Annals For The 6th International Science of Judo Symposium

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Annals for the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium

Conference Paper · August 2009


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1 author:

Mike Callan
University of Hertfordshire


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Time-motion performance in semi-professional Lithuanian' women judo athletes View project

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands




August, 25th, 2009

Annals for the 6th International

Science of Judo Symposium

Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands




August, 25th, 2009

Annals for the 6th International

Science of Judo Symposium

Diego Scardone

Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Welcome Note

17th August 2009

Dear Friend and Colleague,

On behalf of the Organising Committee of the International Association of Judo Researchers (IAJR), it is
my great pleasure to welcome you to Rotterdam and to the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium.

The Congress has been designed to provide an innovative and comprehensive overview of the latest
research developments in judo research.

Many distinguished judo researchers and scientists have joined our association and will take part in this
Symposium. Papers will be presented in the form of Oral presentations and Posters and will include
superb scientific material that was carefully selected by the Scientific Committee from over 60 abstracts
submitted for presentation at the meeting. These studies, originating from 21 different countries, assure
that our Symposium will be a major scientific event.

We would like to express our thanks to the Erasmus University Rotterdam for their generous support for
their excellent arrangements in all aspects of the Symposium, to our dedicated staff, colleagues, friends
and families for their untiring help, support and advice in planning and arranging this meeting.

We hope that you will enjoy the Symposium and that your interaction with your colleagues from many
different countries will stimulate a creative exchange of ideas and will be personally rewarding. We also
hope and trust that you will enjoy your visit to the very beautiful and exciting city of Rotterdam, in August

Yours sincerely,

Dr Mike Callan

Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands



Judo Practice and Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder: Comorbidity, Symptoms and their relationship ………………….6
Differences among weight categories of elite judoists – dietary restrictions, food craving and bulimic symptoms…………………………..7
Effects of recovery type after a judo match on blood lactate and performance in specific and non-specific judo tasks………………………8
Remembering traditional concepts on judo values and teaching in France and Spain: in memory of Henri Birnbaum (1921-2004)……....…9
Judo bows between tradition and globalization………………………………………………………………………………………….…….10
The study on the analysis of the feelings and expectations of the families towards judo sports of whose children perform judo……………11
Match Analysis an undervalued coaching help -“An Italian judo Federation contribution”…………………………………………………..12
Survey of System of attacks, a special case: Marc Huizinga……………………………………………………..……………………………13
The use of proprioception in judo training……………………………………………………………………………………………………..14


Can Judo Practice Helps Children’s with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder?...........................................................................................15
Anxiety in elite judoists: Its relationship with mood, symptoms of eating disorders and purgative methods to reduce body weight………....16
Sex Differences and age category in elite judoists: Anxiety, food restriction and Symptoms of eating disorders…………………………….17
Analyses vidéo assistées par ordinateur : études des distances et rotations dans les combats de judo……………...………………………….18
Accurate coordination of repeating uchi-komi (entrance or first part of the throw)……………………………………………………………19
Technical efficiency of men judokas during the European championships (U23) in Zagreb 2008…………………………………………….20
Responses to the Special Judo Fitness Test by male and female members of the Australian judo team……………………………………….21
Physiological profiles of Judo Athletes and Climbers: a comparison…………………………………………………………………….…….22
The Acute Effect of “Uchikomi” for Centre of Pressure Disturbance…………………………………………………………………………23
Análisis de los resultados de un entrenamiento de fuerza en judokas universitarios con y sin entrenamiento específico
asociado (concurrente)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……….24
The bypass utilization treatment which leads a fracture by the JUDO and so on to the early healing-up……………………………………...25
Usage of taping to prevent recurrence of knee Ligament injury in Judo-Taking cases of medial collateral Ligament as examples………...…26
Efectos hormonales y psicológicos de un periodo de entrenamiento y competición en judokas de alto rendimiento / Hormonal and
psychological effects of a period of training and competition in high performance judokas……………………………………………….…..27
Influence of music on isometric handgrip strength endurance of judo players…………………………………………………………………28
Endurance in judogi grip strength tests: comparison between elite and non-elite judo players………………………………...………………29
Validation of a new software for notational analysis in judo matches……………………………………………………………….………….30
Changes in reaction time with consideration of gender and specific judo effort…………………………………………………….………….31
Can special judo fitness test be used to endurance evaluation?............................................................................................................................32
Kata practice and concepts according to highly experienced judo senseis and referees……………………………………….………………..33
Factors Influencing in the Success of Elite Female Judo Athletes Training in Alicante Judo Clubs. Spain……………………………………34
Fitness profiles of elite judokas of the Serbian national team………………………………………………………………..………………….35
Technical efficiency of women judokas during the European championships (U23) in Zagreb 2008………………………………………….36
Differences in Situational Efficiency between Balkans Judo Championship 2006 and National Judo Championship of Bosnia and
Herzegovina for Senior Male Competitors………………………………………………………………………………………………………37
Comparison of Two Different training Methods in the learning and performance of judo Techniques…………………………………...……38
Anthropometric and physiological characteristics in judo – applicable for talent identification and development………………….………….39

Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
The world wide spread of the judo from the viewpoint of the number of the Olympic Games medal acquisition…………………………..40
Use of Attack rate as a predictor of victory in Olympic level Judo……………………………………………………………….………….41
Methods of protection and attraction judo persons in through strategies of sport marketing……………………...…………………………42
Metabolic cost and technical consequences of performing Koshiki-no-kata in yoroi (Japanese body armour) versus jūdōgi……….………43
Kōdōkan jūdō’s elusive tenth kata: the Gō-no-kata ―“Forms of proper use of force”………………………………………………….…...44
Applied psychological Research for Judo (The image of judo). All Japan Masters Judo Athlete and Top Japanese University Judo
A comparison of two methods of teaching judo to 9-11 year olds……………………………………………………………………………46
Judo Primary School: Student Evaluation…………………………………………………………………………………………………….47
Body composition and physiological profile of elite Algerian judoka………………………………………………………………………..48
Neuromuscular Fatigue on Explosive Strength and Power Output during COPTEST, in Male and Female Judokas……………………….49
A Fashionable Judo Girl, Sarah W B Mayer (ne. Tapping) (1896 – 1957)………………………………………………………………….50

Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Judo Practice and Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder: Comorbidity, Symptoms
and their relationship.

Wantuir Francisco Siqueira Jacini

University of Campinas – UNICAMP

César de Moraes
Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas –

Sylvia Maria Ciasca

Laboratory of Learning Disabilities and Attention Disorder, Department of Neurology, Faculty of
Medical Sciences, University of Campinas – UNICAMP


A common childhood infirmities Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), can hang about
adulthood. Associated to comorbidities (related to increases the public health costs) be capable of modern
society problems. Learning problems from this disorder became scholar difficulties and give rise to
education deficits. Comorbidity can be: oppositional defiant disorder (related to delinquency), anxious
disorder, social problems, perfectionism, impulsivity, psychosomatic, etc. Particularly oppositional defiant
disorder became a great problem of public health cost, however a public safety. Many of the children with
oppositional defiant disorder develop into people who break the low, drug abuses and delinquency. The
present study aim to investigate ADHD comorbidity in judo players (JP), with one year or more of
practice, compared to control health population. With this objective we proposed a quantitative descriptive
screening, by using a structured instrument for ADHD evaluation and a structured interview with their
children parents. The instrument is called Conners’ Parents Rating Scale – Revised: Long Version (CPRS
– R: L). 272 JP and 295 control subjects were enrolled in this study, all with similar social and parents
scholar degrees. The data was compared by Student t test. 56 (20,59%) JP have ADHD symptoms, while
55 (18,65%) control. From this population and according to CPRS – R: L, 8 (14,29%) JP shown
oppositional symptom, 12 (21,43%) anxious-shy, and 13 (23,64%) controls shown oppositional symptom,
5 (9,1%) anxious-shy. In relation to anxious-shy symptom (a symptom of Anxious Disorder) the control
group demonstrated significantly less than JP (p = 0,01). The oppositional defiant symptom was
significantly less (p = 0,03) in judo group than control group, indicating a possible benefit of judo practice
for their children. However more research is needed to estimate the benefit for the people, public health
and safety.

Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Differences among weight categories of elite judoists: dietary restrictions, food craving and bulimic

Raquel Escobar Molina

Faculty of Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport. University of Granada-Spain.

Sonia Rodríguez-Ruíz
Faculty of Psychology. University of Granada

Mª Carmen Fernández-Santaella
Faculty of Psychology. University of Granada

Vicente Carratalá Deval

Faculty of Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport. University of Valencia- Spain

Mª Isabel Piñar López

Faculty of Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport. University of Granada-Spain


Objectives. To identify the methods used by elite judoists to reduce body weight according to weight
category. To determine if judoists’ behaviors, to reduce body weight, trigger eating disorders.
Methodology. The sample consisted of 129 elite judoists, 73 male and 56 female, aged between 15 and 30.
Four groups were tested: cadet (n=45), under-20 (n=31), under-23 (n=30) and senior (n=23). A broad
battery of psychological evaluation tests was administrated to all of them including RES, adapted to
judoists’ eating habits days and/or moments before competition weigh-in, FCQ-T and BITE. In addition,
information was obtained about methods used to reduce body weight.
Results. Participants in half and half-middleweight categories are involved in greater proportion than the
participants of the half-heavyweight and heavy categories in dieting (F [6.63] = 6121, p <0.000) and
further restrict more their diet (F [6, 63] = 2626, p <0.025). Consequently, participants in half and half-
middleweight categories suffered greater food craving (F [6.122] = 2744, p <0.015) and more severe
bulimic symptomatology (F [6.121] = 1891, p <0.088). In turn, participants in half and half-middleweight
categories were involved in a greater proportion (90% and 70% respectively) in the use of purgative
weight control (laxative use, diuretics and vomiting) and not purgative (fasting, food and drink restriction,
sauna, plastic clothes, extra physical exercise in addition to judo) that the participants of half-heavyweight
and heavy categories (28.6% and 8.35% respectively).
Conclusions. Lighter categories (half and half-middleweight) have a higher percentage of lean muscle
mass to the heaviest (half-heavyweight and heavy) so they have more work to maintain the weight.
Consequently they do more diets, causing an increase in food craving and thus in bulimic
symptomatology. Similarly, lighter categories use more methods of weight control, as purgative as not
purgative, that the heaviest, impacting negatively on their health and sport performance.

Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Effects of recovery type after a judo match on blood lactate and performance in specific and non-
specific judo tasks

Emerson Franchini
School of Physical Education and Sport, University of São Paulo, Brazil

Rômulo Cássio de Moraes Bertuzzi

School of Physical Education and Sport, University of São Paulo, Brazil

Monica Yuri Takito

School of Physical Education and Sport, University of São Paulo, Brazil

Maria Augusta Peduti Dal’Molin Kiss

School of Physical Education and Sport, University of


In a high level competition judo players perform 5-7 matches in the same day, with interval time varying
from 10 to 50-min between two consecutive matches. For recovery periods of 10 to 20-min some studies
(Siegler et al. 2006; McAinch et al. 2004) have indicated that active recovery (AR) is better than passive
recovery (PR) for blood lactate removal, although the effect of AR on subsequent performance is
controversial (Greenwood et al. 2008; Gupta et al. 1996). Thus, the objective of the present study was to
verify if AR applied after a judo match resulted in a better performance when compared to PR in three
tasks varying in specificity to the judo and in measurement of work performed: 4 upper-body Wingate
tests (WT); Special Judo Fitness (SJFT); another match. For this purpose three studies were conducted.
Sixteen highly trained judo athletes took part in study 1, 9 in study 2 and 12 in study 3. During AR they
ran (15-min) at the velocity corresponding to 70% of 4 mmol.l-1 blood lactate intensity (~50% O2peak),
while during PR they stayed seated. The results indicated that the minimal recovery time reported in judo
competitions (15 min) is long enough to full recovery anaerobic performance of judokas in a non-specific
(WT) and in a specific high-intensity test (SJFT). However, the probability of winning a match increased
10 times when a judokas performed AR and his opponent performed PR. As judo performance is
influenced by many factors it is difficult to determine which mecanisms were responsible for the positive
influence of AR on second match performance. One possible explanation could be a faster choice reaction
time (Chmura, Nazar and Kaciuba-Uscilko, 1994; Chmura et al. 1998; Kashihara and Nakahara, 2005),
movement initition and movement times after AR compared to PR (McMorris et al., 2005).
FAPESP support: 99/06408-2

Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Remembering traditional concepts on judo values and teaching in France and Spain: in memory of
Henri Birnbaum (1921-2004)

Carlos Gutiérrez García

University of León (Spain)

Mikel Pérez Gutiérrez

Universidad de León (Spain)


This paper presents some traditional concepts on judo values and teaching from Henri Birnbaum’s point of
view. Henri Birnbaum (Warsaw, 6 January 1921 – Barcelona 8 December 2004) was a judo pioneer in
Spain and also one of the first students of Mikonosuke Kawaishi (Himeji, 1899 – París, 1969), who is
considered the father of French judo and even of European judo. For the elaboration of this paper, the
interview we did to Henri Birnbaum during 9-10 April 2001 was rescued and analyzed in search of his
educative concepts on judo. Other materials like interviews to some of his first students, newspapers and
films were also employed. Starting from a wide view of his life history, which was deeply marked by the
First and Second World Wars, then we describe his experience with Kawaishi and in Barcelona –where he
taught judo in Spain–. Birnbaum’s discourse on judo educational values is solid and coherent, in
accordance to his strong personality. Emerging concepts like courtesy, respect, judo as a way of life, the
figure of the master, the figure of the disciple, the relationship between master and disciple, grades,
competition not only show some of the ideas and mentality of continental Europe judo pioneers but also
allow us to reflect about how judo has evolved since the middle of the 20th century to modern times.

Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Judo bows between tradition and globalization

National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya


Budo, often translated as ‘Japanese martial ways’ is strongly connected to Japanese traditional value.
Judo, the only Olympic Sport in budo, was first practiced by a limited number of foreign pupils who were
fascinated by its unique value. As it spread out throughout the world, people show more interest in its
sport value rather than traditional value. Nevertheless, no matter how much sport value is preferred, spirit
of bow characterizes the unique identity of judo and its importance has not been lost at all in modern
world judo. However, the traditional understanding of bows that was based on the Japanese culture has
caused some problems in the process of globalization of judo.
In this study, meaning of bows in modern world judo is discussed through analyzing typical incidents
regarding traditional bows and cultural differences in recent judo history.

Traditional meanings of budo/judo bow are summarized by literature survey. Then a few typical incidents
related to international bows are analyzed.

Judo bow in Japan is traditionally understood as the way of expressing one’s sprit such as respect and
appreciation to others and reverence to sacred object/space. It also includes a means of self-control.

The recent incidents analyzed in this study indicate that the meaning of traditional bows and international
bows must be slightly different. Any religious implication must be excluded in the international bows, but
other meanings that identify judo as budo should be emphasized in the global education.

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
The study on the analysis of the feelings and the expectations of the families towards judo sports of
who’s children perform judo

Marmara Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulu, İstanbul – Türkiye

Marmara University Physical Education and Sport Academy, TURKEY

Marmara University Physical Education and Sport Academy, TURKEY


In this study, it is aimed to analyze the families’ and their children’s reasons for choosing judo sport and
their feelings and expectations towards judo. Within this context, this study was carried out with the
parents of 60 children whose ages differ from 6 to 9 learning judo sports registered in Edirne Provincial
Directorship of the Youth and Sports School. “General Information Form” designed by the researchers in
order to gain general information about the parents’ children performing judo sport and the other family
members and to find out the feelings and expectations of the families towards judo sports. Whole study
was conducted to the families who joined in the study voluntarily. The data obtained was evaluated and
the results were discussed.

Key words: Judo, athletes, the families whose children do judo, the families’ expectations.

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Match Analysis an undervalued coaching help “An Italian judo Federation contribution”

Attilio Sacripanti
FIJLKAM, ENEA, University of Tor Vergata

Antonio Pasculli
University of Chieti


From a Biomechanical point of view, Judo competition is an intriguing complex nonlinear system, with
many chaotic and fractals aspects,
It is also the test bed in which all coaching capabilities and athlete’s performances are evaluated and put to
the test.
Competition is the moment of truth of all conditioning time, preparation and technical work, before
developed, and it is also the climax of the teaching point of view.
Furthermore, it is the most important source of technical assessment.
Studying it is essential to the coaches because they can obtain useful information for their coaching.
Match Analysis could be seen as the master key in all situation sports (dual or team) like Judo, to help in
useful way the difficult task of coach or best for National or Olympic coaching equips.
In this paper it is presented a short summary of the most important methodological achievement in judo
match analysis.
It is also presented, at light of the last technological improvement, the first systematization toward new
On the basis of technological development, Match Analysis could be a valuable source of four levels of
1st. Athlete’s Physiological data
2nd. Athlete’s Technical data
3rd. Athlete’s Strategically data
4th. Adversary’s Scouting
These new interesting ways opened by this powerful coaching help, are very useful for national team
technical management.
In the last part of the paper, the analysis is focalized toward a, till now, misused information:
“Dromograms” (athletes’ shifting paths) study as useful source of fighting habit of athletes.

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Survey of system of attacks, a special case: Marc Huizinga

Faculté des Sciences du Sport, Université Montpellier


In judo, making the opponent uncertain requires the mastery of several throws in 3 or 4 different
directions and a firm grasp to secure the throw. In previous study the system of attacks for 28 judoka (18
men, 10 women) during their 185 respective matches over the competition season of 2001'2002 was
analyzed (Calmet et al. 2005). Practice was regional or interregional. The mean number of matches was
3.3 ± 1.1. The mean number of successful directions of attack was 2.5 ± 1.3. The mean number of grasps
was 1.4 ± 0.5. Analysis showed mean number of directions of attack was about 3 and was lower for higher
competition although the mean time of matches did not vary in a significant way. Numbers of directions
of attacks were constant for the higher classified judoka. The number of grasps used remained constant.
We can remind especially we are in Nederland, in 2001 and 2002 Marc Huizinga from Nederland
met Rasul Salimov from Azerbaijan during European Championship. Analysis shown that these two
combats had the same temporal structure and that Huizinga used a system of attacks based in 8 directions.
The position of the left hand on the judogi seems to organize the Huizinga's system of attacks. This system
is completed by a strategically management of the score and penalties. This kind of study shows that judo
had to be taught about a system of complementary grasps, techniques, positions of the feet on the mat.

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
The use of proprioception in judo training

Prof. Hrvoje Sertić, Ph.D.

Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb, Croatia

Tomislav Vučak, MA
Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb, Croatia

Ivan Segedi, MA
Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb, Croatia


Almost every day sports science offers a new form of training which is ready to be applied in practice.
After that, it is up to every coach to recognize the practical value of such program in his sport and, by
connecting it with the specific characteristics of his sport makes that new form of training more advanced
as well as trying to accomplish better training effects. Proprioception is being achieved by the
proprioceptors whom register changes in some body parts and in that way, also with the help of the visual
and vestibular system, in the CNS (Central Nervous System) are forming“ a picture of the body's
position in space. In judo bout proprioception is being achieved through surface and opponent contact ,
therefore first information come from distant parts of the body, such as palms and feet. Such information
enables quick and quality reaction of the judo player, which is especially important in situations when the
opponent is often not seen. Well trained and sensitized proprioceptors enable quick reaction which
includes successful, fast and precise performance of the technical elements while attacking and counter-
attacking. Throughout this actions the nervous system is constantly reversibly being informed about every
muscle and its momentarily status through two major proprioceptors: muscle spindle and Golgi tendon
organ. Main difference between the functions of the Golgi tendon organ and muscle spindle is in the fact
that the spindle registers changes in muscle length, while the tendon organ registers changes in muscle
tension. The miotatical reflex that is, the stretching reflex presents the muscle’s defensive mechanism and
the physiological basis of proprioception development.
The stretching reflex is important in judo bout because it enables dynamic stabilization of the joints. With
this it effects indirectly on the stability and speed of performing attacking techniques, and especially
counter-attacking techniques which mainly depend on judoka´s reflex reaction. Although proprioceptive
training can never replace classical physical or technical-tactical training it can represent a quality
supplement to this training, whose positive effects would certainly improve judoka's technical and
situational efficiency.

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Can Judo Practice Helps Children’s with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder?

Wantuir Francisco Siqueira Jacini

Laboratory of Learning Disabilities and Attention Disorder, Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of
Medical Sciences, University of Campinas – UNICAMP

César de Moraes
Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas –

Sylvia Maria Ciasca

Laboratory of Learning Disabilities and Attention Disorder, Department of Neurology, Faculty of
Medical Sciences, University of Campinas – UNICAMP


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is common childhood infirmities related with learning
problems and comorbidities (related to increases the public health costs). The DSM-IV classifies tree
ADHD types: Predominantly Hyperactive, Predominantly Inattentive and both combined. The physical
exercises practice can increases cerebral plasticity into a healthy nervous system. This phenomenon is
induced by increases trophic factor level. In a previous work of our group we found significative increases
of grey matter volume in regions related to concentration, attention and motor activity. Areas related with
grey matter loss in ADHD children’s. Some physicians indicate physical exercise to help the medicine
treatment. However, only a few works are made on this subject, most relating medicine and doping. The
present study aim to investigate ADHD symptoms in judo players (JP), with one year or more of practice,
compared to control health population. With this objective we proposed a quantitative descriptive
screening, by using a structured instrument for ADHD evaluation and a structured interview with their
children parents. The instrument is called Conners’ Parents Rating Scale – Revised: Long Version (CPRS
– R: L). 272 JP and 295 control subjects were enrolled in this study, all with similar social and parents
scholar degrees. According to structured interview, 112 (41,18%) JP have hyperactivity and inattentive
complaint before initiate judo practice, while 55 (18,65%) control. According to CPRS – R: L, 24 (8,83%)
JP shown ADHD combined, 16 (5,89%) Hyperactive-Impulsive, and 16 (5,89%) Inattentive, and 20
(6,78%) controls shown ADHD combined, 26 (8,81%) Hyperactive-Impulsive, and 18 (6,1%) Inattentive.
Despite more JP complaint in relation to control, no difference between both group according to CPRS –
R: L, indicating a possible role for judo practice for ADHD children, however more research are needed to
estimate the benefit on this subject.

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Anxiety in elite judoists: its relationship with mood, symptoms of eating disorders and purgative
methods to reduce body weight

Raquel Escobar Molina

Faculty of Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport. University of Granada-Spain.

Sonia Rodríguez-Ruíz
Faculty of Psychology. University of Granada

Vicente Carratalá Deval

Faculty of Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport. University of Valencia-Spain

Juan Carlos González Purriños

Spanish Judo Federation

Francisco Lorenzo Aparicio

Spanish Judo Federation


Objectives. To determine whether elite judoists show anxiety and if it affects mood. To identify the
relationship among anxiety, food craving, eating disorders and methods for losing weight.

Methodology. The sample consisted of 129 elite judoists, 73 male and 56 female, aged between 15 and 30,
divided in two groups: high anxiety (n=32) and low (n=41). A broad battery of psychological evaluation
tests was administrated to all of them including STAI-T, PANAS, FCQ-T, BITE and EAT-40.

Results. Judoists with high anxiety reported less positive mood (F [1, 71] = 6122, p <0.016) and higher
negative mood (F [1, 71] = 46,808, p <0.000) than judoists with low anxiety. Moreover, judoists with high
anxiety showed a greater food craving in three factors of FCQ-T (F [8, 568] = 5077, p <0.000) compared
with low anxiety judoists. These factors were: Plans to Eat (t [71] = 2072, p <0.042), Concern for Food (t
[71] = 2209, p <0.030) and Guilt (t [71] = 3128, p <0.003). In turn, judoists with high anxiety reported
greater bulimic symptomatology (F [1, 71] = 11,801, p <0.001) and eating disorders in general (F [1, 71] =
4632, p < 0.035) compared with low anxiety judoists. Finally, judoists with high anxiety were involved in
a greater proportion in the use of methods of purgative weight control (pills, laxatives, diuretics and
vomiting) compared with low anxiety judoists.

Conclusions. The elite judoists, who express high anxiety, compared with low, showed negative moods,
making them more vulnerable to suffering from eating disorders and used more purgative methods to lose
weight, impacting negatively on their health and sport performance.

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Sex differences and age category in elite judoists: anxiety, food restriction and symptoms of eating

Raquel Escobar Molina

Faculty of Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport. University of Granada-Spain.

Sonia Rodríguez-Ruíz
Faculty of Psychology. University of Granada

Mª Carmen Fernández-Santaella
Faculty of Psychology. University of Granada

Vicente Carratalá Deval

Faculty of Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport. University of Valencia-Spain

Stanislaw Sterkowicz
Department of Theory and Methodology of Combat Sports, Academy of Physical Education, Krakow-

Emerson Franchini
Martial Arts and Combat Sports Research Group, School of Physical Education and Sport, University of
São Paulo - São Paulo-Brazil


Objectives. To identify the methods used by elite judoists to reduce body weight before the competition.
To evaluate the impact on the body and athletic performance of weight reduction. To assess the influence
of the coach on judoists to undergo weight loss.
Methodology. The sample consisted of 129 elite judoists, 73 male and 56 female, aged between 15 and 30.
Four groups were tested: cadet (n=45), under-20 (n=31), under-23 (n=30) and senior (n=23). A broad
battery of psychological evaluation tests was administrated to all of them including RES, adapted to
judoists’ eating habits days and/or moments before competition weigh-in, STAI-T, BITE and EAT-40. In
addition, information was obtained about the influence exerted by the sports setting on methods used to
reduce body weight.
Results. Cadets and under-20 used less dietary restrictions compared with under-23 and seniors (F [3, 63]
= 4627, p <0.005), with females of all categories dieting most frequently (F [3, 63] = 6298, p <0.015). The
result was an increase in anxiety in the younger judoists (cadets) and a reduction of anxiety in the older
(seniors) (F [3, 81] = 2914, p <0.039). In turn, the female cadets inferred more bulimic symptomatology
(F [3, 63] = 2848, p <0.045) and eating disorders (F [3, 63] = 3715, p <0.016) compared to male cadets
and the other categories. Food restriction, anxiety and symptoms of eating disorders were more intense
when the judoists were under pressure from the sports setting to decrease weight (F [1.127] > 3485, p
Conclusions. Weight categories predispose competitors to use drastic methods to reduce it, causing
alterations that trigger psycho-physiological craving for food and bulimic symptoms, impacting negatively
on their health and sport performance. Furthermore, suggestions of the coach to reduce weight are a risk
factor in the proliferation of eating disorders.

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Analyses vidéo assistées par ordinateur : études des distances et rotations dans les combats de judo

Faculté des Sciences du Sport, Université Montpellier

Bianca Miarka
Martial Arts and Combat Sports Research Group, School of Physical Education and Sport, University of
São Paulo, Brazil (Project n° 08/51571-0 supported by FAPESP, Brazilian Funding Agency).
Emerson Franchini
Martial Arts and Combat Sports Research Group, School of Physical Education and Sport, University of
São Paulo, Brazil.

L'observation des compétiteurs adverses est importante pour connaître leurs comportements, pour
construire à l'avance des solutions qui renforcent l'efficacité du combattant. En judo les deux combattants
se saisissent, se déplacent sur le tapis pour attaquer. Les saisies varient en distance, les judokas en se
déplaçant sur le tapis changent leurs coordonnées géographiques et/ou de secteur angulaire face à l'autre
combattant. Les vainqueurs de 35 combats ont été analysés (9 débutants, 16 confirmés, 10 experts) en
relevant les distances et leur secteur angulaire face à l'autre combattant lors des déplacements. Les
résultats permettent : i) Chez les experts d'évaluer les durées et le nombre de phases de combat (période
entre "hajimé" et "maté" prononcés par l'arbitre). Ces valeurs correspondent à celles trouvés dans la
littérature. ii) De présenter des modèles caractéristiques concernant les distances lors de l'approche et de la
saisie. Les débutants viennent et saisissent simplement l'autre judoka. Les experts s'approchent et
saisissent avec beaucoup d'attention et de précision. Les débutants utilisent généralement la saisie à deux
mains pour projeter. Le rapport temps de saisie à deux mains / temps de combat est de 70% pour les
débutants vs. 17% pour les experts. iii) De mettre en évidence des déplacements en rotations (avant la
saisie et après la saisie). Le nombre de tours autour de l'autre judoka pendant une phase (moyenne ± écart-
type) varie : experts 0,8 ± 0,8 ; débutants 1,8 ± 1,1. Les changements de sens dans une phase varient :
experts 0,07%; débutants 55%. iv) De mettre en évidence des comportements d'experts : a) Intégration des
rotations dans les stratégies pour gagner des combats ; b) développer des comportements atypiques pour
les saisies et les projections pour surprendre les adversaires. Les modèles et informations semblent
intéressantes, l'analyse devrait être plus poussée pour les confirmer.

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Accurate coordination of repeating uchi-komi (entrance or first part of a throw)

Faculté des Sciences du Sport, Université Montpellier 1
JE 2516 Santé, Education et Situations de Handicaps
Bolsista CAPES 2009, University of São Paulo, Brazil

Bianca Miarka
Martial Arts and Combat Sports Research Group, School of Physical Education and Sport, University of
São Paulo, Brazil
(Project n° 08/51571-0 supported by FAPESP, Brazilian Funding Agency).

Emerson Franchini
Martial Arts and Combat Sports Research Group, School of Physical Education and Sport, University of
São Paulo, Brazil.


Scientific approach is always rigorous but not necessarily complicated and observation is always a
difficult act. Four examples with micro analyses concerning accurate coordinations of repeating uchi-komi
(entrance or first part of a throw) were analyzed. Tools to collect data are free softwares or free
applications and permitted micro measurements with time in milliseconds and distances in mm. Results
show: i) on specific uchi komi (ie. practicing o uchi gari), body of a judo player can be assimilated as a
pendulum in which the fixed point is located on the shoulder level. Coordinations are stable during all the
repetitions (ie. shoulder, talon, hips and toe always did the same movement and their trajectories on
graphic crossed themselves at the same time. ii) after artificial disturbances about balance (ie. 10 fast
rotations on the ground) or after judo action disturbance (blocking an attack) high level judo player
recovered his regularity after 3 or 4 repetitions. Perspectives are to continue the analyses concerning
artificial and judo disturbances and to observe how tiredness during training sessions disturb these

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Technical efficiency of men judokas during the European
championships (u 23) in Zagreb 2008.

Prof. Hrvoje Sertić, Ph.D.

Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb, Croatia

Prof. Hrvoje Sertić, Ph.D.

Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb, Croatia

Ivan Segedi, MA
Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb, Croatia

Tomislav Vučak, MA
Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb, Croatia


New rules of judo bout inevitably bring new tendencies of solving judo fight. Unlike some former
Championships analyses research conducted during the European Championships for younger seniors in
Zagreb 2008. showed that the use of techniques in tachi waza position was very similar for all weight
categories in men’s part of competition. The research was conducted on the sample of 174 bouts during
the European Championships. All fights were followed and analysed by well educated judokas with many
year experience, all students of Faculty of Kinesiology in Zagreb. Throws were noted according to
Kodokan Judo/Classification of Nage Waza. During the analysed bouts overall number of 24 different
techniques of throws was used. Total of 214 throws were successfully applied (1.22 per bout) out of which
the total of 75 throws (35%) were qualified as ippon. If we add to this number ippon scores in ne waza (21
techniques scored with ippon) we can conclude that 96 out of 174 bouts (approximately 52%) ended
before regular time with attractive technique on the ground or in standing position. The most used groups
of throws in men’s part of Championships were:

1. Hand throws with total of 102 techniques applied during the competition. The most frequent
throws in this group were: Kata guruma (26), Te guruma (19) and Seoi nage (17).
2. Sacrifice throws with total of 58 techniques applied during the competition. The most frequent
throws in this group were: Tani otoshi (21), Soto makikomi (14), Sumi gaeshi (9).
3. Leg throws with total of 43 techniques applied during the competition. The most frequent throws
in this group were: Uchi mata (16), Ouchi gari and Kouchi gari (8).
4. Hip thtows with total of 11 techniques applied during the competition. The most frequent throws in
this group were: Harai goshi and Sode tsurikomi goshi (4), Koshi guruma (3).

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Responses to the Special Judo Fitness Test by male and female members of the Australian judo

Xanne Janse de Jonge

University of Newcastle, Australia

K. Fiona Iredale
Edith Cowan University, Australia

Dale W. Chapman
Australian Institute of Sport


Success in judo is determined by a wide variety of factors, including technical, tactical and physiological
parameters. The selection of an appropriate battery of tests to “assess” judo performance is therefore
complicated. The Special Judo Fitness Test (SJFT) developed by S. Sterkowicz has recently been
implemented in the testing battery for Elite Australian Judokas. The aim of the current study was to assess
responses of both males and females to the SJFT.

Australian judo team members volunteered to participate (males n=12 and females n=9) and provided
written consent to the testing. Subjects completed the SJFT consisting of 3 periods (15, 30 and 30s) of
alternating running (6m) and throwing (ippon-seoi-nage), separated by 10s rest. Total number of throws
and SJFT index were determined. Heart rate (HR) was recorded on completion and 60s (Polar Team,
Finland), while blood lactate concentration ([Lac]) was measured 60s and 240s after completion using
Lactate Pro (Arkray, Japan).

Mean ± SD for age, height and weight of the subjects were 23 ± 5 yrs, 173 ± 11 cm and 77 ± 16 kg
respectively. T-tests showed no significant difference between male and female Australian team members
for the test results shown in Table 1.

The current findings for Australian males agree well with those reported for Brazilian males (Franchini et
al., 2007). The observed lactate responses are comparable to those reported following judo competition
and randori. To date, the majority of judo research has focused on males and the current findings for
female judokas provide a significant contribution to the sport.

Table 1. Responses to the SJFT by the Australian judo team (Mean ± SD).
Combined Male Female
SJFT index 12.53 ± 1.21 12.26 ± 1.34 12.88 ± 0.98
Total throws 26.86 ± 2.37 27.25 ± 2.73 26.33 ± 1.80
HRend (bpm) 175 ± 9 174 ± 10 177 ± 6
HR60s (bpm) 159 ± 9 157 ± 11 160 ± 4
[Lac]60s (mmol·l-1) 10.8 ± 3.0 11.3 ± 2.0 10.3 ± 4.1
[Lac]240s (mmol·l-1) 12.6 ± 2.0 13.1 ± 1.6 12.0 ± 2.4

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Physiological profiles of Judo Athletes and Climbers: a comparison

Elena Pocecco
Department of Sport Science, University of Innsbruck, Austria

Elisabeth Holztrattner

Martin Burtscher
Department of Sport Science, University of Innsbruck, Austria


Introduction. Judo and climbing both use the whole body, but in different ways. In the literature there is
apparently no comparison between spiroergometric parameters of athletes of these two sports.
Purpose. The aim of this study was to describe and to compare maximum arm and leg performance
attributes of male adult judo athletes (n=6) and climbers (n=7) of different rank, derived from laboratory
tests, which are similar in duration to a competition (5 minutes).
Material and Methods. Anthropometric measurements included height, body weight, BMI and body
composition (BIA). The tests consisted of a continuous incremental load test with the arm crank ergometer
and a 5-min cycle ergometer test with a constant maximum sustainable work load. Recorded parameters
during the tests were: maximum power during arm cranking and mean power during cycling; HR,
VO2peak, VE and RER.
Results and Discussion. The only anthropometric parameter that differed markedly between the two
groups of athletes was the BMI (significantly lower among climbers) reflecting probably different
constitutional types.
Climbers had nearly the same arm and leg relative power values as judokas but their VO2 values for
reaching those performances were significantly higher. Therefore performance of judo athletes may
depend more on anaerobic capacity. The reason of these differences could probably be explained by the
different focus in the additional conditioning training: endurance (climbers) vs. strength (judokas).
The correlations between upper and lower body physiological parameters of both groups reflected the
general state of training of the whole body, since in judo as well as in climbing both upper and lower body
are involved in determining the performance. A similar result was that of the athletes of the 1987
Canadian National Judo Team, among whom arms’ PWC170 was significantly related with the VO2max as
determined from the treadmill aerobic test (Thomas et al., 1989).

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
The Acute Effect of “Uchikomi” for Center of Pressure Disturbance

Kana Yamada
For the Athletes and Sports Services Ritsumeikan University

Shun Kasuga
Center for the Athletes and Sports Services ,Ritsumeikan University

Atsushi Taguchi
Center for the Athletes and Sports Services, Ritsumeikan University

Tomoko Okuda
Graduate School of LETTERS ,Ritsumeikan University

Tadao Isaka
College of Science and Engineering,Ritsumeikan University


The importance of equilibrium for Judo players is widely acknowledged because a judo athlete disturbs an
opponent’s equilibrium and plays Tachiwaza. The purpose of the study was to investigate the acute effect
of repetitive practices of “Uchikomi” for Center of Pressure disturbance (COP). [Methods] Subjects: 21
female collegiate athletes(mean age 19.0±1.2 years, mean height 160.7±5.4 cm, mean weight 66.5±13.9
kg). Experimental Procedures: The COP of subjects with their uniforms was measured for 30 seconds on
the condition of open eyes and closed eyes. The measurement was taken before Uchikomi, after 50 reps of
Uchikomi, and after 100 reps of Uchikomi. The forceplate was used to measure parameters (Enveloped
Area, Rectangular Area, RMS Area, Total Locus Length, Locus Length per Unit Time, Locus Length per
Unit Area). [Results]There were no significant differences between pre-Uchikomi and post-Uchikomi.
However, some data showed the tendency of the COP shifting towards the pivot foot after Uchikomi.

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Análisis de los resultados de un entrenamiento de fuerza en judokas universitarios con y sin
entrenamiento específico asociado (concurrente)

José manuel garcia garcia

Castilla la mancha universit

Dr. vicente carratalá deval

Universidad de valencia (spain)

Luis fernandes monteiro

Universidade lusófona (portugal)

Bibiana calvo rico

Universidad castilla la mancha (spain)

Alfonso garcia muñoz

Universidad politécnica (madrid)


Los estudios sobre entrenamientos concurrentes se están multiplicando en los últimos años como
consecuencia de las distintas orientaciones que adquieren las capacidades entrenadas cuando se asocian o
no a otros tipos de entrenamiento. En Judo muy pocos son los estudios que afrontan esta temática. El
propósito de este estudio es conocer qué influencia tiene en un entrenamiento de fuerza la asociación al
mismo de un entrenamiento específico de judo. Para ello se configuró una muestra de 19 judokas
universitarios masculinos (n=19) con al menos una experiencia de 3 años de entrenamiento en judo.
Fueron aleatoriamente incluidos en uno de los 2 grupos a estudio. El grupo con entrenamiento asociado
(GEA) (edad 23,65±1,98; peso 74,63±4,89) y el grupo control (GC) (edad 22,14±2,96; peso 75,43±4,13).
Tratamiento: La duración del estudio fue de 10 semanas. El entrenamiento de fuerza consistió en 3
sesiones a la semana donde se realizó una propuesta de 4x10x70%1RM/4’ (modificando el peso cada 2
semanas con Isocontrol 5.1) de los ejercicios de press banco, cargada de fuerza y sentadilla100º. El
protocolo seguido para hallar el 1RM fue el propuesto por García y col (2000). GEA asociaba a este
trabajo un entrenamiento específico de judo 4/semana. El 1er y 3er día realizaban un calentamiento y
randori 5 x 5’/5’ con una intensidad submáxima. Se utilizó el lactate Pro y la escala de Borg (6-20) de
percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo para asegurar la intensidad del trabajo realizado. El 2º y 4º día se
entrenaban aspectos técnicos (30’ sotai-renshu + 10’ yaku suko gueiko+10’ kakari-gueiko+10’ new aza).
En GEA las sesiones de fuerza no coincidían en el día con las de randori. Undécima semana post test.
Resultados: Tanto GEA como GC mejoraron la F.D.Max, si bien los primeros obtuvieron una ganancia
mayor de manera estadísticamente significativa (p≤0,05) (ES). GEA redujo el déficit de fuerza en Press
Banco y Cargada ES.En sentadilla igualmente mejoró pero no ES. El GC aumentó el déficit de fuerza en
Press banco y Sentadilla y lo redujo en Cargada. El pico de potencia en GEA se desplazó hacia el 1RM sin
embargo en el GC no hubo variación en este sentido. Conclusión: El entrenamiento asociado (concurrente)
de fuerza vía hipertrófica y Judo con intensidades submáximas modifica la orientación adaptativa del
primero en judokas universitarios hacia una aspecto más neuronal. El entrenamiento de judo con
intensidades submáximas ayuda a reducir el déficit de fuerza que produce el trabajo de fuerza con
orientación hipertrófica. Parece que las cargas sumatorias de los 2 entrenamientos alteran la orientación de
las 2 propuestas contempladas de manera analítica.

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
The bypass utilization treatment which leads a fracture by the JUDO and so on to the early healing-up.

Michio yamada
Japan judo therapist association

Abstract :

The Purpose of the publication is to introduce the epoch-making treatment that to release can make a pain
and an aguish by the fracture to be short time from the patient.
What is the bypass (arteriovenous anastomosis)?
It is a shunt by which blood flows directly from the arteries to the veins without first passing through the
In 1707 LEALIS-LEALIS first discovered and published it. Since then
They have been a lot of the anatomical publications about it. But The publications about the function
hasn’t been done.
Only Professor KATSUZO NISHI took notice of the function and used it for treatment and prevention.
M.D.SHO WATANABE who is his follower has treated a lot of the sickness and fracture with this.
The bloodstream through the arteriovenous anastomosis (for short AVA) is very rapid because the flow is
direct from arteries to the veins.
Generally, AVA controls the blood circulation, the body temperature and the blood pressure. For example
the skin becomes pale when it is exposed to the coldness.
In other words it is the fact that AVA works according to an autonomic nerve, that it doesn’t expose blood
to the coldness and that it keeps the temperature of the blood inside the body.

The effect incase of fracture treatment

1. Swelling disappears quickly, because the bloodstream is rapid.
2. There are little heat and redness by the swelling.
3. The pain by swelling decreases substantially.
4. Metabolism is full and restoration of the damage organization is fast.
5. Muscle and ligament have little stiffness and contracture doesn’t occur.

Two cases of fracture treatment are shown hereby.

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Usage of taping to prevent recurrence of knee Ligament injury in Judo -Taking cases of medial
collateral Ligament as examples-

Atsuhiko NAGAO
Meiji University of Integrative Medicine in Tokyo Japan

Mr Noboru Hashimoto
Japan judo Therapist Association

Mr Yasuyuki Hibano
Kyoto Sangyo University

Mr Takeshi Nakajima
Kokushikan University


Judo is a contact sport, and, among its practitioners, the occurrence of knee ligament injury is higher and it
tends to be more severe compared to non-contact sports such as volleyball. Especially, the occurrence of
medial collateral ligament (MCL) injury is markedly high.
Even when judo players have knee joint ligament injuries, they cannot wear knee braces during practice or
competitions as these may hurt the other player or themselves. Fixation with a bandage is not strong
enough, and the recurrence rate is high. We performed taping to prevent injury recurrence in 5 judo
players with a grade 1 (an incomplete tear without lateral instability) or grade 2 (a partial tear with slight
lateral instability) MCL tear, who were given permission to practice judo after treatment at medical
institutions, achieving favourable results. We would like to introduce the taping method.

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Efectos hormonales y psicológicos de un periodo de entrenamiento y competición en judokas de alto
rendimiento / Hormonal and psychological effects of a period of training and competition in high-
performance judokas

Dra. Raquel Hernández García y Dra. Gema Torres Luque

Federación Extremeña de Judo y DA / Judo Federation of Extremadura and DA

Dra. Gema Torres Luque

Universidad de Jaén / Jaén University


The judo competition in its preparation requires a high technical, tactical, physical and psychological, as
each of these aspects is essential to withstand the high loads of training and competition conducted by
these athletes. In sum, the sport of combat is structurally characterized by weight category, which increase
the importance of training in physiological judokas. The main objective of this work is to detect changes
in body weight experienced by a group of 7 elite male judokas 21 ± 2.7 years of age during a period of
intense training and competitions for two 6-week, and describe the hormonal effects (urinary
catecholamines), and psychological changes that will occur. 8 ratings were made along the 6 weeks of
study of the following variables: body weight (SECA 730 scale), collected urine (24 hours) to assess the
levels of urinary
catecholamines (adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine) and POMS (Fuentes et al., 1995) for the control
of psychological variables. The results show significant decreases in body weight 5 days prior to the
competition (p < ,05), decreases between 2.5 and 3% of body weight of the judokas. Catecholamines in
urine increased significantly during the 6 weeks (p < ,05). However, the psychological variables
showed no statistically significant changes. Therefore, it appears that the development of a competitive
combined with intensive training for 6 weeks, with the factor of body weight decreased significantly in the
days before judokas competitions, brings a sympathetic response from the system by increasing levels of
catecholamines in urine in response to an alarm at the alleged fatigue judokas.

Words keys: judo, training, competition, weight, POMS, catecholamines.

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Influence of music on isometric handgrip strength endurance of judo players

Elton Quadro Fiebig

Martial Arts and Combat Sports Research Group, School of Physical Education and Sport, University of
São Paulo, Brazil

Emerson Franchini
Martial Arts and Combat Sports Research Group, School of Physical Education and Sport, University of São Paulo, Brazil
Francisco Navarro
Gama Filho University

Music has been used to motivate people during many activities, including physical activities and sport
training. Previous studies (Karageorghis, Drew and Terry, 1996) indicated that handgrip isometric strength
was improved after listening stimulative music compared to sedative music or white noise. In judo, kumi-
kata depends in part of the isometric endurance grip strength. To evaluate this variable, Franchini et al.
(2004) proposed a judogi isometric chin up test (JICT), which presented a high reliability (ICC = 0.98)
and can also be used as a training task. Thus, the objective of this study was to verifiy if the isometric
endurance grip strength during JICT would be modified by listening to music. For this purpose 8 highly
trained judo players from –66 kg and –73kg categories (20.1±2.7 years old; 68.3±5.7 kg of body mass;
20h per week of training) performed twice the JICT in a balanced way. During one execution they were
listening white noise and during the other they were listening “Eye of the tiger”. Judo athletes were
informed to sustain the isometric position gripping the judogi as long as possible. A paired t test was used
to compare both conditions, using p < 0.05 as significance level. The results indicated a significant
difference (p < 0.05) between white noise (60.0 ± 9.7s) and the music condition (69.5 ± 9.7s). Thus,
similar music stimulus could be used to improve isometric endurance strength during training sessions,
which could benefit judo players in their training adaptation as they could perform more work or maybe
train in a higher intensity when listening to music compared to the regular condition. Other studies using
different judo training tasks should be conducted in order to establish if this approach can be used

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Endurance in judogi grip strength tests: comparison between elite and non-elite judo players

Presenter Name:Bianca Miarka

Martial Arts and Combat Sports Research Group, School of Physical Education and Sport, University of
São Paulo, Brazil.

Marcelo Gomes Pereira

Martial Arts and Combat Sports Research Group, School of Physical Education and Sport, University of
São Paulo, Brazil.
Emerson Franchini
Martial Arts and Combat Sports Research Group, School of Physical Education and Sport, University of
São Paulo, Brazil.


The ability to develop a strong grip and maintain it during a judo match has become an important element
for judo players. Two types of grip strength are important for powerful gripping strategies that will create
tactical advantage during combat: isometric and dynamic strength endurance to resist and control the
approach between athletes during kumi-kata. Therefore, the purpose of this investigation was to examine
differences between measurements of maximal isometric time on judogi chin-up, and number of
repetitions during dynamic judogi chin-up. The sample was composed by two groups: 16 high-level
athletes from Brazilian National Team (87.5 ± 24.3 kg of body mass and 18.8 ± 3.4 years of judo training)
and 12 regional level athletes (77.9 ± 16.4 kg of body mass and 10.0 ± 3.9 years of judo training), with at
least one athlete per weight category. The tests were compared through an analysis of covariance (body
mass as covariate), followed by a post-hoc test (Scheffé). Significance level was set at 5% (p < 0.05). No
difference was found in the isometric test: Brazilian Team: 35 ± 18s; Regional: 39 ± 14s. However, the
Brazilian Team performed a high number (p < 0.05) of repetitions (12 ± 5 rep) compared to Regional
group (10 ± 5 rep) during the dynamice grip strength endurance test. Thus, dynamic grip strength
endurance seems to be a discriminant variable between judo players, probably because kumi-kata involves
a lot of elbow extensions and flexions in order to avoid opponent’s grip and to dominate him/her .

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Validation of a new software for notational analysis in judo matches

Bianca Miarka
Martial Arts and Combat Sports Research Group, School of Physical Education and Sport, University of
São Paulo, Brazil.

Carlos Hayashida
Martial Arts and Combat Sports Research Group, School of Physical Education and Sport, University of
São Paulo, Brazil.
Ursula Ferreira Julio
Martial Arts and Combat Sports Research Group, School of Physical Education and Sport, University of
São Paulo, Brazil.
Karina Silva
Institute of Math and Statistics, University of São Paulo, Brazil.
Márcio Eduardo Maciel
Institute of Math and Statistics, University of São Paulo, Brazil.
Elisete da Conceição Quintaneiro Aubin
Institute of Math and Statistics, University of São Paulo, Brazil.
Viviana Giampaoli
Institute of Math and Statistics, University of São Paulo, Brazil.
Michel Calmet
Faculté des Sciences du Sport of Montpellier, France and invited professor at University of São Paulo
supported by CAPES.
Emerson Franchini
Martial Arts and Combat Sports Research Group, School of Physical Education and Sport, University of
São Paulo, Brazil.


This study tested a new computer program for notational analysis in judo. Three judo experts analyzed
twenty judo matches with the software, after having received training on its use. The last expert analyzed
twice the same matches with a 24h interval between them. The following variables of the matches were
analyzed: i) time structure; ii) execution in both sides and orientations of attack techniques; iii)
quantification of received and applied scores and penalties; iv) frequency of occurrences, and; v) grip
types (kumi kata). 20 judo matches, determined at random, composed the sample. For statistical analysis,
this study used the bootstrapping method to estimate properties of variances, where a set of observations
were being assumed. Next, this was implemented by constructing a number of 1000 resample of the
observed dataset, each of which obtained by random sampling with replacement from the original data. A
quartile criteria of the confidence interval was established by φ ≥ 0.70, where concordance was classified
as strong (q ≤ 30%), moderate (30% < q ≤ 60%) or weak (q > 60%). Results showed a strong or absolute
agreement between experts in almost 110 variables; two (time of left back grip and number of transitions)
had a moderate concordance and five (time of right back + right sleeve, right sleeve grips, and technique
orientations for south, north-east and east) had a weak classification in variables with less than two
observations or little time of occurrence. For intra-expert comparison, absolute or strong agreement in
almost all variables was found, except for one (time of left sleeve grip) where time was less than three
seconds. The computer program showed a strong agreement between and within evaluators’ comparisons.
In conclusion, this type of analysis can clarify the understanding about technical and tactical judo match
analysis with excellent accuracy.

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Changes in reaction time with consideration of gender and specific judo effort

Stanislaw Sterkowicz
Academy of Physical Education in Krakow

Wojciech Rukasz
Academy of Physical Education in Krakow

Piotr Weiss
Wisla Judo Club in Krakow


Purpose. To verify changes in reaction time with choice after specific judo effort.
Material and Method. Subjects were 7 female and 17 male judokas. They were in similar age (16.1 ± 2.19
vs. 16.6 ± 2.21 years) and not differed statistically in Special Judo Fitness Test (SJFT) performance (27 ± 1
vs. 28 ± 2 throws in total). The reaction time with choice (RTC) was measured directly before and after
SJFT. Its accuracy equals 0.01 sec. During measurements of RTC specialized computer program with
visual stimulus was used (Klocek et al., 2002). Two-way ANOVA for repeated measurements was used to
verify significance effects of sex and time.
Results. RTC depend on sex (F=5.98, p<0.05) and time (F=4.86, p<0.05). Female group demonstrated
longer RTC (0.426 sec) than male group (0.393 sec). Moreover RTC measured after SJFT was shorter
(0.396 sec) than before this effort (0.423 sec).
Conclusion. During warm-up preceding a fight an advantage can have judoists, who use intermittent effort
simulated their competition activity.

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Can special judo fitness test be used to endurance evaluation?

Stanislaw Sterkowicz
Department of Combat Sports, Academy of Physical Education in Krakow

Urszula Szmatlan-Gabrys,
Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw

Tomasz Gabrys
Department of Theory of Sport, Academy of Physical Education in Krakow


Objective was to broadening the endurance evaluation protocol of a judoka, based on the Special Judo
Fitness Test (SJFT) by means of using a second cardiac stress test.
The examined group consisted of 6 male judo competitors aged from 20 to 26 years. They were Poland’s
representatives. The subjects undertook the SJFT (Sterkowicz, 1995) twice with a ten-minute rest
between trials. During the exertion the number of throws was counted and in recovery periods the heart
rate was recorded using the polar team system (Polar, Finland). Oxygen consumption (VO2) was measured
throughout with the K4b2 (Cosmed, Italia). The blood sample was taken from the earlobe (Dr. Lange
lactate – LA analyser).
In both repetitions of the effort (trial 1st vs. trial 2nd) a similar characteristics were observed. Throws in
total (29.2 ± 2 vs. 29.2 ± 2), as well as Index in SJFT (10.84 ± 0.8 vs. 10.88 ± 0.7) represents very good
level of athletes. In the series A of SJFT we registered, the VO2 reached 25.9 ± 5.38 vs. 28.9±4.4
.min-1. During first 10-sec break the VO2 reached 40.5 ± 5.63 vs. 40.2 ± 8.7 In series B, the
VO2 was increased to 48.5 ± 4.73 vs. 44.9 ± 8,9 During the second 10-sec
break the VO2 changes to 50,3 ± 5.0 vs. 49.1.0 ± 5.3 In series C, the VO2 increased to 52.8
± 4.18 vs. 50.0 ± 5.3 Those values of LA determined about 80% of VO2max measured in
progressive test. Before 1st trial LA was equaled to 1.81 ± 0,32, but before 2nd trial reached 13,05 ± 2.92
mmol.l-1 and VO2 consumption falls to approximately 10
We concluded the evaluation of a competitor is regarded in terms of his judo efficiency as opposed to the
aerobic or anaerobic endurance separately measured in most laboratory tests.
Key words: judoka, endurance, aerobic, anaerobic efficiency.

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Kata practice and concepts according to highly experienced judo senseis and referees

Mário Luiz Miranda

Martial Arts and Combat Sports Research Group, School of Physical Education and Sport, University of

São Paulo, Brazil

Ursula Ferreira Julio

Martial Arts and Combat Sports Research Group, School of Physical Education and Sport, University of

São Paulo, Brazil.

Michel Calmet
Faculté des Sciences du Sport of Montpellier, France and invited professor at University of São Paulo
supported by CAPES.

Emerson Franchini
Martial Arts and Combat Sports Research Group, School of Physical Education and Sport, University of
São Paulo, Brazil.


Kata is a formal standard setting and pre-determined training of judo techniques. The reason for its
creation was to leave an educational legacy of teaching judo principles and spread internationally its
essence. Besides its common use for the grade promotions, lately, there was an increase in competition
oriented practice. However, its configuration by referees specialized in kata competition and graduation
examinations are unknown in literature. Thus, the objective of the present study was to characterize the
kata practice among judo senseis responsible by São Paulo State Federation’s kata competition and grade
examinations. For this purpose a closed questionnaire was applied to 20 judo senseis (male = 18; female =
2), specialized referees in kata competitions and grade examinations, ranked between 3rd and 7th dan. Data
are presented as mean ± standard deviation and percentage of total sample. The sample was 46 ± 10 years-
old, with judo practice time of 34 ± 9 years. Practice often varied from 2 (50%) to 4 (30%) sessions per
month. Nage no kata was identified as the most performed (78%) and preferred (32%) kata, followed by
katame no kata (25%), ju no kata (21%) and kime no kata (12%). Initiation of kata study usually started
by judo’s dojo sensei (79%) and through courses offered by state federation (21%). Practice continuity is
directed to techniques improvement (46%), complementation for judo training (29%), spiritual practice
(14%) and for competition preparation (11%). The following attributes are the most important meanings
given for kata by this group: foundation (45%), essence (25%), origin (15%), form (10%) and basis (5%).
As conclusion: Nage no kata was the most practiced and preferred kata; judo sensei seems to be crucial in
the transmission of the original grounds of kata; continuity of kata practice suggests they are looking for
improving techniques in judo.

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Factors Influencing in the Success of Elite Female Judo Athletes Training in Alicante Judo Clubs.

Carbonell Pascual, Carlos

University of Bath, England.


Female judo in Alicante (Spain) has been giving extraordinary results worldwide during the past 16 years.
Since its philosophy brought by Sergio Cardell, ( Miriam Blasco Coach) in the middle 80’s until these
days, Alicante judo has been at the top of international judo. This study attempts to identify and analyze
the factors that influence directly or indirectly to the success of judo female players in the two main
Alicante judo clubs. This work intended to explore physical, psychological, environmental and social
factors that are a direct influence in their success. Since Inman’s thoughts in ‘Judo for Women’ (1987)
when he stated that ‘’The face of women judo will really change when the top women stop competing and
become teachers” until today, this statement really become true when Miriam Blasco took the role of
coach after her successful career as a player. This paper was carried on a form of qualitative data and the
information was gathered in narrative form. The subjects who took part in the study were five (5) judo
coaches and seven (7) female top judo players (mean age 31.75). Open discussions in depth with the
coaches were carried out after gathering data from the interviews and questionnaires. Among the results
that this research found out as important factors to succeed in judo were: psychological factors, mental
skills and preparation towards the competition. Crucial for the first gold medal (Arruza, 1991-1992), good
interaction athlete – coach, tailored coaching, physical and multifaceted preparation, well established
game plan, overtraining avoidance, high levels of confidence, quality opponents, motivational factors, the
effective use of past experienced athletes (Blasco, Fernandez) that impacted effectively in athletes
currently competing, and well designed competition log of opposition players. The most notable
conclusions were that 90% of the players had continuous impact from more than one coach while they
train in Alicante, 85% showed high levels of optimism in training and competition and finally that 100%
of the successful players have support services staff judo related.
There is a variety of open questions now that can further take this work into the next level. For example,
why male judo players are not having the same results than females in Spain; another topic would be if
this results can be applied in the same way to other clubs in Spain or abroad and finally whether or not this
research could influence in creating a Spanish Centralised National Team or a model that replicates these
clubs around the country.

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Fitness profiles of elite judokas of the Serbian national team

Patrik Drid
Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Novi Sad, Serbia

Tatjana Trivic
Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Novi Sad, Serbia

Ivan Todorov
Olympic Committee of Serbia

Miodrag Drapsin
Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Novi Sad, Serbia


The aim of this research is to determine the state of fitness (fitness profile) of Serbia’s elite judokas, and
that physical, physiological and motor characteristics vary the most successful of the less successful
competitors. The sample was done with 30 judokas. Subjects were divided into two groups (A and B)
according to their competitive results achieved on the national and international competitions. Evaluated
the aerobic and anaerobic capacity and maximum power. In almost all the investigated variables can be
noticed A group dominance at the high level of security p<0.01. In conclusion, the work can be
summarized that the differences between successful and less successful judokas in terms of ability
reflected first in all aspects of the maximum power, and anaerobic power.

Keywords: strength, aerobic power, anaerobic power, elite athletes

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Technical efficiency of women judokas during the
European championships (u 23) in Zagreb 2008.

Ivan Segedi, MA
Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb, Croatia

Prof. Hrvoje Sertić, Ph.D.

Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb, Croatia

Tomislav Vučak, MA
Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb, Croatia


The research was conducted on the sample of 84 bouts during the European Championships for younger
seniors (U23) in Zagreb 2008. All bouts were followed and analysed by well educated judokas with many
year experience, all students of Faculty of Kinesiology in Zagreb. Throws were noted according to
Kodokan Judo/Classification of Nage Waza. During the analysed bouts overall number of 18 different
techniques of throws was used. In comparison with men judokas women use less different techniques.
Total of 100 throws were successfully applied (1.19 per bout) out of which the total of 26 throws (26%)
were qualified as ippon. If one add to this number ippon scores in ne waza (13 techniques scored with
ippon) one can conclude that 39 out of 84 bouts (approximately 46%) ended before regular time with
attractive technique on the ground or in standing position. Analyses showed that the relation of ippon
scores in tachi waza and ne waza position in women part of competition was 2:1, unlike the men’s part of
competition where this relation was 3,5:1 in favour of throwing techniques. Number of different
techniques used, number of total throws applied and relation between the tachi waza and ne waza
techniques scored with ippon highlight the men’s judo as little more attractive than women’s.
The most used groups of throws in women’s part of Championships were:
5. Hand throws with total of 38 techniques applied during the competition (Seoi nage (13), Te
guruma (7) and Kuchiki taoshi (7)).
6. Leg throws with total of 28 techniques applied during the competition (Uchi mata (10),
Ouchi gari (7) and Osoto gari (4)).
7. Sacrifice throws with total of 25 techniques applied during the competition (Soto makikomi
(15), Tani otoshi (5) and Yoko tomoe nage (3)).
8. Hip throws with total of 9 techniques applied during the competition. Interestingly only hip
technique used in the 85 analysed bouts was Harai goshi.

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Differences in Situational Efficiency Between Balkans Judo Championship 2006 and National Judo
Championship of Bosnia and Herzegovina for Senior Male Competitors

Amel Mekić
Faculty of Sports and Physical Education, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Husnija Kajmovic
Faculty of Sports and Physical Education, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Izet Radjo
Faculty of Sports and Physical Education, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Amel Mekić
Faculty of Sports and Physical Education, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Branislav Crnogorac
Judo Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

The purpose of this study was to examine differences in situational efficiency between Balkans
Championship held in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2006 year and National Judo Championship of Bosnia and
Herzegovina held 2006 years. The investigation has been conducted on sample of 129 fights from the
Balkans Championship, and on sample of 94 fights from the National Judo Championship in all seven
weight categories for male competitors (-60kg, -66kg, -73kg, -81kg, -90kg, -100kg and +100kg). The
sample of variables in judo fights were monitored next tactical and tactical variables: grip configuration,
place of attack on tatami, direction of attack, time of fights, penalties, points and individual throwing and
grappling techniques. In this researcs we used canonical discriminant analysis to determine differences in
situational efficiency. Summary of canonical discriminant functions show one isolated discriminant
function. Function of centroids group separate BiH in the negative side with varianles TWTOS, KWUGO,
SHIDO 1, SHIDO 2, YUKO and Balkans group centroids separate on positive side with variables TIME
The study about judo research of situational efficiency on competition has been used to identify tactical
and technical variables that can distinguish between different level of competition for male judo
competitors, which in future can lead better results in judo. Research about judo has become a subject of
practical and scientific interest to coach and scientists in judo and other compat sports. This results would
allow more specific technical, tactical and strategic preparation, from competitors recruitment to practice
planning, aplication and control training in judo.

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Comparison of Two Different training Methods in the learning and performance of judo

Masoud Heshmatinejad
Iran Judo Federation


The Subject learning performance activities have been studied and discussed by many researchers.
The purpose of this research project was to study and compare the different training method in the
learning and performing judo techniques.

To this end, a judging committee was formed in collaboration with five famous and experienced judo
trainers to score and evaluate the trainees in addition some evaluating were prepared and the scores were
registered by the judging committee.
The aforementioned two methods were used to study learning and performing judo skills in comparison
and based on the previous researches in this regard, the following two researches hypothesis were
1.the methods of blocked training is more effective than the blocked method on learning the judo skills.

The subject of the study are 21 Volunteer beginners male with the means of 19.90 years of age 170.71
centimetre height and 60.85 kg weight.
The duration of the treatment was 8 weeks training course consisted of 24 sessions .in each course the
mean of the performance was calculated .then the mean of the groups at the end and then the days after the
end of the treatment was calculated based on the test of the independent groups.

In conclusion, no significant difference was observed between the means of the test. In other words the nul
hypothesis of the research was accepted and confirmed.
So it can be concluded that there is no significant difference between the methods of blocked and random
exercise in learning and performance of Judo Skills significant

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Anthropometric and physiological characteristics in judo: applicable for talent identification and

Amini Alireza
Islamic Azad universality
Tehran Branch,Iran
Introduction: The purpose of this study is measurement and determination of relation and correlation of
some of anthropometric (of 28) a physiological (of 7) characteristics elite male judokas for talent
identification and development in Judo. Previous studies results show that top judokas have distinct
physiologic and anthropometric profile in comparison with others. (Emerson Francine and his colleague's
1999/Rine. H and his colleague's 2000 Pavi Land polkin 2001). Methods
Subjects were 20 (M=20.6 yr) male who were champions of world championships in recent years. Body
composition set, tapeline, Coolies were used. Descriptive statistic was and pearson correlation coefficient
used to describe and Analysis data.

Table 1: shows the relation of each anthropometric past part to stature in Deferent weight category in elite
male's judokas.
Table 2: shows the Data of physiological variable in Deferent weight category of mate elite judokas.

Discussion/ Conclusions

Each sport has specific means of talent identification that includes Testing and other related measurement.
Tow specific means in talent identification are and anthropometric like stature to arms length, and
physiological capabilities such as aerobic and anaerobic power. The purpose of this study is identification
of physiological and anthropometric characteristics of male judo players, which is a useful help for talent
identification for judo. result of This study shows a profile of anthropometrics and Physiological aspects
of elite level male judokas, The results of the research present as table that show the relation of each
anthropometric parts to stature Also the table shows the

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
The world wide spread of the judo from the viewpoint of the number of the Olympic Games medal

Kinki University in Osaka Japan

Dr. Nobuyuki ASHIDA

Koshien University in Japan
Postgraduate of Koshien University in Japan
Dr. Terumasa HIGASHI
Senri Kinran University in Japan
Mr. Takeshi NAKAJIMA
Kokushikan University in Japan
Kinki University in Japan
Kinki University in Japan
Mr. Yoshimi MASAKI
Tenri University in Japan


The judo game formally adopted from the Tokyo Olympics in 1964 becomes the 11th holding in this
Beijing Olympics. Japan is a judo origin country that acquired a lot of medals in past competitions. We
have researched how the male judo has extended to the world during the Tokyo Olympics in 1964 and the
Beijing Olympics in 2008, based on the number of each nation medal acquisition (The Moscow Olympics
and the Los Angeles Olympics were excluded).
1. The records of the male judo in the past Olympics were investigated.
2. The differences of colours of medals which are the gold, the silver or the bronze were not considered,
because the medal acquisition is assumed to be indicator of level of the nation.
3. About the participation regulation of rule revision, a country, or an area, although there are various
changes, it does not take into consideration.
The number of participating nations increases in the Olympics male judo, and Japan is always a high rank
of the medal acquisition.
Especially, the position of Japan has not been in the decline, the No. 2 group which three nations of medal
acquisition rate is always changed but the occupation rate of No.2 group is not decreasing.
The number of medals acquired by the nations of third group (from 4th to 8th rank nations) has decreased.
Although the number of the nations which win a medal is also increasing with the increase in a
participating nation in recent years, strong nations did not decline, but the third group and many nations
have divided medals.
The nations which can get a medal are increasing in number, and globalization of the judo game has been
The level of each nation will go up and the monopolistic situation in a high-ranking nation will finish in
the next stage.

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Use of Attack rate as a predictor of victory in Olympic level Judo

Lance Wicks
University of Bath


Outside the sport of Judo, considerable research has been conducted into the efficacy of attacking actions.
For example the 2004 European Cup Soccer Tournament was analysed in detail with the focus being on
descriptive statistics and efficacy of aspects of team play (Carmichael & Thomas, 2005).

A relationship between “shots at goal” and “victory” has been suggested by Papahristodoulou (2006,
2007), this study proposes a relationship between “attacks” and “victory” in Judo.

In this study, a sample of matches from the 2008 Beijing Olympic Judo Tournament were notated,
recording scoring throws, ineffective attacks (as per Boguszewski & Boguszewska (2006) and also lesser
attacks that would not be considered in previous studies.

In the results of this study, a majority of matches were won by the player who attacked most (55%). In
players who won a medal in the event (67%). The attack rate for medalists is also higher than that for
winning players generally
across the sample. Medalists attacking almost 2 more times than their opponents
and almost 1 more time than winning players generally.

The study also compared the structure of Judo matches to that from the 1987 research by Sikorski,
Mickiewicz, Majle, & Laksa. This study confirms the findings of Sikorski et al. (1987) in relation to the
duration of fights and duration of segments of action in Judo fights. In the 1987 study,
the most common scoring event was identified as penalties, this matches with this
study where penalties make up over 50% of all scores.

This study finds that the structure of Judo matches has altered little since 1987, suggesting that existing
training methods based on this study remain relevant to modern Judo. The study also found evidence to
support the hypothesis that attacking more will result in victory, though not at statistically significant

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Methods of protection and attraction judo persons in through strategic of sport marketing

Dr Mehrdad Hasanzadeh Dogoory

Eslamic Azad University Central Tehran branch


Introduction: with a simple and primary look, we can notice which one of the important factors success
and constancy per sport measure attention people to events sport. The main aim of sport marketing
increasing number persons sport. Because with increasing people will increase income and will decrease
income sport with inattentive people.
We face to 4 customer in judo:
1- previous athletes, coaches , referees , spectator
2-present athletes , coaches , referees , spectator
3-athletes, coaches , referees, spectator other sport
4-potentially athletes, coaches, referees, spectator (youths, women ,soldiers,….)
Objective: the main aim of this research is to answer to the basic questions in study: which ways
protection and attraction for people ?the effort is to answer some questions about the nature of protection
and attraction and elements making it up. In this article it is tried will recognition factors which
protection and attraction people to judo. Thus, we hope this article would attract their attention and will
be taken in to consideration.
method: in this article , answering the questionnaire , while having confirmed various factors tabled in
questionnaire for attraction and protection extent in this article , which is presented based on a
fundamental functional research was method multiple criteria decision making (mcdm). For this purpose,
questionnaire including different factors in protection and attraction judo persons. This research in first
study in Iran.
results-conclusion: this approach has been discussed summarily a final conclusion is given at the end of
this article. Interest and love judo important factor for present customer. For attraction people must
increasing promotion and news media. For pervious customer must elimination dissatisfaction factors.

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Metabolic cost and technical consequences of performing Koshiki-no-kata in yoroi (Japanese body
armor) versus jūdōgi

Professor Carl De Crée



In order to create the technical bedrock for the throwing principles of Kōdōkan jūdō, Dr. Jigorō Kanō
largely based himself on a classical jūjutsu school called Kitō-ryū. The philosophical fundamentals of
Kitō-ryū jūjutsu are complicated. Kanō-shihan wanted to make his jūdō accessible without requiring a
deep intellectual investment which would be necessary to fully grasp the basis of Kitō-ryū jūjutsu.
However, to honor Kitō-ryū and forever codify its principles within Kōdōkan jūdō, he retained two
exercises, namely, the Omote kata and Ura kata of Kitō-ryū’s Takenaka-ha branch under the name
Koshiki-no-kata. Performance of koshiki-no-kata is notoriously difficult, and regarded as one of the least
understood parts of jūdō. Koshiki-no-kata originally was part of kumi’uchi and intended to be performed
in yoroi. This is extremely rarely done in contemporary jūdō. It has been argued that the absence of
familiarity with wearing and performing in yoroi has contributed to the lack of understanding of this
exercise and its principles. No scientific studies exist that have looked into the added physiological or
biomechanical difficulties of wearing yoroi. The purpose of this study is to compare performance of jūdō
techniques, more specifically, koshiki-no-kata, in jūdōgi vs. yoroi. Six subjects, ranked 7th – 8th dan,
performed koshiki-no-kata according to current Kōdōkan guidelines while equipped with an Oxycon
Mobile oxygen analyzer. The results showed significant higher physical demands when wearing yoroi
compared to ordinary jūdōgi. These differences are likely caused by the mass of the yoroi and by how it
changes the dynamics of the exercise. Although confounding variables exist in that every subject in the
study had decades of experience in performing jūdō in jūdōgi and not in yoroi, the results suggest that
developing an appreciation for the limitations caused by wearing yoroi might be useful in improving an
understanding of the principles underpinning jūdō’s techniques.

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Kōdōkan jūdō’s elusive tenth kata: the gō-no-kata ―“forms of proper use of force”

Carl De Crée, MD, PhD


Llyr C. Jones, PhD

Internal Association of Judo Researcher

Kōdōkan Jūdō is a Japanese form of pedagogy, created by Jigorō Kanō, based inter alia on
neoconfucianist values, traditional Japanese martial arts, and modern Western principles developed by
John Dewey, John Stuart Mill, and Herbert Spencer. Its practical study consists of randori (free exercise)
and nine different kata (predetermined and choreographed physical exercises). In recent years, Gō-no-kata
(“Prearranged forms of correct use of force”), a generally considered obsolete and reclusive ‘tenth’ kata of
Kōdokan jūdō, has become the subject of some renewed interest within jūdō circles. Most information on
gō-no-kata, as available in popular Western sports media, is ambiguous and often even blatantly
erroneous. The purpose of the present paper is to provide a comprehensive study of this kata which once
formed a part of the standard jūdō curriculum. We aim to remove the confusion and mystery which
surrounds the gō-no-kata. To achieve this, we offer a critical evaluation of the available literature and
source material on this kata. Gō-no-kata is the oldest kata of Kōdōkan, probably predating the two 1885
randori-no-kata. Despite being popularly thought of as defunct, the gō-no-kata survives today ―having
initially been preserved in Tōkyō by a small group of senior jūdōka, and now also by a handful of experts
abroad. Gō-no-kata consists of ten forms, which depict a relatively primitive jūdō, still practiced in
defensive jigotai position. Its aim was to serve both as an intense fitness exercise as well as illustrating the
basic principle of conquering force with giving way.

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
All Japan Masters Judo Athlete and Top Japanese University Judo Athlete

Kokushikan University in Tokyo Japan

The Japan Society of Judo Therapy in Japan

Mr,Yasuyuki HIBAKO
Kyoto Sangyo University in Japan

Mr,Atsuhiko NAGAO
Meiji University of Integrative Medicine in Japan


Since the formal adoption of Judo as an event in 18th Olympic in 1964, Judo has undergone rapid
development in terms of popularity and participation. People around the world have come to look upon
Judo in various and distinctly different ways: as pure competition in which winning, above all other
considerations, is supreme; as a commercial activity; as a lifework activity of physical education, and so
on. However, in recent times, it is felt that the over-riding emphasis on victory in competition has become
the main focus, and accordingly, that the concepts upon which the founding Jigorō Kanō developed Judo,
the ideals and philosophy of Judo, are fading away with time.

Judo was originally developed from the life-taking techniques of jujutsu. The founder Kanō, upon
creating Judo replaced the word “jutsu” or simply ‘technique,’ with “michi” (the “dō” of Judo) which
served to re-interpret Judo as a path or means for development of the human character. This Judo, one
that serves to develop human beings, is the system which spread to the various countries of the world.

With this foundation of Judo in mind, this study will examine life-long sport, life-long martial arts (Budo),
and specifically life-long Judo as a sporting activity. In order to do so, we have investigated the subject
groups of senior Judo competitors with long careers who have entered the Japan Master’s Tournament,
and top-level competition university students.

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
A comparison of two methods of teaching judo to 9-11 year olds

Bob Challis
Anglia Ruskin University, UK

Judo in schools in the UK is in decline (Department for Children, Schools and Families, 2004). If British
judo can show that it is possible to run judo classes that elicit the required agility, balance, coordination
and speed developments in children and include some of the currently neglected skills such as kinesthetic
sense, gliding, buoyancy, striking with an implement (KGBs) and catching, passing, kicking, striking with
a body part (CPKs) then the inclusion of judo within the curriculum is plausible. Therefore the aim of the
project was to compare two methods of teaching judo to children age 9-11 years.
Ninety children (n=90) aged 9-11 years old were selected from two schools. These participants were then
randomly placed into three groups. The traditional judo teaching group (TJTG, n=29), the multi-
skills/games judo teaching group (GJTG, n= 30) and the control group (CG, n=31).
Tests between the two experimental groups showed a significant improvement between TJTG and the
GJTG in the ball co-ordination test (t=7.043, df=87, p<0.001) and vertical jump test (t=2.062, df= 87,
p<0.05), with the GJTG having significantly greater results. There was also strong trends for improvement
(GJTG Vs TJTG) trend showing an improvement, for the GJTG, in the sit and reach, Illinois agility test,
20m dash, grip test & muscular endurance although these were seen to be non-significant in the t-tests.
The results of this research show that there is a general trend for improvement in all of the parameters
assessed across all three groups and that the two judo groups showed a greater trend for improvement
across the majority of parameters. Statistically the two judo groups showed a greater response in hand eye
co-ordination, agility, upper body power, balance, grip strength & lower body power and the games based
judo groups elicited great adaptation than the traditional judo group in hand eye co-ordination and lower
body power (P<0.01).

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Judo Primary School: Student Evaluation

Emanuela Pierantozzi
University of Bologna

RosaMaria Muroni
University of Genoa


To begin teaching a teacher needs to appraise their students in a realistic and individualized way.
To evaluate the pupils during a sport course, tools of bodily measurement (weight, height) and suitable
motor tests are used.
The survey of the students characteristics must be performed at the beginning, in the middle and at the
end of the Judo course.
At the opening the measurements are taken for a consistent evaluation of the qualities of the subjects to
program a suitable teaching plan. Then at the half period to verify if the plan is meeting the objectives and
finally at the end to check if those objectives have been achieved.
In the school everything is more complicated compared to the gym because of the non homogeneity of
the students. In a gym Judo course there are also genetic differences between the students, but at school
the pupils come from different motor - sport experiences.
Another problem to consider is the lack of materials and human resources available at the school.
This research has been tested for 3 years in a primary school (children from 5 to 11 years old).
Our work has been to develop a valid test to understand what are the most appropriate measurements and
how to build simple test instruments, and to make them usable in a school context.
The measurements selected to have a profile of the student were:
1. Individuals birth date
2. Height and weight
3. Back flexibility
4. Balance
5. Explosive lower body strength
6. Agility

Conclusion: after three years of research the measurements selected have easy availability and simple
application. Thanks to their use the teacher is able to make a valid plan and meet the objectives.

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Body composition and physiological profile of elite Algerian judoka

Federation Algerienne de Judo (FAJ),

Stanislaw Sterkowicz
Academy of Physical Education in Krakow

Katarzyna Sterkowicz-Przybycien
Academy of Physical Education in Krakow

R Belkacem
Federation Algerienne de Judo (FAJ)

Federation Algerienne de Judo (FAJ)


The purpose of this study was to establish a body composition and physiological profile of elite judo
player. Thirteen members of the Algerian team judo, seven males aged 27.14 ± 3.02 and six females aged
of 24 ± 4.14 years. They were Africa champion on team at May 2008. All subjects took part at Olympic
Games 2008.
The basic anthropometrical measures were carried out: body weight, height point and skinfold thickness
(triceps, biceps, subscapular, abdominal). Body fat was estimated by Womersley and Durnin (1977)
method. The body composition (BC) chart (Hattori et. al., 1997) was used for presentation of individual
percent fat (PF%), fat free mass index (FFMI), fat mass index (FMI) and body mass index (BMI). In
physiological testing in judo team were used: Ruffier-Dickson test(R-D), Power output (PWC170 cycle
test). Results in Sargent jump (VJ) was also used for counting Power (P) according to Lewis formula (Fox
& Mathews, 1974).
There were significant differences (t-test, p<0.05) between males and females in body mass (91.85±25.06
vs. 65.5±10.59 kg), PF% (12.28±4.16 vs. 19.52±3.88), FFM (79.75±17.50 vs. 52.51±7.18 kg) and FFMI
(25.51±4.01 vs. 19.62±1.11 kg.m-2) and R-D (7.5±3.21 vs. 10.70 ±1.4). We find similarities between
compared groups in: height (176.28±9.12 vs. 163.5±12.16 cm) and BMI (29.32±6.30 vs. 24.42±1.75 kg.m-
), PWC170 (21.36±3.7 vs. 18.46±2.5 ( and VO2max (50.6±9.3 vs. 50.72±6. (
), VJ (57.28±7.73 vs. 51.83±12.22 cm) and Power (151.75±29.82 vs. 104.08±24.43 (kg.m.s-1).
In conclusion. The BMI without counting FFMI and PF% is worthless for evaluation in judoists. IJF rules
extended the time of female fights, so they have to compensate their aerobic fitness.

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Neuromuscular Fatigue on Explosive Strength and Power Output during COPTEST, in Male and Female

Luís Fernandes Monteiro

Universidad Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias. Lisboa.


Universidad de VALENCIA - SPAIN

The purpose of this study was to compare the neuromuscular fatigue of the explosive strength and power in male and female
judokas. Sixty three men and women of Portuguese, Tunisian, Brazilian, Spanish and French team (mean and sd body mass,
M=73,5 ±11,2 and F=64,4 ± 818; age, M=22±2,3 and F=23 ±4,5; fat, 9,98 ±2,2 and 16,9 ± 3,1) were submitted to a five
minutes simulated test of Judo.

The following upper extremity test actions: bar displacement, average velocity (metres per second), average strength (N),
average power (watts), and rate of force development (N.s-1) were recorded by linking a rotary encoder to the end part of the
bar, which recorded the position and direction of the bar within an accuracy of 0.0002 m. Customized software (JLML I+D,
ISOCONTROL 5.1, Madrid, Spain) was used to calculate the output of the each repetition of the bench-press performed
throughout the whole range motion. The COPTEST(a) a competitive simulation test was used to evaluate the blood lactate
concentrations and remove and recovery, evaluate the “Explosive Strength” resistance loading and fatigue. The power-load
relationships of the arm extensor muscles were tested in a bench-press position using progressive relative loads till 100% 1RM.
During the COPTEST, for the Explosive Strength for the arms we used the load of the power (Watts), 5 sets of 4 repetitions in
each minute.
Standard statistical methods were used to calculate the means and standard deviations (SD). The average of men’s and woman’s
results, were compared using one-way analyses of variance (ANOVA). The P≤0.05 criterion was used for establishing
statistical significance. To compare the results in each minute, we used the repeated measures Anova.
The explosive strength characteristics of the athletes for the upper extremity muscles are presented in Table 1. Average
strength, speed, power and rate of force development in four repetitions with the power loading concentric maximum in each
minute were register. No significant differences were observed and number repetitions of explosive resistance and the power
strength (%1RM).

Table1 – Mean(SD) and (ANOVA) repeated measures of Upper Body in speed, power, strength and RFD characteristics of
explosive Strength in male (n=42) and female athletes (n=21).
Time 1º Min 2º Min 3º Min 4º Min 5º Min Sig. %↓
M Speed 0,76±0,11 0,73±0,15 0,67 ±0,14 0,69±0,14 0,69±0,15 ** 10
F (m/s) 0,77±0,15 0,73±0,15 0,67 ±0,14 0,69±0,14 0,69±0,15 ** 9
M Power 441±113 430±114 422 ±110 411±109 411±116 * 7,8
F (W) 285±102 261±98,5 249 ±90 255±89 245±86 ** 14
M Strengt 595±111 594±112 591 ±111 592±112 593±115 ns 0
F (N) 361±97 355±97 353 ±95 354±97 342±95 * 15
M RFD 67386±2595 58820±257 70540 69001±254 66900±3221 * 9,9
0 70 ±34786 17 5
F (N.s-1) 46081±1388 43670±322 48370±1434 48534±143 45538±1653 ns 9,8
1 15 9 49 4
*p<0.05; **p<0.01

In COPTEST(a) , between the first and the last minute (5´) no differences between men and women regarding the average speed
were obtained and for both there was a very slightly decrease of speed – 9/10%. In the power strength were encountered
slightly decreases, but a higher difference in woman (14%) than man (7,8%) Regarding strength no decrease in men were
verified, but women decreased till 15%. In addition appeared similar fatigue in rate of force development in man and woman
with decreases of 9,9% after five minutes the COPTEST.

In summary, the results of this study indicated the explosive strength, rate of force development (RFD) and muscle power
output in the bench press performance are significantly different in male and female athletes, but the neuromuscular fatigue
only represented small differences.

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Annals of the 6th International Science of Judo Symposium
25th August 2009, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
A Fashionable Judo Girl, Sarah W B Mayer (ne. Tapping) (1896 – 1957)

Dr Mike Callan
University of Bath

Ms Amanda Spenn


Sarah Winifred Benedict Mayer has been reported (Svinth 2001,) as the first Western woman to be
awarded her 1st dan in Japan. She trained in Kobe, Kyoto and Tokyo in 1934 and 1935, and was offered
the grade by the Kyoto Butokukai. Her exploits are narrated in letters to Gunji Koizumi, President of the

Little was previously known of Mayer’s life apart from those letters, and this paper outlines additional
biographical details. The paper draws on genealogical techniques, with primary and secondary research to
place Mayer’s trip to Japan in a sociological and cultural context.

She is from a successful theatrical family. Her first marriage was to the grandson of the Lord Mayor of
London, her second marriage was into an extremely wealthy family of diamond merchants. This supports
the proposition of the influence of social class on the globalization of judo pre WW2, building on the
earlier work; “The Internationalization of Judo and the Attention for Etiquette - Focusing on the UK.”
(Callan, 2008).

Mrs Mayer was a blonde actress, playwright and journalist, she attended the Kings’ garden party. She was
briefly Secretary of the Ladies Section of the Budokwai. She had met Kano and Mifune, and was close
friends with Ichiro Hatta. This research provides an insight into the western view of judo and Japan during
the 1930s. A period which included the Great Depression, the assassination of Tsuyoshi Inukai, the
abdication of Edward VIII, the death of Kano, the Berlin Olympic Games, the rise of Hitler, the departure
of Japan from the league of nations, and the descent into World War.

This analysis of the Mayer letters, in the context of contemporary events, and her personal story, reveals
cross-cultural insights. This paper provides an addition to the literature on the early development of
women’s judo.

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