Askep Gastritis Bahasa Inggris
Askep Gastritis Bahasa Inggris
Askep Gastritis Bahasa Inggris
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Groups 5
Mr. S 35 years old with high school education, an entrepreneur. A family head of Tlogomas
RT / RW 05/01 city of Malang, entered RSSA on April 19, 2016, No. RM 8680, Gastritis
medical diagnosis. Responsible person: Mrs. N 33 years old, Tlogomas RT / RW 05/01
Malang city, wife, housewife.
The patient complains of pain in the stomach (stomach ulcers) feels sore and hot, the patient
also says weakness and no appetite, often nausea and vomiting. pain feels like squeezing,
scale of pain 7, pain relief. The patient and family said that they had previously been treated
at the puskesmas but for 3 days taking the medication given, the patient did not feel any
changes in the condition. Then doctors refer patients to Saiful Anwar Hospital Malang.
Patient came to IGiful Hospital, Aniful Anwar Malang on Wednesday, April 19 2016 at
08.00, after being examined he got: Awareness: compos mentis E: 4 V: 5 M: 6. Looks pale
and weak, When checked the signs vital TD: 110/60 mmHg, N: 97 x / minute, RR: 24 x /
minute, S: 37,2ᵒ C. Body weight before illness: 60 kg, after BB pain: 55 kg and height: 173
cm. and pain during epigastric pressure. Given an infusion of RL 20 tpm (drops per minute),
Injection: Cefotaxime (1gr), Ranitidine (2x1 mg), Oral: Antacids (3x500 mg). Patients also
said they did not have any history of any allergies.
Admission Date : 19 April 2018 Time : 08.00
No. Reg : 8680 Medical Dx : 1234xxx
Date of Assessment :
1. Name : Tn.S
2. Age : 35
3. Race : Dayak
4. Religion : Christian
5. Education : High school
6. Occupation : Private
7. address : Jln. Yosudarso 4
1. Chief complain:
The patient complains of pain in the stomach (stomach ulcers) feels sore and hot, the
patient says no appetite, often nausea and vomiting.
P: The client is seen grimacing when the epigastrium is pressed
Q: Pain like squeezing
R: in the pit of the stomach / epigastrium
S: scale 7 (scale of pain 0 - 10)
Q: Pain relief arises when the epigastrium is pressed.
The patient feels pain in the abdomen (solar plexus) since 1 week ago on the morning
after waking up. Then the patient came to the hospital at 8:00 to get himself checked
by getting a TD examination: 110/60 mmHg, N: 97 x / minute, RR: 24 x / minute, S:
37,2ᵒ C. and pain at the epigastric pressure.
Mentioned :
4) Eye
Pupil : Isochors Anisochors
Sclera : Icteric Bleeding
Others :
Conjungtiva : Pale Light red
5) Nerves disturbance :
Trismus: Yes None
Paralyze: Yes None
Sensory Perceptual: Yes None
Mentioned :
Others :
1) Complain :
Polyuria Oliguria Anuria Nocturia
2) Urine Output : ml/day Color : Smell :
3) Fluid Intake : Oral cc/day Parenteral : cc/day
Others :
Others :
1. Laboratory:
2. Radiology: X-Ray, CT-Scan
3. ECG
4. USG,ect
5. Therapy:
6. Others:
Name : Tn.S
Room : Bougenvile A
No.reg : 8680
DO :
The patient appears to be in pain when
the epigastrium is pressed.
P: The client is seen grimacing when
the epigastrium is pressed
Q: Pain like squeezing
R: in the pit of the stomach /
S: scale 7 (scale of pain 0 - 10)
Q: Pain relief arises when the
epigastrium is pressed.
2 DS : Fulfillment of Nutritional
- Mr. S often feels nauseous and nutrition is imbalance is less
vomiting inadequate than the body's
-Tn.S said they didn't eat needs
DO :
-Tn. S looks weak and pale
-Sc Composmentis Awareness
TD: 110/60 mmHg
N: 97 x / minute
RR: 24 x / minute
S: 37,2ᵒ C.
Name : Tn.S
Room : Bougenvile A
No. Reg : 8680
No Nursing Diagnoses
1 Acute pain is associated with inflammation of the gastric mucosa (gastric) wall
2 Nutritional imbalances less than body requirements are associated with inadequate
nutrition fulfillment
Name : Tn.S
Room : Bougenvile A
No. Reg : 8680
Tanggal No Nursing Diagnosis NOC NIC
19 1 Acute pain Pain Level Pain
April Definition : An unpleasant sensory Pain Control Management:
2016 and emotional experience arising Comfort - Perform a
from actual or potential tissue Level comprehensive
damage or described in terms of Criteria for pain assessment
damage in such a way results: including
(International Association for the • Able to control location,
study of pain): sudden or slow pain (know the characteristics,
onset of mild to severe intensity cause of pain, duration,
with the end that can anticipated or be able to use frequency,
predicted and lasts <6 months. non- quality, and
Limitation of characteristics: pharmacological precipitation
• Changes in appetite techniques to factors
• Changes in blood pressure reduce pain, - Observai non
• Expressing behavior (grimacing, seek help) verbal reactions
restlessness) • Report that of discomfort
• Change of position to avoid pain pain is reduced - Select and do
• Report pain verbally by using pain pain
Related factors : management management
• Injury agents (eg biological, • Able to (pharmacology,
chemical, physical, psychological) recognize pain non-
(scale, intensity, pharmacology
frequency and and inter
signs of pain) personal)
• Express - Assess the
comfort after type and source
the pain has of pain to
diminished determine
- Give
analgesics to
reduce pain
- Increase rest
- Collaborate
with doctors if
complaints and
actions of pain
are not
- Determine the
quality, and
degree of pain
of the drug
- Choose an
analgesic choice
depending on
the type and
severity of the
- Vital sign
monitor before
and after the
first analgesic
- Evaluate the
effectiveness of
analgesics, signs
and symptoms
Name: Tn.S
Room: Bougenvile A
No. Reg: 8680
Date No. hour Implementation
19 April 1. 08.00 - Conduct comprehensive pain assessment including location,
2016 characteristics, duration, frequency, quality, and precipitation
- Provides analgesics to reduce pain
Monitor vital signs before and after the first analgesic administration
19 April 2. 10.00 - Collaborate with nutritionists to determine the number of calories
2016 and nutrients needed by patients
- Provide selected food (already consulted with a nutritionist)
Monitor the amount of nutrients and calorie content
Name: Tn.S
Room: Bougenvile A
No. reg: 8680
Date No. Dx Evaluation
19 April 1. S: The patient says the pain is reduced
O: The patient appears not to grimace in pain again when
the epigastrium is pressed
P: the client looks grimacing when the epigastrium is
Q: pain like wringing,
R: in the pit of the stomach / epigastrium,
S: scale 3 (pain scale 0 - 10),
Q: Pain relief arises when the epigastrium is pressed.
P: intervention continued
19 April 2. S: the patient says that he does not have appetite and often
2016 nausea vomiting
P: intervention continued