Constitution For Chiculture 2
Constitution For Chiculture 2
Constitution For Chiculture 2
Article I
Mission Statement
The Mission of CHIculture is to create a safe community for people from Chicago and
people far away from home.
The purpose of CHIculture is to not just form a supportive environment, but a family for students
far away from home at Central Michigan University.
Primary Goals
To maintain a strong presence on campus and in the community and to help student get acclimated
to campus, meet new people, create a safe space and to find transportation to and from home.
The colors that will represent CHIculture are sky red, blue and white.
Article II
Membership Qualification
1. Membership in CHIculture shall not be denied because of location in city, gender, sexual
orientation, religion, creed, race, color, national origin, age, martial status, etc.
2. Must have an interest in promoting the goals of CMU.
3. Must be actively involved in meetings and events (unless other arrangements have been
approved by e-board).
4. New members or 1st semester members must pay $10.00 in total for the entire year for
dues, by the date assigned by the E-Board in order to qualify for membership for the
ongoing semester
5. E-board dues are $10.00 for the entire year (1st and 2nd semester).
E-Board Qualifications
Article III
Section A. Executive Board Responsibilities
1. Officers and Advisor shall be subjected to removal for failure to perform their duties,
excessive absence, and other reasons deemed inexcusable by CHIculture after written
warnings have been assessed.
2. Officers and the Advisor shall be removed upon written proposal to CHIculture stating
the reasons why he/she should be removed. Final action may not be taken until one week
has passed from the original submission to The Motions.
3. The proposal must receive an affirmative vote from 2/3rd of the members present at the
4. Immediately following such approval, the officer(s) shall be removed from office. (All
other officers are required to uphold the duties of (these) position(s) until the President
has elected a new E-board member.)
5. At the end of each academic year all E-Board positions will be open. All interested
members and current members can run for any position and be elected by all members
(including current E-Board members).
Article IV
1. Advisor(s) should insure that meetings are properly scheduled and serve as a resource for
executive and regular meetings, as well as attend functions of the organizations.
2. Advisor(s) should assist with the formation and revision of the organization constitution
and by-laws.
3. Advisor(s) should encourage and assist the organization in developing active and
significant programming and working with the officers in promoting effective
administration of the organization.
4. If necessary for an Advisor to resign his/her position, he/she should notify the organization
and the Office of Student Life.
1. Groups should plan their meetings at the time when the advisors are able to attend. Invite
him/her to all activities. The President should meet on a regular basis with the advisor to
discuss organizational matters.
2. Check out all dates with the advisor before scheduling special meetings and/or social
3. Ask the advisor for their opinion when problems arise in the organization. Make use of
their background and experience within the organization and the University. Do no
bypass him/her in working out problems and plans. Always discuss plans with him/her
before contacting outside sources.
4. Officers should keep the advisor fully informed of programs and activities of the
organization and progress in plans.
5. Necessary expenses of the advisor for the social affairs and activities should be paid for out
of the organizations funds.
6. Proper social procedures and courtesies should be observed toward the advisor at all the
organization functions. Show appreciation for the services by thank you notes,
appropriate comments at meetings, and by personal thank you.
Article VI.
1. The first meeting of the fall and spring semester shall be held within the first three weeks
of the semester. The goals of CHIculture (for that year) should be outlined at that time.
2. Regular meetings shall be held bi-weekly unless noted in advance for programming
3. Executive board meetings shall be held at the request of the officers for and shall be held
weekly and/or when deemed necessary.
Article VII
CHIculture must approve a proposed constitution by two thirds (2/3) of those voting at two
consecutive meetings. The vote must be taken at each one of these meetings. Following such
approval, the proposed constitution shall become the constitution of CHIculture.
Article VIII
If CHIculture should dissolve, all funds will be dispersed to The Pacific Gardens Mission of
Chicago, IL