1A-Acrolon 890
1A-Acrolon 890
1A-Acrolon 890
Revised: 08/12
Published technical data and instructions are subject to change without notice. Contact
Airless Spray your Sherwin-Williams representative for additional technical data and instructions.
Pump............................ 45:1 minimum
Pressure ...................... 15 Mpa minimum disclaimer
Hose ............................ 9.5mm ID The information and recommendations set forth in this Product Data Sheet are
Tip ................................ 0.013" - 0.017"(0.33-0.43mm) based upon tests conducted by or on behalf of The Sherwin-Williams Company.
Filter ............................. none Such information and recommendations set forth herein are subject to change and
pertain to the product offered at the time of publication. Consult your Sherwin-
Reduction ..................... as needed up to 10% by volume Williams representative to obtain the most recent Product Data Information and
Application Bulletin.
Conventional Spray
Gun ............................... Binks 95 Warranty
Fluid Nozzle .................. 66 The Sherwin-Williams Company warrants our products to be free of manufacturing
Air Nozzle ...................... 68 PB defects in accord with applicable Sherwin-Williams quality control procedures.
Liability for products proven defective, if any, is limited to replacement of the
Atomization Pressure .... 0.5 Mpa defective product or the refund of the purchase price paid for the defective product
Fluid Pressure ............... 0.2 Mpa as determined by Sherwin-Williams. NO OTHER WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE
Reduction ...................... as needed up to 10% by volume STATUTORY, BY OPERATION OF LAW OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING
Keep pressure pot at level of applicator to avoid blocking MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
of fluid line due to weight of material. Blow back coating
in fluid line at intermittent shutdowns, but continue agitation
at pressure pot.
Brush ............................ Nylon/Polyester Natural Bristle
Reduction ..................... as needed up to 10% by volume
Brush ............................ 3/8"-1/2" woven with phenolic core
Reduction ..................... as needed up to 10% by volume