Deflection Check
Deflection Check
Deflection Check
D 450 mm
fck 30 N/mm^2
W 120.15 Kn/m
L 7.95 m
E 27386.12788 N/mm^2
I 7593750000
Deflection 6009995.38
feet 30 30 ft
900 sq .ft
area 83.6127 sq .m
thick of plater 0.05 m
4.180635 cu.m
This is wet volume that means we need this much volume
of cement mortar after mixing water, So for dry volume,
we have to add 30-35% as bulkage of sand, we are using
35% and wastage as 20%
1+0.2+0.35 1.55
mix ratio M20 1 2
cement volume 2.159995 cu.m
62.24769 bags
cement 4.31999
bags = 63
Sand truck = 5
no of trucks requried 2
cement 5.554272
bags = 27
Sand truck = 6
no of trucks requried 3