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Assessment of line and fender loads for moored tankers

aNyMOOR.TERMSIM is a time domain simulation program to analyse The system layout is represented graphically in a schematic format to
the dynamic behaviour of a moored export tanker subject to wind, detect input errors in an early stage.
waves and current. The mooring system can be a Single Point Mooring
(SPM), a Multi Buoy Mooring (MBM) or a jetty terminal. The program
predicts the mooring loads and tanker motions when the system is
exposed to operational environmental conditions.

aNyMOOR.TERMSIM is part of the new aNyMOOR suite consisting of:
3. aNyMOOR.SHUTTLE (not commercially available yet)

aNyMOOR is basically a versatile GUI which interfaces with our in-house

simulation kernel aNySIM (for more information, see separate leaflet),
incorporating the knowledge gained during several JIPs (such as
SHUTTLE and DYNFLOAT JIP) and feedback from clients.
aNyMOOR.TERMSIM focuses on time-domain simulations for offloading,
Below a summary is given of the most important input nodes:
mooring and terminal design. aNyMOOR.TERMSIM is easily extended
with .DYNFLOAT or .SHUTTLE functionality by installing an extended
Moored vessels and buoys
license. The modular setup of the aNyMOOR program allows for
additional aNySIM functionality in future releases. The software contains the OCIMF tanker database with hydrodynamic
data for several tankers. A selected tanker can be scaled to the required
The input of data is user-friendly and is performed by the GUI in dimensions. On request the database can be extended with dedicated
different nodes following a certain workflow. Each node can be seen as vessels on project basis.
a separate building block. The input starts at the project-node where all
required nodes are easily generated. At the end of the workflow all Besides the hydrodynamic database, a database with OCIMF wind and
building blocks are put together in the configuration panel. By using this current data is provided. This database contains non-dimensional wind
workflow different configurations can quickly be built. To even further and current force/moment coefficients for use in the calculation of wind
speed up the project, all nodes can be copied and modified. The copy and current loads on a tanker.
and paste action is also possible from and to Excel into tables.
V. 2013/06/13_MSG

MARI N 6700 AA Wageningen T +31 317 49 39 11 E

P.O. Box 28 The Netherlands F +31 317 49 32 45 I
Material and fender database Environment
Defining the lines and fenders is an important aspect of a mooring The environmental conditions concern waves, wind and current. The
system. Therefore, aNyMOOR.TERMSIM is provided with a material and waves can be defined as a theoretical spectrum (JONSWAP, Pierson-
fender database. The material database contains a large collection of Moskowitz, Regular Wave, Gaussian or Torsethaugen), user-defined
chains, steel wires and synthetic ropes. These can be combined to spectrum or as wave train time series. The wind can be defined as a
define multiple legs, anchor lines or hawsers. The fender database theoretical spectrum (NPD, API, Ochi-Shin, Wills or Harris), user-defined
contains typical fender types such as PI type, air Block, floating spectrum or as time series. For each wave or wind condition a random
pneumatic, cell, trapezoidal and radial cylindrical. User-defined material seed can be applied. The current can be defined as fixed or changing.
properties can be specified and imported into different projects through When fixed is chosen the current can consist of multiple layers each
the drag and drop functionality. with their own speed, direction and depth. When changing is chosen
one layer can vary in time, speed and direction. For each condition
Anchoring systems random seed can be applied.
Three types of terminals are considered:
 SPM Events
The SPM terminal consists of a conventional CALM buoy which is The following events can be simulated:
moored to the seabed by means of anchor lines. The tanker is  External forces (earth or vessel fixed)
moored to the buoy by means of a bow hawser. The CALM buoy is  Line failures (breaks at a certain time and/or at certain load)
in this case a hydrodynamic object with all its particulars, similar to
a vessel. Output
The output of each simulation consists of an ASCII database containing
In a multi buoy terminal the tanker is moored by mooring legs
all samples of the calculated signals. The signals include the tanker
consisting of an anchor line, a surface buoy and a hawser.
motions and accelerations at CoG, mooring loads in all mooring legs and
 Jetty
other relevant quantities for the analysis of the mooring system
For the jetty terminal the tanker can be moored by means of
behaviour. The Graphical User Interface presents all generated files,
mooring legs and fenders. A mooring leg can consist of a number of
statistics, time traces and a 2D (bird’s eye view) animations.
parallel running, but equal lines.

In order to validate aNyMOOR.TERMSIM the three different systems
have been simulated parallel with TERMSIM and aNyMOOR.TERMSIM.
In case differences occurred, these were checked with model tests. A
good correlation with the TERMSIM and the model tests was found.

For more information please contact the department Maritime

Simulation & Software Group;
T +31 317 49 32 37

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