AWS-D10.11-1987 RP For Root Pass Welding of Pipe Without Backing
AWS-D10.11-1987 RP For Root Pass Welding of Pipe Without Backing
AWS-D10.11-1987 RP For Root Pass Welding of Pipe Without Backing
Approved by
American National Standards Institute
January 23, 1987
Practices for
Root Pass Welding
of Pipe Without Backing
AWS D1O.ll-80
Prepared by
AWS Committee on Piping and Tubing
Approved by
AWS Board of Directors
October 17, 1986
This standard presents recommended practices for welding the root pass of metal pipe butt joints with an open root or a
consumable insert. Joint designs, assembly, consumable insert configurations, base metals, filler metals, and purging are
discussed. Applicable arc welding processes and techniques are described.
All standards of the American Welding Society (codes, specifications, recommended practices, methods, etc.) are voluntary
consensus standards that have been developed in accordance with the rules of the American National Standards Institute. When
AWS standards are either incorporated in, or made part of, documents that are included in federal or state laws and regulations
or the regulations of other governmental bodies, their provisions carry the full legal authority of the statute. In such cases, any
changes in those AWS standards must be approved by the governmental body having statutory jurisdiction before they can
become a part of those laws and regulations. In all cases, these standards carry the full legal authority of the contract or other
document that invokes AWS standards. Where this contractual relationship exists, changes in or deviations from requirements
of an AWS standard must be by agreement between the contracting parties.
Note: By publishing this standard the American Welding'Society does not insure anyone using the information it contains
against liability arising from that use. Publication of a standard by the American Welding Society does not carry with it any
right to make, use, or sell any patented items. Users of the information in this standard should make an independent investigation
of the vaiidity of that infomiation for their particular use and the patent status of any item referred to herein.
The standard is subject to revision at any time by the AWS Piping and Tubing Committee. It must be reviewed every five years
and if not revised, it must be either reapproved or withdrawn. Comments (recommendations, additions, or deletions) and any
pertinent data that may be of use in improving this standard are requested and should be addressed to AWS Headquarters. Such
comments will receive careful considerations by the AWS Piping and nibing Committee and the author of the comments will
be informed of the committee's response to the comments. Guests are invited to attend all meetings of the AWS Piping and
ïùbing Committee to express their comments verbally. Procedure for appeal of an adverse decision concerning all such
comments are provided in the Rules of Operation of the Technical Activities Committee. A copy of these Rules can be obtained
from the American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, P.O. Box 351040, Miami, Florida 33135.
AWS Committee on Piping and 'lhbing
R. R. Wright, Chairman Moody-Tomup International, Incorporated
H. W Ebert, Ist Vice Chairman Exxon Research & Eng. Company
W L. Ballis, 2nd Vice Chairman Columbia Gas Distribution Company
E. J. Seel, Secretary American Welding Society
G. O. Curbow Consultant
J. E. Fisher Speri Associates
R. Giambelluca* C.E Braun and Company Welding
R . S.Green Natl. Certified Pipe Welding Bureau
R. B. Gwin McDermott, Incorporated
E. A. Hanvart Consultant
G. K. Hickox Consultant
J. E. Hinkel Lincoln Electric Company
P. O. Holz"" Consultant
R . S.Humphrey Monsanto Chemical Company
R. B. Kadiyala Techalloy Maryland, Incorporated
A. h! Kugler*" Consultant
R. J. Landrum" Consultant
L. A. Maier Bethlehem Welding & Safety Supply
J. R. M c G f l q Oak Ridge National Laboratory
J. W Moeller" Consultant
J. S. Pastorok Newport News Industrial Corporation
M. D.Randall" CRC-Automatic Welding .
H . L. Saunders Alcan International, Limited
P. C. Shepard Consultant
E. G. Shij?in Detroit Edison Company
G. K. Sosnin Consultant
H . A. Sosnin Consultant
W J. Sperko Sperko Engineering Services
Z G Tack Armco, Incorporated
J. C. Thompson* Consultant
D.R. Van Buren East Ohio Gas Company
COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.
Licensed by Information Handling Services
- AWS D L O * L L 8 7 W 0 7 8 4 2 6 5 0003535 T W
(This Foreword is not a part of D10.11, but is included for informational purposes only.)
The AWS D10 Committee on Piping and Tubing has been in existance for over thirty years, during which time,
a great deal of information on many aspects of pipe welding has been published. The first document on root pass
welding was approved in February, 1980 and published as AWS D10.11-80, Recomrnended Practices for Root Pass
Welding and Gas Purging.
This publication was intended to be a “how to” guide in the use of open root and consumable insert welding
techniques for root pass welding of groove welds joining metal pipe. Joint designs, fitting techniques, consumable
insert configurations, filler and base metal combinations, purging, and welding processes were discussed. This
publication made no provision for joints which include backing rings.
The present document, AWS D10.11-87, carries the revised title, Recommended Practices for Root Pass Welding
of Pipe Without Backing. This version has been extensively revised and updated to provide the user with the latest
available information.
COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.
Licensed by Information Handling Services
AWS D L O . 1 1 8 7 I07842b5 000353b 1
Table of Contents
page no .
Personnel ........................................................................................................................................
Foreword ........................................................................................................................................ iv
List of Figures .................................................................................................................................. vi
Introdrtction ..................................................................................................................................... 1
1. Cleanliness ................................................................................................................................ 1
2 . Preparations for Purging ................................................................................................................ 1
2.1 Purging Gases ........................................................................................................................ 1
2.2 Purge Gas Containment ............................................................................................................. 1
3. Purging Prior to Welding ................................................................................................................ 2
4 Purging During Welding ................................................................................................................. 4
5 . Tack Weldirzg .............................................................................................................................. 4
6. Welding Using GTAW Without Consumable Inserts ................................................................................. 4
6.1 Joint Design ........................................................................................................................... 4
6.2 Root Opening-Open Root Grooves ............................................................................................... 4
6.3 Purge Containment .................................................................................................................. 4
6.4 Tungsten Electrode Type and Configuration ..................................................................................... 4
6.5 Arc Initiation ......................................................................................................................... 5
6.6 Welding Technique -Open Root Groove ....................................................................................... 5
6.7 Welding Technique -Groove With Zero Root Opening ...................................................................... 5
6.8 Welding Pipe in the Horizontal Fixed (5G) Position ............................................................................ 5
6.9 Stop and Start Areas ................................................................................................................. 7
7. Welding Using GTAW with Consumable Inserts ...................................................................................... 7
7.1 Welding Techniques for Consumable Inserts .................................................................................... 7
7.2 Pipe Axis Horizontal ................................................................................................................ 7
8 Welding with SMAW and GMAW ....................................................................................................... 7
8.1 Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) ............................................................................................ 7
8.2 Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) ................................................................................................. 10
9 . Intermediate Weld Layers ............................................................................................................... 10
10. Welding of Aluminum Alloys ............................................................................................................ 10
I l . Welding Equipment ....................................................................................................................... 10
11.1 GTAW Torches ..................................................................................................................... 10
11.2 Gas Nozzles .......................................................................................................................... 11
11.3 Gas Lenses .......................................................................................................................... 11
11.4 Power Supplies ..................................................................................................................... 11
11.5 Machine and Automatic Welding Equipment .................................................................................. 11
12 . Safety and Health ......................................................................................................................... 11
12.1 Fumes and Gases ................................................................................................................... Il
12.2 Radiation ............................................................................................................................ 11
12.3 Electric Shock ...................................................................................................................... 11
12.4 Fire Prevention ...................................................................................................................... 11
12.5 Explosion ............................................................................................................................ 11
12.6 Bums .............................................. :.................................................................................. 11
12.7 Further Information ................................................................................................................ 11
Appendix A-Safety and Health ............................................................................................................. 13
Appendix B-Document List ................................................................................................................. 14
List of Figures
Figure page no .
1. Purging Fixtures ...................................................................................................................... 2
2 - Reweld Purge Evacuation of Air ................................................................................................... 3
3 - Ijrpical Open Root Joint Design .................................................................................................... 4
4 - Open Root Welding Angular Relations -Pipe, Torch, and Filler Metal ..................................................... 5
5 - Groove Design and Tolerances for Use with Consumable inserts ...........I ................................................. 6
6 - Assembly Tolerances for Welding Pipe -Using Five (5) Classes of Consumable Inserts ................................ 8
7 - Steps for Root Pass Welding with Classes 1,2,3, and 5 Consumable Inserts ................................................ 8
8 - Steps for Root Pass Welding with Class 4 Consumable inserts .................................................... : ........... 9
9 - Eccentric Positioning of Class 3 and 5 Consumable Inserts in 5G Position to Prevent Sag ................................. 9
10 - Joint Design for Aluminum Pipe ................................................................................................... 10
COPYRIGHT American Welding Society, Inc.
Licensed by Information Handling Services
Recommended Practices for Root Pass Welding
Of Pipe Without Backing
Introduction can be welded, using an open root groove, without the use
of an internal gas purge. Purging of joints with consumable
When the pipe system designer has determined that the inserts reduces the occurence of defects resulting from ox-
use of backing rings is unacceptable and that complete joint idation of the insert. Purging will also increase welding
penetration, and a continuous root surface is needed, butt
joints may be made from one side without backing using
special groove designs and techniques described in this 2.1 Purging Gases. Welding grade argon is the gas most
document. Although gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) is often used for internal purging. For some applications, ni-
commonly used for precise control in root pass welding, trogen, carbon dioxide, helium, and mixtures of these gases
shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) and gas metal arc are suitable purge gases. These gases can be used at lower
welding (GMAW) are also widely used to achieve complete cost than argon for specific applications, but they should be
joint penetration and an acceptable root surface. demonstrated as suitable by testing prior to use in
l. Cleanliness The purity of purging gases is important and should be
included in the welding procedure specification. Argon,
Cleanliness is important in all welding, and it is especially helium, and niû-ogen of better than 99 percent purity are
so in root pass welding. This includes groove faces and a available commercially and should be used. The moisture
minimum of 1 in. (25mm) from the groove on both inside content should be controlled by specifying a dew point of
and outside surfaces of the pipe. Grinding or other mechan- - 40°F ( - 40°C) maximum.
ical means should be used to remove all paint, scale, rust, The purging procedures described in this document are
and dirt. In addition, all parts of the joint should be free of based on the use of argon as the purging gas. If nitrogen or
grease and oil; these may be removed by use of a suitable helium is used, modifications to the purging procedure may
solvent. A suitable solvent is one that does not leave a residue be necessary because both gases are less dense than air and
and is not harmful to the welder or the weldment. Most argon.
solvents require good ventilation, and many are flammable;
therefore, proper precautions should be taken. 2.2 Purge Gas Containment. Purging requires entrance
Grinding and cleaning operations should be done just and exit openings through which the purge gas can enter
pnor to welding. After cleaning, the pipe should be handled and leave the weld joint area at controlled rates. For piping
with clean gloves to preserve cleanliness. where both ends can be capped, properly-sized wood or
plastic disks can be taped to the pipe ends. Plastic caps that
are used to prevent damage to pipe ends during shipment
2. Preparations for Purging are commonly used as purge caps.
The highest quality root welds are obtained by using The cap on the entrance sidè requires a hole to receive
GTAW either with or without consumable inserts. A purge the purge gas. The other cap requires a hole large enough
(displacement of air at the inside surface of the weldment to prevent build-up of gas pressure. Since air is lighter than
pipes and other areas where air may be entrapped are weil Commercially available inflatable bladders can also be
vented. Purge caps of the type discussed here are most used as a localized purge containment when an opening is
commonly used when a large portion of a 'system or an available to remove the bladders after welding. One bladder
entire system is purged. is inserted on each side of the joint to be welded. The
Other purge containment techniques are available for Ibladders are inflated with purge gas or air, after which
situations where purging the entire system is impractical. purging can proceed as described previously
One of these is the use of water soluble paper from which Purge dams should be far enough away from the groove
dams can be formed to contain the purge gas. These com- to prevent burning, melting, or other damage to dams from
mercially available dams are in the form of water soluble the heat of welding. Typically, a distance of 6 in. (150 mm)
paper disks that can be fastened inside the pipes on both is adequate. Whenever preheating is used, this distance
sides of a weld joint prior to assembly. The disks should be should be increased to keep the metal temperature at the
approximately 6 to 12 in. (150 to 300 mm) from the weld dam no higher than 300°F (150°C). Care should also be
joint. For small diameter piping or tubing, the soluble paper taken when removing dams that the weld area is cool enough
can be crumpled to the approximate inside diameter and to prevent heat damage to bladders or the rubber or plastic
stuffed into the pipe or tube, thus eliminating the need for of other type dams.
taping in place. After welding, the disks can be dissolved in addition to sealing branch connections and open ends
with a water rinse or left in to be dissolved during hydrostatic of the pipe, it is also necessary to prevent the purging gas
testing. Soluble dams are particularly advantageousbecause from escaping through the root opening at the weld groove
they reduce the volume of air which must be purged on itself. This is commonly done by wrapping a single layer of
large piping systems. It is important that water soluble dam tape around the outside of the joint. The tape should not
material be located far enough from the weld to prevent it touch the groove face, and it should not leave residue after
from overheating or burning. removal. Care should be taken to seal off all leak paths
When the weld will be postweld heat treated, cardboard before introducing the purge gas into the piping system. All
disks held in place with masking tape are suitable, since root openings in the system between the purge gas exit and
they will bum to ashes during heat-treating. entrance point should be taped closed. All branch pipes and
Hinged collapsible or rubber gasketed disks of the types other areas where air can become entrapped should be
shown in Figure 1 can also be fabricated and fit into piping. vented.
The purging techniques are similar to those used with sol- 3. Purging Prior to Welding
uble dams. At least one end of the pipe system must be left
open for removal of the disks after welding. Purging a piping system is a two-stage operation. During
the first stage, prior to welding, the purge gas is used to
displace the air in the pipe at relatively high flow rates. This
APPROX. high flow rate is maintained until the gas inside the pipe
6ln.fl5Ornrnlj WE
reaches an acceptably low oxygen level. During the second
1 ni
stage, the purge gas Bow rate is reduced so that the purge
maintains a slight positive pressure on the inside of the pipe.
This reduced gas flow is maintained while the root pass is
welded. This eliminates air re-entry into the pipe and min-
imizes oxidation of the root surface.
The time required for the first stage of purging depends
on the maximum oxygen level permitted by the welding
procedure, the volume of the system being purged, and the
purge gas flow rate. However, the relationship between
purge gas flow rates and time is not linear; ¡.e., a system
that can be purged in one hour at a flow rate of 50 cfh (24
liters per minute) will not be purged to the same degree in
one-half hour if the flow rate is increased to 100 cfh (48
liters per minute). An increase in the purge flow rate in-
INLET creases the turbulence within the system, which results in
an increase in the mixing of air and the purge gas. This will
require additional volume changes of gas within the pipe to
achieve the desired level of purity.
At lower flow rates, less mixing occurs, and the heavier
Figure 1-Purging Fixtures purge gas forces the air upward and out of the pipe system.
Higher purge flow rates will decrease the time required for In SI units at 24 liters per minute, the purge time for one
preweld purging, but increase the amount of gas required. volume change of the same pipe would be:
In general, reasonable preweld flow rates and times can 0.785 x (0.46 m)’ x (6m) = 0.98 m3
be arrived at from simple calculations of the system volume 0.98 m3x lo00 Um3 = 42 minutes
and by applying a time factor. 24 Umin
The time for one volume change of the system is found A general rule is to preweld purge at flow rates and times
by dividing the volume by the purge gas flow rate. For that will produce 5 to 6 volume changes. In the example
example, the prepurge time for one volume change in a 20 above, one volume change occurs approximately every 42
fi (6 m) length of 18 in. (0.46 m) diameter pipe prepurged minutes. Six changes would require 252 minutes or about
at 50 cfh (24 l/min) would be: 4 hours.
Volume = 0.785 X (pipediameter)’ X length Figure 2 shows minimum prewelá purge time in minutes
0.785 x (1.5 fi)’ x 20 ft = 35.3 ft-’ per 12 in. (300 nun) of pipe for varying pipe diameters at
35.3 ft3 = 0.70 hour or 42 minutes 50 cfh (24 liters per minute) flow rate. Suggested preweld
50 cfh purge times can be found quickly and easily from this graph.
Prepurge time for 12 in. (300 mm) of pipe at a flow rate of 50 CFH (24 liters per minute)
To calculate the prepurge time for any length of pipe, multiply the value obtained from the chart by the length of pipe.
Example: Find time required for prepurging of 200 f t (60m) of 5 in. (127 mm) pipe. From chart at 5 in. (127 mml pipe size, get one
min per 12 in. (0.3 m) of pipe; hence, 200 h (60 mi=200 minutes or 3 hours 20 minutes.
While the use of calculations and graphs such as those 6. Welding Using GTAW Without
discussed above can simplify estimates for preweld purge Consumable Inserts
applications, it is recommended that the residual oxygen
level be measured prior to initiation of welding. This can The following factors should be considered when welding
be done quickly and easily with commercially available with the GTAW process.
oxygen analyzers, which are accurate and easy to use. For 6.1 Joint Design. A typical groove design for open root
steels and nickel alloys, an oxygen level of 1 percent or welding is shown in Figure 3. The internal misalignment
lower is usually adequate. Reactive metals, such as titanium, [1/16 in. (1.6 mm) maximum] is very important and justifies
will require a lower oxygen level. counterboring heavy-walled pipe, or a weld build-up/grind-
ing procedure on thin-walled pipe.
4. Purging During Welding
Once the required oxygen level inside the pipe has been
achieved, the flow rate of the entering purge gas should be
I n
reduced before root pass welding begins in order to eliminate
excessive pressure on the inside of the pipe. Excessive
pressure will cause unacceptable root surface concavity or
holes through the root bead.
The proper purge flow rate during welding is one that is
barely detectable at the gas exit port. When welding with D e DIAMETER OF TI -LER METAL FOR KEYHOLE METHOD
consumable inserts, where the unfused insert serves to seal D > DIAMETER OF THE FILLER METAL FOR CONTINUOUS FEEDING METHOD
the root and prevent the escape of gas, flow rates on the
order of 8 to 12 cfh (4to 6 liters per minute) are required. Figure 3-Typical Open Root Joint Design
It is usually necessary to reduce the flow rate as the root is
closed to prevent blowout of weld metal. Higher flow rates 6.2 Root Opening - Open Root Groove. The amount of
will be required for open groove welds. For small diameter root opening is determined by the method to be used in
piping or tubing, it may be necessary to reduce flow rates adding filler metal. A root opening equal to or slightly
below the values recommended above. smaller than the filler metal wire diameter is used with the
It is usually desirable to maintain the purge for the second keyhole technique in which the filler metal is introduced
and third layers of weld deposit to minimize internal oxi- intermittently, A larger opening is used with the continuous
dation during reheating of the root pass. feed technique in which the filler metal is always in the
opening and can be melted continuously if desired. Welders
5. Tack Welding who prefer the continuous method should also be able to
use the keyhole technique, since it is sometimes required
Tack welding is important in root pass welding. It should when weld contraction significantly decreases the root open-
be done with care because the tack welds normally become ing. In either case, the filler metal can be used as a spacer
part of the final weld. For this reason, tack welding is not or guide in determining the opening prior to tack welding.
usually performed until preweld purging has been completed However, it should be noted that shrinkage during solidifi-
for those materials requiring purging. At least four tack cation and cooling of any tack weld will reduce this spacing.
welds should be made at 90 degree intervals around the The amount of shrinkage varies with the coefficient of ex-
pipe. For 10 in. (250 mm) and larger diameters, tacks should pansion for both base metal and filler metal and with
be made at least every 6 in. (150 mm) around the pipe, and changes in total heat input. For example, a stainless steel
they should be long enough to resist weld shrinkage forces tack weld will cause more shrinkage than a carbon steel tack
which will try to pull the root closed. When welding stain- weld made under similar conditions since it has a larger
less steel, tacks should be spaced more closely, Tack'welds coefficient of thermal expansion.
should be checked by the welder as hè progresses to be sure
6.3 Purge Containment. Grooves should be covered with
that they remain intact. Cracked tack welds should be care-
tape on the outside surface of the pipe to prevent the escape
fully ground out before proceeding. Tack welds should be
of the purge gas. During the welding of the root pass, the
cleaned prior to root pass welding. For open root welds,
welder should peel the tape off the joint in increments just
both ends of each tack weld should be carefully ground and
prior to welding that increment.
tapered to promote complete fusion of the remainder of the
root face during root pass welding, If the root pass is not 6.4 Tungsten Electrode Type and Configuration. For
made immediately after tack welding, care should be taken direct current electrode negative (dcen), I percent or 2
to protect the joint and maintain its cleanliness. percent thoriated tungsten electrodes are recommended.
Better control of the arc is obtained if the electrode is opening into the pool from the opposite side of the joint for
taped, However, a sharp point is undesirable because it at least part of the circumference.
increases the likelihood of breaking off the end of the tung- 6.7 Welding Technique-Groove with Zero Root Open-
sten electrode into the molten metal. The tungsten electrode ing. Groove Types A and C, shown in Figure 5, are rec-
should be tapered approximately 114 in. (6 mm) from the ommended for welding stainless steels and silicon kiiled
end to a point, and then the point should be slightly flattened. carbon steels as an alternative to adding ñller metal or using
The flat face on the tungsten electrode should be approxi- consumable inserts for root pass welding. When the arc has
mately 0.020 in. (0.5 mm) for a 3/32 in. (2.4 mm) or 118 been located over the joint root, it should be held stationary
in. (3.2 mm) size electrode. For a 1/16 in. (1/6 mm) size until the weld pool width is two-thirds the width of the
tungsten electrode, the flat face can be somewhat smaller. bottom of the groove. The torch should move smoothiy
6.5 Arc Initiation. High frequency starting is used for around the joint, holding the pool width constant. Filler
easiest arc initiation. Where high frequency is.not available metal should be added only where the root opening is greater
and the touch-starting method is used, the arc should always than zero. The pool should never be allowed to touch the
be initiated against a groove face or a striking bar, not against groove radius. Care should be ta’ en to keep the tungsten
the base metal outside the groove. The arc should then be electrode centered over the join, jot.
moved into the joint root and held stationary until the root 6.8 Welding Pipe in the Horizontal Fixed (5G) Position.
faces just begin to melt. Welding should be done in the upward direction when the
6.6 Welding Technique Open Root Groove. When the pipe is in the 5G position, and the joint is in a vertical plane.
arc is estabiished, the Wer metal should be introduced to (Refer to AWS A3.0, Standard Welding E m and Defini-
the leading edge of the arc, a weld pool formed, and the tium, for welding positions.) This normally requires starting
Wer metal fed into the pool as described in the following the weld at the lowest point of the joint and proceeding
sections. The basic angular relationships between the work- upward from that point, although other starting points can
pieces, ñller metal, and torch are shown in Figure 4 other be used to diminish shrinkagedistortion.
relationships may be developed for specific situations. The
method of adding filler metal depends upon which of two
following techniques is used. LINE
6.6.1 Keyhole Method. The ñller metal should always
rest on the joint root ahead of the leading edge of the arc.
When additional filler metal is required, the wire ñller metal
is moved back into the leading edge of the arc, and a segment
is melted off. The wire filler metal is then retracted while
the pool is moved between the groove faces with an oscil-
lating motion. With practice, welders can learn to “dab”
wire into the pool and then retract the end of the wire far
enough from the leading edge of the arc to prevent melting,
but yet remain within the inerî gas shield to prevent oxidation
of the wire tip. Should the end of the fìller metal become
contaminated or oxidized, the end should be cut off before
further welding.
6.6.2 Continuous Feeding of Filler Metal. This is the
preferred technique which aliows continuous feeding of the
wire into the molten weld pool. The ñller metal wire fits in
between the root faces, and it is fed continuously into the
weld pool. The ñller metal wire is melted as the arc passes
over it keeping the pool width to a minimum and still
achieving complete penetration. The amount of root rein- Note: Reference Line is tangent to pipe surface
forcement varies with the amount of fiiler metal that is fed
into the pool. There is no advantage to extra metal inside
the pipe. In fact, excess root reinforcement is a detriment
and should be avoided, the same as excess face reinforce-
ment. Where the joint is being made in close quarters, it is Figure 4-Open Root Welding An@* Relations-
also possible to feed the filler metal wire through the root Pipe, Torch, and m e r Metal
I.D. Y
. I L L I
I.D. Y
GROOVE TYPE B. FOR WALLS 3/16 TO 1/2 in. (4.8 TO 12.7 mm) NOMINAL
4 L 7 " M i N
1 in.
Insert Classes I
Classes 1 and 4 Class 2 Classes 3 and 5
W + 1/32 in. (0.8 mm) max W + 1/32 in. (0.8 mm) max W + 1/64 in. (0.4 mm) max
O to 1/32 in. max O to 1/16 in. (1.6 mm) max O to 1/32 in. (0.8 mm) max
(O to 0.8mm) max
O to 1/32 in. max O to 1/16 in. max O to 3/32 in. max
(O to 0.8 mm) max (O tol.6 mm) max (O to 2.4 mm) max
RIG 3/32 in. (2.4 mm) to 1/û (3.2 mm)
3/32 in. O - 1/32 h.(2.4 mîïì O - 0.8 mîïìì +
3/32 in. k 1/64 in. (2.4 mm f 0.4 mm)
3/16 in. (4.8 mm) min
Z I C U8 in (3.2 mrnì min
6.9 Stop and Start Areas. As the weld progresses around 7.1 Welding Techniques for Consumable Inserts. Fig-
the pipe, it becomes necessary for the welder to stop welding ures 7 and 8 illustrate typical steps required for root pass
and reposition himself. A foot control or a manual remote welding with consumable inserts. Arc initiation should be
current control can be used to gradually reduce the current as previously described; Le., either high frequency starting
level and extinguish the arc. If such equipment is not avail- or striking the arc on the groove face.
able, the arc should be slowly moved up the groove face The electrode should be kept perpendicular to the work
and gradually increased in length until it is extinguished. and be pointed radially toward the center of the pipe. An
Rapid arc extinguishing may produce crater cracks. arc length of about 1/8 in. (3 mm) is satisfactory. Forward
progression is governed by the melting rate of the consum-
able insert and the characteristics of the weld pool. Evidence
7, Welding Using GTAW with of sufficient melting is shown by the increased fluidity and
Consumable Inserts rising of the pool. When this occurs, the arc is advanced in
a step-wise fashion.
Consumable inserts are used for root pass welding of pipe
When the arc is extinguished, a current decay device
where consistently high quality welds are required with
should be used to prevent crater cracks. If such a device is
minimum repairs or rejects. Detailed information on chem-
not available, the torch should be manipulated slowly up
ical composifion, and dimensions, sizes, and styles are given
toward the groove face before the arc is extinguished.
in AWS A5.30, Spec@cationfor Consiitnable Inserts. The
five shapes of consumable inserts and their mismatch tol-
erances are illustrated in Figure 6. Recommended groove 7.2 Pipe Axis Horizontal. When the pipe axis is horizontal
designs for inserts are given in Figure 5. and the pipe is not rotated, the class 3 and 5 inserts are
For wall thicknesses of 0.20 in. (5 mm) or less, thesmaller positioned eccentncally to promote good weld bead shape
insert sizes are generally used; Le., 1/8 in. (3.2 mm) size on the internal surface of the pipe. Figure 9 illustrates this,
for classes 1, 2, and 4, and 1/16 x 1/8 in. (1.6 x 3.2 mm)
size for classes 3 and 5. There is no thickness where the use
of one insert size abruptly becomes unfeasible and another
8. Welding with SMAW and GMAW
size becomes mandatory. There are ranges of thicknesses Both the shielded metal arc welding process and the gas
where two different sizes of the same shape of insert may metal arc welding process are frequently used for open root
be used. The choice may depend upon fabricator preference, welding of carbon and somelow alloy steels, such as carbon-
the pipe chemical composition, or the economics of the job. molybdenum,
For general consideration, assembly tolerances for the For additional information, see the latest edition of AWS
various shape inserts are shown in Figure 6. D 10.12, Recommended Practices and Proceduresfor Weld-
In many critical applications, the fabricator's internal pro- ing Plain Carbon Steel Pipe.
cess specifications for assembly tolerances may be more 8.1 Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW). EóO10,
restrictive than those listed here. Some alloys, such as cop- E6011, E7011, or E7010-Al electrodes are frequently used
per-nickel or nickel-copper, require closer tolerances for for welding a shielded metal arc root pass in carbon steel
successful use of the inserts. Assembly tolerances may also pipe. Low hydrogen type electrodes are not usually used for
be related specifically to wall thickness as shown in Figure root pass welding.
5. The SMAW process is not recommended for root pass
welding aiIoys such as chromium-molybdenum steels, stain-
All insert shapes are supplied in a wide variety of alloys less steels, nickel, or copper alloys because most SMAW
covering many weldable pipe compositions. Normally, the electrodes for these base metals are of the low hydrogen
chemical composition of the consumable inserts meets the type, and complete joint penetration is difficult to obtain.
same specification limits for filler metal used with inert gas hrging of SMAW open root joints is not done. The
welding processes. turbulence of the arc defeats attempts at shielding the un-
Residual elements, inclusions, and gas content of the derside of the root bead by aspirating large amounts of air
insert should be carefully controlled to minimize any weld into the weld and negating the effects of the purge.
defec'ts. For carbon steel inserts, properly deoxidized ma- The most common joint design is a V-groove with a
terial should be employed to assure sound, low-porosity nominal 75-degree groove angle, a 1/16 in. (1.6 mm) root
welds, especially if a purge gas is not used. Contamination face, and a 1/16 in. (1.6 nun) root opening. To control heat
of Type I and Type 2 inserts by dirt or hydrocarbons is a input and prevent excessive root reinforcement, 3/32 in. (2.4
common source of porosity; therefore, inserts should be mm) diameter electrodes should be used. Travel speed and
cleaned using a solvent immediately prior to being tack weaving technique should concentrate the force of the arc
welded in place. on the leading edge of the weld pool.
1/64 in.
(0.4 mm) M A X 4 t
l..Place the insert (in ring form) 2. Using a GTAW torch, make 3. If an overlap ring is used, cut 4. I f an open ring insert is used,
one o f the tack welds should
on one pipe end that has been small tack welds appropri- off the overlap carefully so
properly prepared. ately spaced to obtain a clos that the gap between the ends be located at the spot where
fit, starting at one end of the of the insert does not exceed the insert ends are butted
insert and continuing half 1/32 in. (0.8mm). Either a together.
way around the hacksaw or hand shears can
circumference. be used t o t r i m the insert.
5. Align mating pipe section.
i Midway between the original 7. Purge inside of pipe adjacent 8. Complete the joint by any
tacks, tack weld the second t o joint with helium, argon, conventional welding process
pipe t o the insert and contini or nitrogen gas. using filler metal. Use low
the tack across the insert t o heat on second and third
When weldlng in the horizon-
include the first pipe. passes to avoid melting
tal fixed position (pipe axis
horizontal), weld upwards
first one side then the other,
fusing the insert with the pipe
ends to complete the root pass
Figure 7-Steps for Root Pass Welding with Classes 1,2,3,and 5 Consumable Inserts
n "ICE
1. Place insert in position on the bevel 2. Using GTAWtorch. make small tack 3. Trim insert l o fit the pipe and finish tack
using gripper to permit positioning and welds approximately4 in. (100 mm101 welding. Tight fit will yield better purge
tack welding. 90' apart around the circumference. ofweld.
6. Weld upwardon pipe in 5-G position.
Hold tip of electrodeovercenter of
insert or use 1/32 in. (0.8 mm)
4. Align mating pipe length and tack welc 7. Finishweld using conventionalwelding
as discussed in 2 above. Tack welds process.
should be opposite each other.
Figure 8-Steps for Root Pass Welding with Class 4 Consumable Inserts
The root beads may be welded using either an upward or - the tenacious attachment of the oxide to the metal
downward progression for the horizontal fixed position. and its rapid reformation when removed
Uphill welding usually produces fewer defects than downhill - the high thermal conductivity of aluminum- about
welding. It should be noted that the progression of root pass 2-1/2 times that of steel
welding is an essential .variable for the qualification of the - the high fluidity of molten aluminum
welding procedure in AWS codes and for the welder in both - the ability of molten aluminum to dissolve large
AWS and ASME codes'. Therefore, for conformance to quantities of hydrogen gas which, when trapped in
these codes, it is necessary to use in production the same the solidifying metal, causes porosity
direction of welding which was used in the qualification Successful techniques have been developed using the gas
test. shielded arc welding processes (GTAW, PAW, and GMAW)
which remove the oxide and prevent its reformation by
8.2 Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW). When the gas shielding the weid pool under an inert gas. They are high
metal arc welding process is used, short circuiting arc trans- energy processes so that they permit relatively high welding
fer is usually used on steel with an open root groove type. speeds to overcome the effects of high thermal conductivity
Welding voltages of 18 to 21 V and wire feed speeds in the and the fluidity of the molten weld metal. A joint design
vicinity of 150 in./min (64 mm/s) will provide a good consisting of a V-groove with a wide bottom (Figure io),
starting point in the development of the welding procedure. has been developed to permit control of the root pass and
The recommended wire diameter is either 0.035 in. (0.9 to ensure that a sound weid can be made with the gas
min) or 0.030 in. (0.8 mm). Progression of vertical welds shielded arc welding processes. Control of porosity is mainly
for root pass welding is usually downward. Purging is rec- a matter of ensuring thorough joint cleanliness before weld-
ommended for stainless and low alloy steels and nonferrous ing. Any residual oily substance or moisture can cause
alloys, except aluminum. A V-groove design with a 75 porosity. For this reason, the pipe ends should be carefully
degree groove angle, nominal 3/32 in. (2.4 mm) root face cleaned with a solventjust before assembly and wire brushed
and a 3/32 in. (2.4 mm) root opening is recommended. Heat to remove the oxide just before welding. The details of these
input and travei speed should be controlled to prevent ex- and ail other necessary factors are given in AWS D10.7
cessive root reinforcement. The arc should be kept at the Recomrnended Practices for Gas Shielded Arc Welding of
leading edge of the pool to ensure complete joint Alumitium Alloy Pipe.
When welding aluminum, copper or nickel alloy pipe
using GMAW, normal practice is to weld the root using
GTAW, and fill the weld using GMAW.
11.2 Gas Nozzles. Gas nozzles are available in various number of weld passes required to fill the joint. The total
sizes and configurations, including those with long nozzles welding time may thereby be reduced.
for reaching into deep groove joints. For most root pass Puked current equipment is also available. It is especially
welding applications, gas nozzles with 3/8 in. (9.5 mm) or useful for fixed position welding where greater weld pool
1/2 in. (12.7 mm) orifice diameters should be used. control is required.
11.3 Gas Lenses. A gas lens is a screen insert which
attaches to the torch body inside the gas nozzle. These lenses 12. Safety and Health
promote lamellar flow of the shielding gas and reduce tur- Use of the welding processes and consumables described
bulence and mixing of shielding gas with air. This reduces in this document is safe, provided proper procedures are
the possibility of porosity and provides a cleaner weld sur- followed and precautions taken. If these procedures and
face. Gas lenses are widely used in welding critical systems, precautions are followed, welding can be done safely with
particularly where radiographic inspection is required. minimal health risk.
11.4 Power Supplies 12.1 Fumes and Gases. Fumes and gases can be dangerous
to health. The welder’s head should be kept out of the fumes.
11.4.1 Standard Power Supplies. Standard dc power
Use of enough ventilation, exhaust at the work, or both, to
supplies with drooping volt-ampere curves (the type com-
keep fumes and gases from the breathing zone and the
monly used for shielded metal arc welding) can be used for
general area is very important.
gas tungsten arc welding. Machines best suited for gas
tungsten arc welding of root passes are those in which the 12.2 Radiation. Arc rays can injure the eyes. Infrared (heat)
10 to 15 V and 75 to 150 A ranges are well within the radiation can cause bums. Ultraviolet radiation can cause
operating capacity of the power supply. Power supplies skin injury similar to sunbum.
equipped with high frequency arc initiation and current
12.3 Electric Shock. Electric shock can kill. Contact with
upslope and downslope capabilities, or a remote current
live electrical components should be strictly avoided. Read-
control (e.g,, a foot pedal), have distinct advantages and
ing and understanding manufacturer’s instructions and em-
should be used whenever possible.
ployer’s safety practices should be mandatory.
While constant curent power supplies are used for the
GTAW and the SMAW processes, they are not suitable for 12.4 Fire Prevention. A high-temperature heat source is
GMAW. The latter requires a constant potential (constant always present in arc welding processes. Sparks can travel
voltage) power supply. This applies to both automatic and horizontally up to 35 ft (10.7 m) and fall much greater
semiautomatic application. distances. They can pass through or lodge in cracks or holes
in floors and walls.
11.4.2 Pulsed Power Supplies. GTAW and GMAW Combustibles should always be removed from the work
pawer supplies with pulsed current capabilities are available. area or shielded from the welding operafion.
These power supplies pulse the welding current from a low
background level to a high peak level. The pulsing frequency 12.5 Explosion. Flammable gases, vapors, and dust can
and current wave shapes vary among different types of power form explosive mixtures with air or oxygen. Welding should
supplies. The pulsed current provides easier control of the never be done in an atmosphere where such materials could
weld pool. It allows the use of a lower total heat input which possibly be present.
reduces distortion, especially in stainless steel. 12.6 Burns. Bums of the eye and body are serious hazards
11.5 Machine and Automatic Welding Equipment, in arc welding. Recommended eye protection, welding hel-
Equipment is commercially available for welding root and mets, and appropriate protective clothing should always be
fill passes in both fixed position and the rolled positions. worn.
Equipment for welding pipe that can be rolled is mounted 12.7 Further Information. It should be recognized that
on a boom or a side-beam carriage, and the pipe is rolled the above paragraphs give only a very brief coverage of the
beneath it. Equipment for welding in fixed positions is more subject of safety in welding. Detailed coverage is available
sophisticated and can require considerable capital expendi- in the publications listed in Appendix A.
ture. Most designs have a motorized orbital welding head
which is fastened to the pipe. Voltage sensing and automatic
torch oscillating capabilities are available.
Automatic voltage control is essential for maintaining a The primary source is ANSVAWS Z49.1, Safety in
constant arc length when the surface of the workpiece is Weldirig and Cutting, available from the American Welding
uneven. Oscillation of the welding head allows the use of Society, 550 NW -Jeune Road, P.O. Box 351040, Miami,
weaving instead of stringer beads. This may reduce the Florida 33135.
There are many factors involved in welding and allied Further detailed information may be found in one or
processes which may have adverse effects on the safety and more of the publications of the following organizations:
health of those individuals who work in, or who spend time 1. American Welding Society
in, areas where welding and allied operations are being 550 N. W. LeJeune Road
performed. P. O. Box 351040
Individuals and organizations using the processes de- Miami,FL 33135
scribed in this document should familiarize themselves with
the safety and health aspects of the work to be done. 2. Occupational Safety and Health Administration
A series of twelve Fact Sheets on various aspects of (OSHA). All publications available from:
welding safety originally published in the Welding Journal, Sûperintendent of Documents
is now available as part of the Safety and Health Information U. S. Printing Office
Packet compiled and distributed by the American Welding Washington, DC 20402
3. American Conference of Governmental Industrial
- Hygienists (ACGIH)
Supplementary Reading List 6500 Glenway Avenue
1, Arc welding and cutting noise. Miami Florida: Building D-5
American Welding Society, 1979. Cincinnati, Ohio 45211
2. Blachin, N.C. Health and safety in welding and 4. National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Appendix B
Document List
The following is a complete list of the documents prepared by the AWS Committee on Piping and Tubing: