Polyvinyl Chloride
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The US polyvinyl chloride (PVC) market held steady as December contracts were assessed flat with November and spot export pricing was stable after an uptick in
A major US producer withdrew its December contract initiative for an increase of 2 cents/lb ($44/tonne) and re-issued the notice for January contracts. Other producers
are weighing options, including a larger increase for February.
Global markets remained softer and buyers in some regions were tentative in their purchase plans as China showed increasing signs of economic weakness and global
stock markets swung up and down.
US contracts for December were assessed at a rollover despite separate efforts by producers to gain a 2 cent/lb increase.
The proposed increases had been announced when ethane and ethylene bottlenecks had sent feedstock prices soaring.
But ethylene prices and availability have stabilised.
Additionally, global markets cooled toward the end of last year, lending sentiment of softer prices and raising questions about China’s economic health.
End-of-year destocking activity also worked against the proposed increases.
But one producer withdrew its proposal and reset it for January.
Other producers are said to be considering their own timing, with one saying that February would provide a better chance for acceptance in the market and considering a
larger increase for that month.
US producers still enjoy comfortable margins and and US contracts finished the year up by a net 2 cents/lb from
2017. The following chart shows the spread between US PVC and ethylene prices.
US PVC-ethylene spread
Price Range Four Weeks Ago USD/tonne
DEL US US CTS/lb n/c 35.00-36.00 n/c 35.00-36.00 771.62-793.66
Spot business is rare, as most producers allocate all production not committed to domestic contract sales into the spot export market. Little material is left for domestic
spot business.
Price Range Four Weeks Ago US CTS/lb
FOB USG Export USD/tonne n/c 775-790 n/c 755-780 35.15-35.83
US December ethylene contract prices settled flat as production curtailments and increased consumption led to a more balanced market in late 2018. US ethylene spot
prices fell amid the start-up of new capacity in late 2018 and expected start-up in early 2019.
US production of caustic soda and chlorine in November rose 6% from October as effective plant utilisation rates rebounded to 86%, according to data released Friday
by the Chlorine Institute.
Production has continued higher each month than for comparable months in previous years, but US production for 2018 is generally flat with 2019, though slightly
below last year's volume.
US and Canada production, domestic sales and exports lowered in November, according to revised figures from the American Chemistry Council using data compiled
by Vault Consulting.
The declines are in line with seasonality in the North American market with the onset of winter and the decline of construction activity and the demand for building
materials made from PVC.
Other Regions
South Asia-Middle East
PVC spot prices in India, the Gulf Cooperation Council states and the eastern Mediterranean were unchanged in the week following limited discussions in the wake of
the holidays. No fresh offers were made, although many players expected fresh offers from Asian producers in the next two weeks ahead of the Lunar New Year
holidays. Some players said there were signs of demand picking up for local parcels, despite the lack of discussions in the import market.
Asia Pacific
PVC prices for deep-sea CFR China cargoes were stable to firm, tracking a firmer offer in the week for US-origin cargo. PVC prices remained stable for other regions
in Asia, with many market participants choosing to wait and observe interest for upcoming February-loading offers.
European origin export prices and prices in Turkey have fallen on the high end, with market activity relatively slow to pick up following the new year. New offers from
Europe to Turkey were slightly down from the previous assessment although the lower end of the market could not be widely confirmed. Further information is
expected later in January.
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Polyvinyl Chloride
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