10cc TV Installitation Curriculum

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Model Curriculum

CCTV Installation Technician

SECTOR: Electronics
OCCUPATION: After Sales Services
REF. ID: ELE/Q4605 version1.0

1. Curriculum 01

2. Trainer Prerequisites 09

3. Annexure: Assessment Criteria 10

CCTV Installation Technician
This program is aimed at training candidates for the job of a “CCTVInstallation Technician”, in the “Electronics”
Sector/Industry and aims at building the following key competencies amongst the learner

Program Name CCTV Installation Technician

Qualification Pack Name & CCTVInstallation Technician (ELE/Q4605)version 1.0

Reference ID. ID

Version No. 1.0 Version Update Date 07 – 12 – 2015

Pre•requisites to Training ITI

• Minimum 6 months as helper
Training Outcomes After completing this programme, participants will be able to:
• Interact with the customer in order to identify and understand their
• Ensure customer satisfaction
• Install and Repair dysfunctional system.
• Identify dysfunctional components through visual inspection and by use of
multi meter
• To understand CCTV camera installation requirement in terms of equipment,
system, tools, applications appropriate for a particular site.
• Select Suitable cameras & DVR to provide the better solution to the customers.
• Read and Comprehend signs, labels and warning
• Communicate effectively
• Follow behaviour etiquettes while interacting with others
• Establishing good working relationships with colleagues within and outside the
department by coordinating

CCTV Installation Technician 1

This course encompasses 4 out of 4 National Occupational Standards (NOS) of “CCTV Installation Technician”
Qualification Pack issued by “Electronics Sector skill Council of India”.

Sr. No. Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment Required

1 security surveillance. • Understand the surveillance system
• Knowledge of pro’s &con’s of
Theory Duration surveillance
(hh:mm) • Explain the facts of video surveillance
05:00 • Explain and construct various nodes of
CCTV surveillance system
Practical Duration

Corresponding NOS
2 Functions of video • Constructing of a video surveillance a. Camera.
surveillance system. b. DVR.
• Explain function of blocks and c. Cables.
equipment required to implement a d. Adapter
Theory Duration
video surveillance system. e. Display device.
• Understanding the facts about CCTV
and its interfacing devices
Practical Duration

Corresponding NOS
3 Types of Camera & • Understanding the various types of a. Camera(diff. types).
their functions camera and their functionality. b. DVR.
• Reassembling the camera & exam the c. cable
parts of camera to understand their d. Screw driver set.
Theory Duration
mechanism. e. Display.
• Selecting suitable camera after
Practical Duration

Corresponding NOS
4 Lens & sensors • Different types of lens and their utility. a) Lenses(diff. types).
• Differentiate & select the best camera b) screw driver set.
Theory Duration from the same group depending on c) Camera.
(hh:mm) the image quality being measured by d) DVR
05:00 TVL chart.

CCTV Installation Technician 2

Sr. No. Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment Required
Practical Duration • Selecting a camera for higher security
(hh:mm) application.

Corresponding NOS
5 DVR • DVR as interface to view and record the a) DVR(Diff. Types).
image transmitted by a camera. b) Camera
Theory Duration • Explain the function of various blocks C) Adapter.
(hh:mm) of DVR. d) cable
• Understand the recording format of a e) Screw driver
DVR. f) Display.
Practical Duration • Enabling and disabling the features of
(hh:mm) a DVR depending on the level of
surveillance and customer
Corresponding NOS
6 Principles of remote • Explain the nodes for remote access of a) DVR.
accessing a CCTV camera / DVR. b) Camera.
• Configuring the DVR with C) Cable.
d) LAN connection/Modem.
Theory Duration
e) Laptop.
f) Display.

Practical Duration

Corresponding NOS
ELE/N4611 ELE/N4610
7 Install the CCTV • To understand the warranty associated Practical Lab
camera with the hardware product *Computer
• To know related documents for the *LCD display
hardware equipments *White board
Theory Duration
• To know company’s policy on *Marker
product’s warranty and other terms *Tool Kit for installing camera
and conditions *Installation manual
• To know company’s customer support *Safety precaution manual
Practical Duration *Hardware equipment
and service policy
• To know camera specifications such as
focus, lens type, zoom
Corresponding NOS • To check the hardware equipments
Code before taking to the installation site
ELE/N4610 • To replace the hardware if there is any
issue or malfunction is found while

CCTV Installation Technician 3

Sr. No. Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment Required

• To Know different types of electronic

surveillance products and
• To read the standard operating
procedures for different equipment
• To Know elements of CCTV systems
such as camera, DVR, monitor
• To check for critical equipment such as
camera, recorder w.r.t quality and
• To ensure all the tools, equipments,
utilities are available in good to enable
installing in single visit
• To know specification and the
procedures to be followed for setting
up the system
• To know functions of electrical and
mechanical parts or modules
• To know power requirement of
different CCTV related equipment
• To use BNC connectors for joining
cables and crimp them
• To connect all the cables from multiple
cameras to the CCTV system area
• To know installation procedures given
in the manuals
• To use power cable of specified
thickness to connect CCTV system with
power supply
• To know basic electronics involved in
the hardware
• To know voltage and power
requirement for different hardware
• To know voltage requirement and
other specification on CCTV hardware
• To mount the CCTV camera so as to
cover maximum area
• To decide whether the camera requires
any enclosure to protect from dust,
vandalism and climatic conditions
• To know camera specifications such as
focus, lens type, zoom
• To know controls of different options
in camera such as rotation, speed of
movement in pan / tilt camera
• To use stable mounting structure and
ensure that is not disturbed by wind or
rain which would affect the video

CCTV Installation Technician 4

Sr. No. Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment Required
• To decide on the height of camera
installation according to the end
purpose (for example: if the visitor
entering the premise is to be
monitored, camera should not be
placed too high and their face would
not be captured)
• To set up the type of camera such as
pan, tilt, zoom unit as per customer
• To set camera controls
• To connect the power and video
output cable to the camera
• To use tools such as diagonal cutters,
screwdrivers, crimp tools, knife for
cabling and camera mounting
• To use recommended tools for specific
equipment to avoid damage
• To know functions of electrical and
mechanical parts or modules
• To know how to operate the system
and other hardware
• To follow standard operating
procedure of tools and equipments
and avoid any hazard
• To follow the installation manual for
specific hardware product
• To follow standard safety procedures
while installing
• To know installation procedures given
in the manuals
• To operate hardware equipment in
CCTV system
• To Know safety rules, policies and
procedures –To Know quality
standards to be followed
• To use other specific devices for
installation of camera
• To improve work processes
• To ensure that only quality hardware
products are procured complying to
industry and quality standards
• To ensure product installation and user
manual is available which should be
given to the user or customer
• To ensure that there are no cable joins,
sharp bends during cabling
• To ensure weather proof (UV proof)
cable are used in outdoors
• To ensure that cabling is sturdy,
protected and does not disturb the
ambience of building

CCTV Installation Technician 5

Sr. No. Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment Required
• To ensure that cameras are protected
from light while installing in outdoor
• To ensure the intended area is covered
during movement in case of tilt or pan
type of camera
• To assess power requirement of
camera and use required power supply
and cable
• To educate customer on use of
cameras for desired monitoring and
warranty period and annual
maintenance requirement
• To ensure zero material damage while
handling the equipment during
installation process
• To install target number of CCTVs as
per company’s policy
• To know company’s sales and after
sales support policy
• To know company’s policy on
product’s warranty and other terms
and conditions
• To know company’s customer support
and service policy
• To know importance of the individual’s
role in the workflow
• To know company’s policies on:
incentives, delivery standards, and
personnel management
• To share work load as required
• To achieve the targets given on
• • To reduce repetition of errors
8 Setup the CCTV • To procure and place the Digital Video Practical Lab
surveillance system Recorder (DVR) in an appropriate place *Computer
as per customer’s requirement *LCD display
*White board
Theory Duration • To connect all the cameras installed to
(hh:mm) the DVR
*Tool Kit for installing camera
15:00 • To ensure that all cameras are *Installation manual
connected to the DVR and the wiring is *Safety precaution manual
Practical Duration appropriate *Hardware equipment
(hh:mm) • To connect the monitor (TV / PC) with
20:00 the video output connection in the
Corresponding NOS • To connect speakers, if required, for
Code audio output to DVR
ELE/N4611 • To connect the camera optional
controls (tilt / pan / zoom) to DVR
• To use DVR link option to connect with
other DVR in the network

CCTV Installation Technician 6

Sr. No. Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment Required
• To connect the DVR to router, if
required, to enable remote monitoring
• To connect the power supply of DVR,
monitor, speakers to set up the system
• To install the appropriate software for
IP network or remote monitoring
• To enter the appropriate IP address to
receive the video signals through IP
network / internet
• To connect all equipments and switch
on to start the video capture
9 Cables • Interfacing the camera with the DVR a)Coaxial.
with suitable medium depending on b) Fiber optic.
Theory Duration the wishing network / system if any. c)cat• 5
(hh:mm) • Explain and collecting tools required to d) Crimper
set up a surveillance system. e)Cutter.
• Discuss with the other team members d) Connectors.
and about the required specification of
a system.
Practical Duration
• Help the team member as a good
support worker to create and
surveillance system and remain quite
and patience at the time of installation
Corresponding NOS / fault finding.
10 Survey, planning & • Making a good site survey and a)DVR(Diff. Types).
maintenance identifying the location of the camera b)Camera(Diff. Types).
to be fixed. C)Adapter.
d)Cable(Diff. Types).
Theory Duration • Selecting the suitable camera
e)Screw driver.
(hh:mm) depending on the coverage area
10:00 required by the customer.
• Help & co• operate with the team
Practical Duration members while taking measurement of
(hh:mm) the site.
• Interfacing & connecting the camera
and synchronizing it with control
Corresponding NOS room.
• To make understand the recording &
retrieving process of previously
recorded footage to the controller of
the system.
• • Convince the customer about the
best available camera for better
11 Interaction with the • Understand the basic requirements of a) Laptop.
customers & the customer. b) Projector.
colleagues, concept of • Help them to choose the best solution.
team work • Continuous interaction with the

CCTV Installation Technician 7

Sr. No. Module Key Learning Outcomes Equipment Required
Theory Duration customer for any installation or post
(hh:mm) installation maintenance

Practical Duration

Corresponding NOS
Total Duration: Unique Equipment Required:
a) Camera(diff. types)
Theory b) DVR
Duration c) cables
d) adapter
e) Display device
f) Screw driver set
g) Lenses(diff. types)
h) Laptop
Practical Duration i) Internet Connection
(hh:mm) j) Connectors
150:00 k) Crimper
l) Cutter
m) Projector

Grand Total Course Duration: 255 Hours 00 Minutes

This syllabus/ curriculum has been approved by Electronics Sector Skill Council

CCTV Installation Technician 8

Trainer Prerequisites for Job role: “CCTV Installation Technician” mapped to
Qualification Pack: “ELE/Q4605”
Area Details
1 Job Description The individual at work is responsible for installing the CCTV system in the
customer premises. The individual understand the customer and site
requirement, installs the camera and integrates the hardware for effective
CCTV surveillance system functioning.
2 Personal Attributes The individual must be willing to work in the field and travel through the
day from one customer’s premise to another. Punctuality, amenable
behaviour, patience, good interpersonal relationship building,
trustworthiness, integrity, and critical thinking are important attributes for
this Job
3 Minimum Educational Diploma in Electronics with at least 1• 2 years of experience in installation
Qualifications and troubleshooting of Set Top Box and Direct to Home (DTH) systems.
Should have excellent communication skills
4a Domain Certification Certified for Job Role: “ CCTV Installation Technician” mapped to QP:
“ELE/Q4605”. Minimum accepted score =70%
4b Platform Certification Recommended that the Trainer is certified for the Job Role: “Trainer”,
mapped to the Qualification Pack: ““SSC/Q1402”. Minimum accepted score
5 Experience 1- 2 years of experience in installation and troubleshooting of CCTV

CCTV Installation Technician 9

Annexure: Assessment Criteria

Assessment Criteria for “CCTV Installation Technician”

Job Role CCTV Installation Technician
Qualification Pack ELE/Q8101version1.0
Sector Skill Council Electronics Sector Skills Council of India

Guidelines for Assessment
1 Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council. Each
Performance Criteria (PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will also lay down
proportion of marks for Theory and Skills Practical for each PC.
2 The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by the SSC.
3 Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for each candidate at each
examination/training centre (as per assessment criteria below)
4 Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluations for skill practical for every student at each
examination/training centre based on this criteria
5 To pass the Qualification Pack , every trainee should score a minimum of 70% in every NOS
6 In case of successfully passing only certain number of NOS's, the trainee is eligible to take subsequent
assessment on the balance NOS's to pass the Qualification Pack.

CCTV Installation Technician 10

Sr. NOS No. NOS Name Total Marks Marks Marks
No. Marks Allocation: Allocation: Allocation:
Skills Knowledge Behaviour
1 ELE/N4609 Visit site and understand customer’s
requirement 100 60 40

2 ELE/N4610 Install CCTV camera 100 60 40

3 ELE/N4611 Setup CCTV surveillance system 100 60 40
4 ELE/N9909 Coordinate with colleagues and
100 60 40
Total: 400 240 160
Percentage Weightage: 60% 40%
Minimum Pass% to qualify: 70% 70%

CCTV Installation Technician 11

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