Purpose To present our operative technique for the longer than 3 years. Twenty-one patients had a good score
treatment of anoperineal fistula, discussing its advantages and two had a fair score. No patients had a poor score.
in comparison with other methods of treatment.
Conclusion Our approach has the following advantages:
Patients and methods This study included 35 neonate (i) the operation is simple and easy to perform. (ii) It has
boys, 34 were full term and one was preterm. Their age a minimal complication rate, with a good cosmetic and
ranged from 1 to 4 days, and they were diagnosed to have functional outcome. (iii) Anorectal function was not
low imperforate anus with anoperineal fistula, without adversely affected in patients with anterior position of
associated major anomalies. They were treated by the anal orifice. Ann Pediatr Surg 7:19–22
c 2011 Annals of
fistulectomy and anoplasty. Pediatric Surgery
Annals of Pediatric Surgery 2011, 7:19–22
Results The operative time ranged from 25 to 40 min. The
operation was completed successfully in all patients. All Keywords: anorectal anomalies, anoperineal fistula, low imperforate anus
patients started gradual oral feeding 2 h postoperatively
Department of General Surgery, Pediatric Surgery Unit, Faculty of Medicine,
and were discharged after 24–48 h on oral feeding. Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt
Postoperative stricture occurred in two patients, one Correspondence to Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim, Department of General Surgery, Pediatric
responded to dilation and the other needed redo surgery Surgery Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt
by a simple cutback technique. Continence could be Tel: + 00 20 105801291; fax: + 00 20 882414381
assessed in 23 patients whose follow-up periods were Received 10 May 2010 Accepted 15 June 2010
c 2011 Annals of Pediatric Surgery DOI: 10.1097/01.XPS.0000393091.16567.fd
Fig. 1
(a) Anoperinel fistula. (b) Excized fistulous tract. (c, d) Postoperative view.
Fig. 2
(a) Anoperinel fistula. (b) Dissection of the tract. (c) Excized tract. (d) Postoperative view.
Fig. 3
(a, a1) Anoperineal fistula (midpenile). (b) Excized tract. (c) Anoplasty. (d) Postoperative view. (e) 15 days postoperative.
skin flap was anastomosed to the incised posterior rectal Continence could be assessed in 23 patients whose
wall to create a partially skin-lined anus (Figs. 1c, 2d and follow-up periods were longer than 3 years using a clinical
3d). The wound was sterilized by povidone iodine and a scoring method, and was scored as ‘good’, ‘fair’, and ‘poor’
small piece of gauze was put in the neoanus. [4]. Twenty-one patients had a good score and two had a
fair score. No patients had a poor score. The incidence of
smearing or staining did not diminish with age. Prolonged
Results management was required in five patients who continued
The operative time ranged from 25 to 40 min. The to have a poor level of fecal continence. Anorectal func-
operation was completed successfully in all patients. All tion was not adversely affected by the anterior position
the patients started gradual oral feeding 2 h postopera- of the anal orifice in most patients after simple perineal
tively and were discharged after 24 to 48 h on oral surgery.
feeding. An oral antibiotic and metronidazole were given
for 4 days.
(1) Gradual anal dilation started 2 weeks postoperatively, Anorectal malformations include a wide spectrum of
and continued until the anus became pliable. Period defects in the development of the lowest portion of the
range? intestinal and urogenital tracts. Many children with these
(2) Postoperative stricture occurred in two patients, one malformations are said to have an imperforate anus
responded to dilation and the other needed redo because they have no opening where the anus should
surgery by a simple cutback procedure. be. Perineal fistula is associated with good prognosis,
occurs in either sex, and involves a closed anus with a within the limits of the sphincter complex. The
small connection that opens to the perineal body. Some perineal body, the area in which the fistula was
babies with this malformation have a small loop of skin at located, is repaired with a few long-term absorbable
the anal opening that resembles a bucket handle. This is sutures [1]. In our technique, the fistula is dissected
pathognomonic for perineal fistula. Some boys may have up to its connection to the anus; its site is left raw,
no visible perineal opening but may accumulate mucous which heals spontaneously within a few days. The
or meconium in the fistula, which can extend upto the anoplasty is performed as an inverted Y-V technique
median raphe of the scrotum and resemble a black cord without mobilization of the rectum. The external
(meconium) or a string of pearls (mucous) [5]. Meco- sphincter is just retracted posteriorly to allow mobi-
nium is usually not seen at the perineum in a baby lization of the anus and the anoplasty is terminated
with a rectoperineal fistula until at least 16–24 h. Abdo- by a skin-lined posterior quadrant.
minal distension does not develop during the first few
Anorectal malformations have patient outcomes with
hours [2].
greatly improved modern surgical techniques and neona-
The radiologic evaluation of a newborn with imperforate tal care facilities during the last few decades. Early
anus includes an abdominal ultrasound to evaluate survival is a rule today, except in some rare cases with
urologic anomalies. A cross table lateral radiograph can cardiac, urogenital, or chromosomal anomalies that are not
help show the air column in the distal rectum in a small compatible with life. Presently, the overall long-term
percentage of patients for whom clinical evidence does functional outcome expectancy in terms of fecal and
not delineate in 16–24 h [1]. In our study, the perineal urinary continence is relatively optimistic. A majority of
fistulae were easy to diagnose even in the first 6 h, patients reaching adolescence and adulthood are able to
obviating the need for radiography. Abdominal ultrasono- maintain themselves as socially continent [8]. Using the
graphy was carried out as a routine in all cases and there Kelly–Kiesewetter scoring system in 23 patients of our
were no associated renal anomalies in all cases. In one series, 21 had a good score, two had a fair score, and none
case, the fistula reached up to the mid penile position had a poor score [4]. Current mortality rates are low after
and there were no major associated anomalies except in repair of imperforate anus, and most of these deaths are
one patient who had an associated hypospadias. attributable to problems with other organ systems,
particularly the cardiovascular system and central nervous
The decision to perform an anoplasty in the newborn
system. Sepsis (overwhelming infection) is occasionally
period or to delay the repair and to perform a colostomy is
a problem in patients with complicated high anomalies
based on the physical examination of the infant, the
involving the genitourinary system. Mortality in patients
appearance of the perineum, and any changes that occur
was in the range of 5% for low anomalies [9]. In our series,
over the first 24 h of life [6,7].
there were no deaths.
Of our patients, all of them were operated upon within
Our approach has the following advantages: (i) the
the first 24 h except those who presented on the second
operation is simple and easy to perform. (ii) It has a
or the third day; they were operated on the same day of
minimal complication rate, with a good cosmetic and
functional outcome. (iii) Anorectal function was not
Low imperforate anus with perineal fistula can be treated adversely affected in patients with anterior position of
by many approaches the anal orifice.
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