Notes - Ce13-14
Notes - Ce13-14
Notes - Ce13-14
R 37 -- CE. 13b
What are the ways the government gets the funds to pay for public goods
and services?
Through tax revenue
Through borrowed funds
Through fees (Ex. Park entrance fees)
R 38 -- CE 13c
What are three ways the US government influences economic activity?
* Taxing * Borrowing * Spending
Taxing --
Tax increases reduce the funds available for spending by individuals
and businesses.
Tax decreases increase the funds available for spending by
individuals and businesses.
Borrowing --
Increased government borrowing will decrease the funds available
for borrowing by individuals and businesses.
Decreased government borrowing will increase the funds available
for borrowing by individuals and businesses.
Spending --
Increased government spending increases demand -- which may
increase employment and production.
Decreased government spending reduces demand -- which may result
in a slowing of the economy.
Increased government spending may result in higher taxes (need
more money to pay for things)
Decreased government spending reduces demand, which may slow
the economy (less spending, less production)
SOL -- CE.13f
SOL -- CE.13e
What is the role of the US government in protecting consumer rights and
Individuals have rights of private ownership, which are protected by
negotiated contracts (and enforceable by law.)