Abstract: Due To Significant Advances in Wireless Modulation Technologies, Some MAC Standards Such As 802.11a

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Abstract: Due to significant advances in wireless modulation technologies, some MAC standards such as 802.

802.11b, and 802.11g can operate with multiple data rates for QoS-constrained multimedia communication to utilize the
limited resources of MANETs more efficiently. In this paper, by means of measuring the busy/idle ratio of the shared
radio channel, a method for estimating one-hop delay is first suggested. Then, by constructing a multicast tree, a delay-
sensitive multicast protocol for real-time applications in multirate MANETs is proposed. In order to increase the network
capacity, the proposed multicast protocol intends to minimize the sum of the total transmission time of the forwarders and
the total blocking time of the blocked hosts, by taking the neighboring information of the forwarders into account and
properly adjusting the data rates of the forwarders. Simulation results show that the proposed delay estimation method is
more accurate, as compared with previous works. Besides, the proposed multicast protocol can induce higher network
capacity, while satisfying the delay requirement.


Wireless Sensor Networks It includes heaps and heaps of low value points which can be deployed fixed position or
randomly communicating nodes to monitor the surroundings. Deploying big quantity small nodes are included in the
WSNs which are trend from past few years. The nodes then experience environmental modifications and document these
different nodes over the network design. In the huge environmental sensor nodes are great for deploying.

The characteristics of sensor networks

This section briefs the sensor network characteristics:

 The sensor network contains several lots of nodes.

 The topology adjustments very regularly because of node disasters.
 It contains controlled resources.
 It consists of specifically use of broadcast communication concept.

David B. Johnson, et al., [1] proposed a new routing protocol to the ad-hoc network called as DSROUTING. The
protocol promptly adjusts to the routing changes when movement of the host is rapid. DSR protocol offers various
potential purposes of interest over conventional routing protocols for example distance vector. To begin with, unlike
conventional routing protocols, DSR utilizes no intermittent routing notice messages, accordingly decreasing bandwidth
overhead, especially amid periods when zero critical host movement is occurring. Battery force is additionally moderated
on the mobile hosts.

Kejun Liu et al., [2] propose the 2ACK plan that serves as a technique for routing plans to identify routing mischief and
to relieve their antagonistic impact. When compared with ACK and SACK techniques in the TCP protocol the 2ACK
scheme completely differs. The misbehaving nodes which agree to forward the data packets but rejects to do so on the
reception of data packets from the source are detected by 2ACK scheme. On the other side TCP uses ACK and SACK to
measure the present route usefulness. When compared with other techniques used to detect mischievous nodes, 2ACK
resolves several issues like collision among receivers, limited capacity for the transmission and so on.
The results obtained by them demonstrate that the 2ACK plan keeps up to 91 percent packets conveyance
proportion notwithstanding when there are 40 percent mischievous nodes in the MANETs. The consistent DSR plan can
just offer a packet conveyance proportion of 40 percent. The false alert rate and routing overhead of the 2ACK plan are
examined as well. The drawback in this work is only on the link misbehaviour they have concentrated. Deciding the
behaviour of a single node is very difficult. This is mostly because of the way that conversation happens between two
nodes and is not the sole exertion of a solitary node.

In this manner, before rebuffing any node connected with the misbehaving links care must be taken. At the point when a
connection misbehaves, either of the two nodes connected with the connection may misbehave. So as to choose the
misbehaviour of a node and rebuff it, it is necessary to check the misbehaviour of connections around that node.

Hongmei Deng et al., [3] performed the detail study about the routing security problems in MANETs and investigated in
detail about the blackhole attack. They have also proposed a solution for the attack using distance vector routing protocol.
Security dependably suggests the distinguishing proof of potential attacks, dangers and vulnerabilities of a certain
framework. Attacks can be grouped into passive and active attacks. An attack which does not disturb the operation of a
routing protocol but try to discover the important information by listening to the traffic is passive attack and it is
extremely hard to distinguish. An attempt to modify data improperly, obtain authentication or secure authorization by
embedding false packets into the information stream or adjusting the packets move through network is an active attack.
An external attacks and internal attacks are the two separate categories of active attack. The nodes which do not belong to
the network cause an external attack. The nodes which are compromised within a network will lead to an internal attack.
In comparison with external attack, internal attacks are more dangerous to the network as they belong to the network as
authorized nodes.


In existing system, most of the researches done for optimizing energy consumption of the nodes, irrespective of
delay sensitive. The algorithms which sustain routes to the destinations if required are referred as proactive protocols. The
algorithms that preserve routes to nearer nodes yet when not required and sustain paths to far-off nodes in the case of


In this propose system the delay constrain networks with MAC protocols like 802.11b and 802.11g have
contribute to achieve in delivering data efficiently to destinations. Since the WSN nodes are battery operated, the energy
is a major constrain. The node energy consumption depends on the type of applications it process.
In this we propose energy efficient and delay sensitive multicast protocol for processing data of different rates.
The stable forwarders nodes are selected, to forward data through energy efficient routes, to increase the network lifetime
and balance the energy among the nodes.
This segment provides an excessive-stage review of how the capability and the duties of the device were
portioned and then assigned to subgroups or the components or the modules accurately.

Node Deployment Nodes Mobility Delay sensitive data


Efficient Data Data Rate Adjustment MAC 802.11a/b/g




In the above diagram, shows the architecture of the proposed system, where the nodes are randomly deployed and
it is mobile in nature. The delay sensitive data transmission takes place. In MAC layer the protocols 802.11b/g/a initiated
with data rate adjustment algorithms to transmit efficient data.
Design Considerations

This design scheme is iterative and requires attention of various options at each stage. The layout manner is
restrained with the aid of the assumptions made previous to the development of the machine. It includes choosing the kind
of approach used for the improvement of each portion of the machine with the rational for the choice of the equal.

Assumptions and dependencies

Several assumptions regarding the hardware required and the operating surroundings of the system influence
design selections. The assumptions have been made after giant consultation with the cease user and are greater or much
less affordable. The gadget might be applied at the Ubuntu working gadget, using C++ and TCL Script.

General Constraints

There might be a few worldwide boundaries which contain a sizable impact on the proposed design of the
system’s software or a related impact. Such constraints can be imposed on the subsequent troubles associated with our
venture which are as follows:
 There exists a most restrict at the number of nodes that can be deployed inside the community with a purpose to
save you degradation in overall performance of the proposed algorithm even as it is being done at the system.
 As the number of nodes will increase, the complexity of displaying extraordinary sort of topologies becomes
tough. Therefore, we are limiting ourselves to a fewer wide variety of nodes for demonstration reason.

Network module design gives the information about how the network topology is set, how to set the strength of
the module, identifying the nodes, specifying the source and destination and how to start and stop the simulation. These
segments contain explanation of capability of scripts utilized in constructing topology.

This module includes following steps:

i. Building up Wireless Network Topology: This includes environmental settings, node configuration, and
topology advent.
ii. Building the strength module: At each and every node the network topology will be assigned with few energy
iii. Identifying the Neighbours: Euclidian distance method is used to recognize the neighbours for a particular node.
iv. Shows the source, sink and data: The source and the destination need to obtain facts might be definite that is
which node must receive data and for which node it has to be sent is decided.
v. Shows the simulation start ON and stop OFF time: The simulation in NS2 can be completed within a small
time. The results can be completed within a small time. The results can be checked using the NAM window in
any point of time. The simulation start and stop time can be tabulated.

The pseudo code for initialization of nodes randomly is as follows

a. for i=0 to num_of_nodes
b. Initialize mobile nodes
c. Enable random motion
d. Nodes Energy.
e. Define initial node position
f. Initialize agent
g. Attach agent to node.
h. End for

The result step or phase of project is the last step where the system can be evaluated in terms of performance and
the results are verified using the graphs if the goals in the project that are described in the starting are met or not. The
performance is checked using the values obtained. The performance is evaluated using the graphs.

Simulation Area 500*500 m2

No of nodes 50
Mac 802.11
Antenna Omni antenna
Table 6.1: Simulation Transmission Range 550 Parameters required for
Performance Evaluation

Few parameters are considered in this project which yield in estimating the system performance and also which
provides proof for network lifetime improvement.

Throughput: Number of packets sent and received per unit of time. It is expressed in terms of kbps.

Packet delivery ratio: The ratio of number of packets transmitted by source and the number of packets
acknowledge by destination.

End-to-End Delay: Delay can be calculated by sent time of packet by source – received time of packet by
destination. It is expressed in milli seconds (ms).
Overhead: It is the number of routing packet processed.


The delay constrains networks with MAC protocols like 802.11b and 802.11g have contributed to achieve in
delivering data efficiently to destinations. Since the WSN nodes are battery operated, the energy is a major constrain. The
node energy consumption depends on the type of applications it process. The delay sensitive networks are considered as a
challenging task in achieving QOS. In this paper we propose energy efficient and delay sensitive multicast protocol for
processing data of different rates. The stable forwarders nodes are selected, to forward data through energy efficient
routes, to increase the network lifetime . In future the cryptography concept to secure the data can be implemented to
provide secure routing.


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