Kannada Translation

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setae tia ees [Last pay certificate’ -| In charge arrangement Head quarters Closing balance Extraordinary leave Confidential report Energy charges Administrative approval Back bill &0OS Dey Bulk purchases. | ‘Competent AED HHT Counter signature authority Depreciation Bae Notification Preliminary enquiry | SOBAoe Purchase order Desoves Sales tax sams? SO Technical sanction Quarterly statement [SSA Sees Financial advisor retirement gratuity | 33 8 TRedE ‘Stock register Gemam See | | Agenda Belated payment BBs Mss Casual leave Death cum BTL ws Earnest money deposit Generating station | WS2GH. BOG, History of service iihealth BMGT, Joining time Res Ad Ordinance Saya Authority Circular - DEQ Order Len er Capacity Pension aoeded Allowance: oe AEROS | Systematically eputation >, Cmiearaes a Project t sO Zone po ar eaas t Binh certficate azar TRavenne ‘Appointing authority Pre-payment 5 : — = y gobs Si foudeet Teg SOR | Proessonaltax _ | Sysco ates, Reimbursement of | | Sgn ABZ” | Compulsory mbodmas medical expenditure retirement DROd Awe wE | Case worker SND 503, Cash balance S38 1B Guest house wae Owen | Budget grant mens Fi Conveyance Bpod Bs, Acting allowance allowance FFU OAT] karnataka Hlectrety || SOG}OST SOAS | Interim payment Aabosse maipeeT_| Control Authority BOSYOE QUST | Temporary electric | | DtH,S* Electricity misuse xidaoees cd chodziosaen iS we Rate chart mmbes ve Market price [SOM Haas — | Tax exemption Bea Tally list [Resa GOREN | Pay commission sHedwodes HY, | supervision Fee Dee Expenditure [amy we Manager gant & Tour allowance Hoge Ses Abstract note piece ‘Absence Se Sear Head of account sone gs ‘Advance copy Baeovas> Advertisement emIOw Compassion Saas Despatch Saves Se _ | Transmission route | | 30S | Teaning [sess Pay och | Draft ooEs Official SHAR: Notification Foe Technical ears ‘Administration aned Corporate office wprer sess Full pay leave mod ood oe “| [So Aro Demi-official man [Contract \ [awe woasreO | Lar Large works Tees Home Use/ es Receipt Banco | Public | Bow | Urgent P jase saID | Netincome mos Justice nog, Hvis ae PME AS Prejudice mor Bankaccount — Doms ro : Resignation payment Dawa: ee SR ‘Objective Beas Be Pavsle ovekas repent : : ore Miers ue Gationey | SDSS Ba ‘agent Dao |] Uniawtul Hanmwoes lectric generator | Och AAT Legal Raa OF, Conservation Roses Official duty AGRO 83FS, Public service Resrweae ses | | Publicholiday Mara? UDON : ‘Safety officer mdgsD SHR Safety measures o"se BaD [ Restriction DorogS Net value agy aro, Receipt TRO, AGS Pensioner Lowesas Relief service nad aes Head ofaccount | O% Scare Poverty line Duss dead Night shift ToSmOe Nationalised crate Medical leave Bees oa ‘Alternative measure FO ED ‘Abridgement Rogen Tecticcomection JORIS Roser | |Averagetncome | soexO SowaD Co-operative RwTwO Break in service Remo BON Cold storage SesorVed Witness ee, Freight tims HO, Permission Bwws [Sesser DAD Competitive Beer gy Soeg mgowd examination Tocal authority ead Departmental Quan DOs zaQn0 examination Specatmeasore [See 3a Reduction sale eno avoTNts [eiaton —_[araaaso Contractor Tosriced Registrar Ones Boundary line ees Da :*S”*«dS eS Prohibited arm joes Administration Joe ay | Defauiter ‘Night Shift TS, AUG /P Nationalisation eee l i a ction carefully about the .d the instr ae peated) Translate the following sente! to Kannada: re “ag some sentences being r= ? number of sentences to be translated) (we notice a) A friend in need isa friend indeed. i

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