Antioxidant Activity Root Leaves and Fruits Aqueous Extracts
Antioxidant Activity Root Leaves and Fruits Aqueous Extracts
Antioxidant Activity Root Leaves and Fruits Aqueous Extracts
ISSN: 2349-2759
Research article
Antioxidant Activity: Root, Leaves and Fruits Aqueous Extracts of
1Associate Professor, Department of Physiology, Shridevi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research
Hospital, Tumkur-572106, Karnataka, India.
2Professor, Department of Medical Biochemistry, Basaveshwara Medical College, Chitradurga-577
Aim: To determine the antioxidant activity of the water extract of root, leaves and fruit of
MuntingiaCalabura were evaluated for their antioxidant activity. Materials& Methods:
The phytochemical analysis antioxidant activity of the extract was studies using plant’s
root, leaves and fruits. Results & Discussion: extracts showed that, each extract contains
rich with proteins, carbohydrates, polyphenols, flavonoids, ascorbic acid, chlorophyll and
negligible amount of α-tocopherol. The antioxidant activity of the above was evaluated by
DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picryhydrazyl) radical scavenging activity. Standard antioxidants
like BHA, Curcumin and α-tocopherol were used as positive control. The leaf extract (52%)
showed more antioxidant activity in comparison to fruit extract (25%) and the root extract
(43%) showed less. Conclusion: The above antioxidant activity of the extracts may due to
the presence of phytochemicals like polyphenols, proteins, flavonoids, ascorbic acid and α-
Key words: MuntingiaCalabura, Leaves, Root, Fruits, Antioxidant, DPPH, Phytochemical analysis
1. Introduction
important active phytochemical founding roots, leaves and fruits were ground to
plant are alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, powder, stored for further studies.
phenols, proteins and carbohydrates [2]
[3]. Phytochemicals are widely used to Aqueous extract preparation
treat many oxidative stress induced
diseases such as cancer, diabetes etc., Aqueous extract was prepared by
which are associated with ROS that dissolving 5g of powdered Muntingia
damage cellular biomolecules. Medicinal calabura root, leaf and fruits in 100ml of
plants, spices are often rich in phenols, double distilled water, vortexed for 4
flavonoids, proteins are known to have hours, centrifuged at 10000 rpm,
potent antioxidant properties that can supernatant collected, lyophilized and
prevent oxidative stress and provide stored at -10C.
health benefits [4] [5] [6]. Muntingia
calaburais an evergreen tree originally Phytochemical analysis
distributed in tropical America [7].
Literature shows that, the fruits, leaves The extract was tested for the presence of
and roots are used as medicine or part of bioactive compounds by adopting
food. The fruits can be processed into jams standard procedures.
and the leaves can be used for making tea.
Earlier studies have revealed flavones, Protein estimation
flavanones, flavans, and biflavans to be the
major constituents of this species, some of The protein estimation was carried
which have displayed anti-platelet according to Bradford’s method [9] using
aggregation and cytotoxic activities [8]. BSA as standard and hexane extracts of
different plant materials into a series of
2. Materials and Methods test tubes. Volume was made up to 100μl
with distilled water and 900μl of
Curcumin, BHA, Ascorbic acid, DPPH, α- Bradford’s reagent was added to each
tocopherol were purchased from the tube. Absorbance was read at 535nm.
Sigma Aldrich co. USA, Quercetin, A- Concentration of protein was calculated
tocopherol, Gallic acid, BSA were accordingly using standard graph.
purchased from the Himedia Co. All the
other chemicals and reagents were of α-tocopherol estimation
Analar grade were purchased from the
Merck Co., and S.d. fine chem., Mumbai, α-tocopherol estimation was carried out
India. according to Kivcak and Mer T [10]. 20μl-
100μlof standard α-tocopherol solution
Sample collection and 20 and 40 μl of the hexane extracts
was used for the estimation. Volume was
The plant MuntingiaCalabura’s root, leaf made up to 3ml using chloroform, 1 ml of
and fruits were collected from authentic 2, 2-dipyridyl, and 1 ml of FeCl3 solution,
source, Karnataka, India. The collected Incubated at 370C for 15 minutes, and the
roots, leaves and fruits were cleaned absorbance of the reaction mixture was
thoroughly with double distilled water read at 520nm, concentration was
and dried under the shade. Once the calculated accordingly by using the
drying process is complete, the dried standard graph.
Dinesha Ramadas et al., JIPBS, Vol 2 (4), 363-368, 2015
Dinesha Ramadas et al., JIPBS, Vol 2 (4), 363-368, 2015
DPPH radical scavenging activity was plant was done and its phytochemical
assessed according to the method of analysis was done. The leaves extract was
Shimada et al. with minor modifications rich with Carbohydrates (194mg/g),
[15] [16]. The Root, leaves and fruit proteins (6.21mg/g), Flavonoids
extracts of MuntingiaCalabura at a (42.61mg/g), chlorophyll (79.12mg/g)
concentration of 25µg each was mixed in 1 and Ascorbic acid (11.21mg/g) when
ml of freshly prepared 0.5 mM DPPH compared to root and fruits. Where as
ethanolic solution and 2 ml of 0.1 M fruits extract rich with polyphenols
acetate buffer pH 5.5. The resulting (29.03mg/g) when compared to root and
solutions were then incubated at 37C for leaves extract. The root extract rich with
30 min and measured spectrophoto α-tocopherol when compared to leaves
metrically at 517 nm. BHA and Ascorbic and fruits extract. When these extracts
acid (400 μM) was used as positive are subjected to antioxidant analysis using
control under the same assay conditions. DPPH method (Figure 1), where
Negative control was without any Curcumin, α-tocopherol and Ascorbic acid
inhibitor or Root, leaves and fruit extracts are used as positive control at a dosage of
of MuntingiaCalabura. Lower absorbance 400µM concentration. The extracts of
at 517 nm represents higher DPPH Muntigacalabura used at a dosage of 25µg.
scavenging activity. The % DPPH radical The positive controls Curcumin (61%), α-
scavenging activity of extracts of tocopherol (63%), Ascorbic acid (58%)
MuntingiaCalabura was calculated from inhibited the DPPH radicals. The leaf
the decrease in absorbance at 517 nm in extract (52%), fruit extract (25%) and
comparison with negative control. root extract (43%) inhibited the DPPH
radicals. The above results indicated that,
3. Results and Discussion all the three extract of Muntigiacalabura
plant showed good antioxidant activity
As shown in Table 1, the water extract of when compared to positive controls.
root, leaf and fruits of Muntigiacalabura
Dinesha Ramadas et al., JIPBS, Vol 2 (4), 363-368, 2015
% inhibition
No Ascorbic Alpha Curcumin Leaf Root Fruit
treatment acid tocopherol (400µM) extract extract extract
(400µM) (400µM)
Dinesha Ramadas et al., JIPBS, Vol 2 (4), 363-368, 2015