Northwest Samar State University: Quality Planning

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Doc Code:

Northwest Samar State University

Revision No: 0
Prepared by:
Strategic Planning
Planning Office

1.0 Purpose

The purpose of this procedure is to ensure a systematic way in identifying

measurable quality objectives, a sequence of steps, resources required, ways
and means in realizing them within a specified timeframe with schemes for
monitoring and evaluation.

2.0 Scope

This procedure covers from the Pre-Planning, Strategic Planning, Strategy

Deployment, Planning Implementation, Measurement, Evaluation and Control.

3.0 Definition of Terms

Quality Planning A systematic process that identifies

measurable quality objectives, a sequence
of steps, resources required, ways and
means in realizing them within a
specified timeframe with schemes for
monitoring and evaluation.
Strategic Management A pattern or mode of strategic
Model” or Strategic management in determining a number of
Planning Model steps to be taken to achieve the objectives
of the University.

Pre-Planning An activity spearheaded by top

management towards developing the
strategic plan by identifying expectations
of the process, to include selection, roles,
and responsibilities of committee
members, logistics and timetable, and
extent of their participation. This also
includes organizational assessment by
identifying the internal and external factors
that influence the development of the
strategic plan.

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unless superseded by a revised issue. Document Control Procedure applies.
Doc Code:
Northwest Samar State University
Revision No: 0
Prepared by:
Strategic Planning
Planning Office

Strategic Planning A systematic process of envisioning a

desired future, and translating this vision
into broadly defined goals or objectives
and a sequence of steps or actions to
achieve them.

Strategy Deployment A tool to help create change by

strategically aligning the Continuous
Process Improvement (CPI) with the
university’s goals and objectives. In doing
this, a clear message is disseminated,
purpose and create leverage for everyone
to fully engage in the change process.

Implementation Planning A process to execute the strategic plan.

The success of the strategic plan is often
gauged by its execution and the degree to
which Operational Plans or Action Plans
are consistent with strategic priorities
defined through the strategic planning

Measurement, Evaluation A process where actual performance are

and Control being compared to the standards or
expected outcome or results, reviewing
internal and external factors that affects
performance and taking corrective actions.

Action Plan A supervisory, control and evaluating tool

in accomplishing defined objectives of the

Target-setting A process of identifying outcomes or

results to accomplish and establishing
measurable goals and timeframes.

PESTLE-SWOT Analysis is designed to ensure that a fit exists

between the external environment
(Threats and Opportunities) and the
internal qualities of the organization
(Strengths and Weaknesses).
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unless superseded by a revised issue. Document Control Procedure applies.
Doc Code:
Northwest Samar State University
Revision No: 0
Prepared by:
Strategic Planning
Planning Office

Activity Proposal A document being drafted that defines the

rationale behind such activity, the
participants of such undertaking, the
program of activities and the financial

4.0 Procedure Details

4.1 Conduct of Pre-Planning Activity

The top management including the University President, Vice Presidents

and University Officials will conduct an environmental scanning and
organizational assessment using the PESTLE-SWOT Analysis, identify
the Relevant Interested Parties Requirements by considering the
following but not limited to the Philippine Development Plan, Regional
Development Plan, RA 9719, IRR, Higher Education Modernization Act,
Budget Priorities Framework (Rapid Growth and Inclusive Development,
DBM /COA/CHED Circulars/Directives, CSC Code and Policies, SUC
Practices, CHED Strategic Plan, Organizational Performance and the
results will be used to agree on the approach in developing the strategic
plan, the process, the logistics, timetable and extent of their participation.
This also includes the Preparation of the activity proposal for the
Strategic Planning Session for the approval of the University President.
This is done every after five years.

4.2 Conduct of Strategic Planning

Strategic planning includes the formulation and revision of the Vision,

Mission, Goals and Objectives, Strategic Actions, Targets and
Performance Benchmarks. During this stage Risk, Opportunities and
Action Plans will also be identified.

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unless superseded by a revised issue. Document Control Procedure applies.
Doc Code:
Northwest Samar State University
Revision No: 0
Prepared by:
Strategic Planning
Planning Office

4.3 Strategic Deployment

The completed Strategic plan will be disseminated and facilitated for the
endorsement and validation of the Administrative Council, Academic
Council, stakeholders (Faculty, Staff, Students, Business and Local
Government Leaders, Sector representatives and other stakeholders for
confirmation and approval by the Board of Regents then it disseminates
the Approved Strategic Plan to all stakeholders

4.4 Implementation Planning

The plan implementation and monitoring will be done by the formulation

of the Operational Plans or Action Plans by the VPs, Campus Deans,
College Deans, Division, Department, Unit Heads and Directors for
implementation based on the approved strategic plan.

4.5 Performance Evaluation and Target setting

To ensure the successful implementation, the university shall conduct

the target setting (refer to Performance Management System) and then
submit the Quarterly Accomplishment Reports as basis for the Conduct
of Mid-Year Performance Review and Evaluation.

5.0 References

Budget Priorities Framework (Rapid Growth and Inclusive Development}

CHED Circulars/Directives
CHED Strategic Plan
COA Circulars/Directives
CSC Code and Policies,
DBM Circulars/Directives
Higher Education Modernization Act
ISO 9001:2015 Standards
Organizational Performance
Performance Management System
Philippine Development Plan

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unless superseded by a revised issue. Document Control Procedure applies.
Doc Code:
Northwest Samar State University
Revision No: 0
Prepared by:
Strategic Planning
Planning Office

PNS ISO 9001:2015

Quality Manual
Regional Development Plan
RA 9719-IRR
SUC Practices
SUC Leveling Instrument

6.0 Approval

Approved by: Date:


University President

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