ER - Korindo Biomass

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7.3 MW Korindo Biomass Power Plant , Indonesia.

Project Owner : PT. Korintiga Hutani

Location : Kumai, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia.
GPS : 111°49' 25.922"E ; 2° 36' 20.744"S

Main Assumption
Parameter Units Value Source
Power Plant Annual Operating Hour h/y 8,000 Based on maximum availability of 8000 hrs/year.
KTH-DKL-002 Lifetime for Biomass Fired Power Plant 120410.pdf, 2 May 2011

Gross Energy Output @ Generator MW 7.3 Section 3, Technical Specification , June 2011, (DCE_KTH_PS_001)
Net Power Generation MW 6.5 Section 8.2 ,Technical Specification , June 2011, (DCE_KTH_PS_001)
Plant auxiliary power requirements % 11.0% Calculated based on Technical Specification , June 2011, (DCE_KTH_PS_001)
Nett power generation MWh 52,000 Calculated

Emission Factor
Emissions baseline tCO2e/MWh 1.003 Information of emission factor calculation for Clean Development Mechanism
project, 1281/05/600.4/2012, 08 February 2012, Ministry of Energy and Mineral
Resources, Indonesia.

Biomass details
Parameter Units Value Source
Boiler Steam Flow kg/hr 34,170 Section 8.1 ,Technical Specification , June 2011, (DCE_KTH_PS_001)
Superheated outlet pressure kg/cm2.a 45 Section 8.1 ,Technical Specification , June 2011, (DCE_KTH_PS_001)
Superheated outlet temperature °C 440 Section 8.1 ,Technical Specification , June 2011, (DCE_KTH_PS_001)
Boiler Efficiency based on LHV 86% Section 8.1 ,Technical Specification , June 2011, (DCE_KTH_PS_001)
Fuel (bark) Consumption kg/hr 11,883 Based on LHV 2,184 kcal/kg (Max capacity - 12,000 kg/hr)
Mix Fuel Lower Heating Value : kcal/kg 2,184
Mix Fuel Moisture content % 50% 42.9% - 59.4% (mean 50%)
Particle Size 50mm x 50mm
Start up burner (Diesel Oil) l/hr 800 Fuel Burning Capacity
Fuel Combination
Wood Waste (primarily Acacia and Eucalyptus bark) % 100% Bark waste from chipping mill
Baseline Emissions from Electricity Generation
BEy = EGBL,y * EFCO2,grid,y
Parameter Calculation Description Source
BEy = 52,156 Baseline emissions in year y (tCO2)
EGBL,y = 52,000 Quantity of net electricity supplied to the grid as a Refer to Project Details
result of the implementation of the project activity in
year y (MWh)
EFCO2,grid,y = 1.003 CO2 emission factor of the grid in year y Information of emission factor calculation for Clean Development
(tCO2/MWh) Mechanism project, 1281/05/600.4/2012, 08 February 2012,
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Indonesia.

Project Emissions due to Project Implementation

PE FC, j, y   FC
i, j, y i, y

Parameter Calculation Description Source

PEy = - Project emissions in year y (tCO2)
PEFC,j,y - CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion in “Tool to calculate project or leakage CO2 emissions from fossil
process j during the year y fuel combustion” (Version 02, EB41)

Parameter Calculation Description Source

PEFC,j,y - Are the CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion Tool to calculate project or leakage CO2 emissions from fossil
in process j during the year y fuel combustion” (Ver 02 ; EB41)
FCi,j,y = - Is the quantity of fuel type i combusted in process j Calculated
during the year y (kg/yr)
COEFi,y = 0.043300 CO2 emission coefficient of diesel in year y (t Calculated
NCVi,y = 43.30 Weighted average net calorific value of diesel in year In accordance with the “Tool to calculate project or leakage CO2
y (Tj/Gg) emissions from fossil fuel combustion” (Version 02, EB 41) data
will be sourced from IPCC default values as provided in Table
1.2 of Chapter 1 of Vol. 2 (Energy) of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines
on National GHG Inventories. The default value at the upper limit
of the uncertainty at a 95% confidence Interval has been applied

EFCO2,i,y = Weighted average CO2 emission factor of diesel in In accordance with the “Tool to calculate project or leakage CO2
year y (tCO2/GJ) emissions from fossil fuel combustion” (Version 02, EB 41), data
will be sourced from the IPCC default values provided in table
1.4 of Chapter 1 of Vol. 2 (Energy) of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines
on National GHG Inventories. The default value at the upper limit
of the uncertainty at a 95% confidence Interval has been applied

Emission Reductions (ex-ante estimate)

Year BEy,ex ante PEy,ex ante LEy,ex ante ERy,ex ante

Year 1 = 52,156 - - 52,156
Year 2 = 52,156 - - 52,156
Year 3 = 52,156 - - 52,156
Year 4 = 52,156 - - 52,156
Year 5 = 52,156 - - 52,156
Year 6 = 52,156 - - 52,156
Year 7 = 52,156 - - 52,156
Year 8 = 52,156 - - 52,156
Year 9 = 52,156 - - 52,156
Year 10 = 52,156 - - 52,156
Total = 521,560 - - 521,560
Average per annum = - 52,156
Energy Production Calculation
Main Assumption
Parameter Units Value Source
Boiler Output Steam Energy kcal/kg 788.6 Heat Balance Diagram, Section 7.1, Technical Specification
Boiler Steam Flow t/h 34.17 Heat Balance Diagram, Section 7.1, Technical Specification
Feedwater Energy kcal/kg 135.4 Heat Balance Diagram, Section 7.1, Technical Specification
Boiler efficiency % 86% Section 8.1 ,Technical Specification , June 2011,
Energy required at boiler input from biomass waste kcal/hr 25,953,307 Calculated

Fuel Lower Heating Value as received kcal/kg 2,184 Based on 50% Moisture content - as received (Section 8.1, Boiler
performance data, Technical Specification)
Biomass waste required at boiler input (as received kg/hr 11,883 Calculated
Power output MW 7.3 Heat Balance Diagram, Section 7.1, Technical Specification
Mill operational hours per year hr/yr 5,738 Based on 302 (After minus 52 sundays and 11 days of public
holiday) days and 19 hours operation per day.
Biomass waste per annum, as receive (wet) basis Ton/yr 68,187 Calculated based on as received wood bark waste and 2,184
kcal/kg as received LHV
Biomass waste per annum, dry basis Ton/yr 33,954 Calculated based on air dry basis
Specific Fuel Consumption Ton/MWh 1.63 Calculated
Electrical Efficiency % 24.2% Calculated

Theoretical Mass balance of biomass availability

Main Assumption
Parameter Units Value Source
Debarking Process Capacity T/hr 236 As Per Project Design
Total wood used per year T/yr 1,354,168 Calculated based on mill operational hours per year
Bark Shavings from Debarking Process T/hr 24 Based on chip mill mass balance diagram (10.17%)
Total Bark residue available T/yr 137,712 Based on mill operating hours per year and 50% moisture as
Total bark waste required in boiler as recieved basis T/yr 68,187 Based on boiler capacity, mill operation hours, and 50% moisture
as received
Excess bark waste T/yr 69,525 Calculated
Surplus % 102% Calculated
Test Report Data
Parameter Unit Acacia Eucalyptus Mixed Fuel
Composition Vol % Dry Basis As Received (Wet) Basis

Hydrogen % 5.863 5.59 5.727 3.188

Carbon % 50.252 47.262 48.756 27.145
Sulfur % 0.063 0.015 0.039 0.022
Nitrogen % 1.491 0.131 0.812 0.452
Oxygen % 29.513 35.03 32.271 17.967
Ash % 2.372 1.563 1.967 1.095
Moisture % 10.246 10.139 10.193 50
Cl % 0.2 0.27 0.235 0.131
Total % 100 100 100 100
Lower Heating Value Kcal/kg 4,683 4,089 4,386 2,176

Source : Technical Specification for Biomass Fired Power Plant, June 2011, (DCE_KTH_PS_001), Section 6.4, 17

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