Clark J p3 Rough 13976
Clark J p3 Rough 13976
Clark J p3 Rough 13976
Jenna Clark
This paper is a persuading essay that focuses on a different approach to hazing prevention. When
most people think of hazing they think of dangerous and painful activities people are forced to
do, but what if we can change that to safe and fun team building.
Introduction: Hazing in Greek Life has been an issue for a very long time. A lot of the
fraternities haze so hard that there has actually been numerous deaths resulting from hazing.
Claim: Hazing needs to have the approach and goal of team building and take away the
Evidence: According to Museum Hack, “Team building is a collective term for various types of
activities used to enhance social relations and define roles within teams, often involving
collaborative tasks. It is distinct from team training, which is designed to improve efficiency
Warrant 1: When hazing is viewed with a team building approach there are many
benefits that can come from it. Relationships are benefited when they are tested by
challenging activities. The problem with hazing in greek life is many take the
“challenging activities” to a dangerous level. Often fraternities force their new members
to drink dangerous amounts of alcohol. Fraternities have also been known to beat and
abuse members that are trying to be apart of their fraternity. Greek life needs to stray
away from these activities and focus on the true goal of why they “haze”.
created intentionally that causes embarrassment, harassment or ridicule and risks emotional
and/or physical harm to members of a group or team, whether new or not, regardless of the
Warrant 2: Hazing has the goal to make people do things that their mind tells them not
to do. This is where hazing becomes dangerous. Violent Hazing is the most dangerous
kind of hazing that has the potential to cause pain, and emotional or psychological harm.
This category of hazing tends to be the most extreme hazing things like, capturing and
kidnapping, forced nudity, sexual activity, pushing, shoving, tackling, or any other
physical contact, forced consumption of liquids or food, paddling or whipping, and things
like branding, cutting, labeling, or shaving parts of the body are all tactics that are used
(Allen). Hazing in general does not have enough regulation because groups of people that
haze try to keep it a secret. There are multiple news articles that are released of people
dieing from hazing in fraternities, but the problem is that our society doesn’t know its
problem until someone dies. Action needs to take place before members lose their life.
Evidence: So after hearing these stories you might be thinking to yourself, “then why do these
kids want to be apart of these groups if they know they may get hazed brutally?” Andone writes
about how the pledges or new potential members go through the “hazing” to reach the benefits
that come with being a member. For example, a lot of times being a member in these greek life
groups comes with “prestige, a more active social life and a social network that could help
Warrant 3: Most members say being apart of these groups gives them a sense of
belonging, so how can we as a society make it so people can safely be apart of these college
greeak life groups? We need to make hazing something that people are not afraid to talk about.
Prevention groups need to be able to reach these groups before it is to late. Team building, when
done correctly, can have numerous benefits, so how do we reach these groups and provide proper
education on team building versus hazing? I think the biggest issue is the active members of
these groups do not want to just boring team building activities. Prevention groups need to find
different approaches to team building that can be safe and just as fun.
Counterclaim: Instead of focusing on getting rid of hazing completely, we need to focus on how
Rebuttal: It will be near impossible to get fraturties to complete stop hazing because it is
already such a big part of these groups roots. Instead we need prevention groups to take a
different approach and teach safer and still fun ways to build relationships and create a sense of
them know about the different approaches they can take on hazing in greek life. We need more
prevention angles to speak amongst the numerous colleges that have greek life. Hazing is
dangerous but what if we can make a difference and make it a team building experience that is
Andone, D. (2018, December 08). Why so many college students pledge Greek life knowing
Sussman, J. (2019, January 20). Why Should You Care About Team Building? Here's 5 Crucial