PaperAirsuspension PDF
PaperAirsuspension PDF
PaperAirsuspension PDF
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ABSTRACT−Suspensions play a crucial role in vehicle comfort and handling. Different types of suspensions have been
proposed to address essential comfort and handling requirements of vehicles. The conventional air suspension systems use a
single flexible rubber airbag to transfer the chassis load to the wheels. In this type of air suspensions, the chassis height can
be controlled by further inflating the airbag; however, the suspension stiffness is not controllable, and it depends on the airbag
volume and chassis load. A recent development in a new air suspension includes two air chambers (rubber airbags), allowing
independent ride height and stiffness tuning. In this air suspension system, stiffness and ride height of the vehicle can be
simultaneously altered for different driving conditions by controlling the air pressure in the two air chambers. This allows the
vehicle’s natural frequency and height to be adjusted according to the load and road conditions. This article discusses
optimization of an air suspension design with ride height and stiffness tuning. An analytical formulation is developed to yield
the optimum design of the new air suspension system. Experimental results verify the mathematical modeling and show the
advantages of the new air suspension system.
KEY WORDS : Air suspension systems, Ride height control, Stiffness tuning, Natural frequency control
proposed an air suspension system with some extra tune two parameters (height and stiffness) independently
volume. By connecting each or some of these extra for different driving conditions, it needs to control the air
volumes to the main air spring, the stiffness of the pressure in two air chambers. There are various
suspension can be adjusted at certain levels. Toyofuku et geometrical configurations for the two air chambers of this
al. (1999) developed an analytical model for air suspension suspension, which will be also discussed in this paper.
with auxiliary volumes, which considers the effect of pipes Experimental results will be provided for a designed
and connections. Their research showed that the auxiliary suspension.
chamber had a smaller effect on the system at high
frequencies than at low frequencies. 2. MATHEMATICAL MODELING
The concept of air suspension systems with independent
stiffness and height tuning was introduced in Yin et al. The Different geometrical configurations can be considered
(2012) and Khajepour et al. (2012, 2014). In this air for the two air springs needed for this suspension. Type 1
suspension system, two air bags are used to change the air suspension system shown in Figure 2, works based on
suspension stiffness through the adjustment of the air bags’ the motion of a four-bar linkage mechanism with extended
air pressure. Despite the nonlinear behavior of air bags, the trailing arm. Increasing the air pressure in both chambers
stiffness of air bags can be approximated constant in their makes the system stiffer. In order to change the ride height,
operational range. They developed a comprehensive model the air volume of the air springs needs to be adjusted
of the new air suspension with an accumulator and an accordingly. The force exerted by air chambers should
orifice valve, shown in Figure 1. They modeled the system clearly satisfy the force and moment equilibrium equations
based on a solid cylinder with two chambers separated by a for the trailing arm at any time. Therefore, the pressure of
piston. A pressure regulator valve can adjust the pressure in the air springs should be set properly to obtain the desired
each chamber independently. Each side of the piston is ride height and suspension stiffness. Normally, heavy trucks
connected to an accumulator. An orifice valve is also have enough space around their axles and underneath of
considered for additional damping. The experimental their chassis. Therefore, air springs are placed on both sides
results reported in Yin et al. (2012) and Khajepour et al. of the axle (Type 1). Passenger vehicles, however, have
(2012) proved the concept and the ability of the new several critical geometrical constraints such as ground
suspension in tuning stiffness and ride height independently clearance that it is preferred to combine the two air
for a given load. chambers in a single cylinder as seen in Figure 2 − Type 2.
Modeling and experimental results on performance of The modeling and formulation in this section is first
air suspension systems with independent stiffness and ride
height tuning are provided in Yin et al. (2012) and
Khajepour et al. (2012, 2014). The focus of this paper
however, is on design and design optimization of the air
suspension system considering various constraints and
desired criteria. In general, this article studies the effect of
different design parameters in the performance of the new
suspension and develops an optimization tool for design of
the new suspension. Since such a system should be able to
Figure 1. Schematic of quarter car model with the Figure 2. Different configurations of air suspension
proposed air suspension system (Yin et al., 2012). systems.
P2 ( z )γ A22 P1 ( z )γ A12
K 2 ( z ) + K1 ( z ) (V2 + A2 z ) (V1 + A1 ( H − z ))
m m
f (z) = = =
2π 2π 2π
Total vertical forces exerted to the solid axle by the air optimum design for a given vehicle (load and load
suspension and stiffness at the axle point are derived using variation, nominal height, nominal natural frequency) and
same method as Equations (1) ~ (3); also natural frequency tuning range, and ride height tuning
range. Design constraints such as maximum pressure and
L2 ⎛ ⎛ ⎛ L ⎞⎞ ⎞
F ( z) = A2 ⎜ C2 ⎜⎜ V2 + A2 ⎜ H eq2 + 2 z ⎟ ⎟⎟ − Pa ⎟
space for accumulators are also considered.
Lax ⎜ ⎝ ⎝ L ⎠⎠ ⎟
⎝ ax
⎛ ⎛ −γ
3.1. Design Criteria
L ⎛ L ⎞⎞
+ 1 A1 ⎜ C1 ⎜⎜ V1 + A1 ⎜ H eq1 − 1 z ⎟ ⎟⎟ − Pa ⎟ (6) The most essential unknown parameters are the accumulator
Lax ⎜ ⎝ ⎝ Lax ⎠ ⎠ ⎟ volumes. The range of natural frequency depends on the
⎝ ⎠
L2 2 2
A2 γ P2 ( z ) L1 2
A12γ P1 ( z ) accumulator volumes. For packaging and also limited
Kt (z) = 2 + 2
Lax ⎛ ⎛ L2 ⎞ ⎞ Lax ⎛ ⎛ L1 ⎞ ⎞ space especially in passenger vehicles, the accumulator
⎜ V2 + A2 ⎜ H eq2 + z ⎟⎟ ⎜ V1 + A1 ⎜ H eq1 − z ⎟⎟ volumes should be minimized. The following constraints
⎝ ⎝ Lax ⎠⎠ ⎝ ⎝ Lax ⎠⎠
are crucial criteria for the evaluation of optimum volumes;
where A1 and A2 are effective areas of chamber 1 and
chamber 2, respectively. P1(z) and P2(z) represent the 3.1.1. Minimum equilibrium pressure
absolute pressures of corresponding chambers, as a The equilibrium pressure of the chambers should be greater
function of axle vertical position (z). They can also be than the atmospheric pressure (Pa). All of the evaluated
written as a function of initial equilibrium pressures of pressures in the modeling are in absolute scale. This design
chambers (Peq1 and Peq2); criterion can be written as;
−γ Peq1 ≥ Pa Peq 2 ≥ Pa (10)
⎛ L ⎞⎞
P1 ( z ) = Peq1 (V1 + A1 ( H eq1 ) ) ⎜ V1 + A1 ⎜ H eq1 − 1 z ⎟ ⎟
Lax =
(Y2 X 3 − Y3 X 4 ) Cosθ + X 3 ( X 2 − X 4 ) Sinθ ⎧ F(at z=Heq ) = mg
(Y2 − Y3 ) Cosθ + ( X 2 − X 3 ) Sinθ (8) ⎪⎪
⎨ f (at z=Heq ) = fs (11)
⎛ Y −Y ⎞
−1 ⎪
θ = tan ⎜ 1 2 ⎟
⎝ X 2 − X1 ⎠ ⎪⎩ Peq1 ≥ Pa
Solving the set of equations in order to find the relation
Lax is the effective horizontal distance of axle from the
between V1 and V2, derives an inequality rectangular
pivot point, which is calculated based on the kinematic and
hyperbola equation;
dynamic analysis of the four-bar linkage mechanism
attached to the solid axle. A2 ( a1V1 + b1 A1 )
Due to different configurations of air chambers and the V2 ≥
c1V1 + d1
geometry of mechanisms compared to the model discussed
in the previous section (Figure 3), the force, stiffness and a1 = γ mg + γ A2 Pa − 4 f s2π 2 mH eq
pressure equations are slightly different from those in b1 = γ Pa A1 H eq + ( H − H eq )(γ mg + γ A2 Pa − 4 f s2π 2 mH eq ) (12)
Equations (1) ~ (3). By substituting the newly defined 2
c1 = 4 f s π m 2
To conclude, it can be said that the optimum accumulator Peq2-new are the new equilibrium pressure of chambers based
volumes are; on the isothermal process;
3.3. Effect of Load Variations The new equilibrium position will be;
The suspension system design is based on the nominal b − b 2 − 4ac
vehicle mass, which includes the net mass of the vehicle H eq −new =
plus half of the maximum allowed load of the vehicle. In
a = Peq2 A22 A1 − Peq1 A12 A2 + ml gA2 A1
the maximum load situation, the effect of the extra load on (25)
the behavior of the air suspension should be studied as well b = Peq1 A12 ( A2 H eq − V2 ) − Peq2 A22 (V1 + A1 ( H + H eq ))
as the minimum load situation, which is the net mass of the + ml g ( AV
1 2 − A2V1 − A2 A1 H )
vehicle. In this section, the maximum load situation is c = Peq2 A2 H eq (V1 A2 + A1 A2 H ) + Peq1 A12 H eqV2 − ml gV2 (V1 + A1H )
studied and all of the formulations are applicable to
minimum load situation, assuming the extra load is The new equilibrium ride height of the air suspension
negative. As expected, after adding extra load, the sprung due to extra load (based on the isothermal process) is
mass and piston moves down and will not be in the desired calculated. The normal vibratory motion of the suspension
equilibrium position and extra air is needed to increase the is based on the isentropic process and new chamber
pressure to keep the chassis at the equilibrium point. In pressures and equilibrium height found in Equations (24)
practice, a leveling valve is used to keep the ride height and (25) will be valid. The pressure of the chambers can
fixed. Since this process is slow, an isothermal process will then be changed according to Equation (13) if the
be considered to examine the behavior of the air suspension suspension stiffness or natural frequency of the vehicle
for the addition of extra load. In this case, the equilibrium needs to be changed.
force equations become;
3.4. Ride Height Tuning
PV = C ⇒ P = As discussed before, another advantage of the proposed air
suspension system is ride height tuning. It is possible to
C1 C2
P1 ( z ) = P2 ( z ) = (20) achieve the same desired natural frequency in a different
V1 + A1 ( H − z ) V2 + A2 z
equilibrium height (ride height), by changing the air mass
⎛ C2 ⎞ ⎛ C1 ⎞ of the chambers. Since height change will modify the
F ( z) = ⎜ − Pa ⎟ A2 − ⎜ − Pa ⎟ A1
⎝ 2 + A2 z ⎠ V +
⎝ 1 1 A ( H − z ) ⎠ chambers’ volumes and since the suspension stiffness
depends on the chambers’ volumes, the pressure in the
and the stiffness becomes; chambers should also need to be modified to achieve the
∂F ( z ) P2 ( z ) A22 P1 ( z ) A12 same stiffness. The new equilibrium pressures for a new
K ( z) = − = + (21) ride height are a function of equilibrium height, which is
∂z V2 + A2 z V1 + A1 ( H − z )
obtained by solving Equation (4) respect to equilibrium
The relation between natural frequencies of a system height (Heq);
with the isothermal process, defined by Equation (21), and
⎛a⎞ ⎛b⎞ ⎛c ⎞
isentropic process is; Peq1 = ⎜ ⎟ H eq2 + ⎜ ⎟ H eq + ⎜ 1 ⎟
⎝ d1 ⎠ ⎝ d1 ⎠ ⎝ d1 ⎠
f Isentropic = γ f Isothermal ⇒ f Isothermal = 0.845 f Isentropic (22) ⎛ a ⎞ ⎛ b ⎞ ⎛c ⎞
Peq 2 = ⎜ ⎟ H eq2 + ⎜ ⎟ H eq + ⎜ 2 ⎟
where γ is the heat capacity ratio of gas and it is 1.4 for air. ⎝ d2 ⎠ ⎝ d2 ⎠ ⎝ d2 ⎠
For instance, the isothermal natural frequency of air a = 4 fs2π 2 mA1 A2
suspension is 1.05 Hz at the equilibrium position where the (26)
b = 4 fs2π 2 m( A2 ( A1 H + V1 ) − V2 A1 ) + A1 A2γ ( Adamper Pa + mg )
isentropic natural frequency is 1.25 Hz.
The force equilibrium equation should be satisfied in the c1 = (4 fs2π 2 mV2 − A2γ ( Adamper Pa + mg ))(V1 + A1 H )
new equilibrium position (Heq-new) after adding the extra c2 = V2 (4 fs2π 2 m( A1 H + V1 ) + A1γ ( Adamper Pa + mg ))
d1 = A1γ ( AV
1 2 + A2V1 + A1 A2 H )
where ml is the extra load mass and Heq > Heq-new. Peq1-new and 4.1. System Design
Table 1. Heavy truck air suspension specifications. suspension with tunable stiffness and ride height and
specifications listed in Table 1. The solid axle is attached to
Description Symbol Value Unit
an axle adapter, which transfers the force and motion of the
Truck sprung mass on each axle to the trailing arm or lever as a connection to the air
m 5,216 kg
suspension chambers. The upper control arm controls the motion of
Air chamber 1 nominal height Heq1 0.25 m axle and axle adapter according to the designed four-bar
Air chamber 2 nominal height Heq2 0.33 m linkage. Finally, the hanger is rigidly connected to the
chassis and fixes the trailing arm pivot point.
Air chamber 1 area A1 507 cm2 A test fixture was designed for evaluating the
Air chamber 2 area A2 730 cm2 performance of the air suspension system. As shown in
Air chamber 1 horizontal location L1 0.24 m Figure 6, three hydraulic cylinders were used on each side
to simulate the longitudinal, lateral and vertical forces
Air chamber 2 horizontal location L2 0.71 m
applied to the axel. Longitudinal and lateral forces are
Axle effective horizontal location Lax 0.47 m applied exactly at the tire contact patch location by cylinder
Minimum natural frequency fmin 1.4 Hz 3 and 2 respectively. Due to spatial constraints, a bigger
Maximum natural frequency fmax 1.6 Hz hydraulic cylinder for vertical force (cylinder 1) is mounted
on the top of axle point. A control system developed in
Heat capacity ratio of air γ 1.4 - dSpace was used to control the hydraulic servo valves
according to the different test scenarios.
To measure the stiffness of the air suspension, only the
New parameters in Equation (9) (starred) will be used in vertical actuator was activated and moved the axle to its
order to determine the optimum accumulator volumes and nominal position (Z = 0). The longitudinal and lateral
the initial equilibrium pressures of air chambers. Table 1 cylinders are free to move and do not exert any force on the
represents the specifications of the air suspension system system. The force applied by the vertical cylinder is
for a heavy truck (class 8 truck). measured through a sensor. The test is done for low-
Optimum accumulator volumes should now be calculated stiffness (minimum desired natural frequency, fmin) and
using Equation (19) with values obtained experimentally in high-stiffness (maximum desired natural frequency, fmax)
Table 1. According to the manufacturer recommendation, conditions. To perform the test, the air pressure in chamber
the desired natural frequency range is chosen to be between 1 (Peq1) was set to the theoretical evaluated pressure. Then,
1.4 Hz to 1.6 Hz (Chalmers Suspensions International Inc., the air pressure in the second chamber was increased until
2015). After substituting Table 1 parameters into Equation the measured vertical force at axle point became equal to
(19), the optimum accumulator volumes are found to be the expected truck weight on the suspension. The determined
less than zero. It means that trapped air in each air chamber air pressure at chamber 2 was in good agreement with the
(A1Heq1 and A2Heq2) can cover the whole range of the desired calculated pressure (Peq2) in Equation (5). The experimental
natural frequency and the current proposed system can measured and theoretical calculated equilibrium pressures
support a wider range of stiffness. Considering Equation of chambers are;
(5) at the nominal position of system (Z=0) and zero The measured air pressures of chamber 2 from the
volumes for accumulators (V1=V2=0), the pressure of air
chambers 1 and 2 for different desired natural frequencies
are shown in Table 2; Table 3. Comparison of experimental chamber pressures
and theoretical calculated chamber pressures for low and
4.2. Experiment Results high stiffness scenarios.
The method discussed above was used to develop a truck
Experimental Theoretical
Descrip- measured calculated Error
tion pressure pressure (%)
Table 2. Chamber pressures for different desired natural (psi) (psi)
Chamber 1
0 0 -
Desired natural Chamber 1 Chamber 2 Low (Peq1)
frequency (Hz) pressure Peq1 (psi) pressure Peq2 (psi) stiffness Chamber 2
69 67 2.9
fmin = 1.4 (Peq2)
0 67
(Low stiffness) Chamber 1
74 74 -
F = 1.5 35 75.5 High (Peq1)
fmax = 1.6 stiffness Chamber 2
74 85 88 85 3.4
(High stiffness) (Peq2)
process for a gas trapped in the air chambers are valid for
very slow and very fast motion of air suspension,
respectively. Since the experiments were conducted at low
frequency, an isothermal condition was used for comparing
the calculated stiffness of the system based on Equation
(21) with the experimental results. The results are presented
Figure 6. Test setup for air suspension system: (1) Vertical in Table 4;
actuator; (2) Lateral actuator; (3) Longitudinal actuator. It can be seen that theoretical calculated stiffness has less
than five percent discrepancy with the experimental results.
This difference is mostly due to friction of joints, calibration
experiment compared to calculated pressures in Table 2 of pressure transducers and measurement of air chambers
based on Equation (5), have less than four percent effective area. The results however, confirm the validity of
discrepancy. This verifies the accuracy of the mathematical the mathematical modeling approach.
formulation developed for calculation of the initial
equilibrium pressures. 5. CONCLUSION
Figure 7 depicts the results of different experiments
performed on the air suspension system in order to find the Mathematical model of the air suspension system with
actual stiffness of the system. The axle vertical force is independent height and stiffness tuning was developed. An
slightly different for loading and unloading the air optimum design for this air suspension system was found
suspension system. This force discrepancy is related to and can be used for any vehicle specifications and air
damping and friction forces in the system, mainly in the suspension geometry. Several design constraints were
bushings, which their direction changes over the extension considered in the development of the model and design
and retraction. procedure. The optimum accumulator volume equations
The stiffness of the new air suspension system for low were derived based on the minimum and maximum desired
and high stiffness scenarios was measured based on the natural frequencies in maximum working pressures. After
experiments. The assumptions for isothermal and isentropic analyzing the air suspension design, corresponding
equations were derived for setting the air chamber
equilibrium pressures required to keep the vehicle at any
desired height with extra load.
The approach was used in the design and fabrication of
the new air suspension for a heavy truck. Experiments were
conducted to measure the pressure of the air chambers at
the equilibrium point and stiffness of the air suspension.
The results corroborate the estimates obtained from the
Figure 7. Vertical force vs. displacement of axle for low-
stiffness (Peq1 = 0 psi and Peq2 = 69 psi) and high-stiffness Ahmadian, M. and Blanchard, E. (2011). Non-
(Peq1 = 74 psi and Peq2 = 88 psi). dimensionalised closed-form parametric analysis of
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