Schmera2017 Article FunctionalDiversityAReviewOfMe
Schmera2017 Article FunctionalDiversityAReviewOfMe
Schmera2017 Article FunctionalDiversityAReviewOfMe
DOI 10.1007/s10750-016-2974-5
Received: 16 June 2016 / Revised: 25 August 2016 / Accepted: 27 August 2016 / Published online: 7 September 2016
Ó The Author(s) 2016. This article is published with open access at
Abstract Although several studies have examined diversity measures have been applied for quantifying
the functional diversity of freshwater macroinverte- functional diversity of freshwater macroinvertebrate
brates, the variety of methodologies combined with assemblages, among which Rao’s quadratic entropy
the absence of a synthetic review make our under- looks like the most frequent. In most papers, func-
standing of this field incomplete. Therefore, we tional diversity was positively related to taxon rich-
reviewed the current methodology for assessing ness, and functional redundancy was a key concept in
functional diversity in freshwater macroinvertebrate explaining this correlation. Most studies detected
research. Our review showed that most papers quan- strong influence of the environmental factors as well
tified functional diversity using biological traits, as human impact on functional diversity. Finally, our
among which feeding habits were the most common review revealed that functional diversity research is
traits probably due to the assumed links between biased towards European running waters and is
feeding and ecosystem functions. A large number of hindered by yet insufficient information on the aute-
cology of macroinvertebrates.
28 Hydrobiologia (2017) 787:27–44
Hydrobiologia (2017) 787:27–44 29
30 Hydrobiologia (2017) 787:27–44
Table 1 Main concepts of functional diversity research and their short definition
Concept Definition
Functional diversity Components of biodiversity that influence how an ecosystem operates (Tilman et al., 1997)
Functional richness Amount of functional trait space occupied by the species (Mason et al., 2005)
Functional evenness Distribution of abundance among functional characters (Mason et al., 2005)
Functional redundancy Situation when two or more species have the same function in the community (Rosenfeld, 2002)
Functional divergence Degree to which the abundance distribution maximizes differences in functional characters within
the community (Mason et al., 2005)
Functional complementarity Functional difference of two or more taxa (Petchey, 2003)
Functional contribution Individual value of species to the functional diversity of the community (Schmera et al., 2009b)
Hydrobiologia (2017) 787:27–44 31
Do we use mathematically defined terms? variable that is characterized by one element of a set of
distinguishable states (Schmera et al., 2015). Gather-
The 78 papers were read carefully to check whether ing information on the functional roles of freshwater
functional diversity or related terms have received macroinvertebrates is a challenging task, and apart
mathematical definitions. More than half of the papers from the availability of information, there is no
(40) used mathematical definitions, whereas a high consensus on which traits (or features) of macroin-
proportion of the papers (38) did not (e.g. Charvet vertebrate taxa should be used to calculate functional
et al., 2000; Statzner et al., 2005; Dolédec & Statzner, diversity. In this section, we first review the most
2008; Brouard et al., 2012). Papers without mathe- frequently used groups of traits and, second, we
matical definitions include reviews, because reviews overview the development of functional diversity
generally focused on new findings rather than method- research in the last 15 years.
ology (e.g. Heino et al., 2013). In other papers without The first conceptual model on the functional role of
mathematical definitions, functional diversity was freshwater macroinvertebrates is attributable to Cum-
interpreted as functional differences among taxa mins (1974). He studied streams from a functional
without precise mathematical definition (e.g. Mermil- perspective and described the processing of particulate
lod-Blondin et al., 2002), or functional diversity was and dissolved organic matter. Macroinvertebrates
used only as a keyword (e.g. Mermillod-Blondin et al., were central to his model, which distinguished
2004). Noticeably, the number of papers studying between species feeding on coarse or fine particulate
functional diversity, as well as that of papers using organic matter, grazing on periphyton and capturing
mathematical terms has increased since 2000 (Fig. 2). live prey. From a theoretical point of view, this model
In our view, this is a clear indication that functional provided the basis for subsequent and successful river
diversity is treated in our field both as a concept and a ecosystem concepts (e.g. Vannote et al., 1980).
measure. We do not have any objection against this, Twenty years later after the original proposal by
but researchers should keep in mind the dual meaning, Cummins (1974), the research team studying the
and clearly separate concept from measure and recall Upper Rhône River (hereafter referred to as the
that some measures have been shown to perform better ‘‘Rhône group’’; see Chevenet et al. 1994; Dolédec
than others in terms of biodiversity–ecosystem func- & Statzner, 1994; Statzner et al., 1994; Usseglio-
tion relationship (Flynn et al., 2011). Polatera, 1994) pioneered the use of species traits to
characterize entire floodplain communities and to
Which traits should be used to characterize examine trait–environmental variability relationships.
functional diversity? The team’s major objective was to use long-term
research made on the Upper Rhône for testing the
Traits in freshwater macroinvertebrate research habitat templet concept of Southwood (1977). This
include a wide variety of features, where trait is a concept, adapted to river systems by Townsend &
Hildew (1994), suggests that the temporal disturbance
and spatial heterogeneity of the river habitats provide
the frame for characteristic species traits to evolve.
Within their framework, biological traits included
maximal body size, potential number of descendants
per reproductive cycle, potential number of reproduc-
tive cycles per individual, reproductive technique,
parental care, distance travelled with or against the
current, attachment to soil or substrate, body form and
flexibility, resistant life stages, potential for regener-
ation, food types, feeding habits and respiration. On
Fig. 2 Changes in the number of papers published from the the other hand, habitat requirements described repro-
examination of the functional diversity of freshwater macroin-
ductive period, tolerance to variation in humidity and
vertebrates from 2000 to 2014. Full dots show the total number
of papers while empty dots show the number of papers using variability in habitat use. In parallel to this work,
mathematically defined terms Usseglio-Polatera et al. (2000) and Tachet et al. (2010)
32 Hydrobiologia (2017) 787:27–44
developed a trait database for European invertebrate should not be used for assessing functional diversity
genera including ‘‘biological traits’’ such as maximum because ecological traits should be regarded as
body size, life span, number of reproduction cycles per response traits (Violle et al., 2007), and response
year, types of aquatic stages, reproduction technique, traits are not directly linked to ecosystem functions
dispersal, resistance forms, respiration mode, loco- (Fig. 1, but see indirect effects in Frainer et al., 2014).
motion and substrate relation (hereafter referred to We should note, however, that the idea of effect and
locomotion), food types and feeding habits. They also response traits was developed in the context of plant
provided ‘‘ecological traits’’ or habitat requirements ecology, and the categorization of traits strongly
including lateral and longitudinal distribution, altitu- depends on the actual situation. In the case of
dinal and substrate preferences, current velocity, freshwater invertebrates, the clear separation of
trophic status, salinity and temperature preferences, response and effect traits is rather challenging in
saprobic values and tolerance to low pH. We should practice. Authors studying the functional diversity of
emphasize, however, that these traits were suggested freshwater macroinvertebrate assemblages used all
for improving the mechanistic understanding of biological traits (Bady et al., 2005; Peru & Dolédec,
species–environment relationships and not for quan- 2010), but mostly traits related to feeding habits
tifying functional diversity per se. In addition, the (Nhiwatiwa et al., 2009; Schmera et al., 2009a, b;
assignment whether a trait is biological or ecological Kadoya et al., 2011; Podani et al., 2013), size and
largely depends on the authors. For example, Mondy feeding habits (Pavoine & Dolédec, 2005) and feeding
& Usseglio-Polatera (2014) recently considered bio- habits, locomotion and substrate relation (Heino,
logical traits such as maximal body size, life span, 2005, 2008; Heino et al., 2008). The frequent occur-
number of reproductive cycles per year, types of rence of macroinvertebrate feeding habits is not
aquatic stages, reproduction technique, dispersal, surprising since they are, as already indicated, directly
resistance forms, respiration mode, locomotion and related to important ecosystem functions in freshwater
substrate relation (hereafter referred to locomotion), ecosystems. Regarding the other side of the coin and
food types and feeding habits as Eltonian traits, without questioning the importance of feeding habits
whereas ecological traits such as lateral and longitu- in quantifying functional diversity, we should also
dinal distribution, altitudinal and substrate prefer- emphasize that other biological traits may provide
ences, current velocity, trophic status, salinity and useful information on ecosystem functioning (e.g.
temperature preferences and saprobic values and body size predicts a very large proportion of variabil-
tolerance to low pH were termed Grinnellian traits. ity of any process rate; see e.g. Lecerf & Richardson,
Here, we follow Usseglio-Polatera et al. (2000) 2011; or several traits are involved in export of prey
terminology and use these terms as biological and animals to terrestrial environments through insect
ecological traits. emergence). Therefore, we argue that macroinverte-
In quantifying functional diversity, we found that brate researchers should not restrict themselves to
most papers (28) used only biological traits (including studying only feeding habits-related resource con-
only a subset of biological traits), whereas a small sumption, but recommend the examination of other
proportion of the papers (8) used both biological and functions provided by macroinvertebrates in freshwa-
ecological traits. Ecological traits included the above ter and terrestrial ecosystems. We also suggest that (1)
set of Grinnellian traits (Usseglio-Polatera et al., 2000; further autecological studies are needed for quantify-
Colas et al., 2013); rheophily and thermal preference ing additional and more expressive effect traits of
(Poff et al., 2006; Milner et al., 2011; Brown & Milner, macroinvertebrates, and (2) functional and trait diver-
2012); rheophily alone (Colzani et al., 2013); temper- sity should clearly be separated: the first is an
ature, pH, trophic status, longitudinal distribution, ecosystem function-related term using only effect
microhabitat and current velocity preferences (Marti- traits, while the second has no such restrictions.
nez et al., 2013) and substrate preferences (Vaz et al.,
2014). Although we do not state that the conclusions Measuring functional diversity
drawn from these studies are incorrect, we argue
following Verberk et al. (2013) that ecological traits The various ways for measuring functional diversity in
describing habitat preferences of macroinvertebrates the papers selected from our literature survey include
Hydrobiologia (2017) 787:27–44 33
14 measures, mainly delivered from terrestrial ecol- Paillex et al., 2013; Reynaga & Dos Santos, 2013). In
ogy. Here, we present the chronological appearance of 2014, almost all reviewed papers used Rao’s quadratic
these measures in order to demonstrate the develop- entropy for measuring functional diversity of fresh-
ment of this field. water macroinvertebrates (e.g. Boersma et al., 2014;
Feld et al., 2014; Kovalenko et al., 2014; Lange et al.,
Shannon diversity, richness and evenness 2014; Vaz et al., 2014).
Usseglio-Polatera et al. (2000) applied the Shannon Number of unique combinations of trait states
diversity index commonly used to quantify taxonomic
diversity (Magurran, 2004), to macroinvertebrate Functional diversity measures discussed until now
groups defined from the traits of taxa (mostly genera). consider traits as independent variables. However,
Several forthcoming papers used the Shannon formula Poff et al. (2006) argued that individual traits of
for quantifying functional diversity of freshwater freshwater macroinvertebrate taxa are inter-dependent
macroinvertebrates (Haybach et al., 2004; Devin due to phylogenetic (evolutionary) constraints. To
et al., 2005; Heino, 2005; Bazzanti et al., 2009). In handle this inter-dependency of traits, they measured
addition to Shannon diversity, Heino (2008) and functional diversity as the number of unique combi-
Göthe et al. (2014) considered functional richness nations of trait states (Poff et al., 2006). This measure
and functional evenness. counts the entities (individuals or taxa) differing in
(the combination of) trait states. Consequently, the
Rao’s quadratic entropy unit of this diversity measure is the pattern (combi-
nation) of trait states. This concept was used under the
Following Champely & Chessel (2002), Pavoine & name ‘‘unique trait combinations’’ in Schmera et al.
Dolédec (2005) used Rao’s quadratic entropy (Rao, (2012) and Schmera et al. (2013). In agreement with
1982) for measuring functional diversity of freshwater the original proposal (Poff et al., 2006) and following
macroinvertebrate assemblages. Bady et al. (2005) the recommendation of Schmera et al. (2015), this
demonstrated that functional diversity accumulation measure should be called ‘‘number of unique combi-
curves saturated faster than species richness accumu- nations of trait states’’.
lation curves, a first illustration of the potential
functional redundancy within freshwater invertebrate Number of trait states
assemblages (see also Bêche & Statzner, 2009). Rao’s
quadratic entropy incorporates the pairwise distances Bêche & Resh (2007) and Bêche & Statzner (2009)
of taxa weighted by their relative abundances and proposed to count the number of trait categories as a
appears to be a weighted version of Simpson diversity measure of functional diversity. This measure was also
index. Consequently, the measure is the expected used as ‘‘number of traits present’’ (see Milner et al.,
distance between two randomly selected individuals 2011) or should be called as ‘‘number of trait states’’
(Ricotta, 2005). According to Mason et al. (2005), following the terminology of Schmera et al. (2015).
Rao’s quadratic entropy quantifies the divergence This measure disregards evolutionary constraints but
aspect of functional diversity (see also Brown & focuses on traits assumed to be subject to selection.
Milner, 2012). Pavoine & Dolédec (2005) argued that The same concept was used when trait states were
Rao’s quadratic entropy has an obvious advantage represented by functional group identities (Gallardo
over usual diversity indices because, in addition to et al., 2009, 2014; Nhiwatiwa et al., 2009). In this
incorporating differences in traits, it takes into account respect, functional feeding group identities, and in fact
the abundance differences between species. There is the functional feeding groups, are integral parts of the
no doubt that Rao’s quadratic entropy has become the trait-based analyses.
most frequently used measure of functional diversity
by occurring in 19 of 40 papers that defined functional Simpson diversity
diversity mathematically (e.g. Peru & Dolédec, 2010;
Vandewalle et al., 2010; Colas et al., 2011; Gallardo Bêche & Resh (2007) applied the Simpson diversity
et al., 2011; Buendia et al., 2013; Graeber et al., 2013; function (Magurran, 2004) to the frequency-
34 Hydrobiologia (2017) 787:27–44
distribution of abundance-weighted categories for Kadoya et al., 2011; Patrick & Swan, 2011; Brown &
each trait, and the average measure was termed as Milner, 2012; Colzani et al., 2013; Martinez et al.,
trait diversity, whereas Gallardo et al. (2009) calcu- 2013). According to Mason et al. (2005), dendrograms
lated the same index for abundance-weighted func- quantify the functional richness aspect of functional
tional groups of macroinvertebrates. If applied to diversity.
functional diversity, it is less sensitive to rare
functional groups than Shannon diversity (Ricotta & Functional divergence and dispersion
Szeidl, 2006).
Quantifying the functional diversity of aquatic insects
Average pairwise distance and MFAD in the Atlantic Forest (Brazil) with dendrograms,
Colzani et al. (2013) considered functional divergence
Bêche & Resh (2007) also used the average pairwise and functional dispersion. The authors defined func-
trait-distance between taxa after Heemsbergen et al. tional divergence as an aspect of functional diversity
(2004), who used this measure for the first time. It is that enumerates the degree to which an abundance
easy to see that this measure is insensitive to the distribution maximizes divergence (or differences) in
abundance of the taxa. functional characters within the community (Mason
There are other measures disregarding abundance. et al., 2005; Mouillot et al., 2005). They further
For instance, studying functional attribute diversity defined functional dispersion as the spread of species
(FAD) measured through the sum of pairwise dissim- within the functional space (see Laliberté & Legendre,
ilarities of traits among taxa (Walker et al., 1999), 2010). Both measures have rarely been used in
Schmera et al. (2009a) recognized that the measure quantifying the functional diversity of freshwater
was extremely sensitive to the number of species and macroinvertebrate assemblages (e.g. Frainer et al.,
increased upon addition of a new species if it was 2014).
functionally identical to another one already present in
the community. As a remedy, Schmera et al. (2009a) Combinatorial functional diversity
developed a new measure termed as ‘‘modified FAD’’
(or MFAD). According to Colas et al. (2013), MFAD Recently, Podani et al. (2013) argued that not only
quantifies functional divergence. Until now, MFAD unique trait states could quantify functional diversity
has been used only in a few papers examining (see also Poff et al., 2006), but functional diversity can
freshwater macroinvertebrate communities (Schmera also rely upon the frequency distribution of trait
et al., 2009b; Colas et al., 2013). combinations. The methodological framework pro-
posed by the authors is based on information theory
Dendrogram-based measure and includes several terms like combinatorial func-
tional diversity, combinatorial functional evenness,
Petchey & Gaston (2002) derived the measurement of combinatorial functional richness, functional associa-
functional diversity using dendrograms from phylo- tum as well as functional heterogeneity (Podani et al.,
genetic diversity research. The dendrogram-based 2013). Other authors in freshwater science, probably
measure includes the following three steps: (1) due to a relative new publication and methodology,
calculating the functional trait dissimilarity matrix of have not yet used this combinatorial functional
taxa, (2) obtaining the dendrogram from this dissim- diversity framework.
ilarity matrix by cluster analysis, and (3) quantifying
functional diversity of the community as the total Convex hull
branch length of the dendrogram. Although the
original idea provoked intensive debate on how Boersma et al. (2014) recently examined invertebrate
dendrograms should be used for quantifying func- assemblages of pools in arid-land streams and quanti-
tional diversity (Podani & Schmera, 2006, 2007; fied functional richness by the volume of a convex hull
Petchey & Gaston, 2007, 2009), several papers have (i.e. the smallest polyhedron that encloses the points
used them for quantifying functional diversity of representing species in the functional trait space). This
freshwater assemblages (Vidakovic & Palijan, 2010; measure was proposed by Villéger et al. (2008) and
Hydrobiologia (2017) 787:27–44 35
criticized by Podani (2009) because zero or near zero independently from taxonomic diversity (Reynaga &
convex hull volumes might be obtained independently Dos Santos, 2013). This trend follows Cadotte et al.
on how wide the individual trait ranges are. (2011) who showed that the positive relationship
Our review shows that of the 14 measures, Rao’s between species richness and functional diversity is
quadratic entropy is the most frequently used measure not supported in every case. They argued that func-
for quantifying functional diversity of freshwater tional redundancy, type of traits used for quantifying
macroinvertebrates (Fig. 3). This suggests that, in functional diversity, type of functional diversity
most cases, functional diversity is interpreted as the measures and the strength of environmental filters
expected distance between two randomly selected can all influence the relationship between taxon
individuals. In addition to this clear interpretation, the diversity and functional diversity.
success of this measure could be explained by the facts Functional redundancy is a key factor in explaining
that this measure was the first to incorporate traits of the taxon richness–functional diversity relationship. A
freshwater macroinvertebrates into the direct mea- high number of functionally unique species leads to a
surement of functional diversity (Shannon diversity is linear relationship between taxonomic and functional
based on groups of taxa where traits are used indirectly diversity, whereas a high number of redundant species
for producing groups) and that this measure was causes a saturating relationship. Poff et al. (2006)
frequently used by members of the ‘‘Rhône group’’, recognized that only a limited number of unique trait
who have attained a leading role in trait-based states are represented in stream macroinvertebrate
research. Further frequently used measures are the assemblages having high functional redundancy
Shannon diversity, dendrogram-based measures and (Bêche & Resh, 2007; Bêche & Statzner, 2009; Brown
the number of trait states (Fig. 3). & Milner, 2012). In agreement with this finding,
Boersma et al. (2014) demonstrated experimentally
that due to high functional redundancy, drying did not
How functional diversity is related to taxonomic affect functional richness or functional diversity of
diversity? stream macroinvertebrates. Mueller et al. (2013) also
argued that functional diversity measured through trait
Most of the surveyed studies showed positive rela- (state-) richness shows limited variability.
tionship between taxon diversity and functional Three independent studies using different measures
diversity (Haybach et al., 2004; Bêche & Resh, proved that the functional diversity of freshwater
2007; Heino, 2008; Bazzanti et al. 2009; Bêche & macroinvertebrates presents relatively high stability
Statzner, 2009; Vandewalle et al., 2010; Gallardo and converges to the maximum faster than species
et al., 2011; Feld et al., 2014), while others revealed a richness in the function of sampling effort (Bady et al.,
positive and saturating relationship (Bady et al., 2005; 2005; Schmera et al., 2009a; Peru & Dolédec, 2010).
Bêche & Statzner, 2009). Finally, a single paper These findings can be explained by the functional
stated that functional diversity fluctuates fairly redundancy within the community.
Fig. 3 Frequency
distribution of the measures
used for quantifying
functional diversity of
36 Hydrobiologia (2017) 787:27–44
Heino et al. (2008) and Gallardo et al. (2011) biological traits in the assemblages (Dolédec et al.,
examined the relationship among different diversity 2000; Gayraud et al., 2003; but see Waringer et al.,
measures (including functional ones) for freshwater 2013). Thus, genus level seems to be a good
macroinvertebrate assemblages. They found that compromise between sufficient taxonomic resolution
even if functional diversity correlated with some, and available biological trait information. However,
but not all, biodiversity measures, correlations were studies are still silent on how taxonomical resolution
not high enough to guarantee that any biodiversity influences functional diversity measures. We hence
measure could replace functional diversity. They suggest that the effects of taxonomic resolution on
concluded that each index quantifies a unique aspect variation in different functional diversity measures
of biodiversity, and the use of multiple measures will be examined in future studies.
might describe the multi-faceted aspect of biodiver- Most studies examining the functional diversity of
sity more appropriately, a feature in accordance with freshwater macroinvertebrates are based on identifi-
findings in terrestrial ecosystems (see e.g. Mouchet cation over the species level. A recent study by
et al., 2010). Waringer et al. (2013) showed that contrasting
characters of species are disregarded when species
are aggregated to genera or families (see also Tachet
On the role of taxonomic resolution et al., 2010), and thus handling genera and especially
and autecological knowledge in shaping functional families as homogeneous units may prevent from the
diversity research real functional diversity value of communities. Using
this example, we by no means state that identifica-
Our literature survey revealed that only three papers tion at higher ranks is useless or the findings based
used species-level identification to assess functional on these data are misleading, but emphasize that
diversity, focusing on one (Schmera et al., 2009a, b) more detailed autecological knowledge at the species
or two insect orders (Pavoine & Dolédec, 2005), level would strengthen our understanding on func-
while the majority of the papers applied mixed tional diversity of freshwater macroinvertebrate
taxonomic resolutions, with most individuals being assemblages. Most importantly, the biological trait
identified at genus or family levels. The appropriate information is biased towards the most abundant
taxonomic resolution to be used in macroinvertebrate species, which are easy to collect and study, whereas
studies, a broad zoological group, has been the knowledge is often lacking for rare species (Dolédec
subject of many papers (see e.g. Lenat & Resh, & Statzner, 2010).
2001). One explanation is that, in most taxonomic Our literature survey on the functional diversity of
groups, species are rather difficult to identify at early freshwater macroinvertebrates is biased towards
life stages. In addition, larvae of less known groups Europe and North America, while South America,
of freshwater macroinvertebrates are also difficult to Africa, Asia, Australia and Oceania are underrepre-
identify at the species level (e.g. Chironomidae). sented (Fig. 4). This global unevenness should
There are considerable advances in autecological
information on macroinvertebrates identified in
Europe at species level (Schmedtje & Colling,
1996; Moog, 2002; Hering et al., 2004; Furse
North America
et al., 2006; Schmidt-Koiber & Hering, 2015).
However, autecological information is often lacking South America
for many species due, for example, to their small Africa
abundance and thus being less studied (see Supple- Asia
mentary Table 1 for some trait databases). As Australia and Oceania
autecological information is measurable at individual
level, we do not see any theoretical objection against 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
the use of taxonomical resolution higher than species
level. In a few studies, macroinvertebrates identified Fig. 4 Frequency distribution of the paper origins in the
at genus level accurately described the variation of different continents
Hydrobiologia (2017) 787:27–44 37
encourage research in the latter continents. Regarding How functional diversity responds
habitat types, research is also biased, because streams to environmental variables and to human impacts?
(including rivers) are overrepresented (36 of 40
papers), while ponds (2) and lakes (2) are exemplified Most, but not all, studies suggest that functional
by much fewer papers. All of these suggest that most diversity of macroinvertebrate assemblages responds
of our knowledge is originated from the study of to different environmental factors (Table 2). The most
European and North American streams, and this bias likely explanation for this dependence is that individ-
might influence our synthesis. ual species are sensitive to environmental filtering
Table 2 Case studies explaining the response of functional diversity to environmental variables
Habitat Predictor variable Response variable Effect Reference
Headwater stream pH, mosses, nitrogen, colour, Shannon richness Significant Heino (2005)
Headwater stream pH, canopy Shannon diversity Significant Heino (2005)
Headwater stream Canopy, colour Shannon evenness Significant Heino (2005)
Lake littoral Macrophytes, lake surface area, Shannon richness Significant Heino (2008)
substratum characteristics
Lake littoral Macrophytes, lake surface area, Shannon diversity Significant Heino (2008)
hardness, total phosphorus
Lake littoral Hardness, colour, macrophytes, Shannon evenness Significant Heino (2008)
total phosphorus
Pond Mesohabitat Shannon diversity Significant Bazzanti et al. (2009)
River floodplain Hydrological connectivity among Number of trait states Significant Gallardo et al. (2009)
river channels
River floodplain Hydrological connectivity among Simpson diversity Significant Gallardo et al. (2009)
river channels
Stream % fast water habitat, slope, Number of trait states Significant Bêche & Statzner (2009)
elevation, precipitation
Stream Natural environmental variability Rao’s quadratic entropy Weak correlation Peru & Dolédec (2010)
Stream Local environmental variables Dendrogram-based Significant Colzani et al. (2013)
Stream Local environmental variables Functional dispersion Significant Colzani et al. (2013)
Stream Glacial cover Rao’s quadratic entropy Significant Brown & Milner (2012)
Stream Glacial cover Dendrogram-based Significant Brown & Milner (2012)
River floodplain turbidity, salinity, chlorophyll-a, Rao’a quadratic entropy Significant Gallardo et al. (2011)
organic nitrogen
Stream Size of the watershed Number of unique Significant Schmera et al. (2012)
combination of trait
Stream Stream width Combinatorial functional Weak correlation Podani et al. (2013)
Stream Natural watersheds Number of unique Significant Schmera et al. (2013)
combination of trait
Stream Wood conditioning Rao’s quadratic entropy Significant Vaz et al. (2014)
38 Hydrobiologia (2017) 787:27–44
Table 3 Case studies evaluating the response of functional diversity to human impact
Habitat Predictor variable Response variable Effect Reference
(Townsend & Hildew, 1994), through their response native macroinvertebrate taxa in the Moselle River,
traits, and thus environmental filtering has an indirect and thus taxon richness did not change. In contrast,
effect on response traits, and this change modifies functional diversity of macroinvertebrates signifi-
functional diversity (Fig. 1). Interestingly, we did not cantly increased due to functional redundancy (taxon
find any study that examines how phylogenetic loss did not result in functional loss) and due to the
constrains influence the link between response and new functions provided by the invasive taxa.
effect traits. In contrast, in terrestrial ecology, Cadotte
et al. (2011) demonstrated that by comprising trait
variability across taxonomic levels, phylogenetic How functional diversity drives ecosystem
diversity could be a better predictor of ecosystem functions and which ones?
function than species diversity. Finally, we should
extend Fig. 1 by the note that abiotic factors might As the definition of functional diversity promises a
also have direct impact on ecosystem functions (i.e. link between biodiversity and ecosystem functions, we
temperature mediates multiple processes, Truchy examined which ecosystem functions were examined
et al., 2015). and how functional diversity of macroinvertebrates
Results regarding the sensitivity of functional drives these functions. Interestingly, none of the
diversity of macroinvertebrates to human impact are papers using a mathematically defined functional
contradictory (Table 3). Most of the studies have diversity measure specified or quantified any ecolog-
shown that functional diversity is sensitive to human ical functions.
impact. Despite the globally similar response of This finding is surprising, because experimental
functional diversity and species richness to human evidences suggest that the diversity of suspension
impacts, our review has detected differences as well. feeders influences the filtering of suspended particu-
These differences may stem from variation in anthro- late material from water (Cardinale et al., 2002) and
pogenic pressure, the selected functional diversity because the effects of detritivore diversity on leaf litter
measures, taxonomic resolution and taxon pools over processing has become a flagship of stream ecology
the study regions as well as from the existence of research (Jonsson & Malmqvist, 2000, 2003; Gessner
functional redundancy. For instance, Devin et al. et al., 2010; Lecerf & Richardson, 2010; Frainer et al.,
(2005) found that invasive species replaced some 2014; Frainer & McKie, 2015).
Hydrobiologia (2017) 787:27–44 39
The most likely explanation is that the authors complex nature of functional diversity. For support-
using the term ‘‘functional diversity’’ were not inter- ing comparative analyses, we suggest to use already
ested in concrete ecological functions, and focused used indices for quantifying functional diversity of
only on aspects of diversity that influence ecosystem freshwater macroinvertebrates.
functions in general. For understanding this, we should
also keep in mind that macroinvertebrates play many Study autecology of macroinvertebrates
different functions in freshwater habitats. Conse-
quently, if a taxon list is not restricted to a single Our review showed that autecological information on
functional group (i.e. detritivores), then functional many species is often lacking. This missing knowl-
diversity cannot be connected to a single ecosystem edge clearly hampers the development of functional
function (i.e. detritus processing) only. This indicates diversity research. This also suggests that further
missing information on how functional diversity of autecological studies are needed.
entire macroinvertebrate assemblages can be linked to
ecosystem functions. Consequently, functional diver- Study the relationship between taxonomic
sity measured by several traits should be interpreted as resolution and functional diversity
a general indicator.
On the other hand, studies examining macroinver- Our review showed that the knowledge on the effect of
tebrate diversity—macroinvertebrate ecosystem func- taxonomic resolution on functional diversity is still in
tion relationships have never used the term infancy. As most of the studies use mixed taxonomic
‘‘functional diversity’’, only modelled biodiversity resolutions, our present state of knowledge might
through changes in species richness. This indicates strongly be influenced by the relationship between
that studying biodiversity through species richness taxonomic resolution and functional diversity. Exam-
might be more straightforward than through a multi- ining this relationship would result in a stronger
faceted term like functional diversity. support of our present state of knowledge.
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