Two-Way Floor System

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4/8/2018 Guidelines for a two-way concrete flooring system | BSBG | Brewer Smith Brewer Group

For structural engineers and architects, Basheer Bava, BSBG Lead Structural Engineer, provides an
indispensable guide on the two-way concrete ooring system.

The oor system is the major part of a building structure, and the selection of an appropriate system is
vital in achieving an overall economic building. This brief will provide guidance to architects and
structural engineers during the concept phase of the design for selecting a suitable ooring system.


Two-way slabs are slabs that are supported on four sides. In two-way slabs, the load will be carried in
both directions, thus main reinforcement is provided in both directions for two-way slabs. The slabs are
considered as spanning two-way when the longer  to shorter span length is less than a ratio of two. The
bending of these slabs takes the shape of a dish-like form when loaded uniformly.

The various forms and types of two-way slab systems are tabulated below:


1. Flat plate (Conventional RC or PT)
A at plate is a two-way system usually supported directly on columns or load-bearing walls. The main
feature of the at plate oor is a uniform thickness with a at so t which requires only simple
formwork and is easy to construct. The oor allows great exibility for locating horizontal services
above a suspended ceiling or in a bulkhead. A at plate with pre-stressing tendons (PT) results in
longer spans and thinner slabs. 2/16
4/8/2018 Guidelines for a two-way concrete flooring system | BSBG | Brewer Smith Brewer Group


O ce buildings – Low Rise & High Rise

Residential buildings – Low Rise & High Rise



Economic Span Range:

5-8m (Conventional RC)

6-10m ( Post-Tensioned) 3/16
4/8/2018 Guidelines for a two-way concrete flooring system | BSBG | Brewer Smith Brewer Group


Typically has the lowest oor to oor cycle time of the cast in-situ options due to the most simpli ed
formwork and reinforcement detailing.

No beams – simplifying under- oor services.

Minimum structural depth and reduced oor-to- oor height.


Long-term de ection may be a controlling factor.

May not be suitable for heavy loads.

High concentration of reinforcement around the columns in order to ensure the slab has adequate
punching shear capacity.

2. Flat slab with drop panels (Conventional RC or PT)

Drop panels, formed by thickening the bottom of the slab around columns, increase shear capacity and
the stiffness of the slab, allowing thinner slabs to be used. A at slab with prestressing tendons (PT)
results in longer spans and thinner slabs. 4/16
4/8/2018 Guidelines for a two-way concrete flooring system | BSBG | Brewer Smith Brewer Group


O ce buildings – Low Rise & High Rise

Residential buildings – Low Rise & High Rise



Economic Span Range:

6-9m (Conventional RC)

7-11m (Post-tensioned) 5/16
4/8/2018 Guidelines for a two-way concrete flooring system | BSBG | Brewer Smith Brewer Group


More e cient structural system than a at plate, typically with lower stress concentration at column

Slabs are generally thinner in comparison to the at plate solution.

Absence of beams allows lower storey heights.

Flexibility of partition location and horizontal service distribution.


Formwork is more complicated than with a at slab system, which can increase oor to oor cycle time.

Drop panels require a higher level of coordination with the services in the ceiling space than at plates
and may not be architecturally acceptable for areas where suspended ceiling is not envisaged.

3. Flat slab with beams in two directions (Conventional RC)

A two-way slab with beams is a type of economical ooring system, often used as it costs less than at
plates or at slabs. In other words, when the loads or spans or both become quite large, the slab
thickness and column sizes required for at plates or at slabs are of such magnitude that it is more
economical to use two-way slabs with beams, despite the higher form work costs. 6/16
4/8/2018 Guidelines for a two-way concrete flooring system | BSBG | Brewer Smith Brewer Group


O ce buildings – Low Rise & High Rise

Residential buildings – Low Rise & High Rise




Economic Span Range:

9-12m (Conventional RC) 7/16
4/8/2018 Guidelines for a two-way concrete flooring system | BSBG | Brewer Smith Brewer Group


Economical for longer spans and high loads.


Presence of beams may require greater storey height.

Requires a regular column layout.

Slow oor cycle.

Flexibility of partition location and horizontal service distribution.

4. Flat slab with edge beams/bands (Conventional RC or PT)

Introducing edge beams to at slabs overcomes many of the problems associated with shear at
perimeter columns and edge de ection. A at slab with prestressing tendons (PT) results in longer
spans and thinner slabs. 8/16
4/8/2018 Guidelines for a two-way concrete flooring system | BSBG | Brewer Smith Brewer Group


O ce buildings – Low Rise & High Rise

Residential buildings – Low Rise & High Rise



� Economic Span Range:

5-9m (Conventional RC)

7-11m (Post-Tensioned) 9/16
4/8/2018 Guidelines for a two-way concrete flooring system | BSBG | Brewer Smith Brewer Group


Similar to the at slab option, with the bene t being a slightly reduced slab thickness leading to lighter
oor construction via the introduction of perimeter stiffening beams or bands.


Similar to the at slab option, but with added formwork complexity around the building perimeter and
potentially adverse effects on the facade design/architecture.

5. Waffle Slabs (Conventional RC)

Introducing voids to the so t of a at slab reduces deadweight. These slabs are economical in spans
up to 14m in square panels. Thickness is governed by de ection, punching shear around columns and
shear in ribs. 10/16
4/8/2018 Guidelines for a two-way concrete flooring system | BSBG | Brewer Smith Brewer Group



O ce buildings

Roo ng

Economic Span Range:



Slab so t pro le may be expressed architecturally.

Longer spans possible.

Lightweight in nature.

Disadvantages: 11/16
4/8/2018 Guidelines for a two-way concrete flooring system | BSBG | Brewer Smith Brewer Group

Higher formwork costs than for other slab systems.

Slightly greater oor thicknesses.

Slower oor-to- oor cycle.

Requires square or rectangular column/grid arrangements.

More reading: You can learn about one-way concrete ooring systems by reading� Basheer Bava’s
blog: Guidelines for one-way concrete ooring system, by clicking here. (
way-concrete- ooring-system/)


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