrete beams with higher transverse reinforcement ratio was much more
affected by the reduction of FE size.
Considering the fact that the area of applied FE in M1 models is four times smaller than
the one in M4 proves that the results are reasonably stable even in case of non-uniform stress
fields. Higher drop in ultimate load was observed on a series of beams which had significantly
high amount of transverse reinforcement (more than 1%), which is usually not the case in
engineering practice. When this ratio dropped down to 0.4% or less, the results were much more
It can be concluded that the EPSF method gives stable results for various sizes of applied
FE. A general recommendation when selecting an optimal FE size is to use the stirrup spacing
as main grid for meshing, and place two concrete FE triangles in between (as presented in
Fig.3.7). Using this criterion along with the recommendations concerning the FE shape and FE
orientation (that will be presented in following sections) ensured satisfactory behaviour of
EPSF models. Online database was generally modelled in this manner, and final results proved
to be quite accurate when compared to experimentally measured values (average QTEST/QEPSF
equal to 1.04 with coefficient of variation equal to 0.10).
Chapter 3: Advanced modelling of structural concrete members with EPSF
Concrete FE h h h h h
Bar FE a a a
a FE Node a
Figure 3.10: Investigation of the finite element distortion on EPSF results: (a) geometry properties of
the reference mesh MDR – disposition of concrete FE, bar FE and corresponding nodes;
(b) geometry properties of mesh MD1; (c) geometry properties of mesh MD2;(d) geometry
properties of mesh MD3; (e) geometry properties of mesh MD4
Finite element distortion was defined as ratio between the height of a constant strain
triangle and length of its corresponding side (a:h ratio presented in Fig.3.10). As it can be seen
this ratio varied from 1:1 to 1:5.
Meshes MDR to MD4 (presented in Fig.3.10) were used to form beam webs of all five FE
models. The results of EPSF analyses are given in Fig.3.11, which shows that the ultimate load
was quite stable regardless of applied mesh. Maximal difference between the reference model
(MDR) and the most distorted one (MD4) was approximately 2%, proving that the presence of FE
distortion has little influence on the final results.
1 2 3 4 5
Figure 3.11: Sensitivity of EPSF results obtained after analysing I cross-section beam using five
meshes with different FE shape
Based on the general recommendations for FE analysis found in literature [35], maximal
triangle height-to-side ratio used in practice should not be greater than 1:3. A fact that the
difference in results is not too big even if this ratio is larger than the recommended values is
definitely reassuring, but should be avoided as much as possible. Meshes containing zones with
distorted finite elements due to the complex geometry of the element for example can be locally
accepted. All 5 models can be downloaded from http://i-concrete.epfl.ch/epsf/epsf.html.
3.1 Sensitivity analysis
(c) M 768 kN
QO4 764 kN
(d) M
Figure 3.12: Investigation of the finite element orientation on EPSF results - geometry properties,
corresponding stress field and concrete compressive strength reduction factor - ηε of:
(a) mesh MO1; (b) MO2; (c) MO3; (d) MO4
As it can be seen, the difference between the ultimate loads is not negligible and can be
as high as 8% (Qult=822 kN in case of MO1 compared to Qult=764 kN in case of MO4). In addition
to this, difference in shape between the four stress fields can be also observed. If an angle
between the hypotenuses of the concrete FE triangles and the direction of the principle
compressive stresses is small, compressive stress field tends to be more concentrated governing
a lower ultimate load (refer to MO4).
Chapter 3: Advanced modelling of structural concrete members with EPSF
On the other hand, if the finite element hypotenuses are almost perpendicular to the
principle compressive stresses, the stress field tends to spread over a wider web area, governing
a higher ultimate load (refer to MO1).
σc,2 ½l F3=√2/4F ½l ½l
1 3 1 3
F1=√2/2F F1=√2/4F
σc,2 σc,2 σc,2
Figure 3.13: Derivation of the nodal forces from concrete stresses for: (a) FE with descending
hypotenuses; (b) FE with ascending hypotenuses
The explanation behind this behaviour lies in the process of nodal force derivation,
which depends on the angle between the principle stress direction and each side of the constant
strain triangles (refer to Fig.3.13). Assuming that the direction of the principal concrete
compressive stress is equal to 45°, nodal forces have been derived for two cases FE with
descending hypotenuses from top-left to bottom-right and vice-versa. It can be clearly seen that
application of the first mesh (presented in Fig.3.13a) activates all three nodes, contrary to the
second mesh, which activates only two (as shown in Fig.3.13b). In case of a uniform stress state
in which principal compressive stress direction does not change over a certain region of FE (for
example in panels presented in Fig.3.5), the two meshes will govern identical resistances.
However, when the direction changes, application of the first over the second FE results in
larger ultimate strength, due to the fact that a single concrete FE generates 3 instead of 2 nodal
forces and distributes them more evenly across the mesh (as it was observed in Fig.3.12).
QMorien,i / QMorien, 3
1 2 3 4
Figure 3.14: Sensitivity of EPSF results obtained after analysing I cross-section beam using four
meshes with different FE orientation
In order to overcome this, suitable FE mesh should not have any preferential
hypotenuses inclination. Instead, zig-zag FE (refer to MO3 in Fig.3.12) or random FE inclination
(refer to MO2 in Fig.3.12) are preferred. However, it is important to mention that in case of
random FE inclination it is necessary to perform more than one simulation in order to obtain
acceptable results.
3.1 Sensitivity analysis
Fig.3.14 summarises failure loads obtained with meshes presented in Fig.3.12. Ultimate
resistances are normalized using the value acquired with a zig-zag FE disposition
(corresponding to Qult=768 kN governed by MO3 mesh from Fig.3.12). It can be concluded that
the application of meshes which favour certain FE orientation should be avoided as much as
possible. Meshes with zig-zag inclination of hypotenuses or the ones with horizontal and
vertical FE hypotenuses (presented in Fig.3.2) should be selected instead. In case a random FE
orientation is applied, average value of at least 5 different simulations should be taken as
representative (unfortunately this can be time consuming depending on the size of analysed
models). All 8 FE models that were investigated in this chapter can be found at http://i-
Qult = 754 kN
50 100 150 200 250 300
Iteration steps
Chapter 3: Advanced modelling of structural concrete members with EPSF
indicating that its ultimate strength is equal to 754 kN. Aside from looking at the error and
visual validation of the obtained stress field, two more checks should be performed in order to
validate if the EPSF is exact or not. The sum of the reaction forces should correspond to the
applied loads, and the deformation of the analysed element should be the biggest at ULS. As
the applied load approaches its maximal value, sometimes even if the simulation converged
(error is acceptably small), element deformation is smaller for higher loads, which is physically
impossible. In this case the biggest load that governs the largest deformations at the same time
should be selected as governing.
Graph presented in Fig.3.15 rises a bit of concern, since there are no indications that any
of the two models will diverge until the 150th iteration. This could lead to a conclusion that if
the predefined number of iterations was 150, instead of 250 steps, both simulations would
converge and therefore overestimate the element strength. This is why a sensitivity analysis of
this parameter (number of necessary iteration steps) was investigated.
Qult,i / Qult, 250
Qult, 250=754 kN
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Total number of iterations
Figure 3.16: Estimated ultimate strength of an I cross-section reinforced concrete beam using EPSF
analysis with different number of iterations
The ultimate strength of the same reinforced concrete beam from Fig.3.15 was estimated
using different number or iterations. The obtained results are presented in Fig.3.16. It can be
seen that the difference between estimated ultimate loads obtained with 250 and 1000 iterations
is negligible (in this case there is no difference at all). Moreover, the value of maximal load
became quite stabile after performing simulations with 100 iteration steps. Even though, the
given example indicates that 100 iteration steps are sufficient for achieving sufficient accuracy,
after modelling 315 structural concrete elements from the online database, general
recommendation for the minimal number of required iterations is 250 steps.
3.2 Modelling elements with insufficient anchorage length
Øeff,i Øeff,max
(d) 30
Øeff [mm]
15 Øeff,i
Rebar yielding
5 2 bars Ø19
δ1 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
l [mm]
Figure 3.17: Modelling rebars with insufficient reinforcement anchorage using EPSF approach:
(a) actual and effective rebars introduced to EPSF model; (b) concrete-to-steel bond
stress; (c) varying bar FE area over rebar’s anchorage length; (d) effective bar
diameter representing two Ø19 rebars imbedded in 23.5 MPa concrete accounting for
their actual anchorage length
Fig.3.17 shows the modelling process of two rebars Ø19 with insufficient anchorage
length (yield strength of the steel is equal to 390 MPa), imbedded in 23.5 MPa concrete. Actual
disposition of the bars is presented on the top of Fig.3.17a. However, the two rebars cannot be
modelled separately according to EPSF method, and instead need to be replaced with a single
(effective) bar (refer to the bottom Fig.3.17a), whose diameter is calculated in the following
f y ,i
eff ,max 2
f y ,eff
where Øi represents the diameter of the rebars which are placed at the same cross-section depth
Chapter 3: Advanced modelling of structural concrete members with EPSF
Mean tensile strength of concrete is represented with fctm in previous equations (Eq.3.2
and Eq.3.3), and according to MC2010 [34] it can be estimated in the following manner:
eff ,i
eff ,max (3.6)
3.2 Modelling elements with insufficient anchorage length
li presents the distance between the beginning of the bar and the mid-point of the ith FE (refer
to Fig.3.17c).
The reduction of the effective rebar diameter over an anchorage length of two Ø19
rebars (yield strength of the steel equal to 390 MPa), imbedded in concrete that has a
compressive strength of 23.5 MPa is presented in Fig.3.17d. In order to limit the maximum
force that can be taken by the rebars the effective diameter was varied from 4.9 mm to 26.9 mm,
over the anchorage length of 375 mm. Each point in the graph represents the effective dimeter
of a rebar corresponding to a FE from Fig.3.17c.
Table 3.1: Geometry and material properties of RC beams tested by Hong et al. [45]
N° Spec. a/d sw [mm] lanch [mm] N° Spec. a/d sw [mm] lanch [mm]
1 SS-1 0.75 250 78 5 LBS-1 1.00 250 0
2 SS-2 1.00 250 78 6 LBS-2 1.00 250 156
3 SS-3 1.25 250 78 7 VSR-1 1.00 200 78
4 SS-4 1.5 250 78 8 VSR-2 1.00 150 78
d = 520 mm; fc = 23.5 MPa; fy = 392 MPa
The presented modelling strategy was used to investigate a series of reinforced concrete
beams subjected to four-point bending tested by Hong et al. [45]. The elements were designed
to fail in shear due to an insufficient anchorage length. Their geometrical and material
properties are given in Tab.3.1, and the results of the EPSF analysis are presented in Tab.3.2.
All the FE models can be downloaded from http://i-concrete.epfl.ch/epsf/epsf.html.
Table 3.2: Results of EPSF analysis of RC beams tested by Hong et al. [45]
Qtest QEPSF Qtest Qtest QEPSF Qtest
N° Spec. N° Spec. Aver. CoV
[kN] [kN] / QEPSF [kN] [kN] / QEPSF
1 SS-1 2×331 2×305 1.09 5 LBS-1 2×199 2×185 1.08
2 SS-2 2×305 2×269 1.13 6 LBS-2 2×290 2×288 1.01
1.06 0.05
3 SS-3 2×280 2×252 1.11 7 VSR-1 2×297 2×282 1.05
4 SS-4 2×240 2×247 0.97 8 VSR-2 2×329 2×304 1.08
As it can be seen, the presented procedure gives satisfactory results when compared to
measured values (average Qtest/QEPSF = 1.06), with very small dispersion (coefficient of
variation – CoV equal to 5%). Detailed results of the EPSF analysis are presented in Fig.3.18
and Fig.3.19. Each figure shows a stress field of a specimen (corresponding to its ULS), the
reduction of concrete compressive strength (ηε) along with its deformed shape, and a sketch of
the crack patterns observed by Hong et al. [45] at failure. Fig.3.18 summarises the EPSF results
corresponding to the beam LBS-1, which had longitudinal reinforcement without any
anchorage length (refer to Tab.3.1 for more details). Looking at the ultimate stress field (see
Fig.3.18a) it can be seen that the strength of the model is governed by local failure of the
concrete above the support plate (induced by the reduction of concrete compressive
strength - ηε) along with the local yielding of the rebars (refer to dark red sections of the
longitudinal bars in Fig.3.18b). Even though the concrete was locally crushed in this case, it is
actually the reinforcement which is limiting the amount of compression which can be deviated
by the between the loading plate and the supports. Looking at the ultimate crack pattern
Chapter 3: Advanced modelling of structural concrete members with EPSF
(presented in Fig.3.18c), it can be observed that a shear crack which originated from the support
plate caused the failure of the system. Such failure was characterized as anchorage failure by
Hong et al [45]. When comparing the results from Fig.3.18c to disposition of concrete
compressive strength reduction factors from Fig.3.18b, a clear analogy can be observed. The
EPSF results correspond quite well to the behaviour observed in experimental campaign. Both
EPSF model and the tested beam experienced the same anchorage failure.
failure LBS 1
Figure 3.18: Results of EPSF analysis of a beam LBS 1 investigated by Hong [45]: (a) stress field at
ULS; (b) deformed shape of the beam with concrete compressive strength reduction
factor - ηε; (c) observed crack pattern and measured strength of the element
Similar conclusion can be drawn after analysing Fig.3.19 that gives detail of the EPSF
simulation of beam VSR-1 (refer to Tab.3.1 for more details). Crack pattern at ULS (refer to
Fig.3.19c) correspond quite well to the disposition of the concrete compressive strength
reduction factor (refer to Fig.3.19b). The EPSF failed due to concrete crushing induced by the
local yielding of the rebar close to the support. Such behaviour corresponds well to observed
anchorage problems indicated by Hong et al. [45].
282 kN C C 297 kN
L 282 kN L CL
(a) (b) (c)
failure VSR 1
Figure 3.19: Results of EPSF analysis on a beam VSR 1 investigated by Hong [45]: (a) stress field at
ULS; (b) deformed shape of the beam with concrete compressive strength reduction
factor - ηε; (c) observed crack pattern and measured strength of the element
An alternative approach to what was described in this chapter involves reduction of the
yield strength of the steel over the anchorage length of a rebar. An argument for doing so would
3.2 Modelling elements with insufficient anchorage length
be to maintain the axial stiffness of the element. However, this could result in underestimating
the deformations of the analysed member (due to the fact that the slip is neglected and the
reinforcement maintained its stiffness). On the other hand, the amount of tensile force which
can be taken by each rebar would be the same compared to what was obtained after reducing
the effective rebar diameter. Another approach would be to actually model the bond stress
transfer mechanism (presented in Fig.3.17b) by introducing additional spring FE. This would
significantly increase the computational time of the elastic-plastic stress fields, and would still
represent an approximation of the reality. At the same time, the amount of tensile force which
can be taken by a single rebar at ULS would be identical to what is obtained by reducing the
effective bar diameter. In order to keep the EPSF models as simple as possible without
decreasing their accuracy at ULS, a general recommendation for taking into account the
insufficient anchorage length of the rebars is to simply reduce their effective diameter.
It can be concluded that the presented modelling procedure gives satisfactory results when
compared to test results. Ultimate resistance and failure modes are accurately predicted with
EPSF, and a clear view inside the stress distribution of analysed elements is given. Finally, it
should be noted that the presented approach governs slightly conservative solutions by
definition, since the bond properties are enhanced by confining concrete stresses, which was
here not taken into account.
Chapter 3: Advanced modelling of structural concrete members with EPSF
3.3 Analysis of indirectly supported structural concrete members
fc: 28 MPa
Fp,inf/A: 0 MPa
a/d: 0.51 - 1.02
ρw: 0.38 - 0.71%
fc: 48 - 59 MPa
Fp,inf / A: 0 MPa fc: 25 - 30 MPa a / d: 3.05 - 5.17
a / d: 1.64 - 3.97 Fp,inf / A: 0 MPa ρw: 0.16- 0.86%
ρw: 0.37 - 0.80%
Leonhardt F., Kroch R., Rostásy F.
Figure 3.21: Mechanical and geometrical properties of crossed structural concrete members
investigated with EPSF method
Placing the suspension reinforcement exactly in the crossing zone of the longitudinal
and transversal elements can be physically impossible (due to limed space or construction site
Chapter 3: Advanced modelling of structural concrete members with EPSF
constraints). In such cases suspension reinforcement is distributed over a wider zone which
brings up a question whether such arrangement can still effectively transfer the shear force, and
if this can affect the failure mechanism of the system. However, the most important question
that will be addressed in this chapter is: can the EPSF method be used to correctly predict the
ultimate capacity and failure mechanisms of such systems and with what accuracy?
For the purpose of this research a database containing 19 results form 5 different
experimental campaigns was compiled:
1. Leonhardt F. and Walther R. (1966) - 2 tests [69]
2. Leonhardt F., Walther R. and Dilger W. (1968) - 5 tests [70]
3. Baumann T. and Rüsch H. (1970) - 7 tests [9]
4. Leonhardt F., Koch R. and Rostasy F. (1973) - 3 tests [66]
5. Büeler Ch. and Thoma K. (2010) - 2 tests [15]
(a) (b)
Crossing Crossing
area area
FE mesh
FE mesh
area FE mesh Rigid bars
Rigid bars
Crossing Crossing
area area 2 1
3 FE mesh
FE mesh 4
Rigid bar 1-1
Rigid bar 2-2
2 1
Crossing 4 2
area 5
FE mesh
Figure 3.22: Modelling technique for crossed-members using EPSF method: (a) decomposition of
the analysed specimen; (b) connecting crossed-members with rigid bar FE
The first three experimental campaigns contain only reinforced concrete specimens,
whereas the last two applied prestressed concrete beams. All five experimental campaigns were
conducted in order to better understand the mechanism of beam to beam shear transfer action,
and as such are adequate to simulate behaviour of bridge diaphragms (reinforcement details and
main parameter are given in Fig.3.21).
3.3 Analysis of indirectly supported structural concrete members
The modelling technique that was applied in order to analyse crossed members by means of
EPSF method is presented in Fig.3.22.
In this figure, a crossed system consists of 4 elements: 3 transverse walls connected by
a longitudinal wall (as can be seen in the middle of Fig.3.22a). The 2 exterior transverse
elements act as supports while the load is applied indirectly through the central transverse wall.
In order to analyse the entire system using EPSF method all specimens need to be placed in a
single plane (as presented in Fig.3.22b). In a given example this means that the transverse
members need to be rotated for 90° (refer to Fig.3.22b) and placed above the longitudinal
element in case they serve as supporting members, or below it in case they are used to introduce
the loads. Finally, finite elements in the crossing zone need to be linked node-by-node using
rigid bars in order to impose equal nodal displacement between the members (refer to
Fig.3.22b). In order to keep Fig.3.22b more comprehensible, FE mesh was not shown for the
entire specimen, but only for its crossing zones. Node 1 placed both in longitudinal and
transversal walls are connected using the Rigid bar FE 1-1. The same is valid for the Node 2,
and so on until Node 7. It was observed that the best results are obtained in case the linking in
done in a single line where the symmetry axes of the two elements cross each other. Following
the general meshing recommendations given in section “3.1 Sensitivity analysis” of this thesis,
it is important to form such a mesh that allows each concrete FE triangle to have at least one
connection with a bar FE (which is able to take tensile forces and control the nodal
displacement). This is especially important for FE in crossing areas (see Fig.3.22b). All this
implies that the meshes of the crossing regions need to have equal number of FE over their
height (as presented in refer to Fig.3.22b) in order to equally distribute the points that are used
to impose equal deformations of the specimens.
SF ηε
46 kN 46 kN
46 kN 46 kN
ηε ηε
Figure 3.23: Results of EPSF analyses performed on a 65/2A specimen tested by Baumann and
Rüsch – governing flexural failure of the member
EPSF obtained after applying the described modelling procedure is presented in
Fig.3.23. The element in question is 65/2A, which was a part of the experimental campaign
conducted by Baumann and Rüsch [9]. General outline as well as the loading and supporting
Chapter 3: Advanced modelling of structural concrete members with EPSF
conditions of the specimen can be seen in the centre of the Fig.3.23. The stress field of the
longitudinal beam at ULS, as well as the corresponding concrete compressive strength
reduction factor (ηε) along with the crack pattern observed during the experimental campaign
are presented above the 3D sketch of the specimen. The behaviour of the transverse elements
(both stress field and distribution if the ηε factor) are shown on the sides.
It can be seen that the behaviour of the specimen observed during the test corresponds
well to the stress field resulting from the EPSF analysis. Distribution of the concrete
compressive strength reduction factor (ηε) is well correlated with the observed crack pattern at
ULS. The specimen failed due to crushing of the concrete in the upper zone close to the
symmetry line (as indicated in Fig.3.23), which was also the case in experimental campaign.
20 30 40 50 60 1 2 3 4 5
fc [MPa] σp,inf = Fp,inf /A [MPa]
0 1 2 3 4 0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1
ρ [%] ρw [%]
Figure 3.24: Ratio of measured and estimated strength of indirectly supported structural concrete
members using EPSF method in function of: (a) concrete compressive strength;
(b) initial prestress; (c) longitudinal reinforcement ratio; (d) transverse reinforcement
3.3 Analysis of indirectly supported structural concrete members
EPSF accurately predicted the ultimate strength of all analysed crossed structural
specimens, and each time correctly indicated the failure mode (the models can be downloaded
from http://i-concrete.epfl.ch/epsf/epsf.html). In some cases, the failures occurred in one of the
crossed-beams (as was the case presented in Fig.3.23 for example), while the others failed close
to the connecting regions (as was the case with specimen IWT2 tested by Leonhardt and
Walther [69]).
Satisfactory results have been obtained after applying the described modelling technique
on all 19 specimens found in literature (see Tab.3.3). As it can be seen, each of the five analysed
series gave satisfactory results with respect to the ultimate strength prediction as well as the
governing failure mode (which is very important when it comes to assessing the ultimate
strength of existing structural members).
On average EPSF method yielded 4% lower values of specimen’s ultimate strength
when compared to what was measured during the tests (average Qtest/QEPSF=1.04). In addition
to this the results showed very little scatter (CoV=0.05) and no trends presented as a function
of 4 basic mechanical parameters (concrete strength, prestress level, longitudinal and transverse
reinforcement ratio, as can be seen in Fig.3.24).
Table 3.3: The results of the EPSF for crossed structural concrete members
Qtest QEPSF Qtest Qtest QEPSF Qtest
N° Spec. Aver. CoV N° Spec. Aver. CoV
[kN] [kN] /QEPSF [kN] [kN] /QEPSF
Leonhardt et Walter [69] Baumann, Rüsch [9]
1 IWT1 1152 1130 1.02 1 64/1 102 102 1.00
1.04 -
2 IWT2 1177 1114 1.06 2 65/1A 140 130 1.08
Leonhardt et all. [70] 3 65/1B 104 104 1.00
1 ETI1 273 276 0.99 4 65/2A 93 92 1.01 1.06 0.06
2 ETI2 257 250 1.03 5 65/2B 103 96 1.07
3 ETI3 240 222 1.08 1.01 0.04 6 65/3A 92 80 1.15
4 ETI4 245 250 0.98 7 65/3B 112 98 1.14
5 ETI5 240 246 0.98 Leonhardt at all. [66]
Büeler et Thoma [15] 1 ILT1 1810 1690 1.07
1 LT1 635 630 1.01 2 ILT2 1565 1540 1.02 1.05 0.03
1.01 -
2 LT2 863 860 1.00 3 IILT1 1667 1552 1.07
Based on the presented results the EPSF method has proved to be efficient and accurate
tool for simulating behaviour of crossed-beam members capable of predicting the correct
ultimate load and failure kinematics both on local and global level.
Chapter 3: Advanced modelling of structural concrete members with EPSF
f sk
f sd (3.8)
Rd f ( f cd ; f sd ; anom ) (3.9)
where γc represents the partial safety factor for concrete equal to 1.50 [29,34];
γs represents the partial safety factor for steel equal to 1.15 [29,34];
Rd represents the design resistance of an element;
anom represents the nominal geometry values.
3.4 Tailoring partial safety factors
On the other hand, GSF uses mean values of material properties and nominal values of
geometry properties in order to determine the mean elements resistance, after which a single
(global) safety factor is applied in order to determine design resistance in the following manner:
Rm f ( f cm ; f sm ; anom ) (3.10)
Rd (3.11)
Chapter 3: Advanced modelling of structural concrete members with EPSF
In the previous equations (Eq.3.12 and 3.13), partial safety factor taking into account
material uncertainty can be estimated as following [58]:
C ck
( COV ) fc
1.00 for the concrete (3.14)
f cm e
f sk
S 1.00 for the steel (3.15)
f sm e (COV ) fs
where fck and fcm respectively represent the characteristic and the mean value of concrete
compressive strength (assuming a log-normal distribution of the variable);
(COV)fc represents the coefficient of variation of concrete compressive strength;
α represents the sensitivity factor;
β is the reliability index.
The notation for the steel safety factors is the same except the index letter “S” indicating
steel instead of “C” indicating concrete.
The reliability index depends on the acceptable probability of failure (pf) and the
corresponding reference period (n) in years. For a standard design case acceptable probability
of failure is equal to 10-6 [34] and the design reference period is equal to 50 years [34]. The
reliability index can be calculated in the following manner [95]:
β1 Φ 1( 1 p f ) (3.16)
3.4 Tailoring partial safety factors
0.4 8
0.3 6
std [MPa]
0.2 4
Erntroy (1960)
0.1 2 MC 2010
Rüsch (1964)
Himsworth (1954)
0 0
15 25 35 45 55 15 25 35 45 55
fc [MPa] fc [MPa]
Figure 3.25: Coefficient of variation and standard deviation of concrete compressive strength
according to various authors
Chapter 3: Advanced modelling of structural concrete members with EPSF
Geometry and model uncertainties governing the value of partial safety coefficient can
be expressed in the following manner [58]:
Rd ,c 1.00 (3.18)
MODEL ) ( COV geometry , c ) 2
Rd , s 1.00 (3.19)
MODEL ) ( COV geometry , s ) 2
where (QTEST/QMODEL)m represents the average ratio between the actual (tested) and estimated
resistance for a specific calculation method;
COVMODEL represents the corresponding coefficient of variation;
(QTEST/QMODEL)k represents the characteristic value of the model uncertainty (corresponding to
5% fractile on a log-normal distribution);
COVgeometry,c represents the coefficient of variation of the geometry properties which are relevant
for the resistance strength of concrete (external cross section dimensions and effective depth);
COVgeometry,s represents the coefficient of variation of the geometry properties which are relevant
for the resistance strength of steel (effective depth and reinforcement diameter).
The first three parameters (QTEST/QMODEL)m, COVMODEL and (QTEST/QMODEL)k can be
estimated using the elements from the online database (http://i-concrete.epfl.ch/epsf/epsf.html).
In addition to this the analysed members can be divided into two groups:
1. Members failing in flexure
2. Members failing in shear
For each of these groups the average QTEST/QMODEL ratio and COVMODEL can be estimated
using the EPSF method. Reinforced concrete elements from the same database have been
assessed using the recommendations from MC2010 [34] in order to compare the final values of
partial safety coefficient. It is expected that the PSF for EPSF will be lower (due to the higher
accuracy of the method) compared to code recommendations, and that the PSF for code
recommendations should be equal to γc=1.5 and γs=1.15. Tab.3.4 shows the results of EPSF
analysis and code recommendations of the database.
Table 3.4: Ultimate strength of structural concrete elements from the online database estimated using
EPSF method and MC2010 code provisions
Model EPSF MC2010
Flexural Shear Flexural Shear– Lo1 Shear– Lo2
QTEST/QMODEL 1.075 1.048 1.059 1.439 1.223
COVMODEL 0.060 0.083 0.080 0.212 0.168
It is important to emphasise that the following test campaigns were selected from the
database for the purpose of this research, in order to account only for the specimens that had
clear flexural and shear failures (Vecchio and Shim [122], Yoon et all. [126], Sagaseta and
3.4 Tailoring partial safety factors
Vollum [104]; Sørensen [110], Leonhardt and Walter [68], Kaufmann and Marti [54];
Kaufman and Ramirez [51], Kuchma et al. [60] without specimen G10, Rupf and Muttoni [103]
without specimen SR31B, Moore [79] and Fernández Ruiz and Muttoni [31]). Specimens
which experienced some local failures during the experiments were therefore discarded.
Selected EPSF results are presented in Fig.3.26.
(a) (b)
Moving average
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 3 6 9 12 15
fc [MPa] σp,inf = Fp,inf /A [MPa]
(c) (d)
Aver: 1.05
CoV: 0.08
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
ρ [%] ρw [%]
Figure 3.26: Selected member from the online database used to estimate the tailored partial safety
coefficients for EPSF analysis - predicted and estimated strength in function of:
(a) concrete compressive strength; (b) initial prestress; (c) longitudinal reinforcement
ratio; (d) transverse reinforcement ratio
When it comes to variation of geometry properties applied CoV are given in Tab.3.5
(taken from Tanner et al. [112, 113, 114]). All variables assume normal distribution.
Chapter 3: Advanced modelling of structural concrete members with EPSF
Final values of PSF for concrete are presented in Fig.3.27 to Fig.3.28 (where MC2010
[34] equations were used to assess the ultimate strength of the elements for the database) and
Fig.3.29 to Fig.3.30 (where the same was done using the EPSF method).
Rusch (1964) Erntroy (1960) MC2010 Himsworth (1954)
Dom. material Dom. model
γc 1.5 Dom. material Dom. model Dom. material Dom. model Dom. material Dom. model
Figure 3.27: Tailored partial safety factors for concrete (flexural failure estimated with MC2010)
Rusch (1964) Erntroy (1960) MC2010 Himsworth (1954)
Dom. model Dom. material Dom. model Dom. material Dom. material Dom. model Dom. material Dom. model
γc 1.5
Rusch (1964) Erntroy (1960) MC2010 Himsworth (1954)
Dom. model Dom. material Dom. material Dom. model Dom. material Dom. model Dom. material Dom. model
γc 1.5
Figure 3.28: Tailored partial safety factors for concrete (shear failure estimated with MC2010)
Rusch (1964) Erntroy (1960) MC2010 Himsworth (1954)
Dom. material Dom. model
γc 1.5 Dom. material Dom. model Dom. material Dom. model Dom. material Dom. model
Figure 3.29: Tailored partial safety factors for concrete (flexural failure estimated with EPSF)
3.4 Tailoring partial safety factors
Rusch (1964) Erntroy (1960) MC2010 Himsworth (1954)
Dom. material Dom. model
γc 1.5 Dom. material Dom. model Dom. material Dom. model Dom. material Dom. model
Figure 3.30: Tailored partial safety factors for concrete (shear failure estimated with EPSF)
Shear resistance of the elements has been estimated using both first and second Level
of Approximation (LoA) from MC2010 [34]. In each of the graphs, the red line gives the value
of the partial safety factor for concrete assuming that the material uncertainties are dominant.
On the other hand, the black line gives the same values assuming that model and geometry
uncertainties are dominant. The PSF are given in a function of concrete compressive strength.
Each of the four graphs in Fig.3.27 to Fig.3.30 assumes different scatter of concrete
compressive strength (indicated each time in the upper right corner of the graph).
In case the structural analysis is based on equations presented in MC2010 [34] highest
partial safety factor for the concrete is equal to 1.48 (which is close to 1.50 indicated by the
codes) for elements failing in flexure and shear. This value is governing each time for the low
strength concrete (around 20 MPa) if the dispersion of the concrete compressive strength is
assumed according to Himsworth [44]. In case of elements failing in flexure, it can be observed
that the PSF for concrete can be reduced as the concrete compressive strength increases, due to
the low CoV of concrete compressive strength and high accuracy of the applied model.
Elements failing in shear, on the other hand, do not experience the same significant reduction
of partial safety factors. This is due to the fact that the applied model is much less accurate
compared to the one for flexure (refer to Tab.3.4). In addition to this, it can be observed that
the first level of approximation for shear according to MC2010 [34] governs higher partial
safety factor for concrete (γc=1.39) compared to the second level of approximation γc=1.31 for
higher concrete compressive strength, which is to be expected. In order to keep a uniform value
of the PSF for concrete, the maximal obtained should be selected (referring to 1.48 in this case),
which indicates that the tailoring procedure is in agreement with the code regulations.
For the EPSF method partial safety factors are similar for both failure modes (refer to
Fig.3.29 and Fig.3.30), due to high model accuracy for both types of failure (refer to Tab.3.4).
Similarly to elements failing in flexure estimated with MC2010 [34], the material uncertainties
are dominant in case of lower strength concrete (around 20 MPa), and govern the maximal
value of PSF (γc=1.48). It can be observed that this value is highly dependent on CoV of concrete
compressive strength (in case concrete compressive strength scatter is assumed according to
Rüsch [97] for example the maximal PSF for concrete is γc=1.28). This is why it is crucial to
accurately estimate the level of concrete compressive strength dispersion. PSF tailored for
EPSF method can be reduced as the concrete compressive strength increases (refer to Fig.3.29
and Fig.3.30). According to the proposed procedure, it can be as low as 1.17 in case of 70 MPa
Chapter 3: Advanced modelling of structural concrete members with EPSF
concrete, at which point it becomes almost equal to PSF for steel, indicating that the partial
safety factor practically becomes a global safety factor.
The final value of partial safety factor for concrete that should be used with EPSF
method is not explicitly given in this chapter. Similarly, to LoA approach, one should first apply
γc = 1.5. In case this simulation does not give satisfying accuracy, the value of PSF for concrete
could potentially be reduced according to the proposed procedure. Thorough statistical analysis
needs to be conducted in order to verify the scatter of concrete compressive strength for a given
element. In addition to this, the value of sensitivity coefficients needs to be revised in order to
make sure that the 0.24 and 0.8 are pertinent values for that particular case.
The partial safety factor for steel has also been calculated, but since the dispersion of
the yield strength is much smaller, the results are not presented in the form of a graph. Tab. 3.6
summarizes the obtained results.
It can be observed that the PSF for steel are much more uniform and are not that different
from 1.15 indicated by the codes. The reason why the PSF for steel was not calculated in case
of elements failing in shear for the MC2010 [34] is due to the fact that in reality, failure of the
tested specimens was always governed by the simultaneous failure of concrete and
reinforcement. Even though the codes have predicted a few simulations failures of elements in
shear, the available number of such elements was not sufficient for a pertinent statistical
Chapter 4: Effectiveness factor for concrete
compressive strength accounting
for the presence of cracks and
interaction with the reinforcement
Technical paper titled “Response of RC panel accounting for crack development and its
interaction with rebars”, written by Dr. Eckart Hars, Filip Niketić and Dr. Miguel Fernández
Ruiz was based on this chapter. The article was accepted for publishing by the Magazine of
Concrete Research on the 7th of July 2017 under an article number MACR-D-17-00077R1.
Contributions of Filip Niketić to creation of this publication involved:
1. Developing expression for estimating the plastic strength of rebars subjected to
2. Deriving the expression for estimating plastic strength of damaged and
undamaged concrete struts;
3. Quantifying damaged and undamaged concrete struts in a panel;
4. Developing and implementing a solving procedure for estimating the shear
strength of the RC panels using the proposed model;
5. Assembling a database with 77 structural panels and validating the proposed
6. Producing figures for the article;
7. Writing the manuscript of the article.
Chapter 4: Effectiveness factor for concrete compressive strength
compromises the development of the plastic zones in concrete and therefore the application of
limit analyses, especially for cases where the ultimate resistance of structural elements is
governed by crushing of the compressed zones. In order to overcome this, early elements were
designed in a way that avoid reaching the concrete compressive strength at ULS. In other words,
ultimate load-bearing capacity of members was governed by yielding of the reinforcement.
(a) σs Actual (b) σc
- fy -fce
Adopted -fc
Figure 4.1: Actual and adopted stress-strain diagram for: (a) steel; (b) concrete according to full
plastic approach
When Drucker [27] used the theory of plasticity to obtain the exact solution of a simple
beam subjected to a point load in 1961, the direct application of the limit analysis on structural
concrete members was theoretically proven. Experimental campaign of Leonhardt and Walther,
conducted in 1962 [67], showed that reinforced concrete beams which failed in flexure did
experience plasticisation of the compressed zones. All this lead to further development of stress
fields and strut-and-tie models as general tools for design and assessment of structural concrete
In 1979 Exner [30] proved that the application of the theory of plasticity in combination
with unreduced concrete compressive strength (fc in Fig.4.1a) can lead to unconservative
solutions. He argued that the concrete compressive strength needs to be reduced as a
consequence of material softening. In other words, an effective concrete compressive strength
fce should be applied instead of fc (see Fig.4.1a). Using the experimental results of RC beams
with no transversal reinforcement, he defined an empirical expression for concrete compressive
strength effectiveness factor:
3 .2
According to Exner [30], the effective concrete compressive strength can be estimated
in the following manner:
f ce f c (4.2)
Current codes of practice (such as MC2010 [34], EC2 [29] or ACI 318 [1]) include
reduction of concrete compressive strength measured on a cylinder when estimating structural
capacity of load-bearing members. According to MC2010 [34], the effective concrete
compressive strength is obtained in the following manner:
4.1 Introduction and state of the art
kε represents the concrete compressive strength softening due to imposed transversal strains;
αcc takes into account the effects of loading rate and loading level on concrete compressive
According to MC2010 [34], the effects of the post-tensioning ducts on effective
concrete compressive strength are taking into account indirectly, by reducing the thickness of
the analysed web in the following manner:
bw, nom bw k D
D (4.4)
0 (4.6)
Ec 1
Chapter 4: Effectiveness factor for concrete compressive strength
function of the uniaxial compressive strength. Descending branch of a 100 MPa concrete for
example is much steeper (hence, more brittle) compared to the one corresponding to a 40 MPa
concrete, while the stress-strain diagram of 20 MPa concrete leaves an impression of an almost
ductile material behaviour.
(a) (b)
120 1.2
Actual behaviour
Plastic behaviour fc5
100 1.0
80 0.8
σ [MPa]
fc3 fcp4
60 ηfc 0.6
40 fcp2 0.4
fc1 fcp1
20 0.2
fco=30MPa - acc to MC2010
fco=20MPa - acc to Muttoni 1990
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 20 40 60 80 100
ε [×10-3] fc [MPa]
Figure 4.2: Concrete brittleness factor: (a) actual and plastic constitutive law of concrete; (b) the
brittleness factor according to Muttoni [82]
If the limit analysis is to be applied on structural concrete, actual stress distribution at
ULS should correspond to the one assumed by the theory of plasticity (constant stress blocks).
Fig.4.3 illustrates this problem, using an element subjected to pure bending. Assuming that the
maximal compressive strains are approximately equal to 3.5‰, and that the sections remain
perfectly plane at ULS (refer to Fig.4.3a), allows one to estimate the concrete stress
distributions at the critical cross-section. Applying the concrete constitutive law presented in
Eq.4.5 results in stress distribution presented in Fig.4.3b, which does not correspond to constant
stress block assumed by the theory of plasticity. In order to overcome this, a concrete
compressive strength brittleness factor (ηfc), which smears the actual stress distribution down
to a block with constant stress intensity needs to be applied (refer to fc∙ηfc in Fig.4.3c).
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Fc ~3.5‰
x xp
fc fc·η
εc,ult fc·ηfc
Figure 4.3: Analysis of a critical section subjected to pure bending at ULS: (a) strain distribution;
(b) stress distribution assuming actual concrete constitutive law; (c) stress distribution
assuming plastic concrete constitutive law with brittleness factor; (d) stress distribution
assuming plastic concrete constitutive law without the brittleness factor
Applying the strength reduction factor while smearing the stresses over the entire
compression zone (marked as x in Fig.4.3c) is only one approach for dealing with brittleness of
concrete. An alternative method is presented in Fig.4.3d, where the intensity of the stresses
4.1 Introduction and state of the art
block is equal to fc∙η while the height of the compression zone is reduced down to xp. According
to MC2010 [34]:
Even though the second approach can be applied for bending, in other cases (such as
shear for example), the reduction of the area upon which compressive stresses are acting is not
so evident. Hence, the application of a brittleness factor provides more consistent solutions for
various stress states. It now becomes evident why the resistance of structural concrete elements
can be overestimated in case the intensity of stress block remains equal to fc while the height of
the compressed zone (x) stays the same (as argued by Exner [30]).
In order to compensate for the brittle behaviour of concrete Muttoni [82] proposed a
following expression:
fc 3 c 0 1.0 (4.12)
where fco represents the concrete compressive strength up to which the actual constitutive law
for concrete exhibits a ductile behaviour.
F F /A·fc 1 Q / ∑ Ai·fc
ηfc=1 ηfc
Q 0
F 0 (b) δult
N2 /A2·fc N1 /A1·fc
1 1
ηfc A1 A1 ηfc
N1 N1
0 0
δult δult
Figure 4.4: Redistribution mechanisms: (c) response of a standard concrete cylinder; (b) response of
a system consisting of three cylinders and an infinitely rigid beam (adopted from Muttoni
et al. [89])
Fig.4.2b shows the concrete compressive strength brittleness factor according to
Muttoni [82]. The initial limit which separates ductile from brittle behaviour of concrete
cylinders was set equal to fco=20 MPa (refer to the dashed line in Fig.4.2b), but was later
Chapter 4: Effectiveness factor for concrete compressive strength
modified to 30 MPa (refer to the full line in Fig.4.2b). Applying the brittleness factor on actual
stress-strain diagrams for concrete, results in the elastic-perfectly plastic constitutive laws for
cylinders, presented in Fig.4.2a with full lines. The reduction of concrete compressive strength
becomes more significant as the ultimate resistance increases (refer to Fig.4.2a and b), and the
actual behaviour becomes more brittle.
Brittleness factors should also be applied when estimating ultimate resistance of
structural concrete members subjected to constant compressive strains; not just when there is a
distribution of strains over the compressed zone (such is the case with bending, presented in
Fig.4.3 for example). The reason for this is schematically presented in Fig.4.4, which compares
the behaviour of a standard cylinder (see Fig.4.4a) to a system of three colons connected with
an infinitely stiff beam (see Fig.4.4b). Obtaining the failure load of a cylinder does not require
the application of a brittleness reduction factor, since the maximal material stress is reached at
the same point across the entire cross-section, and the element does not need to facilitate any
additional redistribution (in other words ηfc=1 as presented in Fig.4.4a). On the other hand,
applying the same displacement (δ) over three short columns made out of identical concrete,
results in different strain states in each one of them. The shortest (interior) column is already
plasticized by the time the system fails (see the bottom left graph in Fig.4.4b). On the other
hand, the longer (exterior) columns have just reached the peak of the stress-strain diagram (refer
to bottom right graph in Fig.4.4b). Consequently, summing the individual resistances of the
three members while using the actual concrete compressive strength (fc), results in
overestimation of the system’s strength. In order to compensate for this, a concrete compressive
strength brittleness factor (ηfc) should be applied to all three columns (as indicated in Fig.4.4b).
The same effect can be observed within a single structural concrete element which has
reinforcement in compression. Strain-wise, the yielding point of the two materials (concrete
and steel) does not coincide, thus leading to softening of concrete prior to reaching the yielding
of the reinforcement (similarly to what is described in Fig.4.4b).
It can be concluded that the stress redistribution in structural concrete elements should
be anticipated in case of isostatic as well as hyperstatic systems. Therefore, the concrete
compressive strength brittleness factors (ηfc) should always be applied in order to facilitate safe
usage of the limit analysis.
4.1 Introduction and state of the art
σc τ
RC panel τ
Figure 4.5: Physical behaviour of concrete: (a) in a reinforced concrete beam; (b) in a panel
Many experimental programmes have been conducted in the past in order to better
understand this complex problem ([5], [10], [47], [56], [57], [75], [94], [106], [118], [119],
[121], [124], [127]), and their results are today incorporated in modern codes of practice
(MC2010 [34], EC2 [29], ACI 318 [1]), as well as nonlinear numerical methods [35]. Most of
the studies have been performed on reinforced concrete panels (such as the one presented in
Fig.4.5b), since the specimens can be tested until failure while being subjected to uniform stress
states (pure shear, shear combined with tension or compression, pure compression, compression
combined with tension etc.). However, some of the experimental campaigns focusing on the
investigation of effective concrete compressive strength were performed on reinforced concrete
beams failing in shear (Muttoni [82] and Zwicky [129] for example). Such elements were
subjected to a non-uniform stress state, meaning that a part of shear was taken by the
compressed flange, as well as the direct strut action and doweling of the longitudinal
reinforcement. Consequently, estimating the effective concrete compressive strength becomes
much more challenging, which is why the application of reinforced concrete panels was
preferred. However, it is important to emphasise that experimental investigation of beams gives
crucial information on the realistic behaviour of structural elements, and as such, it is very
important from a practical point of view.
Fig. 4.6 shows the influence of transversal strains on concrete compressive strength.
The black line represents the stress-(transversal) strain diagram of a standard cylinder test,
showing a clear softening of the material once the compressive strength (fc) has been reached.
Given a fact that similar curves can be obtained for a structural concrete panel (refer to the red
curve in Fig.4.6) Muttoni [82] proposed that the softening branch of the stress-strain diagram
can be used as a failure criterion for the element, allowing one to determine the effective
concrete compressive strength (fce). The average transversal strain (ε1) of a panel can be
obtained based on the crack opening in the direction of the reinforcement (refer to Fig.4.6).
However, the shape of the softening branch in a stress-(transversal) strain diagram is quite
challenging to predict due to the large scatter in the experimental results. In addition to this, the
proposed procedure does not account for all potential interactions between the concrete and the
reinforcement (as it will be later presented).
Chapter 4: Effectiveness factor for concrete compressive strength
σ3 fc
ε1 ε1
ε1 σ3
Figure 4.6: Descending branch of a standard cylinder test used as a failure criterion for reinforced
concrete panels (adopted from Muttoni et al. [89])
There are three basic failure modes which have been observed in the experimental
campaigns involving reinforced concrete panels (observed by Vecchio and Collins [120]):
1. Crushing of the concrete struts (presented in Fig.4.7a);
2. Spalling of the concrete cover (presented in Fig.4.7b);
3. Sliding along an initial crack (presented in Fig.4.7c).
(a) (b) (c)
Out-of-plane C
In-plane Out-of-plane
Spalling crack crack
B cracks
Figure 4.7: Failure mechanisms of reinforced concrete panels: (a) concrete crushing; (b) concrete
cover spalling; (c) concrete sliding
First two failure modes are a result of the physical interaction between the rebars and
the surrounding matrix. In case of concrete crushing, the resistance of the element is reached
when the out-of-plane cracks, imposed through bond by the elongation of the rebars (see
Fig.4.7a) soften the surrounding concrete matrix up to its failure. Looking at the horizontal cut,
made at the level of the rebars (refer to the bottom of Fig.4.7a) one can observe the formation
of the out-of-plane cracks according to the model of Tepfers [115] based on the experimental
observations of Goto [38] (point A marks the location of an out-of-plane crack). The described
4.1 Introduction and state of the art
Chapter 4: Effectiveness factor for concrete compressive strength
(a) (b)
1.2 1.2
1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8
ηε 0.6 ηε 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
0 0
3 0 3 0
6 3 6 3
9 6 9 6
ε1 / ε0 9 ε1 / ε0 12 9
12 12 ε3 / ε0 12 ε3 / ε0
15 15
Figure 4.8: Concrete compressive strength softening law taking into account the concrete interaction
with reinforcement: (a) according to Collins 1978 [22]; (b) according to Vecchio and
Collins 1986 [120]
The proposed empirical expression has two important issues:
1. Reduction of the concrete compressive strength as a function of principal compressive
strains is not physically consistent;
2. The fact that the tensile and compressive strains are biased means that the concrete
compressive strength depends on the total amount of strains in a system, rather than the
amount of imposed tensile strains.
γ/2 γ/2
Case 1 Case 2
ε3 ε1 ε ε3 ε1 ε
Figure 4.9: Two different strain states of a structural concrete member governing the same concrete
compressive strength according to Collins [22]
In other words, the same effective concrete compressive strength is obtained when
imposing higher transversal strains into a system, in case this increase is compensated with
lower compressive strains. For example, effective concrete compressive strength for Case A is
identical to the one from Case B in Fig.4.9.
The two inconsistences were later corrected in 1986, when Vecchio and Collins [120]
introduced the Modified Compression Field Theory (MCFT), which is one of the most
commonly used expressions for the reduction of concrete compressive strength accounting for
the interaction with the reinforcement:
1.0 (4.14)
0.8 170 1
4.1 Introduction and state of the art
addition to this, Eq. 4.14 is completely independent from the principal concrete compressive
strains. Compared to experimental results, MCFT proved to be quite accurate and easy to
implement (as shown in [120]). Nonetheless, the model of Vecchio and Collins is semi-
empirical, and as such it does not distinguish between the various failure modes presented in
Fig.4.7. Without a proper prediction of the governing failure mechanism (concrete crushing,
spalling or sliding), it is difficult to enhance the strength of an analysed element in the most
effective manner.
After the introduction of MCFT, multiple authors have been working on improving the
compression softening equation, by conducting additional experimental campaigns in order to
invoke all three failure modes presented in Fig.4.7. The range of mechanical properties of tested
RC panels was widened, as well as type of loading, the number of reinforcement layers, size of
the elements etc. Some of the most significant woks in this field includes the approach of
Belarbi and Hsu [10]:
1 250 1
The proposed expression governs greater strength reduction for elements subjected to
lower transversal tensile strains, compared to Eq.4.14. This can be explained by the fact the RC
panels that fail in concrete cover spalling or concrete sliding, usually reach smaller principal
tensile strains at failure. The expression of Belarbi and Hsu tried to account of such behaviour.
Nevertheless, the softening of concrete is still estimated in a semi-empirical manner, depending
only on the amount of transversal tensile strains in a panel.
Another semi-empirical softening expression was introduced by Kaufmann [52], who
analysed elements which have been subjected to significant transversal strains (ε1/ε0 up to 15,
assuming ε0 equal to equal to 2‰). According to him the effective concrete compressive
strength should be accounted for in the following manner:
1.08 81 1
Chapter 4: Effectiveness factor for concrete compressive strength
In order to improve the results of MCFT by taking into account the sliding which occurs
along the initial cracks of RC panels, Vecchio [117] introduced another expression for concrete
compressive strength reduction factor:
0.95 0.15
Eq. 4.18 was implemented in the Disturbed Stress Field Method [117], which was able
to capture the behaviour of panels with small rotation of the principal stress field direction at
failure more accurately than MCFT (refer to [120]).
A direct comparison between the different approaches for estimating the softening of
concrete compressive strength due to imposed transversal strains (refer to Eq.4.14 - Eq.4.18),
is presented in Fig.4.10a. It can be seen that the reduction proposed by Belarbi and Hsu [10],
Kaufmann [52] and Zwicky [129] govern similar results, which is slightly different compared
to that of Vecchio and Collins [120] and Vecchio [117].
(a) (b)
1.2 1.2
Vecchio and Collins ‘86 Hars ‘06
Belarbi and Hsu ‘95 MC2010 (LoA I)
1.0 1.0 MC2010 (LoA II)
Kaufmann ‘98
Vecchio ‘00
0.8 Zwicky ‘02 0.8
ηε 0.6 ηε 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
0 3 6 9 12 15 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
ε1 / ε0 θ [°]
Figure 4.10: Concrete compressive strength softening laws taking into account the presence of
transversal strains: (a) according to various authors; (b) simplified approach of
Hars [41] and recommendations provided by MC2010 [34]
In general, the first three approaches, indicate more significant concrete compressive
strength reduction for elements with less transversal strain, whereas the former two do the same
in case of members subjected to higher transversal tensile strains. All proposed expressions
showed satisfying behaviour when compared to corresponding databases (refer to the original
publications). However, each approach lacks a clear physical background, which would allow
it to predict one of the three failure mechanisms presented in Fig.4.7 as governing (concrete
crushing, spalling and sliding). Therefore, the development of a mechanically based model is
necessary in order to truly understand the actual behaviour of structural elements. This is
important when designing new members, since a variation in the rebar diameter and spacing
may significantly influence the concrete compressive strength (see Fig.4.7). The same can
happen when changing the thickness of the concrete cover (refer to Fig.4.7b). Using current
4.1 Introduction and state of the art
semi-empirical expressions (refer to Eq.4.14 – Eq.4.18) can only suggest if the weakest part of
a structure is the concrete or the reinforcement.
Aside from estimating the effective concrete compressive strength in the most accurate
manner, it is also important to provide simplified expressions for the design purposes (presented
in Fig.4.10b). According to Hars [41], the effective concrete compressive strength can be
determined based on the direction of the principal concrete compressive stress. Such approach
is very straightforward to use, especially in case of reinforced and prestressed concrete beams
which is very important in practice:
where εx represents the longitudinal strain at the mid-depth of the effective shear depth.
The minimal principal concrete compressive stress direction for reinforced and prestressed
concrete elements is limited to:
Fig.4.10b compares all three simplified approaches for estimating the concrete
compressive strength efficiency factor. Even though the approach of Hars [41] governs slightly
higher values compared to 2nd LoA of MC2010 [34], the two curves are almost parallel. This
indicates that the behaviour of an element does not change significantly when applying the two
different methods. It should be noted that even though the approach of Hars [41] is very
straightforward to use, it implies that the inclination of the principal compressive field in a
reinforced concrete beam can be lower than 20°, which is not necessarily consistent with
Eq.4.22. The longitudinal strain at the mid-depth (εx) is usually positive, meaning that θmin
should not be smaller than 20° (refer to Eq.4.22). Finally, according to the MC2010 [34], the
effective concrete compressive strength determined using the 1st LoA represents a safe estimate
compared to the 2nd LoA in case of RC elements. In case of prestressed concrete however,
ηε=0.55 slightly exceeds the limit imposed by the 2nd LoA for angles between 25° and 27°.
Chapter 4: Effectiveness factor for concrete compressive strength
From a practical point of view this is not a problem as long as the strength of an analysed
element is not governed by the crushing of the concrete. This is due to the fact that the 2nd LoA,
allows lowering the direction of the principal concrete compressive stress (thus activating more
stirrups), meaning that even though the concrete compressive strength is lower, the ultimate
strength of an element is higher. However, if according to the 1st LoA element fails due to
crushing of the concrete while the direction of the principal concrete compressive stress is
smaller than 27°, switching to the 2nd LoA will slightly decrease its resistance.
F G P x
σcII σcI
H I J σcII σcI K
σcII σcI
sinφ ½(bw-ØD)
Figure 4.11: Interaction of structural concrete with prestress ducts: (a) crack pattern and stress flow
in a panel with an ungrouted duct; (b) crack pattern and stress flow in a panel with a
grouted duct; (c) mechanical model proposed by Hars [41]
Given a fact that an empty duct represents a void in the concrete matrix, means that the
principal concrete compressive stresses need to deviate around this discontinuity region.
Consequently, the tensile strength of concrete is utilized in order to facilitate the necessary
4.1 Introduction and state of the art
deviation (see full lines in Fig.4.11a). At one point, the tensile strength of concrete is surpassed,
which leads to formation of in-plane cracks and failure of the panel. Such behaviour can be
seen on one of the panels tested by Hars [41] (refer to the left-hand side of Fig.4.11a).
Grouted post-tensioning ducts on the other hand present the stiffest zones in the concrete
matrix, causing the compressive stresses to deviate towards it (see Fig.4.11b). Similar to
previous situation, this deviation is accommodated by the tensile strength of concrete (full lines
in Fig.4.11b). As the applied load increases so does the amount of tensile stress necessary to
deviate the stress field in the proximity of the duct, which ultimately leads to cracking and
failure (as presented in Fig.4.11b).
On average elements containing grouted plastic post-tensioning ducts have reached
lower ultimate strength compared to the ones that used grouted steel ducts. This can be
explained by the surface roughness of the two materials (plastic and steel, as indicated in
Fig.4.11b). When the internal compressive force reaches the duct, its tangential projection on
the circular surface needs to be equilibrated by the friction occurring between the duct and the
concrete in order for the compressive force to pass through. Since plastic is a smoother and less
stiff than steel, the amount of compressive force which can be transferred through the duct is
smaller. Consequently, more force flows around the duct inducing higher transversal tensile
stress in the section, which lowers the element’s strength.
Hars [41] developed a mechanically based model, predicting out-of-plane failures of
structural panels containing ungrouted or grouted (plastic and steel) post-tensioning ducts. The
equilibrium-based model is given in a form of a stress field and presented in Fig.4.11c. It shows
the internal stress distribution for one quarter of the entire cross section (as indicated in
Fig.4.11b). A segment of the post-tensioning ducts is located in the bottom left part of
Fig.4.11c. The panel is subjected to uniaxial compression from the top (resulting in σc
compressive stress), leaving its side surfaces completely stress-free.
Area ABCDE of the stress field (shaded using light-grey in Fig.4.11c) is subjected to
uniaxial compression (equal to σc). Zone FGEHIJK, presented in dark grey separates the stress
field in two branches – one passing through the duct (branch FGHI) and the other going around
it (branch GEJK). Both branches are subjected to simultaneous tension and compression, and
their widths are governed by the surface roughness of the duct, in the following manner:
tan (4.23)
Chapter 4: Effectiveness factor for concrete compressive strength
strength of concrete (fcte). The bottom part of the stress field (zones HILM and JKNO) is once
more subjected to uniform stress state (σcII and σcI, respectively), which is higher compared to
Equilibrium of the free-body DGJKE gives (refer to Hars [41]):
H : x a (4.24)
c t
2 b1
V : cI c (4.25)
bw D
b1 bw
M P : cI bw D t a a x (4.26)
2 4
After combining previous equations, one can link the maximal compressive stress (σc)
with maximal tensile stress (σt) in the following manner:
2 a2
c t 1 (4.27)
b1 2 b1 bw
Horizontal position of points D and G can be obtained by assuming that σcI (Eq.4.25) is
equal to σcII (Eq.4.28):
bw 1
b1 (4.29)
2 1 1 sin
According to Hars [41], effective concrete tensile strength (fcte) can be estimated in the
following manner:
f cte 750
5/3 1 3c (4.31)
f ct fc fc
where σ3c represents the applied compressive stress;
fct represents the maximal concrete tensile strength equal to:
f ct 0.3 f c2 / 3 (4.32)
As it can be seen fcte<fct, due to the fact that the concrete is not only subjected to pure
tension, but tension combined with compression (σ3c). This effect was observed and
investigated by Kupfer [63] and Curbach et al. [24], and Eq.4.31 was used as a failure criterion
4.1 Introduction and state of the art
for the model of Hars [41]. Ultimate strength of a panel is reached at point J, once the effective
tensile strength of concrete is surpassed. Maximal compressive stress is obtained after
combining Eq.4.25 and Eq.4.29:
3c cI c (4.33)
1 1 sin
Equations 4.32 and 4.33 can then be introduced to Eq.4.31, and finally, after assuming
that fcte=σt (from Eq.4.27) as well as normalizing the entire expression with fc, concrete
compressive strength softening coefficient taking into account presence of post-tensioning
ducts can be obtained:
f2 2 1
4 a bw 1 1 sin
c 1
D 1 (4.34)
225 1 sin 1 1 1 sin
Previous expression is valid for ungrouted as well as grouted (steel or plastic) post-
tensioning ducts. The only difference between them is in the amount of compressive stresses
which can be transferred through the duct. In other words, the width of FGHI branch changes
(see Fig.4.11c) as a function of the friction coefficient, which translates into angle φ (refer to
Eq.4.23 and Fig.4.11c). In case of ungrouted ducts, the proposed friction coefficient is equal to
zero. Grouted plastic ducts on the other hand assume μ=0.2 (φ=0.2 rad), and finally the friction
coefficient of grouted steel ducts is equal to μ=0.6 (φ=0.54 rad). According to Hars [41] the
local stress field disturbance ratio a/bw (see Eq.4.34) should be equal to two.
Model for estimating the effective concrete compressive strength of structural concrete
members containing a post-tensioning duct proposed by Hars [41] has been presented in form
of a graph in Fig.4.12a to c. Equation 4.34 assuming μ=0 and varying fc between 20 MPa and
100 MPa can be seen in Fig.4.12a as a function of δ . Similar curves are given in Fig.4.12b and
c, assuming μ=0.2 and μ=0.6, which corresponds to grouted plastic and steel ducts. According
to Hars [41] concrete compressive strength reduction caused by the presence of post-tensioning
ducts is quite significant, especially in case when empty ducts are combined with high strength
concrete. However, in practice grouted steel ducts are used most of the time. Fortunately Hars’s
model predicts that the effective concrete compressive strength remains relatively high in such
cases (see Fig.4.12c).
MC2010 [34] proposes a simplified expression for estimating the effective concrete
compressive strength of prestress concrete, which is especially suitable for design purposes.
The reduction can be applied on material or geometrical level, by reducing the concrete
compressive strength or thickness of the web in the following manner:
D 1 kD (4.35)
bw,eff bw k D
D (4.36)
Chapter 4: Effectiveness factor for concrete compressive strength
kD represents the post-tensioning duct coefficient, which is equal to 0.5 in case of grouted steel
ducts, 0.8 in case of grouted plastic ducts and 1.2 in case of ungrouted duct.
(a) (b)
1.2 1.2
Ungrouted ducts Plastic grouted ducts
1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8
ηD 0.6 ηD 0.6
0.4 0.4
20 MPa 20 MPa
40 MPa 40 MPa
0.2 60 MPa 0.2 60 MPa
80 MPa 80 MPa
100 MPa 100 MPa
0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
δ δ
(c) (d)
1.2 1.2
Steel drouted ducts MC2010
1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8
ηD 0.6 ηD 0.6
0.4 0.4
20 MPa
40 MPa
0.2 60 MPa 0.2 Ungrouted ducts
80 MPa Plastic grouted ducts
100 MPa Steel grouted ducts
0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
δ δ
Figure 4.12: Concrete compressive strength reduction factor taking into account the presence of
prestress ducts (assuming a/bw=2):(a) model of Hars [41] applied to ungrouted ducts;
(b) model of Hars [41] applied to grouted plastic ducts: (c) (a) model of Hars [41]
applied to grouted steel ducts; (d) recommendations of MC2010 [34]
Equation 4.35 can be seen in Fig.4.12d, where ηD factor is presented in function of δ
(refer to Eq.4.30). Compared to curves proposed by Hars [41], MC2010 [34] does not directly
depend on the concrete compressive strength, nor does it take into account the influence of
imposed tensile stress on strength of a member. In addition to this, it governs less conservative
values of concrete compressive strength (especially in case of high-strength concrete). This is
why the multiplicative approach of MC2010 [34] for estimating the effective concrete
compressive strength has been investigated and criticized by Hars [41].
4.1 Introduction and state of the art
4.1.4 Critique of the multiplicative approach for estimating effective concrete compressive
When looking at a prestressed concrete panel at ULS (presented in Fig.4.13a), it can be seen
that there are two distinctive families of cracks:
1. Out-of-plane cracks, accounted for through ηε effectiveness factor;
2. In-plane cracks, accounted for through ηD effectiveness factor
The multiplicative approach of MC2010 [34] (presented in Eq.4.3) implies that the two
reduction factors (ηε and ηD) should be combined in order to obtain the effective compressive
strength. However, when looking at the physical origins of η –coefficients it can be seen that
even though they act simultaneously, concrete compressive strength is reduced in two
perpendicular planes (as presented in Fig.4.13a). Hence, the multiplicative approach of
MC2010 [34] does not entirely capture the mechanical behaviour of prestressed concrete
In addition to this, Hars [41] showed that despite the fact that multiplicative approach
seems to be on the safe side, this is not the case when ungrouted or grouted plastic post-
tensioning ducts are applied, due to the fact that the presence of deviating tensile stress is
completely neglected in the cross-section. In order to be more mechanically consistent,
Hars [41] proposed following expression for obtaining the effective concrete compressive
f ce f c fc min D (4.37)
1 k D
where ηD represent the concrete compressive strength factor taking into account the presence of
the duct, which should be obtained according to Eq.4.34 ;
ηε represents the concrete compressive strength effectiveness factor taking into account the
presence of transversal strains in the concrete, which should be assumed according to
MC2010 [34];
kD and δ are respectively the duct type coefficient and relative post-tensioning ducts thickness,
and should be assumed according to MC2010 [34].
Expression 4.37, clearly distinguishes between the in-plane and out-of-plane failure of
panels, while at the same time acknowledges that the presence of the post-tensioning ducts
causes additional in-place stress concentration by multiplying the ηε coefficient with (1-kD·δ).
Fig.4.13b to d gives the results of concrete compressive strength criterion from Eq.4.37 applied
on different types of post-tensioning ducts and various concrete compressive strengths. The
effect of ηD was neglected for all the cases when δ ≤ 0.125 (as recommended by MC2010 [34]).
Each of the graphs clearly indicates whether the minimal concrete compressive strength was
governed by ηD or enhanced ηε reduction factor. Fig.4.13b and c shows that when high-strength
concrete (fc above 80 MPa) is combined with ungrouted and grouted plastic ducts, it is ηD not
enhanced ηε that governs the strength of a member. This means that the MC2010 [34] code
provisions are unconservative in such situations. However, in case of grouted steel post-
Chapter 4: Effectiveness factor for concrete compressive strength
tensioning ducts current code provisions are on the safe side (as can be seen in Fig.4.13d). It is
important to mention that the three curves from Fig.4.13d (corresponding to concrete
compressive strength of 60 MPa, 80 MPa and 100 MPa) are overlapped, which explains why
only the red line remains visible.
(a) (b)
A 0.6
ηε ηD η ε
η ε
In-plane 0.4
crack ηD
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
(c) (d)
1.2 1.2
Plastic grouted ducts Steel drouted ducts
1.0 60 MPa 1.0 60 MPa
80 MPa 80 MPa
100 MPa 100 MPa
0.8 0.8
δ=0.125 δ=0.125
η ε
η D
η ε
η D
ηε ηε
0.6 0.6
η ε
δ) η ε
η ε
0.4 ηD 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
δ δ
Figure 4.13: Critique of the multiplicative approach for estimating effective concrete compressive
strength: (a) crack distribution in an prestressed concrete panel; (b) to (c) parallel
approach of Hars [41] compared to multiplicative approach of MC2010 [34] applied on
members with ungrouted and grouted plastic/steel ducts
After presenting, comparing and analysing current models used to estimate the concrete
compressive strength effectiveness factor (refer to Eq.4.3 - Eq.4.37), it becomes clear that the
mechanisms limiting in-plane and out-of-plane resistance of structural members need to be
clearly distinguished and accounted for separately from each other. Going forward even further,
it is necessary to derive a mechanically based model which is able to differentiate between the
three failure modes presented in Fig.4.7:
1. Crushing of the concrete strut;
4.1 Introduction and state of the art
Chapter 4: Effectiveness factor for concrete compressive strength
x θy x x
2·c+Øz 2·c+Øx
Undamaged struts Ultimate cracks
Ultimate cracks Damaged struts Confining region - primary doweling
Unconfined rebar Confining region - secondary doweling
Øx Confined rebar Plastic hinges - primary doweling
Initial cracks Plastic hinges - secondary doweling
Initial crack (ητ ) Spalling cracks (ηs and ηdow)
Figure 4.14: Modelling the physical behaviour of a reinforced concrete panel subjected to shear and
axial loads: (a) cracking point; (b) onset of yielding; (c) failure of the panel and (d) in-
plane and out-of-plane reduction mechanism of concrete compressive strength
4.2 Mechanical model for compression softening
parallel to principal tensile stresses for the elastic response, this means that the stress state,
strain state and initial cracking angle (θcr) are unambiguously defined (refer to Fig.4.14a).
(a) τxz ,σz bw (b) τ (c) γ/2
τxz σcx γxz/2 εx Pole
lz σc3 σc1 σ ε3 θ ε1 ε
τxz ,σx θ
Pole τxz σcz γxz/2 εz
lx x
Figure 4.15: (a) Geometry and loading properties of an analysed panel; (b) stress state of a concrete
strut and (c) average strain state of the panel
The amount of stress acting along the edge of a panel at any given point in load-history,
can be defined using the applied force as follows (refer to Fig.4.14a):
σx (4.38)
h bw
σz (4.39)
l bw
V xz
τ xz (4.40)
l h
where Fx represents the applied force in x-direction;
Fz represents the applied force in z-direction;
Vxz represents the applied shear force;
l represents the size of the panel in the x-direction;
h represents the size of the panel in the z-direction;
bw represents the thickness of the panel.
Assuming that the panel behaves as a uniform elastic continuum up to the cracking, one
can calculate the principle tensile stress of the panel as:
σ σz σ σz
σ c1 x x τ xz
2 2
The limit case of the elastic phase is reached when the principle tensile stress becomes
equal to the mean tensile strength of concrete (σc1 = fctm). According to MC2010 [34], this value
can be estimated as:
f ctm (4.42)
2.12 ln(1 0.1 f c ), for f c 50MPa
Chapter 4: Effectiveness factor for concrete compressive strength
4.2 Mechanical model for compression softening
until the principal compressive stresses become equal to the effective concrete compressive
Figure 4.16: (a) Distribution of strains, stresses and internal forced inside a plastic hinge of a rebar;
(b) axial strength reduction of a horizontal rebar as a function of the crack opening angle
The plastic stress distribution within a hinge at the ultimate limit state is presented in
Fig.4.16a. The central part of the cross-section carries tension, while the rest carries the bending
moment. In order to account for such interaction, the apparent yield strength of the steel in
tension needs to be reduced (fy,r). It must be noted, however, that this detrimental effects of the
doweling in one direction (fy,r), brings some beneficial effects to the opposite direction (Vdow),
as presented in Fig.4.17d and Fig.4.17e This is justified as the bent rebar can resist some shear
forces, reducing the amount of the force that has to be carried by the bars in the perpendicular
direction. Depending on the inclination of the crack, the number of rebars which are actively
contributing in carrying applied loads through the doweling action can vary. In case this angle
is higher than 45° (refer to Fig.4.17d) the number of rebars is governed by their spacing (sx and
sz) and the height of a panel (h), whereas in case the angle is lower than 45° (see Fig.4.17e) the
number is determined based on the length of a panel (l) and the spacing between the rebars (sx
and sz).
The development of tensile and dowel forces in a plastic hinge for a given crack
direction and kinematics is investigated in Fig.4.17. The inclination of the initial crack is
defined by θcr, and the direction of its opening by θ. These two angles are considered to account
Chapter 4: Effectiveness factor for concrete compressive strength
that the crack is not necessarily (at all cases) parallel to the principal compressive stress and
strain direction, and is therefore subjected to simultaneous opening and sliding.
wini (c) wini
(a) (b)
w ldow w
ldow ldow ldow ½ζ w·sinθ
τb θ θ
w θcr Δ θcr
τb τb α Sliping of the
plastic hinge
Plastic hinge w·cosθ
Future crack w·cosθ w·sinθ τb (1-ζ)w·sinθ Δ
ldow ½ζ· w·sinθ
Confining struts
Figure 4.17: Doweling mechanism of the reinforcement: (a) location of the future plastic hinges and
the initial crack; (b) local bending of a horizontal rebar in the proximity of an initial
crack – no slip along the rebar; (c) local bending of a horizontal rebar in the proximity
of an initial crack – accounting for the slip along the rebar; (d) contributing rebars for
crack angles bigger than 45° and (e) contributing rebars for crack angles smaller than
The plastic hinges are located at a distance to the crack named the doweling length (ldow,
see Fig.4.17a). When the crack opens, the plastic hinges are horizontally and vertically moved
from each other (refer to Fig.4.17b). Since the rebar is not perfectly bonded to concrete, it slips
for a value which can be expressed as function of the corresponding crack width. This is defined
by coefficient ξ in Fig.4.17c. Consequently, the rebar tilts (at a specific angle α) and elongates
for 2·Δ. Along the doweling length, the rebar pushes against the surrounding concrete
transferring the doweling forces to the concrete (σcc). According to Rasmussen [99] the
doweling length for the case of doweling with no eccentricity and no normal load can be
estimated as:
l dow (4.44)
3 f cc
4.2 Mechanical model for compression softening
as the percentage of confining (i.e. damaged) struts within a panel (refer to Fig.4.14b and
Fig.4.14c). Therefore, the presented approach is slightly conservative.
The enhanced concrete strength equilibrating the doweling forces can be estimated
accounting for the influence of the concrete cover. Based on the work of Vintzeleou and Tassios
[123], the confined concrete strength can be estimated as:
cconf ,1 cconf , 2
f cc f c 1 0.02 0.15 5 f c (4.45)
where cconf,1 represents the concrete cover perpendicular to the confining concrete stress (cannot
be larger than 4Ø) and cconf,2 represents the concrete cover parallel to the confining concrete
stress (cannot be larger than 8Ø).
(a) z (b) z (c)
Øz , ρz srm srm
Effective tie
σs ldow
sz Øeff , ρeff F F
Plastic hinge
sx seff
ε εs2 εs1 ξ=2δ/w
δ εscr w
θcr θcr x
x x
Figure 4.18: (a) Geometry properties of the reinforcement in horizontal and vertical direction;
(b) geometry properties of the effective reinforcement and effective tie and (c) strain state
along the effective tie
On average, the corresponding values for the confined concrete strength are
approximately equal to 3.7·fc. The actual concrete strength (σcc), is however determined at a
later stage accounting for the actual doweling moment in the rebar (Mdow), and is always lower
than fcc.
Relative rebar slip is estimated using an effective tie presented in Fig.4.18b and
Fig.4.18c. Starting from the geometry properties of an analysed panel (given in Fig.4.18a),
crack spacing is estimated using the expression resulting for a constant bond strength according
to [120]:
s rm (4.46)
sin θ cr cos θ cr
s rmx s rmz
3 1ρx
srmx x (4.47)
2 ρx 8
3 1ρz
srmz z (4.48)
2 ρz 8
where ρx represents the reinforcement ratio in x-direction;
Chapter 4: Effectiveness factor for concrete compressive strength
The effective rebar spacing is assumed equal to the average spacing of the horizontal
and vertical reinforcement projected to the direction of the cracks:
1 sx sz
s eff (4.50)
2 sin cr cos cr
where sx represent the spacing between the rebars in x-direction;
sz represent the spacing between the rebars in z-direction.
Fig.4.18c represents the reinforcement strain distribution inside the effective tie at its
cracking point, and for a higher stress level. As it can be seen, both strains are linearly varying
between the two consecutive cracks (constant bond strength). Maximal steel strains – εs1 are
expected at the location of the crack, while the minimal steel strains – εs2 are expected in the
middle of the two consecutive cracks (concrete strains are neglected):
s1 (4.51)
s 2 b s rm
s2 (4.52)
Es E s eff
where fctm represents the mean tensile concrete strength given in Eq.4.42
In case or smooth rebars the bond law is calculated according to MC2010 [34]:
τ b 0.15 fc (4.54)
Plastic hinges are assumed to form at the cracking point of the panel in the vicinity of
the initial cracks (as presented in Fig.4.18c). As the stress level increases in the rebar, the plastic
hinges move towards the crack. The slip (δ) can be estimated by integrating the area marked in
4.2 Mechanical model for compression softening
red in Fig.4.18c. As presented in Fig.4.18c, this value depends on the amount of steel stress
(σs). A mean value between the steel stress at the point of cracking (σs,cr) and the yield strength
of the steel (fy) shall be assumed, in other words:
s ,cr f y
s (4.55)
f ctm
s ,cr (4.56)
w cos
arctan (4.60)
2 ldow 1 w sin
Going back on the same mechanism, the rebar elongation can be determined in the following
manner (refer to Fig.4.17c):
4l dow 4l dow w sin 1 w 2 1 2 sin sin l dow
2 2
where w represents the total displacement, which can be estimated according to mechanism
presented in Fig.4.17b as:
w (4.63)
cos( cr )
Chapter 4: Effectiveness factor for concrete compressive strength
2l dow cos
w 4l dow 4l dow w sin 1 w 2 1 2 sin 2 sin 2
2ldow sin 1 w 1 2 sin sin
2 2
w 2 4l 2 2
dow 4l dow w sin 1 w 1 2 sin sin
2 2
The yield condition of the circular cross section subjected to simultaneous tension and
bending is similar to the one derived for a rectangular cross section but is far more complex
[111], which is why the doweling of the rebar will be derived using the simpler expression [92]:
f N, M m n 2 1 0 (4.66)
M 6M
m 3 (4.67)
N 4 N
n 2 (4.68)
f y
f M , N f M , N n 1
2n (4.70)
N n N Np
3 2l dow sin 1 w 1 2 sin 2 sin 2
4 l dow cos (4.71)
4l dow 4l dow w sin 1 w 2 1 2 sin sin
2 2
Once the amount of the axial tensile force in a rebar is determined, the amount of
moment can be expressed as:
mdow 1 ndow
The distribution of these two parameters (ndow and mdow) can be seen in Fig.4.16b as a
function of the crack opening angle. As it can be seen, the maximal amount of moment is
obtained for θ=0°. At this angle the crack opens perpendicularly to the rebar. For a general case
(refer to point A in Fig.4.19a and Fig.4.19b), the neutral axis is inside the analysed rebar, which
4.2 Mechanical model for compression softening
means that a part of the cross section is subjected to uniform compression while the rest is
subjected to uniform tension. When the bar is subjected to pure normal force, the stress state of
the point B can be achieved through various strain profiles (refer to Fig.4.19b), since the neutral
axis is always outside of the rebars cross section. According to the rigid plastic approach, in
point B it is therefore possible to have no moment but some level of curvature.
. n <1 n =1 n =1 n =1
1.0 Δ m>0 m=0 m=0 m=0
α fy fy fy fy
0.6 ε ε ε ε
m [-]
. . . .
Δ . Δ . Δ . Δ
α α α
Figure 4.19: (a) Moment - normal force interaction diagram; (b) distribution of strains and stresses
in a rebar
The maximal shear carried by doweling can be calculated accounting for the pressure
developed in the concrete (Fig.4.17c):
V dow l dow cc (4.73)
where σcc represents the effective concrete pressure acting along the dowel length, which may
be estimated from a simple free-body equilibrium (Fig.4.17c):
2 M dow mdow 2 fy
cc (4.74)
l dow
3 l dow
The total force carried by the doweling can thus be calculated on the basis of Fig.4.17d and
Fig.4.17e, by adding the contribution of each bar (Vdow) for the total number of bars intersected
by the cracks.
4.2.3 Concrete strength accounting for the presence of initial cracks and rebars
The effective concrete compressive strength of the analysed panel can be expressed by
combining the resistances of the two types of struts (damaged and undamaged) presented in
Fig.4.20a in the following manner:
f ce f c η fc ηDS qDS ηUDS 1 qDS (4.75)
Chapter 4: Effectiveness factor for concrete compressive strength
qDS represents the relative amount of the damaged struts in the panel;
ηDS represents the effectiveness factor for the compressive strength of the damaged struts;
ηUDS represents the effectiveness factor for the compressive strength of the undamaged struts.
Damaged strut
(a) (b) Initial crack (c)
Undamaged strut lcr,aver srm
lcr,i θcr
B θcr
h h h
A Analysed
θcr θ θcr θ θ
l l l
(d) Detail B
Undamaged struts not affected by the confinement
Detail A δUDS,dow
δUDS,dow srm / cos(θcr- θ) Undamaged struts affected by the confinement
δUDS,dow Damaged struts (affected by the confinement)
ldow,z·cosθ θ
Plastic hinges
ldow,x·sinθ ldow,x θ Initial Real cracks
θcr crack
δUDS,dow Fictitious cracks
Figure 4.20: (a) Surface quantity and distribution of damaged and undamaged struts in a panel;
(b) number of initial cracks in a panel; (c) effective damaged strut length and width;
(d) details determining the confining concrete strut width
The relative amount of damaged (and consequently undamaged) struts in the analysed
panel depends on the length of the initial cracks (which can be seen in Fig.4.20a and Fig.4.20b).
In order to account for their uneven length, an effective (average) crack length is calculated
based on geometrical considerations from Fig.4.20b:
l 0 s rmx l 1 s rmx l 2 s rmx l n s rmx
2 2 2
cos θ cr cos θ cr cos θ cr cos θ cr
l cr , aver (4.76)
2n 1
l s rm n n 1
l cr , aver
cos θ cr sin θ cr cos θ cr 2 n 1
Finally, the relative amount of damaged struts can be estimated on the analysed section
(indicated in Fig.4.20c) in the following manner:
4.2 Mechanical model for compression softening
0 bw
ηDS min η max η min (4.81)
bw 4c 2ο ext 4c 2ο ext 1 δ '
bw bw
where ηs represents the effectiveness factor that accounts for the presence of the reinforcement
in concrete (out-of-plane failure);
ητ represents the effectiveness factor that accounts for the presence of the initial cracks in
concrete (in-plane-failure);
ηdow represents the factor which takes into account the presence of rebars pressing against the
concrete due to the doweling (see Fig.4.17c);
δ’ represents the ratio between the external rebar diameter and the sum of two times the concrete
cover thickness and the external rebar diameter;
bw represents the thickness of the panel;
c represents the concrete cover thickness.
Chapter 4: Effectiveness factor for concrete compressive strength
With respect to Eq.4.81 it can be seen that the resistance of a damaged strut is limited
either by the presence of the out-of-plane cracks (considered by means of the ηs coefficient), or
by the presence of the in-plane cracks (considered by means of the ητ coefficient) combined
with the doweling of the reinforcement (ηdow).
The effectiveness factor that accounts for the presence of reinforcement in concrete (ηs)
is developed on the basis of the work of Hars [41]. Reinforcement bars introduce local defects
into the concrete cover region which may cause it to spall off (see the red strips in Fig.4.14d),
while the rest of the section remains undisturbed. This effect is physically governed by the out-
of-plane cracks (named spalling cracks in Fig.4.14d), and can be quite pronounced in case of
heavily reinforced concrete panels. On the basis of [41] the effectiveness factor that accounts
for the presence of the reinforcement in concrete (ηs) is evaluated as:
0 bw
max min
bw 4c 2ο ext 4c 2ο ext
bw bw (4.82)
f2 1
1 δ '1 sin s
4 s
c 1 1
225 δ '1 sin s 1 δ' 1 δ '1 sin s
s min sext ο ext (4.83)
2 cos θ 2c ο ext
ο ext
δ' (4.84)
2c ο ext
4.2 Mechanical model for compression softening
Figure 4.21: (a) Stress state of a damaged strut and the inclination of an initial crack; (b) stresses
acting along the sides of the analysed free-body and (c) shear stresses acting along the
crack surface in function of the stress field rotation angle
By investigating a free-body indicated in Fig.4.21a and Fig.4.21b, one can find
equilibrium of the forces acting along each side of the free-body in the direction of the initial
crack (θcr) as follows:
σ c 3 sin cr cos cr σ c 1 cos cr sin cr τ cr (4.86)
Expressing the principal concrete compressive strength from the previous equation
2 τ cr
σ c3 σ c1 (4.87)
sin2 cr
Since the concrete strength in this free-body is limited by the amount of shear stress that
can be transferred through a crack and the brittleness of the concrete, this means that:
σ c3 f c fc (4.88)
The effectiveness factor that accounts for the presence of the initial cracks in concrete
(in-plane-failure) is estimated as:
2 τ cr σ c1
ητ 1 (4.89)
f c η fc sin 2 cr f c η fc
where τcr represents the necessary amount of shear stress that can be transferred through a crack;
σc1 represent the average tensile stress in a concrete strut.
Average tensile stress of a strut can be estimated based on the crack spacing, which is
assumed equal to 1.5 times the bond length [74]:
σ c1 f ctm 0.38 f ctm (4.90)
When the contact forces develop at 45° from the crack surface, this value can be
evaluated on the basis of the proposal by Vecchio and Collins [120] (refer to Fig.4.21c):
Chapter 4: Effectiveness factor for concrete compressive strength
τ cr , 45 (4.91)
24 wini
Dmax 16
where wini represents the initial crack width;
Dmax represents the maximal aggregate diameter [mm] (Dmax = 0 for fc > 60 MPa).
The minimal shear stress which can be transferred through a crack corresponds to a case
at which the direction of the principal compressive stress is parallel to the face of a crack (see
Fig.4.21c). Based on the work of Randl [98] this value can be estimated as:
0.8 if f c 35MPa
τ cr ,min 0.2 3 f c
1.0 if f c 35MPa (4.92)
f y ,dow, x sx x sin cr f y ,dow, z sz z cos cr
This assumption is based on the fact that the amount of shear that can be transferred
through a crack increases quite fast as the stress field starts to rotate [120], and then stabilizes
as the θcr and θ become close to perpendicular. After analysis of 77 reinforced concrete panels,
the proposed law showed a good agreement with the test results, although the authors
acknowledge that future work is required to verify its general consistency.
The last remaining effectiveness factor from Eq.4.81 is the ηdow, which takes into
account the presence of the confining concrete struts. As it was previously mentioned, the
enhanced concrete compressive strength along the region influenced by the doweling is already
used to equilibrate the shear force of the rebar (see Fig.4.17c). This means that this region of
the concrete cannot be included in carrying any compressive stresses in the principal direction.
This effect can be taken into account in the following manner:
f cc
dow 1 .0 (4.94)
It is important to emphasize that even in case where the yield strength of the
reinforcement is not reduced due to the doweling (point B from Fig.4.19), the rebars still move
4.2 Mechanical model for compression softening
towards the concrete inducing the formation of the cracks and activating the confinement effects
of the concrete, meaning that Eq.4.94 needs to be applied in these cases as well.
0 bw
ηUDS qUDS ,dow min max min
bw 4c 2ο ext 4c 2ο ext 1 δ '
bw bw
0 bw
1 qUDS ,dow min max min
bw 4c 2ο ext 4c 2ο ext 1 1 sin δ '
bw bw
φs represents the angle of the friction between the rebar surface and the surrounding concrete;
qUDS,dow represents the relative amount of the undamaged struts affected by the doweling.
As it can be seen the only difference between the Eq.4.95 and the Eq.4.81 is the fact that
the factor ητ is now equal to one (since there are no cracks crossing the undamaged struts), and
that unlike the damaged struts, the undamaged struts are only partly affected by the doweling.
This can be seen in Fig.4.20a, where the confining concrete region (marked in dashed lines)
crosses the undamaged struts only in their top-right and the bottom-left. The relative width of
concrete affected by the doweling (sdow) can be expressed in function of the total width of the
undamaged struts.
Based on the geometrical consideration presented in Fig.4.20d, this factor can be
estimated in the following manner:
Chapter 4: Effectiveness factor for concrete compressive strength
Governed by ηs , ηdow and ητ
fce 0.6
fc 0.4
Governed by ητ and ηdow
0 45
0.2 35
0.5 30 θ [°]
1.1 25
1.4 20
w [mm] 1.7
Figure 4.22: Representation of the failure criterion for the concrete compressive strength as a function
of the stress-field rotation and the crack opening at first yielding
As it can be seen, there are three different regions in the failure surface. The first
corresponds to the situation in which the rotation of the stress field is limited (see Fig.4.23a).
For these cases, the strength of the damaged and the undamaged struts is governed by the
presence of the spalling cracks (ηs) and the doweling action (ηdow). It can be seen that the width
of the initial cracks does not influence the failure criterion. The stress field rotations, on the
other hand, reduce the concrete compressive strength, since the amount of the undamaged struts
which are affected by the dowel action of the reinforcement increases.
(a) θ ≈ θcr (b) θ < θcr (c) θ < θcr
Sliding Sliding
Spalling Spalling
Crushing Crushing
θcr θcr
θ θcr
Figure 4.23: Potential failure mechanism of structural panels: (a) spalling of the concrete cover in
case of small stress field rotation; (b) spalling and combined crushing with sliding failure
in case of moderate stress field rotation and (c) crushing and sliding of the concrete struts
in case of significant stress field rotations
As the stress field continues to rotate, the strength of the damaged struts becomes
governed by the presence of in-plane cracks (ητ), while the strength of the undamaged struts
remains dependent on the out-of-plane cracks (ηs), as presented in Fig.4.23b. This corresponds
4.2 Mechanical model for compression softening
to the second region of the failure criterion, which is depended on the initial crack width (the
wider the cracks, the larger the reduction of the concrete compressive strength). The physical
failure of the concrete struts in this region can occur due to the spalling or the crushing of the
As the stress field increases still its rotation, the amount of the undamaged struts in the
panel reduces, and eventually becomes zero. This leads to the third stage of the failure criterion,
when the strength of the entire panel is dependent only on the characteristics of the in-plane
cracks (ητ) (see Fig.4.23c). Once more, the influence of the initial crack width is quite
pronounced, and the failure mechanism of the concrete struts corresponds to crushing.
Doweling of the reinforcement affects the concrete strength of the second as well as the third
region of the failure surface. It has to be noted that when failure occurs by yielding of the
reinforcement in both directions, the principal concrete compressive stresses does not reach fce.
Chapter 4: Effectiveness factor for concrete compressive strength
4.3 Numerical solving procedure for the proposed compression softening model
In order to estimate the stress and the strain state of a panel, it is first necessary to define
the points that correspond to the limit cases of the three stages of behaviour (the elastic
uncracked phase, the onset of yielding and the failure). Once these points are known, full stress-
strain curves can be produced by assuming that the stress field rotates linearly in between.
σ cz ρz σ sz vz (4.101)
τ xz vxz (4.102)
4.3 Numerical solving procedure
Assume C2 Assume C3 Assume Assume Assume Assume
θσ ;wass θσ ;wass θσ ;wass θσ= θε θ σ= θ ε θ σ= θ ε
Figure 4.24: (a) Solving procedure at the onset of yielding; (b) solving procedure at failure
Applied stress rate in each direction is usually known, meaning that νx and νz can be
expressed using νxz. The results are checked determining the strain state of the panel and making
sure that the assumed principal stress angle (θσ) is equal to the principal the stain angle (θε) and
by confirming that the assumed initial crack width (wass) is equal to the calculated one (w).
(a) 1.2 (b) γ/2
σc ε3 θ ε1
Undamaged Damaged ε
0.6 struts
fc struts
0.2 γxz/2 εz
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
εc /εco = ε3 /εco
Figure 4.25: (a) Stress-strain parabola for concrete compressive strength; (b) average strain state of
the panel
The average strains of the panel in the x-direction and z-direction are equal to:
Chapter 4: Effectiveness factor for concrete compressive strength
f yx ,dow τ b srmx
εx (4.103)
Es x Es
sz τ b srmz
εz (4.104)
Es z Es
srmx represents the average crack spacing in x-direction;
srmz represents the average crack spacing in z-direction.
The principal concrete compressive strains can be determined by using the uniaxial
stress-strain parabola (refer to Fig.4.25), assuming that the undamaged struts follow its
ascending branch and that the damaged struts follow its descending branch:
ε3 ε3c,DS qDS ε3c,UDS 1 qDS (4.105)
ε3c, DS ε0 1 1 c3 f c (4.106)
ε3c,UDS ε0 1 1 c3 f c (4.107)
ε0 2 f c Ec 0.002 (4.108)
Eq.4.103, Eq.4.104 and Eq.4.105 define 3 points in a Mohr’s circle, which means that
the Fig.4.25b can be established, and the principal compressive stain direction can be
x 3
tan θ (4.109)
1 x
Finally, it is possible to determine the initial crack opening:
w ini s rm ε1 c 1 E c (4.110)
As indicated in Fig.4.24a, it is now necessary to verify that the assumed stress state is
respected, or try another case if the answer is not complying with this condition.
Case C2 is almost identical to C1, whereas C3 is a bit simpler. The only difference
between the solving procedure C1 and C2 is in the fact that the vertical instead of the horizontal
reinforcement is assumed to have reached yielding by the end of the second phase of the panel's
load-history. Apart from this, all the necessary validations remain identical (refer to Fig.4.24a).
The doweled steel strength of x-reinforcement according to case C1 is lower than that of
case C3, since the angle θ is higher for case C1 than for C3. In the same way, the doweled steel
strength of z-reinforcement according to case C2 is lower than that of case C3. These two values
for both doweled steel strengths (of C1 and C2) are adopted for case C3, which is a slightly
conservative simplification.
4.3 Numerical solving procedure
Chapter 4: Effectiveness factor for concrete compressive strength
4.4 Experimental validation
Chapter 4: Effectiveness factor for concrete compressive strength
In order to assess the accuracy of the presented approach and to compare it to some of
the existing strain-based approaches, the database from Tab. 4.1 has been assessed using the
Elastic-Plastic Stress Field Method (EPSF) [32] implementing the Vecchio and Collins
softening equation [120]. Tab.4.2 summarizes the results of both analyses, and gives the
ultimate strength assessment for each approach. It can be seen that both approaches provide
satisfactory accuracy. However, the proposed mechanical procedure shows some higher level
of accuracy (1.01 instead of 1.11) and lower scatter of the results (0.12 instead of 0.15)
compared to EPSF approach. Additionally, it provides with information on the governing
failure mode, which matched for the 77 specimens to the observed one.
Table 4.2: Results of the EPSF analysis and the mechanical model proposed in this paper
1 PV4 2.84 2.56 2.62 1.11 1.08
2 PV6 4.47 4.76 4.81 0.94 0.93
3 PV10 3.97 3.69 3.73 1.08 1.06
4 PV11 3.56 3.59 3.63 0.99 0.98
5 PV12 3.13 2.55 3.05 1.23 1.03
6 PV16 2.14 1.89 1.95 1.13 1.10
7 PV19 3.96 3.73 4.01 1.06 0.99
8 PV20 4.26 4.22 4.46 1.01 0.96
9 PV21 5.03 5.18 5.46 0.97 0.92
10 PV22 6.07 6.39 7.11 0.95 0.85
11 PV23 8.88 7.69 8.09 1.15 1.10
12 PV25 9.13 8.39 7.58 1.09 1.20
13 PV27 6.35 6.74 7.94 0.94 0.80
14 PV28 5.61 5.89 6.56 0.95 0.86
15 PHS2 6.66 5.18 5.21 1.29 1.28
16 PHS3 8.10 7.67 7.92 1.06 1.02
17 PHS5 4.81 3.54 3.96 1.36 1.21
18 [121] PHS6 7.62 7.30 7.80 1.04 0.98
19 PHS8 10.84 9.53 9.91 1.14 1.09
20 PHS9 9.16 7.52 7.87 1.22 1.16
21 PHS10 8.25 7.57 7.82 1.09 1.05
22 [75] PP1 4.95 5.11 4.79 0.97 1.03
23 PC1A 5.61 5.84 6.05 0.96 0.93
24 PC4 4.84 5.10 5.75 0.95 0.84
25 A2 5.37 5.54 6.13 0.97 0.88
26 A3 7.65 7.94 8.49 0.96 0.90
27 A4 11.31 11.91 14.08 0.95 0.80
28 B1 3.96 3.82 4.54 1.04 0.87
29 [94] B2 6.13 6.63 7.25 0.92 0.85
30 B3 4.35 4.59 4.89 0.95 0.89
31 B4 5.06 5.50 5.60 0.92 0.90
32 B5 7.15 8.27 8.03 0.86 0.89
33 B6 9.14 9.96 10.11 0.92 0.90
34 VA1 6.16 5.34 6.19 1.15 0.99
35 VA2 9.73 9.84 10.62 0.99 0.92
36 VA3 15.08 16.25 16.91 0.93 0.89
37 VA4 21.42 21.05 21.36 1.02 1.00
4.4 Experimental validation
Chapter 4: Effectiveness factor for concrete compressive strength
over the investigated domain, and shows no clear trends with respect to the four parameters,
which is satisfactory.
(a) (b)
τMODEL 1.0
10 35 60 85 110 200 450 700 950 1200
fc [MPa] fy [MPa]
(c) 2.0 (d)
0 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 0 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0
ρx [%] ρz [%]
Figure 4.26: Shear strength prediction of the database as a function of: (a) concrete compressive
strength; (b) steel yield strength; (c) horizontal reinforcement ratio; (d) vertical
reinforcement ratio
Fig.4.27 compares the accuracy of the presented approach to EPSF [32] with respect to
the stress field rotation.
(a) (b)
Proposed approach Vecchio and Collins ‘86
0 7.5 15 22.5 30 0 7.5 15 22.5 30
θcr- θ [°] θcr- θ [°]
Figure 4.27: (a) Shear strength prediction of the database using the mechanical model presented in
this paper; (b) using the softening equation of Vecchio and Collins [120] as a function
of stress field rotation angle
As it can be seen the mechanically based model shows better accuracy for panel with
small rotations when compared to the Vecchio and Collins softening equation [120] approach,
4.4 Experimental validation
but most importantly it shows greater precision for panels with large rotations, which is relevant
for analysis of prestressed concrete beams. However, it should be noted that the number of
panels which experienced significant stress field rotations is not sufficiently large, and more
specimens are required in order to consolidate these results.
In order to compare the proposed mechanical procedure to existing strain-based
approaches for estimating the effective concrete compressive strength, the ratio between the
effective and cylinder concrete compressive strength (fce/fc) of each panel has been presented in
function of its average principal tensile stain (ε1) in Fig.4.28. The red line in the graph
corresponds to the concrete compressive strength reduction factor according to Vecchio and
Collins [120].
0.4 1
0.8 + 170·ε1
0 5 10 15 20
ε1 / 0.002
Figure 4.28: Calculated effective concrete compressive strength in function of normalized principal
tensile strains
It can be seen that the results of the mechanical approach are consistent with the semi-
empirical equation established within the Modified Compression Field Theory [120]. Panels
with smaller average tensile strains experience a smaller reduction in strength, while vice-versa.
However, unlike the MCFT equations, the mechanical efficiency factor can never be equal to
one. Even in panels with relatively low strength concrete (fc < 30 MPa), the presence of the
reinforcement will always induce in-plane cracks, and therefore reduce its effective
compressive strength. This theoretical result is in agreement to other semi-empirical formulas
of Hsu [47] or Kaufmann [52].
Chapter 5: Conclusions and future research
Chapter 2 focused on the differences between the strut-and-tie models and stress fields
suitable for the design and assessment of structural concrete members. Elastic-plastic stress
fields were used for this purpose, and the obtained results were compared to those acquired
using rigid-plastic stress fields. Accuracy and generality of the approach was finally validated,
by comparing the estimated failure loads to experimentally measured values from an online
database (which can be found at: http://i-concrete.epfl.ch/epsf/epsf.html).
In addition to this, advanced modelling techniques for EPSF, which can be applied when
analysing structural concrete members with complex loading and geometry was presented in
Chapter 3. Special focus was directed towards numerical stability of the approach by
performing detailed finite element sensitivity analysis. Cases where structural concrete
elements had insufficient anchorage length were investigated, as well as members composed of
crossed structural concrete beams (which is particularly interesting when analysing bridge
diaphragms for example). In order to profit from increased accuracy of the EPSF method
(compared to current code provisions), a procedure for tailoring the partial safety factors was
In order to justify the accuracy and generality of the concrete compression strength
softening equation implemented in EPSF method (originally proposed by Vecchio and Collins
in 1986 [120]), a mechanically based model that takes into account different failure modes of
concrete (crushing, sliding and spalling) was developed and validated in Chapter 4.
Final conclusions resulting from the work presented in this thesis are summarized in
following chapter. In addition to this, some recommendations for future work in the field of
limit analysis, structural reliability and concrete compressive strength effectiveness factors are
5.1 Conclusions
The main conclusions resulting from the research presented in this thesis, are
summarized in the following section. They are divided into three groups, each of them referring
to the work described in previous chapters.
5.1.1 Regarding the application of STM and stress fields as tools for design and assessment
This chapter focused on comparing suitable approaches for the design and assessment
of structural concrete members using stress fields and strut-and-tie models. Its denouements are
synthesised as following.
Chapter 5: Conclusions and future research
1. Design and assessment of structural concrete elements can be based on limit analysis,
providing that its main hypotheses are respected (having smeared cracks in the
elements and sufficient anchorage of the reinforcement). Nevertheless, the two
processes should not necessarily be performed following the same strategy.
2. Simple load-carrying models, which are in equilibrium with the external loads, provide
sufficient element strength at ULS and ensure a suitable behaviour at SLS are suitable
for design of structural concrete members. Solutions leading to simple reinforcement
layouts that can be easily inspected and put in place are preferred.
3. Strength assessment of existing structural concrete members should be performed in
steps, beginning with simple solutions which are gradually refined until they provide
sufficient element strength compared to imposed requirements. According to the limit
analysis this refinement can be performed until an exact solution has been reached,
which provides the highest possible strength of all the safe estimates (lower-bound
solutions). In case imposed strength requirements are still not met the structure needs
to be reinforced. However, the quantity of required interventions is minimized.
Serviceability issues of such elements can be directly checked in-situ.
4. Stress fields and strut-and-tie models are complementary approaches based on the
lower-bound theorem of limit analysis. While strut-and-tie models are simpler to
develop for an entire element and particularly useful to determine the amount of
required reinforcement, stress fields are most suited for detailing. They are useful to
verify the behaviour of concrete in critical regions (if the struts respect the boundary
conditions of the element) and indicate nodes which require additional considerations
when it comes to anchorage.
5. Exact solutions according to the theory of plasticity can be developed by hand using
an iterative procedure, starting from a failure mechanism. In case a corresponding
rigid-plastic stress field can be developed inside such a mechanism (respecting the
boundary conditions) the solution can be accepted. Otherwise, the failure mechanism
needs to be adapted accordingly.
6. Elastic-plastic stress field method is suitable for design and assessment of structural
concrete members. The method respects the equilibrium and yield conditions (lower-
bound theorem), which are derived from an imposed deformation field. At ULS, this
deformation field becomes a licit failure mechanism, meaning that the upper-bound
theorem of the limit analysis is also respected. Consequently, the EPSF can be used to
obtain exact solutions according to limit analysis in an automated manner.
7. The EPSF automatically accounts for all potential load-carrying mechanism,
particularly the ones resulting from the presence of crack control reinforcement. In
addition to this, it allows a refined estimation of the effective concrete compressive
strength by imposing a softening equation of Vecchio and Collins [120].
8. The exact solutions (according to limit analysis) obtained using the EPSF method show
satisfactory behaviour when compared to a database containing 315 elements
5.1 Conclusions
5.1.2 Regarding the advanced modeling of structural concrete with EPSF method
This chapter focused on modelling aspect of elastic-plastic stress field method by
analysing its mesh related problems, simulation of particular structural details and application
of suitable safety format. Its denouements are synthesised as following.
1. The EPSF method gives stable results for various size of applied finite elements. A
general recommendation when selecting an optimal FE size is to use the stirrup spacing
as the main grid for meshing, and place two concrete FE triangles in between.
2. The EPSF method gives stable results for very distorted FE triangles (a:h ration equal
to 1:5). A general recommendation is to keep this ratio up to 1:3.
3. Orientation of the FE triangles on the other hand has a significant influence of the
results. Hence, using the meshes which favour certain FE orientation should be
avoided and FE with random or zig-zag inclination of hypotenuses should be selected.
4. Number of iterations until the convergence of the EPSF model at ULS is 250 steps.
However, when estimating the strength of a structural concrete elements, it is advised
to use less iterations in the beginning in order to reduce the time required for a single
simulation. The results obtained with 100 iterations are already quite close to final
5. Structural concrete members with insufficient anchorage length can be analysed using
EPSF method with satisfying accuracy. The diameter of a rebar which does not have
sufficient anchorage length should be reduced in order to limit the amount of tensile
force which can be taken by a single bar FE along the required anchorage length. For
this purpose, plastic bond law introduced by Tension Chord Model [74] proved to give
satisfying results.
6. Structural concrete elements which are connected and placed in two perpendicular
planes can be accurately analysed using the EPSF method, by linking the nodes of the
crossing areas with rigid FE bars in order to impose equal deformations between the
crossing elements. Providing that the basic meshing recommendations are respected,
this procedure gives satisfying results when compared to test results.
7. The Partial Safety Factors can be tailored in order to combine them with EPSF method.
Depending on the applied concrete compressive strength and type of failure (shear of
flexural), PSF can assume higher or lower values. The method proved to be sensitive
to scatter in material properties, meaning that average material resistance and the
coefficient of variation need to be properly estimated for each case.
Chapter 5: Conclusions and future research
8. For concrete with high compressive strength (over 50 MPa), the partial safety format
becomes the global safety format, since both concrete and steel partial safety factors
become equal to 1.16.
9. In case of lower concrete compressive strength (around 20 MPa), the tailored partial
safety factors assume standard values (1.48 for concrete and 1.16 for steel).
10. In case accurate estimates of concrete compressive strength are not available, standard
partial safety factors for concrete and steel should be used (γc=1.50 and γs=1.15)
5.2 Future research
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1) Appendix 1 – Summary of the online database
The following appendix gives the mechanical properties of 315 reinforced and prestressed
structural elements, which were used to investigate the accuracy of the EPSF method in
Chapter 2 of this thesis. Both measured and estimated strength of each member are indicated
along with the references to the tests. Basic statistical analysis of the EPSF results has been
conducted and presented (the average prediction of the ultimate load and the coefficient of
variation for each series).
All the values correspond to the ones available at: http://i-concrete.epfl.ch/epsf/epsf.html.
Summary of the online database
Summary of the online database
Average: 1.03
CoV: 0.07
Cook W.D. (1987): 'Studies of Disturbed Region Near Discontinuities in Reinforced Concrete Members', Mc
Gill University, Department of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics, Master Thesis, pp. 153, Montreal,
1 D-1 29.8 2.61 0.4 0 L - 307 324 0.95
2 D-3 36.3 2.51 0.47 0 L - 372 382 0.97
3 D-4 36.3 2.60 0.46 0 L - 340 324 1.05
Average: 0.99
CoV: 0.04
Zhu R.R.H., Wanichakorn W, Hsu C.-T.T. and Vogel J (2003): 'Crack Width Prediction Using Compatibility-
Aided Strut-and-Tie Model', ACI Structural Journal, Vol.100, N° 4, pp. 413-421, USA
1 T2 41.75 0.52 0.25 0 L - 563 544 1.03
2 T3 33.55 0.64 0.36 0 L - 538 513 1.05
3 T4 41.46 0.52 0.25 0 L - 572 618 0.92
4 T5 38.96 0.52 0.36 0 L - 921 789 1.17
5 T6 43.33 0.52 0.36 0 L - 467 445 1.05
6 T7 47.08 0.61 0.44 0 L - 1196 1062 1.13
Average: 1.06
CoV: 0.07
Herzinger R. and Elbadry M. (2007): 'Altermative Reinforcing Details in Dapped Ends of Precast Concrete
Brigde Girders', Journal of the Transportation Research Board, N° 2028, pp. 111-121
1 DEA1.0 T1 38.1 2.31 0.42 0 L - 216 204 1.06
2 DEA1.0 T2 48.4 2.31 0.42 0 L - 255 222 1.15
3 DEA0.5 T1 38 2.31 0.45 0 L - 231 231 1.00
4 DEB1.0 T1 38.6 2.28 0.42 0 L - 203 219 0.93
5 DEB1.0 T2 40.4 2.28 0.42 0 L - 226 219 1.03
6 DEB0.5 T1 36.9 2.28 0.45 0 L - 205 228 0.9
7 DEB0.5 T2 36.9 2.28 0.45 0 L - 222 228 0.97
8 DEC1.0 T1 39.1 2.3 0.38 0 L - 181 203 0.89
9 DEC1.0 T2 41.6 2.3 0.38 0 L - 212 203 1.05
10 DEC*1.0T1 42.2 2.3 0.49 0 L - 260 275 0.94
11 DEC*u1.0T1 41.9 2.3 0.54 0 L - 270 269 1.01
12 DED1.0T1 38.8 2.23 0.40 0 L - 220 222 0.99
13 DEDu1.0T1 36.8 2.23 0.40 0 L - 213 224 0.95
14 DEDu1.0T2 37.4 2.23 0.40 0 L - 222 224 0.99
15 DED*1.0T1 39.9 2.21 0.41 0 L - 214 222 0.96
16 DED*1.0T2 40.5 2.21 0.41 0 L - 203 222 0.91
17 DEDu*1.0T1 39.2 2.21 0.41 0 L - 212 220 0.96
18 DEDu*1.0T2 40.3 2.21 0.41 0 L - 227 220 1.03
Average: 0.99
CoV: 0.06
Campana S. (2013): 'Éléments en béton armé soumis à une combinaison de flexion, effort tranchant et forces
de déviation', EPFL, IBETON, Thèse, N° 5574, 162 p., Lausanne, Switzerland
1 SC26 41.9 0.71 0 0 L DT 108 117.5 0.92
2 SC27 41.6 0.71 0 0 L DT 124 127.5 0.97
3 SC31 41.7 0.71 0 0 L DT 119 127.5 0.93
4 SC34 41.4 0.72 0 0 L DT 114 107.5 1.06
5 SC35 42.1 0.72 0 0 L CR 134 127.5 1.05
6 SC38 31.3 0.70 0.17 0 L DT 110 112.5 0.98
7 SC39 31.1 0.71 0.19 0 L DT 109 122.5 0.89
8 SC40 30.9 0.7 0.19 0 L DT 106 125.0 0.85
9 SC41 30.9 0.7 0.22 0 L CR 132 127.5 1.03
10 SC42 31.0 0.71 0.22 0 L CR 127 127.5 1.00
11 SC43 31.1 0.7 0.26 0 L CR 129 127.5 1.01
12 SC44 30.9 0.7 0.19 0 L DT 118 122.5 0.97
Summary of the online database
Leonhardt F., Waltner R. and Dilger W. (1968): 'Schubversuche an indirekt gelagerten, einfelbrigen und
durchlaufenden Stahlbetonbalken', Deutscher Ausschuss für Stahlbeton, Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, Vol. 201, 69
p., Berlin, Germany
1 ETI1 30 1.32 0.16 0 V SY 273 276 0.99
2 ETI2 26 1.40 0.28 0 F CR 257 250 1.03
3 ETI3 25 1.40 0.76 0 F CR 240 222 1.08
4 ETI4 27 1.40 0.86 0 F CR 245 250 0.98
5 ETI5 28 1.42 0.27 0 V SY 240 246 0.98
Average: 1.01
CoV: 0.04
Baumann T. and Rüsch H. (1970): 'Schubversuche mit indirekter Krafteinleitung: Versuche zum Studium der
Verdübelungswirkung der Biegezugbewehrung eines Stahlbetonbalkens', Deutscher Ausschuss für
Stahlbeton, Heft 210, 83 p., Berlin, Germany
1 64/1 59.3 3.48 0.37 0 F CR 102 102 1.00
2 65/1A 50.5 3.48 0.37 0 L SY 140 130 1.08
3 65/1B 50.5 3.48 0.37 0 F CR 104 104 1.00
4 65/2A 56.3 3.48 0.37 0 F CR 93 92 1.01
5 65/2B 56.3 3.48 0.80 0 F CR 103 96 1.07
6 65/3A 48.2 3.48 0.37 0 F CR 92 80 1.15
7 65/3B 48.2 3.48 0.80 0 F CR 112 98 1.14
Average: 1.06
CoV: 0.06
fc: concrete compressive strength measured on a cylinder;
ρ: longitudinal reinforcement ration;
ρw: transversal reinforcement ration;
Qtest: measured ultimate load;
QEPSF: calculated ultimate load.
Failure modes:
F: Flexural failure;
V: Shear failure;
L: Local failure.
Failure subtype:
CR: Concrete crushing
SP: Concrete spalling
DT: Diagonal tension
SY: Reinforcement yielding
AS: Arch stability
A: Anchorage failure
Summary of the online database
fc: concrete compressive strength measured on a cylinder;
ρ: longitudinal reinforcement ration;
ρw: transversal reinforcement ration;
σp,inf : prestress after the initial losses due to wedge slippage;
Qtest: measured ultimate load;
QEPSF: calculated ultimate load.
Failure modes:
F: Flexural failure;
V: Shear failure;
L: Local failure.
Failure subtype:
CR: Concrete crushing
SP: Concrete spalling
DT: Diagonal tension
SY: Reinforcement yielding
AS: Arch stability
A: Anchorage failure
Reinforced concrete panels subjected to shear
CoV: 0.05
Pang X.-B.D. and Hsu C.-T.T. (1995): 'Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Membrane Elements in Shear', ACI
Structural Journal, Vol.92, N° 6, pp. 665-667, USA
1 A2 41 462 462 1.2 1.20 Y-z+C 5.367 6.13 0.88
2 A3 42 446 446 1.78 1.78 Y-z+C 7.655 8.492 0.90
3 A4 42 469 469 2.97 2.97 C 11.31 14.079 0.80
4 B1 45 462 444 1.20 0.60 Y-xz 3.962 4.544 0.87
5 B2 44 446 462 1.78 1.20 Y-xz 6.125 7.246 0.85
6 B3 45 446 444 1.78 0.60 Y-xz 4.354 4.888 0.89
7 B4 45 469 444 2.97 0.600 Y-z+C 5.064 5.597 0.90
8 B5 43 469 462 2.97 1.2 Y-z+C 7.152 8.027 0.89
9 B6 43 469 446 2.97 1.78 Y-z+C 9.143 10.106 0.90
Average: 0.88
CoV: 0.04
Zhang L.-X. and Hsu T.T.C. (1998): 'Behavior and Analysis of 100 MPa Concrete Membrane Elements',
Journal of Structural Engineering, vol. 124 n° 1, pp. 24-34, USA
1 VA1 95.1 445 445 1.20 1.20 Y-z+C 6.156 6.19 0.99
2 VA2 98.2 409 409 2.40 2.4 Y-z+C 9.73 10.615 0.92
3 VA3 94.6 455 455 3.57 3.57 Y-z+C 15.08 16.914 0.89
4 VA4 103.1 470 470 5.23 5.23 C 21.42 21.357 1.00
5 VB1 98.2 409 445 2.40 1.20 Y-z+C 7.497 7.819 0.96
6 VB2 97.6 455 445 3.57 1.20 Y-z+C 9.137 8.94 1.02
7 VB3 102.3 470 445 5.96 1.20 Y-z+C 9.709 10.199 0.95
8 VB4 96.9 455 445 1.78 0.60 Y-xz 4.858 6.276 0.77
Average: 0.94
CoV: 0.08
Hsu C.-T.T. and Zhang L.-X. (1997): 'Nonlinear Analysis of Membrane Elements by Fixed-Angle Softened-
Truss Model', ACI Structural Journal, Vol.94, N° 5, pp. 483-491, USA
1 HB1 66.5 409 445 1.2 0.6 - 4.322 4.41 0.98
2 HB3 66.8 447 445 1.78 0.6 - 4.889 5.064 0.97
3 HB4 62.9 470 445 2.98 0.6 - 5.334 5.85 0.91
Average: 0.94
CoV: 0.01
Kirschner U. (1986): 'Investigating the behaviour of reinforced concrete shell elements', University of
Toronto, Department of Civil Engineering, PhD Thesis, 83 p., Toronto, Canada
1 SE1 42.5 492 479 2.91 0.98 Y-z+C 6.77 7.323 0.92
2 SE6 40 492 479 2.91 0.33 Y-z+C 3.755 3.963 0.95
Average: 0.94
CoV: 0.01
Watanabe F. and Muguruma H. (1989): 'Ultimate Strength and Deformations of RC Panel', Proceedings of the
Sessions Related to Structural Design, Analysis and Testing, ASCE Structural Congress, pp. 31-38
1 00R 28.15 310 310 0.86 0.86 Y-x+C 3.14 2.724 1.15
2 15R 28.15 310 310 0.86 0.86 Y-xz 3.15 2.724 1.16
3 30R 28.15 310 310 0.86 0.86 Y-xz 3.13 2.724 1.15
4 45R 28.15 310 310 0.86 0.86 Y-xz 3.42 2.724 1.26
5 00D 28.15 318 318 0.87 0.87 Y-x+C 2.97 2.831 1.05
6 30D 28.15 318 318 0.86 0.87 Y-xz 2.56 2.823 0.91
7 45D 28.15 318 318 0.87 0.87 Y-xz 2.84 2.831 1.00
8 00DI 31 294 294 1.39 1.39 Y-x+C 4.96 4.167 1.19
9 22.5DI 31 294 294 1.39 1.39 Y-xz 5.06 4.167 1.21
10 45DI 31 318 318 1.3 1.3 Y-xz 3.97 4.213 0.94
11 45DII 31 318 318 2.61 2.61 Y-xz 7.61 8.347 0.91
12 45PCI 30.4 1187 1187 0.77 0.77 Y-xz 7.78 9.264 0.84
13 45PCII 30.4 1187 1187 1.55 1.55 C 11.72 11.456 1.02
14 45PCIII 30.4 1187 1187 1.55 0.77 Y-z+C 9.44 9.512 0.99
15 45PCIV 45 1187 1187 1.55 0.77 Y-z+C 10.63 11.121 0.96
Reinforced concrete panels subjected to shear
Average: 1.05
CoV: 0.12
Kollegger J. and Mehlhorn G. (1990): 'Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Bestimmung der Druckfestigkeit
des gerissenen Stahlbetons bei einer Querzugbeanspruchung', Deutscher Ausschuss für Stahlbeton, Wilhelm
Ernst & Sohn, Vol.413, 132 p., Berlin, Germany
1 PK02 19.4 660 660 1.07 1.07 C 9.12 8.393 1.09
2 PK04 20.2 660 660 1.07 1.07 C 8.91 8.747 1.02
3 PK07 20.9 660 660 1.07 1.07 C 9.04 9.058 1.00
4 EGE6F1 15.8 465 465 0.66 0.66 C 8.00 7.279 1.10
5 EGE6F2 16 465 465 0.66 0.66 C 8.10 7.372 1.10
6 EGE6F3 14.6 465 465 0.66 0.66 C 6.90 6.722 1.03
7 EGE6F4 17.1 465 465 0.66 0.66 C 7.20 7.686 0.94
8 EGE6F7 18.8 465 465 0.66 0.66 C 8.50 8.674 0.98
9 EGE6F8 13.1 465 465 0.66 0.66 C 7.35 6.025 1.22
10 EGE7F1 15.9 660 660 0.66 0.66 C 8.20 7.282 1.13
11 EGE7F2 15.3 660 660 0.66 0.66 C 7.70 7.004 1.10
12 EGE7F3 17.3 660 660 0.66 0.66 C 8.70 7.931 1.10
Average: 1.07
CoV: 0.07
Schäfer K., Schelling G. and Kuchler T. (1990): 'Druck und querzug in bewehrten betonelementen',
Deutscher Ausschuss für Stahlbeton, N° 408, pp. 5-85, Berlin, Germany
1 #2 25.8 582 582 3.14 3.14 C 11.775 9.943 1.18
2 #6 25.8 582 582 1.57 1.57 C 14.065 10.93 1.29
Average: 1.24
CoV: 0.04
André H.M.O. (1987): 'Toronto Kajima Study on Scale Effects in Reinforced Concrete Elements', University
of Toronto, Department of Civil Engineering, PhD Thesis, 267 p., Toronto, Canada
1 KP1 25.2 430 430 2.03 1.02 C 5.62 5.794 0.97
2 TP4A 24.9 450 450 2.03 2.03 C 8.72 9.199 0.95
Average: 0.96
CoV: 0.01
fc: concrete compressive strength measured on a cylinder;
fyx: yield strength of the rebars in x (horizontal) direction;
fyz: yield strength of the rebars in z (vertical) direction;
ρx: reinforcement ration in x (horizontal) direction;
ρz: reinforcement ration in z (vertical) direction;
τtest: measured ultimate shear stress;
τmodel: calculated ultimate shear stress;
Failure modes:
C: Concrete crushing;
Y-xz: Yielding of the rebars in both directions;
Y-x: Yielding of the rebars in x (horizontal) direction;
Y-z: Yielding of the rebars in z (vertical) direction;
Curriculum vitae
Structural Engineer with experience in the advanced design and
assessment of reinforced, prestressed and post-tensioned
concrete members of complex geometry