AnnualReport2017 18 PDF
AnnualReport2017 18 PDF
AnnualReport2017 18 PDF
Ministry of Mines
Annual Report
2017-18 @MinesMinIndia
By Rabi Rath
Annual Report
Ministry of Mines
Government of India
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Ministry of Mines
Website Addresses:
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
GA Geoscience Australia
GAC Geoscience Advisory Council
GAIL Gas Authority of India Limited
GMS Geological Map Series
GPM Geophysical Mapping
GQM Geological Quadrangle Maps
GSI Geological Survey of India
GSITI Geological Survey of India Training Institute
GTV Geotechnical Vessel
HCL Hindustan Copper Limited
HGSS Heliborne Geophysical Survey System
HINDALCO Hindustan Aluminium Company Limited
HoD Head of the Department
HPC High Power Committee
IBM Indian Bureau of Mines
ICMM International Council of Mining and Metals
ICT Information and Communication Technology
IDCOL Industrial Development Corporation of Odisha Limited
IGC International Geological Congress
IGCP International Geoscience Programme
IMYB Indian Mineral Year Book
INSA Indian National Science Academy
ISRO Indian Space Research Organisation
ISTM Institute of Secretariat Training and Management
IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
JNARDDC Jawaharlal Nehru Aluminium Research Development and Design Centre
JWG Joint Working Group
KCC Khetri Copper Complex
LME London Metal Exchange
LOC Local Organization Committee
LOI Letter of Intent
MCAS Mineral Concession and Approval System
MCDR Mineral Conservation & Development Rules
MCP Malanjkhand Copper Project
MCR Mineral Concession Rules
MECL Mineral Exploration Corporation Limited
ML Mining Lease
MMDR Act Mines & Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957
MNRE Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
MSMP Monthly Statistics of Mineral Production
MoC Ministry of Coal
MoEFCC Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
1 An Overview 1
5 International Co-operation 37
14 Miscellaneous 155
Annexures 169
Ministry of Mines :
An Overview
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Ministry of Mines
An Overview
Vision and Mission Page - 3
An Overview
Vision & Mission other than coal, natural gas and petroleum.
The Ministry also administers the Offshore
1.1 Ministry’s Vision and Mission are as Areas Mineral (Development and Regulation)
below: Act, 2002 and rules made there under.
(i) Achieve optimal utilization of India’s
mineral resources through scientific,
sustainable and transparent mining
practices, exploration and geo-scientific
research & development.
i) To develop geo-scientific partnerships
with State Governments, Industry and Hon’ble Minister of Mines Shri Narendra Singh
other stakeholders for management Tomar and Hon’ble Minister of State, Mines, Shri
of mineral resources both on land and Haribhai Parthibhai Chaudhary
offshore and development of mineral-
based industries on scientific and 1.3 List of Subjects Allocated to the
sustainable basis. Ministry of Mines:
ii) To ensure fairness and transparency in a) Legislation for regulation of mines and
allotment of mineral concessions. development of minerals within the
iii) To establish an e-governance mechanism territory of India, including mines and
for accountability of mineral resources minerals underlying the ocean within the
from mine to end use/export. territorial waters or the continental shelf,
or the exclusive economic zone and
iv) To ensure that the Geological Survey of other maritime zones of India as may be
India (GSI) and Indian Bureau of Mines specified, from time to time by or under
(IBM) provide high standards of services any law made by Parliament.
to stakeholders.
b) Regulation of mines and development
of minerals other than coal, lignite and
Role and Organisation of the
sand for stowing and any other mineral
Ministry declared as prescribed substances for
the purpose of the Atomic Energy Act,
Main Functions
1962 (33 of 1962) under the control of
1.2 Ministry of Mines is responsible for survey the Union as declared by law, including
and exploration and mining of all minerals, questions concerning regulation and
other than natural gas, petroleum and atomic development of minerals in various States
minerals and coal. In the case of atomic and the matters connected therewith or
minerals and coal activities of the Ministry are incidental thereto.
limited to regional exploration. The Ministry is
c) All other metals and minerals not
responsible for the administration of the Mines
specifically allotted to any other Ministry/
and Minerals (Development and Regulation)
Department, such as aluminium, zinc,
Act, 1957, (67 of 1957) and rules made there
copper, gold, diamonds, lead and nickel.
under in respect of all mines and minerals
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
An Overview
Table 1.1
Sanctioned Strength and Present Incumbency of Officers/Officials in
Secretariat Proper of Ministry of Mines as on 01.01.2018
Group-A 29 21 02 - 02 02 06 - - -
Group-B 38 22 04 03 04 - 03 - - -
Group-B 58 53 12 06 09 02 15 01 - -
Group-C 84 54 13 01 03 01 04 - - 02
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
• Shri Pranab Mukherjee, the then Hon’ble • Hon’ble Prime Minister reviewed the
President of India conferred the National progress of mineral auctions in the
Geoscience Awards - 2016 (NGA-2016) country on 21st July, 2017.
on twenty five geoscientists on 12th April
2017. • A Committee was set-up to review
the provisions of the Mineral (Auction)
• Secretary, Ministry of Mines chaired Rules, 2015 and the Minerals (Evidence
Central Coordination-cum-Empowered
of Mineral Contents) Rules, 2015 based
Committee (CCEC) meeting of MoM on
on the experience gained in the auction
2nd June, 2017 with the representatives
process, with a view to making the
of mineral-rich states regarding Mineral
Development and Regulation. Ministry process more effective. The amended
has been successful to a great extent Mineral (Auction) Rules were notified on
in convincing the state governments to 30th November 2017.
adopt the Mining Surveillance System
using satellite based systems to check
illegal mining of minor minerals as well.
• A workshop on GST was conducted by
the then Hon’ble MoS (IC) for Power,
Coal, New and Renewable Energy and
Mines (PCNREM), Shri Piyush Goyal on
22nd June, 2017.
• Shri Piyush Goyal, the then Hon’ble MoS
(IC) for Power, Coal, MNRE and Mines Shri Haribhai Parthibhai Chaudhary, Hon’ble
chaired 5th Geoscience Advisory Council Minister of State for Mines speaking on the
occasion of Golden Jubilee Celebration of HCL on
(GAC) meeting of the Ministry of Mines
9th November, 2017
on 27th June, 2017.
• A meeting of the Parliamentary • A consultation was held with the 13
Consultative Committee on “Sustainable private exploration agencies empanelled
Sand Mining” was held on 20th June, by National Mineral Exploration Trust
2017 under the chairmanship of the (NMET) on 10th August, 2017 to arrive
then Hon’ble MoS (IC) for PCNREM. at modalities before rolling out a private
• Two Assistant Secretaries of IAS 2015 exploration contractual framework.
batch, Shri Apoorv Devgan (HP) and Shri • On 2nd August, 2017 and 3rd August,
Shashank Mani Tripathi (AGMUT) joined 2017, 6.83% paid up equity capital
the Ministry of Mines on 3rd July, 2017 (6,31,72,849 equity shares of face value
for a period of 3 months. of ` 5/- each) of Hindustan Copper Limited
out of the Government of India holdings
of 82.88% were sold through “offer for
sale of shares through Stock Exchanges”.
A total amount of ` 404,70,98,150.14
has been raised by Government of India.
• The Offshore Areas Mineral
(Development & Regulation) Act 2002
draft Amendment Bill has been framed
and put out for public consultation on 1st
National Geoscience Awards - 2016
An Overview
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
HCL representative receiving the prestigious the National Safety Award- Mines
from Hon’ble President of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind
Minerals and Metals in the Country
Figure 2.3
Closed Stacker Reclaimer in a limestone mine Value of Minerals Production (By groups)
(Excluding atomic & fuel minerals)
Index of Mineral Production
2.3 Ministry of Statistics and Programme
Implementation has shifted the base year of
index of mineral production from 2004-05 to
2011-12. Based on the overall trend so far the
index of mineral production (base 2011-12 =
100) for the year 2017-18 is estimated to be
105.9 as compared to 102.5 of previous year
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
2.4 The total value of mineral production Gross Value Added from Mining &
(excluding atomic & fuel minerals) during Quarrying Sector
2017-18 has been estimated at ` 1,13,541
crore, which shows an increase of about 13% 2.7 The Gross Value Added (GVA) accrued
over that of the previous year. During 2017- from mining and quarrying sector at 2011-
12 prices for the first quarter of 2017-18
18, estimated value for metallic minerals is
is estimated at ` 85,911 crore, indicated a
` 53,029 crore or 47.7% of the total value
decrease of about 0.7% over that in the same
and non-metallic minerals including minor
period of previous year. Similarly, the quarterly
minerals is ` 60,512 crore or 53.3% of the estimates of GVA (at current prices) for the
total value. Information on production and first quarter of the year 2017-18 is estimated
value of minerals from 2013-14 to 2017-18 at ` 82,270 crore. The mining and quarrying
is given in Annexure 2.1. (Page No. 172) sector contribution (at current price) to GVA
The details of export and import of minerals accounted for about 2.3 % for the first quarter
during the period 2012-13 to 2016-17 is of the year 2017-18.
given in Annexure 2.2 (Page No. 173) and
Annexure 2.3 (Page No. 174) respectively.
2.8 Indian mining industry is characterized
by a large number of small operational mines.
The number of mines which reported mineral
production (excluding atomic, fuel and minor
minerals) in India was 1531 in 2017-18 as
against 1508 in the previous year. Out of 1531
reporting mines, 230 were located in Tamil
Nadu, followed by Madhya Pradesh (197)
Gujarat (191), Karnataka (142), Odisha (132),
Andhra Pradesh (129), Chhattisgarh (112),
Deployment of rock breaker for easy Goa (87), Rajasthan (85), Maharashtra (75)
transportation of ROM and Jharkhand (58). These 10 States together
accounted for 94% of total number of mines
Price Trend in the country in 2017-18. The numbers of
2.5 The Office of the Economic Advisor, reporting mines are given in Table 2.1. Area-
Ministry of Commerce and Industry has shifted wise distribution of Mining Leases all over India
pertaining to all minerals excluding fuel, atomic
the base year from 2004-05 to 2011-12. The
and minor minerals is given in Table 2.2.
WPI for minerals (base 2011-12=100) stood at
118.2 in August 2017 and the corresponding Table 2.1
index was 128.1 for August, 2016. Number of Reporting Mines
2.6 The minerals included in the wholesale Sector 2015-16 2016-17(P) 2017-18(E)
price index are bauxite, chromite, iron ore, All
1619 1508 1531
copper conc, lead conc., garnet, zinc conc, Minerals*
manganese ore, limestone, phosphorite, and Metallic 715 644 657
sillamanite. The wholesale price index for Minerals
metallic minerals was 103.3 in August, 2017 Non- 904 864 874
as compared to 118.4 in August, 2016 and Metallic
that of other minerals was 170.2 in August, Minerals
*Excluding atomic minerals, petroleum (crude), natural gas
2017 as compared to 162.1 in August, 2016. (utilized) and minor minerals.
Minerals and Metals in the Country
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Minerals and Metals in the Country
(10.3%), Tamil Nadu (8.69%), Himachal joint sector in 2016-17 were Copper ore and
Pradesh (4.96%) and Gujarat (3.01%). The concentrate, Diamond, Fluorite (graded),
all India reserves and resources of various Selenite and Sulphur. In 2016-17, the public
minerals as on 01.04.2005, as per UNFC sector accounted for sizeable 99% of Gold &
System is given in Annexure 2.4. (Page No. Phosphorite each, Graphite 76% and 54% of
175) Magnesite.
2.12 During 2016-17 (excluding atomic, 2.13 India’s ranking in 2015 as compared to
fuel, and minor minerals), the private sector world production was 2nd in barytes, and talc/
emerged to play a dominant role in mineral steatite/pyrophyllite, 3rd in chromite, coal &
production accounting for 66.84% or ` 31,707 lignite and zinc (slab), 4th in kyanite/ andalusite/
crore in the total value. Small mines, which sillimanite, 5th in iron ore, and Steel (Crude),
were mostly in the private sector, continued 6th in bauxite ore, 7th in manganese ore and 8th
to be operated manually either as proprietary in aluminium. The statistics on indigenous and
or partnership ventures. The minerals which world production of principal minerals and
were wholly mined / recovered by the public/ metals are given in Table 2.4.
Table 2.4
Contribution and Rank of India in World Production of
Principal Minerals & Metals, 2015
Production India’s rank in
Unit of Contribution
Commodity India* order of quantum
quantity World (Percentage)
(2014-15) of production
Mineral Fuels
Coal & lignite Million tonnes 7,860 683 8.13 3rd
Petroleum (crude) Million tonnes 4,225 37 0.88 23rd
Metallic Minerals
Bauxite '000 tonnes 2,94,074 28,134 9.57 4th
Chromite '000 tonnes 35,300 2,894 8.20 4th
Iron ore Million tonnes 3,328 156 4.69 4th
Manganese ore '000 tonnes 53,200 2,148 4.04 6th
Industrial Minerals
Kyanite, andalusite &
'000 tonnes 390(e)** 73 18.72 3rd
Magnesite '000 tonnes 44,900 265 0.59 11th
Apatite & rock
'000 tonnes 2,65,140 1,474 0.56 16th
Aluminium '000 tonnes 57,670 2,355 4.08 5th
Copper (refined) '000 tonnes 22,900 790 3.45 7th
Steel (crude/liquid) Million tonnes 1,620 90@ 5.56 3rd
Lead (refined) '000 tonnes 10,700 145 1.36 14th
Zinc (slab) '000 tonnes 13,227 759 5.74 5th
*Figure relate to 2015-16.
(e)** Estimated figure given in mineral commodity summary, 2017, USGS.
@ Ministry of Steel Annual Report 2016-17.
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Minerals and Metals in the Country
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
The production of Manganese Ore at 2,393 production during the year under review.
thousand tonnes in 2016-17 increased by The remaining was reported jointly from
10% as compared to the previous year. Karnataka and Uttarakhand. Public sector
Madhya Pradesh was the leading producer mines contributed 54% of total production in
of manganese ore accounting for 27% of 2016-17 as compared to 64% in the previous
total production followed by Maharashtra year. There were 19 reporting mines in 2016-
and Odisha (25% each), Karnataka (11%) 17, of which 4 were in public sector and 15 in
and Andhra Pradesh (10%). Production of private sector.
manganese ore was also reported from Gujarat,
Jharkhand, Rajasthan and Telangana. There The production of phosphorite at 1181
were 142 reporting mines of manganese ore thousand tonnes in 2016-17 decreased by
in 2016-17. In the year under review, 24 public 25% as compared to that in the previous year.
sector mines were engaged in the mining of Rajasthan contributed 94% of the production
manganese ore with 44% contribution to the while rest was reported from Madhya Pradesh.
total production. The share of public sector mines and private
sector mines during the year was 99% and
1% respectively. There were 5 reporting mines
Non-Metallic Minerals
during 2016-17, of which 4 were in public
2.16 The value of production of non-metallic sector and 1 in private sector.
minerals at ` 7,414.53 crore during 2016-
17 decreased by 2.07% as compared to the Minor Minerals
previous year. Limestone retained its leading
position by contributing 90.20% of the total 2.17 The value of production of minor minerals
value of non-metallic minerals in 2016-17. was estimated at ` 52,810 crore in 2016-17.
The other non-metallic minerals in the order of Andhra Pradesh with share of 18.46% in the
importance were Phosphorite/Rock phosphate value of minor minerals produced in the country
(5.25%), and Garnet (abrasive) (1.02%). occupied the top position. Rajasthan was at
second place had a share of 16.49% in the
The production of limestone at 313.2 million value of minor minerals. Next in the order was
tonnes during 2016-17 increased by 2% as Telangana 12.05%, Gujarat 11.13%, Uttar
compared to that in the previous year. Rajasthan Pradesh 10.64%, Bihar 8.09%, Maharashtra
was the leading producer of limestone (21%), 7.94%, Kerala 5.15% and the contribution
followed by Madhya Pradesh and Andhra of remaining states and UTs was less than five
Pradesh (11% each), Chhattisgarh & Karnataka percent each.
(10% each), Gujarat, Tamil Nadu & Telangana
(8% each). There were 771 reporting mines Item-wise analysis revealed that road metals
during the year, as against 807 mines in the had the largest share of 19.6% to the total
previous year. In all, there were 382 captive value of minor minerals followed by granite
mines in India contributing about 95% of total 17.0%, building stone 11.5%, ordinary sand
Limestone production. There were 27 public 10.0%, stone 8.1%, bricks earth 5.9% and
sector and 744 private sector reporting mines boulder 4.5 percent. The individual share of
during 2016-17 as against 26 public sector remaining minerals was less than 4.0% which
and 781 private sector reporting mines in the together contributed 23.3 percent of value of
previous year. The share of public sector mines minor minerals.
in production was 3.35% as against 3.98 % in
the preceding year. State-wise Mineral Scenario
The production of magnesite at 299 2.18 Status of mineral production in 10
thousand tonnes during 2016-17 decreased mineral rich states of India is at Annexure
by 9% as compared to that in the previous 2.5. (Page No. 179)
year. Tamil Nadu contributed 75% of the total
Legislative Framework,
Mineral Policy and
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Legislative Framework, Mineral Policy and Implementation
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
notification has been published in the Gazette a Sustainable Development Framework for
of India vide S.O. 423(E) dated 10.2.2015. The optimum utilisation of the country’s natural
total number of minerals notified presently as mineral resources for the industrial growth in
‘minor minerals’ is 55. the country and at the same time improving
the life of people living in the mining areas,
3.10 The other Minerals are popularly
which are generally located in the backward
known as major minerals. In the case of major
and tribal regions of the country.
minerals, States substantially regulate and
develop minerals subject to provisions of the Review of National Mineral Policy
Act. In the case of Minerals covered under
Part A - Coal and Lignite and Part B - Atomic 3.13 The Ministry of Mines has constituted
Minerals in the First Schedule to the Act, a committee on 14.08.2017 to review the
States are required to take prior approval of National Mineral Policy 2008, as per directions
the Central Government to grant concessions. of Hon’ble Supreme Court in its judgment
The Central Government retains the power of dated 02.08.2017 in the matter of Common
revision, fixation of royalty etc. in respect of Cause Vs. UOI & Ors. [Writ Petition (Civil) No.
major minerals. 114 of 2014].
3.11 The Ministry of Coal exercises all powers
of the Central Government with respect to Coal
and Lignite under the Act. The Department of
Atomic Energy similarly exercises all powers
for Atomic Minerals.
Central Coordination-Cum-Empowered
Committee (CCEA) Meeting held on 2nd June 2017
3.14 The Committee submitted its report
to the Ministry in December, 2017. A draft
National Mineral Policy, 2018 received from
Central Coordination-Cum-Empowered the Committee has been placed in the website
Committee (CCEA) Meeting held on 2nd June 2017 of Ministry of Mines for public consultation.
Legislative Framework, Mineral Policy and Implementation
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
of the nation. It is recognised that the Mineral 3.21 District Mineral Foundation
(Auction) Rules, 2015 have served well for the (DMF) and Pradhan Mantri Khanij
past two years since its notification. However, Kshetra Kalyan Yojana (PMKKKY)
it is felt that the provisions of these rules may
be revisited on the experience gained from i) To ensure that the welfare of host
population are protected and the
the working of these rules in the auction
benefit of the economic activity in the
process. In this regard, a Committee has been
mining sector equitably flows to those
set up on 30.06.2017 to review the Minerals directly affected, provision has been
(Evidence of Mineral Contents) Rules, 2015 made in the MMDR (Amendment) Act,
and the Mineral (Auction) Rules, 2015, which 2015 for the establishment of District
furnished its final report to the Ministry in Mineral Foundation (DMF) in any district
August 2017. affected by mining related operations.
3.20 Subsequently, the Mineral (Auction) The objective of DMF is to work for
Rules, 2015 have been amended through the interest and benefit of persons in
the Mineral (Auction) Amendment Rules, and areas affected by mining related
2017 published in the Official Gazette operations. DMF is funded by way of
vide notification No. G.S.R. 1469 (E) dated contributions at the prescribed rates
30.11.2017 which make the auction procedure from holders of mining lease.
simpler. The salient features of amended rules ii) Ministry of Mines framed the Mines
are given below: and Minerals (Contribution to District
i) Extending the applicability of Mineral Mineral Foundation) Rules, 2015 which
(Auction) Rules, 2015 to the minerals were published in the Official Gazette on
specified in Part B of the First Schedule to 17.9.2015.
the Act having grade below the threshold iii) The rates of contribution to DMF have
value as prescribed under the Atomic been prescribed as follows:
Minerals Concession Rules, 2016.
ii) Allowing the end users to sell the mineral a)
30% of the royalty for leases
equivalent to twenty five percent of granted prior to 12.1.2015; and
total mineral excavated in the previous b)
10% of the royalty for leases
financial year, for which the end use was granted on or after 12.1.2015.
iv) The manner in which the DMF shall work
iii) Providing relaxation to the state for the interest and benefit of persons
governments in auction process by and areas affected by mining; as also
allowing them to continue with even less the composition and functions of the
than three Technically Qualified Bidders DMF shall be prescribed by the State
in second attempt. Governments.
iv) Provisions for executing the mining
lease deed within three years which is v) Directions have also been issued to
extendable up to a maximum period of all States to incorporate the ‘Pradhan
five years. Mantri Khanij Kshetra Kalyan Yojana’ in
the rules framed by them for the District
v) Relaxing the eligibility criteria for bidders Mineral Foundations.
in respect of mining lease as well as the
composite licence. vi) The Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshetra Kalyan
Yojana (PMKKKY) will be implemented
Legislative Framework, Mineral Policy and Implementation
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
3.23 In addition the Central Government 3.25 In order to bring a check on illegal mining,
through Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM) has the MMDR, Amendment Act, 2015 has made
constituted a Special Task Force for inspection the penal provisions for illegal mining more
of mines in endemic areas. During the year stringent. Higher penalties, or imprisonment
2013-14 up to March 2014, IBM conducted or both have been provided for violations. A
205 Special Task Force inspections in the States provision has also been made for constitution
of Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, of Special Courts by State Governments for
Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan speedy trial of cases related to illegal mining.
and Tamilnadu. IBM has suspended 72 mines
under rule 13(2) of Mineral Conservation and Space Technology for checking illegal
Development Rules, 1988 for serious violations Mining.
of rules. 3.26 Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM), has
entered into a MoU with National Remote
3.24 The Mineral Conservation and
Sensing Centre (NRSC), for a pilot project
Development Rules, 1988 (MCDR) provides
“Sudoor Drushti” to demonstrate the
for measures to ensure scientific management
feasibility of using High Resolution Satellite
of the mining process. Rule 45 of the MCDR
imagery and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) in
provides for the mining companies to provide monitoring mining activities / changes over a
periodic reports on the extraction and period of time, for select a group of mines.
disposal of the mined material. Rule 45 of
MCDR also facilitates end-to-end national- Mining Surveillance System (MSS)
scale accounting of all minerals produced
in the country from the pit head to its end- 3.27 The Project was undertaken by the
use, reducing the scope for illegal mining, Indian Bureau of Mines, Ministry of Mines and
BISAG (Bhaskaracharya Institute for Space
royalty evasion, etc. The amended Rule 45
Applications and Geo-informatics) of Ministry
now makes it mandatory for all miners,
of Electronics and Information Technology
traders, stockist, exporters and end-users
(MEITY) to develop a system for detection of
of minerals to register and report on the
incidence of illegal mining by use of space
production, trade and utilization of minerals technology and surveillance of area up to
to the State Government(s) and Indian Bureau 500m beyond the lease boundary to check
of Mines. 3,555 mining leases excluding 31 incidences of illegal mining.
minor minerals have been registered online
To facilitate detecting and curbing illegal
with IBM as on September, 2017. IBM has
mining with the help of space technology
suspended 145 mines for noncompliance
Initially rolled out for major minerals by
and recommended 251 cases to State
the Hon’ble Minister in October 2016
Governments for termination. Similarly, as
regards to the status of registration of end Dashboard on National Centre for Geo
Informatics has been developed.
users, traders, stockist and exporters, a total
of 3,345 units of end-users, 5162 number of A mobile app has also been developed
traders, 1683 number of stockists and 898 and launched.
number of exporters have been registered as No. of triggers generated in first cycle -
on September, 2017. Indian Bureau of Mines 296
has also requested the State Governments • No. of triggers verified (by the States) –
not to issue transit passes for movement of 287 (as on 1.12.2017), 48 cases of illegal
minerals to unregistered operators. mining were identified.
Legislative Framework, Mineral Policy and Implementation
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Legislative Framework, Mineral Policy and Implementation
ii) Prior approval of the Central Government exercises its Revisionary Powers in dealing with
for grant of mining lease under Section the Revision Applications filed by the applicants
5(1) has been done away with. who are aggrieved by any order passed by the
State Govt. or any other authority under Rule
Mineral Auctions 35 and 36 of MCR 2016 detailed procedure
for filing and disposal of Revision Application
3.39 The MMDR Amendment Act, 2015 has been prescribed.
instituted the system of e-auction for
grant of mineral concessions for major 3.42 Disposal of Revision Applications has
minerals with a view to bringing in greater public interface. In order to ensure transparency
transparency and removal of discretion in in disposal of Revision cases, software i.e. ras.
allotment. 21 mineral blocks across 7 States, has been implemented for effective
namely Rajasthan, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, monitoring of the Revision Applications,
Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, Jharkhand and received in the Ministry of Mines. This system
Andhra Pradesh have been successfully keeps track of the various stages of the
auctioned till 31.03.2017. Further, 12 blocks Revision Applications filed by the applicants
have been auctioned till 01.12.2017 in the till the final disposal of the applications. The
states of Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, system is web enabled and has link on the
Gujarat, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Odisha and website of the Ministry of Mines. The salient
Rajasthan. features of the system are as under:-
3.40 The successful e-auction of 33 mineral i) Status of Revision Application is available
blocks across the country with estimated on website.
value of resources over ` 1,69,391 crore have ii) Final Orders are available on the website;
been auctioned in a transparent manner. iii) Final Order numbers are generated by
The total estimated revenue to the state the system automatically;
government over the lease period stands at
iv) Hearing details etc. are available on the
` 1,28,388 crore. Out of this the cumulative
Royalty, District Mineral Fund (DMF) and
National Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET) v) Revision Application numbers are
contributions works out to be ` 29,556 crore generated by the system automatically;
(` 26,390 crore, `2,639 crore and ` 528 crore, 3.43 As far as possible, cases are being heard
respectively). Thus, the additional revenue in on a chronological order and as per their
to be garnered through the auction process age of pendency.
would be ` 98,832 crore over the entire lease
period. 3.44 The website is accessible by public and
the copy of Final Order & Hearing Notices can
Revision Applications be downloaded from the Website.
3.41 Under Section 30 of the Mines and 3.45 During 1st January, 2017 to 31st
Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, December, 2017, 375 Revision Applications
1957 and Rule 35 of the Minerals (other than were disposed of by the Revisionary Authority
Atomic & Hydro Carbons Energy Minerals) in the Ministry of Mines.
Concession Rules, 2016 the Ministry of Mines
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Hon’ble Minister of Mines Shri Narendra Singh Tomar and Hon’ble Minister of State, Mines,
Shri Haribhai Parthibhai Chaudhary alongwith officers of Ministry of Mines
Revenue from
Mineral Resources
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Revenue from Mineral Resources
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Table 4.1
Accrual of Royalty for Last 4 Years for Major Minerals other than Minor Minerals,
Coal, Lignite and Sand for Stowing
(Value in ` Lakh)
Sl No State 2013-14* 2014-15* 2015-16 2016-17
Revenue from Mineral Resources
4.3 Existing royalty rates for some important industrial use minerals is given at Table 4.2.
Table 4.2
Rates of Royalty
(Published vide notification GSR 630 (E) dated 01.09.2014 in Extra Ordinary Gazette of India)
1. Bauxite and Laterite a) Metallurgical Grade:
Zero point six zero per cent of London Metal Exchange Aluminium
metal price chargeable on the contained aluminium metal in ore
produced for those dispatched for use in alumina and aluminium
metal extraction.
b) Non-Metallurgical Grade:
Twenty five per cent of sale price on ad valorem basis for those
dispatched for use other than alumina and aluminium metal
extraction and for export.
2. Chromite Fifteen per cent of average sale price on ad valorem basis.
3. Copper Four point six two per cent of London Metal Exchange Copper metal
price chargeable on the contained copper metal in ore produced.
4. Diamond Eleven point five per cent of average sale price on ad valorem basis.
5. Gold : Four per cent of London Bullion Market Association Price (commonly
(a) Primary referred to as “London Price”) chargeable on the contained gold metal
(b) By-product gold in ore produced.
Three point three per cent of London Bullion Market Association Price
(commonly referred to as “London Price”) chargeable on the by-
product gold metal actually produced.
6. Iron ore: Fifteen per cent of average sale price on ad valorem basis.
(lumps, fines &
concentrates all grades)
7. Manganese Ore :
(a) Ore of all grades Five per cent of average sale price on ad valorem basis.
(b) Concentrates One point seven per cent of average sale price on ad valorem basis.
8. Nickel Zero point one two per cent of London Metal Exchange nickel metal
price chargeable on contained nickel metal in ore produced.
9. Silver
(a) By-product Seven per cent of London Metal Exchange Price chargeable on by-
product silver metal actually produced.
(b) Primary silver Five per cent of London Metal Exchange silver metal price chargeable
on the contained silver metal in ore produced.
10. Zinc (a) Nine point five per cent of London Metal Exchange zinc metal
price on ad valorem basis chargeable on contained zinc metal in
ore produced.
(b) Ten per cent of London Metal Exchange zinc metal price on ad
valorem basis chargeable on contained zinc metal in concentrate
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Secretary, Shri Arun Kumar speaking during Africa India co-operation meet
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
International Co-operation
International Co-operation
5.1 Development of Mining Sector is essential
for a country’s development in industrial
sector. India is also deficient in many important
minerals. India also needs capacity building in
geosciences, transfer of technology in mining
sector as well as acquisition of mining assets
abroad by public and private sector. In order
to achieve these objectives International
Co-operation Division has been engaged in
collaboration with countries like Canada, Meeting between Indian delegation and
Australia, Russia and African countries. India delegation led by Minister of Mining,
has been participating in various International Republic of Mali
Mining events by setting up Indian Pavillion,
making presentations before the delegates ii) Prospectors & Developers
about the recent reforms and opportunities in Associations of Canada (PDAC) – 2017
mining sector in India so as to attract foreign from 5th to 8th March, 2017 at Metro
investment in Indian mining sector. Toronto Convention Centre in Toronto,
5.2 Participation in International 5.5 In this largest mining event of the world
Mining Exhibitions: attended by more than 24,000 delegates from
130 countries including investors, analysts,
i) Mining Indaba – 2017 (from 6th to mining executives, geologists, government
9th February, 2017 at Cape Town, South officials and students a 19 member Indian
Africa) delegation led by Shri Subhash Chandra,
5.3 It is the largest mining exhibition and Joint Secretary, Ministry of Mines participated.
conference of the African continent. This serves An ‘India Day’ celebration was held on 7th
as the pathway for foreign investments into March, 2017. Shri Subhash Chandra, Joint
Africa’s mining value chain with opportunities Secretary presented an overview of the
ranging from various minerals. mining and exploration scenario in India and
answered various queries from the delegates.
5.4 A 12 member Indian delegation led by Shri Deb Kumar Bhattacharya, Director, GSI,
Shri Susheel Kumar, Secretary, Ministry of Shri T.R.K. Rao, Director, NMDC, Mrs. Reena
Coal alongwith Joint Secretary, Ministry of Babasaheb Kangale, MD, Chhattisgarh Mineral
Mines, Directors of Ministry of Coal and Steel
and representative of PSEs participated in
this event. Secretary, Ministry of Coal made
a presentation in ‘Mining Indaba-2017’
Conference during Non-African session on
the overview of mining in India, highlighting
India’s capabilities in mining sector and the
potential of India as a mining destination. On
the sidelines of Mining Indaba-2017, bilateral
meeting was held between Indian delegation
led by Secretary (Coal) and Mali, led by Minister India - Malawi Joint working Group Meeting on
of Mining, Republic of Mali. Mineral Resource Development
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Development Corporations Ltd. Shri D.C. of Mines met the Venezuela delegation led
Samal, DGM (NALCO), Shri S.K. Bhattacharjee, by Mr. Franklin Ramirez Araque, Secretary
Director, HCL made presentations on the of Mining, Venezuela. During the meeting
specific areas of their organizations/companies Venezuelan delegation flagged their issues
to appeal to the attendees to invest in India in of copper mines and gold mines along with
Mining sector. other issues of Venezuela.
International Mining and Bilateral meetings:
Resources Conference 2017
(IMARC-2017): from 30th October to (i) Co-operation with Canada
3rd November, 2017 at Melbourne,
5.8 A meeting between Indian delegation
Australia and the delegation of Department of Natural
5.6 In this important mining conference Resources, Government of Canada was held
organized by three of Australia’s leading under the existing MoU on Co-operation in the
industry associations’ i.e the Australasian field of earth sciences and mining between the
Institute of Mining and Austmine and the two countries, was held on 7th March, 2017
Australian Mines and Metals Associations on the sideline of PDAC- 2017 in Toronto,
(AMMA), about 2,800 internationally- Canada. On conclusion of the meeting, an
diversified professionals across the world Implementing Arrangement (IA) under the
and delegations from nearly 55 countries MoU was signed by Shri Subhash Chandra,
participated in the event. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Mines and Mr.
Kenneth Ko, Director Management Services
5.7 Shri Bipul Pathak, Joint Secretary, and International Affairs Division, Earth
Ministry of Mines participated on behalf of Sciences Sector, Natural Resources Canada. It
the Government of India in this event. At the focused on capacity building programme for
plenary session alongwith ministerial delegates GSI’s scientists on Platinum Group Element
from other countries he made a presentation and Research with the support of Geological
on the recent development and progress of Survey of Canada.
Indian mining sector and its opportunities. The
presentation highlighted the reforms carried
out in the mineral administration regime in
India and the result and achievements of those
reforms. On the sidelines of IMARC- 2017,
Shri Bipul Pathak, Joint Secretary, Ministry
International Co-operation
mineral rich state governments visited Australia related to Geological Survey of India, Steel
to learn exploration techniques, mining Authority of India Ltd., Mishra Dhatu Nigam
technology and equipment, improvement India Ltd., aluminium and coal sector were
of mining environment etc. They visited discussed. On conclusion of the meeting,
Fosterville gold mine, Monash University in a Protocol was signed between the two
Victoria, Iron ore mine, Center for Exploration countries.
Technology (CET) and Geological Survey
of Western Australia, Alcoa Huntly Bauxite
Mines, Newmont’s Boddingtons gold/copper
mine, Kalgoorlie Superpit, Red Hill lookout
Kambalda, St. Ives gold mines, Western
Australia School of Mines, Kalgoorlie Hall of
Fame near Perth city in Western Australia.
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Shri Arun Kumar, Secretary, Mines, Dr. M Rajeevan, Secretary, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Dr.Qiuming
Cheng, President, and Prof. Stanley Finney, Secretary General, IUGS, along with other members of IUGS
and 36th IGC during IUGS-36th IGC LOC meeting held on 22nd Nov. 2017 at Ashok Hotel, New Delhi.
International Co-operation
Delegation from the Ministry of Mines led by Shri Prithul Kumar, Director along with a member
Shri Pushpender Gaur, DCOM IBM, participated in AGM of Inter Government Forum (IGF) on
Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development from 16 October to 20 October 2017
at Palais des Nations, Geneva. The IGF supports more than 60 nations committed to leveraging
mining for sustainable development to ensure that negative impacts are limited and financial
benefits are shared. Shri Prithul Kumar, Director, Ministry of Mines presented the recent change
in policies which are dedicatedly focused on increasing the transparency in grant of mineral
concession and sustainable development of the mining industry and society.
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Secretary, Shri Arun Kumar and other officers of Ministry of Mines and Ministry of Coal with Poland
Delegation lead by Shri H. E. Grzegorz Tobiszowski, First Deputy Minister of Energy of the Republic of
Poland in Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi - 29th November, 2017
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Attached / Subordinate Offices
Figure 6.1
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Director General GSI, Shri M. Raju greets Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi and Prime Minister
of Bangladesh, Her Excellency Sheikh Hasina at Hyderabad House, New Delhi
Attached / Subordinate Offices
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
for use in managing and developing natural Electro-Magnetic (TDEM), and Gamma Ray
resources including mineral occurrences, in Spectrometric sensors.
environmental, agricultural, human health,
During the six-month period from April to
other social concerns.
September 2017, Heliborne surveys over
Based on the geological mapping of the Shimoga area covered 1,366 line km with Time
country, an area of 5.71 lakh sq km, out of Domain Electro-Magnetic (TDEM), Magnetic
total mappable area of 3.146 million sq km, and Spectrometric sensor configuration.
has been demarcated as Obvious Geological
The target of TOASS survey for the year 2016-
Potential (OGP) area, where geological
17 has been completed by March 2017 and the
potential for occurrence of mineral deposit is
survey for the year 2017-18 is likely to resume
in October 2017 after the end of monsoon.
Till March 2017, an area of 7.75 lakh sq km Therefore, during April to September 2017
containing 4.11 lakh sq km OGP area has been there is no progress in target achievement,
mapped by NGCM and during the period from however during the year 2016-17 a total
April to September 2017 an area of 8185 sq of 61,351 line km has been covered by this
km has been covered against the total target survey.
of 1,37,000 sq km for the year 2017-18.
6.9 Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
6.7 Geophysical Mapping Technique in Exploration
The Geophysical mapping under the Spectral Geological studies in Mineral
Geophysical Mapping Programme (GPM) Exploration
comprises ground geophysical survey in
1:50,000 scale. The main objective of the Photogeology and Remote sensing divisions
survey is to generate baseline Geoscientific have taken up mapping of alteration/
data to generate models to locate and delineate mineralized zones on 1:50,000 scale using
subsurface geological bodies / structures and Multispectral and Hyperspectral remote
in postulating conceptual models. sensing data and spectro-radiometer covering
6,400sq km in potential areas (Tikamgarh
Till March 2017, an area of 4.66 lakh sq km & Chhatarpur district, MP & Jhansi district,
containing 2.97 lakh sq km OGP area has been UP; Saraikela Kharsawar district, Jharkhand;
mapped by NGPM and during the period from Sirmaur district, UP & Dehradun district,
April to September 2017 an area of 6095 sq Uttarakhand; Uttangarai, Dharampuri district,
km has been covered against the total target TN and Udaipur,& Banswara district, Rajasthan)
of 1,00,000 sq km for the year 2017-18. with the objective of delineating alteration
zones associated with mineralization, and
6.8 Remote Sensing and Airborne building up of spectral library for litho-units in
Survey these areas.
Airborne Geophysical Surveys are being Application of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
carried out by the Geophysical sensor systems interferometry and morphometric studies
on-board the fixed-wing Twin Otter Aircraft
Survey System (TOASS) and the Heliborne SAR interferometry, and morphometric studies
Geophysical Survey System (HGSS). The carried out to understand the temporal changes
TOASS consists of Magnetic and Gamma due to ground deformation & neotectonism
Ray Spectrometric sensors while the HGSS in sub-himalayan parts of Arunachal Pradesh
consists of Gravity, Magnetic, Time Domain covering 1500 sq km.
Attached / Subordinate Offices
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
& Minerals, 72 for Non-Ferrous and Strategic 6.16 Mission IIIA – IT Infrastructure
Minerals, 32 on Industrial & Fertilizer Minerals. and Connectivity
6.13 ‘Natural energy resources’ [Coal Mission IIIA as part of Mission III, maintains
and Lignite] and manages the IT infrastructure connectivity,
applications and databases in GSI and provides
GSI has augmented coal resource in different the necessary setup to archive and disseminate
states and the total resource of coal of the data and deliver geo-information to various
country stands at 3,15,148.81 million tonnes stakeholders in an effective way.
and that of lignite stands at 44698.14 million
tonnes as on 01.04.2017. The tool for dissemination of digital
information in GSI is its portal (www.gsi.
6.14 Geothermal Studies which provides structured, logically
organised information to different categories
During the FS 2017-18 geothermal studies are of users. All GSI offices including Central
to be carried out in Maharashtra, Telangana Headquarters (CHQ), Regional Headquarters
and Jammu& Kashmir. (RHQ) and State Units (SU) are connected
through an enterprise Virtual Private Network
(MPLS IP VPN) with converged data voice-video
communication. Mission IIIA also takes an
active role in promoting e-governance in GSI
by maintaining administrative transactional
modules for office automation.
GSI has implemented Online Core Business
Integrated System (OCBIS) during 2015-17.
Under OCBIS project a state-of-art new Data
Centre (DC) has been developed at Dharitri
Building, Salt Lake, GSI, Kolkata. The DC
provides a robust physical infrastructure to
maintain 24X7 uptime, scalability and highly
secured environment with integrated building
management system for monitoring round
Ultramafic rock exposure near Washello in Phek the clock, 365 days. A similar setup is put in
District, Nagaland place as Disaster Recovery Centre, Hyderabad
to ensure 24X7 availability in case of any
Mission-III: Geoinformatics exigency.
6.15 Mission III is actively involved in Hardware setup for OCBIS is unique and
national as well as international collaborative is designed to cater to all GSI internal and
initiatives (NSDI, NDSAP, NGIS etc) concerning external stake holders. It will host all scientific
dissemination of geo-information. Mission III and administrative applications and robust
has formulated a new “Data Dissemination e-mail solution with MS Exchange Suite and
Policy”, which is in approval stage, Skype for Business for Mail Messaging and IM.
incorporating guidelines from MOM, MOD, GPS aided mobile field devices to aid field
MMDR Amendment Act 2015 and National officers has been introduced for the first time
Mineral Exploration Policy (Non-Fuel Minerals) as part of the project. A Smart GIS application
Attached / Subordinate Offices
is hosted in the field device (rugged pad) mapping, Geochemical mapping, Geophysical
which has been configured to collect sample / Mapping, Aerogeophysics, Seismotectonics,
observation data from the field in both online Landslide, Geochronology and meteorites in
and offline mode. The smart application the form of OGC compliant map services.
can also be accessed through laptops /
Field Season Project Management Information
desktops. Field devices were dispatched to
System (FSPMIS) together with Laboratory
different Regions and the SUs and Training
Management System (LMS), Drilling
- hand holding support to make OCBIS field
Management Information System (DMIS),
applications smooth and operational has been
Vehicle management Information System
(VMIS) and Smart Field Application are
6.17 Mission IIIA – Data Repository amongst the core applications open for usage.
One can directly formulate a programme in
and Management
FSPMIS, propose analysis of samples in specific
GSI’s Information Technology (IT) vision laboratories, assign drilling units and vehicles
achieved a milestone with OCBIS Enterprise as per requirement from the GSI resource and
Portal launched in April, 2017. Mission IIIA is monitor the activities over period of time.
also entrusted with the task of maintaining The FSP Items pertaining to FS 2017- 18 are
the Enterprise Database and the Repository formulated through the new OCBIS Portal
Infrastructure. OCBIS aims at comprehensive for further execution and monitoring by the
data management through integrated concerned users.
database scheme and repositories to house
all geoscientific as well as administrative
6.18 Virtual Museum is a unique portal
service which displays a diverse collection of
natural specimens like rocks, minerals, fossils
“Bhukosh”, the integrated spatial data and meteorites from all over the country.
management portal facilitates the authorised Thus, selected museum specimens of GSI can
users to visualise, query, create maps and be viewed three dimensionally by just a click
download data. One can access a host of of the computer mouse.
geoscientific data pertaining to Geological
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Arial view of Dalli Iron Ore Mine E-Library in the GSI: Special thrust has been
given to offer library services through e-library
6.19 Mission IIIA– Advanced Spatial format at Central Library and access to Earth
Data Systems Science journals to GSI officers through GSI
OCBIS portal. The Central Library, CHQ, GSI,
Geological Survey of India is the Nodal Agency Kolkata has procured online journals of earth
for execution of the programs relating to the science journals, which can be accessed
National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI). through all the 31 offices of GSI through LAN.
Advanced Spatial Data System Division For the year 2017, total 13 online Science
(ASDSD) placed at DGCO, New Delhi to act Direct journals (published by Elsevier) are
as GSI node of NSDI. The division is creating subscribed. The publisher has given additional
metadata of unpublished GSI reports and complimentary access to 103 Science Direct
50K maps in conformity with NSDI Standard Journals for all offices of GSI.
version 2.0 for uploading on NSDI hosted
India Geoportal. The division is also rectifying National Digital Library (NDL) Project: Central
the error and implementing the correction of Library participated in different training
the metadata of 50K map uploaded on the programmes/workshop at IIIT, Hyderabad;
NSDI portal. IIT, Kharagpur and Central Library, University
of Calcutta pertaining to NDL Project
The document pertaining to Data Content under Ministry of Human Resources and
Standards on Surface Geological Mapping Development, which is coordinated by IIT,
theme is being finalised. Compiling of the Kharagpur. Objective of the project is to
definition for geological formation to be integrate all the digitized and digital contents
incorporated in the Content Standard is under across educational institutions of the nation
progress. to provide a single-window access with
e-learning facility to different groups of users
6.20 Mission IIIB– Publication & Library ranging from primary level to higher education
All major categories of GSI publications level of the country. GSI has been registered as
(Memoirs, Bulletins, Records, Special institutional member of the said project.
Attached / Subordinate Offices
6.21 Mission IIIC – Map, Geoinformatics Synthesis and collation of All India
& Data Integration National Geochemical Map data (NGCM)
and National Geophysical Map data
GSI, has been mandated to prepare both (NGPM) on 1:50K scale and uploading in
analog and digital geological maps / map BhuKosh (OCBIS GeoPortal).
databases for the entire country, and
publication of the same. Following this, Maps Creation of National Geoscience Data
like Geological Quadrangle Maps (GQM), Repository (NGDR) in GSI.
District Resources Maps (DRM), Geological Creation of Stratigraphic Database in
and Mineral Maps of States, Mineral Belt India in 1:50K scale upto lithounit level
Maps (MBM), Coal Field Maps, Marine Maps with stratigraphic hierarchy, colour
etc., several thematic maps covering pan India coding and stratigraphic notation.
are being compiled and printed under this
Mission. The Mission is publishing “Second Creation of Theme based compiled
Edition of GQM” that has been compiled from geological map on Granite/Granite
1:50K digital map database for pan India in Complex of India.
OCBIS portal. Moreover, it is also compiling
and preparing a separate geo-database for
Thematic Geological Maps in 1:25K scale of
selected belts of India, where such mapping
has been carried out by GSI. The compilation
and publishing the Sea Bed Sediment Maps of
Territorial Water (TW) and Exclusive Economic
Zone (EEZ) is also carried out in a regular basis.
The Mission has already completed “All India
Unified Legend for 1:50K GMS upto lithounit
level” and “One-Geology (IGCP 624)“projects. Aerial view of Processing Plant of
It has also published “Quaternary Geological Dalli Iron Ore Mine
Atlas of India” (Volume 1) encompassing
selected quaternary terrains of India. In Mission: IV Fundamental and
addition, the Mission is also engaged in Multidisciplinary Geosciences and
Data Integration Modelling for mineral Special Studies
commodity-wise by combining Geological,
Geochemical, Geophysical (both aero and 6.22 National Mission–IV, with headquarters
ground), Geomorphology, and Alteration at Kolkata, structured under three sub-
map data in 1:50k scale to find out areas of missions:
probable mineralisation. The area demarcated 1. Geotechnical & Geohazards management,
by the Integration exercise is used for planning Kolkata 2. Climate change & Eco systems,
future exploration campaign under G4 stage Polar Studies, Environmental Geology,
by Mission II. Medical Geology & Biogeohazards, Faridabad
Moreover, Mission IIIC is pursuing the following and 3. Fundamental Geosciences & Research,
all India projects in GSI Central Headquarters: Kolkata.
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
seismic and earthquake studies, 50 items in various training courses. In addition, three
the domain of Fundamental Geosciences international courses on Remote Sensing, GIS
& Research and 18 items under the Climate and Mineral Exploration are proposed to be
change & Eco systems, Polar Studies, conducted for foreign nationals under MEA
Environmental Geology, Medical Geology & sponsored ITEC program.
Biogeohazards category. During the FY 2017-18 upto September 2017,
a total of 70 training programs are convened.
Mission: V Training and Capacity The total number of personnel trained is
Building 1628, out of which 1579 are from GSI, 26 are
from State DGMs and 23 are from University/
6.23 Human Resource Development College students/ lecturers.
The specialized divisions of GSITI headquarters
at Hyderabad and with six (6) Regional
Training Institutes (RTIs), one each at the
Regional Headquarters of GSI, viz., Lucknow,
Jaipur, Nagpur, Hyderabad, Kolkata and
Shillong along with the 11 Field Training
Centres at Aishmuqam (J&K), Saketi (H.P.),
Bhimtal (Uttarakhand), Zawar (Rajasthan),
Kuju (Jharkhand), Aizawl (Mizoram), Raipur
(Chhattisgarh), Sukinda (Odisha), Kothagudem
(Telangana), Wajrakarur (Andhra Pradesh)
and Chitradurga (Karnataka), impart training ROM Mucking at Nuasahi Mines underground
in different disciplines of earth sciences. In
addition to conducting the different induction 6.24 Central Geological Programming
level training programs for Geologists, Board [CGPB]
Geophysicists, Chemists and Engineers, the The Central Geological Programming Board
institute conducts training for middle level
(CGPB) is the apex body at the national level
professionals by organizing Basic, Refresher,
to overview the programme of geoscientific
Advance courses, Workshops, etc. in various
activities including mineral exploration in the
disciplines of geosciences for scientific, technical
and administrative streams. Besides, the country. The Secretary (Mines) is the chairman
Institute has been imparting sponsored training of CGPB. Geological Survey of India (GSI) is the
in collaboration with DST, ISRO and ONGC. nodal department (Member Secretary) and the
The Training Institute has also outreached State Geology and Mining departments and
different Central and State Departments like Central Government institutions and other
Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Kolkata, stakeholders are its participating members.
Administrative Training Institute (ATI) Kolkata, The 56th Central Geological Programming
Jaipuria Institute of Management Lucknow, Board (CGPB) meeting of GSI, Ministry of Mines
Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI) (MoM), was held on 09-10 February, 2017
Hyderabad, Dr. Marri Channa Reddy Human at Indian Council of Agricultural Research,
Resource Development Institute (Dr. MCRHRD)
Pusa, New Delhi, under the chairmanship of
Hyderabad, HCM Rajasthan Institute of Public
Shri Balvinder Kumar, Secretary (Mines) and
Administration (HCM-RIPA) Jaipur, Institute
ninety five stakeholders from different Central
of Secretariat Training and Management
(ISTM) Nagpur, National Institute of Financial Organizations/State Governments/PSUs and
Management (NIFM) Faridabad, etc. for Private Companies participated.
Attached / Subordinate Offices
During the 56th CGPB meeting, four GSI pub- Regions and Central facilitates (CHQ) of GSI,
lications were released and 816 programmes 84 reports were randomly identified (domain-
proposed for field season 2017-18 were ap- wise) from various Regions/Divisions of GSI
proved by the chair during this meeting. and were peer reviewed by external experts
before final circulation in the GSI Portal.
The main agenda/ focus of the 56th CGPB
meeting revolved around various technical/ 6.27 Internal Resource Generation
financial and administrative issues regarding
identification of mineral blocks and their During the period from April to September
auctioning in each mineral bearing state. It was 2017, a total of ` 2,37,11,570.00 (Rupees two
directed to expedite the process of establishing crore thirty seven lakh eleven thousand five
the ambitious project of National Centre hundred seventy only) has been generated as
for Mineral Targeting (NCMT) and National Internal Resource and ` 34,19,387.00 (Rupees
Geoscientific Data Repository (NGDR). thirty four lakhs nineteen thousand three
hundred eighty seven only) collected as Service
6.25 ISO certification of Chemical Tax and Cess by way of undertaking various
Laboratories & Central Headquarters commercial activities such as sponsored
commercial geotechnical works; sharing
The Central Chemical Laboratories (XRF of data; multidisciplinary & fundamental
and ICPMS laboratories) at CHQ and the research; sale of maps, unpublished reports;
Regional Chemical Laboratories at NRO, providing analyses of samples (petrological/
SRO, WRO, CRO, ERO have been accredited chemical/mineral physics/ geotechnical Labs.),
by National Accreditation Board for Testing EPMA studies, gem testing, exploration for
and Calibration Laboratories, Government of minerals etc.
India (ISO/IEC 17025:2005). For an accredited
laboratory to maintain its accreditation status, 6.28 The activities of GSI in the field of Inter-
it is mandatory that the laboratory continues national Cooperation include monitoring Bi-
to comply with the requirements of ISO/IEC lateral Collaborative programmes (MoU) with
17025:2005 and NABL specific criteria(s) for various foreign governmental organisations/
applicable field(s). scientific agencies, as well as coordinating GSI’s
participation in International Seminar/ Sympo-
6.26 Quality Management (QM) Cell sia, bilateral partnership with other countries
of GSI for knowledge acquisition, skill & technology
transfer in India/abroad and facilitate foreign
The activities of Quality Management (QM)
visits to India for programmes/trainings, visit
Cell is being carried out by PSS-P&M-8, CHQ,
of expert team abroad (in conjunction with In-
GSI, Kolkata. The mandate of QM Cell is
ternational Division, GSI, CHQ).
to devise methodology and various modus
operandi in the form of Standard Operating During the F.S: 2017-18, the division was
Procedure (SOP) for improving the quality involved in providing and facilitating technical
of services provided by GSI so as to ensure and associated inputs from GSI pertaining to
customers satisfaction and also to strive for bilateral activities with China (project proposals
meeting international standards. Accordingly, from CGS), UK (project proposals from BGS),
SOPs are formulated, for various activities of Canada (collaboration with NRCaN for PGE
GSI, and implemented for compliance. Exploration), Australia (collaboration with
As per the mandate, the QM Cell had undertaken Geoscience Australia for capacity building and
external peer review of 20% reports of FS technological upgradation of GSI), Bangladesh
2015-16 submitted during FS 2016-17. Out (collaboration with GSB for Mutual Scientific
of 516 standard reports submitted by the six Cooperation in the field of Earth Sciences),
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Malawi (2nd India-Malawi Joint Working Group request, 7 under collaboration with National
meeting), Finland, Zimbabwe, Tajikistan, Brazil Agencies (IIRS, Dehradun; BARC; NGRI; IISC,
(related to formulation of MoUs), Bhutan & Bengaluru; DGH, NIO & ONGC and DTRL), one
Nepal (related to formulation of MoUs with collaboration item with Osmania University,
WAPCOS for geotechnical services from GSI in three International collaboration items (one
various hydroelectric projects). with NRCaN and two with BGS), six sponsored
training items (2 sponsored by MEA, 2 by
6.29 Bilateral Collaborative Activities ISRO, 01 by DST & 01 by ONGC) and 21
GSI continued its participation in bilateral Geotechnical items have been sponsored by
cooperation and collaborative programmes various agencies.
with other countries on several geoscientific
arenas for mutual benefit. Ministry of Mines 6.31 Modernization programme in GSI
as well as GSI had entered into MoUs with During XII Plan period GSI was allotted a bud-
different countries in various spheres of get of ` 2,004.42 crore. The modernization
geosciences. budget of GSI had been scaled up as the major
expenditure under M&E Head during FY 2012-
6.30 Collaborative Projects with other 13 and 2013-14 was earmarked for instalment
Organisations: payment of Ocean Going Research Vessel. The
A total of 53 programmes have been taken details of actual expenditure of the total XII
up on request or sponsorship. Out of these Plan budget under the Modernization & Re-
53 programs, 15 have been taken up on State placement scheme are shown in Table 6.1.
Table 6.1
Details of Actual Expenditure of the total XII Plan Budget Under the
Modernization & Replacement Scheme
(` in Crore)
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
Scheme (actual (actual (actual (actual (actual Total
expenditure) expenditure) expenditure) expenditure) expenditure)
152.48 351.49 39.61 66.41 50.51 660.50
& Replacement
In order to establish GSI as a world class GSI has acquired Oceanographic Research
geoscientific Institute, the modernization Vessel ‘Samudra Ratnakar’ with State-of-the-
programme has been started since XI Five Year art equipment like Acoustic Doppler Current
Plan onwards on the advice of the Parliamentary Profiler, multi-beam Echosounder, sub bottom
Standing Committee on Industries, and as profiler, Acoustic positioning system, Single
per guidelines laid down by an Expert Panel streamer Multi- channel Seismic system,
on Modernization of GSI, constituted by Marine Magnetometer, Side scan sonar,
the Ministry of Mines, who are entrusted to Synthetic Aperture Sonar system, ROV, and
improve the functioning of GSI in its different different kinds of sampling devices. Regular
activity domain including exploration for scientific cruises are being taken up since FS
assessment of natural resources by infusion of 2014-15. The induction of new Ocean going
latest state-of-the-art technology. Research Vessel Samudra
Attached / Subordinate Offices
Ratnakar in the fleet of GSI’s research vessels payment for the GTV but no payment could
has enhanced the exploration capability to be made during 2016-17. In FY 2017-18 also
a great extent. This vessel can probe up to provision of ` 108.00 crore has been made
a depth of 30 m below sea floor (BSF) with for instalment payments towards GTV. The
the help of many other high precision sensor contract was signed with M/s. Triyards Marine
survey data for delineating the disposition of Services Pte. Ltd., Singapore in January 2017.
the off shore ore deposits. The marine maps Payment of one instalment has already been
produced during sea bed mapping are being made and another instalment is scheduled to
used for identifying offshore mineral deposits, be paid during this financial year. The delivery
placer deposits etc. and they can also be used of the GTV is scheduled in January 2019.
for development of ports and harbours etc.
6.32 Scheme wise plan budget expenditure
GSI is acquiring a new Geotechnical Vessel of GSI against the approved plan outlay
(GTV) with shallow drilling capability at a total during the last two years and BE grant and
cost of ` 258.34 crore (calculated @ ` 68.0 expenditure till September of 2017-18 is
per USD). An amount of `108 crore had been presented in Table 6.2.
provisioned in F.Y. 2016-17 for instalment
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Table 6.2
Year wise Scheme-wise Financial Performance of GSI against the approved plan
outlay during the last two years (2015-16, 2016-17) and BE grant and expenditure till
September of current Year (2017-18)
(` in crore)
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Schemes Actual Grant RE / FE Actual BE Expenditure
Grant RE/FE
Expenditure Expenditure Grant for (up to
Sept’ 2017)
Survey and 156.22 115.81 115.07 118.68 106.51 105.71 112.09 69.53
Mineral 53.51 38.49 38.71 54.88 63.04 63.01 67.97 35.54
Spl. 11.00 11.16 11.10 10.03 9.46 9.26 9.58 6.88
Research & 12.63 11.8 11.72 14.32 10.53 10.44 8.72 5.80
Information 144.46 95.18 95.07 79.91 78.12 77.73 41.04 34.50
HRD 11.82 10.52 10.49 21.47 19.60 19.62 11.00 6.15
Mod. & 62.94* 65.07 52.10 171.64 50.12 37.19 167.60 61.43
TSP 10.00 8.20 8.20 12.70 12.70 12.51 11.00 7.37
Total 462.58 356.23 342.46 483.63# 350.08 335.47 429.00 227.20
*Minor Works Authorization to 14.31 13.32
Ministry of Urban Development
Total (considering Minor Works 356.77 348.79
authorization & L/C opened)
% of Utilisation of Fund against 100.15% 99.63% 52.96%
allotment (RE)
#The original BE grant of GSI for the F.Y. 2016-17 was ` 480 crore. Additional funds amounting ` 1.70 crore under TSP, ` 1.50
crores under the M & E head for NER and ` 0.43 crores under HRD were allotted to GSI by Ministry of Mines subsequent to the
initial BE grant. Thus the total BE grant including these additional funds was ` 483.63 crore.
Human Resources
6.33 The total sanctioned strength of GSI i.e. 12,369 as on 31.08.2017, 6636 posts are occupied.
The group wise sanctioned strength of personnel as on 31.08.2017 is given in Table 6.3.
Attached / Subordinate Offices
Table 6.3
Statement Showing sanctioned & Filled up Strength in GSI as on 31.08.2017
Total No. of Total
Sanctioned No. of
Class employees SC ST OBC PH (SC,ST,OBC
Strength** Women
in position Women, PH)
GROUP-A 4,080 2,671 463 204 742 683 21 2,113
GROUP-B 786 381 84 40 55 77 5 261
GROUP-B (NG) 1,310 697 111 78 63 148 15 415
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Attached / Subordinate Offices
1988 and for examination of mining plans/ 17. Mining operations were suspended under
schemes of mining/mine closure plans were Rule 13(2), 45 and 56 of MCDR 1988 in 12
carried out. Consequent to inspection of mines for not carrying out mining operations
mines, 465 violations were pointed out as in accordance with the approved mining plan/
against 981 violations in 2016-17 in respect of scheme of mining and for non-submission
449 mines. Total 178 violations were rectified of online returns/ discrepancies in submitted
during the year. So far, for the reporting returns. A list of principal violations observed
period, 3 cases (previously launched) were during inspection of mines for the year 2016-
decided in favour of IBM as against 6 in 2016- 17 and 2017-18 is given at Table 6.4.
Table 6.4
Principal Violations of MCDR, 1988 detected by
IBM during 2016-17 and 2017-18 (up to September 2017)
No. of No. of Violations
Violations Pointed out
Rule No Rule description
Pointed out 2017-18 (up to
2016-17 Sep.2017)
11(1) 289 68 Rule11 (1)- Mining operations in accordance with
mining plans
11(3) 64 7 Rule 11 (3) - Submission of Review of Mining Plan /
Scheme of mining
20 6 1 Rule 20 - Notice of opening of mine
23 6 0 Rule 23 - Submission of progressive mine closure plan
26 (2) 136 53 Rule 26 (2) - Responsibility of the holder of mining
lease to submit yearly report
27(2)) 6 16 Rule 27(2) - Submission of Financial assurance
28(1) 40 17 Rule 28 (1)- Notice of temporary discontinuance of
mining operations
31(4) 56 13 Rule 31(4) -Maintenance of plans and sections
33 19 17 Rule 33 - Copies of plans and sections to be submitted
37(1) 2 0 Rule 37(1) - Storage of overburden, waste rock, etc.
38, 39, 40, 11 0 Protection of environment :
41, 42, 43,
Rule 38, 39, 40, 41,42, 43, 44- Precaution against
ground vibrations, Control of surface subsidence,
Precaution against air pollution, Discharge of toxic
liquid, Precaution against noise, Permissible limits and
standards, Restoration of flora respectively.
45(5)(b) 45 10 Rule 45 (5) (b) - Submission of Monthly Return
45(5)(c) 134 9 Rule 45 (5)(c) - Submission of Annual Return
55(1)(c)(i) 4 18 Rule 55(1)(c)(i) -Employment of Whole time Mining
55(1)(c)(ii) 15 21 Rule 55(1)(c)(ii) -Employment of Part time Mining
Others 148 215
Total 981 465
Note: Rules are as per MCDR 1988 / MCDR 2017.
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
6.48 The status of mining leases and mines in IBM and in case of mines of minor minerals
India in respect of scheduled minerals is given including 31 notified (on 10.02.2015) non-
in Annexure 6.2. (Page No. 182) metallic or industrial minerals; the powers
have been delegated to respective State
6.49 Inspection of Mines carried out by IBM Governments. The Mine Closure Plan is
during 2017-18 (up to September, 2017) is required to comprise a Progressive Mine
given at Table 6.5. Closure Plan (PMCP) prepared for five yearly
Table 6.5 periods of the successive mining schemes
Inspection of Mines carried out by IBM and a Final Mine Closure Plan (FMCP). Mine
during 2017-18 (up to September, 2017) Closure Plan is expected to address issues
relating to environment protection including
S No State No. of inspection air, water and land protection, management
1 Andhra Pradesh 74 of top soil and overburden, reclamation and
rehabilitation of land and control on ground
2 Chhattisgarh 63 vibration, surface subsidence and restoration
3 Goa 58 of flora.
4 Gujarat 73 6.51 As on September 2017, Financial Bank
5 Jharkhand 38 Guarantees for a value of ` 18,06,71,47,711/-
(As per revised per hectare rate of Rule 27(1)
6 Karnataka 44 of MCDR, 2017) have been collected and
7 Madhya Pradesh 95 certificates under Rule 29A of MCR 1960 have
8 Maharashtra 47 been issued for 14 cases (excluding 31 minor
minerals) of partial or full surrender of lease.
9 Odisha 50
10 Rajasthan 74
11 Tamil Nadu 113
12 Telangana 10
13 Others 27
Attached / Subordinate Offices
Table 6.6
State-wise Mining Plans/Review of Mining Plans / Schemes of Mining/Final Mine
Closure Plans approved by IBM during 2017-18 (up to September 2017)
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Table 6.8
Status of Prospecting Licences in India as on 30th September, 2017*
S. Total No. of PLs granted by the No. of PLs where final exploration
No State Governments on 30.09.2017 data submitted to IBM
1 Andhra Pradesh 93 71
2 Arunachal Pradesh 17 01
3 Chhattisgarh 152 83
4 Gujarat 18 01
5 Himachal Pradesh 07 04
6 Jharkhand 28 05
7 J&K 01 00
8 Karnataka 10 06
9 Kerala 01 00
10 Madhya Pradesh 563 156
11 Maharashtra 44 09
12 Manipur 16 01
13 Meghalaya 15 04
14 Odisha 16 06
15 Rajasthan 234 10
16 Tamil Nadu 18 00
17 Telangana 44 11
18 Uttarakhand 44 00
19 Uttar Pradesh 03 00
20 West Bengal 03 00
Total 1,327 334
*To the extent grant orders, reports received as well as information received from Regional Offices.
Attached / Subordinate Offices
for “NMI at a glance (As on 01.04.2015 Information (April 2016 – September 2016 &
(P))” were prepared and uploaded on IBM October 2016– March 2017 issue), Bulletin on
web portal. ML/ PL/RP-2016 are released.
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
reclamation and rehabilitation of mined-out offices, VC facility has been installed & tested.
areas. IBM has shifted its network to NICNET. The VC
facility is also shifted to NICNET.
6.64 As a result of follow up for implementa-
tion of EMP, extensive afforestation has been 6.69 The Web Portal of IBM
undertaken in the mines by the mine own- in provides information on IBM’s history,
ers. So far, 115.70 million saplings have been functions, organisation, divisions of IBM
planted over an area of about 57,996 hectares and its activities, jurisdiction of regional &
with a survival rate of 68.38 percent. zonal offices, services offered by IBM. The
new domain is also
6.65 Similarly, work of simultaneous
functional for facilitating the stakeholders to
reclamation/ rehabilitation is also undertaken
submit the Monthly & Annual Return online
by the mine owners for abandoned mines.
and also scrutiny of the same by IBM. Further,
So far, 110 abandoned mines covering an
to fulfill the assurance given to Third Sub-
area of 1363 hectares have been reclaimed /
Committee of Parliament on Official Language
Committee, the Bilingual Website of IBM has
6.66 The Mines Environment and Mineral put on live since 15th January, 2015 and is
Conservation (MEMC) Week is organized being updated as and when required.
every year under the aegis of IBM in important
6.70 After introduction of online submission of
mining centres through its regional offices to
returns system consequent upon amendment
promote awareness among mine owners for
to Rule 45 of MCDR, 1988 vide notification
minimizing environmental pollution.
No. 75(E), dated 9th February, 2011, the
mine owners have commenced submission
Revenue Generation of monthly and annual returns online. IBM
6.67 IBM generates revenue through is monitoring and guiding/ encouraging the
consultancy, training, statutory processing mine owners and their representatives for
and sale of publications & data etc. Revenue online submission of returns. The month-wise
generated during 2017-18 (up to September monthly returns submitted online are given in
2017) is ` 84.93 lakh comprising ` 42.94 lakh Table-6.9.
from mineral processing assignments; ` 38.50 Table 6.9
lakh from processing of mining plans/schemes Month-wise Returns Submitted online
of mining and compounding fees & fines; ` (up to August, 2017)
2.80 lakh from training and balance ` 0.69
lakh from sale of publications, mineral maps, Sl No. of monthly returns
mineral inventory data etc. No. received online
1 April, 2017 2,191
Computerization 2 May, 2017 2,183
6.68 The Regional/Zonal offices and 3 June, 2017 2,164
Headquarters of IBM have been linked through 4 July, 2017 2,118
a sophisticated system based on client server
architecture established with the help of 5 August, 2017 2,077
BRGM, France. IBM has well established LAN
facility, besides WAN system to communicate Mining Tenement System (MTS)
and exchange data with Regional, Zonal 6.71 MTS has been taken up by IBM during
offices and Headquarter offices. In all RO/ZO the programme year 2009 - 10. The objective
Attached / Subordinate Offices
of the Scheme is to develop an online National Mineral Policy 2008. Thus it can be viewed as
Mineral Information System for investors by a mapping of mining footprints from the view
linking Central and State organizations engaged point of Sustainability.
in administration of mineral resources in the
The system has been developed primarily
country. The mining tenement system would
on the basis of self-assessment followed
have graphical information database (GIS) as
by validation by Indian Bureau of Mines
well as information in textual form. These two
along-with provisions for third party
databases, i.e., nonspatial database and spatial
auditing as may be considered fit by
database would be seamlessly integrated so
Ministry of Mines.
as to retrieve graphical information as well as
relevant textual information. The system will The Star rating has been mandated by
be thus web enabled and access to the system rule 35 of newly notified MCDR 2017.
will be given online to prospective investors, All the mine operators are mandated to
government organizations, private and public achieve four or five star ratings within a
organizations through Internet as per policy of stipulated time period of two years from
the Government. the date of commencement of mining
operations or the date of notification of
6.72 As approved by Core committee on
the rules (i.e. March 2017) whichever is
MTS, a letter of Intent has been issued to the
later in accordance with rule 35 of MCDR
successful bidder M/s WIPRO. Acceptance
2017. Failing which Mining operations
from the vendor is also received along with
are liable to be suspended.
the required Bank Guarantee. Contract has
been signed between IBM and M/s WIPRO on A system of third party auditing of the
10.11.2016 in the august presence of Secretary award of rating system and the process
(Mines) at Nagpur. M/s NISG, Hyderabad implementation is also proposed.
signed agreement as Project Management
Unit (PMU) on 04.05.2017. Core Committee
6.74 Following are the anticipated outcomes
of the Star rating system:
approved the Project Plan, SRS Document of
Phase-I and COTs Software along with release Reduced environmental and social
of linked payments as per RFP. Pradhan Mantri conflicts in areas awarded for mining.
Khanij Kshetra KalyanYojna (PMKKKY) will
Greater clarity for all concerned
be a part of MTS as a change request and its
stakeholders, on risk levels of mining
techno commercial office is under examination
lease areas.
with NISG and IBM. The Project will tentatively
go-live by 31st March, 2018. Potentially reduced delays in obtaining
clearances (environmental, forest) for
Sustainable Development mines.
Framework (SDF) Improved protection of high risk areas
6.73 Star Rating System: A good governance in terms of environment and social
initiative is designed as a tool for evaluation considerations.
of the performance of lease operators on A Regional Mineral Development Plan
the various parameters encompassed by the for selected mining areas and addressing
Principals of the Sustainable Development key regional and cumulative impacts
Framework (SDF) approved by Ministry of of mining through coordinated and
Mines in 2011 in line with the National collective action.
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Attached / Subordinate Offices
and restructuring of the functions and role of framing of new sets of rules under the said
IBM in terms of the Policy directions given in Act. All these developments and contemplated
the National Mineral Policy 2008. Based on developments which now necessitated re-
deliberations with stakeholders and industry examination and re-review of the role and
personnel through various meeting the final scope of the functions of the IBM to make
report was submitted to the Government the IBM a competent instrument for the
in May 2012. The Government accepted implementation of the National Mineral Policy,
the recommendations of the Committee 2008, and to bring its functioning in line with
in September 2012. The Committee had the contemporary situation. Accordingly,
made 73 major recommendations for overall a revised proposal has been submitted to
restructuring of the IBM including creation Ministry for consideration.
of additional posts and infrastructure
development. Non-financial implicated Human Resources
recommendations have been implemented.
6.80 The total sanctioned personnel strength
6.79 There have been numerous developments of IBM is 1,479. The present filled-in strength
since the acceptance of the Committee’s is 944 as on 1st October, 2017. The cadre-wise
report and subsequent incubation period for employment position in IBM as on 01.10.2017
implementation of its recommendations after is given in Table 6.10.
the amendment of MMDR Act 1957 and
Table 6.10
Employment of Personnel in IBM as on 01.10.2017
Number of Personnel
Total No. of
Group employees Physically
strength SC ST OBC Minorities Women
in position Handicapped
C 694 444 89 36 73 19 49 08
R.E Expenditure
Head B. E.
(Proposed) (Up to September 2017)
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Central Public Sector Undertakings
Alumina Refinery
7.4 The alumina refinery is located at
Damanjodi, Odisha, approximately 14 km
from the bauxite mine at Panchpatmali. The
alumina produced is transported to aluminium
smelter at Angul (Odisha) and to Vizag
(Andhra Pradesh) port by rail with NALCO’s
captive wagons.
7.7 The aluminium smelter entered into
production progressively from 1987. The
present capacity of smelter is 4.60 lakh tonnes
per year. Alumina is converted into primary
aluminium through a smelting process using
electrolytic reduction. From the pot-line, the
molten aluminium is routed to either the
casting units, where the aluminium can be
Alumina Refinery, Damanjodi cast into ingots, sow ingots, tee ingots, billets,
wire rods, cast strips and alloy ingots, or to
Operations holding furnaces at flat aluminium products
unit where the molten aluminium is rolled
7.5 The present normative capacity of alumina
into various cold-rolled products or cast into
refinery is 21 lakh TPA. Alumina produced is
aluminium strips.
used to meet Company’s requirements for
production of primary aluminium at smelter.
The surplus alumina that remains after internal Captive Power Plant
consumption is sold in the export markets. A 7.8 The aluminium smelter and coal-based
small portion is also sold in domestic market. pit head captive power plant at Angul are
strategically located. The Power Plant is located
Aluminium Smelter approximately 5 km away from aluminium
7.6 The aluminium smelter is located at
Angul, Odisha, approximately 699 km from 7.9 The location of captive thermal power
the refinery and 5 km away from the captive plant at Angul is also strategic to the availability
thermal power plant. The aluminium produced and supply of coal. NALCO sources its major
at the smelter is transported to Vizag port coal requirement for captive thermal power
(548 km away), Kolkata Port (526 km away) plant from the Talcher coalfields of Mahanadi
and Paradeep port (183 km away) by rail for Coalfield Ltd. (a subsidiary of Coal India Ltd.),
export. Aluminium in the forms of ingots, sow located approximately 15 km from Angul.
ingots, tee ingots, billets, wire rods, cast strips, The 18.5-km captive railway system links the
alloy ingots and chequered sheets is also sold captive thermal power plant to the Talcher
in the domestic market through its stockyards coalfields, enabling transport of the critical
located across the country. and bulk requirement of coal.
Central Public Sector Undertakings
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
7.14 Physical performance, financial performance and sales performance are presented at
Table 7.1, Table 7.2 and Table 7.3. and Notable achievements of the company during the year
FY 2017-18 is given in Table 7.4.
Table 7.1
Physical Performance of NALCO
2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2017-18 2017-18 Total
Target Actual Projected
Product Unit
Actual Actual Actual (Very till (Oct’17 to 2017-18
Good) Sep’17 Mar’18)
Bauxite Lakh MT 57.39 63.40 68.25 66.30 37.07 31.18 68.25
Lakh MT 18.51 19.53 21.00 20.40 10.36 10.64 21.00
Lakh MT 3.27 3.72 3.87 4.20 2.07 2.08 4.15
Net power MU 5131 5841 6066 6457 3290 3119 6409
Wind Power MU 175 156 198 345 176 79 255
Table 7.2
Financial Performance of NALCO
(` in crore)
2017-18 2017-18 Estimated
Sl. 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
Particulars Target (Very Actual upto Total for
No. Actual Actual Actual
Good) Sep’ 17 2017-18
1. Income * 8,055 7,353 7,964 8,196 4,404 9,315
2. Operating Cost** 5,528 5,825 6,516 7,253 3,658 7,165
3. Interest & 0 1 3 2 1 3
Transaction Loss
4. Depreciation & 414 424 480 510 229 515
5. Net Profit before 2,113 1,103 965 431 516 1,632
Income tax and
*Income and expenditure are net of excise duty on sales.
**Operating cost includes exceptional items
Table 7.3
Sales Performance of NALCO
2017-18 2017-18 2017-18
2015-16 2016-17 Target Actual Projected Estimated
Sales Unit
Actual Actual (Very Upto (Oct’17 to 2017-18
Good) Sept’17 Mar’18)
Total Alumina/ Lakh MT* 12.20 12.95 12.19 6.39 6.01 12.40
Hydrate Sale
Aluminium Export Lakh MT 0.94 1.01 1.35 0.44 0.31 0.75
Domestic Lakh MT 2.78 2.85 2.85 1.59 1.81 3.40
Aluminium Sale
Total Aluminium Lakh MT 3.72 3.86 4.20 2.03 2.12 4.15
*Metric Tonne
Central Public Sector Undertakings
Table 7.4
Notable Achievements of the Company during the year 2017-18
Sl H1 17-18 % Growth
Product Unit CPLY*
No. Target (Very Good) Actual Over CPLY
1 Bauxite MT 34,10,000 37,06,517 35,07,567 5.67
2 Alumina Hydrate MT 10,01,000 10,35,700 9,67,700 7.03
3 Aluminium Cast Metal MT 2,03,600 2,06,568 1,87,359 10.25
4 Net Power Generation MU 3,230 3,290 2,945 11.71
5 Wind Power MU 263 176 137 28.47
1 Alumina /Hydrate Sale MT 6,24,330 6,39,170 5,81,145 9.98
2 Aluminium Export MT 58,200 43,665 35,991 21.32
3 Domestic Metal Sale MT 1,38,600 1,59,041 1,41,479 12.41
4 Total Metal Sale (2+3) MT 1,96,800 2,02,706 1,77,470 14.22
*CPLY - Corresponding period last year
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Central Public Sector Undertakings
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Earth Day, World Environment Day, Vanama- 7.33 The 2nd phase of the project for
hotsav, Chemical Disaster Prevention Day, separation of alumina from Partially Lateritized
Ozone Day, National Pollution Prevention Day Khondalite (PLK) with CSIRO, Australia under
and also made publication of Bulletins, News- technical agreement signed for Extraction of
letter and Annual journal in some of its units. Alumina from PLK through Nitric Acid route
7.26 Awards & Accolades Received During has been completed.
the Year 2017-18 for performance in Pollution 7.34 As a step forward for implementation of
Control & Environment: dry discharge of Red mud at Alumina Refinery,
• Panchpatmali Bauxite Mine was awarded pilot pressure filtration studies have taken up
the CII Eastern Region SH&E Excellence at Refinery and completed. After successful
Appreciation Award -2016-17. completion of filtration trials of Red mud
and fly ash in the pressure filtration set up,
Energy Conservation report has been submitted for further course
of action.
7.27 In order to enhance competitiveness,
major thrust is put on Energy Conservation 7.35 After completion of Up-gradation
measures in all the production units. of Alumina in NALCO Fly ash through bio
7.28 Energy Management System leaching of silica and subsequent recovery
conforming to the International Standard ISO of alumina through pyro/hydrometallurgical
50001 is implemented in the energy-intensive routes, upscale study for the same has been
Production Units: CPP, Aluminium Smelter & started.
Alumina Refinery. As on date, all the three
units are operating with valid ISO 50001
certificates, with international accreditation.
7.29 Replacement of HPSV fittings, CFL and
incandescent bulbs with energy efficient LED
lights in all the operating units of the Company.
Central Public Sector Undertakings
during the period 1st April to 30th September the then Hon’ble President of India Shri
2017. In order to promote better Industrial Pranab Mukharjee in Apr’17.
Relations and to create congenial atmosphere
ii) Bharat Ratna Atal Bihari Vajpayee Award
for achieving the organisational objectives,
for innovative practices instituted by
due care was given to employees’ participation
Rethink India Group in May’17.
in Management, Employee Welfare and CSR
activities in the nearby areas of all the Units. iii) Kalinga CSR Award from IQEMS,
The problems of land affected persons were Bhubaneswar in May’17.
addressed in true spirit in order to maintain
iv) EEPC (Engineering Export Promotion
a healthy business environment. Employee
Council, Eastern Region) Silver Trophy,
grievance handling, discipline, and positive
in the Large Enterprise category, for
work culture remained the main focus of
its outstanding export performance in
industrial relation policy of the Company.
MOU rating of NALCO during the v) Panchpatmali bauxite mine bagged
last three years the Appreciation Award in large mines
category at CII Eastern Region Safety
Year Composite Score Grade Health & Environment Excellence Awards
2016-17 at Kolkata in Aug’17.
2012-13 1.50 Excellent
vi) Panchpatmali Bauxite Mine bagged four
2013-14 1.562 Very Good prizes in inter-mines competitions under
2014-15 1.258 Excellent
the aegis of DGMS, Bhubaneswar.
vii) Best Exporter Award for the year 2015-
2015-16 91.19% Excellent
16 under metallurgical products category
2016-17 88.48% Very Good at the State Export Award Ceremony at
Bhubaneswar in Sep’17.
7.38 Awards & Accolades during FY 2017-18.
viii) First prize in heavy industries category
i) SCOPE Award of Excellence in Institutional in Odisha Business Award organised by
category (Navratna/ Maharatna) & Kanak News & the Sambad in Sep’17.
SCOPE Meritorious Award for CSR from
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Central Public Sector Undertakings
Table 7.5
Production of Aluminium in India
(Figs. in MT)
2017-18 Oct’17- Mar’18
Sl No. Producer 2015-16 2016-17
(Apr-Sept) (Estimated figures)
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
7.45 The sales figures of aluminium (Domestic Sales of Aluminium & Export Sales of aluminium
in India are given in Table 7.6 and Table 7.7.
Table 7.6
Domestic Sales of Aluminium
(Figs. in MT)
Table 7.7
Export Sales of Aluminium
(Figs. in MT)
Central Public Sector Undertakings
Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL) listed company on BSE and NSE, with 76.05
% equity owned by the Government of India.
7.46 Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL), a Mini The Registered office of the company is at
Ratna Government of India (GoI) Enterprise Kolkata.
under the administrative control of the Ministry
of Mines, was incorporated on 9th November 7.47 Highlights of 2017
1967 under the Companies Act., 1956. It was
established as a Govt. of India Enterprise to i) Production–Copper Ore production of
take over all plants, projects, schemes and HCL at 38.45 lakh tonnes during the
studies pertaining to the exploration and year ending March 2017.
exploitation of copper deposits, including ii) Extraction of minerals from copper ore
smelting and refining from National Mineral tails–Installation of commercial scale
Development Corporation Ltd. It is the only plants of capacity 3.3 million tonne per
company in India engaged in mining of copper annum is in progress at Malanjkhand to
ore and owns all the operating mining lease extract gold, silver, copper, magnetite,
of Copper ore and also the only integrated glass grade silica, micronutrients etc.,
producer of refined copper (vertically from copper ore tail is in progress.
integrated company). Major activities of HCL
include mining, ore beneficiation, smelting, iii) Commissioning of the KALDO Furnace
refining and casting of refined copper metal at GCP was successfully done in August
into downstream products. HCL has acquired 2017.
assets of Jhagadia Copper Limited from M/s iv) HCL celebrated its Golden Jubilee in
ARCIL( Asset Reconstruction Company (India) 2017.
Limited ) in 2015-16 and renamed as GCP (
Gujarat Copper Project). With this acquisition 7.48 Awards and Accolades
HCL now have five operation units - one each
i) HCL was declared the Winner of
in the states of Rajasthan, Jharkhand, Madhya
‘Golden Peacock Award for Corporate
Pradesh, Gujarat and Maharashtra. HCL is a
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Table 7.8
Production Capacity of Mines under HCL
Ore Capacity (lakh tonnes per annum)
Location of Mines
(As per IBM approved Mine Plan)
Khetri Copper Complex, Rajasthan # 14.00
Malanjkhand Copper Project, Madhya Pradesh 20.00
Indian Copper Complex, Jharkhand 4.00
Total 38.00
#- includes production capacity of Khetri, Kolihan and Banwas mines.
Table 7.9
Production Capacity of Smelters under HCL
Location of Smelters Metal Capacity (Tonnes per annum)
Khetri Copper Complex, Rajasthan* 31,000
Indian Copper Complex, Jharkhand 18,500
Gujarat Copper Project 50,000
Total 99,500
*- Plant not operational since Dec., 2008 due to economic reasons
Table 7.10
Production Capacity of Wire Rod Plant under HCL
Location of Plant Capacity (Tonnes per annum)
Taloja Copper Project, Maharashtra 60,000
Total 60,000
Central Public Sector Undertakings
7.51 Production of ore, metal in concentrates, refined copper (cathode) and wire rod during
the year 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18 (upto September, 2017) are shown in Table 7.11 and
Table 7.12.
Table 7.11
Physical Performance of HCL
Table 7.12
Financial Performance of HCL
Financial Performance of the Company since 2015-16 is as given below: (` in crore)
Actual for the Actual for FY
previous 2 years Target for
Sl 2017-18 (Up FY 2017-18
Details FY
No FY FY to Sep’2017 (Anticipated)
2015-16 2016-17 (Provisional)
1. Turnover 1,068.95 1,216.94 1,758.16 927.56 1,758.16
2. Net Profit/(Loss) 39.61 94.20 77.05 59.86 77.05
before Income Tax
3. Net Profit/(Loss) after 37.74 61.94 48.98 38.76 48.98
income tax
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Central Public Sector Undertakings
production is met through two sources i.e. 7.63 Currently, three major players dominate
copper ore mined from indigenous mines and the Indian Copper Industry. Hindustan Copper
imported concentrates. The indigenous mining Limited (HCL) in Public Sector, M/s Hindalco
activity among the primary copper producers Industries and M/s Sterlite Industries in Private
is limited to only Hindustan Copper Limited Sector. HCL is the only vertically integrated
(HCL). The other primary copper producers in copper producer in the country, while M/s
the private sector import the required mineral Hindalco Industries at Dahej in Gujarat and
in the form of concentrate. M/s Sterlite Industries in Tuticorn in Tamil Nadu
have set up port based smelting and refining
plants. Current year production is given in
Table 7.14.
Table 7.14
Production of Copper in India (Tonnes)
Number of Installed Production during April Production during April
Factories Capacity to September 2016-17 to September 2017-18
a) HCL 3 99,500 6,398 13,491
b) Sterlite Industries Ltd. 1 4,00,000 1,97,785 1,96,593
c) Hindalco Ind. Ltd. 1 5,00,000 1,71,880 2,05,349
(Unit: Birla Copper)
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Central Public Sector Undertakings
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Dividend Paid
7.75 MECL has paid a dividend of 35.87
crore to Govt. of India for the year 2016-17.
Central Public Sector Undertakings
7.78 During the year 2017 -18 (upto viii) Ranigaon-Godaiya (Limestone) Block,
September, 2017) exploration for non-ferrous District - Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh:
minerals has been carried out by MECL in 7 ix) Gunchihai (Limestone) Block, District-
projects. Out of these 7projects, 2 projects Satna, Madhya Pradesh:
viz. i) Vellempatti South (Molybdenum) Block
& ii) Marudipatti (Molybdenum) Central x) Naubasta-Kolard (Limestone) Block,
Block, Tamil Nadu have been completed and District- Satna, Madhya Pradesh:
geological reports have been submitted. xi) Jamodi-Mahanna (Limestone) Block,
7.79 In the other five projects viz. i) Vellempatti District- Satna, Madhya Pradesh:
Central (Molybdenum) Block, Tamil Nadu, ii) xii) Nonbirra (Coal) Block, District-Korba,
Nandup East & Bayanbil Combined (Copper) Chhattisgarh :
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
xiii) Veeranam (Lignite) Block, District- same is included as a part of Geological Report
Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu: of various exploration projects.
xiv) Palamkottai (Lignite) Block, District- 7.86 MECL has prepared a Corporate
Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu: Environment Policy. The objective of the policy
is to execute exploration and its associated
7.82 Besides this, MECL has also taken up operations in an environmental friendly
new Greenfield exploration (G-4 level) in
responsible manner to comply with applicable
30 blocks in the states of Odisha, Andhra
laws and other requirements related
Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Jharkhand,
environmental aspects with due consideration
Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu &
of sustainable development.
Business Development Activity
7.87 Through Business Development &
Commercial Division, rigorous efforts are
being made to obtain works from both public
and private sectors through submission of
competitive techno-commercial offers and
MoU route. As a result, during the financial
year 2017-18, the total value of order book
position up to September 2017 stood at
Rs. 474 crore. This includes contractual
MECL is adopting drone (UAV) Technology for works for various clients such as CMPDIL,
topographic survey & geological mapping. DMG Karnataka, MAHAGENCO, CIL and
Promotional work on behalf of Ministry of
Action taken on abatement of Mines and regional coal exploration work on
pollution and environment behalf of Ministry of Coal.
7.83 MECL is dedicated for conservation, 7.88 As a Nodal Exploration Agency of
prevention of degradation and equity of National Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET),
natural resources to ensure an eco-friendly MECL has signed “Tripartite Agreement”
environment in all areas of its operations for with NMET and Ten State Governments
sustainable growth. viz. Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha
Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh,
7.84 The exploration activities of MECL do Karnataka, Rajasthan, Telangana and Tamil
not cause any significant pollution. However,
Nadu. Efforts are being made for signing of
as a part of exploration work, MECL is carrying
the Tripartite Agreement with other State
out environmental studies to generate
Governments also.
baseline environmental data on Geology &
Geomorphology, Meteorology, Air Quality, 7.89 Keeping in the current economic
Noise, Land use/ Land cover studies, Soil scenario, taking into consideration priorities
quality, Biota, Water regime & Socio-economic of Government and opportunities available in
studies. present mineral industry, MECL is reviewing
its “Business Module’ to offer its service in
7.85 For helping the exploration agencies to diversified areas in addition to core competent
plan measures for abating possible pollution
area of detailed mineral exploration. The new
and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
diversified areas are given below:
in various exploration projects a report on the
Central Public Sector Undertakings
• MECL has entered into the MoU with • Planned recruitment and Skill develop-
NALCO and HCL in September 2017 in ment of manpower.
connection with the formation “Khanij
• Infrastructure Development: Construc-
Bidesh India Ltd. (KABIL) a Joint Venture
tion of modern and State of the Art
Company for exploration and mining of
building for Laboratories and Workshop
strategic minerals overseas and supply to
at Utility Complex of MECL, Nagpur
India to make it self-reliant in such critical
minerals. • Gearing up for faster & more accurate
survey by addition of DGPS etc
• Transaction Advisory cell is newly formed
in MECL for offering handholding • Up gradation of workshop by installation
services to the State Governments for of Induction Hardening Plant, setting up
auction of prospective mineral blocks. diamond bit manufacturing plant, Gear
Hobbing Machine, CNC etc. for reliable
• MECL is also working with Indian Bureau
and uninterrupted supply of accessories
of Mines (IBM), Geological Survey of India
(GSI) and various Mines and Geological • Modernization and expansion of
Departments of State Governments to laboratory by purchasing of AAS, XRF,
prepare a “Road Map” for auctioning XRD, Derivatograph etc. for enhancing
mineral blocks for which Mining Leases capacity of analytical studies.
are going to expire by March 2020.
• Increase in outsourcing of drilling work
to meet additional drilling requirement.
• Entering into production mining for
perennial source of income.
7.91 Accordingly, during 2016-17, 12 nos. of
new Hydrostatic drill machines were inducted
in its drill fleet.
Future Plan
7.90 To achieve its VISION 2020, MECL has
prepared ‘Comprehensive Strategic Plan for
Enhancement in Growth and Profitability of
MECL’. MECL has planned to invest ` 208 Sandvik DE-710 Drill Rig
crore in next 5 years for modernization and
upgradation. Salient feature of the Strategic
7.92 During 2017-18, it has planned to induct
12 more High Tech Hydrostatic drill machines.
Plan are given below:
Construction of new & ultramodern
• Replacement of old conventional drills
infrastructure for laboratories has also been
with modern Hydrostatic drills in phased
commenced during the year and is under
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Central Public Sector Undertakings
on 11th April, 2002. At present Government of allowed the Government to go ahead with
India is holding 29.54% shares in HZL. the tender. Presently the matter of disposal of
assets of BGML is under consideration.
7.97 In the year 2016-17, HZL has given Inter-
im dividend of ` 237,11,06,121/- @ 95% and 7.99 The Ministry had explored the possibility
Special Interim dividend of ` 3431,86,41,225/- of handing over BGML to Government of
@ 1375% (` 27.50 per share) the total divi- Karnataka for reviving mining operation in
dend amount to ` 3668,97,47,346/- (Thirty the area. However, Government of Karnataka
six hundred sixty eight crore ninety seven lakh refused to take over BGML. THe Ministry of
forty seven thousand three hundred forty six Mines is now exploring the possibility to revive
only). BGML in view of the preliminary estimates
of MECL on gold reserves in the Kolar Gold
Bharat Gold Mines Limited (BGML) Fields. MECL has been engaged for carrying
out detailed exploration for fair estimation
7.98 Bharat Gold Mines Limited (BGML), of gold in the previously uncxtracted part of
has been closed since 1st March, 2001. The mineralized portion in the lease area at Kolar
Cabinet had taken a decision in the year 2006 Gold Fields including the 13 tailing dumps. The
to dispose off the assets and liabilities of the exploration of dumps has already been started
Company through an open tender with Right by MECL and expected to complete by March-
of First Refusal (RoFR) in favour of the co- June, 2018. If exploration of dumps suggests
operative society formed by the ex-employees considerable resource and techno-economical
of the Company. However, the Cabinet feasibility report for extraction is encouraging,
decision could not be implemented due to the Ministry will take appropriate action
litigation. Finally in 2013 the Supreme Court accordingly.
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Science & Technology Programme and Autonomous Bodies
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Science & Technology Programme and Autonomous Bodies
Release of HCL's Coffee Table Book on the occasion of Golden Jubilee celebrations on 9th November, 2017
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Science & Technology Programme and Autonomous Bodies
General, IBM & Ex Director, JNARDDC, Nagpur 8.22 NIRM is expanding its activities in the
and Dr Kumar Shashtri, Vidarbha’s Renowned academic field by conducting a series of
Speaker & Great Thinker. They enlightened professional training programs like training
the gathering about the his noble life, program on ‘Tunnelling Technology’ for the
simple living, high thinking and need for self executives of Indian Railway, on ‘Safe Blasting
governance-Swaraj. Practices’ for the engineers of Border Road
Organization and on ‘Rock Mechanics’ for
National Institute of Rock the executives of the South Eastern Coalfields
Mechanics (NIRM) Ltd. An MoU is signed with Indian railways for
8.21 National Institute of Rock Mechanics with undertaking similar training program in future.
its Head Office at Bangalore and Registered 8.23 During the year 2017-18, the Institute
Office at Kolar Gold Fields carries out applied
has completed over 50 industry projects
research and provides its R&D support and
apart from government-funded S&T projects.
expertise to the mining industry and major civil
Around 65% of the recurring expenditure
engineering including infrastructure projects
by carrying out varieties of investigations, is earned as IEBR from industry sponsored
modelling, instrumentation etc. in the area of projects. The financial position of the Institute
rock engineering and rock mechanics. is shown in Table 8.3 :
Table 8.3 ( ` in lakh)
Recurring Government Grants IEBR (earning from IEBR as % of
Expenditure Recurring Capital projects) expenditure
2015-16 885.84 500 235 545.20 61.6
2016-17 940.85 594 100 509.30 54.13
2017-18 1015.52 636 163 679.76 65.66
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
8.24 Some of the major projects executed Scientific & Industrial Research Organization
by the Institute during this year include by the Department of Scientific & Industrial
seismotectonics studies for evaluation of Research, Ministry of Science & Technology,
lineament at the proposed Jaithapur Nuclear Government of India. The Institute has
Power Plant at Ratnagiri, geophysical completed 25 years of service to the nation
investigations for the Chenab bridge in J&K, in conducting research and promoting
design of stoping parameters for mines of occupational health & hygiene among mine
MOIL, strata behaviour analysis in the mines workers.
of SECL, micro-seismic monitoring for the
stability of excavations for the Tapovan- 8.26 The institute has state of the art
Vishnugad hydro-electric project, technical infrastructure, facilities and trained manpower
advice on rip-rap blasting for the construction to officer Technical Support Services for;
of earth cum rock filled dam at Polavaram • Routine Initial and periodic medical
Project, blast vibration study for the Darlipali
examinations as per Mines Rules, 1955
Super Thermal Power Project, 3D Numerical
Modelling analyses of pump house and surge • Health surveillance as recommended by
pool caverns, geological mapping and in-situ Conferences on Safety in Mines.
stress parameters for the major Lift Irrigation • Personal exposure assessment studies for
Schemes in Telangana State. noise, dust, vibration, heat & humidity as
required under the Mines Act, 1952 and
recommended by Safety Conferences.
• Work environment evaluation for dust,
noise, vibration, illumination, etc as
required under Metalliferrous Mines
Regulations 1961 and Coal Mines
Regulations 1957.
• Evaluation of Mining Machineries for
vibration, noise, dust emission etc.
• Ergonomic assessment of Mining
Re-opening of Kendadih Mines (HCL) Machinery as per ISO Standards.
• Training of airborne dust survey in-charge
National Institute of Miners’ Health as per circulars of Directorate General of
(NIMH) Mines Safety (DGMS).
About NIMH • Health awareness and promotion
programme on occupational health
8.25 National Institute of Miners’ Health, issues.
an autonomous Institute under Ministry of
Mines, conducts applied research in the field 8.27 The Institute provides services to both
of occupational health and hygiene among Private and Public sector mining companies
persons employed in mining and mineral viz. Reliance Industries, Ambuja Cements Ltd.,
based Industry with the vision of “Safe Mines NALCO, ACC Limited, UltraTech, NMDC, Essel
and Healthy Miners” and the mission “Indian Mining, Sesa Goa, GMDC, APMDC, RSMML,
mining and mineral industry sans occupational Western Coalfields Ltd. etc.
diseases”. The Institute is recognized as a
Science & Technology Programme and Autonomous Bodies
8.28 The main objectives of the Institute TRB Iron ore Mine (Jindal Steel and
include: Power), Orissa
• Promotion of health and prevention of
diseases among persons employed in S&T Projects
mines and mineral based industries. 8.30 The Institute is implementing following
• Research & development to ensure safe two S&T projects sponsored by Ministry of
and healthy extraction of the country’s Mines.
mineral wealth. • Multi Centric Study of dust Related
• Assessment of health hazards in the Diseases in Stone Mines and Development
work environment of mines and allied of Sustainable Preventive Programme. (In
industries for regulatory and remedial collaboration with Ministry of Labour &
measures. Employment)
• Develop human resources in the field of • Development of standard protocol of
occupational health, hygiene and safety. field Audiometry for notifying noise
induced hearing loss.
Activities during the year 2017-18 • Possible implications of bio-available
iron in coal mines dust on coal workers’
Clientele/ Sponsored Projects lung disease. Project is in collaboration
8.29 Clientele /sponsored projects undertaken with National Institute of Miners’ Health
during the year are given below; (NIMH) and Priyadarshani Institute of
• Dust, Vibration and Noise Mapping at Engineering and Technology (PIET),
NALCO, Damanjodi Central India Institute of Medical
Research (CIIMS) and Western Coal Fields
• Airborne Respirable Dust Survey at Ltd. (WCL) (Sanctioned by Central Mine
NMDC-Kirandul (Phase II) Planning and Design Institute (CMPDI),
• Workplace monitoring and Noise Govt. of India).
Mappingat NMDC-Panna (Phase II) • Postural risk analysis of Mining
• Noise, dust and whole body vibration equipment operators and its relation to
analysis in a limestone mine of UltraTech Musculoskeletal Disorders
Cements Limited, Tadipatri
• Equipment Vibration Studies & Financial Performance of Institute
Assessment of Associated Health Riskat
M/s. Dhilon Construction Pvt. Ltd. 8.31 The below given chart depicts financial
position of the Institute for last five years
• Medical examination of mine workers,
M/s Gujrat Mineral Development (Amount in ` in lakh)
Corporation Limited.
• Medical Examination of Maharashtra
State Mining Corporation Iron ore mine
• Airborne respirable dust survey at Silica
sand and masonry mines Bharatpur,
• Equipment Vibration Studies &
Assessment of Associated Health Risk at Note: 2017-18 - Projected figure.
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Corporate Social
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Corporate Social Responsibility
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL) 9.5 A detailed Plan for FY 2017-18 was
prepared in alignment with The Companies
9.2 HCL embraces the principles of United Act, 2013 and also considering the learnings
Nations Global Compact (UNGC). HCL’s CSR from project implemented during FY 2016-
Policy revolves round the principles laid down 17. The company allocated CSR Budget of
in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 2% of the average net profits of the company
and Targets. made during the three immediately preceding
9.3 The actual expenditure in the CSR financial years to the extent of ` 147 lakh for
FY 2017-18.
9.6 The projects are being implemented ii) Education, Vocational skills and
in the target communities with the help of Livelihood: ‘Kaushal Vikas Yojna’,
NGO, state government and other agencies. Training on hand glove making unit/
Following CSR activities have been taken up handloom unit and wooden craft making
during the year. were undertaken.
i) Drinking Water, Health and Sanitation: iii) Environment and Animal Welfare:
Construction of drinking water structures Plantation of Perennial Saplings (including
(borewell with motor fitting) including RCC posts fencing with GI barbed wires)
soak pit for water recharging, health was undertaken.
camps, supply of drinking water services iv) Sports: Provision of sports items and
through water tankers for nearby organizing tournaments.
Mineral Exploration Corporation
Limited (MECL)
9.7 MECL has drawn a long term Corporate
Social Responsibility Policy;
9.8 For the year 2017-18, an approximate
amount of ` 274.59 lakh has been proposed to
spend under Corporate Social Responsibilities.
The details for programme is as given below:
1. Promoting Sanitation & Safe drinking
Mobile medical units of NALCO visit peripheral a) Construction of 68 Toilets
villages in Angul and Damanjodi sectors and hold b) Established RO systems water
health camps round the year, distributing free cooler for RO.
medicines. c) Maintenance of Toilets/ RO system
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
2. Promoting Healthcare
a) Medical Equipment to Hospitals.
3. Promoting Education
a) Distribution of School bags, Sports
kit, Benches & Chairs in Government
b) Distribution of Computers and
Scholarship for Meritorious Odisha Live CSR Award - NALCO
5. Promoting Art & Culture
d) Education system for deaf, dumb
and blind students. a) Construction of stage and
community hall for cultural activities
4. Skill development
6. Rural Development
a) Skill development programme for a) Construction of CC road
100 candidates.
b) Construction of Community Centre
Use of Hindi
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Progressive Use of Hindi
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Progressive Use of Hindi
organized from time to time. During the year Government. In keeping with the directions
four Hindi workshops were organized in the of the Department of Official Language and
Ministry. with a view to create a conducive atmosphere
for the progressive use of Official language
in the Ministry, Rajbhasha Fortnight/Month
is being organized during the month
of September every year. This year also
Rajbhasha Hindi Prayog Protsahan Month
was observed from 1st to 30th September,
2017. A message by Hon’ble Minister was
circulated on the occasion of Hindi Diwas.
Banners and Posters were also displayed
during the month. Various competitions i.e.
Hindi Noting/Drafting competition, Hindi
Meeting of Hindi Salahakar Samiti Sulekh and Dictation, Quiz Competition,
15th November, 2017 Hindi typing, Speech Competition and Hindi
Workshop were organized during the month.
Celebration of Rajbhasha Shri Arun Kumar, Secretary (Mines) gave away
Fortnight/Month cash awards and certificates to the winners of
various competitions in a function organized
10.10 On 14th September every year Hindi on 10.10.2017.
Diwas is celebrated in the offices of Central
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Progressive Use of Hindi
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Except the two offices of the ‘C’ region, one House-magazine of IBM headquarter “Khan
office at ‘A’ region and one at ‘B’ region all the Bharti” has also been released.
offices are notified under Rule 10(4). During
2017-18, the details of the progress related to
10.29 IBM Headquarter, Nagpur has got
two official language Awards by the Town
Hindi are as follows:
official language Implementation committee
10.24 The 100th, 101st, 102nd and 103rd (office-2), Nagpur. It has got the third prize
meetings of the Departmental official for its Hindi House Magazine “Khan Bharti“
language implementation committee were and Special encouragement prize for the
held respectively on22-12-2016, 31-03-17, 22- implementation of Hindi.
06-17 and 28-09-17 under the chairmanship
of the Controller General IBM. In all regional National Aluminium Company
offices, the meetings of the Departmental Limited (NALCO)
official language implementation committee
are regularly held and reports are sent to the Progressive use of Hindi in Official
headquarter. Work
10.25 The Hindi Fortnight was successfully 10.30 As per the Official Language Act-
organized from 01-09-2017 to 14-09-2017. 1963 and Official Language Rule-1976,
During the fortnight, various competitions implementation Hindi is being done in Nalco.
such as Hindi essay, Hindi noting and
drafting, Hindi translation, Hindi typing, To promote use of Hindi in official work,
Hindi extempore speech and Hindi Quiz were Hindi Fortnight was observed from 01-09-
organized. The final day function of the Hindi 2017 at Corporate Office, Production Units
Fortnight was organized on 19-09-2017 and and Regional Offices of the Company and
prizes were distributed to the winners of the several Hindi Competitions were organised for
Hindi competitions. A Hindi Book Exhibition employees and students.
was also organized during the Hindi Fortnight Meeting of the Town Official Language
from 01-09-17 to 12-09-17. Implementation Committee, Angul was held
10.26 ‘Hindi Diwas’ was celebrated on the at S&P Complex in June’17. Two meetings
14th of September 2017. On the occasion of Town Official Language Implementation
the messages of the Hon’ble Union Home Committee (Undertaking) Bhubaneswar was
Minister, Shri Rajnath Singh and Hon’ble held in May’17 and Sewp’17 at Corporate
Minister of Mines Shri Narendra Singh Tomar Office, Bhubaneswar.
were read out. Four Hindi workshops was organised and
10.27 Two half-day Hindi workshop was employees and officers were trained to do
organized on 19-06-17 and 20-06-17 in which their official work in Hindi.
12 officers and 17 staff participated. A Hindi Hindi Teaching Program was implemented at
workshop was also organized on 14-09-17 on Corporate Office, S&P Complex, and M&R
the occasion of ‘Hindi Diwas’. Complex and the employees who do not have
10.28 One day All India Hindi Technical working knowledge of Hindi, were nominated
Seminar was organized at IBM Headquarter, for Praveen & Pragya courses under Hindi
Nagpur on 25-05-2017. Total 11 technical Teaching Scheme of Government of India and
papers have been presented and a souvenir after passing the examinations incentives and
has been released. On this occasion, the Hindi cash awards were given as per rules.
Progressive Use of Hindi
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Secretary, Shri Arun Kumar at the prize distribution ceremony of Rajbhasha Mah celebrations
Activities in the
North-Eastern Region
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Exploration Activities in the North-Eastern Region
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Exploration Activities in the North-Eastern Region
11.12 Three Macro-scale (1:50,000) Land-
slide Susceptibility Mapping items have been
taken up during FS 2017-18. Prefield thematic
mapping have been completed and an area of
195 sq. km are validated during the field work
upto September 2017. Two numbers of land-
slides along Nablaidisa–Hajadisa road section
were studied and data as per 41-point geo-
parametric datasheet were collected. These
Thin section of Prang limestone (Biomicrite) landslides are triggered by unplanned slope
showing Discocyclina foraminifera (PPL) set in cutting for road construction coupled with in-
carbonate mud as matrix. cessant rainfall.
Geotechnical investigations: Meghalaya
11.10 NER may be termed as the ‘power 11.13 Three Macro-scale (1:50,000) Land-
house’ of India as it possesses hydropower slide Susceptibility Mapping items have been
potential, which is about 30% of the total taken up during FS 2017-18. Prefield thematic
hydel potential of the country. The hydel mapping have been completed and an area
potential of major river basin of Arunachal of 960 sq. km have been validated during the
Pradesh like Kameng, Subansiri, Siang, Lohit field work upto September 2017. A total of
and Dibang totals production of 34,920 MW 159 landslides along the roads and the natu-
at 60% load factor (CEA) i.e. about 90% of ral slope were documented during the period
the total hydropower resources of NER. from April to September 2017. The hill slopes
During the current field season 2017-18, are also affected by the vicinity of E- W trend-
Engineering Geology Divisions, GSI, NER, ing Dawki fault.
Shillong has taken up the following three
Geotechnical Investigation projects;
Manipur & Nagaland
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Earthquake Studies
11.17 During the FS 2017-18, three items
have been taken up in NER on the study
ofSeismic Microzonation study of Imphal
City, Manipur, monitoring of Ground Motion
in Brahmaputra Basin, Naga Patkoi and NE
Himalaya and regional Neotectonic studies
for delineation / identification of active fault
along the Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) at
the foothills of Assam-Arunachal Himalaya
in parts of Papumpare and Lower Subansiri
Disposition of faulted sedimetary sequence in districts, Arunachal Pradesh.
coal bearing Barakar Formation, Ambara open
cast mine, Chhindwara district, Madhya Pradesh
11.15 Meso scale (1:10000) Landslide
Susceptibility Mapping along Singhik-Manul-
Paegum-Chungthang road sector of North
Sikkim Highway, North District, Sikkim and
Meso scale (1:10000) Landslide Susceptibility
Mapping along Singtam-Mangkha-Dikchu
Road Corridor, East and North District,
Sikkim have been taken up during FS 2017- Perspective view of the Varunavat landslide,
18 in which preparation of pre-field thematic Uttarkashi District, Uttarakhand
maps(Land use-land cover, Geomorphology,
Slope forming material, Thickness and
Fundamental Geoscience
Landslide incidences map) of the study area
are in progress. Detailed Site Specific Landslide Petrological Studies
Investigations of the 8th Mile Landslide on
Gangtok-Nathula Road, East District, Sikkim 11.18 Two Research Programme items i.e.
has been taken up and initial study revealed Study on fluid controlled charnockitization
that the slide zone is multiple/complex in of granite-gneiss in parts of West Khasi Hills
nature. District, Meghalaya to evaluate the process
of charnockitization, role of fluids and age
Tripura & Mizoram of charnockitization and study of Petrology
and Geochemistry of the felsic volcanic rocks
11.16 Three Macro-scale (1:50,000) Land- of Shillong Group: Their stratigraphic and
slide Susceptibility Mapping items have been
magmato-tectonic evolution with respect to
taken up during FS 2017-18. Prefield thematic
the Shillong Sedimentary Basin. The work is
mapping have been completed and an area
in progress.
of 745 sq. km have been validated during the
field work upto September 2017. A total of 11.19 Budget and Expenditure of the
25 landslides were recorded during the field Northeast Region for the Financial Year 2017-
validation. 18 (Allocated Plan Outlay for NER) is given in
the Table-11.1.
Exploration Activities in the North-Eastern Region
Table –11.1
Budget and Expenditure of the Northeast Region for the
Financial Year 2017-18 (Allocated Plan Outlay for NER)
(` in Lakh)
Work done by Indian Bureau of mineral industry in the North Eastern Region
Mines in North Eastern Region in last 33 years. It has completed exploration
for coal in 15 blocks in the states of Assam,
11.20 The Regional Office of IBM at Guwahati
Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and Meghalaya
continued to undertake inspection of mines
on behalf of Ministry of Coal, North Eastern
and studies on development of resources in
Council and CMPDIL. Under its promotional
North-Eastern Region. During the year 2017-
programme funded by Ministry of Mines, it
18 (up to September, 2017), 24 mines / areas
has completed twelve schemes which include
were inspected for enforcement of provisions
copper, sillimanite, glass sand, shell limestone
of MCDR, 2017 and for processing and
and ferro-silicon grade quartzite in the states
disposal of mining plan/scheme of mining.
of Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Mizoram,
11.21 Based on the proposals received Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh. In addition,
from State Government of Meghalaya, two it has carried out geo-technical studies on
day workshop cum training programme on behalf of Brahmaputra Flood Control Board
“Scrutiny Processing and Implementation in the state of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh
of Mining Plan for the Officers of DGM and consultancy work for remote sensing
Meghalaya was organized on 4th and 5th studies at Tripura on behalf of Ministry of
August 2017. Course module in this regard Mines. Exploration services were also rendered
was devised as per specific requirements and to Atomic Minerals Division involving survey,
for which four resource persons/faculties from drilling & mining in Umarangaon / Domiaset
IBM were deputed for imparting training. block, West Kasi Hill district.
11.23 On behalf of Directorate General of
Work carried out by MECL in Hydrocarbon, Govt. of India, MECL with BRGM
North-Eastern Region France has completed studies for resource
11.22 MECL has been associated with estimation in respect of oil shale deposit in
mineral exploration activities and geo- an area of 254 of Assam & Arunachal
technical studies for the development of Pradesh.
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Welfare Activities
for SCs/STs, Women,
Minorities & Persons with
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Welfare Activities for SCs/STs, Women,
Minorities & Persons with Disabilities
Welfare of Scheduled Castes (SCs), 12.5 Ministry of Women & Child Develop-
Scheduled Tribes (STs), Women and ment has developed an online complaint
other Weaker Sections Management System titled Sexual Harassment
electronic –Box (SHe-Box) (www.shebox.nic.
Ministry of Mines in) to receive complaints related to Sexual Ha-
rassment at workplace. Once a complaint is
12.1 The Ministry of Mines, with its attached submitted to the She-Box, it will directly go to
office, subordinate office and the Public the ICC of the concerned Ministry which has
Sector Undertakings under its administrative the jurisdiction to inquire into the complaint.
control follow the Government guidelines The Chairperson of Internal Complaints Com-
with regard to welfare of weaker sections of mittee of this Ministry monitors the progress
the society, in letter and spirit. For upliftment of inquiry conducted by ICC on the Sexual
of weaker sections of society, PSUs identify Harassment complaints received from women
and implement a number of programmes in employees of this Ministry.
the peripheral area of their units/locations.
12.2 A number of activities like community Geological Survey of India (GSI)
education programmes, facilitating availability
12.6 The Geological Survey of India GSI),
of drinking water, development/repair
an attached office of Ministry of Mines, has
of approach roads of surrounding areas,
undertaken a number of activities for the
arranging health awareness programmes and
welfare of Scheduled Caste (SC)/Scheduled
medical camps in rural areas were undertaken
Tribe (ST), Other Backward Class (OBC),
by the PSUs for upliftment of the community
personnel with disabilities (PWD) and other
in and around their townships as part of their
weaker sections of the society.
social responsibility.
• Measures were undertaken for
12.3 For the welfare of SC/STs, OBCs and reservations for officials belonging to
PWDs, Liaison Officers have been appointed. SC, ST, OBC and PWD community @
15%, 7.5%, 27% and 3% respectively
against vacancies reserved for them as
per order issued by the Government of
India/DoPT from time to time.In GSI,
reservation of SC/ST/OBC/PWD persons
has been followed strictly in case of
their employment/promotion wherever
• SC/ST cell has been established in Central
Headquarters as well as in all the Regional
offices of GSI under supervision of
SHe-Box Online complaint management system Liaison Officer belong to SC/ST category
to address difficulties faced by these
Women’s Welfare communities and also to take appropriate
measures for resolving the issues.
12.4 A complaint committee under
chairpersonship of Smt. Reena Sinha Puri, • The Liaison Officers (SC/ST) meeting is
JS&FA has been constituted to look into cases being held regularly once in a year for
of sexual harassment of women at work place. discussing SC/ST grievances and to take
appropriate actions accordingly.
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
• Quarterly meetings between the authority Welfare activities for SC/ST, women,
and the office bearers of Äll India GSI Minorities and PWDs:
SC/ST Employees Welfare Association
are conducted periodically to redress the 12.8 A committee under sexual harassment of
grievances of GSI SC/ST employees. The Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition
last quarterly meeting was held at GSI, and Redressal) Act, 2013 has been constituted
CHQ, Kolkata on 30.08.2017 under the in IBM to redress the complaints made by the
chairmanship of the DG, GSI victim of sexual harassment at work place in a
time bound manner.
Welfare Activities for SCs/STs, Women,
Minorities & Persons with Disabilities
• The in-house programme on Govt. from 19th April 2017 onwards. Now,
Directives on reservation of posts for SC/ 4% of vacancies are being reserved for
ST & OBC is being organised with the persons with disabilities as provided in
help of the faculty assistance of Dept. the Act. As on 30.09.2017, there are 88
of Public Enterprises, Govt. of India at persons with Disability in employment of
regular intervals in our Training Centre. the Company in various identified posts.
• 20% of the scholarships are reserved for
12.12 Perspective Plan for Women
the children of SC/ST employees under
Nehru Memorial Scholarship awarded to
the children of Nalco employees along • The Company has adopted the principle
with relaxation of 10% in marks. of equal opportunity to the women
employees in the matter of employment
• Invariably in all the Selection Committees/
and the Company has 370 nos. of
Boards for recruitment and the
women employees at different levels and
Departmental Promotion Committees
for promotion, an officer from SC/
ST category of appropriate status is • Need based developmental and
included as one of the members in order functional training programs are
to take care of the interest of the SC/ST provided to the women employees.
candidates. Institutional mechanism through conduct
rules has also been put in place to avoid
12.10 Minority Welfare: - sexual harassment of women. The
internal committees to deal with sexual
• A member of the minority community is
harassment cases are in place in M&R
associated in the Selection Committees
Complex, S&P Complex and Corporate
for Recruitment in order to give a
Office. As a mark of development in
fair deal to the minority community.
their individual leadership, women
Advertisement to fill up the vacancy
executives of the company have got
position is notified in regional languages
a place as Coordinator/member of
in order to encourage the minority
National Organizations like Women in
candidates about recruitment especially
Public Sector (WIPS) and they play active
in Group- ‘C’ & ‘D’ posts.
roles in policy making of WIPS.
12.11 The Persons with Disability: • Regular Training are conducted for
women empowerment and awareness
• The Company has been making efforts
of sexual harassment in work place.
to achieve representation in all posts in
Group: A, B, C & D as per section 33 • The ladies clubs in all units have extended
of the Persons with Disabilities (Equal necessary assistance for carrying out
Opportunities, Protection of Rights and their various activities which in turn
Full Participation) Act, 1995 till 18 April enhances their leadership and organizing
2017 and as per Section -34 of the Rights capabilities in addition to welfare of the
of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 society.
12.13 Employment in the Company of SC/ST/Ex-SM/PWD/LDP/Minorities as on 30.09.2017
Group Total No of Employees SC ST EX-SM PWD LDP Minority
Executives 1,780 246 141 01 16 22 71
Non- executives 4,934 845 1,109 14 70 1,769 181
Trainees 178 30 21 01 02 66 10
Total 6892 1121 1271 16 88 1857 262
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
It may be seen from above that every third The status of implementation of the
employee of the organization belongs to SC Persons With Disability Act, 1995.
or ST Community.
12.18 The number of physically challenged
persons employed in the Company as on
Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL) 01.10.2017 is as under:-
Welfare Activities
Number of Persons with
Employees Participation in Disabilities (PWDs)
A 6
12.14 Employees Participation in Manage-
B 0
ment over the years has been the backbone of
harmonious Industrial Relations in the Com- C 7
pany. The successful operation of various Bi-
partite forums at all three levels, namely, at D 4
the Apex level, Unit level and Shop floor level Total 17
has immensely contributed in the smooth per-
formance of the Company.
Industrial Relations
12.17 Industrial Relations situation in all
the Units of the Company continued to be
harmonious and peaceful during the year
100 Feet Flag post was erected on the occassion
of Republic Day, 2017 - MECL
Welfare Activities for SCs/STs, Women,
Minorities & Persons with Disabilities
Mineral Exploration Corporation
Limited (MECL)
12.19 Welfare of SC/ST: MECL gives due
importance to meet socio-economic needs of
the SC and ST communities.
12.20 Women and weaker sections: Being
a CPSE, MECL is committed for raising and
improving the socio-economic status of
women and weaker sections of the society.
For this purpose, under the CSR activities
Conducting chest X-rays under S&T Multicentric
during 2017-18, the company will distribute Project at Narnaul (Haryana)
cycles, sewing machine and study material for
women and weaker sections. National Institute of Rock
Mechanics (NIRM)
12.21 In order to avoid sexual harassment of
women at work places a Grievance Committee Welfare Measures
on ‘Sexual Harassment’ on women at work
place has already been constituted and is
12.24 NIRM has taken measures to ensure
strict compliance of all the provisions
functioning in the company.
pertaining to:
Jawaharlal Nehru Aluminium • Welfare of scheduled castes, scheduled
Research Development and Design tribes, minorities, and other weaker
Center (JNARDDC) sections;
12.22 The Centre is following the various • Implementation of the National Policy
government guidelines w.r.t PWD, SC& ST for Persons with Disabilities.
reservation. • Steps were taken to fill all the vacancies
in respect of SC / ST / OBC / Persons with
National Institute of Miners’ Health Disabilities.
(NIMH) 12.25 NIRM has set up a Committee to check
12.23 The Institute is following all the any form of harassment to women employees
standard guidelines & policies issued by Govt. at the work place. NIRM gives equal status
/ Ministry towards the woman employees/SC/ to its women employees and the Service
Rules etc are uniformly made applicable. The
ST, PWDs Nodal Officers have been appointed
women employees in the Institute are provided
for the welfare of women SC/ST/OBC and
maternity benefits as per rules.
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Budget and
Audit Paras
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Budget Allocation for the year 2017-18 and 2018-19 Page - 147
GSI Annual Plan 2017-18 Page - 148
GSI Annual Plan 2018-19 Page - 149
Audit paras Page - 152
Budget and Audit Paras
Budget Allocation For the year ` 4.01 crore only have been allocated to the
2017-18 and 2018-19 IBM at RE stage due to non-availability of fiscal
resources, additional funds amounting to `18
Ministry of Mines crore are proposed to be granted to IBM for
the BE 2018-19. Thus the total allocation
13.1 During the Financial Year (FY) 2017- would be `129.08 crore.
18, Geological Survey of India (GSI) has been
allocated a BE grant of ` 1027.87 crore. The
request of GSI for grant of additional funds
was taken up by the Ministry of Mines with
the Ministry of Finance. Even though, no
additional funds have been allocated due to
non-availability of adequate fiscal resources,
no reduction has been effected at RE stage
by the Ministry of Finance. Further, additional
funds amounting to ` 30 crore are proposed
to be granted to the GSI for the BE 2018-19. Second National Conclave on Mines & Minerals
15th February, 2017, New Delhi
13.2 During the current year 2017-18, the
total outlay sanctioned to IBM for BE 2017- 13.3 The Budget Estimates (BE), Revised
18 was ` 111.08 crore. The request of IBM Estimates (RE) 2017-18 and Budget
for grant of additional funds was taken up Estimates (BE) 2018-19 in respect of Demand
by the Ministry of Mines with the Ministry No. 65-Ministry of Mines including the
of Finance. Additional funds amounting to Organisation wise breakup of the allocation is
given at Table 13.1.
Table 13.1
The Organisation wise breakup of the allocation
(` in crore)
2017-18 2018-19
S. No. Organisation
1. Sectt. (Proper) (Including PAO) 36.55 35.63 43.58
2. GSI 1,027.87 1,027.87 1,057.87
3. IBM 111.08 115.09 129.08
4. MECL 6.00 6.00 6.00
5. BGML 3.50 3.50 4.50
6. NMA 0.65 0.65 0.65
7. INT Cooperation 0.35 0.35 0.35
8. NIRM 7.99 6.36 7.99
9. NIMH 1.96 1.50 1.96
10. JNARDDC 9.29 9.29 9.29
11. Other Research Programmes 8.25 7.25 8.25
Total 1,213.49 1,213.49 1,269.52
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Budget and Audit Paras
Annual Plan 2018-19 ` 2.40 crore has been kept under the Special
Investigation & Antarctica heads for field
13.7 GSI has proposed a provision of items related to geotechnical investigations,
` 1,205.56 crore in the Budget Estimate for FY
landslide, seismic/earthquake studies,
2017-18. This includes ` 664.25 crore under
environmental geology, glaciology and polar
Establishment Expenditure and ` 541.31 crore
study, etc.
under Central Sector Schemes. The Annual
Budget includes ` 108.20 crore under Survey 13.11 Under the HRD head ` 3.50 crore has
& Mapping for maintenance of the three been provisioned for the expenditures related
marine vessels of GSI besides maintenance of to the training courses to be conducted by the
the TOASS Aircraft & Heliborne Survey System GSI. For the expenditures related to the IGC
(HGSS) and for other field items related to 2020 a separate new Grant-in-aid head has
Mission-I. been proposed with a provision of ` 6.11 crore.
13.8 Under Mineral Exploration scheme, 13.12 Under Modernization & Replacement
provision has been made for ` 61.25 crore to scheme an amount of ` 180.00 crore has
accommodate for the exploration programmes been proposed under Machinery & Equipment
of GSI and also for the outsourced drilling (M&E) head and ` 5.00 crore under Motor
related to G2 and G3 stage exploration items. Vehicle head. A major portion of the funds
Every year GSI is taking up a large number amounting ` 125.00 crore under M&E has
of programmes under this head with a view been provisioned for instalment payment for
to identify and deliver auctionable blocks to procurement of the Geotechnical vessel. The
augment the mineral resources of the country. rest ` 55.00 crore of M&E has been kept for
procurement of essential laboratory, field and
13.9 ` 50 crore has been kept under
drilling equipment. Under Minor Works of this
the Information Technology (IT) head in
scheme an amount of ` 32.00 crore has been
the Information & Dissemination Scheme
proposed for maintenance and upkeep of the
for payments related to OCBIS and for
GSI buildings.
procurement of IT hardware & software. The
OCBIS has become operational from April 13.13 The Tribal Sub Plan budget has been
2017. kept at ` 11.00 crore for expenditure on GSI
operations in Tribal areas.
13.14 A total consolidated budget of `
1205.56 has been proposed as shown in the
Table 13.3.
Table – 13.3
Annual Plan 2018-19 (Proposed)
GBS and Allocation
(` in crore)
Organization Proposed Allocated
5 MRAI International Indian Metals Recycling No.
Conference 1. Geological 1,205.56 1,057.87
13.10 Under R&D `12.45 crore has been Survey of India (including
provisioned for procurement of gadgets, establishment
chemicals, gases etc. required for smooth expenditure of
running of the laboratories of GSI. Similarly, ` 664.25 crore)
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
13.15 The distribution of Outlay for Annual Plan 2017-18 and 2018-19 including proposed
allocation for North Eastern Region (NER) and Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) is given in the Table 13.4.
Table – 13.4
Annual Plan 2017-18 & 2018-19
(` in crore)
Sl. Schemes / Outlay Outlay
Plan Outlay Plan Outlay
No. Programmes earmarked earmarked
North North
East East
1. Geological 1027.87 0.00 0.00 1027.87 25.58 11.00 1057.87 0.00 0.00 1057.87 57.00 8.00
Survey of (excluding (including
India establish- establish-
ment ment ex-
expendi- penditure
ture of ` of
598.87 ` 648.75
crore) crore)
2. Construction
Geological 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - -
Survey of
Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM) `61.93 crore. Proposed GBS and Allocation for
annual plan 2018-19 is given in Table No. 13.6.
Annual Plan 2017-18
Table 13.6
13.16 IBM had proposed Plan outlay of Annual Plan 2018-2019
` 134.74 crore for 2017-2018. The IBM’s (proposed GBS and Allocation)
proposed outlay was mainly for five ongoing (` in crore)
schemes and establishments. Proposed GBS
and Allocation for annual plan 2017-18 is Proposed
Organization Allocated
given in Table 13.5. Outlay
Table 13.5 IBM Establishment 79.3750 88.27
Annual Plan 2017-2018 IBM Activites 74.9690 40.81
(proposed GBS and Allocation) Total 154.344 129.08
(` in crore)
IBM – 31.17 –
Organization Proposed Outlay Allocated Construc-
IBM 134.74 111.08
13.18 The outlay for Annual Plan 2017-18
18.31 0.00 and proposed outlay for 2018-19 showing
Internal Resources (IR), Extra Budgetary
13.17 Ministry has allocated outlay of ` 49.15 Resources (EBR), Gross Budget Support (GBS),
crore for 2017-2018 for five ongoing schemes Net Budget Support (NBS), North Eastern
and outlay allocated under establishment is Region (NER), and Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) is given
at the Table 13.7.
Table 13.7
Annual Plan 2017-18 and 2018-19
(` in crore)
Annual Plan 2017-18 Annual Plan 2018-19 (proposed)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1 IBM (Central
Sector 49.1500 0.00 0.00 49.1500 *49.1500 4.7300 1.7300 74.9690 0.00 0.00 74.9690 **74.9690 7.4900 3.0000
2. Establishment 61.9300 0.00 0.00 61.9300 61.9300 0.00 0.00 79.3750 0.00 0.00 79.3750 79.3750 0.00 0.00
Total: 111.0800 0.00 0.00 111.0800 111.0800 4.7300 1.7000 154.3440 0.00 0.00 154.3440 154.3440 7.4900 3.0000
* The net budgetary support includes the outlay earmarked towards NER (` 4.73 Cr.)and TSP (` 1.70 crore.).
** The net budgetary support includes the outlay earmarked towards NER (` 7.49 Cr.)and TSP (` 3.00 Cr.).
IR – Internal Resources
EBR – Extra Budgetary Resources
GBS – Gross Budgetary Support
NBS – Net Budgetary Support
Budget and Audit Paras
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
13.19 Vision and strategy beyond 12th five year plan (2017-20) is at Table 13.8.
Table 13.8
Vision and strategy beyond 12th five year plan (2017-20)
(Value in ` Crore)
Audit Paras
13.20 The Audit Paras are being reviewed quarterly in the Standing Audit Committee (SAC)
meeting under the Chairmanship of the Secretary (Mines). There were 2 Audit Paras pending in
the Ministry as on 31.3.2017. Due to the Quarterly Review by the SAC and the concerted efforts,
1 Para has been settled during the year and one is pending. There have been 12 meetings in
Budget and Audit Paras
series, since the inception of the Committee, which was set up on 11th August, 2010. The latest
status of these Audit Paras is given at Table 13.9.
Table 13.9
The latest status of Audit Paras
Current status as reported
Sl. Report, Para No. &
Subject by the Administrative
No. concerned Sections
1. Report No. 21 of 2015 Fraudulent accounting activities. The Draft Action Taken Note
(Para No. 2.2) (ATN) has been submitted by
As per the procedure followed by
Compliance Audit the Admn. Division dealing
Hindustan Copper Limited (the
Observations (Volume-II). with Hindustan Copper Ltd.
Company), the customer has to
(Commercial) (HCL) to the Office of C&AG
deposit money in advance in form
Hindustan Copper for vetting vide letter dated
of RTGS, pay order, cheque of
Limited 29th December, 2016.
demand draft (DD) for purchase of
copper product. Thus, before issuing
delivery order, receipt of payment/
availability of sufficient credit balance
in the customers’ account was to be
ensured. It was, however, observed in
Audit that benefits were extended to
customers by forging, manipulating
the documents as well as by passing
fictitious entries in the system to
camouflage the accounts of the
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
and employers to increase employability and end of Sep’17, 330 candidates have
better livelihood for individuals. already been trained out of which 134
candidates are placed.
14.12 The activities to be undertaken under
the skill plan are enumerated below: NALCO has planned to train another
2000 persons which would include 700
i) Enhancing the existing training facilities
women and 150 differently abled persons
of PSUs, attached and subordinate
in fresh skilling at Angul, Damanjodi,
offices of Ministry of Mines
Bhubaneswar and Vishakhapatnum in
ii) Setting up of 2 Centre of Excellence: one next two years i.e. FY-2017-18 & 2018-
each by NALCO and HCL. 19.
iii) Skill development to get priority in fund To spread the initiative to educational
allocation under CSR. hubs, an MoU was signed between
iv) Promoting Apprenticeship: 10% NALCO and Utkal University in Jan’17
of the workforce shall be through to take up collaborative projects under
apprenticeship programmes. the Industry Institution Interaction
v) Recognition to Prior Learning (RPL).
CMD, NALCO recently laid the foundation
vi) Coordination of skilling efforts: engaging
stone of Utkal University-NALCO Skill
with States for skill development
Development & Incubation Centre in the
University premises on 26.07.2017.
vii) Coordination of skilling efforts: engaging
with private sector for skill development 14.14 Status of Centre of Excellence
National Aluminium Company Limited
14.13 National Aluminum Company (NALCO)
Limited (NALCO)
NALCO: is establishing the centre of
In line with Skill India campaign of Govt. excellence at NALCO Research and
of India, MOU has been signed with Technical Centre (NRTC) building of
National Skill Development Council NALCO at Gothapathana, Bhubaneshwar
(NSDC)/National Skill Development Fund for simulator based training and on the
(NSDF) to provide Skill Development job training would be provided in the
Trainings to 1620 candidates including company’s open cast mines at Damanjodi.
420 candidates under recognition of The centre with simulator facility will be
prior learning (RPL) in next 02 years established at an estimated cost of ` 20
period as per the relevant Qualification crore.
Packs (QP) framed by NSDC.
Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL)
The skill development training classes
for enhancement of employability and HCL: A Skill Development institute has
income generation in various skills like been set up at Khetri Copper Complex,
retail, health care, beauty & wellness, Jhunjhunu ( Rajasthan) on 24.03.2017 by
and hospitality has started in the three upgrading the existing training centre. It
districts i.e. Koraput, Angul & Khurda has become functional on 12.04.2017
through the training partners as identified with commencement of 2 year Skill
by NSDC from December, 2016. As on Development training for “Assistant
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Surveyor”. The training programme is 14.17 During the year 2017-18 (upto
being conducted in collaboration with 30.09.2017), 453 cases of both Portal and
SCMS. Non-Portal were received. A total 392 cases
have been disposed during the period and
Redressal of Public Grievances rest cases have been referred to concerned
Regions/Authority for taking further necessary
Ministry of Mines action in the matter.
14.15 Department of Administrative Reforms Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM)
& Public Grievances (DAR&PG) is implementing
a web-based Centralized Public Grievance 14.18 At the beginning of the year, 12
Redressal and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS) grievance cases were pending at various
vide which grievances of Ministries/ stages. During the year 2017-18 (up to
Departments are forwarded for redressal. A September, 2017), 44 grievance petitions were
Joint Secretary has been designated as the received. So far 53 cases have been disposed
Nodal Officer of Public Grievances. During the of including 12 grievance cases pending at the
year 2017-2018 (1st January, 2017 upto 31st beginning of the year. Remaining 03 cases are
December, 2017) 1165 cases were received. under processing at various stages.
242 cases were brought forward. Total
1185 cases have been disposed during the Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL)
period and rest cases have been referred to 14.19 All complaints so received are registered
concerned Organization/Authority for taking in the Govt. web-site and accordingly disposed
further necessary action in the matter. of. These are being regularly monitored. 91
public grievances were received during the
Geological Survey of India (GSI) period April to September, 2017 of which
14.16 Geological Survey of India has separate 60 were disposed off as on 30th September
Unit/Cell in administrative machinery of each of 2017.
its Regional offices and Central Headquarters Mineral Exploration Corporation
headed by Nodal Officer (Public Grievance) Limited (MECL)
under the supervision of Dy. Director General
(P&A), to deal with the public grievances 14.20 During the period under review, the
number of cases reported were 15 out of
related to its organization. The grievances are
which 12 were disposed of under Public
mostly related to service matters of its serving
Grievances. The monthly/ quarterly reports on
as well as retired employees. The Grievances Public Grievances are being regularly sent to
received through CPGRAMS, Department of the Ministry.
Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances
(DARPG), Ministry of Mines, PMO, Department Vigilance cases
of Pension & Pensioners Welfare (DOPPW) &
Presidents Secretariat website (Portal Cases) as Ministry of Mines
well as by post from MoM’s, GSI Employees
14.21 During the year 2017-18 (upto
and retired-Employees (Non-portal Cases)
31st December, 2017), 48 complaints were
are sorted, processed and sent to concerned received. Out of these 48 complaints 42
Regions/Divisions/Sections for appropriate were brought to their logical conclusion and
action/ decision / reply. 6 complaints are under pending. Vigilance
Awareness Week was observed from
30.10.2017 to 04.11.2017. During the week, 14.23 Vigilance Awareness Week was
Essay competition and debate competition observed in the IBM HQs at Nagpur and in all
related to vigilance activities was organized. Zonal/ Regional Offices during 31.10.2017 to
04.11.2017 as per directive of CVC. During the
Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM) Week, several competitions like essay writing,
14.22 During the year 2017-18 (up to quiz, debate and special program on vigilance
September 2017), 10 complaints were awareness have been planned to observe the
received of which 10 were brought to their week ahead.
logical conclusion after investigation. During 14.24 Further a Vigilance Bulletin has also
the period 01 case was decided by ministry been released during the observance Vigilance
and major penalty was imposed against the Awareness Week 2017 in IBM. The concluding
Officer. day was organized jointly with MECL on
03.11.2017 at IBM headquarters.
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Adoption of ICONIC Heritage sites safety and instruction has been issued to
ensure that all electrical points are switched
14.29 NALCO has adopted Shri Jagannath off after closing of the office.
Temple Puri and HZL has adopted Ajmer Sharif
Dargah and have started preparation of Action
Right to Information Act, (RTI)
Plan for comprehensive improvement ofthese
two ICONIC Heritage places. Ministry of Mines
Activities under Swachh Bharat 14.33 The Ministry of Mines and its subor-
Mission dinate office, attached office, Autonomous
14.30 Ministry of Mines has ensured in its day Bodies and Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs)
to day activity that toilets, rooms and corridors have appointed Central Public Information
are kept clean. Waste item bins have been Officers and Appellate Authorities. The List of
strategically placed to ensure that things are Nodal Officer, CPIOs and Appellate Authori-
not thrown around. It has also been ensured ties in Ministry of Mines is given at Annexure
that people don’t spit or smoke in the premises 14.1. (Page No. 183) The Ministry has also set
or use gutka and other chewable items. Posters up a ‘Public Information Cell’ for processing of
have been placed at various places to bring the requests received from the public under
home this message. Administration carries out the RTI Act, 2005 and for their monitoring.
inspections to ensure cleanliness. During the period 2017-18 (from 1.4.2017 to
31.12.2017), the Ministry received 332 appli-
Removal/Disposal of waste/
condemned items and vehicles cations under the RTI Act, which were timely
responded. 31 Appeals received against the
14.31 The Ministry has auctioned all those decisions of the CPIOs were disposed of by the
items which were old/ unserviceable through concerned Appellate Authorities within the
the tender process. The Ministry does not have stipulated time frame. The status regarding
any condemned vehicle in its premises.
receipt and disposal of RTI Applications/Ap-
Fire safety measures peals in Ministry and its office is given at Table
14.1, Table 14.2 and Table 14.3 respectively.
14.32 Instructions have been issued for fire
Table 14.1
RTI Application/Request Status (w.e.f. 1st April, 2017 to 31st December, 2017)
(Consolidated figures are given)
Information denied
Organisation Previous No. of RTI Request/ under Section 8(1), 4-6 7-9 10-12
Application received Disposal Balance 0-3 months
Pendency 9, 11, 24 and others months months months
during the period
of RTI Act
JNARDDC 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0
*19 cases are pending due to non-receipt of required information from the concerned dept/deemed PIOs as on 28.12.2017
**0-3 months 01+06=07 – out of the total 07 Applications – 01 RTI App is pending due to Non payment of Document charges by the Applicant, 02 RTI App. Received
in the months of Oct. 2017 and Nov. 2017 resp. are pending, wherein time extension has been asked as requested by the record holder, being info. pertains to very old
record & 04 RTI App received in the months of Dec 2017 are under process.
4-6 months-01 App. & 7-9 months-02 App-are pending, due to Non payment of Document charges by the applicant
Annual Report 2017-18
Table 14.2
RTI 1 Appeal Status (w.e.f. 1st April, 2017 to 31st December, 2017)
(Consolidated figures are given)
No. of Cases Pendency
No. of RTI 1st No. of Appeals
Organisation Previous 0-3 4-6 7-9 10-12
Appeal received Disposal Balance rejected/information
Pendency months months months months
during the period denied under Section.
Ministry of Mines 10 31 25 16 0 2 4 0 10
NALCO 3 32 32 3* Nil 3 Nil Nil Nil
GSI 8 55 59 2 2 2 -- -- --
HCL Nil 21 17 4 Nil 04 Nil Nil Nil
MECL 1 05 06 Nil 06, 2(f) -- -- -- --
IBM -- 30 28 2 -- 2 -- -- --
NIMH Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
NIRM Nil 3 1 2 Nil 1 1 Nil Nil
JNARDDC 0 1 1 0 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
*The 3 pending Appeals were received during the last week of December, 2017
Table 14.3
CIC 2 Appeal Status (w.e.f. 1st April, 2017 to 31st December, 2017)
(Consolidated figures are given)
No. of Cases
Organisation No. of 2nd Appeals filed Decided
Previous Pendency Balance
in CIC In favour of Appeallant In favour of Organisation
Ministry of Mines 0 4 3 1 0
NALCO 0 11 9 2 0
GSI 5 13 2 14 2
HCL 0 4 1 3 0
MECL 0 0 0 0 0
IBM 19 0 0 1 18*
NIMH 0 0 0 0 0
NIRM 0 0 0 0 0
JNARDDC 0 0 0 0 0
*8 cases pertaining to 2014-15, 9 cases pertaining to 2015-16 & 1 case pertaining to 2016-17.
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Conventional Lights have been replaced with LED Lights to reduce power consumption and
maintenance cost - HCL
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Annex 2.2 Exports of Ores & Minerals during 2012-13 to 2016-17 Page - 173
Annex 2.3 Imports of Ores & Minerals during 2012-13 to 2016-17 Page - 174
Annex 6.1 Target and achievements during the five years of XII Page - 180
plan (2012-2017) and Annual Plan (2017-18) of
Geological Survey of India
Annex 14.1 List of Nodal Officer, CPIOs and Appellate Page - 183
Authorities in Ministry of Mines
Annexure - 1.1 (Page 4)
Organizational Structure of Ministry of Mines
Annexure-2.1 (Page 12)
Production of Selected Minerals, 2013-14 to 2017-18
(Excluding Atomic & Fuel Minerals)
(Value in ` Crore)
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17(P) 2017-18(E)
Unit Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value
All Minerals 90882.36 97215.41 94003.81 100241.89 113541.03
Ministry of Mines
Annexure-2.3 (Page 12)
Imports of Ores & Minerals during 2012-13 to 2016-17
(Value in ` ’000)
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17(P)
Ores & Minerals Unit
Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value
All Minerals ** 11008001478 ** 12158267979 ** 10717327996 ** 7387889416 ** 8094435689
Petroleum (Crude) Tht 185534 7856017148 189176 8696574352 187913 7093793565 202314 4293999334 214914 4742961031
Ministry of Mines
Mineral Unit Proved Probable Total Feasibility Pre-feasibility Measured Indicated Inferred Total Resources
STD111 STD121 STD122 (A) STD211 STD221 STD222 STD331 STD332 STD333 STD334 (B) (A+B)
Apatite tonnes 27715 0 1680 29395 1385734 491818 1225345 2281521 11481250 6132768 1017646 24016082 24045477
Asbestos tonnes 20016 0 4617 24633 2488167 3114728 4064178 100687 2527959 10569233 57800 22922751 22947384
BallClay tonnes 33526297 11182801 4784522 49493621 11045214 4286560 13437994 624977 2497880 53357091 0 85249716 134743337
Barytes tonnes 50449000 49358 848467 51346825 410466 323345 1258521 205834 1284390 31735548 105721 35323825 86670650
Bauxite 000'tonnes 434043 18599 203780 656422 254378 132633 382369 710878 430890 1209706 119588 3240442 3896864
Bentonite tonnes 13926227 50000 609406 14585633 6838864 2721697 68632472 26519818 225744237 212115692 25730000 568302781 582888414
Calcite tonnes 928119 798170 1722578 3448867 1332076 217790 3339239 9122696 1241494 4204311 97476 19555082 23003949
Chalk 000'tonnes 4215 529 319 5064 741 331 151 196 0 269 0 1687 6751
China Clay 000'tonnes 140456 36144 52869 229469 107176 42220 98627 289723 415703 1685730 72599 2711777 2941247
Chromite 000'tonnes 64465 12815 24930 102210 67618 15780 33506 26914 33076 44458 20452 241806 344016
Copper Ore
Ore 000'tonnes 162972 0 44796 207767 44925 31090 59209 158300 232654 772912 4640 1303730 1511498
Metal 000'tonnes 2127.9 0 606.72 2734.62 382.18 324.55 585.42 1950.87 2050.98 4100.36 29.17 9423.53 12158.15
Corundum tonnes 200 0 0 200 70844 1073 63060 13 38 105794 52675 293497 293697
Diamond Carats 959500 0 159 959659 0 0 0 304601 1524317 29047514 0 30876432 31836091
Diaspore tonnes 3242363 884525 3755546 7882434 114789 498756 480663 14241 110358 1045944 46068 2310817 10193251
Dolomite 000'tonnes 431750 107364 138770 677884 372515 323183 537932 307103 757005 5215075 224194 7737007 8414891
Dunite 000'tonnes 10848 18 1901 12768 436 1925 108887 25202 1087 23832 13680 175049 187818
Feldspar tonnes 173383004 103054634 43403974 319841612 45903221 42467697 40160373 13882441 17928113 150012330 3371567 313725742 633567354
Fireclay 000'tonnes 13295 5035 8707 27037 13878 30155 18260 49290 54093 524011 6104 695791 722829
Fluorite tonnes 224824 63860 0 288684 4976749 745390 571311 1713833 6218421 3522537 145183 17893423 18182107
Fuller's Earth tonnes 3941000 0 0 3941000 0 0 58200 0 912340 256467419 0 257437959 261378959
Garnet tonnes 9917936 278493 2587427 12783856 84320 1643412 3287667 121099 10247428 27992906 333 43377166 56161022
Annexure-2.4 Contd.
Reserves Remaining Resources Total
Mineral Unit Proved Probable Total Feasibility Pre-feasibility Measured Indicated Inferred Total Resources
STD111 STD121 STD122 (A) STD211 STD221 STD222 STD331 STD332 STD333 STD334 (B) (A+B)
Ministry of Mines
Ore(Primary) tonnes 10404349 6401725 422100 17228174 1925669 1303000 1968176 30333248 70136727 233608305 145336333 484611458 501839632
Metal (Primary) tonnes 53.41 16.26 0.42 70.09 7.69 3.85 12.1 128.65 143.8 227.44 61.12 584.65 654.74
Granite 35741 201377 26574 263692 38462 51990 8234 837325 2063964 42543908 512216 46056098 46319790
Graphite tonnes 4229675 1204423 2526694 7960793 9571933 3825575 3593404 741377 7368340 22361229 139464128 186925987 194886779
Gypsum 000'tonnes 35141 311 1169 36621 10826 93127 33419 9071 713834 428097 4518 1292892 1329513
Iron Ore 000'tonnes 4053032 449917 918801 5421751 3444103 1573822 1496674 1762741 1798557 4498142 2491176 17065214 22486965
Iron Ore 000'tonnes 30352 2311 20037 52699 223388 15494 64091 1513195 1984566 6351286 584436 10736455 10789155
Kyanite tonnes 639121 0 48958 688079 1505114 568205 2193427 579619 3577402 95869713 0 104293480 104981559
Laterite 000'tonnes 98598 12527 13608 124733 49655 8960 22724 3532 2626 243535 250787 581819 706552
Ore 000'tonnes 31662 68687 5767 106116 5564 17411 31297 37055 192083 355403 4530 643343 749459
Lead Metal 000'tonnes 624.56 1666.02 191.76 2482.34 119.31 521.74 780.56 690.65 2171.43 6237.67 0 10521.36 13003.7
Zinc Metal 000'tonnes 2871.75 6728.14 399.63 9999.52 364.08 940.26 1362.05 1941.94 7931.06 13722.2 101.65 26363.24 36362.76
Limestone 000'tonnes 9438939 3015917 3880897 16335753 4870440 4852713 8623172 7111337 22629060 130787772 8014504 186888998 203224752
Magnesite 000'tonnes 77867 165 4244 82276 6210 9345 45574 59010 59652 131707 213 311711 393988
Manganese Ore 000'tonnes 62982 19715 10778 93475 70742 44606 73823 18189 42803 135722 16513 402399 495874
Marble 000'tonnes 0 0 4551 4551 104236 202003 72387 0 107129 1453386 2200 1941341 1945891
Mica Kgs 82187635 20035595 12209547 114432777 38252500 10605400 124089303 143353477 56528016 144446953 3593715 520869364 635302141
Annual Report 2017-18
Annexure-2.4 Contd.
Mineral Unit Proved Probable Total Feasibility Pre-feasibility Measured Indicated Inferred Total Resources
STD111 STD121 STD122 (A) STD211 STD221 STD222 STD331 STD332 STD333 STD334 (B) (A+B)
Ochre tonnes 21959552 4448341 10525912 36933805 44924890 13936202 31896176 2559245 3560819 32369262 1612607 130859201 167793006
(PGM) of Metal
Pyrophyllite tonnes 16575493 4322386 4035079 24932958 9539407 8301411 4240016 1118943 3589624 7533340 360006 34682745 59615703
Quartz & Silica 000'tonnes 433014 93339 121176 647528 354625 368216 362128 36872 219180 1897962 21436 3260420 3907948
Quartzite 000'tonnes 47758 2016 33698 83472 120723 141437 160355 119953 152715 868850 11293 1575325 1658798
Rock Phosphate tonnes 43832936 5179 1969370 45807485 10679080 36271671 25008353 2912633 3549750 185771368 2678275 266871130 312678615
Shale 000'tonnes 15027 171 274 15472 495 0 2022 0 0 1175 90 3781 19253
Sillimanite tonnes 323231 5728868 450016 6502115 1020187 135278 20257525 4580083 17790664 16068690 3849600 63702027 70204142
Ore tonnes 69277075 8413000 72753828 150443903 0 1484543 46726460 29632000 64946000 218721729 0 361510732 511954635
Metal tonnes 4309.78 220.77 2641.39 7171.94 0 42.85 259.62 2037.99 3236.39 17233.03 0 22809.88 29981.82
Annexure-2.4 Contd.
Reserves Remaining Resources Total
Mineral Unit Proved Probable Total Feasibility Pre-feasibility Measured Indicated Inferred Total Resources
STD111 STD121 STD122 (A) STD211 STD221 STD222 STD331 STD332 STD333 STD334 (B) (A+B)
Talc / Steatite / 000'tonnes 72172 8067 26251 106490 18178 13020 32221 2994 8126 128620 6275 209434 315924
Ore tonnes 2067 897 1455 4419 22594200 2653 31330072 168457 561080 29064288 0 83720749 83725168
Metal tonnes 44.56 94.02 15.62 154.2 33139.45 842.8 54049.65 813.29 231.63 13182.34 0 102259.16 102413.36
Titanium tonnes 13552280 0 868436 14420716 19311670 31365 117416 2198668 52373956 325171754 0 399204829 413625545
Ilmenite tonnes 12980540 0 832970 13813510 17294168 0 0 1242214 41973121 280193087 0 340702590 354516100
Rutile tonnes 558825 0 35466 594291 1099060 0 0 4460 3425835 9007516 0 13536871 14131162
Ore tonnes 0 0 0 0 2230000 0 173063 19611152 23435954 25356049 16581246 87387464 87387464
Cotained WO3 tonnes 0 0 0 0 3568.00 0.00 450.00 9914.00 20180.92 103415.15 4566.28 142094.35 142094.35
Contained V2O5 tonnes 0 0 0 0 1106.12 2835 6032.4 0 487.2 54133.29 0 64594.01 64594.01
Vermiculite tonnes 1582906 19413 30566 1632885 36411 26196 39794 58396 20179 538607 0 719582 2352467
Wollastonite tonnes 1953384 48075 240003 2241462 3750118 12000 3748191 76088 3325042 3316385 0 14227824 16469286
Zircon tonnes 1012205 146085 0 1158290 655020 0 105773 81741 377825 1044554 0 2264913 3423203
Annual Report 2017-18
Annexure-2.5 (Page 18)
Scenario of mineral rich States
(Excluding Atomic & Fuel Minerals)
Value of mineral % Change Value of minor No. of
Sl. Name of the production in in value as Leading minerals produced minerals reporting Share of the State in country’s
No. State 2016-17 (Rs. In compared to in the State * production in 2016- mines during production of certain minerals
crore) previous year 17 (Rs. In crore)# 2016-17
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Rajasthan 23001 25.61 Lead & Zinc Ore, Zinc Conc., 8711 85 Lead & Zinc Ore 100% Lead Conc. 100%,
Copper Ore, Phosphorite, Silver, Zinc Conc. 100%, Siliceous Earth 100%,
Lead Conc., Wollastonite, Selenite 100%, Wollastonite 100%, Silver
Siliceous Earth, Limestone, 99.9%, Phosphorite 94%, Copper Conc.
Copper Conc., Selenite, 42%, Copper Ore 29%, Limestone 21%,
Manganese Ore, Garnet Vermiculite 2%, Garnet (abrasive) 2%, Iron
(abrasive), Iron Ore Ore 1%,
2 Odisha 20171 21.98 Bauxite, Chromite, Manganese 113 132 Chromite 99.9% Iron Ore 52%, Bauxite
Ore, Iron Ore, Sulphur, Garnet 49%, Garnet (abrasive) 26%, Manganese
(abrasive), Graphite (r.o.m.), Ore 25%, Sillimanite 23%, Sulphur 16%,
Sillimanite, Limestone Graphite (r.o.m.) 13%, Limestone 2%,
3 Andhra Pradesh 10735 0.84 Manganese Ore, Garnet 9750 129 Vermiculite 72% Garnet (abrasive)
(abrasive), Sillimanite, 60%, Sillimanite 54%, Limestone 11%,
Limestone, Vermiculite, Iron Manganese Ore 10%,
4 Chhattisgarh 9995 29.98 Bauxite, Limestone, Iron Ore, 719 112 Tin Conc. 100% Moulding Sand 100%, Iron
Moulding Sand, Tin Conc. Ore 16%, Limestone 10%, Bauxite 8%,
5 Karnataka 8895 30.66 Gold Ore, Manganese 1361 142 Gold 99% Gold Ore 99%, Limeshell 32%,
Ore, Limestone, Iron Ore, Iron Ore 14%, Manganese Ore 11%,
Magnesite, Limeshell, Gold Limestone 10%, Magnesite 3%,
6 Telangana 6877 0.86 Limestone, Manganese Ore 6364 34 Limestone 8% Manganese Ore 1%,
7 Gujarat 6429 -3.01 Bauxite, Marl, Sulphur, 5876 191 Marl 100% Bauxite 24%, Sulphur 19%,
Manganese Ore, Limestone Limestone 8%, Manganese Ore 2%,
8 Uttar Pradesh 5654 -0.06 Sulphur, Limestone 5617 2 Sulphur 9% Limestone 1%,
9 Maharashtra 5302 2.07 Bauxite, Manganese Ore, 4194 75 Fluorite(graded) 100% Kyanite 100%,
Sulphur, Limestone, Sillimanite, Manganese Ore 25%, Sulphur 9%,
Kyanite, Iron Ore, Iron Ore Sillimanite 9%, Bauxite 8%, Limestone 4%,
Iron Ore 1%,
10 Bihar 4279 0.01 Sulphur 4272 1 Sulphur 2%
*Except minor minerals.
#Figures repeated due to non availability of data from State Governments.
Annexure-6.1 (Page 48)
Target and Achievements during the five years of Xii Plan (2012-2017)
and Annual Plan (2017-18) of Geological Survey of India
Target Vs Achievement Target Vs Achievement Target Vs Achievement Target Vs Achievement Target Vs Achievement Target Vs Achievement
FS 2012-13 FS 2013-14 FS 2014-15 FS 2015-16 FS 2016-17 FS 2017-18
Name of the Scheme /Project / (Apr’12-Mar’13) (Apr’ 13-Mar’ 14) (Apr’ 14-Mar’ 15) (Apr’15-Mar’16) (Apr’16-Mar’17) (Apr’17-Sept’17)
Ministry of Mines
Target Achievement Target Achievement Target Achievement Target Achievement Target Achievement Target Achievement
Target Vs Achievement Target Vs Achievement Target Vs Achievement Target Vs Achievement Target Vs Achievement Target Vs Achievement
FS 2012-13 FS 2013-14 FS 2014-15 FS 2015-16 FS 2016-17 FS 2017-18
Name of the Scheme /Project / (Apr’12-Mar’13) (Apr’ 13-Mar’ 14) (Apr’ 14-Mar’ 15) (Apr’15-Mar’16) (Apr’16-Mar’17) (Apr’17-Sept’17)
Target Achievement Target Achievement Target Achievement Target Achievement Target Achievement Target Achievement
Mission-Iii : Geoinformatics
(Map, Publication, Information
Technology, Core Library etc) (in 30 30 30 62 62 35 35 40
30 30 30 41
Mission-Iv : Fundamental and Multidisciplinary Geoscience
(Geotechnical, Earthquake
Geology & Seismology, Geo-
91 89 85 81 £ 77 87 100 98 61 95 80
environment, Glaciology, 70
Geothermal etc.) (in nos)
Research & Development
Research (No of investigation
36 45 69 63 63 49 54 39
including Deep Geol., Polar 36 30 36 40
Mission-V : Training and Capacity Building
Training (in GSITI) No of Types (No
80 104 75 77 80 97 86 101 85 130 90 67
of courses)
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Ministry of Mines Annual Report 2017-18
Proglacial area of Neh-Nar glacier, Great Himalayan Range, Sind Basin, J&K, Base Camp of GSI in the foreground @MinesMinIndia
Government of India
Ministry of Mines
Shastri Bhawan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road, New Delhi-110001