School of Economics: Submitted To: Submitted
School of Economics: Submitted To: Submitted
School of Economics: Submitted To: Submitted
► The trustees and the AMC sign the CUSTODIAN Responsible for
investment management holding and
safeguarding the
agreement that contains the duties, mutual fund units
rights and functions of AMC.
REGISTRAR AND They are the record
TRANSFER keepers
Functions of Asset Management
► Portfolio management
► Advisory services
► Exercise due diligence-
► Quarterly reports
► Compensation to affected investor
► Arrangement of approval
► It shall abide by the Code of Conduct specified
by the SEBI.
► Treating the customers fairly
► A best-endeavors obligation
Regulatory requirements
for amc
► Only SEBI registered AMCs can be appointed as
investment manager of M.f. .
► AMC must have minimum net worth of Rupees 10
crore, at all times.
► An AMC cannot be an AMC or trustee of another
mutual fund
► At least half of the member of the board of an
AMC have to be independent.
Obligations of an AMC
► Asset Allocation
► Research and Analysis
► Portfolio Construction
► Performance Review
Role of SEBI & AMFI in AMC
► An Asset Management Firm acts under the supervision of the
board of trustees. But they are answerable to India’s capital
market regulator, Securities and Exchange Board of India
(SEBI). The Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI) is
another statutory body that addresses investors’ grievances .
Every fund house must comply with the set of risk
management guidelines by SEBI and AMFI.