Types of Networks
Types of Networks
Types of Networks
There are several different types of computer networks. Computer networks can be characterized
by their size as well as their purpose.
The size of a network can be expressed by the geographic area they occupy and the number of
computers that are part of the network. Networks can cover anything from a handful of devices
within a single room to millions of devices spread across the entire globe.
Some of the different networks based on size are:
In terms of purpose, many networks can be considered general purpose, which means they are
used for everything from sending files to a printer to accessing the Internet. Some types of
networks, however, serve a very particular purpose. Some of the different networks based on
their main purpose are:
Let's look at each of these in a bit more detail.
Send a document to the printer in the office upstairs while you are sitting on the couch
with your laptop.
Upload a photo from your cell phone to your desktop computer.
Watch movies from an online streaming service to your TV.
If this sounds familiar to you, you likely have a PAN in your house without having called it by
its name.