Torque-Tension Relationship For ASTM A193 B7 Bolts and Studs

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Torque-Tension Relationship for ASTM A193 B7 Bolts and Studs

Minimum Minimum Est. Tightening Torque

Nominal Clamp
Threads Tensile Yield Shear K = 0.12 K = 0.15 K = 0.20
Dia. Load
Per Inch Strength Strength Strength
(in.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs.) (lbs) (ft-lbs) (ft-lbs) (ft-lbs)
1/4 20 3978 3341 2016 2506 6 8 10
1/4 28 4547 3819 2441 2864 7 9 12
5/16 18 6554 5505 3401 4129 13 16 22
5/16 24 7258 6097 3931 4573 14 18 24
3/8 16 9686 8136 5083 6102 23 29 38
3/8 24 10979 9222 6063 6916 26 32 43
7/16 14 13289 11162 6997 8372 37 46 61
7/16 20 14840 12465 8173 9349 41 51 68
1/2 13 17737 14899 9425 11175 56 70 93
1/2 20 19994 16795 11146 12596 63 79 105
9/16 12 22743 19104 12150 14328 81 101 134
9/16 18 25373 21313 14159 15985 90 112 150
5/8 11 28250 23730 15131 17798 111 139 185
5/8 18 31995 26876 17999 20157 126 157 210
3/4 10 41808 35118 22643 26339 198 247 329
3/4 16 46620 39161 26344 29371 220 275 367
7/8 9 57717 48482 31438 36362 318 398 530
7/8 14 63684 53495 36035 40121 351 439 585
1 8 75718 63603 41316 47702 477 596 795
1 14 84986 71388 48473 53541 535 669 892
1 1/8 7 95409 80144 51969 60108 676 845 1127
1 1/8 8 98807 82998 54570 62248 700 875 1167
1 1/4 7 121139 101757 66722 76318 954 1192 1590
1 1/4 8 124963 104969 69664 78727 984 1230 1640
1 1/2 8 186480 156644 105376 117483 1762 2203 2937
1 1/2 6 175657 147551 97013 110664 1660 2075 2767
1 5/8 8 221841 186346 125992 139760 2271 2839 3785
1 3/4 8 260269 218626 148450 163970 2869 3587 4782
1 7/8 8 301766 253483 172748 190112 3565 4456 5941
2 8 346330 290917 198887 218188 4364 5455 7273
2 1/4 8 444663 373517 256688 280138 6303 7879 10505
2 1/2 8 555267 466425 321851 349819 8745 10932 14576
The torque values can only be achieved if nut (or tapped hole) has a proof load greater than or equal to the bolt's minimum ultimate tensile strength.
Clamp load calculated as 75% of the yield strength for the B7 specified in ASTM A193.
Torque values calculated from formula T=KDF, where
Coatings such as Teflon or Xylan offer extremely low coefficients of friction. Often we will experience K values around 0.12 or even lower.
K = 0.15 for "lubricated" conditions and K = 0.20 for "dry" conditions
D = Nominal Diameter
F = Clamp Load
Tensile and Yield strengths in accordance with ASTM A193
Minimum ultimate tensile strength: 125,000 PSI (up through 2-1/2") and 115,000 PSI (over 2-1/2 through 4)
Minimum yield strength: 105,000 PSI (up through 2-1/2") and 95,000 PSI (over 2-1/2 through 4)
Estimated Shear Strength based off of 60% of minimum tensile strength using the thread root area. It is not part of the ASTM A193 specification.

Caution: All material included in this chart is advisory only, and its use by anyone is voluntary. In developing this information, Fastenal has made a
determined effort to present its contents accurately. Extreme caution should be used when using a formula for torque/tension relationships. Torque
is only an indirect indication of tension. Under/over tightening of fasteners can result in costly equipment failure or personal injury.

Rev 3-4-09

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