The World Is Running Out of Sand

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The world is running out of sand

Paragraph 1
When people picture sand spread across idyllic beaches and endless deserts, they understandably think of it as
an infinite resource. However, over-exploitation of global supplies of sand is damaging the environment,
endangering communities, causing shortages and promoting violent conflict.
Skyrocketing demand, combined with unfettered mining to meet it, is creating the perfect recipe for
shortages. Plentiful evidence strongly suggests that sand is becoming increasingly scarce in many regions. For
example, in Vietnam domestic demand for sand exceeds the country’s total reserves. If this mismatch
continues, the country may run out of construction sand by 2020, according to recent statements from the
country’s Ministry of Construction.
Paragraph 2
This problem is rarely mentioned in scientific discussions and has not been systemically studied. Media
attention drew us to this issue. While scientists are making a great effort to quantify how infrastructure
systems such as roads and buildings affect the habitats that surround them, the impacts of extracting
construction minerals such as sand and gravel to build those structures have been overlooked.
It is essential to understand what happens at the places where sand is mined, where it is used and many
impacted points in between in order to craft workable policies. Those questions are being analysed through
a systems integration approach that allows better understanding the socioeconomic and environmental
interactions over distances and time. Based on what has already been learned, it is safe to say that it is time to
develop international conventions to regulate sand mining, use and trade.
Paragraph 3
Sand and gravel are now the most-extracted materials in the world, exceeding fossil fuels and biomass. It is
used for concrete, roads, glass and electronics. Massive amounts of sand are mined for land reclamation
projects, shale gas extraction and beach renourishment programs. Recent floods in Houston, India, Nepal and
Bangladesh will add to growing global demand for sand.
In 2010, nations mined about 11 billion tonnes of sand just for construction. Extraction rates were highest in
the Asia-Pacific region, followed by Europe and North America. In the United States alone, production and use
of construction sand and gravel was valued at $8.9 billion in 2016, and production has increased by 24
percent in the past five years.
Moreover, these numbers grossly underestimate global sand extraction and use, according to government
agencies uneven record-keeping in many countries may hide real extraction rates.
Paragraph 4
The negative consequences of overexploiting sand are felt in poorer regions where sand is mined. Extensive
sand extraction physically alters rivers and coastal ecosystems, increases suspended sediments and causes
Research shows that sand mining operations are affecting numerous animal species,
including fish, dolphins, crustaceans and crocodiles, it also has serious impacts on people’s livelihoods.
Beaches and wetlands buffer coastal communities against surging seas. Increased erosion resulting from
extensive mining makes these communities more vulnerable to floods and storm surges.
Sand mining is also probably enhancing saltwater intrusion during the dry season, which threatens local
communities’ water and food security.
Potential health impacts from sand mining are poorly characterized but deserve further study. Extraction
activities create new standing pools of water that can become breeding sites for malaria-carrying mosquitoes.
The pools may also play an important role in the spread of emerging diseases such as Buruli ulcer in West
Africa, a bacterial skin infection.
Paragraph 5
Sand is a common-pool resource – open to all, easy to get and hard to regulate. As a result, we know little
about the true global costs of sand mining and consumption.
Demand will increase further as urban areas continue to expand and sea levels rise. Major international
agreements such as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Convention on Biological
Diversity promote responsible allocation of natural resources, but there are no international conventions to
regulate sand extraction, use and trade.
As long as national regulations are lightly enforced, harmful effects will continue to occur. We believe that the
international community needs to develop a global strategy for sand governance, along with global and
regional sand budgets. It is time to treat sand like a resource, on a par with clean air, biodiversity and other
natural endowments that nations seek to manage for the future
Questions 1-5 (one mark per question)

1. Paragraph1…………………
2. Paragraph2………………… AThe complexity of this problem is doubtlessly
a factor.
3. Paragraph3…………………
BSand is a key ingredient.
4. Paragraph4………………… CThe little-known exploitation of sand and its
5. Paragraph5………………… brutal consequences.
DThe scale of the problem is not
widely appreciated.

Questions 6-10 (onemark per question)EWe hear a lot about the over-extraction of oil,
but less about theconsequences of the sand
Choose thefivestatementsfrom A-H belowthat are true according to theinformationgiven in thetext.
Writetheletters of the TRUE statementsonthelinesbelow (in anyorder).
F The seemingly never-ending resource.
6. …………………
ASeveral health issues can stem from sand mining.
7. …………………
B By 2020 Vietnam will no longer have construction
8. ………………… sand.
9. ………………… C The impact of the extraction of sand as well as other
10. ……………….
construction minerals have been thoroughly analysed by now.
D The exploitation of sand brings tougher consequences to
the poorer sites where the mineral is mined from.
Questions 11-15 (onemark E
question) effects will linger unless national regulations are
Complete sentences 11-15 strongly
with a word,enforced.
phrase or number from the text (maximum three words). Write
the word, phrase or number in the space provided.

1. Shortages are being caused not only by the increasing demand but also by the ………………………….
mining of sand.
2. Sand mining threatens local communities’ edible food given that it is ..............................intrusion
during dry seasons.

1. With the purpose of construction around………………………………… tonnes of sand were mined by


1. Government agencies state that ............................ in various places might compromise real
extraction rates.

2. International conventions must be developed in order to regulate sand mining, as well as its

Paragraph 1 - The little-known exploitation of sand and its brutal consequences.
Paragraph 2 - We hear a lot about the over-extraction of oil, but less about the consequences of the sand
Paragraph 3 - Sand is a key ingredient.
Paragraph 4 - The scale of the problem is not widely appreciated.
Paragraph 5 - The complexity of this problem is doubtlessly a factor.
ASeveral health issues can stem from sand mining. FALSE
B By 2020 Vietnam will no longer have construction sand. FALSE
C The impact of the extraction of sand as well as other construction minerals have been thoroughly analysed
by now. FALSE
D The exploitation of sand brings tougher consequences to the poorer sites where the mineral is mined from.
E Damaging effects will linger unless national regulations are strongly enforced. TRUE

11 unfettered
12. probably enhancing
13 11 billion
14 uneven record-keeping
15 use and trade.

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