UI Greenmetric Guideline 2016
UI Greenmetric Guideline 2016
UI Greenmetric Guideline 2016
Universitas Indonesia (UI) initiated a world university ranking in 2010, later known as UI
GreenMetric World University Ranking, to measure campus sustainability efforts. It was intended
to create an online survey to portray sustainability programs and policies in universities around the
We based the ranking broadly on the conceptual framework of Environment, Economy, and Equity.
The ranking indicators and categories are intended to be relevant to all. We have designed the
indicators and weightings to be as free of bias as possible. The work of collecting and submitting
data is relatively straightforward and does not make unreasonable demands on staff time.
Ninety five universities from 35 countries took part in the 2010 version of Green Metric: 18 from
the Americas, 35 from Europe, 40 from Asia and 2 from Australasia. In 2015, the ranking has
ranked 407 universities from 65 countries around the world. This shows that UI GreenMetric has
been recognized as the first and only world university ranking on sustainability.
Our theme this year is „from policy into action‟. We would like to focus on universities effort to
implement policy into action. We look into detail universities‟ actions to improve campus
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b. Awareness raising of sustainability issues
Participation can help to raise awareness in the university and beyond about the importance of
sustainability issues. The world faces unprecedented civilizational challenges such as population
trends, global warming, over exploitation of natural resources, oil-dependent energy, water and
food shortages and sustainability. We realize that higher education has a crucial role to play in
addressing these challenges. GreenMetric leverages the crucial role that HEIs can play in raising
awareness by helping assess and compare efforts at education for sustainable development,
sustainability research, campus greening, and social outreach.
GreenMetric is primarily about awareness raising, but in future it will be adapted to encourage real
change. Understanding needs to shift to action if we are to address emerging global challenges.
d. Networking
As a platform to make sustainability issues into action, the network is managed by UI GreenMetric
as secretariat. Programs and directions are proposed and decided by steering committee comprises
of UI GreenMetric secretariat, regional, and national coordinators.
Currently the network comprises of 407 participating universities located on the dynamic and
diverse Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia, America and Oceania, 1.266.718 faculty members,
12.502.719 students, with more than US$ 29.380.515.655 total research fund on environment and
a. Idealism
Future challenges to civilization include population pressure, climate change, energy security,
environmental degradation, water and food security and sustainable development. Despite much
scientific research and public discussion, governments around the world have yet to commit to a
sustainable agenda. Concerned people at Universitas Indonesia see that universities have a
privileged position to help develop a consensus on key areas for action. This includes such concepts
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as the Triple Bottom Line, the 3 Es: Equity, Economy, Environment, Green Building, and Education
for Sustainable Development (ESD).
UI GreenMetric World University Ranking serves as a tool for universities to deal with
sustainability challenges our world is facing. Universities can work together to reduce negative
environmental impacts. It is for non-profit. Universities can participate for free.
GreenMetric was not based on any one existing ranking system. It was however developed with
awareness of a number of existing sustainability assessment systems and academic university
rankings. Sustainability systems that were referred to during the design phase of GreenMetric
included: The Holcim Sustainability Awards, GREENSHIP (the rating system recently developed by
the Green Building Council of Indonesia which itself was based on the Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design (LEED) system used in the U.S. and elsewhere), The Sustainability,
Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (STARS) and The College Sustainability Report Card (also
known as the Green Report Card).
In general, the instrument adopts environmental sustainability concept that has three elements, i.e.
environmental, economic, and social (Figure 1). Environmental aspect includes natural resource
use, environmental management, and pollution prevention, whereas economic aspect includes
profit and cost saving. Social aspect includes education, community, and social involvement. These
three aspects are captured in the UI GreenMetric criteria.
• Profit • Education
• Cost saving • Community
• Social
Meanwhile, university academic ranking systems that were studied during the design phase of
GreenMetric included: the Times Higher Education World University Rankings (THE) sponsored
by Thompson Reuters, the QS World University Rankings, the Academic Ranking of World
Universities (ARWU) published by Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), and the Webometrics
Ranking of World Universities (Webometrics), published by Cybermetrics Lab, CINDOC-CSIC in
Spain. UI has been one of the members of International Ranking Expert Group (IREG) Observatory
since 2011.
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During the early stages of the design of GreenMetric we sought assistance on the issues from
experts in both ranking and in sustainability. These included the holding of a conference on
university ranking and video conferences and expert meetings on sustainability and green building.
The latest workshop on UI GreenMetric was held on November 21 st 2013, in which rectors and
representatives from the following universities share their experiences, i.e University of
Nottingham, Università Ca‟ Foscari Venezia, University of Melbourne, Mahidol University,
Universitat fur Bodenkultur Wien, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo Leon, Kasetsart University,
King Mongkut‟s University of Technology Thonburi, Da Yeh University, Universiti Teknologi
In 2010, 23 indicators were used within the five categories to calculate the ranking scores. In 2011
34 indicators were used. Then in 2012 we leave the indicator of “smoke free and drug free campus
environment” and used 33 indicators to evaluate the green campus. In 2012, we also categorize the
indicators into 6 category including education criteria. One change being considered is the
formation of a new category for sustainability education and research. In 2015 the theme was
carbon footprint. We add two questions related this issue in the energy and climate change
section.We also improve out methodology by adding a few sub-indicators that related to water and
transportation in 2015 ranking.
c. Realities and challenges
The goal of creating a world university sustainability ranking was done with an understanding that
the diversity of types of universities, their missions and their contexts would pose problems for the
methodology. In particular, we were aware that universities differ with regard to levels of awareness
and commitment to sustainability, to their budgets, the amount of green cover on their campuses
and many other dimensions. These issues are complex but GreenMetric is committed to continually
improving the ranking so that it will be both useful and fair to all.
a. The criteria
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5 Transportation (TR) 18
6 Education (ED) 18
The specific indicators and their points awarded are shown in Table 2. Each indicator has been
uniquely identified by a category code and a number (e.g. SI 5).
Table 2 Indicators and categories suggested for use in the 2016 ranking
No Categories and Indicators Points Weighting
1 Setting and Infrastructure (SI) 15%
SI 1 The ratio of open space area towards total area 300
SI 2 The ratio of open space area towards campus 300
SI 3 Area on campus covered in forested vegetation 200
SI 4 Area on campus covered in planted vegetation 200
SI 5 Area on campus for water absorbance 300
SI 6 University budget for sustainable effort 200
Total 1500
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No Categories and Indicators Points Weighting
TOTAL 10000
b. Scoring
Scoring for each item will be numeric so that our data can be processed statistically. Scores will
be simple counts of things, or responses on a scale of some sort. Details of the scoring can be
found at Appendix 1.
Each of the criteria will be categorized in a general class of information and when we process
the results, the raw scores will be weighted to give a final calculation.
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d. Refining and improving the research instrument
While we have put every effort into the design and implementation of the questionnaire, we
realize that this third year round is bound to have shortcomings. Therefore, we will be reviewing
the criteria and the weightings continuously to reflect input from participants and state of the
art developments in the field. We welcome your comments and input.
e. Data collection
Data will be collected through online system between July - September 2016 from the
universities we have contacted and who are willing to provide information.
October 2016
July-September Report December 2016
f. Initial results
The preliminary result of the metrics is expected to be collected in October 2016, and final
complete result will be released in December 2016.
22 25 26 28 28 28
Universities Universities Universities Universities Universities Universities
from from from from from from
Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia
The basic ranking results and the detailed scores can both be found online
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9. Who are our networks?
This idealism surrounding awareness of sustainability issues is now generating a network of
likeminded organizations. UI is a member of the International Ranking Experts Group (IREG)
and a signatory to UN Commitments such as that on Sustainable Practices of Higher Education
Institutions for the Rio 2012 Conference on Sustainable Development. We have also presented
our progress at the International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN) – GULF-WEF
Symposium 2012, together with other Data Monitoring and Evaluation of Sustainability in
Higher Education Report such as the College Sustainability Green Report Card and GRI. UI
GreenMetric also has been presented at the Quality Education Conference in Universidad
Autónoma de Nuevo Leon, Mexico, on October 2013 and the Sustainability, University Ranking
Conference at the Università Ca‟ Foscari Venezia, Italy, November 2013. Various articles,
magazines, Journal papers, university and institution webpages cited and referred UI
GreenMetric evaluation and result. In 2014, III Asian Universities Forum organized by Al-
Farabi Kazakh National University, in Astana & Almaty, endorsed UI GreenMetric to be used as
a tool to evaluate university sustainability achievement.
Better university profiling: universities create a profile based on their unique mission,
objectives, typological features and context.
Category focused results: scores are provided not just as a single aggregate but
separately for the main ranking categories and indicators.
11. How to contact us?
Ms. Atmadewita
UI GreenMetric Secretariat
Integrated Laboratory and Research Center (ILRC) Building, 4th floor.
Kampus UI Depok, 16424, Indonesia
E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile: +6285888906279
Website: http://www.greenmetric.ui.ac.id/
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Questionnaire (Criteria and Indicator)
There are six main categories in the questionnaire which consist of setting and infrastructure (SI),
energy and climate change (EC), waste (WS), transportation (WR) and education (ED). These
categories are divided in several sections and the detail questions‟ explanations are as follow:
The campus setting and infrastructure information will give the basic information of the
university consideration towards green environment. This indicator also shows whether the
campus deserve to be called Green Campus. The aim is to trigger the participating university
to provide more space for greenery and in safeguarding environment, as well as the
development of sustainable energy.
1.2. Climate
Please select one of the following options that clearly describe the climate on you region:
[1] Tropical wet
[2] Tropical wet and dry
[3] Semiarid
[4] Arid
[5] Mediterranean
[6] Humid subtropical
[7] Marine west coast
[8] Humid continental
[9] Subarctic
Please state the number of separate locations in which your university has buildings for
academic purposes. For example if your university has some campuses in different districts,
towns or cities which are separated from the main campus, please state the total number of
your university locations.
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[3] Urban
[4] In city center
[5] High rise building area
Note: if you have more than one campus site, please select an option that describe your main
campus condition.
Please state the total areas of your campuses (in square meter). It is expected that the total
area counted are only those in which academic activities are being conducted. Forest and
fields and other areas can only be counted if it is being used for academic purposes. If you
have separate location for university forest, please do not count this as your campus area.
1.6. Total main campus ground floor area of buildings (meter square)
The green area of your university will be calculated from the percentage of green area of your
university. Please provide the information of the area occupied by buildings , by providing the
total area of the first floor part of your university buildings.
Please provide the information of the area occupied by buildings, by providing the total area
of the ground floor of your university buildings in your main campus.
Please provide the information of the total area (including ground floor and other floors) of
your university smart buildings. A smart building should be equipped with energy efficient
tools. Smart building achievement is a measure that deliver useful building services which
make occupants productive (e.g. illumination, thermal comfort, air quality, physical security,
sanitation, etc.). Smart building should be provided at the lowest cost and generate beneficial
environmental impact over the building lifecycle.
Please provide the information of the total parking area in your university. You can validate
this using google maps.
Please provide the percentage of the area on campus covered in vegetation in the form of
forest (a large area covered chiefly with big-trees, a large number or dense mass of vertical,
and undergrowth for conservation purposes) to the total campus area.
Please provide the percentage of the area on campus covered in planted vegetation (include
lawns, gardens, green roofs, internal planting; for vegetation purposes) to the total campus
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1.12. Total area on campus for water absorption beside forest and planted vegetation (meter
Please provide the percentage of non-retentive surfaces (eg. earth, grass, concrete block, etc.)
in your campus for water absorption as percentage to the total site area. The larger water
absorption area is desirable.
The total number of students (full time and part time) registered, as regular and online
students, at your university. If your university has calculated the Effective Full Time Students
(EFTS) number, you are welcome to submit this number.
The total number of students registered as online students only, at your university.
Please state the total number of lecturers and administrative staff working in your university.
Please provide the percentage calculation of the environment and sustainability budget to the
total university budget.
The university‟s attention to the use of energy and climate change issues is the indicator with
the highest weighting in this ranking. In our questionnaire we define several indicators for
this particular area of concern, i.e. energy efficient appliances usage, the implementation of
smart building/automation building/intelligent building, renewable energy usage policy, total
electricity use, energy conservation program, elements of green building, climate change
adaptation and mitigation program, greenhouse gas emission reductions policy and carbon
footprint. Within these indicators, university is expected to increase the effort in energy
efficiency on their building and to care more about nature and energy resources.
Energy efficient appliances usages are replacing conventional appliances. This is also extent
to the use of energy efficient appliances/lighting fixtures (e.g. the use of energy star-rating for
electronic devices, LED light bulb).
Please select one of the following options:
[1] None
[2] less than 20%
[3] 20% - 40%
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[4] 40% - 60%
[5] 60% - 80%
[6] 80% - 100%
Please provide the stage of smart building implementation in your university. This is defined
as the existence of formalized effort in applying the program in order to accommodate all of
energy efficient appliances usage. Please select one of the following options:
[1] None
[2] Program in preparation (e.g. Feasibility Study or Detailed Engineering Designed phase)
[3] Program in initial implementation (e.g. Builder already appointed)
[4] Implemented in less than 30% of the total building area
[5] Implemented in between 30% - 70% of the total building area
[6] Implemented in more than 70% of the total building area
Smart Building can be defined as the use of networked technology, embedded within
architecture to monitor and control elements of the architecture for exchange of information
between users, systems and buildings.
Please select one or more of the following alternative energy sources used in your campus and
please provide the capacity of the energy produces in Kilo Watt:
[1] None
[2] Bio Diesel (provide capacity in Kilo Watt)
[3] Clean Biomass (provide capacity in Kilo Watt)
[4] Solar Power (provide capacity in Kilo Watt)
[5] Geothermal (provide capacity in Kilo Watt)
[6] Wind Power (provide capacity in Kilo Watt)
[7] Hydropower (provide capacity in Kilo Watt)
[8] Combine Heat and Power (provide capacity in Kilo Watt)
Please provide the total energy used in the last 12 months in your entire university (in Kilo
Watt Hour/KWH) used for all purposes such as lighting, heating, cooling, running university
laboratories, etc.
2.5. Ratio of renewable energy production towards total energy usage per year
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Please provide the ratio of renewable energy produce towards total energy usage per year
Please select one of the following options:
[1] None
[2] less than 20%
[3] 20% - 40%
[4] 40% - 60%
[5] 60% - 80%
[6] 80% - 100%
2.6. Elements of green building implementation as reflected in all construction and renovation
Please select a condition which reflects the current condition of your university in providing
formal program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions on the following options:
[1] None
[2] Program in preparation
[3] Program in initial implementation
[4] Implemented in HVAC System / Refrigerator / Laboratory Gases
(Heat, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration)
2.8. Please provide total carbon footprint (CO2 emission in the last 12 months, in metric tons)
Please provide the total carbon footprint in your university. Please exclude carbon footprint
from flights and secondary carbon sources such as dishes and clothes. You can use carbon
footprint calculator from www.carbonfootprint.com as the standard of carbon footprint
calculation, please visit the website to see elements of carbon footprint that you can count.
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For the example of how to calculate your university carbon footprint please refer to the
3. Waste (WS)
Waste treatment and recycling activities are major factors in creating a sustainable
environment. The activities of university staff and students in campus will produce a lot of
waste, therefore some programs and waste treatments should be among the concern of the
university, i.e. recycling program, toxic waste recycling, organic waste treatment, inorganic
waste treatment, sewerage disposal, policy to reduce the use of paper and plastic in campus.
Please select a condition which reflects the current condition of your university in
providing formal policy to reduce the use of paper and plastic from the following options:
[1] None
[2] Double sided-printed policy program
[3] The use of tumbler
[4] The use of reusable bag
[5] Print when necessary
3.2. Recycling program for university waste
Please select a condition which reflects the current condition of your university policy led
effort to encourage staff and students to recycle waste, from the following options:
[1] None
[2] Partial (less than 25% of waste)
[3] Partial (25% - 50% of waste)
[4] Extensive (more than 50% of waste)
3.3. Toxic waste handled
Please select a condition which reflects the current condition on how your university handles
toxic wastes. The handling process includes whether toxic wastes are dealt separately, for
example by classifying and handling it over to third party or certified handling companies.
Please select one of the following options:
[1] Not managed
[2] Partly contained and inventoried
[3] Completely contained, inventoried and handled
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[1] Open dumping
[2] Partly composted
[3] Partly composted and compost used
[4] Fully composted, compost used
[5] Fully composted, compost used internally and externally
3.5. Inorganic waste treatment
Please describe the method of inorganic waste (e.g. rubbish, trash, discarded paper,
plastic, metal, etc.) treatment in your university. Please select an option that best
describes your university overall treatment of the bulk of your inorganic waste:
[1] Burned in open are
[2] Taken off campus to a dump site
[3] Partially recycled (less than 50%)
[4] Fully recycled (more than 50%)
Please describe the primary method of sewerage treatment in your university. Please
select an option that best describes how the bulk of your sewerage is disposed of:
[1] Disposed untreated to waterways
[2] Treated individually in septic tank
[3] Centralized treatment before disposal
[4] Treatment for recycling
4. Water (WR)
Water use in campus is another important indicator in GreenMetric. The aim is that universities
can decrease water usage, increase conservation program, and protect the habitat. Water
conservation program, water recycling program, water efficient appliances usage, and treated
water consumed are among the criteria.
Please select a condition which describes your current stage program, which has a
systematic and formalized program that support water conservation program (e.g. for lake
and lake management system, rain harvesting system, water tank) in your university, from
the following options:
[1] None
[2] Program in preparation (e.g. Feasibility Study and promotion)
[3] Program in initial implementation (e.g. initial measurement of potential water
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[4] Implemented in Rain Harvesting System
[5] Implemented in Ground Water Tank
[6] Implemented in Lake or Pond
Please select a condition which reflects the current condition of your university in
providing formal policy for water recycling program (e.g. the use of recycled water for
toilet flush, car wash, plants irrigation, etc). Please select an option that describes your
program at current stage:
[1] None
[2] Program in preparation (e.g. water efficient appliances selection priority are
[3] Program in initial implementation (e.g. initial measurement of potential water recycle)
[4] Recycled water is used for garden sprinkler system
[5] Recycled water is used for toilet flush
[6] Recycled water is used for cooling system
Water efficient appliances usages are replacing conventional appliances. This is also
extent to the use of water efficient appliances (e.g. using censored/automated hand
washing tap, high efficient toilet flush, etc). Please select one of the following options:
[1] None
[2] Program in preparation (e.g. water efficient appliances selection priority are
[3] Water efficient appliances installed is less than 25%
[4] Water efficient appliances installed is 25%-50%
[5] Water efficient appliances installed is 50%-75%
[6] Water efficient appliances installed is more than 75%
Please indicate the percentage of treated water consumed (e.g. piped water and rain water
tank source) from utility or piped system compared to all water consumed sources in your
5. Transportation (TR)
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Transportation system plays an important role on the carbon emission and pollutant level in
university. Transportation policy to limit the number of motor vehicles in campus, the use of
campus bus and bicycle will encourage a healthier environment. The pedestrian policy will
encourage students and staff to walk around campus, and avoid using private vehicle. The use of
environmentally friendly public transportation will decrease carbon footprint around campus.
Please provide the average number of cars that enter your university daily based on
balanced sample, e.g. considering term and holiday periods.
Please provide the average number of motorcycles that enter your university daily based
on balanced sample, e.g. considering term and holiday periods.
Please provide the number of campus shuttle operated in your university. The campus
shuttle can be in the form of bus, MPV car or mini van which operated inside the campus.
Please provide the average number of bicycles found around the campus daily which
include both those owned by the university and privately owned bikes.
Please select a condition which reflects the current condition of your university on your
parking area type.
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Please select a condition which reflects the current condition of your university on the
availability of transportation policy designed to limit or decrease the parking area on
campus. Please select an option that best describe your university from the following
[1] None
[2] Program in preparation
[3] Program in initial implementation
[4] less than 10% decrease
[5] between 10% - 30% decrease
[6] more than 30% decrease
Please select a condition which reflects the current condition of your university on the
availability of transportation initiatives to limit or decrease the number of private vehicles
on campus. Please select an option that best describe your university from the following
[1] none
[2] High charging parking fee
[3] Car sharing
[4] Metro/tram/bus station on campus
[5] Metro/tram/bus services inside campus
Please describe the condition of the availability of shuttles for journeys within the campus
and whether the ride is free or charged. Please select an option from the following options:
Reflects the extent to which use of bicycle or walking is supported. Please select an option
from the following list that apply to your campus:
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[3] Bicycle and pedestrian way are available
[4] Bicycle and pedestrian way are available, and bicycles provided freely by university
5.13. The approximate travel distance of a vehicle each day inside campus only (in kilometers)
Please provide approximate travel distance of a vehicle (e.g. bus, car, motorcycle) each day
inside campus only in kilometers.
6. Education (ED)
The total number of all courses provided at your university yearly. This information will be
used to calculate to what extend environment and sustainability education has been
defined in your university teaching and learning.
6.3. Total research funds dedicated to environmental and sustainability research (in US
Please provide the average funding for research on environment and sustainability per
annum over the last 3 years.
The average total research funds per annum over the last 3 years. This information will be
used to calculate the percentage of environment and sustainability research funding to the
overall research funding.
Please provide the number of scholarly events (eg. conferences, workshops, etc.) that was
hosted or organized by your university related to environment and sustainability
(average per annum over the last 3 years).
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6.7. Number of student organizations related to environment and sustainability
Please provide the total number of student organizations at faculty and university level.
For example a student movement on green campus in the faculty of humanities can be
considered as one organization.
If your university has sustainability website, please provide the address of the web. Some
detailed information of a university website to educate students and staff as well as
providing information of their latest involvement on green campus, environment and
sustainability programs will be very beneficial. You could also email us some report such
as University Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (STARS) report, if
you have one. We welcome any e-mail or hardcopy of your university sustainability
evaluation and report as well as evidence on sustainability activities in your university.
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Related Papers and Publications about UI GreenMetric
a) University Setting and Infrastructure achievement towards World Class Green University by
Nyoman Suwartha, Riri Fitri Sari, Gunawan Tjahjono, Atmadewita in Proceeding of
International Workshop of UI Greenmetric 2013
b) Universitas Indonesia, The Nation„s Greenest Campus Nyoman Suwartha, Riri Fitri Sari,
Gunawan Tjahjono, Atmadewita in Proceeding of International Workshop of UI
Greenmetric 2013
5. UI GreenMetric World University Ranking: The Roles and Its Impact, Presentation on
APAIE (3 March 2016)
10. The Future Challenge for the Implementation of Eco-Campus Programme at ITS Surabaya
by Joni Hermana,a and Idaa Warmadewanthi presented at the 2nd International Workshop
on UI GreenMetric 2016 21 April 2016
11. Sustainability Indicators of the University of Zanjan by Khalil Jamshidi and Esmail
Karamidehkordi presented at the 2nd International Workshop on UI GreenMetric 2016 21
April 2016
12. Towards Sustainable University through Setting and Infrastructure Development at the
Universitas Indonesia by Nyoman Suwartha, Riri Fitri Sari, Baiduri Widanarko, Ayomi
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Rarasati, Adi Zakaria Afiff presented at the 2nd International Workshop on UI GreenMetric
2016 21 April 2016
13. The University of Alcala´s efficient energy policies. Where are we? Where are we headed?
by Carlos Báez, Amparo Andreu, Rubén Garrido, José Santiago Fernández, Jesús Cano,
Fernando Galván, presented at the 2nd International Workshop on UI GreenMetric 2016
21 April 2016
14. The University in a Green Forest – Towards Eco-Friendly Campus by Mohamed Mustafa
Ishak presented at the 2nd International Workshop on UI GreenMetric 2016 21 April 2016
15. The Development of Sustainability at BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life
Sciences, Vienna Austria by Dominik Schmitz MSc, Thomas Lindenthal PhD1,b, Lisa
Bohunovsky MSc presented at the 2nd International Workshop on UI GreenMetric 2016 21
April 2016
16. The Strategic Environmental Plan of Federal University of Lavras, Brazil: Who We Are,
Where We Came From, Where We Want to Go by José Roberto Soares Scolforo, Zuy Maria
Magriotis, Ana Carla Marques Pinheiro, José Maria de Lima, Cibele Maria Garcia de
Aguiar,Luiz Roberto Guimarães Guilherme presented at the 2nd International Workshop
on UI GreenMetric 2016 21 April 2016
20. Developing Conservation in Semarang State University by Prof. Dr. Fathur Rokhman,
M.Hum , presented at the 2nd International Workshop on UI GreenMetric 2016 21 April
22. Integrated Water Treatment with Landscape Architecture and Ecological Education in
NPUST: A Status Report by Chin-Hui Chen, Hsiu-Chu Lee, Jik Chang Leong, presented at
the 2nd International Workshop on UI GreenMetric 2016 21 April 2016
23. Water and Wastewater Management on Jordan University of Science and Technology
Campus by Prof. Majed Abu-Zreig, presented at the 2nd International Workshop on UI
GreenMetric 2016 21 April 2016
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24. Sustainable Initiatives to Improve Higher Education Performance by Prof. Dr. Werry
Darta Taifur, presented at the 2nd International Workshop on UI GreenMetric 2016 21
April 2016
25. Paving the Way to a Green Campus: Kasetsart University by Ratchot Chompunich,
Supaporn K. Leopairojna, presented at the 2nd International Workshop on UI GreenMetric
2016 21 April 2016
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Appendix 1
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No Categories and Indicators Points Score Weighting
Geothermal 1/7×300
Wind power 1/7×300
Hydropower 1/7×300
Combine heat and power 1/7×300
EC 4 The ratio of total electricity usage 300
towards campus population§
EC 5 The ratio of renewable energy produce 200
towards energy usage
None 0
Less than 20% 0.15×200
20% - 40% 0.25×200
40% - 60% 0.50×200
60% - 80% 0.75×200
80% - 100% 200
EC 6 Element of green building 300
None 0
Natural ventilation 0.25×300
Full natural day-lighting 0.25×300
Existence of building energy manager 0.25×300
Existence of Green Building 0.25×300
EC 7 Greenhouse gas emission reduction 200
None 0
Program in preparation (e.g. feasibility 0.33×200
study and promotion)
Program in initial implementation (e.g. 0.66×200
initial measurement of gas emission
Implemented in HVAC 200
System/Refrigerator/Laboratory Gases
EC 8 The ratio of total carbon footprint 300
towards campus population§
Total 2100
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No Categories and Indicators Points Score Weighting
WS 2 Recycling program for university waste 300
None 0
Partial (less than 25% of waste) 0.33×300
Partial (25%-50% of waste) 0.66×300
Extensive (more than 50% of waste) 300
WS 3 Toxic waste handled 300
Not managed 0
Partly contained and inventoried 0.5×300
Completely contained, inventoried and 300
WS 4 Organic waste treatment 300
Open dumping 0
Partly composted and compost dumped 0.25×300
Partly composted and compost used 0.5×300
Fully composted, compost used 0.75×300
Fully composted, compost used 300
internally and externally
WS 5 Inorganic waste treatment 300
Burned in open area 0
Taken off campus to a dump site 0.33×300
Partially recycled (less than 50%) 0.66×300
Fully recycled (more than 50%) 300
WS 6 Sewerage disposal 300
Disposed untreated to waterways 0
Treated individually in septic tank 0.33×300
Centralized treatment before disposal 0.66×300
Treatment for recycling 300
Total 1800
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No Categories and Indicators Points Score Weighting
Program in preparation (e.g. Feasibility 0.15×300
Study and promotion)
Program in initial implementation (e.g. 0.25×300
initial measurement of potential water
Recycled water is used for garden 0.25×300
sprinkler system
Recycled water is used for toilet flush 0.25×300
Recycled water is used for cooling 0.25×300
WR 3 The use of water efficient appliances 200
None 0
Program in preparation (e.g. water 0.15×200
efficient appliances selection priority
are identified)
Water efficient appliances installed (less 0.25×200
than 25%)
Water efficient appliances installed 0.50×200
Water efficient appliances installed 0.75×200
Water efficient appliances installed 200
(more than 75%)
WR 4 Treated water consumed§ 200
Total 1000
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No Categories and Indicators Points Score Weighting
Metro/tram/bus services inside campus 0.25×200
TR 6 Parking area reduction for private 200
vehicles within 3 years (from 2013 to
None 0
Program in preparation (e.g. feasibility 0.25×200
study and promotion)
Less than 10% decrease 0.50×200
Between 10% - 30% decrease 0.75×200
More than 30% decrease /or parking is 200
not permitted in campus
TR 7 Campus bus services 300
Bus use is possible but not provided 0
Bus service is available, but paying 0.5×300
Bus service is available and free service. 300
Or bus use is not possible
TR 8 Bicycle and pedestrian policy on campus 300
Bicycle and pedestrian way is not 0
Bicycle use not possible or practical, but 0.33×300
pedestrian way is available
Bicycle use not possible or practical, but 0.66×300
pedestrian way is available
Bicycle and pedestrian way are 300
available, and bicycles provided freely
by university
Total 1800
TOTAL 10000
§The score of these categories and/or indicators is based on the minimum and maximum numbers
from participants. Hence, the score of these categories and/or indicators can only be calculated
after all participants have submitted their data.
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†Each response (except „None‟) scores 1/7×300. For example, if you choose „Bio diesel‟ only, your
score is 1/7×300; if you choose „Bio diesel‟, „Solar power‟, and „Geothermal‟, your score is
‡Each response (except „None‟) scores 0.25×300 (for EC6 and WS1) or 0.25×200 (for TR5). For
example, if you choose „Natural ventilation‟ only, your score is 0.25×300; if you choose „Full natural
day-lighting” and „Existence of building energy management‟, your score is (0.25+0.25)×300
∞For WR1 and WR2, the score for „None‟ is 0, the score for „Program in preparation‟ is 0.15×300,
the score for „Initial implementation‟ is 0.25×300. You may select more than one option for [4], [5],
and [6], and get 0.25×300 (with additional 0.25×300) for each score. For example, if you choose
option [4], your score is [o.25+(0.25)]×300. If you choose options [4], [5], and [6], your score is
Appendix 2
The Carbon footprint calculation can be conducted based on the stage of calculation as state
http://carbonfootprint.org, which is the sum of electricity usage per year and transportation per
o Open space area = total campus area – total ground floor area of building
o Total people = number of students including part- and full- time students + number of
academic and administrative staff
Electricity Usage Per Year
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= (Number of shuttle bus in your University * total trips for shuttle bus service each
day * approximate travel distance of a vehicle each day inside campus only (in
kilometers) * 240/100) * 0.01
= ((15 x 150 x 5 x 240)/100)) x 0.01
= 270 metric ton
Notes :
240 is number of working days per year
0.01 is the coefficient (source: carbonfootprint.com) to calculate the emission in metric ton
per 100 km for bus
Transportation Per Year (Car)
Notes :
240 is number of working days per year
0.02 is the coefficient (source : carbonfootprint.com) to calculate the emission in metric ton
per 100 km car
Transportation Per Year (Motorcycle)
Notes :
240 is number of working days per year
0.01 is the coefficient (source: carbonfootprint.com) to calculate the emission in metric ton
per 100 km for motorcycle
Total Emission Per Year
Total people
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= number of students including part- and full- time students + number of academic and
administrative staff
= 45000 + 5000
= 50000
Open space area per total people = 275000/50000 = 5.5
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UI GreenMetric Ranking Team
Universitas Indonesia