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Welding and Welding Connections

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Pt B, Ch 12, Sec 1


1 General 1.3.2 Consumables

For welding of hull structural steels, the minimum consuma-
ble grades to be adopted are specified in Tab 1 depending
1.1 Application
on the steel grade.
1.1.1 The requirements of this Section apply for the prepa- Consumables used for manual or semi-automatic welding
ration, execution and inspection of welded connections in (covered electrodes, flux-cored and flux-coated wires) of
hull structures. higher strength hull structural steels are to be at least of
They are to be complemented by the criteria given in Ch 12, hydrogen-controlled grade H15 (H). Where the carbon
App 1, to which reference is made. These criteria being equivalent Ceq is not more than 0,41% and the thickness is
given as recommendations, minor departures may be below 30 mm, any type of approved higher strength con-
accepted by the Society, on a case by case basis. sumables may be used at the discretion of the Society.
The general requirements relevant to fabrication by welding Especially, welding consumables with hydrogen-controlled
and qualification of welding procedures are given in NR216 grade H15 (H) and H10 (HH) shall be used for welding hull
Materials and Welding, Chapter 5. steel forgings and castings of respectively ordinary strength
level and higher strength level.
1.1.2 Weld connections are to be executed according to the
approved plans. A detail not specifically represented in the Table 1: Consumable grades
plans is, if any, to comply with the applicable requirements.
Consumable minimum grade
1.1.3 It is understood that welding of the various types of
Steel grade Butt welding, partial and
steel is to be carried out by means of welding procedures Fillet welding
approved for the purpose, even though an explicit indica- full T penetration welding
tion to this effect may not appear on the approved plans. A 1 1
B-D 2
1.1.4 The quality standard adopted by the shipyard is to be
submitted to the Society and applies to all constructions E 3
unless otherwise specified on a case by case basis. AH32 - AH36 2Y 2Y
DH32 - DH36
1.2 Base material EH32 - EH36 3Y

1.2.1 The requirements of this Section apply for the weld- FH32 - FH36 4Y
ing of hull structural steels or aluminium alloys of the types AH40 2Y40 2Y40
considered in NR216 Materials and Welding or other types
DH40 - EH40 3Y40
accepted as equivalent by the Society.
FH40 4Y40
1.2.2 The service temperature is intended to be the ambient Note 1: Welding consumables approved for welding higher
temperature, unless otherwise stated. strength steels (Y) may be used in lieu of those approved for
welding normal strength steels having the same or a lower
1.3 Welding consumables and procedures grade; welding consumables approved in grade Y40 may be
used in lieu of those approved in grade Y having the same or
1.3.1 Approval of welding consumables and a lower grade.
procedures Note 2: In the case of welded connections between two hull
Welding consumables and welding procedures adopted are structural steels of different grades, as regards strength or
to be approved by the Society. notch toughness, welding consumables appropriate to one
or the other steel are to be adopted.
The requirements for the approval of welding consumables
are given in NR216 Materials and Welding, Ch 5, Sec 2.
1.4 Personnel and equipment
The requirements for the approval of welding procedures
for the individual users are given in NR216 Materials and 1.4.1 Welders
Welding, Ch 5, Sec 4 and NR216 Materials and Welding, Welders for manual welding and for semi-automatic weld-
Ch 5, Sec 5. ing processes are to be certified by the Society, unless other-
The approval of the welding procedure is not required in wise agreed based normally on existing certifications for
the case of manual metal arc welding with approved cov- welding of ship structures.
ered electrodes, except in the case of one side welding on Procedures for certification of welders by the Society are
refractory backing (ceramic). given in the document NR476 Approval testing of welders.

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1.4.2 Automatic welding operators 1.6.2 Plate orientation

Personnel manning automatic welding machines and The plates of the shell and strength deck are generally to be
equipment are to be competent and sufficiently trained. arranged with their length in the fore-aft direction. Possible
exceptions to the above will be considered by the Society on
1.4.3 Organisation a case-by-case basis; tests as deemed necessary (for example,
transverse impact tests) may be required by the Society.
The internal organisation of the shipyard is to be such as to
ensure compliance with the requirements in [1.4.1] and 1.6.3 Overall arrangement
[1.4.2] and to provide for assistance and inspection of
welding personnel, as necessary, by means of a suitable Particular consideration is to be given to the overall arrange-
number of competent supervisors. ment and structural details of highly stressed parts of the hull.
Plans relevant to the special details specified in Ch 12, Sec
1.4.4 NDE operators 2 are to be submitted.
Non-destructive tests are to be carried out by qualified per-
sonnel, certified by the Society, or by recognised bodies in 1.6.4 Prefabrication sequences
compliance with appropriate standards. Prefabrication sequences are to be arranged so as to facili-
tate positioning and assembling as far as possible.
The qualifications are to be appropriate to the specific
applications. The amount of welding to be performed on board is to be
limited to a minimum and restricted to easily accessible
1.4.5 Technical equipment and facilities connections.
The welding equipment is to be appropriate to the adopted 1.6.5 Distance between welds
welding procedures, of adequate output power and such as
to provide for stability of the arc in the different welding Welds located too close to one another are to be avoided.
positions. The minimum distance between two adjacent welds is con-
sidered on a case by case basis, taking into account the
In particular, the welding equipment for special welding level of stresses acting on the connected elements.
procedures is to be provided with adequate and duly cali-
In general, the distance between two adjacent butts in the
brated measuring instruments, enabling easy and accurate
reading, and adequate devices for easy regulation and regu- same strake of shell or deck plating is to be greater than two
lar feed. frame spaces.

Manual electrodes, wires and fluxes are to be stored in suit-

able locations so as to ensure their preservation in proper
2 Type of connections and preparation
condition. Especially, where consumables with hydrogen-
controlled grade are to be used, proper precautions are to 2.1 General
be taken to ensure that manufacturer’s instructions are fol-
lowed to obtain (drying) and maintain (storage, maximum 2.1.1 The type of connection and the edge preparation are
time exposed, re-backing, ...) hydrogen-controlled grade. to be appropriate to the welding procedure adopted, the
structural elements to be connected and the stresses to
which they are subjected.
1.5 Documentation to be submitted

1.5.1 The structural plans to be submitted for approval, 2.2 Butt welding
according to Ch 1, Sec 3, are to contain the necessary data
relevant to the fabrication by welding of the structures and 2.2.1 General
items represented as far as class is concerned. In general, butt connections of plating are to be full penetra-
For important structures, the main sequences of prefabrica- tion, welded on both sides except where special procedures
or specific techniques, considered equivalent by the Soci-
tion, assembly and welding and non-destructive examina-
ety, are adopted.
tion planned are also to be represented in the plans.
Connections different from the above may be accepted by
1.5.2 A plan showing the location of the various steel types the Society on a case by case basis; in such cases, the rele-
is to be submitted at least for outer shell, deck and bulkhead vant detail and workmanship specifications are to be
structures. approved.

2.2.2 Welding of plates with different thicknesses

1.6 Design
In the case of welding of plates with a difference in gross
1.6.1 General thickness equal to or greater than:

For the various structural details typical of welded construc- • 3 mm, if the thinner plate has a gross thickness equal to
tion in shipbuilding and not dealt with in this Section, the or less than 10 mm
rules of good practice, recognised standards and past expe- • 4 mm, if the thinner plate has a gross thickness greater
rience are to apply as agreed by the Society. than 10 mm

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a taper having a length of not less than 4 times the differ- • intermittent fillet welding, which may be subdivided
ence in gross thickness is to be adopted for connections of (see [2.3.3]) into:
plating perpendicular to the direction of main stresses. For - chain welding
connections of plating parallel to the direction of main - scallop welding
stresses, the taper length may be reduced to 3 times the dif- - staggered welding.
ference in gross thickness.
2.3.2 Continuous fillet welding
When the difference in thickness is less than the above val- Continuous fillet welding is to be adopted:
ues, it may be accommodated in the weld transition • for watertight connections
between plates. • for connections of brackets, lugs and scallops
• at the ends of connections for a length of at least 75mm
2.2.3 Edge preparation, root gap • where intermittent welding is not allowed, according to
Typical edge preparations and gaps are indicated in Ch 12, [2.3.3].
App 1, [1.2]. Continuous fillet welding may also be adopted in lieu of
intermittent welding wherever deemed suitable, and it is
The acceptable root gap is to be in accordance with the recommended where the spacing p, calculated according
adopted welding procedure and relevant bevel preparation. to [2.3.3], is low.

2.2.4 Butt welding on permanent backing 2.3.3 Intermittent welding

The spacing p and the length d, in mm, of an intermittent
Butt welding on permanent backing, i.e. butt welding weld, shown in:
assembly of two plates backed by the flange or the face • Fig 1, for chain welding
plate of a stiffener, may be accepted where back welding is • Fig 2, for scallop welding
not feasible or in specific cases deemed acceptable by the • Fig 3, for staggered welding
are to be such that:
The type of bevel and the gap between the members to be p
--- ≤ ϕ
assembled are to be such as to ensure a proper penetration d
of the weld on its backing and an adequate connection to where the coefficient ϕ is defined in Tab 2 and Tab 3 for the
the stiffener as required. different types of intermittent welding, depending on the
type and location of the connection.
2.2.5 Section, bulbs and flat bars In general, staggered welding is not allowed for connec-
When lengths of longitudinals of the shell plating and tions subjected to high alternate stresses.
strength deck within 0,6 L amidships, or elements in general In addition, the following limitations are to be complied
subject to high stresses, are to be connected together by with:
butt joints, these are to be full penetration. Other solutions • chain welding (see Fig 1):
may be adopted if deemed acceptable by the Society on a d ≥ 75 mm
case by case basis. p − d ≤ 200 mm

The work is to be done in accordance with an approved Figure 1: Intermittent chain welding
procedure; in particular, this requirement applies to work
done on board or in conditions of difficult access to the
welded connection. Special measures may be required by
the Society. p d

Welding of bulbs without a doubler is to be performed by • scallop welding (see Fig 2):
welders specifically certified by the Society for such type of d ≥ 75 mm
welding. p − d ≤ 150 mm
v ≤ 0,25 b without being greater than 75 mm

2.3 Fillet welding Figure 2: Intermittent scallop welding

2.3.1 Fillet welding types

Fillet welding may be of the following types:

v b

• continuous fillet welding, where the weld is constituted

by a continuous fillet on each side of the abutting plate p d
(see [2.3.2])

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• staggered welding (see Fig 3): p

t T = w F t ---
d ≥ 75 mm d
p − 2d ≤ 300 mm where:
p ≤ 2d for connections subjected to high alternate wF : Welding factor, defined in Tab 2 for the various
stresses. hull structural connections; for connections of
primary supporting members belonging to sin-
Figure 3: Intermittent staggered welding gle skin structures and not mentioned in Tab 2,
w F is defined in Tab 3; for some connections of
specific ship types, the values of wF specified in
Part D for these ship types are to be used in lieu
of the corresponding values in Tab 2 or Tab 3
p d t : Thickness, in mm, of the thinner plate in the
considered assembly
2.3.4 Throat thickness of fillet weld T connections p, d : Spacing and length, in mm, of an intermittent
The throat thickness of fillet weld T connections is to be weld, defined in [2.3.3].
obtained, in mm, from the following formula: For continuous fillet welds, p/d is to be taken equal to 1.

Table 2: Welding factors wF and coefficient ϕ for the various hull structural connections

Connection ϕ (2) (3) p1, in mm

Hull area wF (1) (see [2.3.5])
of to CH SC ST
General, watertight plates boundaries 0,35
unless webs of ordinary plating 0,13 3,5 3,0 4,6 ST 260
otherwise stiffeners
specified face plate of at ends (4) 0,13
in the table fabricated elsewhere 0,13 3,5 3,0 4,6 ST 260
Bottom longitudinal ordinary bottom and inner bottom plating (6) 0,13 3,5 3,0 4,6 ST 260
and stiffeners
double centre girder keel 0,25 1,8 1,8 CH/SC 130
inner bottom plating 0,20 2,2 2,2 CH/SC 160
side girders bottom and inner bottom plating 0,13 3,5 3,0 4,6 ST 260
floors (interrupted girders) 0,20 2,2 CH 160
floors bottom and in general 0,13 3,5 3,0 4,6 ST 260
inner bottom at ends (20% of span) 0,25 1,8 CH 130
plating for longitudinally
framed double bottom
inner bottom plating in way of brackets 0,25 1,8 CH 130
of primary supporting members
girders (interrupted floors) 0,20 2,2 CH 160
side girders in way of hopper tanks 0,35
partial side girders floors 0,25 1,8 CH 130
web stiffeners floor and girder webs 0,13 3,5 3,0 4,6 ST 260
Side and ordinary stiffeners side and inner side plating 0,13 3,5 3,0 4,6 ST 260
inner side girders and web frames side and inner side plating 0,35
in double side skin ships
Deck strength deck (5) side plating wF = 0,45 if t ≤ 15 mm
Partial penetration welding if
non-watertight decks side plating 0,20 2,2 CH 160
ordinary stiffeners and deck plating 0,13 3,5 3,0 4,6 ST 260
intercostal girders
hatch coamings deck plating in general 0,35
at corners of hatch- 0,45
ways for 15% of the
hatch length
web stiffeners coaming webs 0,13 3,5 3,0 4,6 ST 260

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Connection ϕ (2) (3) p1, in mm

Hull area wF (1) (see [2.3.5])
of to CH SC ST
Bulkheads tank bulkhead tank bottom plating and ordinary 0,45
structures stiffeners
(plane bulkheads)
vertical corrugations Full penetration welding, in general
(corrugated bulkheads)
boundaries other than tank bottom 0,35
watertight bulkhead boundaries 0,35
non-watertight boundaries wash bulkheads 0,20 2,2 2,2 CH/SC 160
bulkhead structures others 0,13 3,5 3,0 4,6 ST 260
ordinary stiffeners bulkhead in general (6) 0,13 3,5 3,0 4,6 ST 260
plating at ends (25% of span), 0,35
where no end brackets
are fitted
Structures bottom longitudinal bottom plating 0,20 2,2 CH 160
located ordinary stiffeners
forward of floors and girders bottom and inner bottom plating 0,25 1,8 CH 130
0,75 L from
the AE (7) side frames in panting side plating 0,20 2,2 CH 160
webs of side girders side plating A < 65 cm2 (8) 0,25 1,8 1,8 CH/SC 130
in single side skin and face plate
A ≥ 65 cm2 (8) See Tab 3
After peak internal structures each other 0,20
(7) side ordinary stiffeners side plating 0,20
floors bottom and inner bottom plating 0,20
Machinery centre girder keel and in way of main engine 0,45
space (7) inner bottom foundations
plating in way of seating of 0,35
auxiliary machinery
and boilers
elsewhere 0,25 1,8 1,8 CH/SC 130
side girders bottom and in way of main engine 0,45
inner bottom foundations
plating in way of seating of 0,35
auxiliary machinery
and boilers
elsewhere 0,20 2,2 2,2 CH/SC 160
floors (except in way bottom and in way of seating of 0,35
of main engine inner bottom auxiliary machinery
foundations) plating and boilers
elsewhere 0,20 2,2 2,2 CH/SC 160
floors in way of main bottom plating 0,35
engine foundations foundation plates 0,45
floors centre girder single bottom 0,45
double bottom 0,25 1,8 1,8 CH/SC 130
Super- external bulkheads deck in general 0,35
structures engine and boiler cas- 0,45
and ings at corners of open-
deckhouses ings (15% of opening
internal bulkheads deck 0,13 3,5 3,0 4,6 ST 260
ordinary stiffeners external and internal bulkhead plating 0,13 3,5 3,0 4,6 ST 260
Hatch covers ordinary stiffener plating 0,13 3,5 3,0 4,6 ST 260

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Connection ϕ (2) (3) p1, in mm

Hull area wF (1) (see [2.3.5])
of to CH SC ST
Pillars elements composing each other (fabricated pillars) 0,13
the pillar section
pillars deck pillars in compression 0,35
pillars in tension Full penetration welding
Ventilators coamings deck 0,35
Rudders horizontal and vertical each other 0,45
webs directly
conected to solid parts
other webs each other 0,20 2,2 SC 160
webs plating in general 0,20 2,2 SC 160
top and bottom plates 0,35
of rudder plating
solid parts or rudder stock According to Ch 10, Sec 1, [7.4] or
Ch 10, Sec 1, [7.5]
(1) In connections for which wF ≥ 0,35, continuous fillet welding is to be adopted.
(2) For coefficient ϕ, see [2.3.3]. In connections for which no ϕ value is specified for a certain type of intermittent welding, such
type is not permitted and continuous welding is to be adopted.
(3) CH = chain welding, SC = scallop welding, ST = staggered welding.
(4) Ends of ordinary stiffeners means the area extended 75 mm from the span ends. Where end brackets are fitted, ends means the
area extended in way of brackets and at least 50 mm beyond the bracket toes.
(5) Fillet weld of 5 mm is acceptable for ships of less than 90 m in length if thicknesses of strength deck and shell plating are less
than 10 mm and if shell plating extends over the strength deck by more than 50 mm.
(6) In tanks intended for the carriage of ballast or fresh water, continuous welding with wF = 0,35 is to be adopted.
(7) For connections not mentioned, the requirements for the central part apply.
(8) A is the face plate sectional area of the side girders, in cm 2.

The throat thickness of the fillet welds is not to be less than: the weld spacing may be taken equal to the value p1
defined in Tab 2. The values of p1 in Tab 2 may be used
• 3,5 mm as a rule, whether the welds is continuous or
intermittent when 8 ≤ t ≤ 16 mm.
For thicknesses t less than 8 mm, the values of p1 may be
• 3,0 mm in the case of automatic or semi-automatic
increased, with respect to those in Tab 2, by:
deep penetration weld.
• 10 mm for chain or scallop welding
For plating thickness of less than 6 mm, the throat thickness • 20 mm for staggered welding
of the fillet welds is not to be less than:
without exceeding the limits in [2.3.3].
• 3,0 mm as a rule, whether the welds is continuous or
intermittent For thicknesses t greater than 16 mm, the values of p1 are to
be reduced, with respect to those in Tab 2, by:
• 2,5 mm in the case of automatic or semi-automatic
deep penetration weld. • 10 mm for chain or scallop welding
• 20 mm for staggered welding.
In the case of automatic or semi-automatic deep penetra-
tion weld, the throat thickness may be reduced according to 2.3.6 Throat thickness of welds between cut-outs
The throat thickness of the welds between the cut-outs in
The throat thickness may be required by the Society to be primary supporting member webs for the passage of ordi-
increased, depending on the results of structural analyses. nary stiffeners is to be not less than the value obtained, in
mm, from the following formula:
The leg length of fillet weld T connections is to be not less
than 1,4 times the required throat thickness. ε
t TC = t T ---
2.3.5 Weld dimensions in a specific case where:
Where intermittent fillet welding is adopted with: tT : Throat thickness defined in [2.3.4]
• length d = 75 mm ε, λ : Dimensions, in mm, to be taken as shown in:
• throat thickness tT specified in Tab 4 depending on the • Fig 4 for continuous welding
thickness t defined in [2.3.4] • Fig 5 for intermittent scallop welding.

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Figure 4: Continuous fillet welding Figure 5: Intermittent scallop fillet welding

between cut-outs between cut-outs

Throat thickness a Throat thickness a

λ λ1 λ2 λ3
ε ε

Table 3: Welding factors wF and coefficient ϕ for connections of primary supporting members

Primary supporting Connection ϕ (2) (3) p1, in mm

wF (1)
member of to CH SC ST (see [2.3.5]) (3)
General (4) web, plating and at ends 0,20
where A < 65 cm2 face plate elsewhere 0,15 3,0 3,0 CH/SC 210
web, plating 0,35
where A ≥ 65 cm2 face plate at ends 0,35
elsewhere 0,25 1,8 1,8 CH/SC 130
end brackets face plate 0,35
In tanks, web plating at ends 0,25
where A < 65 cm2 elsewhere 0,20 2,2 2,2 CH/SC 160
face plate at ends 0,20
elsewhere 0,15 3,0 3,0 CH/SC 210
end brackets face plate 0,35
In tanks, web plating at ends 0,45
where A ≥ 65 cm2 elsewhere 0,35
face plate 0,35
end brackets face plate 0,45
(1) In connections for which wF ≥ 0,35, continuous fillet welding is to be adopted.
(2) For coefficient ϕ, see [2.3.3]. In connections for which no ϕ value is specified for a certain type of intermittent welding, such
type is not permitted.
(3) CH = chain welding, SC = scallop welding, ST = staggered welding.
(4) For cantilever deck beams, continuous welding is to be adopted.
(5) For primary supporting members in tanks intended for the carriage of ballast or fresh water, continuous welding is to be adopted.
Note 1:
A is the face plate sectional area of the primary supporting member, in cm2.
Note 2:
Ends of primary supporting members means the area extended 20% of the span from the span ends. Where end brackets are fitted,
ends means the area extended in way of brackets and at least 100 mm beyond the bracket toes.

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Table 4: Required throat thickness Figure 6: End connection of ordinary stiffener

Dimensions of the cut-out
t, in mm tT , in mm t, in mm tT , in mm c

6 3,0 17 7,0
8 3,5 18 7,0
9 4,0 19 7,5
10 4,5 20 7,5 u d
11 5,0 21 8,5
12 5,5 22 8,5
13 6,0 23 9,0
14 6,0 24 9,0
c b
15 6,5 25 10,0
16 6,5 26 10,0 2.3.8 Throat thickness of deep penetration fillet
2.3.7 Throat thickness of welds connecting ordinary When fillet welding is carried out with automatic welding
stiffeners with primary supporting members procedures, the throat thickness required in [2.3.4] may be
reduced up to 15%, depending on the properties of the
The throat thickness of fillet welds connecting ordinary stiff- electrodes and consumables. However, this reduction may
eners and collar plates, if any, to the web of primary sup- not be greater than 1,5 mm.
porting members is to be not less than 0,35 tW, where tW is
The same reduction applies also for semi-automatic proce-
the web gross thickness, in mm. Further requirements are dures where the welding is carried out in the downhand
specified in Ch 12, Sec 2. position.
Where primary supporting member web stiffeners are
welded to ordinary stiffener face plates, in certain cases the 2.4 Partial and full T penetration welding
Society may require the above throat thickness to be
2.4.1 General
obtained, in mm, from the following formula:
Partial or full T penetration welding is to be adopted for
s connections subjected to high stresses for which fillet weld-
4k ( γ S2 p S + γ W 2 p W )s l  1 – ------ ( 1 – k 1 ) ing is considered unacceptable by the Society.
t T = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
c + 0 ,2d Partial or full T penetration welding is required, in any
u + v  ----------------------
b + 0 ,2d event, where indicated for the connections specified in Part
D depending on the ship type. Further requirements are
where: specified in Ch 12, Sec 2.
Typical edge preparations are indicated in:
k : Material factor of the steel used, defined in Ch
4, Sec 1, [2.3] • for partial penetration welds: Fig 7 and Fig 8, in which f,
in mm, is to be taken between 3 mm and t/3, and α
pS, pW : Still water and wave pressure, respectively, in between 45° and 60°
kN/m2, acting on the ordinary stiffener, defined • for full penetration welds: Fig 9 and Fig 10, in which f,
in Ch 7, Sec 2, [3.3.2] in mm, is to be taken between 0 and 3 mm, and α
between 45° and 60°
γS2, γW2 : Partial safety factors defined in Ch 7, Sec 2,
Back gouging is generally required for full penetration
k1 : Coefficient depending on the connection of the
primary supporting member web with the ordi- Figure 7: Partial penetration weld
nary stiffener, taken equal to:
• k1 = 0, when there is no primary supporting
member web stiffener in way of the ordinary
stiffener f

• the value defined in Ch 4, Sec 3, [4.7.2], a a

when there is a primary supporting member
web stiffener in way of the ordinary stiffener

b,c,d,u,v: Main dimensions, in mm, of the cut-out shown

in Fig 6.

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Figure 8: Partial penetration weld Elsewhere, lap-joint welding may be allowed by the Society
on a case by case basis, if deemed necessary under specific
Continuous welding is generally to be adopted.
f 2.5.2 Gap
a The surfaces of lap-joints are to be in sufficiently close con-

2.5.3 Dimensions
The dimensions of the lap-joint are to be specified and are
considered on a case by case basis. Typical details are given
in Ch 12, App 1, [1.3].

Figure 9: Full penetration weld 2.6 Slot welding

2.6.1 General
T Slot welding may be adopted in very specific cases subject
to the special agreement of the Society, e.g. for doublers
according to Ch 4, Sec 3, [2.1].
In general, slot welding of doublers on the outer shell and
a a strength deck is not permitted within 0,6L amidships.
Beyond this zone, slot welding may be accepted by the
Society on a case by case basis.
Slot welding is, in general, permitted only where stresses act
in a predominant direction. Slot welds are, as far as possi-
ble, to be aligned in this direction.

Figure 10: Full penetration weld 2.6.2 Dimensions

Slot welds are to be of appropriate shape (in general oval)
and dimensions, depending on the plate thickness, and may
not be completely filled by the weld.
Typical dimensions of the slot weld and the throat thickness
f a of the fillet weld are given in Ch 12, App 1, [1.3].
The distance between two consecutive slot welds is to be
not greater than a value which is defined on a case by case
basis taking into account:
- the transverse spacing between adjacent slot weld lines
- the stresses acting in the connected plates
- the structural arrangement below the connected plates.

2.4.2 Lamellar tearing

2.7 Plug welding
Precautions are to be taken in order to avoid lamellar tears,
which may be associated with: 2.7.1 Plug welding may be adopted only when accepted by
the Society on a case by case basis, according to specifi-
• cold cracking when performing T connections between
cally defined criteria. Typical details are given in Ch 12,
plates of considerable thickness or high restraint
App 1, [1.3].
• large fillet welding and full penetration welding on
higher strength steels. 3 Specific weld connections

2.5 Lap-joint welding 3.1 Corner joint welding

2.5.1 General 3.1.1 Corner joint welding, as adopted in some cases at the
corners of tanks, performed with ordinary fillet welds, is
Lap-joint welding may be adopted for: permitted provided the welds are continuous and of the
• peripheral connection of doublers required size for the whole length on both sides of the joint.

• internal structural elements subjected to very low 3.1.2 Alternative solutions to corner joint welding may be
stresses. considered by the Society on a case by case basis.

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3.2 Bilge keel connection In welding procedures using bare, cored or coated wires
with gas shielding, the welding is to be carried out in
3.2.1 The intermediate flat, through which the bilge keel is weather protected conditions, so as to ensure that the gas
connected to the shell according to Ch 4, Sec 4, [6], is to be outflow from the nozzle is not disturbed by winds and
welded as a shell doubler by continuous fillet welds. draughts.
The butt welds of the doubler and bilge keel are to be full
4.2.2 Butt connection edge preparation
penetration and shifted from the shell butts.
The edge preparation is to be of the required geometry and
The butt welds of the bilge plating and those of the doublers correctly performed. In particular, if edge preparation is car-
are to be flush in way of crossing, respectively, with the ried out by flame, it is to be free from cracks or other detri-
doubler and with the bilge keel. mental notches.
Butt welds of the intermediate flat are to be made to avoid
direct connection with the shell plating, in order that they 4.2.3 Surface condition
do not alter the shell plating, by using, for example, a cop- The surfaces to be welded are to be free from rust, moisture
per or a ceramic backing. and other substances, such as mill scale, slag caused by
oxygen cutting, grease or paint, which may produce defects
3.3 Struts connecting ordinary stiffeners in the welds.
Effective means of cleaning are to be adopted particularly in
3.3.1 In case of a strut connected by lap joint to the ordi- connections with special welding procedures; flame or
nary stiffener, the throat thickness of the weld is to be mechanical cleaning may be required.
obtained, in mm, from the following formula:
The presence of a shop primer may be accepted, provided it
ηF 3 has been approved by the Society.
t T = ------------- 10
nlW τ
Shop primers are to be approved by the Society for a spe-
where: cific type and thickness according to NR216 Materials and
F : Maximum force transmitted by the strut, in kN Welding, Ch 5, Sec 3.
η : Safety factor, to be taken equal to 2
4.2.4 Assembling and gap
n : Number of welds in way of the strut axis
The setting appliances and system to be used for positioning
lW : Length of the weld in way of the strut axis, in mm are to ensure adequate tightening adjustment and an appro-
τ : Permissible shear stress, to be taken equal to priate gap of the parts to be welded, while allowing maxi-
100 N/mm 2. mum freedom for shrinkage to prevent cracks or other
defects due to excessive restraint.

3.4 Connection between propeller post and The gap between the edges is to comply with the required
propeller shaft bossing tolerances or, when not specified, it is to be in accordance
with normal good practice.
3.4.1 Fabricated propeller posts are to be welded with full
penetration welding to the propeller shaft bossing. 4.2.5 Gap in fillet weld T connections
In fillet weld T connections, a gap g, as shown in Fig 11, not
greater than 2 mm may be accepted without increasing the
3.5 Bar stem connections
throat thickness calculated according to [2.3.4] or [2.3.7],
3.5.1 The bar stem is to be welded to the bar keel generally as applicable.
with butt welding. In the case of a gap greater than 2 mm, the above throat
The shell plating is also to be welded directly to the bar thickness is to be increased accordingly as specified in Ch
stem with butt welding. 12, Sec 2 for some special connections of various ship

4 Workmanship In any event, the gap g may not exceed 4 mm.

Figure 11: Gap in fillet weld T connections

4.1 Welding procedures and consumables

4.1.1 The various welding procedures and consumables t

are to be used within the limits of their approval and in g
accordance with the conditions of use specified in the
respective approval documents.

4.2 Welding operations

4.2.1 Weather protection

Adequate protection from the weather is to be provided to
parts being welded; in any event, such parts are to be dry.

168 Bureau Veritas April 2007

Pt B, Ch 12, Sec 1

4.2.6 Plate misalignment in butt connections 4.2.8 Assembling of aluminium alloy parts
When welding aluminium alloy parts, particular care is to
The misalignment m, measured as shown in Fig 12,
be taken so as to:
between plates with the same gross thickness t is to be less
than 0,15t, without being greater than 3 mm. • reduce as far as possible restraint from welding shrink-
age, by adopting assembling and tack welding proce-
dures suitable for this purpose
Figure 12: Plate misalignment in butt connections
• keep possible deformations within the allowable limits.

4.2.9 Preheating and interpass temperatures

Suitable preheating, to be maintained during welding, and
slow cooling may be required by the Society on a case by
case basis.
4.2.10 Welding sequences
Welding sequences and direction of welding are to be
m determined so as to minimise deformations and prevent
defects in the welded connection.
All main connections are generally to be completed before
the ship is afloat.
Departures from the above provision may be accepted by
the Society on a case by case basis, taking into account any
detailed information on the size and position of welds and
the stresses of the zones concerned, both during ship
m launching and with the ship afloat.

4.2.11 Interpass cleaning

After each run, the slag is to be removed by means of a
4.2.7 Misalignment in cruciform connections chipping hammer and a metal brush; the same precaution is
to be taken when an interrupted weld is resumed or two
The misalignment m in cruciform connections, measured
welds are to be connected.
on the median lines as shown in Fig 13, is to be less than:
4.2.12 Stress relieving
• t/2, in general, where t is the gross thickness of the thin-
ner abutting plate It is recommended and in some cases it may be required that
special structures subject to high stresses, having complex
• the values specified in Ch 12, Sec 2 for some special shapes and involving welding of elements of considerable
connections of various ship types. thickness (such as rudder spades and stern frames), are pre-
fabricated in parts of adequate size and stress-relieved in the
The Society may require lower misalignment to be adopted furnace, before final assembly, at a temperature within the
for cruciform connections subjected to high stresses. range 550°C ÷ 620°C, as appropriate for the type of steel.

Figure 13: Misalignment in cruciform connections

4.3 Crossing of structural elements
4.3.1 In the case of T crossing of structural elements (one
element continuous, the other physically interrupted at the
crossing) when it is essential to achieve structural continuity
through the continuous element (continuity obtained by
means of the welded connections at the crossing), particular
care is to be devoted to obtaining the correspondence of the
interrupted elements on both sides of the continuous ele-
ment. Suitable systems for checking such correspondence
are to be adopted.
5 Modifications and repairs during

5.1 General
t2 5.1.1 Deviations in the joint preparation and other speci-
fied requirements, in excess of the permitted tolerances and
found during construction, are to be repaired as agreed with
the Society on a case by case basis.

April 2007 Bureau Veritas 169

Pt B, Ch 12, Sec 1

5.2 Gap and weld deformations 6.2 Visual and non-destructive examinations

5.2.1 Welding by building up of gaps exceeding the 6.2.1 After completion of the welding operation and work-
required values and repairs of weld deformations may be shop inspection, the structure is to be presented to the Sur-
accepted by the Society upon special examination. veyor for visual examination at a suitable stage of fabrication.
As far as possible, the results on non-destructive examina-
tions are to be submitted.
5.3 Defects
6.2.2 Non-destructive examinations are to be carried out
5.3.1 Defects and imperfections on the materials and with appropriate methods and techniques suitable for the
welded connections found during construction are to be individual applications, to be agreed with the Surveyor on a
evaluated for possible acceptance on the basis of the appli- case by case basis.
cable requirements of the Society.
6.2.3 Radiographic examinations are to be carried out on
Where the limits of acceptance are exceeded, the defective the welded connections of the hull in accordance with
material and welds are to be discarded or repaired, as [6.3]. The results are to be made available to the Society. The
deemed appropriate by the Surveyor on a case by case surveyor may require to witness some testing preparations.
6.2.4 The Society may allow radiographic examinations to
When any serious or systematic defect is detected either in
be replaced by ultrasonic examinations.
the welded connections or in the base material, the manu-
facturer is required to promptly inform the Surveyor and 6.2.5 When the visual or non-destructive examinations
submit the repair proposal. reveal the presence of unacceptable indications, the rele-
vant connection is to be repaired to sound metal for an
The Surveyor may require destructive or non-destructive
extent and according to a procedure agreed with the Sur-
examinations to be carried out for initial identification of
veyor. The repaired zone is then to be submitted to non-
the defects found and, in the event that repairs are under-
destructive examination, using a method deemed suitable
taken, for verification of their satisfactory completion.
by the Surveyor to verify that the repair is satisfactory.
Additional examinations may be required by the Surveyor
5.4 Repairs on structures already welded on a case by case basis.

5.4.1 In the case of repairs involving the replacement of 6.2.6 Ultrasonic and magnetic particle examinations may
material already welded on the hull, the procedures to be also be required by the Surveyor in specific cases to verify
adopted are to be agreed with the Society on a case by case the quality of the base material.
6.3 Radiographic inspection
6 Inspections and checks 6.3.1 A radiographic inspection is to be carried out on the
welded butts of shell plating, strength deck plating as well
6.1 General as of members contributing to the longitudinal strength.
This inspection may also be required for the joints of mem-
bers subject to heavy stresses.
6.1.1 Materials, workmanship, structures and welded con-
nections are to be subjected, at the beginning of the work, The requirements [6.3.2] to [6.3.5] constitute general rules:
during construction and after completion, to inspections by the number of radiographs may be increased where
the Shipyard suitable to check compliance with the applica- requested by the Surveyor, mainly where visual inspection
ble requirements, approved plans and standards. or radiographic soundings have revealed major defects, spe-
cially for butts of sheerstrake, stringer plate, bilge strake or
6.1.2 The manufacturer is to make available to the Surveyor keel plate.
a list of the manual welders and welding operators and their Provisions alteration to these rules may be accepted by the
respective qualifications. Society when justified by the organisation of the shipyard or
of the inspection department; the inspection is then to be
The manufacturer's internal organisation is responsible for
equivalent to that deduced from [6.3.2] to [6.3.5].
ensuring that welders and operators are not employed
under improper conditions or beyond the limits of their 6.3.2 As far as automatic welding of the panels butt welds
respective qualifications and that welding procedures are during the premanufacturing stage is concerned, the ship-
adopted within the approved limits and under the appropri- yard is to carry out random non-destructive testing of the
ate operating conditions. welds (radiographic or ultrasonic inspection) in order to
ascertain the regularity and the constancy of the welding
6.1.3 The manufacturer is responsible for ensuring that the inspection.
operating conditions, welding procedures and work sched-
ule are in accordance with the applicable requirements, 6.3.3 In the midship area, radiographies are to be taken at
approved plans and recognised good welding practice. the joinings of panels.

170 Bureau Veritas April 2007

Pt B, Ch 12, Sec 1

Each radiography is situated in a butt joint at a cross-shaped Moreover, a radiographic inspection is to be taken, at random,
welding. of the weldings of the bilge keel and of intermediate flat.
In a given ship cross-section bounded by the panels, a radi-
ography is to be made of each butt of sheerstrake, stringer, 6.3.4 Outwards the midship area, a programme of radio-
bilge and keel plate; in addition, the following radiogra- graphic inspection at random is to be set up by the shipyard
phies are to be taken: in agreement with the Surveyor for the major points. It is
further recommended:
• bottom plating: two
• deck plating: two • to take a number of radiographies of the very thick parts
and those comprising restrained joint, such as stern-
• side shell plating: two each side.
frames, shaft brackets, stabiliser recesses, masts
For ships where B + C ≤ 15 m, only one radiography for • to take a complete set of radiographies or to increase the
each of the above items is required. number of radiographies for the first joint of a series of
This requirement remains applicable where panel butts are identical joints. This recommendation is applicable not
shifted or where some strakes are built independently from only to the assembly joints of prefabricated members
the panels. It is recommended to take most of these radiog- completed on the slip, but also to joints completed in
raphies at the intersections of butt and panel seams. the workshop to prepare such prefabricated members.
Still in the midship area, a radiographic inspection is to be
6.3.5 Where a radiography is rejected and where it is
taken, at random, of the following main members of the
decided to carry out a repair, the shipyard is to determine
the length of the defective part, then a set of inspection radi-
• butts of continuous longitudinal bulkheads ographies of the repaired joint and of adjacent parts is to be
• butts of longitudinal stiffeners, deck and bottom girders taken. Where the repair has been decided by the inspection
contributing to the overall strength office of the shipyard, the film showing the initial defect is
• assembly joints of insert plates at the corners of the to be submitted to the Surveyor together with the film taken
openings. after repair of the joint.

April 2007 Bureau Veritas 171

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