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Course Syllabus. Chemistry 112-2017-2018

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Faculty of Science

Department of chemistry
Second Semester 2017/2018
Course syllabus

Course information:
Course code & number: CHEM 112 Course title: General Chemistry Lab. II

Pre requisite: CHEM 132 + CHEM 111 Co requisite: CHEM 132

Course leader: Adi Qamhieh

Office: SCI 320
Office phone: 5334
Email: [email protected]

Course description (1:0:3)

Course goals: This practical course follows chemistry 111. It solidifies various concepts
covered in Chemistry 132 and exposes the student to techniques and ideas that are not
necessarily covered in the theoretical course (132).
The major goals of this course are to:
 Develop habits of honesty, accuracy, self – reliance, cleanliness, and orderliness in the
 Learn how to interpret written instructions, analyze data, and write reports.
 Learn safety in handling and disposing of chemicals.
 Verify principles that are introduced in the class.
 Learn standard methods of analysis.
 Develop the ability to use simple instruments and to manipulate apparatus.
 Develop an awareness of practical methods of qualitative analysis of ions (cations).

Course outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the students are expected to deal with real chemicals,
handle some instruments and develop a set of fundamental skills that can help students in
 Designing and setting up an experiment, collecting and analyzing data, identifying
sources of error, interpreting their results and connecting it to related areas of science.
 Developing effective communication and team work skills.
 Developing an awareness of practical methods for dealing with real system, as opposed to
the ideal system covered in class.


Chemistry is an experimental science. Therefore, CHEM 112 laboratory sessions are extremely
important. Class attendance and laboratory work are required. Each section will meet once a

Very Important Notes:

 All students who enrolled in Chem. 112 have taken a positive step to enroll. This means
we have a contract between us, you will attend all laboratory periods on time regularly.
 If for any reason you want to break this contract, you (the student) must make and take a
positive step to remove yourself from the roll sheet prior to the last day to drop the class.
 I encourage students with disabilities, including “invisible” disabilities such as chronic
diseases, learning, and psychological disabilities, to explain their needs and appropriate
accommodations to me or to their instructor. Please bring a verification of your disability
for accommodating your needs.

Reports: A report for each laboratory experiment will be submitted one week after the
experiment has been performed. The material in each experiment is organized to help you in
your report. Follow the guidelines for the calculations and results.

Each laboratory period:

 I will assume that you have read the appropriate material in the laboratory manual prior
to the laboratory discussion session. A very brief discussion of the theory behind the
experiment might be presented. Any modifications in the procedure of any experiment
will be mentioned in the brief introduction.
 The instructor would demonstrate the use of unfamiliar equipment when necessary. (The
instructor is always there to help you, so, do not hesitate to ask about things you do not
 All experimental data must be entered into your laboratory notebook with numbered
 Unauthorized Experiments are forbidden. Since you can endanger not only yourself
but others as well, any violation of this rule constitutes grounds for immediate dismissal
from the course.

List of Experiments:

Exp.Number Title Number of Page

Lab.Sessions Number
1 Lechatelier's principle 1 1

2 Colligative Properties: Freezing Point Depression 1 71

3 Qualitative Analysis (Group 1). 1 39

4 Qualitative Analysis (Group II). 2 45

5 Qualitative Analysis (Group III). 1 54

6 Qualitative Analysis (General Unknown). 2 62

7 Spectrophotometric determination of Keq 1 14

8 Determination of Ka of a weak acid. 1 24

9 Determination of Ksp of a slightly soluble salt. 1 28

10 Energy of Activation. 1 11

Course assessment details:
The grade distribution for the laboratory is as follows:
Methods of assessment Relative weight % Outline details
Lab reports 65%
Final exam (Written) 30% Comprehensive
Pre-lab quizzes ,note book and impression 5%

Course texts, instructional material and learning resources:

Author Title

Chemistry Department – Laboratory Manual For Chemistry 112

Birzeit University
Laboratory coat, safety goggles & Notebook.

University honor code

Academic Honesty:
You are expected to comply with the university honor code. Please read it on Ritaj

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