Of Your Mind. The Best You Will Come Out When You're Doing Things That You Solely Believe in and

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To my fellow graduates, students, teachers, members of the administration, the President Mr.

Domingo Reyes, the Director Mr. Gerard Reyes, parents, guardians and guests, a pleasant evening
to all of you. It’s such an honor to be standing here and be given a chance to speak on-stage on such
a prestigious event. As how graduation speeches goes, normally it would contain inspirations for
others to aspire to. However, I do not want to bore you with words that wouldn’t be applicable to life
itself. Instead, I’d like to share experiences and values that would matter as we embark on another
chapter of our lives.
When I entered this institution, someone asked me “Aren’t you supposed to be in college
already?”, at that time, I had no response not because I was astounded but I didn’t know how to
respond. Looking back exactly a year ago, I should’ve finished senior high school already but
demeaning events happened, I lost myself in the process of trying to sort out things on my own; for
a moment I stopped believing I could even make it here now. I had doubts and negations got the best
of me. But as I began to learn the true value of life - I started living again, realizing that tripping and
falling are factors in getting to achieve your goals. As Mr. Charles Munger said “You’re not going to
get very far in life based on what you already know. You’re going to advance in life by what you’re
going to learn after you leave here”.Success means nothing when you haven’t invested time to let
yourself grow.
Tonight symbolizes unity, not just us graduates, but also to those who have their share of
contributions to get us a step forward into reaching another milestone of our lives. I’d like to take
this opportunity to thank the people that I have encountered along this journey with me. To the
members of the administration and faculty members, thank you for educating and disciplining us,
sharing your knowledge and letting us hone our skills. To our adviser Ms. Diana Rose Ferriol, thank
you for guiding us despite the mishaps that we’ve made and lending us more than what you’re
entitled to. My fellow graduates, never let the flame burn out, the passion and perseverance that you
possess, it will bring you to greater heights that you never knew you could reach. I know that what
path you choose will lead you to be a better version of yourselves. To the friends I have, thank you
for letting me be part of your lives. You taught me that not everything can be done independently,
that it’s okay to lean on others and ask for help. To my younger sibling Matthew, thank you for being
there despite my sudden outbursts, your humor never fails to uplift my grumpy days. Lastly, mom,
thank you for never giving up on me even if you have all the reasons to. If not for you, I wouldn’t
even think of finishing, let alone, strive harder to get to where I am today. You’re very presence is
the beacon the woman I am and if I’ve made you proud, you have no idea how prouder I am to be
able to call you as my mom.

As this speech is coming to an end, all I have left to say is this: Enrapture the world with the beauty
of your mind. The best you will come out when you’re doing things that you solely believe in and
not how others see it. Once again, cheers to us graduates and to those who helped us get here. Thank
you and have a good night.

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