Practical List: 11. Write A HTML Code To Design Following Table

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Practical list

1. Write HTML code to create the unordered list.

2. Write HTML code to create the ordered list.
3. Write HTML code to create the definition list.
4. Write HTML code to insert an image.
5. Write HTML code for placing text between two images.
6. Write the HTML code for placing images in the corner of html page.
7. Write HTML code to display the usage of internal linking on web page.
8. Write HTML code to display the usage of external linking on web page.
9. Write HTML code to generate the board of the chess.
10. Write HTML code for creating student table.
11. Write a HTML code to design following table:

12. Write HTML code to design the frame.

Frame1 Frame2

Frame3 frame4 frame5

13. Write HTML code to create an image map on India map.

14. Write HTML code to create an order form by a customer.
15. Write HTML code to display application form by an employee.
16. Write HTML code to display student registration form.
17. Write HTML code to create an external css and implement it on shopping
18. Give an example of inline stylesheet.
19. Give an example of internal stylesheet.
20. Write HTML code to design the floating frame / inline frame of dimention
500*700 align towards the right.

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