Radio Frequency Remote
Radio Frequency Remote
Radio Frequency Remote
Instead of sending out light signals, an RF remote transmits radio waves that correspond to the binary
command for the button you're pushing. A radio receiver on the controlled device receives the signal and
decodes it. The problem with RF remotes is the sheer number of radio signals flying through the air at any
given time. Cell phones, walkie-talkies, WiFi setups and cordless phones are all transmitting radio signals at
varying frequencies. RF remotes address the interference issue by transmitting at specific radio frequencies
and by embedding digital address codes in the radio signal. This lets the radio receiver on the intended device
know when to respond to the signal and when to ignore it. To learn more about the technology of radio-
frequency remotes, check out How Remote Entry Works.
Working of REMOTE:-
LCD screen
A remote-control LCD screen may simply display data, or it may be a touchscreen that receives user input.
User interfaces
Most remotes still utilize the simple button-pushing method, but some have more high-tech manners of
inputing commands. You'll find remotes that you operate via an LCD touchscreen, a joystick (for directional
commands) and even voice commands.
RF extenders
Some IR remotes can send out both IR and RF signals. The RF signals aren't meant to control RF devices (in
fact, they can't control them). They're meant to extend the operating range of the IR remote control from about
30 feet to about 100 feet (give or take) and allow the signal to penetrate walls and glass cabinet enclosures.
The remote automatically transmits both IR and RF signals for every command. When you hook up an RF-to-
IR converter (sometimes included with IR/RF remotes, sometimes sold as add-ons) on the receiving end, it
receives and converts the signal back into the infrared pulses the device can understand. Now you've got an
IR remote that can increase the volume on your home-theater stereo from your bedroom upstairs.
Remote controls are steadily increasing the number of devices and functions they can manage. Some
universal remotes intended for home-theater components can learn commands for wirelessly controlled lights,
so they will not only start a movie at the push of a button, but they'll also dim the lights for you. Full home-
automation systems let you use one remote control to manage lighting, alarm systems and entertainment
components by way of a receiver wired directly into your home's electrical wiring. Chances are it won't be long
before you have a single remote control to manage every electronic device in your life.
It is often required to switch electrical appliances from a distance without being a direct line of sight
between the transmitter and receiver. As you may well know, an RF based wireless remote control system (RF Transmitter &
RF Receiver) can be used to control an output load from a remote place. RF transmitter, as the name suggests, uses radio
frequency to send the signals at a particular frequency and a baud rate.
The RF receiver can receive these signals only if it is configured for the pre-defined signal/data pattern. An ideal solution for
this application is provided by compact transmitter and receiver modules, which operate at a frequency of 434 MHz and are
available ready-made. Here, the radio frequency (RF) transmission system employs Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) with
transmitter (and receiver) operating at 434 MHz. The use of the ready-made RF module simplifies the construction of a
wireless remote control system and also makes it more reliable.
RF Transmitter
This simple RF transmitter, consisting of a 434MHz license-exempt Transmitter module and an encoder IC
, was designed to remotely switch simple appliances on and off. The RF part consists of a standard 434MHz transmitter
module, which works at a frequency of 433.92 MHz and has a range of about 400m according to the manufacture. The
transmitter module has four pins. Apart from “Data” and the “Vcc” pin, there is a common ground (GND) for data and supply.
Last is the RF output (ANT) pin.
Note that, for the transmission of a unique signal, an encoder is crucial. For this, I have used the renowned encoder IC HT12E
from Holtek. HT12E is capable of encoding information which consists of N address bits and 12N data bits. Each address/ data
input can be set to one of the two logic states. The programmed addresses/data are transmitted together with the header bits via
an RF transmission medium upon receipt of a trigger signal. Solder bridges TJ1 and TJ2 are used to set the address and data
The current consumption with a supply voltage of near 5.4V is about 10 mA. Since the current consumption is very little,the
power can also be provided by standard button cells. Recommended antenna length is 17 cm for 433.92 MHz, and a stiff wire
can be used as the antenna. Remember to mount the antenna (aerial) as close as possible to pin 4 (ANT) of the transmitter
RF Transmitter – Schematic Diagram
RF Receiver
This circuit complements the RF transmitter built aorund the small 434MHz transmitter module. The receiver picks up the
transmitted signals using the 434Mhz receiver module. This integrated RF receiver module has been tuned to a frequency of
433.92MHz,exactly same as for the RF transmitter.
The miniature 434MHz RF receiver module receives On-Off Keyed (OOK) modulation signal and demodulates it to digital
signal for the next decoder stage. Local oscillator is made of Phase Locked Loop (PLL) structure. Technically, this is an
Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) receiver module based on a single-conversion, super-heterodyne receiver architecture and
incorporates an entire Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) for precise local oscillator (LO) generation. It can use in OOK / HCS / PWM
modulation signal and demodulate to digital signal.
The receiver module has eight (4+4) pins. Apart from three “ground (GND) ” and two “Vcc” pins, there are two pins (one for
Digital Data & other for Linear Data) for data output. Last is the RF input (ANT) pin.
1 Antenna
2 Ground
3 Ground
4 Vcc
5 Vcc
6 Linear Data (Normally NOT used)
7 Digital Data (Normally Used)
8 Ground
The “coded” signal transmitted by the transmitter is processed at the receiver side by the decoder IC HT12F from Holtek. VR1
and R1 are used to tweak the oscillator frequency of the decoder to that of the transmitter. Any possible variations due to
component tolerences and/or a different supply voltage can be compensated by this arrangement. HT12F is capable of
decoding informations that consist of N bits of address and 12N bits of data. HT12F decoder IC receives serial addresses and
data from the HT12E encoder that are transmitted by the RF transmitter module. HT12D compare the serial input data three
times continuously with the local addresses.
If no error or unmatched codes are found, the input data codes are decoded and then transferred to the output pins. The “Valid
Transmission” (VT) pin also goes high to indicate a valid transmission.
For proper operation, a pair of HT12E/HT12F ICs with the same number of addresses and data format should be chosen. The
data bits are set up using solder bridges RJ1 and RJ2. Output of the decoder is brought out on a pinheader K1 , making the
logical signal available to circuits that need it. This output is also fed to the relay driver transitor T1. The RF Receiver circuit
can be powered from a standard 5VDC supply. Just as for the RF Transmiitter, the aerial (17 cm for 433.92 MHz) has to be
mounted as close as possible to the RF IN (ANT) pin of the 434MHz RF receiver module.
RF transmitter circuit can be safely powered from DC 4.5V to 6V power supply. Here, diode D1 is added to
introduce a 0.65V drop, but this is not very crucial
The 434 MHz RF module (Tx &Rx) is available from many sources. Connection terminals are usually
labelled on the PCB. In case of any doubt, refer datasheets of the RF modules
In practice, the transmitter is usually powered by batteries. But you can power the receiver from an onboard
/external dc supply too. In this case, make an optional “noise filter” arrangement , as shown here, to “clean”
the 5V power rails of the 434MHz RF receiver module
Overvoltage protection
Note that the rather unconventional application of zener diodes as low voltage rectifiers. The purpose of this is to provide
transient voltage protection for the Schottky rectifiers.
D9 is a zener that protects the MOSFET gate from overvoltage transients — its low cost is essentially an insurance policy in
protecting against potential MOSFET failure. Automotive electrical systems can be very “dirty” when it comes to generating
transients — e.g. what happens when you have your foot on the brake when you start the engine? The starter current is not the
problem, but the termination of starter current can generate high transient voltages due to the series inductance of the starter
Failure modes
While I believe that the potential for circuit failure is low, it is important to recognize the symptoms. Otherwise, even a very
experienced mechanic may have difficulty making an accurate diagnosis. The symptom for D1 or D2 failure is “crosstalk”
between the vehicle Stop and Turn signal lights. In other words, when the brake pedal is pressed, both Turn signal and Stop
signals light simultaneously; or when the Turn signal is activated, both Turn and Stop signals light simultaneously. This will
occur with or without the trailer connected.
MOSFET failure is indicated by absence of the trailer Turn signal when the brake is pressed.
Feasibility prototype
I did not build the complete assembly — that will come later — what I tested was a feasibility prototype that I “haywired”
together — see photo. This provided all the information needed to demonstrate feasibility and performance. At 2A, the
MOSFET ran cool — no heatsink required.
Best quality Remote controller for your TV. High quality rubber pads can provide more durability and longer
life to your remote. It allows you to watch movies, music and shows unhindered on your TV screen for a long-span.
Remote works from a longer distance & battery lasts longer. Universal compatibility with all brands of televisions
enhances its utility.
Very easy to handel and use
Use 3v Lithium battery (CR2025)
Can use form far away
Catches signal between the walls
Covers an area of 5 meter radius
Buttons made of rubbers
Power consumption of
transmit part during power 20 to 150 mA, this depends on LEDs and
ON state coverage range 5 to 20 mA
Power consumption of
receive part during Approx. 5 mA in continuous
STAND-BY state Approx. 1 mA receiving mode
Bidirectional mode of
operation Not possible due to power consumption Possible
Number of bits per frame maximum 40 bits about 80 to 140 bits per frame