Analysis Basic Competence 3.1 in English Book For Junior High School Class 9 About Hope, Wish and Congratulation
Analysis Basic Competence 3.1 in English Book For Junior High School Class 9 About Hope, Wish and Congratulation
Analysis Basic Competence 3.1 in English Book For Junior High School Class 9 About Hope, Wish and Congratulation
“Analysis Basic Competence 3.1 in English Book for Junior High School Class
Composed by:
In this paper I will analysis one of basic competence in English textbook that is about expression
of hope, wish and congratulation. These materials are the lesson for junior high school especially
for grade 9. I used book from Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Indonesia that is written
by Siti Wahidah. In this analysis off course I will give my personal assessment about the basic
competence that I said before. There are some aspects that will I analysis such as the Eligibility
of the Data, the language, the course and the grapich of this book whether is good or bad.
1. Tomlinson, (2007: 2) states that the teaching material refers to something used by
teachers or students in order to facilitate them in language learning.
2. Nunan (1992: 227) states that teaching material is a substantial in the education
component to determine the quality of language input during the learning process in the
3. Teaching materials are information, tools and texts needed by the teacher / instructor
for planning and reviewing the implementation of learning. Teaching materials are all
forms of materials used to help teachers / instructors in carrying out teaching and learning
activities in the classroom. The intended Bahn is written material or unwritten material.
(National Center for Vocational Education Research Ltd / National Center for
Compensation Based Training, 2006)
2. The Benefits :
a. The benefits of developing teaching materials are useful for both teachers and
students that are; For the teacher, teaching materials are useful for him to get a
lot of time to guide students besides as a result of his work that is ready to obtain
credit points,
b. Teaching materials can help students in the implementation of teaching and
learning activities so students do not always depend on the teacher as the only
source of information;
c. Increase the repertoire of teachers' knowledge and experience in writing
teaching materials;
d. Teaching materials will be able to establish effective learning communication
between teachers and students because students will feel more confident in their
E. Handout
Handouts are written materials prepared by a teacher to enrich students'
Handouts are usually taken from several literatures that have relevance to the
material taught / KD and subject matter that must be mastered by students.
Currently handouts can be obtained in various ways, including by downloading
from the internet, or from a book
Modules are a book written with the aim that students can learn independently without
or with teacher guidance, so that the module contains at least about:
Subject : English
Give a check (v) in the column that best matches your judgment.
1 = very bad / appropriate
2 = not suitable
3 = enough
4 = good
5 = very good / appropriate
No Components
1 2 3 4 5
29 x 100 : 30 = 96
96 : 25 = 3.84
B Language 1 2 3 4 5
1 Legibility v
2 Clarity of Information v
20 X 100 : 20 = 100
100 : 25 = 4
C Course 1 2 3 4 5
1 Clarity of purpose v
2 Order of presentation v
3 Giving motivation v
5 Completeness of information v
22 x 100 : 25 = 88
88 : 25 = 3.52
Comment/ Suggest Evaluator :
In this part, the average of this book is 3.52. It means this book good enough. For the
clarity of purpose it’s so clear because since the teacher starts the lesson, the student
directly know what should will they do on that lesson. For the order presentation
actually I little dislike it because I little confused about what we talking about the
class because this book does not list the subchapter like this is subchapter about hope
or wish something like that so I little confused in what lesson they are talking about.
About giving motivation I very like this part because in this book give the examples
that make the reader catch a lesson that is make use as the reader can improve our
attitude. About the completeness of information like what I said before about actually
I hope this book will give the definition of hope, wish and congratulation
D Graphic 1 2 3 4 5
2 Layout v
4 Display design v
17 x 100 : 20 = 85
85 :25 = 3.4
From my analysis above I think this book especially the basic competence that I already had seen
good for the student. The whole average of four parts that are the eligibility, the language, the
course and the graphic which serve by this book are good. This book get 3.69 which means this
book in the grade good for the value that I already explain in introduction. The part that more
good than other is the language of this book where I think it’s so suitable for the student because
can make easy the student understand this lesson although the eligibility also in the grade very
good nut over all this book I recommend to you as the junior high school student which will in
grade nine.