Contributors: Engineering (SPEREE) Review Board

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J.L. Arroyo Franco, who is based in Reynosa, Mexico, David Linton Johnson joined the rock-physics program Lasse Renlie, based in Stjørdal, Norway, is Lead
is Team Leader for the Pemex Exploración y at SDR, Ridgefield, Connecticut, in 1979, and is Petrophysicist in the Halten/Nordland area of the
Producción Herreras area group (North of Mexico). currently Scientific Advisor and Program Manager of Norwegian Sea for Statoil ASA. Before joining the
Prior to transferring to this position in early 2006, he the Sensor Physics department. He is responsible for company in 1998, he worked for Sintef Petroleum
was group geophysicist and then leader of the various linear and nonlinear borehole acoustic projects Research in Trondheim. Lasse obtained an MS degree
Cuitlahuac group. He has worked on gravimetric and and remains active in research on properties of granu- in physics and a PhD degree in borehole acoustics
2D and 3D seismic studies for the company since 1980. lar or porous media. David received his BS degree in from The Norwegian University of Science and
He earned a degree in geophysical engineering from physics from the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, Technology, Trondheim.
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México in Mexico USA, and earned MS and PhD degrees in theoretical John Simonetti is a Technical Consultant for
City, and an MS degree in administration at physics from the University of Chicago. Before joining Schlumberger PTC in New Jersey, where he works on
Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua, Mexico. Schlumberger, he was a faculty member of Northeastern the application of new materials for the improvement
Gopa S. De is a Research Consultant with Chevron University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. David is the of nuclear tools. He joined the company in 1982 in the
Energy Technology Company in San Ramon, California, author of numerous publications and holds several Ceramic Product Development group and later worked
USA. She began her career with Chevron Oil Field patents. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society. in the materials technology section and on imaging
Research Company in 1982. Her major research inter- Andreas Kayser worked for Schlumberger from 2003 detectors, nuclear generators, new scintillator evalua-
ests are sonic logging and rock physics. She has a PhD until he recently took a position with BP in Sunbury, tion and neutron monitor development. John earned a
degree in condensed matter physics from the England. As a development engineer at SCR, England, BS degree from Rutgers, The State University of New
University of California, San Diego. Gopa is a member Andreas was responsible for X-ray tomography analysis Jersey, New Brunswick, and MS and PhD degrees from
of the American Physical Society, the Society of and oversaw data acquisition, conversion, visualization Princeton University, all in chemistry.
Exploration Geophysicists (SEG), the SEG Research and interpretation. He was also involved in a broad Bikash Sinha is a Scientific Advisor in the Mathematics
Committee and the SPE Reservoir Evaluation & range of projects using Inside Reality* virtual reality and Modeling program at SDR in Ridgefield,
Engineering (SPEREE) Review Board. technology and Petrel* seismic-to-simulation software Connecticut. Since joining Schlumberger in 1979, he
Joel Lee Groves is Principal Research Scientist at the for interpretation, visualization and complex well plan- has contributed to many sonic-logging innovations for
Schlumberger Princeton Technology Center (PTC), ning. Andreas then moved to Schlumberger Data and geophysical and geomechanical applications and to
New Jersey, USA. His major projects are pulsed-neutron Consulting Services in Doha, Qatar, to work on FMI* the development of high-precision quartz pressure
generator systems, X-ray generators and multiphase Fullbore Formation MicroImager tool interpretation. sensors. He is currently involved in the near-wellbore
flowmeters. He holds a BS degree in physics and an He holds an MS degree in geology from Philipps characterization of mechanical damage and estima-
MS degree in experimental physics, both from West University in Marburg, Germany. tion of formation-stress parameters using borehole
Virginia University, Morgantown, USA. He also has a Mark Knackstedt earned a BS degree from Columbia sonic data. Bikash received a B Tech degree (Hons)
PhD degree in nuclear physics from University of University, New York City, and a PhD degree from Rice from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur,
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. He joined University, Houston, both in chemical engineering. He and an MS degree from the University of Toronto,
Schlumberger-Doll Research (SDR) as a research is Professor and Head of the Department of Applied Canada, both in mechanical engineering. He has a
scientist in Ridgefield, Connecticut, USA, in 1984 after Mathematics at The Australian National University, PhD degree in applied mechanics from Rensselaer
10 years at the University of Illinois and Columbia Canberra, and a Visiting Professor at the School of Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, USA. He has
University, New York City. He was director of the Petroleum Engineering at the University of New authored or coauthored more than 135 technical
Nuclear Science department at SDR when he left to South Wales in Sydney. His work has focused on the papers and received 22 US patents. An IEEE Fellow,
join PTC in 1995. While at PTC, he has worked as radi- characterization and realistic modeling of disordered Bikash received the 1993 outstanding paper award for
ation safety officer, minitron manufacturing engineer materials. Mark’s primary interests lie in modeling innovative design and development of quartz pressure
and director of research and engineering. transport, elastic and multiphase flow properties and sensors published in the IEEE Transactions on
Jakob B.U. Haldorsen received Cand. Mag. (BS) and development of 3D tomographic image analysis for Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control.
Cand. Real. (MS) degrees in physics from the University complex materials. Jacob I. Trombka is a Senior Goddard Fellow at the
of Oslo in Norway. He then spent six years in research M.A. Mercado Ortiz is Oriental Area Manager for NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt,
and teaching at the University of Oslo and at the the Burgos Integral Asset for Pemex Exploración y Maryland, USA. He is Team Leader for the X-ray/gamma
European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) Producción. He was previously manager for the ray remote-sensing spectrometers for the Near Earth
in Geneva, Switzerland. After joining Geco in 1981, he Cuitlahuac group. Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) spacecraft. At Goddard,
worked in many different positions, including R&E Tom Plona, Scientific Advisor at SDR in Ridgefield, he has worked on the development of remote-sensing
project manager in Oslo and then in Houston. After Connecticut, is currently working on new sonic-logging spectrometers and has been principal investigator,
Geco became part of Schlumberger in 1987, he was methods to enhance understanding of geomechanics team member or guest investigator on the US Apollo,
transferred to SDR in Ridgefield, Connecticut, as a problems. Since joining Schlumberger in 1976, he has Viking, WIND, SMM and Mars Observer programs
member of the Geoacoustics department. Later he conducted basic rock-physics acoustic studies and and the Russian Luna, Mars, Phobos and Mars 1996
moved to Schlumberger Cambridge Research (SCR) in participated in numerous acoustic-tool development programs. Jacob began his career at the NASA Jet
England as a member of the Seismic department and projects. Tom is serving as an SPWLA Distinguished Propulsion Laboratory, working on the Ranger gamma
then to Geco-Prakla in Hannover, Germany, to work on Speaker for the year 2006 and is a prolific author who ray spectrometer and studying the applications of X-
algorithmic and physics problems related to data holds numerous patents. He has a BS degree in physics ray, gamma ray and neutron/gamma ray spectroscopy
acquired in high-noise environments. Jakob returned from Providence College, Rhode Island, USA, and MS to planetary remote and in-situ geochemical analysis
to SDR in 1995 as program leader for the Surface and PhD degrees in physics from Georgetown systems. The asteroid 1981 ET26 has been renamed
Radar program and is now a Scientific Advisor respon- University, Washington, DC. (4990) Trombka for his work in that field. He is a
sible for high-resolution formation imaging using sonic prolific author and has received many awards. He
and borehole seismic tools. earned BS and MS degrees in physics from Wayne
State University, Detroit, Michigan, USA, and a PhD
An asterisk (*) is used to denote a mark of Schlumberger. degree in nuclear science from the University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Spring 2006 63
Stefan Vajda is Principal Research Scientist and now Stephen Williams is Formation Evaluation Adviser for Murtaza Ziauddin, Schlumberger Principal Engineer
works in nuclear detectors at the Schlumberger PTC Norsk Hydro ASA in Bergen, Norway. He is responsible at the Sugar Land Technology Center, works on matrix
in New Jersey. He holds an MS degree from the for planning, execution and follow-up of formation stimulation of sandstones and carbonates, CO2 seques-
University of Bucharest, Romania, and a PhD degree evaluation programs on the company’s wells around tration, hydraulic fracturing, and organic and inor-
from the Institute for Nuclear Physics and the world. He has held a number of formation evalua- ganic scale. He led the development of Virtual Lab*
Engineering, Bucharest/Magurele, Romania, both in tion positions since he joined Norsk Hydro in 1998. geochemical simulation software for matrix acidizing,
physics. Stefan joined the company in 1984, working as Before this, he spent 14 years with Schlumberger in inorganic scale prediction and water-compatibility
a research physicist in neutron and X-ray generators. various assignments in operations, technical manage- testing. He is involved in developing a predictive rheol-
He later worked on inorganic scintillator research, ment, training and management in North and South ogy model for polymer-base fracturing fluids and with
nuclear detectors and gamma ray spectroscopy. He America, Europe, Scandinavia and the Middle East. acidizing models in StimCADE* well stimulation soft-
built a gamma ray spectrometer for the NASA mission Stephen earned BA and MA degrees in natural sci- ware and WellBook* software application for treat-
to asteroid 433 Eros, which was successfully completed ences from University of Cambridge in England. ment design, execution and evaluation. Murtaza joined
in 2001. Stefan has written more than 40 papers and Kenneth Winkler is a Principal Research Scientist at Schlumberger in 1997 after receiving a BS degree from
holds two patents. SDR, Ridgefield, Connecticut, working on microsonic the University of Houston, and a PhD degree from the
Henri-Pierre Valero, Program Manager and Senior principles, tools and interpretation techniques to pro- University of Minnesota at Minneapolis, USA, both in
Research Scientist at SDR, Ridgefield, Connecticut, duce a high-resolution acoustic-velocity map of the chemical engineering. He has written many papers
is involved in the development of algorithms for bore- borehole wall. His other projects include nonlinear and holds several patents.
hole acoustic tools. He joined the company in 1998 as acoustics, flow assurance and pore-pressure studies. Wolfgang Ziegler, Principal Engineer for
a project engineer at Schlumberger KK, Fuchinobe, He joined Schlumberger in 1979, setting up the SDR Schlumberger PTC, New Jersey, is currently working
Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, and worked on the high-pressure rock properties laboratory. Since on nuclear detector development, focusing on high-
development and implementation of sonic answer then, he has worked on various programs including temperature applications and new materials. He
products until his transfer to SDR in 2004. Henri-Pierre geoacoustics, near-wellbore acoustics and high-resolu- joined the company at SDR, Ridgefield, Connecticut, in
holds a BS degree in science from Rennes University, tion microsonic imaging. Ken holds a BS degree in 1992 to work on measurement concepts later imple-
France, an MS degree (Hons) in geoscience from physics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, mented in EcoScope* multifunction logging-while-
l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Pétroles et Moteurs, New York, and MS and PhD degrees in geophysics drilling tools and researching new detectors for
Rueil-Malmaison, France, and a PhD degree (Hons) in from Stanford University, California. He has served oilfield applications. He transferred to PTC in 2000
geophysics from Institut de Physique du Globe de as a Distinguished Speaker of SPWLA, and he was and continued his involvement in those projects.
Paris, France. technical editor of SPE Formation Evaluation from Wolfgang earned a Diploma in physics from Mainz
1993 to 1996. The author of many papers, he also University, and a PhD degree in experimental nuclear
holds several patents. physics from Darmstadt University, both in Germany.

Coming in Oilfield Review

Naturally Fractured Reservoirs. The presence of Heavy Oil. Dwindling production of conventional oils, Subsidence and Compaction. Subsidence above
natural fractures in reservoirs can make otherwise high prices and the need to augment reserves are reservoirs may have enormous economic consequences,
tight rock productive, but fractures can also negatively revitalizing interest in heavy oil. This article reviews which may not be limited to damage to oilfield infra-
impact porous and permeable reservoirs. This article fluid properties of heavy oil and potential production structure. A large subsidence bowl may cause extensive
examines naturally fractured reservoirs, and how scenarios, from mining to in-situ combustion. Case damage to surface structures, particularly in low-lying
industry geoscientists and engineers detect, studies demonstrate techniques for characterizing areas. Compaction results from depleting formations
characterize and model them at various scales and heavy-oil reservoirs, determining the best recovery that are mechanically weak; it is the cause of industry-
throughout all stages of reservoir development. method, constructing and completing wells, and related subsidence. The article describes the funda-
monitoring production. mentals of compaction and subsidence, and includes
case studies from several active fields.

64 Oilfield Review

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