The Philosophy of Chemistry As A New Resource For Chemistry Education

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Research: Science and Education

The Philosophy of Chemistry as a New Resource for Chemistry Education

Olimpia Lombardi

Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, CONICET, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Martín Labarca*

Filosofía e Historia de la Ciencia, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina;

*[email protected]

The philosophy of chemistry is a new physics is conceived as a “fundamental” science

subdiscipline of the philosophy of science. Only that describes reality in its deepest aspects,

a decade ago this philosophical field branched chemistry is viewed as a “phenomenological”

off from the traditional philosophy of science science, which merely describes phenomena as

and acquired autonomy with respect to the they appear to us.

philosophy of physics. This late development From this perspective, since chemistry is

was mainly due to an assumption about the only a branch of physics, it does not have

relationship between chemistry and physics: the specific problems in need of philosophical

impressive predictive power of quantum analysis: when considered in depth, the

mechanics led most chemists, physicists, and philosophical problems of chemistry are

philosophers of science to consider that problems belonging to the philosophy of

chemistry can be completely reduced to physics. physics. Consequently, philosophical issues

Dirac’s famous dictum, according to which concerning quantum mechanics and relativity in

chemistry can be explained in principle by physics engaged the attention of the

quantum mechanics (1), expresses a position philosophers of science during most of the last

that counts against the autonomy of chemistry century. However, in the mid-1990s there was

and its status as a scientific discipline: whereas an upsurge of interest in the philosophy of • Vol. 84 No. 1 January 2007 • Journal of Chemical Education 187

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chemistry. In this context, traditional hierarchy because of its fundamental character,

assumptions about the relationship between whereas chemistry is relegated to an inferior

chemistry and physics began to be questioned: position to the extent that it can be derived from

at present many authors deny that chemistry can fundamental laws.

be reduced to physics (2). Although the How can chemistry educators face the problem

philosophers of chemistry repeatedly emphasize of reduction from this perspective? And,

this point, the preconceptions of the scientific consequently, how can they argue for the

community are still tied to a reductionistic autonomy of chemistry as a natural science? Is it

position (3). possible to redress the traditional idea of the

This reductionistic standpoint has had a “superiority” of physics with respect to chemistry?

great impact on chemical education: there is an These questions pose an interesting challenge:

increasing tendency to explain some topics of they show the need to introduce philosophical

chemistry, such as atomic structure and the arguments as a new pedagogical resource in

periodic system, by means of physical principles teaching chemistry. Of course this is not an easy

(4). Chemistry is indeed considered as a branch task, yet the philosophy of chemistry offers the

of physics because it deals with complex necessary tools. In fact, it not only allows teachers

systems or particular processes that, to answer the above questions: the philosophy of

nevertheless, could in principle be described and chemistry also leads them to a deeper

explained by means of quantum theory. This understanding of the nature of chemistry. In this

supposed difference between fundamental and paper we shall address these issues by facing the

phenomenological disciplines justifies the traditional and subtle problem of the reduction of

traditional hierarchy of the natural sciences, chemistry to physics.

rooted in the positivistic thought of the end of

the 19th century. Physics is at the top of the

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Chemistry as a Scientific Discipline: The according to which science can be—or should

Usual Defense be—unified by deducing all scientific theories

from a privileged one.

When the problem at issue is reduction, the
Only during the last decades have some
first step is to distinguish between ontological
authors begun to argue for the liberation of
reduction and epistemological reduction.
chemistry from the constraints imposed by
Ontology is the branch of philosophy
physical thought. In some cases, the autonomy of
(metaphysics, in particular) that studies reality, its
chemistry as a scientific discipline is defended on
structure, and the entities existing in it.
historical grounds, emphasizing the different
Epistemology is the branch of philosophy dealing
historical traditions that marked the evolution of
with human knowledge, its scope, and its limits.
chemistry and physics (5). However, the usual line
Ontological reduction refers to the ontological
of argumentation proposed by the philosophers of
dependence of the entities, properties, and
chemistry to defend the autonomy of chemistry
regularities of a stratum of reality upon the
points out the impossibility of reducing some
entities, properties, and regularities of another
chemical concepts (such as composition, bonding,
stratum considered as ontologically fundamental.
or molecular structure) and properties (such as
Therefore, ontological reductionism is a
chirality) to fundamental physics. In other words,
metaphysical thesis that postulates the ontological
it is argued that the epistemological reduction of
priority of a certain level of reality to which all the
the whole of chemistry to physics is impossible.
other levels directly or indirectly reduce.
For instance, Vemulapalli and Byerly (6) claim
Epistemological reduction is concerned with the
that epistemological reduction fails even in
relationship between scientific theories: a theory
relatively simple cases: in general, the properties
can be reduced to another when it can be deduced
of a chemical system cannot be explained in terms
from the latter. Thus, epistemological
of the properties of the physical micro-
reductionism is an epistemological thesis • Vol. 84 No. 1 January 2007 • Journal of Chemical Education 189

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components; and even when the properties of a motion, but not for solids, plasmas, or a vacuum.

chemical macro-system can be derived from those According to van Brakel, all the problems for

micro-components, this requires additional reduction seem to be related to the macroscopic

assumptions related with macroscopic notion of equilibrium, the central notion of

phenomena. thermodynamics. For instance, the macroscopic

Equilibrium in nonideal multicomponent concept of temperature only makes sense for

systems is one of the topics we have investigated: systems in equilibrium—yet microscopically there

although there exists a method for relating the is no such thing as equilibrium.

properties of a system to the activities of its In a similar line of thought, Scerri and

components, the numerical values of the McIntyre (8) distinguish between “quantitative

individual activities must be derived empirically reduction” and “conceptual reduction”.

from experiments on the system or theoretically Quantitative reduction refers to the calculation of

from postulated intermolecular forces or from chemical properties from physical theories, in

other ad hoc hypotheses coming from outside of particular, quantum mechanics. This kind of

the main body of the theory; in either case, they reduction requires approximation techniques that

cannot be deduced from theories involving only can only be justified on a post hoc basis, that is, on

the micro-components of the system. the basis of the experimentally observed data that

van Brakel addresses the traditionally alleged one is trying to calculate. On the other hand,

reduction of thermodynamics to statistical conceptual reduction refers to the definition of

mechanics from a similar perspective (7). He chemical concepts in terms of physical concepts.

correctly points out that, in general, temperature According to the authors, this form of reduction is

cannot be defined as mean molecular kinetic not possible due to the very nature of the chemical

energy: this is true for perfect gases composed of concepts themselves: the concepts of composition,

idealized “billiard-ball” molecules in random bonding, or molecular structure cannot be

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expressed except at the chemical level. As the chemistry—is an epistemological and not an

result of the failure of both kinds of reduction, we ontological question.

should “eschew the epistemological reduction of Of course, the impossibility of

chemistry to physics” (8). epistemological reduction safeguards the

Widespread agreement exists among autonomy of chemistry as a scientific activity.

philosophers of chemistry with respect to the However, the ontological dependence of

impossibility of epistemologically reducing chemistry on physics places chemistry in an

chemistry to physics. Nevertheless, nobody casts inferior position with respect to physics in the

doubts on ontological reduction: chemical entities hierarchy of natural sciences: whereas physics

are, when analyzed in depth, no more than turns out to be a “fundamental” science that

physical entities. For instance, Vemulapalli and describes reality as it is in itself, chemistry is

Byerly (6) adopt the physicalist position that conceived as a “phenomenological” science that

although the properties of a chemical system only describes phenomena, that is, “apparent”

cannot be effectively derived from physical facts. The question is why we have to accept this

properties, chemistry remains ontologically conclusion. Here we have a philosophical

dependent on fundamental physics: “Ontological problem and, consequently, we need

reduction, in the sense of showing the dependence philosophical arguments to address it. In the

of all phenomena on constituent physical next sections we shall argue that the direct

processes, has been a highly successful research reference of a scientific theory is not the

program”. From a similar perspective, Scerri and independent reality, but a scientific model. We

McIntyre (8) believe “the ontological dependence have no access to reality independently of a

of chemistry on physics to be almost a foregone model: it is the model, built in terms of the

conclusion”; for them, the problem of reduction— concepts of the theory, that cuts an ontology out

which must be solved to preserve the autonomy of of the reality in itself. When this point is • Vol. 84 No. 1 January 2007 • Journal of Chemical Education 191

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recognized, the traditional assumption of the model of a real pendulum is constructed by

ontological reduction of chemistry to physics disregarding friction, or a real gas is modeled as

can be reassessed from a new philosophical a collection of hard spheres interacting

perspective. according to the laws of elastic collision.

A scientific model must have certain

The Notion of “Model” in Science
features in order to be a good model: simplicity,
The word “model” is widely used in self-consistency, power, and flexibility (9). The
everyday language and in all scientific construction of a model is not an easy task, since
disciplines. Here we shall focus on the use of the it involves different operations that require
notion of model in factual sciences, where scientific skills and creativity; for instance,
theories supposedly describe the features and ignoring external or internal factors, postulating
regularities of reality. It is usually assumed that certain ideal entities, or even assuming the
reality always involves a huge number of unobservable structure of the system. These
factors, in such a way that it is too complex for different operations—which are always
an exhaustive description; moreover, in many combined in the construction of a particular
cases the precise specification of certain model— show that the relationship between
properties is an impossible task because of the model and reality is not as simple as usually
unobservable character of the properties supposed: usually, it is not a “pictorial”
themselves. For these reasons, scientists always relationship that assigns one element of the
work with idealized systems, abstract entities in model to any element of reality. It is a complex
which only the relevant variables are considered relationship in which many variables of the
and some properties of the unobservable model may not be directly accessible, for
elements are assumed. Such abstract entities are instance, in the case of unobservable properties.
the models of a real system; for instance, a The strict correspondence between model and

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reality must be preserved only in the case of being gradually replaced by the application of

directly measurable variables: it is precisely the quantum mechanics because it is conceived as

measurement of the values of such variables that the fundamental theory of nature. But this

allows us to assess not only the empirical value teaching approach ignores a central point: in

of the theory but also the adequacy of the model chemistry education it is necessary to emphasize

for representing the real system. As Mary Hesse the qualitative aspects of chemical processes.

says in her classic account of models in science Although a quantum description may offer a

(10): different and fruitful perspective, it does not

explain the vast diversity of the observable

I would say, for example, that a three-
chemical phenomena. These two approaches
dimensional space curved in a fourth
have been extensively discussed in
dimension is a perfectly good model in
contemporary literature (14).
relativity theory, but it is certainly not

picturable. A model, for me, is any

Distinguishing between “Model” and
system, whether buildable, picturable,
imaginable, or none of these, which
Although science is usually thought to
has the characteristic of making a
describe reality, the elucidation of the notion of
theory predictive.
scientific model shows that the direct reference
Model construction is well known as a
of a scientific theory is not a real system, but a
central activity in the scientific practice of
model of the system. In other words, the links
chemistry: the use of models pervades chemistry
between theory and reality are always mediated
education from chemical kinetics (11) to organic
by a model. But there is not a single model for a
chemistry (12). Erduran (13) points out,
system: reality may be modeled in many
however, that the role of models in chemistry is
different ways, according to the particular • Vol. 84 No. 1 January 2007 • Journal of Chemical Education 193

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viewpoint of the scientist in each case. particular interest of the scientist or the specific

Therefore, a given model cannot be considered goals of the research. At the same time, it is

as “better” than another in an absolute sense, but generally assumed that certain models—usually,

only with respect to the specific perspective of microscopic models—are “closer” to describing

the research. Of course, some models are more reality than others. For instance, a mechanical

complex than others, yet this fact does not mean model describes the real and intrinsic nature of

that a complex model has to be preferred over a a gas better than a thermodynamic model. Based

simpler one: in many cases, general properties on this assumption (in spite of the failure of

of a system may not be accounted for by the epistemological reduction), many authors still

most detailed and complex model. For instance, claim that, from an ontological point of view,

to model a gas in terms of thermodynamic temperature is no more than the mean value of

variables such as temperature, pressure, and the kinetic energy of the molecules of a gas (15).

volume supplies information that is not available When it is accepted that reality can be modeled

in a detailed model designed in terms of in many different yet equally adequate ways, why

mechanical variables like the positions and are the microscopic models endowed with that

velocities of the component molecules. “closeness” to reality? Why is it usually assumed

The fact that many different models may be that a quantum model of a chemical system is

good models for a single system has been “superior” to a model in terms of chemical

recognized in the literature on the philosophy of variables? The reason is again rooted in the

science (10); however, the deep implications of philosophical premise of ontological

this fact are usually passed over. In general, the reductionism: even though the full

coexistence of equally acceptable models is epistemological reduction of chemistry to physics

conceived in pragmatic terms: the decision is not possible, the reduction of the chemical world

about the proper model depends on the to the world of physics cannot be denied. As a

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consequence, when the construction of a quantum The Autonomy of the Chemical Ontology

model is possible, it is preferred since it is “closer”

Somebody could ask about the need of
to describing the “true” fundamental reality. Once
addressing ontological issues in the context of the
again, although the methodological role of models
relationship between chemistry and physics: if the
in chemistry is accepted, ontological reduction is
failure of epistemological reduction is sufficient to
still present to determine the way in which the
guarantee the methodological autonomy of
relationship between models and reality is
chemistry with respect to physics, ontological
questions do not need to be discussed. However,
In recent years, some authors have begun to
when we ignore ontological issues, we miss an
challenge the traditional assumption of ontological
important philosophical question: why is
reduction by appealing to symmetrical relations
chemistry a “secondary” science? The answer to
between the discourses of chemistry and physics
this question strongly depends on the assumption
or to autonomous though related levels of reality.
of ontological reduction: if the physical reducing
This new perspective recognizes the fact that we
realm has ontological priority on the chemical
have no access to reality in itself independently of
reduced world, the chemical concepts that are non-
a model built in terms of the discourse and the
reducible to quantum mechanics refer to apparent
conceptual scheme of a particular theory. As we
or secondary entities endowed with a derived
shall see, such a philosophical viewpoint places
ontological status. For instance, molecular shape
chemistry in the same hierarchical position as
turns out to be only a “powerful and illuminating
physics within the context of natural sciences by
metaphor” (16). Under this assumption, whereas
justifying the ontological autonomy of the
physics describes the deepest and fundamental
chemical world.
structure of reality, chemistry is a secondary

science that studies “metaphorical” entities not

really existent. • Vol. 84 No. 1 January 2007 • Journal of Chemical Education 195

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In recent years, some authors have addressed best seen as symmetrical relations” (18). On this

ontological questions related to the referring basis, van Brakel concludes that (18):

character of chemical descriptions. One of them is

[W]e could be tolerant enough to leave
van Brakel (17–18), who discusses the reference
equal ontological room for manifest
of the physical and the chemical discourses under
water, water in terms of the
the paradigm of the mirror of nature (18):
thermodynamic theory of substances,

Each mirror gives a different autonomous the molecular structure of water

picture of (part of) the world, but one (“constructed” out of spectroscopic

mirror—the ideal physical one— mirrors measurements), the “proper” quantum

reality as it is ( ontologically speaking). All mechanical equations for an isolated

other mirrors…picture mere appearances, water molecule, and experiments with

without cosmic significance. isolated water molecules which,

depending on the measurement

According to the author, this paradigm should
technique, show more of less of the
be abandoned by denying the asymmetric
“classical” molecular structure.
relationship between chemistry and physics: “The

same event can have a chemical and a physical An even more interesting case of this new

description,…but no privileged description exists” interest in ontological issues is the position of

(18). In fact, if quantum mechanics would turn out Scerri about the interpretation of the concept of

to be wrong, it would not affect the chemical orbital. Scerri admits that, under the assumption of

knowledge about molecular shape, bonding or ontological reduction, terms such as “orbital” or

chirality. As a consequence, the relationships “molecular shape” “philosophically speaking, are

between chemistry and quantum mechanics “are nonreferring terms” (19). But chemists are often

realists in the sense that they believe in orbitals as

196 Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 84 No. 1 January 2007 •

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though they were real and concrete entities; contrary, each science, and even each theory,

chemists and chemical educators show a great operates on its own ontological level, in which the

reluctance to abandon that realistic interpretation entities and regularities referred to by the theory

in spite of the theoretical assumption that orbitals may be legitimately considered as real: there is no

do not correspond to anything in the real world. In contradiction in conceiving of orbitals as existent

this sense, Scerri (19–20) proposes an entities at the chemical level but not real in the

intermediate position between realism and quantum mechanical world. For this reason Scerri

ontological reductionism, which leads to the argues for the view of “autonomous though

autonomy of chemistry as the result of a form of related levels of reality” (20), in terms of which

liberation from “physics imperialism”. According the autonomy of the secondary sciences can be

to this new view, the interpretation of scientific consistently defended.

terms is theory-contextual (20): Even more recently, and following the way

opened by van Brakel and Scerri, we have

Not only is the question of the realistic
defended the ontological autonomy of the
as opposed to the antirealistic
chemical world on the basis of a philosophically
interpretation of the orbital concept
founded ontological pluralism (21). In particular
contextual with regards to whether one
we show that, from a position rooted in Kantian
considers chemistry or theoretical
philosophy, the ontology of science always results
physics, but even within chemistry it
from the synthesis between a conceptual scheme,
emerges that practitioners in different
provided by the scientific theory, and the
subfields generally adopt opposite
noumenal, independent reality. Any scientific
model is built in terms of the contextual scheme of
In other words, there is no single ontology to
a theory; as a consequence, the model is the
which all the scientific knowledge refers. On the
vehicle to cut the corresponding ontology out of • Vol. 84 No. 1 January 2007 • Journal of Chemical Education 197

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the independent reality. On the other hand, since chemical concepts like composition, chemical

different theories describe reality successfully, bonding, molecular shape, and orbital refer to

there are different legitimate conceptual schemes, entities and properties belonging to the chemical

each one of which constitutes its corresponding ontology, which only depends on the theory that

ontology through its models. If we had access to constitutes it and does not derive from an

the noumenal reality independently of a model, we ontologically more fundamental level of reality.

could decide which model is “closer” to the “real” In this way, chemistry begins to be conceived

ontology. But since we always describe reality not as a secondary field devoted to study of

from the perspective of a model and its associated secondary and derived entities, but as a scientific

conceptual scheme, the privileged viewpoint of discipline referring to an ontologically

“God’s eye” does not exist: there is not a single autonomous realm. The ontological autonomy

“true” ontology with respect to which some of the chemical world places chemistry in the

models are closer than others. In other words, all same hierarchical position as physics within the

ontologies have the same metaphysical status context of natural sciences.

because all of them are constituted by equally

The Case of the Concept of “Orbital”
objective descriptions.

From this philosophical position, it is not yet The case of the concept of orbital is an

possible to conceive the description of reality in interesting example for illustrating how

itself: even quantum theory and quantum models philosophical questions have relevant

correspond to a particular conceptual scheme repercussions not only on the foundations of

that constitutes the quantum ontology. On the chemistry but also on the way in which

other hand, chemistry involves its own chemistry is taught and learned.

conceptual framework and, as a consequence,

refers to its own ontology. As a consequence,

198 Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 84 No. 1 January 2007 •

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In 1999, the prestigious journal Nature explain bonding, chemical structure, and

spectacularly announced that the d orbitals of Cu reactivity. Therefore, chemistry educators

2O had been observed cannot do without such a concept in their

(22). This news rapidly pervaded the scientific teaching. For this reason, educators naturally

community (23); for instance, some authors accept orbitals as real entities existing in the

stated that such an experimental work had to be world. But this position clashes with the

considered as the first step toward the assumption according to which we have to

understanding of high-temperature follow what quantum mechanics has to say

superconductivity (24). Some months later, about the subject: only the concept of wave

another research team claimed to have obtained function is legitimate; the term “orbital” has no

an image of molecular orbitals (25). However, reference in the real world. In particular, the

some authors immediately opened the debate by realistic viewpoint about orbitals adopted by

claiming that the interpretation of those chemistry teachers turns out to be incompatible

experimental results was conceptually mistaken with their own position when introducing

(26–27): since quantum mechanics only quantum mechanics as the underlying

includes the concept of wave function, the explanatory theory of chemical phenomena.

concept of orbital is deprived of reference in the This problem is explicitly pointed out by Scerri

real world; therefore, it is not possible to obtain (4) in an article published in this Journal, when

an image of an nonexistent entity. he raises the question: “Can orbitals be real in

Although this debate may seem rather chemistry but not in physics?”. It seems quite

technical and specialized, it is a manifestation of clear that this paradoxical situation has negative

a problem that has deep consequences for consequences for a deep understanding of the

chemistry education. In fact, the concept of discipline: students are faced with the alternative

orbital is a key concept in teaching: it is used to of living in a sort of conceptual schizophrenia or • Vol. 84 No. 1 January 2007 • Journal of Chemical Education 199

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accepting that chemistry describes mere chemistry teachers have to face in the classroom,

apparent or “metaphorical” phenomena. because ontological pluralism provides

This serious pedagogical problem can be philosophical support for the realistic position,

avoided by adopting a well-founded usually adopted in a naive or pre-reflexive way.

philosophical position. Once we have

recognized that each accepted theory constitutes

its corresponding ontology through its own Research in chemistry education in recent

conceptual scheme, all so constituted ontologies years has made important advances by

have the same metaphysical status and are introducing the use of technology in the

equally objective. In other words, since there is classroom and of models of information

not a single “true” ontology, the chemical world processing, by proposing changes in chemistry

is as real as the physical world. As a content, by improving laboratory activities, and

consequence, the chemical concept of orbital so forth. However, little attention has been paid

does not need to be referred to quantum to the question of the nature of chemistry as a

mechanics to acquire legitimacy: orbitals are scientific discipline and, in particular, to the

real entities belonging to the chemical ontology. relationships between chemistry and physics. In

Therefore, it is possible to speak about orbitals this context, it is necessary to emphasize that

in the ontological level of chemistry and about philosophical issues of epistemology and

wave functions in the ontological level of ontology are essential for an in-depth

physics with no contradiction and without being understanding of the discipline.

forced to confine orbitals to the realm of For these reasons, we do believe that the

illusion. Summing up, we believe that this philosophy of chemistry should become a new

philosophically founded ontological pluralism pedagogical tool that can guide educators in

can overcome many conceptual difficulties that deciding how to balance descriptive and

200 Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 84 No. 1 January 2007 •

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theoretical chemistry and what approaches to Acknowledgments

use in teaching chemical concepts. Since history

We are very grateful to the referees for their
and philosophy of science are implicit in
comments and suggestions, which have improved
chemistry itself (28), teachers should be capable
the final version of this article. This paper was
of facing philosophical issues at their classes. As
supported by grants from the Consejo Nacional de
it has been empirically shown, not only in
Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (
chemistry (13, 29– 31), but also in other
CONICET), the Agencia Nacional de Promoción
scientific disciplines (32–33), philosophical
Científica y Tecnológica (FONCyT), and from the
thinking contributes to the students’
Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Buenos Aires,
comprehension of science. In Scerri’s words
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