Pro-Watch 4.5 SoftwareKeys External User Oct 25 2018 PDF

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Pro-Watch 4.

Software Keys
User Guide

November 2018 © 2018 Honeywell. All rights reserved. 800-08123V14

Copyright © 2018 Honeywell. All rights reserved.
Honeywell Integrated Security is a registered trademark of Honeywell
International. All other product and brand names are the service marks,
trademarks, registered trademarks, or registered service marks of their
respective owners. Printed in the United States of America. Honeywell
Integrated Security reserves the right to change any information in this
document at any time without prior notice.
Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation. Windows Server is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Ordering Information
Please contact your local Honeywell Integrated Security representative
or visit us on the web at for information
about ordering.
Honeywell Integrated Security appreciates your comments about this
manual. Please visit us on the web at to
post your comments.

Chapter 1 Pro-Watch Software Keys

1.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Quick Start..................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 How to View License Information................................................................... 10
1.4 How to Supersede a License............................................................................. 12
1.5 How to Transfer the License to Another Machine ................................. 15
1.6 How to Terminate a License.............................................................................. 17
1.7 Cut-over/Migration Licenses........................................................................... 18
1.8 Other Things You Should Know....................................................................... 21
1.9 FAQ................................................................................................................................. 22

Chapter 2 Software Keys Error Codes

1.1 Introduction............................................................................................................... 24
1.2 License Initialization Errors............................................................................... 25
1.3 Certificate Installation Errors ........................................................................... 26
1.4 License Reading Errors ....................................................................................... 27
1.5 Certificate Termination Errors.......................................................................... 28
1.6 Host ID File Generation Error ........................................................................... 29
1.7 Expired License Installation Errors ............................................................... 30

Chapter 3 Glossary

Pro-Watch 4.5 Software Keys Guide, Document 800-08123V14 iii

(This page is left blank intentionally for double-sided printing.)

Pro-Watch Software Keys 1
In this chapter...

1.1 Overview
1.2 Quick Start
1.2.1 Two Options to Install a License Certificate
1.2.2 How to Install a Regular License
1.2.3 How to Activate a Demo License
1.3 How to View License Information
1.4 How to Supersede a License
1.5 How to Transfer the License to Another Machine
1.6 How to Terminate a License
1.7 Cut-over/Migration Licenses
1.8 Other Things You Should Know
1.9 FAQ

Pro-Watch 4.5 Software Keys Guide, Document 800-08123V14 1

Pro-Watch Software Keys

1.1 Overview
Pro-Watch Software Keys is the new secure licensing system that
replaces the dongle for Honeywell’s Pro-Watch family of security
access products.
Software Keys application:
• Reads the License information from the Server.
• Displays the grace period and thus lets the user know when Pro-
Watch has to be licensed to remain operational.

Pro-Watch Software Keys
Quick Start

1.2 Quick Start

1.2.1 Two Options to Install a License Certificate
You have two options to install a Pro-Watch license:
1. Regular License. This is generated by the Software Keys Voucher
2. Default Demo License. This is a one-time-only demo license that’s
shipped with Pro-Watch and is good for 30 days. It is the easiest and
preferred method to try out Pro-Watch with limited functionalities.
Each option is explained below.

Pro-Watch 4.5 Software Keys Guide, Document 800-08123V14 3

Pro-Watch Software Keys
Quick Start

1.2.2 How to Install a Regular License

The end user can generate a regular license by following these steps:

Integrator / End User

End User

5 Installs the

Creates and
Emails HID File Receives via email
1 2 3 with VOUCHER
NUMBER 4 the License
Certificate file
Receives via
for email
Purchase and

Software Keys
Inside Sales & Automated Server
Customer Service [email protected]

STEP 1: The User Contacts Pro-Watch Inside Sales Dept.

The integrator or the end-user (from now on referred to simply as the
“user”) starts the process by calling Pro-Watch Inside Sales
department and placing an order for the Pro-Watch.
The Inside Sales gathers the necessary information and starts the
Pro-Watch license certificate acquisition process.

Pro-Watch Software Keys
Quick Start

STEP 2: Inside Sales Contacts the User

The Pro-Watch Inside Sales department emails the file
and the Pro-Watch License Certificate (PDF) to the user.
Note: The Pro-Watch License Certificate (PDF) includes the user’s
Voucher Number.
The user unzips the Software Keys file and saves the Pro-Watch
Software Keys Automated Server software on to the user machine.

STEP 3a: The User Generates the *HID file

If Pro-Watch is not installed:
1. Unzip the and start the ProWatchSoftwareKeyUtility.exe
2. After installation, double-click Pro-Watch 4.2 SoftwareKey Utility
(located on the Windows Desktop).
3. Click Generate Machine HID Pro-Watch 4.2.
4. Browse and save the automatically generated *.HID file to where you
like on your machine.
If Pro-Watch is already installed:
1. Select Start > All Programs > Pro-Watch 4.2 > Pro-Watch Software
Keys Manager from the Windows Start menu to launch the Pro-
Watch Software Keys Manager:

Pro-Watch 4.5 Software Keys Guide, Document 800-08123V14 5

Pro-Watch Software Keys
Quick Start

Note: Your screen may look slightly different depending on the

Windows version you are using.
2. Click Save Host ID to automatically generate an *.HID file. This will
open your Windows browser screen.
3. Browse and save the automatically generated *.HID file to where you
like on your machine.

STEP 3b: The User Contacts SK Automated Server

1. Browse and find the *.HID file on your machine.
2. Attach the *.HID file to an email with the following:
• Mail subject = VOUCHID: Vouchernumber (e.g., VOUCHID:PW-
123420120101-P-1) Do not use any spaces and be sure to
type out the preceding text properly.
3. Email the *.HID file together with the Voucher Number to the
Software Keys Automated Server at
[email protected] with a request for a new license.

STEP 4: SK Automated Server Contacts the User

The Software Keys Automated Server generates the license and
emails it to the user.

STEP 5: The User Installs the License Certificate

The user installs the Pro-Watch license certificate by following these
1. Stop the Pro-Watch and SQL services BEFORE you install the
certificate file.

Pro-Watch Software Keys
Quick Start

2. Select Start > All Programs > Pro-Watch 4.2 > Pro-Watch Software
Keys Manager from the Windows Start menu to launch the Pro-
Watch Software Keys Manager:

Note: Your screen may look slightly different depending on the

Windows version you are using.
3. Click Install License to display the Install License Certificate dialog

4. To fill the Certificate Path field, click the browse button on the right
and browse back to the location where you’ve saved the certificate in
an earlier step. Select the certificate file and click OK to close the
browser and enter the path into the Certificate Path field.
5. Click Install Certificate.
6. Select Administrative Tools > Services > SQL Server. Click the Start
Service button on the tool-bar to restart the SQL service. Then
select Administrative Tools > Services > Pro-Watch Server. Click the
Start Service button on the tool-bar to restart the Pro-Watch
service for the license to take effect.

Pro-Watch 4.5 Software Keys Guide, Document 800-08123V14 7

Pro-Watch Software Keys
Quick Start

Caution: After installing a license, the Terminate License button will

be enabled. Do not click this button unless you want to terminate
the license:

Do NOT Click!

1.2.3 How to Activate a Demo License

The end user can activate a default 30-day demo license after
installing Pro-Watch by following these steps:

Pro-Watch Software Keys
Quick Start

1. Select Start > All Programs > Pro-Watch 4.2 > Pro-Watch Software
Keys Manager from the Windows Start menu to launch the Pro-
Watch Software Keys Manager:

Note: Your screen may look slightly different depending on the

Windows version you are using.
2. Click Activate Demo License.
3. Start or restart Pro-Watch Server service:
a. If the Pro-Watch Server service is already started, restart it for
the demo license to take effect.
b. Otherwise, start the Pro-Watch Server service for the demo
license to take effect. The Pro-Watch Server service can be
found in the Windows Services by launching "Services" from
the Windows Control Panel > Administrative Tools or typing
"Services.msc" in the Run command on the Start menu.

Pro-Watch 4.5 Software Keys Guide, Document 800-08123V14 9

Pro-Watch Software Keys
How to View License Information

1.3 How to View License Information

You can access important Pro-Watch Software Keys licensing
information through the Pro-Watch Licensing Information and
Installation screen.
1. Launch Pro-Watch.
2. On the home page, click License Information in the Help group of

3. View the license related information in the Pro-Watch Licensing

Information and Installation screen:

Figure 1: Licensing Information Screen

This screen displays the following licensing information:

• Voucher Number
• Expiry Date (Day, Month, Year in the dd/mm/yyyy format). Unlim-
ited licenses do not have an expiry date.

Pro-Watch Software Keys
How to View License Information

Note: Grace period is included in the Expiry Date.

(Expiry date = Expiry date + Grace period)
• License Type
• Grace Period (Number of days).
The pane in the middle of Figure 1 on page 10 displays all the panels
with software keys.
If the software keys come with a maximum licensing limit, it will be
displayed as a number right after the panel name. For example,
“Vista (Max. 20)”.

Pro-Watch 4.5 Software Keys Guide, Document 800-08123V14 11

Pro-Watch Software Keys
How to Supersede a License

1.4 How to Supersede a License

Integrator / End User

5 The User
Installs the

Inside Sales User receives via
email the License
License and 1 2 3 Certificate file 4
Voucher User User creates
Number gets the and emails
the HID file
to the

Software Keys
Inside Sales & Automated Server
Customer Service [email protected]

1.4.1 STEP 1: The User Contacts Pro-Watch Inside Sales Dept.

The integrator or the end-user (simply referred to as the “user”) starts
the process by calling Pro-Watch Inside Sales department and
placing an order to supersede the Pro-Watch license and sends the
existing Voucher Number.
The Inside Sales gathers the necessary information and starts the
Pro-Watch license certificate superseding process.

Pro-Watch Software Keys
How to Supersede a License

1.4.2 STEP 2a: The User Generates the *HID file

1. Select Start > All Programs > Pro-Watch 4.2 > Pro-Watch Software
Keys Manager from the Windows Start menu to launch the Pro-
Watch Software Keys Manager:

Note: Your screen may look slightly different depending on the

Windows version you are using.
2. Click Save Host ID to automatically generate an *.HID file. This will
open your Windows browser screen.
3. Browse and save the automatically generated *.HID file to where you
like on your machine.

1.4.3 STEP 2b: The User Contacts SK Automated Server

1. Browse and find the *.HID file on your machine.
2. Attach the *.HID file to an email with the following:
• Mail subject = VOUCHID: Vouchernumber (e.g., VOUCHID:PW-
123420120101-P-1) Do not use any spaces and be sure to
type out the preceding text properly.
3. Email the *.HID file together with the Voucher Number to the
Software Keys Automated Server at
[email protected] with a request for a new license.

Pro-Watch 4.5 Software Keys Guide, Document 800-08123V14 13

Pro-Watch Software Keys
How to Supersede a License

1.4.4 STEP 3: SK Automated Server Mails the User

The Software Keys Automated Server generates the superseded
license and emails it to the user with a new .CERT file

1.4.5 STEP 4: The User Installs the License Certificate

Save the .CERT file on your machine.
Follow the instructions at STEP 5: The User Installs the License
Certificate, page 6.

Pro-Watch Software Keys
How to Transfer the License to Another Machine

1.5 How to Transfer the License to Another Machine

Integrator / End User
End User
Installs the
3 Certificate on
Machine B

Receives via email

2 the License
Certificate file for
1 Machine B

To Transfer License
Machine A
to Machine B,
the User Sends
a) Customer Info with
previous Voucher ID and
*.TERM file for
Machine A,
b) Host ID for Machine B Software
[email protected]

1.5.1 STEP 1: The User Contacts Software Keys Automated Server and/or the
Voucher Manager
The integrator or the end-user (simply referred to as the “user”) starts
the process by emailing Software Keys Automated Server at
[email protected] to transfer the Pro-Watch license
from Machine A to Machine B.

Pro-Watch 4.5 Software Keys Guide, Document 800-08123V14 15

Pro-Watch Software Keys
How to Transfer the License to Another Machine

1. Attach the *.HID file from MACHINE B and the *.TERM file from
MACHINE A to an email with the following:
Mail subject = VOUCHID: Vouchernumber (e.g., VOUCHID:PW-
123420120101-P-1) Do not use any spaces and be sure to type out
the preceding text properly.
2. Email the *.HID file and *.TERM file together with the Voucher
Number to the Software Keys Automated Server at
[email protected] to request a Transfer license.

1.5.2 STEP 3: SK Automated Server Emails the User

The Software Keys Automated Server generates the license
certificate file for Machine B and emails it to the user with a new
.CERT file.

1.5.3 STEP 4: The User Installs the License Certificate

Save the new license on your machine (Machine B).
Follow the instructions at STEP 5: The User Installs the License
Certificate, page 6.

Pro-Watch Software Keys
How to Terminate a License

1.6 How to Terminate a License

1. Select Start > All Programs > Pro-Watch 4.2 > Pro-Watch Software
Keys Manager from the Windows Start menu to lunch the Pro-
Watch Software Keys Manager:

2. Click Terminate License to terminate the license. This action

automatically creates the *.TERM file in the following directory:
• For 32-bit Machines:
Local Disk (C:) > Program Files (x86) > Pro-Watch
• For 64-bit Machines:
Local Disk (C:) > Program Files > Pro-Watch

Pro-Watch 4.5 Software Keys Guide, Document 800-08123V14 17

Pro-Watch Software Keys
Cut-over/Migration Licenses

1.7 Cut-over/Migration Licenses

1.7.1 Definition
A Cut-over/Migration License is a special situation license that is
created by the Honeywell License team to accommodate certain
high-availability sites that, for various reasons, would need to
migrate their Pro-Watch server over an extended period as opposed
to using the normal transfer method. See How to Transfer the
License to Another Machine, page 15.

1.7.2 Examples
What kind of situations demand a cut-over license?
Situations that might require a cut-over license would include sites
that must remain up and live due to regulations in their particular
industry. Examples would be Banking, Utility industry sites,
Government sites and large corporations.
Also any larger or at-risk site that is making a significant upgrade in
their Pro-Watch system may want to keep their current system Live,
while being able to setup and test their new hardware and any
upgrades that accompany that new server.

1.7.3 Why needed?

Why is the cut-over license needed?
For any site, the Pro-Watch License they have legally entitles that
site to run one (1) server with that license concurrently.
If a site were to try to copy or clone that server into a migration where
they intend to run both the old and the new for any real length of
time, they would be violating the Software License Agreement, and
thus could put themselves at legal and financial risk.
In addition, the cut-over license allows for the registration and
License history of a site to remain intact through the whole process
and beyond. This reduces the amount of time needed to
accommodate what can be a longer process, saving on-site time
while still satisfying all the legal requirements involved.

1.7.4 How Does It Work?

For a site that feels that they need this kind of an option there are
some basic guidelines and steps that need to be followed.
1. Contact the sales person for your account and or Honeywell's
customer service team so that they can start the process on

Pro-Watch Software Keys
Cut-over/Migration Licenses

Honeywell's end. Waiting to do it until you are ready to start and or

on-site means you are now at the mercy of just how busy the license
team is at that given point in time. Calling a day or two in advance on
the request can save you a lot of time.
2. Cut-over licenses are valid for a maximum of 90 days. If you are
planning to add to the site’s license package features or additional
items, AND you require them to be on the old server as well as the
server you are migrating to, then get those ordered before you start
this process. Once the cut-over period starts, the License on the old/
current server is considered to be “Locked” and no changes can be
made to it. All changes would be made to the license that will be
active on the new server that is being migrated to.
3. When the cut-over license is ready for activation, a copy of the
voucher would be sent to the dealer. The on-site installer or
technician would send that voucher number in with a fresh HID file
from the new server that is being cut-over/ migrated to. The request
should be sent to [email protected] One of our
Voucher Managers will process the request and send back the cert
file for the cut-over license.
4. Dealer/ installer installs that license cert file just like any other Pro-
Watch New license install. See How to Install a Regular License, page
5. CRITICAL ITEMS: Once the site is satisfied with their new server
setup, and are ready to convert their cut-over license to a permanent
one and complete the migration, they will need to supply 2 key
things BEFORE the 90 days Cut-over license expires.
a. The TERM (termination) file from the old server. This allows
Honeywell to Log that in fact that server is no longer active and
thus removes a Red Flag for potential software audit.
b. A Current/ freshly generated HID file from the new server
that is running the cut-over license. The Dealer/ Installer DOES
NOT terminate the cut-over license. This is simply a freshly
generated HID that will be needed for the Voucher Manager to
convert that 90 day limited life License into a permanent one.
The license server will check the security Data on the HID file to
make sure it's the same and is able to supersede it.
6. The Dealer/ Installer sends the Term file and the HID file along with
the Cut-over Licenser Voucher Number to
[email protected] They should include a brief note
stating “Ready to Convert cut-over to permanent” or a similar
7. The Voucher Manager team will email back with a New Voucher
Number (PDF) and the cert file that when applied will supersede the
installed cut-over license and covert it to a Permanent one. Standard

Pro-Watch 4.5 Software Keys Guide, Document 800-08123V14 19

Pro-Watch Software Keys
Cut-over/Migration Licenses

Installation process is to be followed. See How to Install a Regular

License, page 4.

Pro-Watch Software Keys
Other Things You Should Know

1.8 Other Things You Should Know

1.8.1 License Troubleshooting Help:
If you run into problems or issues with licensing for Pro-Watch you
can email a request to the below address
[email protected]
This is a staffed email box for the voucher manager during our
regular business hours (9am-5:30pm CDT).

1.8.2 How License is Checked

When you start the Pro-Watch Client, a timer also starts and checks
the expiration date [date of expiry + grace Period (in case any)] in
every two hours within the last 24 hours of the grace period.
If the system confirms that the Date has expired, it notifies the end
user. After the user clicks OK, the Client is shut down.

1.8.3 Date Tampering Tolerance

The Pro-Watch Software Keys application will accommodate date
tampering for 50 hours so that the user can install the application on
a server from a different time zone and location. That 50-hour
tolerance will prevent a system shutdown during such critical
installation periods.
The users cannot re-configure and change the date-tampering
tolerance setting.

1.8.4 License Violation

Under the conditions listed below the license will be violated; as a
result, your system will stop working:
• Changing system date/time beyond tolerance. (Consult your
engineering team to confirm the current tolerances.)
• Changing the following item:
– Hard Disk Serial Number
Trying to use the same voucher following a system crash. Once a
voucher is used, if the machine crashes, you will need to request a
replacement voucher from the Software Keys Voucher Manager.

Pro-Watch 4.5 Software Keys Guide, Document 800-08123V14 21

Pro-Watch Software Keys

1.9 FAQ
Q: What happens if I uninstall the application software without first
terminating the license and then re-install it on the same machine?
A: If you uninstall the application without first terminating the license,
the application will work when you reinstall it on the same machine.
There is no need to reinstall the license certificate once again.
Q: What happens if I uninstall the application software from one
machine without first terminating the license and then re-install it on
a different machine?
A: (i) You must reinstall the application on the same machine (where it
was uninstalled from initially). (ii) You must then terminate the license
and save the termination certificate file created in a different location. (iii)
Only then you should uninstall the application.
Q: What happens when the machine on which the Pro-Watch
application is installed crashes but I want to transfer the certification
license to a different machine?
A: If the machine on which the Pro-Watch application is installed crashes
and there is no way to create the termination certificate file, contact
Software Keys Voucher Manager to request a new voucher number.
Then, apply the license per directions provided in STEP 1: The User
Contacts Pro-Watch Inside Sales Dept., page 4 above.

Software Keys Error Codes 2
In this chapter...

1.1 Introduction 24
1.2 License Initialization Errors 25
1.3 Certificate Installation Errors 26
1.4 License Reading Errors 27
1.5 Certificate Termination Errors 28
1.6 Host ID File Generation Error 29
1.7 Expired License Installation Errors 30

Pro-Watch 4.5 Software Keys Guide, Document 800-08123V14 23

Software Keys Error Codes

1.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the software keys error messages and the
corresponding description for each error code.

If you have any further questions, please call tech support at 1-800-
323-4576 Option 2, 1, 2.

Software Keys Error Codes
License Initialization Errors

1.2 License Initialization Errors

During the initialization of the license, the system may generate the
following error messages if the initialization fails:

Table 1: License Initialization Error Messages

Error Message Reasons

Date Tampered Date is tampered with.

Cannot load active licenses. Cannot load active licenses.

License Files Inaccessible: No usage file, or Read Write permission

not granted, or the usage file is corrupted.

Passing the 6th parameter as 1 and Passing the 6th parameter as 1 and
giving a NULL Handle giving a NULL Handle, defines the
instance of the application.

Invalid Usage file format. Usage File format is not valid.

Cannot load active licenses

Licenses not intended for this License is not appropriate for the current
machine machine.

Cannot instantiate the license Problem in creating an XML Dom

component instance.

Application entry is not made in the usage

file during the initial steps.

License file is read-only Information file write error.

Pro-Watch 4.5 Software Keys Guide, Document 800-08123V14 25

Software Keys Error Codes
Certificate Installation Errors

1.3 Certificate Installation Errors

During the installation of the certificate, the system may generate
the following error messages if the installation fails:

Table 2: Certificate Installation Error Messages

Error Message Reasons

Cannot instantiate license No usage file entry for the application.


Invalid SmartPlus license Wrong application, or the certificate is


Cannot load active licenses Cannot load license, or the certificate file
path is not valid.

Date tampered Date is tampered with.

License generation date greater than LicenseGeneration date is greater than

current date the current date.

Invalid license certificate The certificate content is not valid.

XML creation Fails XML creation fails, or msxml is not

installed properly.

License not intended for this License is not appropriate for the current
machine machine.

Wrong license installation procedure New or Upgrade compatibility issue. The

user is trying to install a ‘New’ license over
the existing active ‘New’ license, or trying
to install the ‘Upgrade’ or ’Supercede’
license when no active ‘New’ license

Cannot install this license License is terminated, present already, or

has expired.

License deploy file path is not valid License deploy file path is not valid.

Cannot instantiate license Check if the certificate is already present

component or LicenseUsagefile invalid or XMLDom

License file is read-only Information file write error.

Software Keys Error Codes
License Reading Errors

1.4 License Reading Errors

The system may generate the following error messages if it fails to
read a license:

Table 3: License Reading Errors

Error String Description

NOT INITIALIZED Initialize( ) call was not successful.

DATE TAMPERED Date is tampered with.

CANNOT LOAD ACTIVE LICENSE License certificate not available, or is


FILE WRITE ERROR Information file write error.

NO ACTIVE LICENSES License is not installed, or the installed

license has expired.

Pro-Watch 4.5 Software Keys Guide, Document 800-08123V14 27

Software Keys Error Codes
Certificate Termination Errors

1.5 Certificate Termination Errors

Table 4: Certificate Termination Errors

Error Message Reasons

Cannot instantiate license component Not initialized.

Invalid Smart Plus license Wrong application.

Cannot load active licenses Cannot load the license, or the deploy file
path is not valid.

Invalid termination file path The termination file path is not valid, or
error in creating DOM pointer.

Cannot terminate new license when Cannot terminate the new license when
upgrades exist upgrades exist.

License already terminated License is already terminated.

Cannot terminate the demo license Cannot terminate the demo license.

XML creation Fails Msxml4.dll is not installed properly.

Invalid license certificate The certificate content is not valid.

License file is read-only Information file write error.

Software Keys Error Codes
Host ID File Generation Error

1.6 Host ID File Generation Error

Table 5: Host ID File Generation Error

Error Message Reasons

Invalid Host ID file name The input host ID file name is wrong, or
the MSXml4.dll is not in the System32

Pro-Watch 4.5 Software Keys Guide, Document 800-08123V14 29

Software Keys Error Codes
Expired License Installation Errors

1.7 Expired License Installation Errors

Table 6: Expired License Installation Errors

Error Message Reasons

Cannot instantiate license No usage file entry for application - Call

component Initialize.

Invalid SmartPlus license Wrong application, or the certificate is


Cannot load active licenses Cannot load license, or the certificate file
path is not valid.

Date tampered Date is tampered with.

License generation date greater than License generation date is greater than
current date the current date.

Invalid license certificate The certificate content is not valid.

XML creation Fails Msxmlr4.dll is not registered properly.

License not intended for this machine License is not appropriate for the current

Wrong license installation procedure New/Upgrade compatibility. The user is

trying to install a ‘New’ license over the
existing active ‘New’ license, or trying to
install the ‘Upgrade’ or ’Supercede’
license when no active ‘New’ license

Cannot install this license The license is terminated, present

already, or has expired.

License deploy file path is not valid License deploy file path is not valid.

Cannot instantiate license component Check if the certificate is already present,

LicenseUsagefile is invalid, or XMLDom fails.
Cannot change the expiry date Cannot change the expiration date.
License file is read-only Information file write error.


Base license The initial voucher provided to a customer for a system

that is installed into their production environment.
EUSSA An additional license for a test environment only valid for
the term of the EUSSA.
Expiry type The type of expiration employed or assigned to a license.
Choices are “permanent license” and “expiry by date.”
HID file HostID file. HostID refers to the information specific to a
machine. It is a collection of various data like Disk Serial
Number, Disk Vendor, MAC Address, etc. The HID file
needs to be created on the deployment machine and is
used to create the license certificate file.
HTS license tool The licensing tool used to enable features based upon
product ordered from Honeywell.
License certificate file The license certificate activates the features purchased
by the customer.
Supersede license A replacement license for initial (base) license. For
example, if the base license is for 50 and you give a
supersede license of 100, the customer will be able to
access 100 of the feature.
System ID A number assigned to the system for use when
referencing licenses. Any site may have multiple systems.
Voucher number The item that matches the purchased features on the
software order. This is generated in response to the
customer PO and is listed on a Paper License Certificate.
The voucher number is used in combination with the HID
file to create the license certificate file.

Pro-Watch 4.5 Software Keys Guide, Document 800-08123V14 31

For more information:

Honeywell Integrated Security

135 W. Forest Hill Avenue
Oak Creek, WI 53154
414-766-1798 Fax

European Office
Boblingerstrasse 17
D-71101 Schonaich
49-7031-637-769 Fax

Specifications subject to change

without notice.

© Honeywell. All rights reserved.


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