Owner Owner Manual Manual: Cloud Based Remote Monitoring System

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Owner Manual

Cloud Based Remote Monitoring System

PC500CL (Spec A)
PC550CL (Spec A)
PowerCommand CloudTM Web App
PowerCommand CloudTM iOS Mobile App

Original Instructions 4 - 2016 A053H888 (Issue 1)
Table of Contents
1. IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ....................................................................................... 1
1.1 Warning, Caution, and Note Styles Used in This Manual ..................................................... 1
1.2 General Safety Precautions.................................................................................................... 1

2. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................ 3
2.1 About this Manual ................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 List of Abbreviations and Acronyms ....................................................................................... 3
2.3 How to Obtain Service ............................................................................................................ 4
2.3.1 In North America .......................................................................................................... 4
2.3.2 Outside North America................................................................................................. 4

3. DESCRIPTION............................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Models .................................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Cloud Based Remote Monitoring System............................................................................... 5
3.3 Controls................................................................................................................................... 6
3.4 PC500/550 Cloud Link ............................................................................................................ 7
3.4.1 LED Indicators.............................................................................................................. 8
3.4.2 TB1............................................................................................................................... 9
3.4.3 TB2............................................................................................................................. 10
3.4.4 Reset Button .............................................................................................................. 10
3.4.5 Ports........................................................................................................................... 11

4. SYSTEM FUNCTIONS AND FEATURES.................................................................................... 13

4.1 Gateway Device User Interface ............................................................................................ 13
4.2 PowerCommand Cloud User Interface ................................................................................. 13
4.3 Modbus RTU......................................................................................................................... 13
4.4 Notifications .......................................................................................................................... 13
4.5 Data Trending ....................................................................................................................... 13
4.6 Sensors................................................................................................................................. 14
4.7 Data Log ............................................................................................................................... 14
4.8 Event Log.............................................................................................................................. 14
4.9 Diagnostics ........................................................................................................................... 14
4.10 User Access Levels ............................................................................................................ 15
4.10.1 Access Permissions - Distributor Roles ................................................................... 16
4.10.2 Access Permissions - Dealer Roles......................................................................... 17
4.10.3 Access Permissions - Customer Roles.................................................................... 18
4.11 Secure Socket Layer (SSL) ................................................................................................ 19

5. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS......................................................................................................... 21
5.1 Hardware Requirements ....................................................................................................... 21
5.2 Software Requirements ........................................................................................................ 21
5.3 Other Requirements.............................................................................................................. 21
5.4 Hardware Installation ............................................................................................................ 21

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5.4.1 Supplied Hardware..................................................................................................... 22

5.4.2 Additional Hardware Needed ..................................................................................... 22
5.4.3 PC500/550 Cloud Link Connections and Installation................................................. 23
5.4.4 Getting Started ........................................................................................................... 24
5.5 Modem Activation ................................................................................................................. 24

6. GATEWAY SETUP ...................................................................................................................... 25

6.1 Getting to Cloud Link Gateway Setup Menu ........................................................................ 25
6.2 Setup Menu........................................................................................................................... 27
6.3 Network Settings................................................................................................................... 27
6.4 Cellular Preferences ............................................................................................................. 28
6.5 Cloud Connectivity ................................................................................................................ 29
6.6 Modbus Settings ................................................................................................................... 30
6.7 Device Configuration............................................................................................................. 31
6.7.1 Add New Device - Genset ......................................................................................... 32
6.7.2 Add New Device - ATS .............................................................................................. 34
6.7.3 Add New Device - I/O Device .................................................................................... 35
6.8 Sensors................................................................................................................................. 37
6.8.1 Add New Sensor - Discrete ....................................................................................... 38
6.8.2 Add New Sensor - Analog ......................................................................................... 39
6.9 Telemetry Settings ................................................................................................................ 41
6.10 User Profile Settings ........................................................................................................... 41
6.10.1 User Profile Settings - Users ................................................................................... 41
6.11 System Settings .................................................................................................................. 42

7. POWERCOMMAND CLOUD WEB APPLICATION SETUP ........................................................ 45

7.1 Create Customer Account on PowerCommand Cloud ......................................................... 45
7.2 Accept Invitation and Create Customer Account .................................................................. 45
7.3 Create PowerCommand Cloud Site...................................................................................... 46
7.4 Link Site to Cloud Link Unit .................................................................................................. 47
7.5 Add Assets to Site ................................................................................................................ 47

8. OPERATION ................................................................................................................................ 49
8.1 PowerCommand Cloud Web Application.............................................................................. 49
8.1.1 Account Creation........................................................................................................ 49
8.1.2 Sign In........................................................................................................................ 49
8.1.3 Dashboard.................................................................................................................. 49
8.1.4 My Profile ................................................................................................................... 50
8.1.5 Site ............................................................................................................................. 50
8.1.6 View Asset ................................................................................................................. 51
8.1.7 Account Management ................................................................................................ 52
8.2 PowerCommand Cloud iPhone Application.......................................................................... 52
8.3 Setup Gateway Home Page Dashboard Screen .................................................................. 53
8.4 Menu Bar .............................................................................................................................. 53
8.5 System Status Bar ................................................................................................................ 54
8.6 Home Page ........................................................................................................................... 55
8.7 Event Log Page .................................................................................................................... 56

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8.7.1 Active Events ............................................................................................................. 56

8.8 Diagnostics Page .................................................................................................................. 56
8.8.1 Modbus ...................................................................................................................... 56
8.8.2 Performance............................................................................................................... 57
8.8.3 Cloud.......................................................................................................................... 58
8.8.4 Internet ....................................................................................................................... 58
8.8.5 System Information .................................................................................................... 59

9. TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................................................................. 61
9.1 Event Codes ......................................................................................................................... 61
9.1.1 Code 319 – Real-Time Clock Backup Battery – Very Low Voltage .......................... 61
9.1.2 Code 762 – Real-Time Clock Backup Battery Voltage Above Normal Operating
Range ......................................................................................................................... 61
9.1.3 Code 763 – Real-Time Clock Backup Battery Voltage Below Normal Operating
Range ......................................................................................................................... 62
9.1.4 Code 4332 – Loss of Communication with (device) on Channel 1 or 2 ................... 62
9.1.5 Code 4351 – AUX102 Not Detected ......................................................................... 64
9.1.6 Code 4353 – Software Download Failed .................................................................. 65
9.1.7 Code 4354 – Software Download has been Started ................................................ 65
9.1.8 Code 4355 – Software Update Successful ................................................................ 65
9.1.9 Code 4356 – Software Update Failed........................................................................ 65
9.1.10 Code 4357 – System Error ...................................................................................... 65
9.1.11 Code 4594 – <Sensor> has High Warning .............................................................. 66
9.1.12 Code 4595 – <Sensor> has Low Warning............................................................... 66
9.1.13 Code 5138 – Genset Control Not in Auto ................................................................ 66
9.1.14 Code 5139 – Auto Transfer Switch Not in Auto....................................................... 66
9.1.15 Code 5141 – Source 1 Connected .......................................................................... 66
9.1.16 Code 5142 – Source 2 Connected .......................................................................... 66
9.1.17 Code 5143 – Genset Running ................................................................................. 66
9.1.18 Code 5144 – Genset Stopped ................................................................................. 67
9.1.19 Code 5341 – <Sensor> is Active ............................................................................. 67
9.1.20 Code 5342 – <Sensor> is Inactive........................................................................... 67
9.1.21 Code 5657 - Source 1 Available .............................................................................. 67
9.1.22 Code 5658 - Source 2 Available .............................................................................. 67
9.1.23 Code 5659 - Source 1 Not Available ....................................................................... 67
9.1.24 Code 5661 - Source 2 Not Available ....................................................................... 67
9.1.25 Code 5662 - Source 1 Disconnected....................................................................... 67
9.1.26 Code 5663 - Source 2 Disconnected....................................................................... 68
9.1.27 Code 5664 - Genset in AUTO.................................................................................. 68
9.1.28 Code 5665 - ATS in AUTO ...................................................................................... 68
9.1.29 Code 5666 – Import Configuration Failed ............................................................... 68
9.1.30 Code 5667 – Import Configuration Successful ....................................................... 68
9.1.31 Code 5692 - ATS Test/Exercise is Active................................................................ 68
9.1.32 Code 5693 - ATS Test/Exercise is Inactive ............................................................. 68
9.1.33 Code 6736 – Restore to Factory Failed .................................................................. 68
9.1.34 Code 6751 – Restore to Factory Successful .......................................................... 68
9.1.35 Code 6776 – Communication Resumes with (Device) on Channel 1 or 2 ............. 69

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9.1.36 Code 6923 - Gateway "Name" is Offline.................................................................. 69

9.1.37 Code 6924 - Gateway "Name" is Online.................................................................. 69
9.2 Symptom Based.................................................................................................................... 69
9.2.1 Cannot Access the PC500/550 Cloud Link User Interface........................................ 69
9.2.2 User Interface Taking Too Much Time to Load ......................................................... 70
9.2.3 PC500/550 Cloud Link Not Displaying Correct Information on User Interface .......... 71
9.2.4 Cannot Get an Internet Connection Via Ethernet. The Internet Connection
Indicator on the Setup Gateway is Grayed Out........................................................... 72
9.2.5 Cannot Get an Internet Connection Via Wireless 3G. The Internet Connection
Indicator on the Setup Gateway is Grayed Out........................................................... 73
9.2.6 Cannot Get a Connection to the Cloud via Ethernet. The Internet Connection
Indicator on the Detup Gateway is Colored, but the Cloud Indicator is Grayed
Out. .............................................................................................................................. 73
9.2.7 Cannot Get a Connection to the Cloud via Wireless 3G. The Internet Connection
Indicator on the Detup Gateway is Colored, but the Cloud Indicator is Grayed
Out. .............................................................................................................................. 73
9.2.8 Did Not Rreceive an Invitation Email From
[email protected] ........................................................................... 74
9.2.9 Unable to Access portal.powercommandcloud.com .................................................. 74
9.2.10 Unable to Add New Asset on the Web Application.................................................. 74
9.2.11 Unable to View Data Trending from a Device Over 30 Days Old............................ 74

10. PARTS INFORMATION ............................................................................................................. 75

10.1 Standard Parts .................................................................................................................... 75
10.2 Conditional Parts................................................................................................................. 75

11. REAL-TIME CLOCK BATTERY REPLACEMENT ..................................................................... 77

APPENDIX A. EXTERNAL CONNECTIVITY DIAGRAMS ............................................................... 79

Copyright © 2016 Cummins Power Inc. iv A053H888 (Issue 1)

1 Important Safety Instructions
1.1 Warning, Caution, and Note Styles Used in This
The following safety styles and symbols found throughout this manual indicate potentially hazardous
conditions to the operator, service personnel, or equipment.

Indicates a hazardous situation that, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.

Indicates a hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

Indicates a hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.

Indicates information considered important, but not hazard-related (e.g., messages relating to
property damage).

1.2 General Safety Precautions

The PowerCommand 500/550 Cloud Link Remote Monitoring network can be used to remotely monitor
and control power transfer equipment, such as transfer switches, and start and stop generator sets. All of
the safety precautions for the equipment being monitored and controlled by the network must be
observed. Refer to the appropriate Operator Manual for important safety precautions.

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1. Important Safety Instructions 4 - 2016

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2 Introduction
2.1 About this Manual
This Owner Manual provides the instructions necessary for operating, installing, and troubleshooting the
PowerCommand network.

2.2 List of Abbreviations and Acronyms


or Acronym
AC Alternating Current
ATS Automatic Transfer Switch
BMS Building Management System
CCM Custom Communication Module
CDMA Code Division Multiple Access
CSV Comma-Separated Values
DC Direct Current
GSM Global System for Mobile
I/O Input/Output
IMEI International Mobile Equipment Identity
LED Light Emitting Diode
MEID Mobile Equipment Identifier
NMS Network Management System
OTG On The Go
PC PowerCommand
PCC Power Command Control
PDU Protocol Data Units
RTU Remote Terminal Unit
SD Secure Digital
SMS Short Message Service
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SSL Secure Socket Layer
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

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2. Introduction 4 - 2016

or Acronym
UI User Interface
USB Universal Serial Bus
VDC Volts Direct Current

2.3 How to Obtain Service

When the PC500/550 Cloud Link requires servicing, contact your nearest authorized Cummins Power
Generation distributor. To locate your local Cummins Power Generation distributor, refer to
www.power.cummins.com and select Distributor Locator. When contacting your distributor, always
supply the complete model and serial number.

2.3.1 In North America

Call +1 800-888-6626 for the nearest Cummins Onan distributor in the United States or Canada. Press 1
(option 1) to be automatically connected.
If unable to contact a distributor using the automated service, consult the Yellow Pages. Typically, our
distributors are listed under: generators - electric.

2.3.2 Outside North America

Call Cummins Power Generation at +01 763 5745000 from 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM (Central Standard Time),
Monday through Friday.

Copyright © 2016 Cummins Power Inc. 4 A053H888 (Issue 1)

3 Description
3.1 Models
The following table shows the features and functionality of the PC500/PC550 Cloud Link, as well as the
differences between the PC500 Cloud Link and PC550 Cloud Link.

Feature/Functionality PC500 Cloud Link PC550 Cloud Link

Number of Devices Supported Up to 2 Devices (any combination) Up to 12 Devices (any combination)
Supported Device Types Generator Set, ATS, CCM-T, CCM-G, Generator Set, ATS, CCM-T, CCM-G,
AUX101/102 AUX101/102
Inputs/Outputs (I/O) 2 Discrete Inputs, 1 Resistive Input 2 Discrete Inputs, 1 Resistive Input
Expandable I/O AUX101: 8 Configurable Inputs AUX101: 8 Configurable Inputs
AUX102: 4 Non-configurable Discrete AUX102: 4 Non-configurable Discrete
Inputs Inputs
Connection to Supported Devices Modbus RTU Modbus RTU
Data Access PowerCommandCloud Web App PowerCommandCloud Web App
Certifications/Compliance UL, CSA, CE, FCC, RoHS UL, CSA, CE, FCC, RoHS

Both the PC500 Cloud Link and PC550 Cloud Link can connect to Internet through Ethernet or 3G GSM.

3.2 Cloud Based Remote Monitoring System

The Cloud Link device is setup and configured locally, to work with generator sets, automatic transfer
switches (ATS), and sensors. Information from the Cloud Link device is sent to and stored on a cloud
based server. The PowerCommand Cloud web application allows for viewing of that information via the
internet. Manual operations can also be carried out via the PowerCommand Cloud and communicated to
the connected generator sets, and automatic transfer switches.

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3. Description 4 - 2016


3.3 Controls
The remote monitoring system supports the following generator set controls.

Control Communication
PCC 1301 Modbus RTU
PCC 1302, PC1.1 Modbus RTU
PCC 2300, PC 2.2, PC 2.3 Modbus RTU
PCC 3300, PC 3.3 Modbus RTU
PS0500 Modbus RTU
PCC 2100 Modbus RTU through Modlon Gateway
PCC 3100 Modbus RTU through Modlon Gateway
PCC 3200 Modbus RTU through Modlon Gateway
PCC 3201 Modbus RTU through Modlon Gateway

The remote monitoring system supports the following ATS controls.

Control Communication
OTPC Modbus RTU through Modlon Gateway
OHPC Modbus RTU through Modlon Gateway

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4 - 2016 3. Description

Control Communication
CHPC Modbus RTU through Modlon Gateway
BTPC Modbus RTU through Modlon Gateway
CCM-T Modbus RTU through Modlon Gateway

The PC500/550 Cloud Link reads I/Os from third party generator set and ATS controls either by directly
connecting the I/Os to the PC500/550 Cloud Link or connecting to an AUX101 I/O device, which can then
be read over Modbus RTU.

3.4 PC500/550 Cloud Link

No. Description No. Description

1 LED Indicators 4 TB2
2 Antenna Connection 5 Reset Button
3 TB1 6 Ports


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3. Description 4 - 2016

3.4.1 LED Indicators

No. Name Description

1 Power Illuminates (green) when the PC500/550 Cloud Link
power is on.
2 STATUS Blinks (green) at a 1-per-second rate to indicate
application firmware on PC500/550 Cloud Link is
operating correctly.
Blinks (green) at a 5-per-second rate to indicate
connectivity with PowerCommand Cloud
3 FAULT Illuminates (red) when there is an active error fault on
PC500/550 Cloud Link.
4 RS485/1 ACT Blinks (yellow) to indicate RS485/1 activity.
5 RS485/2 ACT Blinks (yellow) to indicate RS485/2 activity.
6 STATUS Illuminates (green) when wireless module is installed,
enabled, and detecting adequate signal strength.
7 ACT Blinks (green) to indicate wireless activity.


Copyright © 2016 Cummins Power Inc. 8 A053H888 (Issue 1)

4 - 2016 3. Description

3.4.2 TB1

No. Name Description

1 + Input from 12–24 VDC power supply or B+ battery.
2 (GND)– Ground from power supply or B– battery.
3 (GND)– Ground from power supply or B– battery.
4 Chassis Ground Connected to an earth grounded metal surface.
5 Aln+ Analog resistive input connection for a resistive sensor into the PC500/550 Cloud Link
(600–2500 ohms).
6 Aln– Return for analog resistive input connection for a resistive sensor into the PC500/550
Cloud Link (600–2500 ohms).
7 DIn 1 Isolated 'open-collector' type discrete input activated when connected to the
PC500/550 Cloud Link GND (power supply or B–).
8 DIn 2 Isolated 'open-collector' type discrete input activated when connected to the
PC500/550 Cloud Link GND (power supply or B–).
9 K1 Not used.
10 K1 Not used.
11 K1 Not used.
12 K2 Not used.
13 K2 Not used.
14 K2 Not used.


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3. Description 4 - 2016

3.4.3 TB2

No. Name Description

1 RS485/1+ The positive referenced differential signal for RS485/1.
2 RS485/1– The negative referenced differential signal for RS485/1.
3 (GND) RS485/1 ground connection between PC500/550 Cloud Link and monitored devices.
Used with a separate power supply.
4 Chassis Ground Connected to shield of the Modbus RTU cable.
5 NC Not used.
6 RS485/2+ The positive referenced differential signal for RS485/2.
7 RS485/2– The negative referenced differential signal for RS485/2.
8 GND RS485/2 ground connection between PC500/550 Cloud Link and monitored devices.
Used with a separate power supply.
9 Chassis Ground Connected to shield of the Modbus RTU cable.


3.4.4 Reset Button

The Reset button is located above TB2. Pressing the button cycles power to the processor.

Factory settings are not reset.

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4 - 2016 3. Description

3.4.5 Ports

No. Name Description

1 USB Not used.
2 USB Mini Direct connection to a PC (used for initial configuration of the PC500/550 Cloud Link).
3 Ethernet Connection to network. Supports IEEE 10 BASE-T and 100 BASE-TX standards.
4 SD Card Slot Not used.


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3. Description 4 - 2016

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4 System Functions and Features
4.1 Gateway Device User Interface
The PC500/550 Cloud Link has a web-based user interface that can be accessed over a TCP/IP
connection via Internet Explorer or a USB connection. This is used to setup and configure the PC500/550
Cloud Link device.

4.2 PowerCommand Cloud User Interface

The PowerCommand Cloud can be accessed at https://portal.powercommandcloud.com. This web
application displays Accounts and Sites; Assets, Sensors, and Cloud Link status; data and event logs; and
manual controls for linked assets. Initial PowerCommand Cloud access for customer accounts is granted
by your Cummins Distributor or Dealer. Account Owners can also invite new users to their accounts.

4.3 Modbus RTU

Modbus remote terminal unit (RTU) is the serial communication protocol that the PC500/550 Cloud Link
uses to communicate with generator set, ATS, and AUX101/102 controls. There are 2 Modbus channels
on the Cloud Link that allow for communication to a maximum of 2 devices on the PC500 Cloud Link, and
12 devices on the PC550 Cloud Link. Devices can be divided between the 2 channels. Each channel is
capable of handling 12 devices but the total of number of devices on both channels cannot exceed 12. No
more than 3 AUX101/102 devices can be configured in the system.

4.4 Notifications
The PowerCommand Cloud web application supports Email notifications through SMTP (email). Email
notifications are setup in the My Profile section of the PowerCommand Cloud web application. In order to
receive notifications, Email notifications must be enabled, and the user must select the account or
accounts for which they would like to receive notifications. Users can also select the event severity for
which they would like to receive notifications (fault events, warning events, and informational events).
Verify the Email address in your profile is accurate. Notifications include all of the details of an event (time
stamp, source, event type, and description).

4.5 Data Trending

The Cloud Link can generate data trending graphs for a device which contain all data on selected
parameters over a specified time period. All data trending graphs are handled in the PowerCommand
Cloud Web Application and all data is stored in a cloud server. The data can also be exported in CSV
A graph can be generated for a device that contains selected parameters from the stored data log over a
selectable time period (Past 1 Hour, Past 24 Hours, Past 7 days, Past 30 days). Data can be exported for
a custom range of dates, greater than 30 days if desired.

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4. System Functions and Features 4 - 2016

4.6 Sensors
The PC500/550 Cloud Link supports the monitoring of analog and discrete sensors. Sensors are
configured in the setup gateway and displayed on the PowerCommand Cloud web application.
• Analog sensors are used to measure quantity. Examples of analog sensors are fuel, temperature,
pressure, and voltage sensors.
• Discrete sensors only have 2 values which are used to read on/off status. Examples of discrete
sensors are generator set run status, switch on/off status, and door open/close status.
Sensors that have been configured are displayed on the home page and device details under Site IOs.
The PC500/550 Cloud Link has 3 on-board inputs:
• 2 discrete inputs
• 1 analog resistive input (600–2500Ω)
When required, an AUX101/102 can be used to expand the PC500/550 Cloud Link input capabilities. No
more than 3 AUX101/102 devices can be configured.
The AUX101 provides:
• 8 analog/discrete inputs (configurable)
The AUX102 provides:
• 4 discrete inputs (not configurable)

4.7 Data Log

Data log records are pushed to the cloud according to user specified schedule (every 5 min/every hour
etc.) If no cloud connection is available, all data records are discarded until connection is restored again.

4.8 Event Log

Event log records are also pushed immediately to the cloud and stored in event logs. Events are store in
the Cloud Link unit cache if the connection to the cloud fails. Cached events are immediately pushed to
the cloud when connection is reestablished.

4.9 Diagnostics
The PC500/550 Cloud Link provides diagnostic information on Modbus communication, memory
utilization, cloud connection, wireless connection, and system information.
• Modbus - Provides communications status for each configured device, including Modbus channel;
number of Modbus packets sent, received, and failed; and the date and time of the last successful
• Performance - Provides memory utilization and overall system performance.
• Cloud - Provides the current connection status and connection time, total disconnects, and total
failures to reconnect to the cloud.
• Internet - Provides the wireless signal strength, current connection status and connection time, total
disconnects, and total failures to reconnect to the internet.
• System Information - Provides the device model, gateway ID, modem type, modem software
version, modem IMEI, hardware version, OS version, software version, build number, and the date
and time of the last update.

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4 - 2016 4. System Functions and Features

4.10 User Access Levels

1. The distributor and dealer have the following access permissions and roles.
a. Account Owner
• Account Owners are the owners of their account. They can add, edit, and delete sites
and assets, and invite, edit, and delete other users on the account. They can also view
and export data, and acknowledge and export events, as well as update the software for
the Cloud Link gateway remotely via the PowerCommand Cloud web application. Account
owners can also operate and disable remote operation of their assets.
• Distributor and Dealer Account Owners can also add, edit, or delete Customer accounts,
sites, and assets, as well as view and export data, and acknowledge and export customer
b. Account Manager
• Account Managers are in charge of managing customer accounts. They have the ability
to invite, edit, and delete other users on their account. They can also view and export
data, and acknowledge and export events, as well as update the software for the Cloud
Link gateway remotely via the PowerCommand Cloud web application. Account
managers can remotely operate their assets if remote operations are enabled.
c. Service Technician
• Service Technicians can update gateway software, add edit, delete, and operate
customer assets if remote operation is enabled, view and export data from customer
sites, and acknowledge and export customer events.
d. Account User
• Account Users are primarily read-only users. They can view and export data, and export
2. Customers have the following access permissions and roles.
a. Account Owner
• Account Owners are the owners of their account. They can add, edit, and delete sites
and assets, and invite, edit, and delete other users on the account. They can also view
and export data, and acknowledge and export events, as well as update the software for
the Cloud Link gateway remotely via the PowerCommand Cloud web application. Account
owners can also operate and disable remote operation of their assets.
b. Account Manager
• Account Managers are in charge of managing their account(s). They have the ability to
invite, edit, and delete other users on their account. They can also view and export data,
and acknowledge and export events, as well as update the software for the Cloud Link
gateway remotely via the PowerCommand Cloud web application. Account managers can
remotely operate their assets if remote operations are enabled.
c. Service Technician
• Service Technicians can update gateway software, add edit, delete, and operate assets if
remote operation is enabled, view and export data, and acknowledge and export events.
d. Account User
• Account Users are primarily read-only users. They can view and export data, and export

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4. System Functions and Features 4 - 2016

4.10.1 Access Permissions - Distributor Roles


Account Owner Account Manager Service Technician Account User

Account Permissions (Primary Acct.)
Manage Account View, Edit View only View only View only
Manage Site View, Add, Edit, View, Add, Edit, View, Edit View only
Delete Delete
Manage Users View, Invite, Edit, View, Invite, Edit View only View only
Manage Asset Enable, Disable - - -
Commands Commands
Site Permissions (Primary Acct.)
Manage Site View, Add, Edit, View, Add, Edit, View, Edit View only
Delete Delete
Manage Gateway View, Register, Un- View, Register, Un- View, Register, Un- View only
register, Process register, Process register, Process
Software Update, Software Update, Software Update,
Password Reset, Password Reset, Password Reset,
Gateway Reset Gateway Reset Gateway Reset
Manage Assets View, Add, Edit, View, Add, Edit, View, Add, Edit, View, Export Data
Delete, Operate, Delete, Operate, Delete, Operate,
Export Data Export Data Export Data
Manage Events Acknowledge, View, Acknowledge, View, Acknowledge, View, View, Export
Export Export Export
Account Permissions (Dealer Acct.)
Manage Account View, Edit, Delete, View, Edit, Delete, - -
Approve/Decline Approve/Decline
Manage Site - - - -
Manage Users - - - -
Manage Asset - - - -
Account Permissions (Customer Acct.)
Manage Account View, Invite, Edit, View, Invite, Edit, View only View only
Delete Delete
Manage Site View, Add, Edit, View, Add, Edit, View, Edit View only
Delete Delete
Manage Users - - - -
Manage Asset - - - -

Copyright © 2016 Cummins Power Inc. 16 A053H888 (Issue 1)

4 - 2016 4. System Functions and Features

Account Owner Account Manager Service Technician Account User

Site Permissions (Customer Acct.)
Manage Site View, Add, Edit, View, Add, Edit, View, Edit View only
Delete Delete
Manage Gateway View, Register, Un- View, Register, Un- View, Register, Un- View only
register, Process register, Process register, Process
Software Update, Software Update, Software Update,
Password Reset, Password Reset, Password Reset,
Gateway Reset Gateway Reset Gateway Reset
Manage Assets View, Add, Edit, View, Add, Edit, View, Add, Edit, View, Export Data
Delete, Operate, Delete, Operate, Delete, Operate,
Export Data Export Data Export Data
Manage Events Acknowledge, View, Acknowledge, View, Acknowledge, View, View, Export
Export Export Export

4.10.2 Access Permissions - Dealer Roles


Account Owner Account Manager Service Technician Account User

Account Permissions (Dealer Primary Acct.)
Manage Account View, Edit View only View only View only
Manage Site View, Add, Edit, View, Add, Edit, View, Edit View only
Delete Delete
Manage Users View, Invite, Edit, View, Invite, Edit View only View only
Manage Asset Enable, Disable - - -
Commands Commands
Site Permissions (Dealer Primary Acct.)
Manage Site View, Add, Edit, View, Add, Edit, View, Edit View only
Delete Delete
Manage Gateway View, Register, Un- View, Register, Un- View, Register, Un- View only
register, Process register, Process register, Process
Software Update, Software Update, Software Update,
Password Reset, Password Reset, Password Reset,
Gateway Reset Gateway Reset Gateway Reset
Manage Assets View, Add, Edit, View, Add, Edit, View, Add, Edit, View, Export Data
Delete, Operate, Delete, Operate, Delete, Operate,
Export Data Export Data Export Data
Manage Events Acknowledge, View, Acknowledge, View, Acknowledge, View, View, Export
Export Export Export
Account Permissions (Customer Acct.)
Manage Account View, Invite, Edit, View, Invite, Edit, View only View only
Delete Delete

A053H888 (Issue 1) 17 Copyright © 2016 Cummins Power Inc.

4. System Functions and Features 4 - 2016

Account Owner Account Manager Service Technician Account User

Manage Site View, Add, Edit, View, Add, Edit, View, Edit View only
Delete Delete
Manage Users - - - -
Manage Asset - - - -
Site Permissions (Customer Acct.)
Manage Site View, Add, Edit, View, Add, Edit, View, Edit View only
Delete Delete
Manage Gateway View, Register, Un- View, Register, Un- View, Register, Un- View only
register, Process register, Process register, Process
Software Update, Software Update, Software Update,
Password Reset, Password Reset, Password Reset,
Gateway Reset Gateway Reset Gateway Reset
Manage Assets View, Add, Edit, View, Add, Edit, View, Add, Edit, View, Export Data
Delete, Operate, Delete, Operate, Delete, Operate,
Export Data Export Data Export Data
Manage Events Acknowledge, View, Acknowledge, View, Acknowledge, View, View, Export
Export Export Export

4.10.3 Access Permissions - Customer Roles


Account Owner Account Manager Service Technician Account User

Account Permissions (Customer Acct.)
Manage Account View, Edit View, Edit View only View only
Manage Site View, Edit View, Edit View, Edit View only
Manage Users View, Invite Edit, View, Invite, Edit View only View only
Manage Asset Enable, Disable View only View only View only
Commands Commands
Site Permissions (Customer Acct.)
Manage Site View, Edit View, Edit View, Edit View only
Manage Gateway View, Register, Un- View, Register, Un- View, Register, Un- View only
register, Process register, Process register, Process
Software Update, Software Update, Software Update,
Password Reset, Password Reset, Password Reset,
Gateway Reset Gateway Reset Gateway Reset
Manage Assets View, Add, Edit, View, Add, Edit, View, Add, Edit, View, Export Data
Delete, Operate, Delete, Operate, Delete, Operate,
Export Data Export Data Export Data
Manage Events Acknowledge, View, Acknowledge, View, Acknowledge, View, View, Export
Export Export Export

Copyright © 2016 Cummins Power Inc. 18 A053H888 (Issue 1)

4 - 2016 4. System Functions and Features

4.11 Secure Socket Layer (SSL)

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is a standard security protocol that provides communication security over the
Internet. SSL provides a secure connection between two machines operating over the Internet or an
internal network. SSL protects confidential data by creating a uniquely encrypted channel for private
communication. It helps prevent hackers from tapping into client-server communication and misuse of
confidential data.
The PC500/550 Cloud Link uses a self-signed SSL certificate due to the fact that the PC500/550 Cloud
Link host name and IP address are configurable. Self-signed certificates provide the exact same
protection as certificates created by a certificate authority. All data sent from the PC500/550 Cloud Link to
the Cloud is encrypted for security via a fully validated SSL certificate.
SSL is enabled on the cloud link device. You must use https:// in the internet explorer URL in order to
access the setup interface (Example: https://

SSL is always enabled so https:// must be used to access the device. Your browser may prompt
you with a security warning, this is normal and you must click to proceed.

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4. System Functions and Features 4 - 2016

This page is intentionally blank.

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5 System Requirements
5.1 Hardware Requirements
The following hardware is required.
• A PC or Macintosh computer with a USB port that will run the software listed below
• Minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768.

5.2 Software Requirements

The following software is required.
• Browser: Internet Explorer 8 or later is recommended
• Operating System:
◦ Microsoft Windows 7 or later
◦ Mac OS X version 10.6 or later
◦ Linux
• Microsoft Silverlight software, version 5 or later
• Windows Mobile Device Center

5.3 Other Requirements

The following is other requirements:
• Internet Speed: At Least 1 Mbps
• One of the following two options:
◦ An Ethernet connectino with access to ports 8883 and 443
◦ A 3G Sim card with an active data plan

5.4 Hardware Installation

The PC500/550 Cloud Link has a NEMA (IP 10) rated enclosure and is not designed to handle
environmental conditions, such as moisture. A moist environment can cause failure over time.
Mount the PowerCommand 500/550 Cloud Link in a suitable location, such as:
• On a DIN rail (35 mm)
• In a telecommunications, information technology, or networking cabinet
• In an office on a desk or other flat surface

Do not mount the PC500/550 Cloud Link inside a generator set or ATS enclosure. Doing so voids

A053H888 (Issue 1) 21 Copyright © 2016 Cummins Power Inc.

5. System Requirements 4 - 2016

An antenna extension cable is required if, due to location, the PC500/550 Cloud Link does not detect a
wireless connection.


5.4.1 Supplied Hardware

The following hardware is available for order with the PC500/550 Cloud Link. See Chapter 10 on page 75
for part numbers.

Hardware Description
USB-OTG Cable Allows direct connection to a PC to configure devices.
Ethernet Cable Allows connection to the network. Supports IEEE
10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX standards.
Modlon II Gateway Kit (541-1149) Required for:
and Modlon Connection Cable Kit (TBD) PCC 2100, PCC 3100, PCC 3200, PCC 3201 generator
set controls
OTPC, BTPC, OHPC, and CHPC ATS controls
Antenna Extension (12 ft) Required for cabinet installations and if wireless strength
is weak.

12 feet is the maximum acceptable length for the
antenna extension cable. A longer cable will
degrade the signal.

5.4.2 Additional Hardware Needed

The following hardware may be required in addition to the supplied hardware:

Copyright © 2016 Cummins Power Inc. 22 A053H888 (Issue 1)

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Hardware Description
Modbus Cable Twisted shielded pair cable (24 AWG or larger) used to
connect the PC500/550 Cloud Link to the monitored
device (Belden 3106A or equivalent).
Power Supply 9 - 32 VDC, 12 VDC - 250mA, 24 VDC - 125mA, 5W
minimum (UPS is recommended).
SIM Card Required for 3G GSM wireless modem (needs to be
activated by a local provider).

5.4.3 PC500/550 Cloud Link Connections and Installation

Connect and install the PC500/PC550 Cloud Link as follows:
1. Connect the Ethernet cable from the PC500/550 Cloud Link to the installation site network (Ethernet
2. Antenna Installation (Wireless option only - GSM):
• Open Installation
a. Attach antenna to the SMA connector on the PC500/550 Cloud Link.
b. Contact a cellular service provider and activate service (SIM card).
• Metal Enclosure Installation
a. Choose a location for the antenna, preferably near the top of the cabinet.
b. Create a 7mm (9/32 in) hole and install the bulkhead end of the antenna extension cable.

If the cabinet is NEMA rated, make sure the perforation is properly sealed to
prevent loss of the NEMA ratings.

c. Connect the SMA straight plug end of the connector to the PC500/550 Cloud Link.
d. Attach the antenna to the bulkhead connector side of the antenna extension cable
located on the outside of the cabinet.
e. Contact a cellular service provider and activate service on a SIM card.
3. Modlon Connections: Install a Modlon II Gateway (541-1149) for converting LonWorks to Modbus
communications. When connecting to the Modlon Gateway, use the Modlon Connection cable.
a. Connect the DB9 connector of the Modlon Connection Cable to the DB9 header on the Modlon.
b. Connect the other end of the cable to the corresponding points on the PC500/550 Cloud Link
terminal block TB2. Either channel is acceptable.
4. Modbus Connections:
a. Connect a twisted pair of the Modbus cable to the RS-485 connector on the generator set
control board or AUX101 control to the corresponding points on the PC500/550 Cloud Link
terminal block TB2. Either channel is acceptable.
b. If the installation is for a separate power supply, connect a ground reference wire.
c. Connect the cable shield to either Chassis Ground on TB2 of the PC500/550 Cloud Link or the
ground pin on the generator set, ATS, or AUX101 control (not both).

A053H888 (Issue 1) 23 Copyright © 2016 Cummins Power Inc.

5. System Requirements 4 - 2016

5. Sensor Connections: Make the appropriate connection(s) to TB1 of the PC500/550 Cloud Link using
a standard 24 AWG or larger wire.
• Wire the appropriate sensor (fuel sensor, for example) to AIn + and AIn–.
• Wire desired devices to discrete inputs (DIn 1, DIn 2).
6. Connect the PC500/550 Cloud Link to a 12/24 VDC generator set battery or an isolated DC power
7. Check the Power LED to confirm power is available.
8. Check Status LED to confirm application software is operating correctly.
9. Mount the PC500/550 Cloud Link on a DIN rail or install in a suitable location.

5.4.4 Getting Started

Do the following to connect the PC500/550 CL to the network and computer, and to start using the
PC500/550 CL
1. Turn on the computer.
2. Connect the PC500/550 Cloud Link to the network using an Ethernet cable.
3. Connect the USB-OTG cable from the PC500/550 Cloud Link to the computer. The computer
automatically installs a software driver. If driver is not automatically installed, install "Windows Mobile
Device Center" manually.
4. Open an Internet browser window and go to Tools > Internet Options > Connections > LAN
Settings. Under Proxy Server, uncheck the box for Use a Proxy server for your LAN. Select OK
5. In the Internet browser window, enter the following IP address: https:// The browser
displays the PC500/550 Cloud Link login screen.

Use https because SSL security is always enabled.

5.5 Modem Activation

Do the following to activate the GSM modem in the PC500/550 Cloud Link.
1. Contact wireless provider/partner/reseller to obtain an account and a SIM card.
a. Provide billing information.
b. Specify wireless service required (3G data only).
c. Provide SIM card requirement specifications (3G/GPRS).
d. Provide modem 15-character International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) Number (located
on product label and on User Interface Setup > System Settings page).
e. User may need to provide the modem model number (MTSMC-G2).
2. The modem is ready for use once the SIM card is activated and installed the into the Cloud Link
device, and the Wireless data in the Gateway Setup Cellular Preferences is set to Enable.
3. Verify the wireless signal strength in the gateway setup by navigating to the diagnostics page
Internet tab, and clicking the Get Wireless Data button.

Copyright © 2016 Cummins Power Inc. 24 A053H888 (Issue 1)

6 Gateway Setup
6.1 Getting to Cloud Link Gateway Setup Menu


The first time logging into the system, enter admin for both the Username and Password.

1. Turn on the computer.

2. Connect the USB-OTG cable from the PowerCommand 500/550 Cloud Link to the computer. The
computer automatically installs a software driver. If not, install M "Windows Mobile Device Center"
3. Open an Internet browser window and go to Tools > Internet Options > Connections > LAN
Settings. Under Proxy Server, uncheck the box for Use a Proxy server for your LAN.
4. Open Internet Explorer, and enter the following IP address: https:// to load the Cloud Link
Gateway Setup login screen.

SSL is always enabled so https:// must be used to access the device. Your browser may
prompt you with a security warning, this is normal and you must click to proceed.

5. If the screen below is displayed, select Continue to this website to display the login screen.

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6. Enter the user name (admin) and password (admin).
7. After logging into the system, the home page is displayed with a menu bar at the top. Select Setup
to navigate to the Setup menu.


The address bar appears as shown below. This is expected and does not indicate a security


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6.2 Setup Menu


The setup menu contains 9 tiles used to configure the entire system. Selecting a setup tile opens the
appropriate setup page. All other setup selections are shown on the left side menu.


6.3 Network Settings

In network settings you can assign a name to the specific Cloud Link device. The DHCP and DNS settings
can also be changed. The default setting are to obtain an IP address and DNS service address
automatically. Settings can be manually entered. If DHCP settings are entered manually, DNS settings
must also be entered manually.
To update network settings:
1. Select Network Settings on the Setup menu.

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2. Select Edit from top menu bar to enable editing of the network settings fields.
3. Enter Host Name.
4. Select either Obtain an IP address automatically or Use the following IP address for DHCP
5. If Use the following IP address was selected:
a. Enter the DHCP IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default gateway.
b. Enter the DNS Preferred DNS server.
c. Enter the DNS Alternate DNS server if desired.
d. Select Save. The device can now be accessed using the IP address.

When manually entering IP address information, the network administrator needs to
map the IP address to the host name to provide access to the device using a host

6. If Obtain an IP address automatically is selected, the new IP addresses are automatically

populated when the device is physically plugged into the network via the Ethernet cable. The device
can now be accessed using the host name or the IP address from inside the network using https://
"Host Name" or https://"IP Address".

6.4 Cellular Preferences

The gateway can connect to the Internet on a cellular 3G network. To enable a 3G cellular network:
1. Insert a 3G data enabled SIM card into the gateway SIM card slot.

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2. On the Cellular Preferences page, set Wireless Data to Enable.

3. On the Cellular Preferences page, enter the cellular provider's APN (Access Point Name). You can
get this information from your cellular provider, otherwise this information can usually be found by
doing a quick search online.
4. Click Save.
5. Click the Test 3G Network button. A message window appears that gives the test result.


6.5 Cloud Connectivity

All new or factory restored gateway devices must be registered in PowerCommand Cloud before telemetry
transactions can take place. Refer to Section 7.3 for registration instructions.
1. Create a Gateway Name to identify this specific Cloud Link unit later on the PowerCommand Cloud.
Figure 16.


2. Enter the Gateway Access Key that you receive from the PowerCommand Cloud web application
when you create a Site. For more information refer to Section 7.4 on page 47.
3. The Cloud Address is pre-populated and should not need adjustment.
4. Select the Save button. A Successful window shows.

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5. Select OK in the Successful window. The Cloud Connection Status window shows.
6. The Gateway will connect to the PowerCommand Cloud. When successful, a green box shows on
each line of the Cloud Connection Status window (Figure 17).


7. Select Test Connection to test the connection of the Gateway to the PowerCommand Cloud. A
Successful or Unsuccessful status window shows. If unsuccessful, check the data entered for
Gateway Access Key and Cloud Address.

6.6 Modbus Settings

Modbus Settings allows the user to configure Modbus RTU settings and to enable or disable Modbus
TCP. The following table shows the supported Modbus settings.


Setting Setting Values

Baud Rate 9600
Stop Bit
Parity Even

1. Select Modbus Settings on the Setup menu.

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2. Verify the displayed settings. (The settings should match the Modbus settings of the devices that will
be monitored.)
3. If the Modbus settings need to be changed, select Edit and modify the settings.
4. Select Save.

6.7 Device Configuration

Device Configuration is used to add, delete, and configure generator set, ATS, and I/O devices into the
system. Only 3 AUX101/102 I/O devices can be configured. I/O devices provide expansion for sensors
and output controls.
1. Select Device Configuration on the Setup menu.

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2. Select Add New Device and select the device type from the drop-down list.
• Genset
• I/O Device
To edit an existing device, select the device from the list and select Edit.
To delete an existing device, select the device from the list and select Delete.

6.7.1 Add New Device - Genset

LonWorks supported devices require conversion to Modbus before connecting to the PC500/550 Cloud
Link. Since Modbus requests are diverted to multiple devices via the same Modlon, the system allows
duplicate IDs for Modlon supported devices. The devices are differentiated by template and index number.
Generator controls PCC 2100, PCC 3100, PCC 3200, PCC 3201, and CCM-G are Modlon supported
devices. The following table shows the supported generator set templates and indexes.


Template Supported Generator Sets Index

1 5 Generator Sets 0–4
2 5 Generator Sets (with 0–4
paralleling data)
3 10 Generator Sets 0–9

A Modlon Index is related to the generator set that was commissioned on the LonWorks
database. For example, if Gen1 is commissioned on the LonWorks database, an index of 0 is
associated with it. Gen2 is associated with index 1, and so on.

When devices are added to the system, a Modbus/TCP Unit Identifier can be assigned. The unit identifier
is used for identifying devices connected on the Modbus RTU channel when establishing a Modbus TCP
session. The PC500/550 Cloud Link metadata is accessed using device ID 100.

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To add a new generator set:
1. Enter the desired device name.
2. Select the device control from the Device Model drop-down list:
• PCC 3300
• PCC 2300
• PCC 1301
• PCC 1302
• PCC 2100
• PCC 3100
• PCC 3200
• PCC 3201
• PS0500
3. Enter the Modbus Address of the device.
4. Select the Modbus Channel from the drop-down list:
• Channel-1
• Channel-2

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5. If the control is PCC 2100, PCC 3100, PCC 3200, PCC 3201, or CCM-G; a Modlon template and
index entry is required. Select the appropriate template (1, 2, 3) and enter the appropriate index
6. Enter a device location and description if desired.
7. Select Save.

6.7.2 Add New Device - ATS

ATSs are LonWorks supported devices that require conversion to Modbus before connecting to the
PC500/550 Cloud Link. Since Modbus requests are diverted to multiple devices via the same Modlon, the
system allows duplicate IDs for Modlon supported devices. The devices are differentiated by template and
index number. The following table shows the supported ATS templates and indexes.


Template Supported ATSs Index

1 5 ATSs 0–4
2 5 ATSs 0–4
4 10 ATSs 0–9

A Modlon Index is related to an ATS that was commissioned on the LonWorks database. For
example, if ATS1 is commissioned on the LonWorks database, an index of 0 is associated with it.
ATS2 is associated with index 1, and so on.

When devices are added to the system, a Modbus/TCP Unit Identifier can be assigned. The unit identifier
is used for identifying devices connected on the Modbus RTU channel when establishing a Modbus TCP
session. The PC500/550 Cloud Link metadata is accessed using device ID 100.


1. Enter the desired device name.

Copyright © 2016 Cummins Power Inc. 34 A053H888 (Issue 1)

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2. Select the Device Model from the drop-down list:

3. Enter the Modbus Address of the device.
4. Select the Modbus Channel from the drop-down list:
• Channel-1
• Channel-2
5. Select the appropriate Modlon template (1, 2, 4) and enter the appropriate index number.
6. Enter the Source 1 and Source 2 name if desired.
7. Enter a device location and description if desired.
8. Select Save. The new device tile is added to the device grid and Home page.

6.7.3 Add New Device - I/O Device


To add a new AUX101/102:
1. Enter the desired device name.
2. Enter the Modbus Address of the device.

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3. Select the Modbus Channel from the drop-down list.

• Channel-1
• Channel-2
4. Enter a device location and description if desired.
5. Select Next.


6. Select the Select default configuration for Aux101's Inputs and Current Sources check box or
manually configure Input 1 through Input 8. To manually configure an input, select the input type
from the drop-down list.
• Analog - Continuous voltage converted to a value.
• Discrete (Active High) - Represents a binary digit of 1, or asserted state of a logical condition,
by the higher of 2 voltages. Sensor becomes active when the signal is tied to B+.
• Discrete (Active Low) - Represents a binary digit of 1, or asserted state of a logical condition,
by the lower of 2 voltages. Sensor becomes active when the signal is grounded (B–).
7. For Analog inputs, configure the associated Current Source. Use the up and down arrows, or
manually enter.

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8. If the AUX101 includes an AUX102, select the Aux102 Available check box. AUX102 inputs are not
9. Select Finish.
To quit without saving changes, select Cancel.
To go back to the previous screen, select Back.
Add sensors and output control for the new I/O device using the Sensors and Output Control setup menu.

6.8 Sensors
Sensors configuration wizards are used to enter and edit sensor information.

An AUX101/102 I/O device needs to be added before setting up AUX101/102 sensors.

1. Select Sensors and Output Controls on the Setup menu.

The PC500/550 Cloud Link does not support Output Controls.

2. Select the Sensors tab if it is not already selected.


3. To add a new sensor, select Add New Sensor and select the sensor type from the drop-down list.
• Discrete
• Analog
To edit an existing sensor, select the sensor from the list and select Edit.
To delete an existing sensor, select the sensor from the list and select Delete.

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6.8.1 Add New Sensor - Discrete


1. Enter a Sensor Name.
2. Select the I/O Source from the drop-down list.
• IODevice Aux101 Input 1
• IODevice Aux101 Input 2
• IODevice Aux101 Input 7
• IODevice Aux101 Input 8
• IODevice Aux102 Input 9
• IODevice Aux102 Input 10
• IODevice Aux102 Input 11
• IODevice Aux102 Input 12
• PC550 Cloud Link Discrete Input Pin A
• PC550 Cloud Link Discrete Input Pin B

The drop-down list is populated only with the available inputs. If an AUX is not
configured, only the PC500/550 Cloud Link inputs are listed. If an input is already in
use, it is not shown in the list.

3. Select the Event Trigger from the drop-down list.

• None (No event will be logged.)
• Active (An event will be logged when the sensor state changes to active.)
• Inactive (An event will be logged when the sensor state changes to inactive.)
• State Change (An event will be logged when the sensor state changes to active or inactive.)

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4. Enter a Description if desired.

5. Select Save. The newly added sensor is displayed in the sensor grid.

6.8.2 Add New Sensor - Analog


1. Enter a Sensor Name.
2. Select a sensor Type from the drop-down list:
• Temperature
• Pressure
• Volume
• Battery
3. Select the Units from the drop-down list. The units are based on the sensor type. The units should
match the units from sensor specification sheet.

Sensor Type Units


A053H888 (Issue 1) 39 Copyright © 2016 Cummins Power Inc.

6. Gateway Setup 4 - 2016

Sensor Type Units

Battery Volt
4. Select the I/O Source from the drop-down list.
• IODevice Aux101 Input 3
• IODevice Aux101 Input 4
• IODevice Aux101 Input 5
• IODevice Aux101 Input 6
• PC550 Cloud Link Analog Input Pin

The drop-down list is populated only with the available inputs. If an AUX is not
configured, only the PC500/550 Cloud Link inputs are listed. If an input is already in
use, it is not shown in the list.

5. Enter a Description if desired.

6. Select Next.


7. Update the Max and Min voltage if desired (use up and down arrows, or manually enter).
8. Enter the Max and Min units (use up and down arrows, or manually enter).
9. Enter the High Warning and Low Warning values as needed (use up and down arrows, or manually
10. Select Save to save the changes. The newly added sensor is displayed in the sensor grid.
To quit without saving changes, select Cancel.
To go back to the previous screen, select Back.

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6.9 Telemetry Settings

Telemetry Settings allows the user to set the time intervals for sending telemetry data to the
PowerCommand Cloud.While storage of information on the Cloud is unlimited, data charges may apply.
Make sure that the cellular data plan is adequate. Cummins is not responsible for overage charges.
1. Individual telemetry intervals for a running generator set, a stopped generator set, an ATS source 1
connected, and ATS source 2 connected, and senors.
2. Select a time interval between 5 and 60 minutes, 1 to 24 hours, or 1 to 30 days for each line. Any
events are immediately sent to the cloud


6.10 User Profile Settings

The user profile settings are used to change the user profile information for the administrator.

6.10.1 User Profile Settings - Users

Select User Profile Settings on the Setup menu and select the Users tab if it is not already selected.

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To edit an admin user's information, select the user from the list and select Edit.
The administrator cannot change his or her password from this screen. If Change Password is selected for
the active admin user, the following message is shown. Follow the instructions in the message.



6.11 System Settings

System Settings allows the user to set the inactive session timeout. System Settings also provices the
capability for the user to update software, and export and import system configuration settings.
Select System Settings on the Setup menu.

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To edit the inactive session timeout:
1. Select Edit.
2. Select the inactive session timeout.
3. Select Save.
To cancel edits, select Cancel.
To update the software:

Update of software through the PowerCommand Web App is recommended.

1. Select Software Update.


2. If you want to proceed, select OK. A browser window is displayed to select the software update
firmware zip file.

Uploading a bad or inadequate zip file can cause permanent damage to the PC500/550
Cloud Link. Make sure to upload the correct zip file.

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To save the current configuration as a backup, select Export Config. A browser window is displayed to
select the location to save the configured zip file.
To import a saved configuration file:
1. Select Import Config.


2. Select Browse. A browser window is displayed to select the configuration XML file.
3. Select the configuration to import.
4. Select OK.

Copyright © 2016 Cummins Power Inc. 44 A053H888 (Issue 1)

7 PowerCommand Cloud Web
Application Setup
7.1 Create Customer Account on PowerCommand
Only a Dealer or Distributor is able to create a new Customer Account.

1. Login to the PowerCommand Cloud at https://portal.powercommandcloud.com.

2. From the website dashboard, navigate to Account Management, then Customer Accounts.
3. Click on ADD NEW. The Add New Account window is shown.


a. Add the account details including the account name and address.
b. Add the contact details including the contact name, email address, and phone number. Ensure
the email address is correct because an invitation email is automatically sent to the email
address that is entered.

7.2 Accept Invitation and Create Customer Account

1. The Customer account owner will receive an email with a link to accept the invitation to the web
application and to create an account on the PowerCommand Cloud.

If you have not received an invitation email, please check your junk/spam folder first, then
contact the distributor or dealer where you purchased your Cloud Link unit and they can
check the email address and resend another invitation.

2. Click on the link in the email invitation. The PowerCommand Cloud launches in the web browser.
• If you have already created an account for yourself on the PowerCommand Cloud, click USE
YOUR CURRENT USER ACCOUNT. This will allow you to add permissions to an existing

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7. PowerCommand Cloud Web Application Setup 4 - 2016

• If you are registering for the PowerCommand Cloud for the first time, click REGISTER NEW
3. A new page will open with Terms of Service. You must accept the terms of service to register a new
account. Check the box next to "I have read and accept the terms of service" and click ACCEPT.
4. A new page will open to create your PowerCommand account. Enter your email address and click
the SEND VERIFICATION CODE button once. This sends a verification code to your email address.

Make sure to click the SEND VERFICATION CODE button only once. A new verification code
is sent each time the button is clicked. The registration process accepts only the most
recent code.

5. Open the verification email.

6. Enter the code shown in the email into the Verification Code field in the web browser.
7. Choose and enter a password. The password must be 8-16 characters and must contain 3 of 4 of
the following:
• Lowercase Characters
• Uppercase characters
• Digits (0-9)
• One or more of the following symbols: @#$%^&*-_+=[]{}|\:',?/`~"()
8. Click CREATE and you should not have access to the PowerCommand Cloud site at

7.3 Create PowerCommand Cloud Site

A site must be created on the PowerCommand Cloud in order to add your assets.
1. From the PowerCommand Cloud dashboard, click on Account Management, then My Account,
then Sites.
2. Click on ADD NEW.


3. Enter the Name, Address, and contact information for the site, then click SAVE.

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4. The site is created.

5. The next step is to link your Cloud Link unit with the site.

7.4 Link Site to Cloud Link Unit

1. From the PowerCommand Cloud dashboard, click on Account Management, then My Account,
then Sites.
2. Click the dropdown arrow for the site you wish to assign a PC500/550 Cloud Link.
3. The unique Device Access key for the site is displayed. Click the COPY KEY button to Copy the
access key and paste the access key into the Cloud Connectivity setup screen in the gateway setup
(See Section 6.5 on page 29 for more information on the Cloud Connectivity Setup Screen).


You cannot right click in the gateway setup so you must use Ctrl+V to paste the copied
access key.

4. Click SAVE on the Cloud Connectivity setup screen. The cloud icon on the top right of the gateway
screen should change from grey to blue.

If you continue to experience issues getting the cloud to turn blue, first verify that you have
an internet connection, then refer to the troubleshooting in Chapter 9 on page 61.

7.5 Add Assets to Site

1. In order to view assets on the PowerCommand Cloud, they must added to the site.

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7. PowerCommand Cloud Web Application Setup 4 - 2016

2. From the PowerCommand Cloud dashboard, click on Account Management, then My Account,
then Sites.
3. Click on the dropdown for Assets & Gateways, then click the box for ADD NEW ASSET.


4. Add information for each asset separately. The assets must be added in the Device Configuration
Setup in the gateway setup before they can be added on the web application. See Section 6.7 on
page 31 for more information on the Device Configuration Setup.

In addition to adding the devices in the gateway setup, you also need to have a valid Cloud
connection with your PC500/550 Cloud Link.

5. Click SAVE. The site and assets can now be viewed on the PowerCommand Cloud.

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8 Operation
8.1 PowerCommand Cloud Web Application
After your Cloud Link device is set up, most of the operation of your Cloud Link will take place on the
PowerCommand Cloud website. The URL for this website is https://portal.powercommandcloud.com. You
can access the PowerCommand Cloud using Internet Explorer 9 or newer, as well as Safari, Chrome,
Firefox, and Edge.

8.1.1 Account Creation

If you are a Dealer or Distributor, you can register for an account by clicking on REGISTER and filling in
the required information. If your Dealership or Distributorship already has an account associated with it,
you will be directed to contact the current account owner to request to be added. If you are a customer,
you should have received an invitation email from [email protected] . You will set up
your account by following the link in that email. See Section 7.2 on page 45 for more information. If you
have not received an invitation email, please check your junk/spam folder first, then contact the distributor
or dealer where you purchased your Cloud Link unit and they can check the email address and resend
another invitation.

8.1.2 Sign In
In your web browser, navigate to https://portal.PowerCommandCloud.com. Enter the Email address and
password associated with your account, and click Sign in. If you are unable to sign in, click on the can't
access your account? link below the Sign in box.

8.1.3 Dashboard
The home screen or dashboard displays all of your sites on an interactive map. On the toolbar across the
top of the screen you can get back to the dashboard, access Account Management, and access My
Profile or log out by clicking on your name on the top right of the screen.

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8.1.4 My Profile
In My Profile, you can edit your name and contact telephone number. You can also select your Preferred
Account if you have multiple. This will determine which account you have access to on your dashboard.
This is also where you will select Metric or Imperial units for the PowerCommand Cloud.
My Profile is also where you can setup your email notifications. You must click the Enable button, and
select which account you would like to receive notifications for. By default you will receive all notifications
but you can select to receive an Emails for Fault Events, Warning Events, and Information Events.

8.1.5 Site



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The Assets tab displays the list of assets that have been added to the site, the current status, and
the time that status was last updated. You will also see the VIEW ASSET button for each asset
where you will have additional features
The Events tab displays a list of Active Events, as well as Acknowledged Events. To Acknowledge
and event, simply check the box to the right of the event, and click the ACK box. You can also
export the list of Active or acknowledged events by clicking the EXPORT box while that list is shown.
In order to create the export report, you simply select the duration you would like to see (Past 1
Hour, Past 24 Hours, Past 7 days, Past 30 days or a Custom range of dates).
The Sensors tab displays the sensors that have been added to your PC500/550 Cloud Link device.
The Gateways tab displays the information from the PC500/550 Cloud Link unit that is linked to the
site. This information includes the current Software Version that is installed. This is the tab where
you will find software updates for the gateway.
The Notes tab allows you to make notes for the site. You can view, edit, and delete notes. You can
also Search the notes using the search box.

8.1.6 View Asset


The Asset view page is the page where you can manually operate assets if you have the required site
permissions. The commands will be listed in the Run Status box in the top right of the page.
The Details tab displays the most current information for the asset.
The Events tab displays a list of Active Events, as well as Acknowledged Events. To Acknowledge
and event, simply check the box to the right of the event, and click the ACK box. You can also
export the list of Active or acknowledged events by clicking the EXPORT box while that list is shown.
In order to create the export report, you simply select the duration you would like to see (Past 1
Hour, Past 24 Hours, Past 7 days, Past 30 days or a Custom range of dates).

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The Data Trending tab allows you to view selected parameters from the asset on a graph for the
Past 1 Hour, Past 24 Hours, Past 7 days, or Past 30 days. A report can also be exported for an
asset that contains selected parameters from the data log of a selectable time period (Past 1 Hour,
Past 24 Hours, Past 7 days, Past 30 days or a Custom range of dates). Simple click the EXPORT
button and select the Parameters and Duration from the popup window.
The Notes tab allows you to make notes for the asset. You can view, edit, and delete notes. You can
also Search the notes using the search box.

8.1.7 Account Management

Account Management is used to manage your accounts, including account details, users, and sites. If you
have a Customer account, you will only be able to manage your own account. If you have a Dealer
account, you will be able to manage your own account, as well as all of your customer accounts. If you
have a Distributor account, you are able to manage your own account, your direct customer accounts,
your dealer accounts.
1. Account Details
Account details displays the current status of the account, as well as the name and contact
information for the account owner. You can edit an accounts name and contact information from this
2. Users
The Users Screen allows you to send invitations to the particular account for new users to join, as
well as view all current users and their roles, and view the open invitations that have not yet been
3. Sites
The Sites screen shows the details for all of the sites belonging to the selected account. This is
where new sites are added to the account by clicking on the ADD NEW button. You also receive
device access keys in the site view, and add assets to a site.

8.2 PowerCommand Cloud iPhone Application

Download the PowerCommand Cloud iPhone application from the Apple app store. The iPhone
application offers many of the features of the web application, however, to fully utilize your PC500/550
Cloud Link unit, we recommend logging into the web application at

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8.3 Setup Gateway Home Page Dashboard Screen

Once you have devices configured, the Home Page dashboard screen appears as shown.


8.4 Menu Bar

The Menu Bar is displayed at the top of every page.


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The Menu Bar provides navigation to the following pages:

• Event Log
• Diagnostics
• Setup
The Help button provides access to the system help files.
The Logout button logs the user out of the User Interface.
The right side of the Menu Bar displays:
• Product Model
• Current date and time
• User that is currently logged onto the system

8.5 System Status Bar

The System Status Bar is displayed on every page under the Menu Bar. The status bar indicates whether
the Cloud Link device has a current ethernet or 3G connection, and whether or not the device has
communications with the PowerCommand Cloud. It also displays information, warning, and fault and error
messages (the latest 10 messages). The fault icon, source (device name) of the event, event type, fault
event code, and description are displayed in each message. Messages are displayed as they occur. The
order number and total number of messages are displayed on the right side of the status bar. The up and
down arrows allow the operator to cycle through the messages.
Clicking on the System Status Bar causes the Event Log to be displayed.
When there are no fault messages, the following message is displayed.

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No. Description No. Description

1 Information Icon 6 Warning Fault Icon
2 Source (Device Name) 7 Fault Icon, Error Icon
3 Event Type 8 System Status OK
4 Event Code 9 Internet Status
5 Event Description 10 Cloud Connectivity Status


8.6 Home Page

The Home Page is the first page displayed when a user logs in. When devices are configured into the
system, the Home Page displays a dashboard showing device status and information and allows for
device parameter graphs to be shown on the right side.


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8.7 Event Log Page

The system Event Log Page displays a list of active or acknowledged events.

8.7.1 Active Events

Events are pushed to the cloud immediately. If the network is disconnected, the event log page shows all
active events until the colud connection is established.


The page number and number of pages are shown on the bottom right side of the screen. When there are
multiple pages, use the paging control buttons on the left to view the first, previous, next, or last page.

8.8 Diagnostics Page

The Diagnostics Page provides 5 tabs for displaying diagnostic information.

• Modbus
• Performance
• Cloud
• Internet
• System Information

8.8.1 Modbus
The Modbus tab displays the Modbus communication status of all monitored devices.

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8.8.2 Performance
The performance tab displays a list of performance data and allows the user to perform a soft
reboot/restart of the PC500/550 Cloud Link System.


To Reboot the device:
1. Select Reboot Device. The following message is displayed:


2. Select OK.
3. When the reboot completes, the following message is displayed:

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4. Select OK.

8.8.3 Cloud
The Cloud tab displays the current cloud connection status, the length of time you have been connected,
and the total number of disconnects, and failures to reconnect. You can reset the counters by clicking on
Clear Counters.


8.8.4 Internet
The internet tab displays the current internet connection status, the length of time you have been
connected, and the total number of disconnects, and failures or reconnect. You can reset the counters by
clicking on Clear Counters.
Also, click on Get Wireless Data to see your wireless signal strength.

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8.8.5 System Information

The System Information tab displays the hardware and software information from the device. You can also
view the IMEI here if the data tag on the unit is ever damaged or removed.


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This page is intentionally blank.

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9 Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting provides corrective actions for event codes and symptom-based faults. If a problem is not
resolved after taking the corrective actions suggested, contact a local dealer or distributor. See Section

9.1 Event Codes

9.1.1 Code 319 – Real-Time Clock Backup Battery – Very Low
The PC500/550 Cloud Link has detected a very low battery voltage in the real-time clock battery inside the
PC500/550 Cloud Link.

Possible Cause Corrective Action

The voltage on the internal battery of the PC500/550 Replace the real time clock battery with 3 VDC battery.
Cloud Link has decreased to a point where it will no
longer back up the real-time clock of the PC500/550
Cloud Link. This can be due to a defective battery or a
battery that has been used for a long period of time.
If the battery has been recently replaced, the wrong Make sure the battery is 3 VDC battery. If not, replace it
battery may have been installed. with a 3 VDC battery.
Refer to Chapter 11 on page 77 for the battery replacement procedure.

Internal battery replacement should be done by a certified distributor; otherwise the warranty will
be voided.

9.1.2 Code 762 – Real-Time Clock Backup Battery Voltage

Above Normal Operating Range
The PC500/550 Cloud Link has detected a high battery voltage in the real-time clock battery inside the
PC500/550 Cloud Link.

Possible Cause Corrective Action

The battery has been replaced with a battery that does Make sure the battery is 3 VDC battery. If not, replace it
not meet the specifications for this application. with a 3 VDC battery. Refer to Chapter 11 on page 77
for the procedure to replace the battery.

Internal battery replacement should be done by a certified distributor; otherwise the warranty will
be voided.

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9. Troubleshooting 4 - 2016

9.1.3 Code 763 – Real-Time Clock Backup Battery Voltage

Below Normal Operating Range
The PC500/550 Cloud Link has detected a low battery voltage in the real-time clock battery inside the
PC500/550 Cloud Link.

Possible Cause Corrective Action

The battery is running low because of the amount of time Replace the real-time clock battery with a 3 VDC battery.
in service (battery will normally last for 10 years under
normal conditions).
If the battery has been recently replaced, the wrong Make sure the battery is 3 VDC battery. If not, replace it
battery may have been installed. with a 3 VDC battery.
Refer to Chapter 11 on page 77 for the procedure to replace the battery.

Internal battery replacement should be done by a certified distributor; otherwise the warranty will
be voided.

9.1.4 Code 4332 – Loss of Communication with (device) on

Channel 1 or 2
The PC500/550 Cloud Link has lost communication with a Modbus device on one or both of the channels.

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Corrective Action
Possible Cause PCC 2100, PCC 3100, PCC 3200, PCC 1301, PCC 1302, PCC 2300,
PCC 3201 and ATS Controls PCC 3300, PS0500 Controls
There has been a power interruption 1. Verify if there has been a power If the battery of any of the generator
to the device that the PC500/550 interruption to the Modlon that is sets being monitored is disconnected,
Cloud Link is monitoring. sending Modbus information make sure that the generator set that
from the device to which has lost communication to the
communication was lost. PC500/550 Cloud Link is properly
2. If Modlon has not lost power,
check if any of the devices
(Generator Sets or ATSs)
connected to the Modlon have
lost power to their controls.
• For generator sets, this
fault can be caused if a
generator set battery is
• For ATSs, this fault can be
caused if there is not a B+
on J27-21 of the ATS
digital board and there is
an interruption to the utility
The Modbus RTU protocol of the Verify that Modbus protocol is
device (Generator set or ATS) that is enabled on the device (Generator Set
being monitored is not detected. or ATS) that is being monitored. This
can be verified by navigating through
the control's display or by connecting
to the control with the InPower service
The Modbus settings on the device do Browse to the Modlon that is sending Connect the control to the InPower
not match the settings on the the data for the device that has service tool or navigate through the
PC500/550 Cloud Link channel. communication issues and verify that display and verify that the control
the settings on the nciModLonCfg Modbus settings match the settings
network match the settings on the on the Modbus Settings menu in the
Modbus Settings menu in the PC500/550 Cloud Link user interface.
PC500/550 Cloud Link user interface.
Modbus data cable connected with an On TB2, verify that the Modlon to Verify that all devices are daisy
inverted polarity to the channel PC500/550 Cloud Link cable is chained properly (no inverted cable)
Terminal Block (TB2) of the properly connected on the channel and that the + and – of the cable
PC500/550 Cloud Link. being used to monitor the equipment. matches the labeling on PC500/550
(Modbus RTU protocol is polarity Make sure that the wires are not Cloud Link TB2. One inverted cable
sensitive.) inverted. can cause communication failures
with all devices.
Bad Modbus device. Use LonMaker to verify that all Lon Use ModScan, or any other Modbus
devices are properly commissioned monitoring software, to verify that all
and communicating with each other. If Modbus information is being received
so, connect ModScan, or other from the control or AUX101.
modules monitoring software, to verify
that all Modbus information is being
received from ModLon II.

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9. Troubleshooting 4 - 2016

Corrective Action
Possible Cause PCC 2100, PCC 3100, PCC 3200, PCC 1301, PCC 1302, PCC 2300,
PCC 3201 and ATS Controls PCC 3300, PS0500 Controls
Connected to an incorrect Modbus On the Device Configuration page in On the Device Configuration page in
channel on the PC500/550 Cloud the Setup menu of the PC500/550 the Setup menu of the PC500/550
Link. Cloud Link UI, verify that the device is Cloud Link UI, verify that the device is
configured to use the channel it is configured to use the channel it is
connected to. connected to.
Wrong Modbus address on device. Each Modbus device should have a Each Modbus device should have a
unique Modbus address on the unique Modbus address on the
network. Use LonMaker to verify the network. Verify that the Modbus
ModLon address. Verify that the address for the ModLon matches the
Modbus address for the ModLon Modbus address entered on the
matches the Modbus address entered Device Configuration page in the
on the Device Configuration page in Setup menu of the PC500/550 Cloud
the Setup menu of the PC500/550 Link UI.
Cloud Link UI.
Wrong index or template. The index is the third number on the
Modbus register that the ModLon
sends for each control. For example,
Gen1 has registers 40000-400, Gen2
has 40100-401, and so on. The index
for Gen 1 is 0 and the index for Gen2
is 1. Make sure the correct index is
selected for each of the devices being

9.1.5 Code 4351 – AUX102 Not Detected

The AUX102 is configured in the PC500/550 Cloud Link but it is not detected.

Possible Cause Corrective Action

The AUX102 is configured in the PC500/550 Cloud Link Physically connect the AUX102 to the AUX101.
UI but is not physically connected to the AUX101.
There is a bad connection between the AUX101 and Verify the connection between the AUX101 and AUX102.
Bad AUX101 or AUX102 module. Verify active communication between the AUX101 and
the PC500/550 Cloud Link by looking at LEDs DS1 and
DS2 on the AUX101. DS1 should be illuminated green
and DS2 should not be illuminated. Also, verify that
AUX101 is in Modbus mode ("H" is displayed on AUX101
LED display). If no communication error is present and
the problem persists, connect the AUX101 to a Modbus
analyzer like ModScan and verify information is received
from the AUX101 module. If AUX101 information is
present but there is no AUX102 information, replace the

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9.1.6 Code 4353 – Software Download Failed

Possible Cause Corrective Action
The memory load on your unit may be too high Cycle the power to the processor by pressing the reset
button then attempt to download the Software again.

9.1.7 Code 4354 – Software Download has been Started

Possible Cause: Indicates that a firmware/software download has been started.
Corrective Action: No corrective action is necessary for this code.

9.1.8 Code 4355 – Software Update Successful

A software update was performed on the PC500/550 Cloud Link and the update was done successfully.

Possible Cause Corrective Action

PC500/550 Cloud Link software update was successful. This event notifies the user that software has been
successfully updated. To acknowledge the event and
prevent this code from being displayed on the UI System
Status bar, select the Event Log page and click on the
green check box in the Acknowledge column for this
event. This event is moved to the Acknowledged Events

9.1.9 Code 4356 – Software Update Failed

A software update was performed on the PC500/550 Cloud Link and an error occurred.

Possible Cause Corrective Action

Incorrect software file used to update software on the Verify that the latest software file from the INCAL website
PC500/550 Cloud Link. is being uploaded.

Uploading the wrong software file can cause
permanent damage to the PC500/550 Cloud Link.
Make sure to upload the correct file.

A power interruption occurred during the software update. Upload the correct software file again and ensure that
there is no interruption to the system during this process.

9.1.10 Code 4357 – System Error

A critical issue within the PC500/550 Cloud Link operating system.

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Possible Cause Corrective Action

Corrupted software. Reset the device. If the fault does not clear, upload the
latest software version to the device. If the issue persists,
contact your local distributor.
Replacement of the device may be required.

9.1.11 Code 4594 – <Sensor> has High Warning

The PC500/550 Cloud Link has detected that the value of an analog configurable input for the sensor
shown in the event description has reached the preset high warning threshold.

Possible Cause Corrective Action

The sensor shown in the event description has reached Identify the sensor that is triggering the alarm and take
the preset high warning threshold. corrective action.
The sensor that is triggering the fault may be damaged. If the sensor is triggering the fault but the event is not
occurring, verify the performance of the sensor. The
sensor may be damaged and may need to be replaced.

9.1.12 Code 4595 – <Sensor> has Low Warning

The PC500/550 Cloud Link has detected that the value of an analog configurable input for the sensor
shown in the event description has reached the preset low warning threshold.

Possible Cause Corrective Action

The sensor shown in the event description has reached Identify the sensor that is triggering the alarm and take
the preset low warning threshold. corrective action.
The sensor that is triggering the fault may be damaged. If the sensor is triggering the fault but the event is not
occurring, verify the performance of the sensor. The
sensor may be damaged and may need to be replaced.

9.1.13 Code 5138 – Genset Control Not in Auto

Provides notification that the status of a generator set has changed from Auto mode to Not in Auto.

9.1.14 Code 5139 – Auto Transfer Switch Not in Auto

Provides notification that the status of an ATS has changed from Auto mode to Not in Auto.

9.1.15 Code 5141 – Source 1 Connected

Provides notification of the current connection status of source 1 for a specific ATS.

9.1.16 Code 5142 – Source 2 Connected

Provides notification of the current connection status of source 2 for a specific ATS.

9.1.17 Code 5143 – Genset Running

Provides notification that a specific generator set is now in running mode.

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9.1.18 Code 5144 – Genset Stopped

Provides notification that a specific generator set has changed status from running mode to stopped.

9.1.19 Code 5341 – <Sensor> is Active

Indicates that a discrete sensor attached to an input on the PC500/550 Cloud Link or AUX101/102 is in an
active state.

Possible Cause Corrective Action

The contact on the sensor sends a signal to the Identify what the sensor is connected to and take the
PC500/550 Cloud Link or AUX101/102 has changed proper corrective action.
position due to normal operation, indicating that a change
has occurred on the system it is sensing.
The configuration in the PC500/550 Cloud Link UI does If a normally open contact is used in the sensor sending
not match the type of contact being used in the sensor. the ground signal to the PC500/550 Cloud Link discrete
input or AUX101/102 discrete inputs, the trigger mode for
that sensor should be configured as active low.
If a normally closed contact is being used, the trigger
mode for the sensor should be configured as active high.

9.1.20 Code 5342 – <Sensor> is Inactive

Indicates that a discrete sensor attached to an input on the PC500/550 Cloud Link or AUX101/102 is in an
inactive state.

Possible Cause Corrective Action

The action reported by the sensor has been corrected No action is necessary.
and the sensor is back to a normal state. The event is triggered when the trigger mode for the
sensor is configured as State Change. The PC500/550
Cloud Link triggers events when the sensor state
transitions to both the active and inactive states.

9.1.21 Code 5657 - Source 1 Available

Provides notification that source 1 is currently available.

9.1.22 Code 5658 - Source 2 Available

Provides notification that source 2 is currently available.

9.1.23 Code 5659 - Source 1 Not Available

Provides notification that source 1 is currently not available.

9.1.24 Code 5661 - Source 2 Not Available

Provides notification that source 2 is currently not available.

9.1.25 Code 5662 - Source 1 Disconnected

Provides notification that source 1 is currently disconnected.

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9.1.26 Code 5663 - Source 2 Disconnected

Provides notification that source 2 is currently disconnected.

9.1.27 Code 5664 - Genset in AUTO

Provides notification that generator set is in Auto mode.

9.1.28 Code 5665 - ATS in AUTO

Provides notification that ATS is in Auto mode.

9.1.29 Code 5666 – Import Configuration Failed

Possible Cause Corrective Action
The file you tried to import may be corrupted or Cycle the power to the processor by pressing the reset
incomplete button and attempt to import the configuration again. If
you continue to experience issues, attempt to obtain or
export the file configuration from the source again.

9.1.30 Code 5667 – Import Configuration Successful

Possible Cause Corrective Action

A configuration import was initiated and completed No corrective action is necessary for this code.

9.1.31 Code 5692 - ATS Test/Exercise is Active

Provides notification that an ATS Test/Exercise is active.

9.1.32 Code 5693 - ATS Test/Exercise is Inactive

Provides notification that an ATS Test/Exercise is inactive.

9.1.33 Code 6736 – Restore to Factory Failed

Possible Cause Corrective Action
The memory load on your unit may be too high Cycle the power to the processor by pressing the reset
button then attempt the Restore to Factory Settings again.

9.1.34 Code 6751 – Restore to Factory Successful

Possible Cause Corrective Action

The Restore to Factory Settings was initiated No corrective action is necessary for this code.

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9.1.35 Code 6776 – Communication Resumes with (Device) on

Channel 1 or 2

Possible Cause Corrective Action

Communications with a device was restored No corrective action is necessary for this code.

9.1.36 Code 6923 - Gateway "Name" is Offline

Provides notification that the Gateway with the corresponding name is offline or not communicating with
the PowerCommand Cloud.

9.1.37 Code 6924 - Gateway "Name" is Online

Provides notification that the Gateway with the corresponding name is online and communicating with the
PowerCommand Cloud.

9.2 Symptom Based

Diagnosis of some problems involves observing system operation.

9.2.1 Cannot Access the PC500/550 Cloud Link User Interface

Possible Cause Corrective Action
The PC500/550 Cloud Link lost power. Verify that the green power LED on the PC500/550 Cloud
Link is solidly on. If the power LED is not on, check the
voltage between TB1-1 and TB1-2. The voltage should be
in a range between 9 and 32 VDC. If the voltage is out of
range, check the status of the power supply and
troubleshoot the interconnection wire accordingly.
The local network to which the PC500/550 Cloud Link is Contact your IT administrator or Internet provider to verify
connected is currently down. the status of the network. At least a 10x100 Mbit service
is required in order to have a good connection speed to
the PC500/550 Cloud Link user interface.
PC500/550 Cloud Link locked up due to an abnormal Cycle power and/or reset the PC500/550 Cloud Link. This
condition. can be done by disconnecting the ground cable on TB1-2
and/or pushing the Reset button, respectively. Allow the
PC500/550 Cloud Link to boot up completely after cycling
power before trying to log in to the user interface. This
process may take up to 10 minutes.

A053H888 (Issue 1) 69 Copyright © 2016 Cummins Power Inc.

9. Troubleshooting 4 - 2016

Possible Cause Corrective Action

PC500/550 Cloud Link lost connection to the Internet 1. Make sure the Ethernet cable is properly connected
and/or network settings have changed. to the PC500/550 Cloud Link, the green LED on the
Ethernet port is solidly illuminated, and the amber
LED is blinking; indicating active communication.
2. Connect to the PC500/550 Cloud Link using the
USB-OTG cable (see Section 2 of the Quick Setup
Guide (A040G393) and verify IP settings in the
Network Settings Setup menu (windows mobile
device center will have to be installed in the
computer that will connect to the PC500/550 Cloud
Link via the USB-OTG cable). Make sure the IP
address used to login to the UI is the same as the
one set up on the Network Settings Setup menu. In
addition, verify the gateway and Subnet mask
settings. Contact your IT department or Internet
provider for questions about the proper settings.

9.2.2 User Interface Taking Too Much Time to Load

Possible Cause Corrective Action
The PC500/550 Cloud Link may be locked up due to an Cycle power and/or reset the PC500/550 Cloud Link. This
unexpected event. can be done by disconnecting the ground cable on TB1-2
and/or pushing the Reset button, respectively. Allow the
PC500/550 Cloud Link to boot up completely after cycling
power before trying to log in to the user interface. This
process may take up to 10 minutes.
Internet service problem. Verify that the Internet bandwidth of the network where
the PC500/550 Cloud Link is located has at least 1 Mbps
of download speed.
Verify that the network to which the PC that is being used
to dial in to the PC500/550 Cloud Link is connected and
has at least 1 Mbps of download speed.

There are multiple websites that can be used to run
this type of test, such as www.speedtest.net.

Copyright © 2016 Cummins Power Inc. 70 A053H888 (Issue 1)

4 - 2016 9. Troubleshooting

9.2.3 PC500/550 Cloud Link Not Displaying Correct Information

on User Interface
Corrective Action

Possible Cause PCC 1301, PCC 1302, PCC PCC 2100, PCC 3100, PCC Remote I/Os
2300, and PCC 3300 3200, PCC 3201, and ATS
Controls Controls
The device that is being On the Device Configuration On the Device Configuration On the Device Configuration
monitored is not configured page in the Setup menu of page in the Setup menu of page in the Setup menu of
properly. the UI, identify the the UI, identify the the UI, identify the AUX with
generator set with incorrect generator set or ATS with incorrect readings in the
readings in the Device incorrect readings in the Device Name column.
Name column. Verify that Device Name column. Select the AUX device and
the Device Model column is Verify that the Device Model select Edit to verify that the
the correct model for the column is the correct model inputs of the AUX module
control of the device. If the for the control of the device. are configured according to
model is not correct, select If the model is not correct, the type of sensor that is
the generator set that is select the generator set or being used on each of the
displaying incorrect ATS that is displaying different inputs.
information and select Edit incorrect information and
to make the proper select Edit to make the
changes. proper changes.
Calibration of a control Connect the control that is
needs to be updated. displaying incorrect
information to Modbus
master software, such as
ModScan. Use the Modbus
Register Mapping
(A029X159) manual to
understand the meaning of
each Modbus register. If the
registers do not match what
is displayed for the
generator set in the UI, use
the latest available
calibration from the INCAL
website and perform an
calibration update on the
generator set control.

A053H888 (Issue 1) 71 Copyright © 2016 Cummins Power Inc.

9. Troubleshooting 4 - 2016

Corrective Action

Possible Cause PCC 1301, PCC 1302, PCC PCC 2100, PCC 3100, PCC Remote I/Os
2300, and PCC 3300 3200, PCC 3201, and ATS
Controls Controls
Control has incorrect Open the LonWorks
Modlon index. database that was used to
commission the generator
sets and ATSs with
LonWorks cards. Verify
what equipment is
commissioned as Gen1,
Gen2, etc.; and ATS1,
ATS2, etc., on the Modlon
template. Make sure that
the UI index numbers are
assigned correctly (Gen1
has an index number, Gen2
has index of 1, and so on;
and the same for ATSs.
Sensor is not configured On the Sensors and Output
properly. Controls page in the Setup
menu of the UI, select the
sensor that is displaying
wrong information. Verify
that the sensor type (analog
or discrete) is correct.
Select Edit to verify the
configuration of the sensor.
Make sure the sensor has
the correct units for what is
being measured and that
the sensor voltage limits are
set properly for what the
sensor is sending to the

9.2.4 Cannot Get an Internet Connection Via Ethernet. The

Internet Connection Indicator on the Setup Gateway is
Grayed Out
Possible Cause Corrective Action
No active connection to the Internet via Ethernet Verify you have an active Internet connection via
Disconnect the Ethernet from the Cloud Link device and
plug it into a computer. If the computer connects via
Ethernet then the Cloud Link should as well.

Copyright © 2016 Cummins Power Inc. 72 A053H888 (Issue 1)

4 - 2016 9. Troubleshooting

9.2.5 Cannot Get an Internet Connection Via Wireless 3G. The

Internet Connection Indicator on the Setup Gateway is
Grayed Out
Possible Cause Corrective Action
Wireless Data is set to Disable on your Cloud Link device In the gateway setup, navigate to Setup, then Cellular
Preferences and ensure that Wireless Data is set to
Insufficient signal at your antenna In the gateway setup, navigate to Setup, then Cellular
Preferences. Click on Get Wireless Data. This gives the
signal strength as 0-5 bars. If you have 0-3 bars,
relocating your antenna using the optional antenna
SIM card is not properly inserted Check that the SIM card is fully seated. The SIM card
should be inserted with the contacts down, slid in with the
notch facing the opening until it's edge is flush with the
end of the circuit board.
SIM card not be properly activated Check with your data provider that the SIM card is
activated for 3G data.
An Ethernet cord is plugged into your Cloud Link device If available, the Cloud Link will give priority to Ethernet
connections. Disconnect any Ethernet cords from the
Cloud Link to use the 3G wireless connection

9.2.6 Cannot Get a Connection to the Cloud via Ethernet. The

Internet Connection Indicator on the Detup Gateway is
Colored, but the Cloud Indicator is Grayed Out.
Possible Cause Corrective Action
The Cloud Link uses port 8883 for MQTTS Contact your local IT to get access to ports 8883 and 443.
communication, and port 443 for HTTPS. Both of these
ports need to be open in your networks firewall for the
Cloud Link device to function properly
Ensure your Gateway Access Key perfectly matches the Copy and Paste the Access Key from the
key for your site from the PowerCommand Cloud portal PowerCommand Cloud portal to the Gateway device.

9.2.7 Cannot Get a Connection to the Cloud via Wireless 3G.

The Internet Connection Indicator on the Detup Gateway is
Colored, but the Cloud Indicator is Grayed Out.
Possible Cause Corrective Action
Ensure your Gateway Access Key perfectly matches the Copy and Paste the Access Key from the
key for your site from the PowerCommand Cloud portal PowerCommand Cloud portal to the Gateway device.

A053H888 (Issue 1) 73 Copyright © 2016 Cummins Power Inc.

9. Troubleshooting 4 - 2016

9.2.8 Did Not Rreceive an Invitation Email From

[email protected]
Possible Cause Corrective Action
Invitation went to Junk or Spam folder of your email Check the Junk or Span folder of your email.
provider Verify that the Dealer or Distributor where the
PC500/PC550 Cloud Link was purchased created your
account and sent the invitation. Also verify that the email
address the dealer/distributor used to create your account
is correct.

9.2.9 Unable to Access portal.powercommandcloud.com

Possible Cause Corrective Action
You must receive an invitation and create an account See Chapter 7 on page 45 for additional information on
before you are granted access to the PowerCommand account setup. For a message "We don't recognize this
Cloud. Incorrect username and/or password user ID or password", click the "Forgot your password? "
link or the "Can't access your account?" link.

9.2.10 Unable to Add New Asset on the Web Application

Possible Cause Corrective Action
Add your devices in the gateway setup before adding See Section 6.7 on page 31 for more information on
them on the web application. The PC500/PC550 Cloud adding devices in the device configuration. Also see
Link also needs to send information to the cloud after all Section 6.5 on page 29 for more information on cloud
device changes have been made. connectivity.

9.2.11 Unable to View Data Trending from a Device Over 30 Days

Possible Cause Corrective Action
From the data trending view on the web application, the Click on the EXPORT button on the data trending page. A
dropdown list only gives you the option to view data for up new window should appear. In the Select Duration
to 30 days dropdown for the new window, select Custom. You can
now set your data range to any range of dates. Select the
parameters you would like to view and click EXPORT in
the new window and your file will include the data from all
of the selected parameters for the selected date range.

Copyright © 2016 Cummins Power Inc. 74 A053H888 (Issue 1)

10 Parts Information
10.1 Standard Parts

Part Number Description Quantity

A034H143 Antenna 1
A052V281 PowerCommand 500CL (includes A034X336, A031C194, and A035H285) 1
A052V282 PowerCommand 550CL (includes A034X336, A031C194, and A035H285) 1
A034X336 Connector, 14 Pin (TB1) 1
A031C194 Connector, 9 Pin (TB2) 1
A035H285 Battery, 3V Lithium Coil Cell 1
A035C393 USB OTG Cable 1
A035C395 Ethernet Cable 1

10.2 Conditional Parts

Part Number Description Quantity

0541–1149* ModLon II Gateway Kit 1
A040T087* Modbus Connection Cable (DB9 to 2-Wire) 1
A035C381+ Antenna Extension 1
* Used for installations with legacy controls: PCC 2100, PCC 3100, PCC 3200, PCC 3201 generator set controls and
OTPC, BTPC, OHPC, and CHPC transfer switch controls.
Used for installations in metal cabinets.

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10. Parts Information 4 - 2016

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Copyright © 2016 Cummins Power Inc. 76 A053H888 (Issue 1)

11 Real-Time Clock Battery Replacement
Before performing this procedure, make sure that there is no remote start or remote test send from the
PC500/550 Cloud Link to a generator set or ATS.
1. Disconnect all terminal blocks, cables, and antenna extension cable from the PC500/550 Cloud Link.
2. Remove the 4 screws on the back of the PC500/550 Cloud Link and remove the cover.

Electrostatic discharge can damage circuit boards. Always wear a grounding wrist strap
when handling circuit boards.

3. Remove the nut for the antenna extension cable.

4. Remove the circuit board from the enclosure by disconnecting the 2 clamps that secure the circuit
board to the enclosure, one at a time, and pulling the circuit board up as the retaining clamps are
being disconnected.

5. On the removed circuit board, carefully push the TRC battery out of the retainer with a small

A053H888 (Issue 1) 77 Copyright © 2016 Cummins Power Inc.

11. Real-Time Clock Battery Replacement 4 - 2016

Pushing on the battery too hard can damage the soldering of the battery retainer. Take extra
precaution when removing the battery.

6. Insert the new battery and reassemble the PC500/550 Cloud Link.

Copyright © 2016 Cummins Power Inc. 78 A053H888 (Issue 1)

Appendix A. External Connectivity

Table of Contents
Figure 55. Common Power Supply ............................................................................................................. 80
Figure 56. Separate Power Supply ............................................................................................................. 81

A053H888 (Issue 1) 79 Copyright © 2016 Cummins Power Inc.

Appendix A. External Connectivity Diagrams 4 - 2016


Copyright © 2016 Cummins Power Inc. 80 A053H888 (Issue 1)

4 - 2016 Appendix A. External Connectivity Diagrams


A053H888 (Issue 1) 81 Copyright © 2016 Cummins Power Inc.

Appendix A. External Connectivity Diagrams 4 - 2016

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Copyright © 2016 Cummins Power Inc. 82 A053H888 (Issue 1)

Copyright © 2016 Cummins Inc. All rights reserved.
Cummins Power Generation, the "C" logo, and Cummins are trademarks of Cummins Inc.
PowerCommand, AmpSentry, InPower and “Our energy working for you.” are trademarks of Cummins Power
Generation Inc
Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.

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