Am Lit 1 Syllabus
Am Lit 1 Syllabus
Am Lit 1 Syllabus
… with Liberty and Justice for All.
ENGL 2773.003 Tuesday/Thursday 3-4:15pm Gittinger 317
Instructor: Jeanetta Calhoun Mish, M.A., ABD
Office: 341 Gittinger Hall Office Hours T.B.A.
[email protected]
Course Description & Overview: This course is a “survey” course, meaning that we
will read and discuss a wide range of written documents. To provide some structure for
this necessarily broad set of readings, I have chosen the theme “…with liberty and justice
for all.” While not every text will be centered on the ideals embedded in this most
American of phrases, all of them struggle with ideas like freedom, justice, and equality,
concepts that American literature has always examined…and continues to examine.
Many of the documents in this section of American literature are not conventionally
“literary”; there are letters, biographies, sermons, and manifestos as well as poems and
short fiction. During the semester, we will learn general literary terms and concepts as
well as terms and concepts specific to American literature. Our readings and discussion
will be guided by these very general questions: What is literature? What is American
literature? Whose American literature? What are the relationships between society,
culture, politics, economics, history, and literature? What are the rhetorical strategies of
different forms and literary genres? How do our received ideas about literature affect our
perception of literary value?
Course Format: This course will mix class discussion and group discussion with lecture.
I will introduce material and facilitate discussion, but you are expected to be an active
participant in class and group discussions. You will be assigned readings weekly. You
should do all of your reading between Thursday afternoon and Tuesday morning—
because of the way this class is structured, it is not possible to “guess” which texts will be
discussed on what day. This class will move quickly! Don’t get behind or you might find
it impossible to catch up.
Graded Assignments: You will have four different kinds of graded assignments: Group
Participation, Reading Journals, Exams, and Essay.
Group Participation: 20%—Every week during our class time, you and your
group will be assigned a set of questions about the week’s readings. Groups will
be reconstituted after each “century unit,” of which there are three. You will
receive a grade from your group members for each unit; the grades will be
Reading Journals: 30%—You will be required to write a 1-2 page reading
response journal every week except for the first week and two others of your
choice. This means you will turn in a total of 11 journals. Please see the
“Reading Journal Guidelines” for complete information.
Exams: 25% (midterm 15%, final 10%) —You will take two exams: your midterm
exam will consist of two parts, an essay and a fill-in-the-blank quiz. The essay
portion is a take-home exam that will be given on D2L. The quiz will be given
during a class period. The final exam will be in two parts, also, but both parts will
be taken during the final exam period. The essay portion of the final exam will be
a subjective evaluation. More details will be given closer to exam week.
Essay: 25%—This 7-10 page essay will be written on a set or sets of readings of
your choice. I expect that many of your essays will arise from your journal
entries. I will supply some essay prompts (posted on D2L) for those of you who
have difficulty imagining your own. I suggest, however, that you try to design
your own paper because my prompts will be “difficult”; because you know better
than I do what you are interested in; and, perhaps most importantly, most of you
are English majors and you need to lean how to formulate your own research
questions. Your essay will be due during the final exam period. More details will
be given closer around midterm.
Accommodation: If you have a disability that may prevent you from fully demonstrating
your proficiency, please contact me so that we can discuss accommodations that will
allow your unrestricted participation in the course.
Make-up Work:
If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to find out what assignments were
made and what was discussed in class. Class discussions and group work are always
relevant to good performance—quiz questions and essay assignments reflect ideas and
themes discussed in class. It would serve you well to plan ahead if you know you will be
absent by asking a classmate to share notes with you and/or record the lecture/discussion
for you, although it’s best to avoid absences altogether. You should cultivate classmates
who are willing to help you out if you must be absent—and whom you are willing to
assist in return. I will not reenact class for you. If you are ill for an extended time or have
a family emergency that requires you to be absent for several days, please let me know as
soon as possible. I will work with a student who has extenuating circumstances, but only
if those circumstances can be documented and if the student informs me of the difficulties
as soon as possible. All assignments and course documents will be available on D2L.
Late Policy:
I reserve the option not to accept any late assignments unless you have a documented
excuse. (Please see “Absences” above.) An absence from class on the day an assignment
is assigned or due does not constitute a sufficient excuse for late assignments; all
assignments are extensively described in the syllabus and all handouts and worksheets are
available on D2L. Your journals will be posted to D2L, so you can always turn them in
on time. IF you are experiencing difficulties, email me IMMEDIATELY. We can make
arrangements IN ADVANCE (coming in to class without your assignment does not
constitute prior arrangements) to aid you in completing your assignments in a timely
DO NOT MISS CLASS!!! You MUST attend this class to succeed. Coming to class and
being an active participant in our discussions are also important parts of your education.
Each group member, when assigning grades for his/her compatriots, will be allowed take
the number of absences times 10% off a student’s group grade. The group grade is 100%
of your participation grade, so you can lose most of your participation grade from
absences—and your participation grade is worth 20% of your final grade.
General Warnings:
In this section of the course policy, many instructors supply a list of acceptable and
unacceptable classroom behaviors. I do not choose to treat my students as if they were in
elementary school. As long as we all respect our University and each other by acting like
the intelligent, responsible adults we are, there will be no problems in our classroom.