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Biomorphic Cellular Ceramics : by Heino Sieber, Christiane Hoffmann, Annette Kaindl, and Peter Greil

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Biomorphic Cellular Ceramics**

By Heino Sieber,* Christiane Hoffmann,
Annette Kaindl, and Peter Greil

BiotemplatingÐa new concept for preparation of ceramic compos-

ite materials with biomorphic microstructures will be described.
Biological carbon preforms (CB-templates) were derived from dif-
ferent wood structures by high-temperature pyrolysis at tempera-
tures between 800 and 1800 C and used as templates for infiltra-
tion with gaseous or liquid Si to form SiC- and SiSiC-ceramics. During high-temperature processing,
the microstructural details of the bioorganic preforms were retained. Cellular ceramic composites with
unidirectional porous morphologies and anisotrophic mechanical properties were obtained. The cellular
composites show low density, but high specific strength and excellent high temperature stability.

1. Introduction (Fig. 1a), it consists of 90±95 % tracheids, which are long and
slender cells tapered at the ends. The size of the tracheids (di-
In contrast to engineering materials, biological structures ameter up to 50 mm, length up to few mm) depends on the
exhibit a hierarchically built anatomy, developed and opti- growth conditions, such as changing temperatures or water
mized in a long-term genetic evolution process. They are supply. Deciduous wood is less homogeneous (Fig. 1b).
characterized by a complex shape, with structural features Tracheary elements (diameter up to 500 mm, length less than
ranging from the micro (cell walls) to the macro scale (skele- 1 mm) form long tubes of a few cm. Tracheids and tracheary
tons). Due to their hierarchically designed composite mor- elements are oriented in the direction of the trunk axis. They
phology, biological materials exhibit unique structure-me- form the transportation paths for water and minerals within
chanical property relationships on a micro as well as on a the living tree. Cells arranged in radial direction (rays) and
macro scale and have become of interest for advanced pores in the cell walls create a three-dimensional pore net-
processing concepts of engineering materials in the recent work for transportation.
years.[1,2] The tracheary and tracheid cells in wood form directed
Wood is a natural composite and exhibits an anisotropic, pore structures at the micrometer level, which can not be pre-
porous morphology with excellent strength at low density, pared easily by technical (foam, extrusion or substitution)
high stiffness, elasticity, and damage tolerance.[3] The mircos- processing. Such microstructural morphologies are of interest
tructural features of wood range from mm (growth ring pat- for technical applications for example as micro filters in food
terns) via mm (tracheidal cell patterns, macro- and microfibril processing or catalyst carriers in exhaust gas purification.
cell wall textures) down to nm scale (molecular cellulose fiber However, while in biological growth and mineralization pro-
and membrane structures of cell walls). The most distinct fea- cesses only very slow material synthesis rates (about mm/h[5])
ture of the wood structure, however, is the open porous sys- occur, for technical applications much faster rates have to be
tem of the tracheidal cells which provide the transportation obtained. One processing technology to overcome this time
path for water in the living wood and yield an uniaxial pore rate problem is the biotemplating technique, where natural
structure with anisotropic mechanical properties.
The cell walls of wood are formed by biopolymers such as
cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, and proteins. Several cellu- ±
lose macromolecules are bundled to fibrils. Lignin serves as a [*] Dr. H. Sieber, C. Hoffmann, A. Kaindl, Prof. P. Greil
binder between the cellulose microfibrils and increases the University of Erlangen±Nuernberg
mechanical strength.[4] Different cell types form the heteroge- Department of Materials Science, Glass and Ceramics
neous tissue of wood. The morphology and the arrangement Martensstr. 5, D-91058 Erlangen (Germany)
of the different cells vary between deciduous and coniferous [**] Financial support from the Volkswagen Foundation under con-
wood. Coniferous wood has a very uniform structure tract I/73 043 is gratefully acknowledged.

ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS 2000, 2, No. 3 1438-1656/00/0303-0105 $ 17.50+.50/0 105

Sieber et al./Biomorphic Cellular Ceramics

grown structures are used as bulk


a) b)
templates for high-temperature con-
version into technical ceramic and
composite materials. Carbonized
wood can be used directly as a tem-
plate structure to process ceramics
with tailored micro- as well as meso-
porosity. The inherent open porosity
in the natural plant structures is ac-
cessible for gaseous or liquid infiltra- 40 µm 40 µm
tion and subsequent high-tempera-
ture ceramic phase formation. Fig. 1. Scanning electron micrographs (SEM) of pyrolyzed wood: a) beech (deciduous wood), b) pine (coniferous wood).
Processing of ceramic composites Section perpendicular to the stem axis (axial direction).
from biologically derived materials
like wood or organic fibers has recently attained particular in- 2. Processing of Biomorphic Ceramics
terest. In the last years, various biotemplating high-tempera-
ture techniques were developed to convert biological derived 2.1. Pyrolysis of Wood
materials into ceramic and composite materials. Biological
plant materials containing silicon such as rice husk or coconut Different kinds of natural wood (oak, maple, pine, balsa,
shells were annealed in inert atmosphere to yield SiO2 and ebony, and beech) with various fractional densities and po-
SiC whiskers or particles. [6,7]
Further investigations were con- rosity structures were used to produce biomorphic SiC-ce-
ducted by using biological materials as carbon and/or struc- ramics. The wood specimens were dried (70 C, 15 h) and
tural templates to produce ceramic fibres. Si coated cellulose in a first step pyrolyzed in N2-atmosphere in a carbon heated
[8] [9]
fibers and Si3N4 coated cotton fibers could be converted furnace. A slow heating rate of 1 K/min was applied up to
into SiC fibers by annealing in Ar-atmosphere at 1200± 500 C where the polyaromatic hydrocarbon polymers (cellu-
1600 C. Ohzawa et al. [10,11]
infiltrated paper and cotton wool lose, hemicellulose, lignin) were completely decomposed to
preforms with SiC by pressure-pulsed chemical vapor infil- carbon followed by a higher rate of 5 K/min up to the peak
tration for high-temperature filter applications. Padel and temperature. The specimens were hold at the peak tempera-
Padhi [12,13]
used natural fibers such as sisal, jute and hemp for ture in the range from 800±1800 C for 4 h. The processing
infiltration with AlCl3 and TiCl4 and subsequently transfor- scheme is summarized in Figure 2.
mation into oxidic Al2O3 and TiO2 fibers by annealing in air. The major biopolymeric constituents in wood are cellulose,
Similar, Bohne et al. [14]
infiltrated cellulose fiber with boron hemicellulose, and lignin with some additional macromolecu-
acid (H3BO3) and yielded B4C-fibres by annealing in Ar-at- lar compounds like different kinds of fat, oil, wax, resin su-
mosphere at 1750 C. gar, minerals, alcaloides, etc. as minor constituents. A typical
More recent activities were directed to the question how to composition of softwood is 48 wt.-% cellulose, 19 wt.-%
transform bulk morphologies like hierarchical and cellular hemicellulose, and 30 wt.-% lignin which differs only slightly
structures of wood into inorganic materials with specific from hardwood which is 45 wt.-%, 27 wt.-%, and 22 wt.-%,
functional properties. Ota et al.[15,16] produced biomorphic ce-
ramics by infiltration of charcoal with metal-organic solu-
tions, e.g., TEOS (tetraethyl orthosilicate) or TTiP (titanium
tetra-isopropoxide). After high-temperature pyrolysis the
wood structures were converted into porous SiC or TiO2 ce- Shaping Shaping
ramics. Greil et al.[17] converted different kinds of wood by in-
filtration of pyrolyzed wood preforms with liquid Si into cel-
lular SiSiC composites, similar, Shin and Park[18] used
Wood C-Preform SiC-Ceramic
charcoal for fabrication of biomorphic SiSiC-composites.
In addition to the direct conversion of natural grown plant
structures, preprocessed materials derived from natural fiber
Drying Si-Infiltration
composites like papers and cardboard structures can be used
(70 °C, 15 h) (1600 °C, vac., 4 h)
as structural preforms for conversion into ceramic compo-
liquid → SiSiC
sites.[19] After infiltration with preceramic polymers and dif- gaseous → SiC
(800-1800 °C, N2, 4 h)
ferent reactive/inert filler materials, the paper preforms were
pyrolyzed at temperatures of about 1400 C. During process-
ing, the carbon of the paper reacted with the Si-filler and Fig. 2. Processing scheme of manufacturing cellular SiC and SiSiC-ceramics from
formed SiC-based composite material. wood.


Sieber et al./Biomorphic Cellular Ceramics

respectively. The average elemental compo- Table 1. Microstructural characteristics of different kinds of wood after pyrolysis at 1800 C and subsequent

Si-melt infiltration at 1600 C (after [17]).
sition of wood is 50 wt.-% C, 43.4 wt.-% O,
6.1 wt.-% H, 0.2 wt.-% N, and 0.3 wt.-%
Wood Balsa Pine Oak Maple Beech Ebony
Pyrolysis weight loss (wt.-%) 73.5 73.8 70.4 74.9 74.2 64.6
During pyrolysis of the major biopoly-
Pyrolysis Axial 21 23 17 20 22 14
meric wood components, lignin and cellu-
shrinkage (%) radial 22 28 28 30 32 25
lose, in an inert atmosphere, the weight loss
tangential 22 31 33 40 38 30
starts below 200 C. At 600 C a total weight
Density (g/cm3) pyrolyzed 0.06 0.31 0.50 0.51 0.55 0.87
loss of about 80 wt.-% for cellulose and of
Si-infiltrated 2.02 2.22 2.16 2.58 2.57 ±
about 50 wt.-% for lignin is observed. The Porosity (%) pyrolyzed 22/70 21/57 30/40 43/22 42/21 23/20
thermal degradation reaction of the cellulose (open/closed) Si-infiltrated 11/14 11/14 8/5 3/5 3/2 3/±
can be separated in two steps:[22] Si-Content (wt.-%) 67 50 27 23 37 ±
Pyrolysis at low temperatures: Release of
water, that results in ªdehydrocelluloseº, fol-
lowed by the elimination of small molecules like CO and CO2 2.2. Liquid Si Infiltration
above 260 C.
Carbonization at temperatures above 600 C: break down Spontaneous wetting and infiltration of the porous carbon
of the carbon chains in the biopolymer structures and the for- preform occurred when brought into contact with the liquid
mation of graphitic structures (turbostratic carbon). Si. Concurrently the reaction to form b-SiC
During heating of the composite wood, the biopolymer de-
composition yields a final weight loss between 70±80 wt.-%, C(s) + Si(l) ±? b-SiC (1)
depending on the kind and composition of the wood (Ta-
ble 1). While the theoretical carbon content of wood is ap- takes place.
proximately 50 wt.-%, significantly higher weight losses oc- Figure 3 shows the morphology of a pyrolyzed and Si-in-
curred due to evolution of H2O, CO2, and volatile filtrated maple wood (the unreacted Si was etched out with
hydrocarbon species from fragmentation reactions of the HF/HNO3). It can be seen, that the biological features like the
polyaromatic constituents.[23] The thermal decomposition of porous morphologies of the natural grown wood are retained
the polyaromatic biopolymers during the pyrolysis is finished in the SiSiC-ceramic. At the carbon±silicon interface b-SiC
at about 600 C and yields an amorphous carbon structure of grains with a mean particle size of 5 mm are formed.
the CB-template. Further heating up to 1800 C increases the After Si-melt infiltration the pores are filled up with the sil-
amount and size of the graphitic structures in the turbostratic icon melt up to a maximum pore channel diameter of ap-
carbon.[17] proximately 30 mm. Larger pores did not contain residual sili-
Pyrolysis of wood involves an anisotropic shrinkage of con, although the carbon template has completely
approximately 40 % in tangential, 30 % in radial, and 20 % in transformed to b-SiC. The residual Si-content depends on the
axial direction, depending on the composition of the different total porosity of the carbon preforms and the pore channel di-
cells in the tissue and the different orientation of the cellulose
fibers in the cell walls. Different kinds of wood exhibit a wide
range of weight loss depending on the variation of the
cellular and molecular composition (e.g., balsa exhibits a
weight loss of 73.5 wt.-%, pine of 73.8 wt.-%, and ebony of
64.6 wt.-%).
Despite the high weight loss and anisotropic shrinkage of
the wood during the high-temperature pyrolysis, the micro-
structural details of the initial wood structure were trans-
formed with high precision into the carbon preform. After py-
rolysis the open porosity (tracheids and vessels) of the CB-
templates was used for Si-infiltration. The Si-infiltration was
performed by two different processing routes at 1600 C over
a period of 4 h: Infiltration with liquid Si without pressure ac-
20 µm
cording to the conventional processing of SiSiC-materials,[24]
and infiltration with gaseous Si to form highly porous SiC-ce-
ramics. Fig. 3. SEM micrograph of Si-melt infiltrated maple (pyrolysis at 1800 C, Si-etched).


Sieber et al./Biomorphic Cellular Ceramics

ameter distribution (between 23 wt.-% (maple) and 67 wt.-% lar loading orientations.[17] While pyrolyzed ebony (density of

(balsa)). It can be removed afterwards by chemical etching to 0.82 g/cm3) attains a Young's modulus of 22 GPa and a bend-
increase the porosity. ing strength of about 40 MPa, pyrolyzed balsa has a density
Due to the large tracheidal pores, the final SiSiC-ceramic of only 0.07 g/cm3 and hence a very low Young's modulus of
contains a residual porosity up to 25 % depending on the in- 2 GPa and a modulus of rupture of 2.5 MPa.
itial cellular structure of the wood. Coniferous wood yields The mechanical properties of the wood derived SiSiC-ce-
SiSiC-ceramics with a high density, high strength and high ramics (Si-melt infiltrated CB-templates) mainly depend on
stiffness in axial direction. Deciduous wood exhibits larger porosity microstructure, i.e., anisotropic orientation and di-
pore structures after Si-melt infiltration and is more interest- ameter of the tracheidal pore structures. The differences be-
ing for acoustic or heat insulation structures. tween the growth directions can still be found even though
they are less pronounced compared to the carbon preform
materials. Figure 5 shows the bending strength of wood de-
2.3. Gaseous Si Infiltration rived SiSiC-ceramics as a function of density. In contrast to
conventional, isotropic SiSiC-composites derived from pow-
The reaction of the carbonized wood templates with gas- der mixtures,[25] a distinct anisotropy of the mechanical prop-
eous Si at a temperature of 1600 C result in the formation of erties in different loading directions can be found. Strength,
b-SiC grains with a mean particle size of about 5 mm, similar toughness, and Young's modulus in axial direction are signif-
to the SiC-grains formed by Si-melt infiltration at 1600 C. icantly higher than in radial or tangential direction. For exam-
However, in contrast to the melt infiltration process, Si-gas- ple, maple with a density of 2.5 g/cm3 (porosity 8 %) exhibits
eous infiltration of the CB-templates yield single phase SiC- a strength of only 120 MPa perpendicular but 200 MPa paral-
ceramics without residual Si and thus a much higher porosity lel to the axial direction. In contrast, commercially prepared
(20±50 % open porosity) of the ceramic material, Figure 4. The SiSiC-materials of same porosity exhibits a bending strength
resulting material exhibits an unique cellular morphology of 150 MPa.[25]
with pore diameters of about 30 mm and may be of interest AR&AT
for micro filter and catalyst carriers applications at high tem- 200 TA&TR
Bending strength [Mpa]

peratures. AR & AT
Si-melt infiltrated
100 TA & TR
SiSiC [25]


0 20 40 60 8 100
Porosity [Vol.%]
Fig. 5. Bending strength of pyrolyzed and Si-melt infiltrated wood structures as a
function of density for two different orientations parallel (AT and AR) and perpendicu-
lar (TA and TR) to the axial direction. For comparison, the fracture strength of com-
mercially available SiSiC material is given [25].

Fig. 4. SEM micrograph of Si-gas infiltrated pine (pyrolysis at 1800 C).

3. Conclusions
2.4. Macroscopic Properties of Biomorphic Ceramic Carbon preforms derived from natural grown materials
can serve as template structures for preparation of micro-
After pyrolysis, the carbonized preforms show a multimo- structural designed materials by infiltration and chemical re-
dal pore size distribution with pore diameters ranging from a action processes. Natural, regenerating materials like wood,
few mm for the initial tracheid cells up to more than 100 mm fibers, paper or cardboard structures are available on a com-
for the tracheary elements. Table 1 shows, that the porosity of mercial scale, less expensive and exhibit excellent forming
the CB-templates is 20±25 % higher than of dried wood. As ex- abilities.
pected from the mechanical behavior of wood, the pyrolyzed Novel SiC-based, light-weight, high-temperature ceramics
carbon preforms exhibit a distinct anisotropy of the mechani- with uniaxial pore structures and anisotropic mechanical
cal properties. Young's modulus and strength are signifi- properties were produced by infiltration of liquid or gaseous
cantly higher in the axial direction compared to perpendicu- Si into carbonized wood templates. The biodiversity of the


Sieber et al./Biomorphic Cellular Ceramics

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