Grading Student Loans Liberty Street Economics
Grading Student Loans Liberty Street Economics
Grading Student Loans Liberty Street Economics
To inform the public and policymakers, we devote this The editors are Michael Fleming, Andrew Haughwout,
post to some new findings obtained from the FRBNY Thomas Klitgaard, and Asani Sarkar, all economists in
Consumer Credit Panel, a unique and nationally the Bank’s Research Group.
representative data set sourced from Equifax credit reports.
The FRBNY Consumer Credit Panel has made possible our
Quarterly Report on Household Debt and Credit, first The views expressed are those of the authors, and do
issued in the second quarter of 2010. We will examine the not necessarily reXect the position of the New York
overall student loan debt market as of third-quarter 2011, Fed or the Federal Reserve System.
giving particular attention to changes from the second to
the third quarter and highlighting new findings by age
Economic Research Tracker
group as well.
Liberty Street Economics is now
The outstanding student loan balance now stands at available on the iPhone® and
about $870 billion,1 surpassing the total credit card balance
iPad® and can be customized by
($693 billion) and the total auto loan balance ($730 billion).
economic research topic or
With college enrollments increasing and the costs of
attendance rising, this balance is expected to continue its economist.
upward trend. Further, unlike other types of household debt
such as credit cards and auto loans, the student loan market
is incredibly complex. Numerous players and institutions
hold stakes at each level of the market, including federal View by Topic
and state governments, colleges and universities, financial
institutions, students and their families, and numerous
servicers and guarantee facilitators.
Student loans have received considerable media attention CURRENT ACCOUNT DEALERS DEMOGRAPHICS
in recent months as researchers and policymakers voice DODD-FRANK DSGE ECONOMIC HISTORY EDUCATION
growing concern about the heavy debt loads assumed by EMPLOYMENT EURO AREA EXCHANGE RATES
students and their parents. In addition to worries about the EXPECTATIONS EXPORTS FED FUNDS FEDERAL RESERVE
volume of outstanding student debt, there is concern about FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS FINANCIAL INTERMEDIATION
having enough federal aid to support the large number of FINANCIAL MARKETS FIRE SALE FISCAL POLICY FOMC
students taking up postsecondary education. Federal and
state governments are deeply involved in the student loan
market, either directly originating student loans or
indirectly guaranteeing them. The Health Care and HISTORICAL ECHOES HOUSEHOLD HOUSEHOLD FINANCE
Education Reconciliation Act, signed into law last year, HOUSING HUMAN CAPITAL INEQUALITY INFLATION
ended private lending of federally subsidized loans, INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS LABOR ECONOMICS
approved expansion of Pell Grants, and appropriated funds LABOR MARKET LENDER OF LAST RESORT LIQUIDITY
to invest in institutions that serve minority and low-income
populations. Still, advocates for students clamor for more to
be done to increase the availability of student loans.
Further, state budget cutbacks to higher education amid
tight fiscal circumstances may result in higher tuition. REGIONAL ANALYSIS REGULATION REPO SANDY
In October 2011, President Obama announced executive UNEMPLOYMENT WAGES
actions to cap monthly federal student loan repayment at 10
percent of discretionary income for college graduates, eased
from the previous 15 percent. This cap comes as some relief Most Viewed
to those who worry about how they will pay back their debt. 1. Grading Student Loans
Moreover, student loan debts are typically shouldered by 2. Treasury Term Premia 1961-present
recent college graduates and other young workers, who tend 3. Everything You Wanted to Know about the Tri Party Repo
to face lower incomes and higher rates of unemployment Market, but Didn't Know to Ask
4. Are Stocks Cheap? A Review of the Evidence
than older cohorts. 5. The Value of a College Degree
The views expressed in this post are those of the authors
and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York or the Federal Reserve System.
Any errors or omissions are the responsibility of the
You can follow this conversation by subscribing to the comment feed for
this post.
Thanks again to our readers for the thoughtful comments. We are gratified
by the response to our post, and agree with Steve Rhode that educational
debt is not just a concern for the young. To be clear, we don’t take a strong
view on whether student loans are a good or a bad thing, but with an
aggregate outstanding balance of around $870 billion, educational debt is
undeniably important. We hope that our new data set will continue to
shed some light on this important part of consumers’ balance sheets,
especially since it is difficult to get comprehensive data from other public
sources, as Roberto Allende and Craig commented.
It is a really very important tool for all students. I hope it help us. thanks!
They forget to mention with people in their 30's and 40's if they are
holding high student loan debt levels they aren't able to "feed the
machine" buying stock, purchasing things to boost the economy etc. It is a
huge draw down of the economy and those same people won't be able to
save for their future either and will drag it down as well towards the end of
their lives if things don't change.
The significant burden of debt that has been created by student loans, and
more specifically the inflexibility of private student loan lenders is a crisis
in the making. I've been covering this growing tragedy for some time now.
The worst cases I've seen are those where a loving grandparent co-signed
for a government backed student loan and wound up having their minimal
social security benefits garnished.
The $25,000 figure cited by colleges and news media is not an absolutely
trustworthy number. I would not be surprised if the average student loan
debt for a public education is closer to $35,000 and that the average
student loan debt for a private education is at least $55,000.
The Project on Student Debt noted that because the data is voluntarily
reported by colleges, actual debt is probably higher than its report shows.
~ CNN Money. Average student loan debt tops $25,000 By Blake Ellis
November 3, 2011: 5:22 AM ET
Can you break out interest rates? How much in delinquent loans will
double and when?
One reason why U.S. college degrees have become an investment with a
negative return is that a significant number of colleges and universities
have a new business model. Behind the scenes, they now market U.S.
degrees to foreigners as a means to immigrate to the US. While the topic is
arcane, there are no current annual caps on F-1 (student) or J-1 (exchange
visitor) visas. The student, particularly in technology fields, may obtain a
OPT, giving them a 29 month period of employment where the employer
sets the wages and working conditions with no annual numerical caps.
This leads to the H-1B Visa (and several other work visa programs) which
have high annual numerical caps and lax protections for U.S. workers. The
US citizen might train their imported replacement before their job is cut.
These changes amount to a behind-the-scenes foreign-hiring preference
To learn about the political corruption that served as a foundation for this
dangerous situation, please review my 2005 investigative article "Career
Destruction Sites - What American colleges have become" and my 2007 investigative article "The Greedy
Gates Immigration Gambit"
Here are the top 100 holders of federal guaranteed student loans as of
Sept. 30. Banks generally mix student loans in with their consumer loans
in their 10K filings, except for the largest two or three. In addition, many
of them are state agencies and nonprofit authorities, whose quarterly and
annual financials are governed by state regulations. Finally, many are
nonbank lenders or privately-held firms, which may have no requirement
to file public financials at all.
There is unfortunately no way to get a fix on who are the top holders of
private education loans.
Due to the large number of students needing federal student loans each
year, it is not practical to do full-scaled underwriting ("credit check").
Who would do the underwriting (credit check)? Would it be the colleges
analyzing someone's creditworthiness? They are not likely to turn
someone down, due to their interest in the student receiving the loan
funds. Would it be a federal contractor? How would the contractor get
paid? It wouldn't do the work for free. Consider the average amount of
closing costs on an American mortgage -- a lot of it is to pay for the cost of
the underwriting. Formal underwriting is based on more than a FICO
score. Private educational loans have credit checks, and the cost of the
underwriting is generally built into origination fees or the interest rate.
The median amount outstanding of $12,800 is less than the cost of a new
subcompact car. The big difference is that the proved differences in
lifetime earnings from greater education far outweigh the loan amount.
It's a strange society when researchers at the Federal Reserve Bank of New
York seem to be concerned that people are going into debt to learn and
advance our society.
I find good news and bad news from this report. The good news is this:
about 70 percent of student loan borrowers owe $25,000 or less. Thus, for
the vast majorit of borrowers, their indebtedness level is similar to the
amount people borrow to buy cars.
The bad news is this: 70 percent of people with past due loans are thirty
years of age or older. Thus, a lot of people are well into midlife and are
apparently unable to service their student loan obligations.
Thanks to our readers for the comments. Cameron Payne asks if we have
data on the universities associated with these loans. Unfortunately, our
data don't give us that information. CollegeRC nicely points out the trade-
off between the costs and benefits of making educational credit widely
available. One important dimension here is that educational loans are the
first experience with debt for many young borrowers, and they thus have
thin credit records prior to getting those loans.
The FOMC blackout period begins today, and we'll be back online March
You need to provide more specific definitions to explain your analysis and
results. From the broad strokes, it appears you are counting many non-
delinquent borrowers as delinq., and you are trying to make the
denominator as small as possible. Borrowers who are 1-30 days past due.
are Current, not delinq. Accounts where the default claim has been paid
by the guarantor are defaulted, not delinq. They should neither be in the
numerator nor the denom of a delinq. rate. While very few borrowers
choose income-based repay, those loans are money-makers for the govt
whether or not their balance happened to decline that year. Furthermore,
counting them as delinq. when they are choosing a plan which is legit
under the law seems incorrect. Borrowers who have filed for bankruptcy
are not delinq.; in fact the lender can't bill them even if it wanted to, until
the court process is resolved.
Borrowers during the in-school and grace period statuses are not delinq.
This is not a period of laziness or sloth. These are arguably your lowest-
risk borrowers, your (near) future profit centers. They should not be in the
denom., but they definitely should not be in the numer. either. It is
debatable whether deferments and forbearances should be in the denom.,
but they definitely should not be in the numer. However, think about it, if
you take def/forbs out of the denom., then what is left there? Just delinq.
and current repayment? Minus the repayment plans you don't like?
"Federal and state governments are deeply involved in the student loan
market, either directly originating student loans or indirectly guaranteeing
Best way to deal with this would be to stop guaranteeing loans without a
credit check. This would be a positive turn in financial responsibility for
our Gov't, but many citizens would be unhappy to lose access to
guaranteed Gov't loans for college access. It seems impossible to have it
both ways while making everyone happy.