A. Impact
A. Impact
A. Impact
Preventive Medicine
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/ypmed
Review Article
Keywords: Understanding the nature of, and transitions in, young children's alcohol-related knowledge and attitudes is
Systematic review important to determining the age at which we should start educating children about alcohol and informing our
Alcohol understanding of the focus of such education. This paper aimed to explore current literature on the alcohol-
Children related knowledge, beliefs, attitudes and expectancies of children aged 12 years and under. Electronic databases
were searched for papers published from January 2000–August 2016. Further papers were identified by a
manual review of reference lists, and contacting corresponding authors of included papers. Papers that reported
on children's knowledge or beliefs about alcohol, attitudes towards alcohol and/or expectancies regarding al-
cohol consumption were included. Seventeen cross-sectional, experimental or observational studies and seven
longitudinal studies met the inclusion criteria. Data on key measures was tabulated. From a very young age
children are aware of and able to identify alcohol, and have some knowledge of its effects; their attitudes become
more positive with increasing age and these shifts appear to precede drinking initiation by some years. The small
number of available studies, with different measures of knowledge, attitudes and expectancies, made assessment
of bias unfeasible. Only three studies were published in the last five years. Children's knowledge of, and attitudes
towards, alcohol form before they initiate alcohol use, and are likely acquired through observation. Alcohol-
related education should commence before children begin drinking, and should encourage the delay of alcohol
initiation, address social norms, and reduce positive expectancies.
Funding source: The first author is funded by an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (FT120100932).
Financial disclosure: The authors have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.
Conflict of interest: The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
Corresponding author at: Centre for Health and Social Research (CHaSR), Australian Catholic University, Level 5, 215 Spring St, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia.
E-mail address: Sandra.Jones@acu.edu.au (S.C. Jones).
Received 9 March 2017; Received in revised form 18 July 2017; Accepted 11 August 2017
Available online 16 August 2017
0091-7435/ © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/BY-NC-ND/4.0/).
S.C. Jones, C.S. Gordon Preventive Medicine 105 (2017) 19–31
is important, given that higher positive alcohol expectancies have been information; for example, five papers did not report on the mean age
shown to increase the likelihood of early alcohol use and hazardous and/or gender of participants, and 12 did not provide the date of data
drinking among children (Cruz and Dunn, 2003; Jester et al., 2015; Van collection. In eight cases, no response was obtained or they were unable
Tyne et al., 2012). to provide these data. The small number of available studies, with
This review sought to explore the current literature on the alcohol- different measures of knowledge, attitudes and expectancies; made
related knowledge, beliefs, attitudes and expectancies of children aged assessment of bias unfeasible. Complete information describing the
12 years and under; in order to inform our understanding of when and included studies can be found in Appendix Tables 1–3.
what we should start teaching children about alcohol.
2.4. Data synthesis
2. Methods
Included studies were classified into, and data synthesized and re-
2.1. Eligibility criteria ported by, three categories, depending on the focus of the study;
knowledge, attitudes, and/or expectancies (a study could be classified
Studies of interest reported on children's knowledge or beliefs about in more than one category).
alcohol, attitudes towards alcohol and/or expectancies regarding the The ‘knowledge’ category included studies related to children's
effects of consuming alcohol. For the purpose of the review ‘children’ general awareness or knowledge of alcohol, such as their ability to
was defined as those aged 12 years or less. Due to the small number of identify alcohol products or their ability to identify the health effects of
studies, both cross-sectional and longitudinal studies were included. alcohol consumption. The ‘attitudes’ category included studies that
explored children's reported liking of alcohol; attitudes towards alcohol
2.2. Study selection users; and descriptive (what do others like me do) and injunctive (what
do important others think I should do) norms regarding alcohol-related
A three-stage approach was taken to identifying papers for inclusion behaviour (Voogt et al., 2013). The ‘expectancies’ category included
in the review. The first stage was a systematic search of electronic da- studies that assessed children's positive and/or negative alcohol ex-
tabases (A+ Education, Cochrane, Eric, Informit Complete, Proquest pectancies (beliefs regarding the effects and outcomes of drinking al-
Health and Medical Collection, PsycInfo, Scopus and Web of Science). cohol; (Jester et al., 2015).
The keywords used were “alcohol” NEAR/5 child* OR kinder* OR pre- As the majority of the studies did not report data on differential
school OR school AND knowledge OR attitude* OR belie*. The search responses by gender or race, and others reported only on these differ-
was limited to articles written in English and published from 1 January ences and not for the sample as a whole, within each category we have
2000 onwards. Papers were excluded where data on children's knowl- provided a sub-section on reported demographic differences.
edge, beliefs, attitudes or expectancies was not provided – such as
studies that reported generically on exposure, opinion pieces, or policy/ 3. Results
position statements – or where the sample was children older than
12 years of age. 3.1. Children's knowledge of alcohol
The searches identified a total of 1573 unique articles; the abstracts
of which were reviewed by the two authors to identify those that met Ten studies specifically examined children's knowledge of alcohol.
the inclusion criteria. The second stage was a manual review of the Nine studies were conducted in the US (Andrews et al., 2003; Bridges
reference lists of the articles that met the inclusion criteria; performed et al., 2003; Dalton et al., 2005; Dunn and Goldman, 2000; Hahn et al.,
by the second author. As a final step, once the authors had identified all 2000; Mack, 2003; Mennella and Forestell, 2008; Rinehart et al., 2006;
possible articles through database and manual searching, the second Sigelman et al., 2000) and one in Switzerland (Kuntsche et al., 2016).
author contacted the corresponding author of each included paper en- Four studies utilised individual interviews in which children were
quiring whether they had authored any further studies that addressed shown pictures of alcohol products and asked to identify what was in
this topic. A follow-up email was sent to corresponding authors ap- the picture; two with kindergarten/pre-school aged children (Hahn
proximately two weeks later for non-replies. et al., 2000; Kuntsche et al., 2016) and two with lower primary (Dunn
A total of 29 articles were identified as potentially relevant, with 12 and Goldman, 2000; Andrews et al., 2003). In all four studies more than
of these articles being identified through the process of contacting half of the children correctly identified alcoholic beverages. Those
corresponding authors. These articles were uploaded into Covidence studies that included more than one age group consistently found that
software (www.covidence.org) for full-text review by both authors. students in higher grades identified more items; for example, Kuntsche
Covidence provides an online platform for researchers to efficiently et al. (2016) found that correct identification was almost twice as high
manage the review process by enabling them to independently screen among six-year-olds (82%) as three-year-olds (45%).
articles, record (reasons for) inclusion/exclusion, and keep track of Two studies engaged children in activities to assess alcohol knowl-
which articles have been reviewed by their co-researchers. Importantly, edge. In a structured observational study, 62% percent of the 120 two
each reviewer cannot see the other's coding decisions until the process to six-year-olds “bought” alcohol in a role-play shopping scenario
is complete. Conflicts identified during screening (n = 2) were resolved (Dalton et al., 2005), of whom 58% identified it by type (e.g. “beer”,
by discussion and consensus within the pair. Five studies were excluded “wine”). The other study found that while a low proportion of the 145
as they did not meet the selection criteria. five to eight-year-olds could identify the odors of alcohol by name (e.g.,
Thus a total of 24 papers were included in the review; 17 reported 11% for beer and whisky) this was similar to the rate of identification of
on cross-sectional, experimental or observational studies and seven on odors liked by the majority of the children (e.g., 16% for cola)
longitudinal studies (see Fig. 1 for PRISMA diagram). (Mennella and Forestell, 2008).
Four studies examined knowledge in more detail by asking ques-
2.3. Data extraction and quality tions about the health effects of alcohol. The first found no significant
age differences for the open-ended measure of knowledge of alcohol
Data was extracted by the second author on study setting, study effects among 217 first to sixth-graders, but a developmental trend of a
design, study participants, key outcomes assessed, measures used, reduction in mistaken ideas about alcohol's effects with increasing age
analysis methods, key findings and study strengths and limitations. (Sigelman et al., 2000). The second, with 217 first to sixth-graders,
Where information important for the review was not reported in the found knowledge of alcohol and understanding of how alcohol affects
original papers, the corresponding author was asked to provide this the body increased with age (Bridges et al., 2003). The third, with 317
S.C. Jones, C.S. Gordon Preventive Medicine 105 (2017) 19–31
third to sixth-graders, found children in higher grades were more likely Six of the studies were conducted in the United States (Andrews et al.,
to know that alcohol affects the brain, which in turn causes behavioural 2008; Andrews and Peterson, 2006; Bridges et al., 2003; Hahn et al.,
change but less likely to know that alcohol travels everywhere in the 2000; Mennella and Forestell, 2008; Prins et al., 2011), one in Swit-
body (Mack, 2003). The fourth focused on racial differences, and did zerland (Kuntsche et al., 2016) and one in Australia (Cameron et al.,
not report descriptive data for the full sample (Rinehart et al., 2006); 2003).
this paper is discussed below. Two of the studies explored children's reported liking of alcohol;
one by self-report and one based on liking of the smell of alcohol. In the
3.1.1. Demographic differences Australian study 72% of the 233 grade 3, 5 and 7 children reported
Only one of the ten studies reported a gender difference (Andrews having tasted beer, 63% champagne, and 78% wine (Mack, 2003), with
et al., 2003), with more boys than girls identifying alcohol (94% vs liking highest for champagne. A US study found the majority of the 145
83%; OR = 2.20, p < 0.001). Three studies reported that minority five to eight-year-old participants disliked the odors of beer (77%) and
children were more likely than White children to believe both correct whiskey (81%) (Mennella and Forestell, 2008).
and incorrect statements about long-term effects of alcohol (Bridges Two longitudinal studies explored attitudes towards alcohol users
et al., 2003; Rinehart et al., 2006; Sigelman et al., 2000). Children were among children in Western Oregon, US. The first, with 1075 first
more likely to “purchase” beer or wine if their parents drank alcohol at through fifth graders (at baseline), found 26% attributed ‘popular or
least monthly (adjusted OR 3.04) or if they viewed PG-13 or R-rated liked by others’, 59% ‘exciting’, and 6% ‘cool or neat’ to alcohol users;
movies (adjusted OR 5.10) (Dalton et al., 2005). there was an overall increase in positive attitudes towards alcohol users
with increasing age, (Andrews and Peterson, 2006). The second found
3.2. Children's attitudes towards alcohol (and drinkers) attitudes towards alcohol users among 712 s through fifth graders (at
baseline) became more positive with increasing age, with those who
Eight studies could be broadly categorised as assessing children's initially held less favourable attitudes tending to increase the favour-
attitudes towards alcohol, although each utilised a different measure. ability of attitudes faster (Andrews et al., 2008).
S.C. Jones, C.S. Gordon Preventive Medicine 105 (2017) 19–31
Four studies examined perceived injunctive norms; one regarding An Australian study with 233 children in grades 3, 5 and 7 found
parental supply (Hahn et al., 2000); one teenagers' and adults' drinking older children endorsed both positive and negative alcohol ex-
(Bridges et al., 2003); one adults' drinking (Rinehart et al., 2006); and pectancies more than younger children (F(2, 233) = 7.81, p < 0.005)
one children's drinking (Prins et al., 2011). In the first, most of the 126 (Cameron et al., 2003). At all ages, children's positive alcohol ex-
kindergarten children held negative attitudes towards alcohol use, but pectancies were higher than negative expectancies for wine (t(232)
more than one-quarter said ‘Bunchy Bear’ felt happy that the parent was = 3.50, p < 0.001), but reversed for beer (t(232) = 3.04,
giving the child bear a sip of beer (Hahn, 1997). The second, with 217 p < 0.005). Compared to non-alcohol stimuli (e.g., seafood, ice-cream,
first to sixth graders, found attitudes towards alcohol were less negative Coke, cough medicine), differences between positive and negative ex-
in higher grades than in lower grades (Bridges et al., 2003). pectancies were much smaller for alcohol, indicating a more balanced
The third study (Rinehart et al., 2006) focused on racial differences or ambivalent expectancy configuration unique to alcohol (t(232) 1/4
which are reported in the subsection below. The fourth, a cohort-se- 2.05, p < 0.05, t(232) 1/4 3.54, p < 0.001, and t(232) 1/4 8.35,
quential longitudinal study with 452 children aged 8 or 10 at baseline, p < 0.001 respectively).
found a significant growth in children's acceptance of child sipping, A US questionnaire study with 1993 fourth graders and 1632 ninth
drinking and drunkenness as they got older; acceptance of sipping in- graders found older students viewed alcohol's effects more positively
creased nearly twice as much between age 11.5 and age 16 as between than did younger students (d = 1.16, p < 0.001) and were more likely
age 8.5 and age 11 (Prins et al., 2011). to believe alcohol consumption increases the likelihood of both positive
The Swiss study examined perceived descriptive norms by asking and negative outcomes (d = 0.46, p < 0.001) (Schell et al., 2005).
301 three-to six-year-olds to assign beverages to people of different ages A study assessing both explicit and implicit alcohol expectancies
(adults and children) and genders for 11 different scenarios. Alcoholic among 76 children (Mage = 11.8 years) found that, independent of age,
beverages were assigned more often to men (42%) than to women children held higher negative than positive alcohol expectancies
(29%; p < 0.001) or to children (13%); and more often to adults at a (B = 3.20, t(74) = 12.34, p < 0.001), however increasing age was
party (39%) than to those playing outdoors (35%; p < 0.01) (Kuntsche associated with greater positive expectancies (r = 0.23, p < 0.05)
et al., 2016). (O'Connor et al., 2007). In the experimental component of the study
strong implicit positive expectancies, based on faster identification of
3.2.1. Demographic differences positive targets following an alcohol prime versus non-alcohol prime,
Two studies reported gender differences. One found boys reported were evident regardless of age. Another study, with 299 children in
liking beer and champagne more than girls (Cameron et al., 2003); the grades three to six found that positive (r = 0.25, p < 0.01), negative
other that girls held significantly more positive attitudes towards al- (r = 0.19, p < 0.05) and sedating (r = 0.12, p < 0.01) alcohol ex-
cohol users than boys (Andrews and Peterson, 2006). pectancies increased with age (Bekman et al., 2011).
Two studies reported racial differences. One found non-minority Three studies (Corvo, 2000; Kuntsche, 2017; Rinehart et al., 2006)
children were more likely to say ‘Bunchy Bear’ felt happy that the focused primarily on racial or gender differences in expectancies, and
parent was giving the child bear a sip of beer than were minority are described in the demographic section below.
children (Hahn et al., 2000); whereas the other found Black children
had less positive attitudes towards adult alcohol use than White chil- 3.3.2. Longitudinal studies
dren (Rinehart et al., 2006). A four year longitudinal study (N = 1161; Mage = 8.7 years basline;
56% African American; 100% female) found positive expectancies in-
3.3. Children's alcohol expectancies creased (F = 15.11, 2/1833 df, p < 0.001) and negative expectancies
decreased (F = 29.28, 2/1776 df, p < 0.001) significantly with in-
Thirteen studies assessed children's alcohol expectancies. Eleven creasing age of the cohort (Hipwell et al., 2005).
were conducted in the United States (Bekman et al., 2011; Bridges A three year longitudinal study (N = 378; aged 8-or-10-years at
et al., 2003; Copeland et al., 2014; Corvo, 2000; Donovan et al., 2009; baseline, Mage = 9.5; 47% female; 73% White) found children in-
Dunn and Goldman, 2000; Hipwell et al., 2005; O'Connor et al., 2007; creasingly adopted both the positive and negative consensual adult
Rinehart et al., 2006; Schell et al., 2005; Sigelman et al., 2002), one in (socially shared) outcomes expectancies as they moved into adoles-
Switzerland (Kuntsche, 2017) and one in Australia (Cameron et al., cence (significant cohort main effect and cohort-by-time interaction, all
2003). Ten were cross-sectional (Bekman et al., 2011; Bridges et al., ps < 0.05) (Donovan et al., 2009). Beliefs about alcohol effects widely
2003; Cameron et al., 2003; Corvo, 2000; Dunn and Goldman, 2000; endorsed by adults were more likely to be adopted by children as they
Kuntsche, 2017; O'Connor et al., 2007; Rinehart et al., 2006; Schell moved into adolescence than those endorsed by half or a minority of
et al., 2005; Sigelman et al., 2002), and three longitudinal (Copeland adults. Both positive and negative consensual expectancies were
et al., 2014; Donovan et al., 2009; Hipwell et al., 2005). adopted at a faster rate between ages 8.5 and 11.5 than between ages
12 and 13.5., and there was no further growth in negative expectancies
3.3.1. Cross-sectional studies between ages 12 and 13.5.
A study exploring participants' alcohol expectancies through asses- Finally, a two year longitudinal study (N = 277, sixth-graders,
sing first associates in an interview (N = 462 s-fifth graders) or survey Mage = 9.0; 49% female) found significant main effects for grade on
(N = 1003 third, sixth, ninth and twelfth graders) found negative as- positive alcohol expectancy change for Global Positive Transformations
sociations decreased with age (e.g., “bad” was the most frequent re- at 12 and 18 months, Social Behaviour Enhancement or impediment at
sponse of second graders, but decreased in each higher grade level) and 6 and 12 months, and Relaxation/Tension Reduction at 6 and
positive associations increased (e.g., “happy” was uncommon among 18 months; lower grades did not differ from each other, but differed
second-sixth graders but much greater among ninth graders) (Dunn and significantly from the higher grades (Copeland et al., 2014).
Goldman, 2000).
A study with a convenience sample of 121 five-to-25-year-olds 3.3.3. Demographic differences
found that only children aged 8-to-10-years were significantly less The Swiss found girls (only) endorsed positive alcohol expectancies
likely than college students to view alcohol as stimulating (Sigelman more frequently than negative expectancies (ΔM = 0.85, t = 4.2,
et al., 2002). Another study, with 217 first to sixth-graders, found po- p < 0.001); girls also scored significantly higher on positive sedation
sitive alcohol expectancies increased with age; but there were no sig- expectancies (e.g. become calm) and lower on negative sedation ex-
nificant differences in negative expectancies between the age groups pectancies (e.g. become sad) than boys (Kuntsche, 2017).
(Bridges et al., 2003). Three studies explored racial differences. The first (N = 69; 49%
S.C. Jones, C.S. Gordon Preventive Medicine 105 (2017) 19–31
Black, 36% White and 14% Other) found positive and negative alcohol 4.3. Expectancies
expectancies were significantly higher for Black children than White
children (p = 0.04), with the variance predominantly in a sub-scale Children of all ages hold both positive and negative alcohol ex-
that measured beliefs on how alcohol effects arousal and aggression pectancies, and are more ambivalent about alcohol than other sub-
(p = 0.003) (Corvo, 2000). The four year girls-only longitudinal study stances, with several studies finding positive expectancies are higher
(Hipwell et al., 2005) found a significant interaction between race and than negative expectancies. The increase in positive expectancies with
change in positive (F = 5.58, 2/1824 df, p < 0.01) and negative age was fairly consistent across studies (Bekman et al., 2011; Bridges
(F = 3.19, 2/1766 df, p < 0.05) expectancies; for example, African et al., 2003; Cameron et al., 2003; Copeland et al., 2014; Donovan et al.,
American girls held more positive expectancies at age 8, but showed 2009; Hipwell et al., 2005; Schell et al., 2005); whereas results were
little change with development, whereas Caucasian girls reported in- inconsistent for negative expectancies, with the majority of studies
creasingly positive expectancies with age. In contrast, a study which finding they increase (Bekman et al., 2011; Cameron et al., 2003;
collected data from three independent samples of varying racial com- Donovan et al., 2009) but one that they decrease (Prins et al., 2011)
position and gender (between 40 and 60% Black, 50–58% female) with age. In combination, these findings suggest educational interven-
found few racial differences in alcohol expectancies (Rinehart et al., tions (and perhaps family-based communications) could be more ef-
2006). fective in delaying alcohol initiation by focusing on reducing positive
One study (Bekman et al., 2011) found that children with more expectancies of alcohol consumption and reinforcing positive ex-
enhanced cognitive abilities (i.e. concept formation and articulation, pectancies of abstention, rather than on increasing negative alcohol
and categorization) held more positive expectancies. expectancies (the focus of many of the messages conveyed in school
education and media campaigns). As Cameron notes, “Children have
become discriminant evaluators of alcohol-related information and
4. Discussion practices by the time they are about ten years old…important to en-
hance this capacity by promoting the positive aspects of not drinking”
The review identified a surprisingly small number of studies ex- (Cameron et al., 2003) (pp. 693–696).
ploring children's alcohol knowledge, attitudes and expectancies. The The finding that with increasing age children are more likely to
diversity of the studies – in sample sizes, methodologies and analyses – endorse the beliefs of adults, and to adopt adults' positive and negative
limits the capacity to synthesise findings and draw clear conclusions expectancies (Donovan et al., 2009), suggests interventions to delay
about these important predictors of future drinking. However, the children's drinking initiation may need to focus on the messages con-
consistency of findings across studies on specific aspects allows us to veyed by parents and other key adults. These include both the con-
draw some preliminary conclusions and make suggestions for future versations adults have with children about alcohol and the attitudes
research. and behaviours they display in relation to their own drinking. While
only specifically reported in one study (Donovan et al., 2009), the
4.1. Knowledge finding that consensual expectancies were adopted at a faster rate be-
tween ages 8.5 and 11.5 than between ages 12 and 13.5, and that ne-
It is clear that from a very young age children are aware of, are able gative expectancies did not increase between ages 12 and 13.5, suggests
to identify, and have some knowledge of the effects of alcohol. Children early adolescence may be a key time to intervene with educational
as young as pre-school (Dalton et al., 2005; Kuntsche et al., 2016) and messages and other strategies to delay or reduce the shift towards a
early primary (Andrews et al., 2003; Hahn et al., 2000) were able to positive view of the role of alcohol.
identify alcohol and had beverage-specific knowledge; and knowledge There is some evidence from the existing literature of other factors
of the effects of alcohol increased with age (Mack, 2003). The finding that are associated with alcohol expectancies; such as cognitive ability
that more than half of pre-schoolers ‘purchased’ alcohol when role- and sensation seeking (Bekman et al., 2011), personality traits in-
playing (Dalton et al., 2005) suggests they see alcohol as a normal cluding physical aggression (Chung et al., 2008), and ethnicity (Hahn
commodity (Babor, 2003) and part of life as an adult. et al., 2000; Hipwell et al., 2005; Mack, 2003). While these factors are
less amenable to intervention, there is emerging evidence that specific
personality traits including anxiety sensitivity, negative thinking, im-
4.2. Attitudes pulsivity and sensation seeking, can be targeted through alcohol edu-
cation (Newton et al., 2016).
While there is a need for more research to explore age differences in
children's attitudes towards alcohol, including perceived descriptive 4.4. Limitations
and injunctive norms, it is evident that attitudes become more positive
with increasing age. It appears that positive attitudes towards alcohol The current review was limited to peer-reviewed papers written in
per se may increase in middle primary years (Bridges et al., 2003), and English and published from the year 2000 onwards. These papers re-
towards child/youth drinking in late primary (Prins et al., 2011); sug- ported on data collected between 1997 and 2013 (noting that some may
gesting these shifts precede drinking initiation by some years. Thus, have been earlier as many studies did not state when data was col-
interventions targeting primary-school aged students (pre-drinkers) lected), with only one utilising data collected in the last 5–10 years. The
could usefully focus on delaying or preventing the formation of positive small number of published papers, and the diversity of their study de-
attitudes towards alcohol and youth drinking. signs and foci, made assessment of bias of individual studies unfeasible
Children as young as six years had some knowledge of adult and limited the ability to draw definitive conclusions. We were also
drinking norms, such as who drinks alcohol and in what situations limited by the lack of availability of key data for some studies; we tried
(Kuntsche et al., 2016), suggesting knowledge about alcohol is socially to address these gaps by contacting the papers' authors but in some
acquired from observation of adults and perhaps also from exposure to cases were still not able to obtain this information. The need for more
messages in the media (Hahn et al., 2000). Previous research has de- comprehensive studies is evident in the non-representative nature of
monstrated that media literacy programs can serve to teach children to much of the data; with a number of studies using small samples
more critically receive pro-alcohol messages in the media (Gordon (Cameron et al., 2003; Corvo, 2000; Sigelman et al., 2002), con-
et al., 2016), and that interventions targeting parents can increase their venience samples (Dalton et al., 2005), specific cohorts such as only
awareness of the influence of their alcohol-related attitudes on their Catholic school students (Bridges et al., 2003; Mack, 2003; Rinehart
children's drinking (Koutakis et al., 2008). et al., 2006; Sigelman et al., 2000) and/or reporting low consent rates
S.C. Jones, C.S. Gordon Preventive Medicine 105 (2017) 19–31
(Hahn et al., 2000; Kuntsche et al., 2016). the currently available literature, it appears that we should start talking
to children about alcohol when they are in middle primary; and that
5. Conclusion education programs should focus on delaying initiation to alcohol use,
reducing perceived social norms, and decreasing positive alcohol ex-
Parents and educators often ask: when should we start teaching pectancies.
children about alcohol (how young is too young); and what should we
teach them? These studies highlight that children's knowledge of, and Acknowledgments
attitudes towards, alcohol form well before they initiate alcohol use,
and are likely acquired through observation in the media and social Sandra Jones was the recipient of, and this project was funded by,
situations. There is a need for more research, ideally large-scale long- an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (FT120100932). We
itudinal studies, to determine when, and why, children's attitudes to- thank the authors who supplied us with additional information on their
wards alcohol move from being negative to positive. However, based on published articles.
Appendix A
Table 1
Children's knowledge of alcohol.
Andrews et al., 2003 Western Oregon, Cohort- N = 653 Shown pictures depicting wine, Almost all identified alcohol (1st
US sequential Mage = 8.02, beer & hard liquor grade, boys: 93%, girls: 83%; 2nd
Data collected (cross- SD = 0.38 Scored as correctly identifying the grade, boys: 93%, girls 85%; 3rd
1998–2001 sectional and 50% female (T1) substance if s/he could name it or grade, boys: 96%, girls 92%).
3 year 84% White describe its effects Identification increased with
longitudinal) grade (OR = 1.56, 95%
CI = 1.19, 1.95, p < 0.001).
More boys than girls identified
alcohol (boys: 94%; girls: 83%;
OR = 2.20, 95% CI = 1.44,
3.34; p < 0.001)
Bridges et al., 2003 US (area not Cross- N = 217, 6 to Six knowledge items e.g. does wine Familiarity with alcohol
specified) sectional 12 year olds contain alcohol? increased with grade (F (3210)
Year of data Mage not indicated Twelve true or false items on long- = 39.83, p < 0.01).
collection not 54% female term health effects Understanding of how alcohol
specified 48% White non- Several scenarios in which a affects the body increased with
Hispanic, 39% teenager experienced a specific grade (F(3210) = 40.69,
African American behavioural change (causal p < 0.01)
understanding) Children were more
knowledgeable about, and
endorsed more true long-term
health effects for, alcohol than
cocaine, t(426) = −9.25,
p < 0.0001, two-tailed.
Dalton et al., 2005 New Hampshire, Structured N = 120, 2 to Students' selection of alcohol 62% of the children bought
US observational 6 year olds, products from a role-playing alcohol, of whom 58% identified
Year of data Mage = 3.6, SD scenario it by type (eg, “beer”, “wine”, or
collection not not specified “booze”).
specified Ethnicities not Children more likely to buy beer
specified or wine if parents drank alcohol
at least monthly (adjusted OR,
3.04; 95% CI, 1.02–9.10) or if
they viewed PG- 13– or R-rated
movies (adjusted OR, 5.10; 95%
CI, 1.14–22.90).
Dunn and Goldman, Florida, US Cross- N = 462, 2nd–5th Shown photographs of nine Mean number identified was
2000 Year of data sectional graders; popular beverage containers and 2.77 (only asked to identify one);
collection not Mage = 8.90, asked to identify one higher grades identified more
specified SD = 0.56 items
92% Caucasian Beverages most frequently
identified were beer (57%),
Budweiser (29%) and wine (5%).
Hahn et al., 2000 Kentucky, US Cross- N = 126 Shown 18 pictures from child drug 56% correctly identified
Data collected sectional kindergarten awareness inventory (CDAI) (Hahn, alcoholic beverages; 50%
S.C. Jones, C.S. Gordon Preventive Medicine 105 (2017) 19–31
S.C. Jones, C.S. Gordon Preventive Medicine 105 (2017) 19–31
Table 2
Children's attitudes towards alcohol (and alcohol users).
Andrews and Western Cohort- N = 1075, 1st–5th graders Attitudes (alcohol users) 26% attributed ‘popular or
Peterson, Oregon, US sequential Mage = 9.0, SD = 1.45 Three-item, 3-point scale. liked by others’, 59%
2006 Data collected (cross- 50% female Asked if kids who drink alcohol attributed ‘exciting’, and 6%
1998–2001 sectional and 86% White are ‘cool or neat’, ‘exciting’, or attributed ‘cool or neat’ to
4 year ‘popular or liked by other kids.’ alcohol users.
longitudinal) 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders'
attitudes significantly more
positive than 4th and 5th
graders'; 7th graders' attitudes
significantly more positive
than 4th–6th; and 8th graders'
attitudes significantly more
positive than the attitudes of
students in all the other
Girls had more positive
attitudes of alcohol users than
boys [F(1,3991) = 6.06,
p < 0.05].
Andrews et al., Western Cohort- N = 712, 2nd–5th graders (T1) Attitudes (alcohol users) Attitudes and descriptive
2008 Oregon, US sequential Mage = 9.47, SD = 1.15 Three-item, 3-point scale. norms increased over time
Data collected (cross- 50% female. Asked if kids who drink alcohol No significant gender
1998–2004 sectional and Caucasian 87% are ‘cool or neat’, ‘exciting’, or differences in attitudes or
7 year ‘popular or liked by other kids.’ descriptive norms
longitudinal) Norms Those with less favourable
Second and third graders shown initial attitudes towards
picture of alcoholic beverages alcohol users increased
and asked if kids in the favorability of attitudes faster
neighbourhood or their friends (r = − 0.36, p < 0.05).
ever drink the product Association between attitudes
Fourth through eighth graders towards alcohol users and
asked how many of the kids at descriptive norms (r = 0.69,
school or in the neighbourhood p < 0.011).
have tried a drink of alcohol
[beer, wine, or hard liquor] and
if any friends drink alcohol
Bridges et al., US (area not Cross- N = 217 1st through 6th Injunctive norms Attitudes towards alcohol use
2003 specified) sectional graders (6 to 12 years old) Asked whether it's ok or a bad less negative in higher grades
Year of data Mage not stated idea for a teenager to drink, and than in lower grades.
collection not 54% female whether it's ok for an adult to Attitudes ranged between “a
specified 48% White non-Hispanic, 39% drink. kind of bad idea [1]” and “a
African American kind of okay idea [2]”, with
scores of 0.98 for 1st and 2nd
graders, 1.32 for 3rd and 4th
graders, and 1.24 for 5th and
6th graders.
S.C. Jones, C.S. Gordon Preventive Medicine 105 (2017) 19–31
S.C. Jones, C.S. Gordon Preventive Medicine 105 (2017) 19–31
2002 Virginia and sectional N = 21 five-to-seven-year-olds; Three questions on if it's a good overgeneralise beliefs about
Washington, N = 25 eight-to-ten-year-olds; idea or bad idea (then ‘really’ alcohol to cocaine. Youngest
DC, US N = 31 eleven-to-fourteen- good/bad or ‘just sort of a children (5–7 years) saw
Year of data year-olds; N = 44 eighteen-to- good/bad idea) for an adult to cocaine as more likely than
collection not twenty-five-year-olds drink a lot of alcohol, 15-year alcohol to cause drunkenness.
specified Mage = 11.4, SD not specified old to try some alcohol at a F (1,19) = 2.54, p < 0.05).
Minority group members party such to see what it is like, Only children aged 8 to 10
(African Americans, Hispanic and for people who drink were significantly less likely
Americans, Asian Americans), alcohol to stop drinking it. than college students to view
differed significantly between alcohol as stimulating.
the groups (from 29% to 90%) Ethnic differences were not
evident for 12 and under.
Table 3
Children's alcohol expectancies.
Bekman Hillsborough Cross- N = 299 41-item Memory Model-Based Positive (r = 0.25, p < 0.01),
et al., County, US sectional Mage = 9.36 years, Expectancy Questionnaire (MMBEQ) negative (r = 0.19, p < 0.05) and
2011 Year of data SD = 1.01 (Dunn, 1999) sedating r = 0.12, p < 0.01)
collection not Sex not specified expectancies increased with age.
specified 44% White/ Cognitive skill in concept formation
Caucasian, 21% and articulation, and
Hispanic/Latino, 24% categorization correlated with
Other. positive alcohol expectancies
(β = 0.08, 95% CI [0.05, 0.11],
z = 2.65, p < 0.01).
Sensation seeking associated with
positive ideas about alcohol, but
not with MMBEQ subscales.
Bridges US (area not Cross- N = 217 1st through 28-items based on related studies Children strongly believed alcohol
et al., specified) sectional 6th graders (age from use unlikely to lead to positive
2003 Year of data 6 to 12) short-term outcomes and likely to
collection not Mage not stated lead to negative short-term
specified 54% female outcomes. 5th/6th graders
48% White non- significantly more likely to hold
Hispanic, 39% positive expectancies than 1st-4th
African American graders (F(3210) = 8/19,
p < 0.01)
Cameron Large Australian Cross- N = 233 children in Adapted version of alcohol Older children endorsed alcohol
et al., city sectional 3rd, 5th and 7th expectancy questionnaire (Dunn and expectancies more than younger
2003 Year of data grade Goldman, 1998) children (F(2, 223) = 7.81,
collection not Mage = 10.1, p < 0.005)
specified SD = 0.41 Compared to non-alcohol stimuli,
52% female differences between positive and
81% Australian negative expectancies much
smaller for all of alcohol items,
indicating more balanced or
ambivalent expectancies unique to
alcohol (t(232) 1/4 2.05,
p < 0.05, t(232) 1/4 3.54,
p < 0.001, and t(232) 1/4 8.35,
p < 0.001, respectively).
Copeland Louisiana, US 2 year N = 277 2nd–6th Alcohol Expectancy Questionnaire- Significant grade effects on positive
et al., Year of data longitudinal grade students Adolescent (AEQ-A; Christiansen alcohol-expectancy change for
2014 collection not M = 9.04 years, et al., 1995) – 90 statements about global positive transformations at
specified SD = 1.48 possible effects of alcohol, with 12 and 18 months, social behaviour
49% female seven scales enhancement or impediment at 6
93% White and 12 months, and relaxation/
tension reduction at 6 and
18 months; lower grades did not
differ from each other, but differed
S.C. Jones, C.S. Gordon Preventive Medicine 105 (2017) 19–31
S.C. Jones, C.S. Gordon Preventive Medicine 105 (2017) 19–31
Rinehart US (area not Cross- Three independent Three scales (loss of control, positive Black children more likely to
et al., specified) sectional samples (N = 181, affect, stimulant effects); total of 22 attribute negative long-term health
2006 Year of data N = 287, N = 234) items and social effects to alcohol, few
collection not Study 1 – 1st-6th significant race differences in
specified graders, studies 2 & 3 knowledge or expectancies
– 3rd-6th graders regarding short-term effects of use.
Gender varied across
samples: 50–58%
female; racial
composition varied:
40–61% Black
Schell et al., South Dakota, US Cross- N = 3625 students 23-item measure; some items based Older students viewed alcohol's
2005 Data collected sectional (1993 4th grade and on AEQ-A; > Christiansen et al., effects more positively (Cohen's
2000 1632 9th grade) 1982). d = 1.16, p < 0.001)
Mage not stated Older students believed alcohol has
50% female larger impact on all outcomes
85% Caucasian non- (d = 0.46, p < 0.001)
Hispanic, 11% Significant differences in
American Indian, 4% interpretation of alcohol
other ethnicity. expectancies items across cohorts.
Sigelman Northern Virginia Cross- N = 121 17-item, 3-point scale (drunkenness, Children overgeneralised beliefs
et al., and Washington, sectional Mage = 11.4, SD not pathology, stimulant effects and about alcohol to cocaine.
2002 DC specified (range 5 to elation/empowerment) Only children aged 8–10
Year of data 25) significantly less likely than college
collection not Minority group students to view alcohol as
specified members differed stimulating.
significantly between Ethnic differences not evident for
the groups (from 29% 12 and under.
to 90%)
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