IRIS R18 User Guide PDF
IRIS R18 User Guide PDF
IRIS R18 User Guide PDF
Introduction 3
Purpose of the Guide 3
Intended Audience 3
Overview 4
Prerequisites 5
Maven, Java 5
Key Application configuration 6
API Dev 9
Getting Started 10
Workbench Installation 12
Creation of Artefacts in T24 16
Creation of Service Container 18
Creation of Service Project 22
Creation of Provider API 30
Security 44
Creation of Published API 48
Deployment and Configuration 55
Deployment options 55
T24 Connectivity Configuration TAFJ and TAFC 55
SSL Configuration for IRIS R18 on Jboss 7 59
IRIS R18 Dynamic Mocking 65
Infrastructure Services 72
Directory Services 72
Tools 74
RIM Importer 75
Appendix 114
T24 Enquiry 114
T24 Version 119
Intended Audience
This User Guide is intended for the use of External and Partner teams to deploy IRIS R18 Module.
Item Link
Apache Camel
Maven, Java
Maven and Java 8 are required. You can download the other dependencies from the Maven repository.
Terms Description
Swagger Swagger is an open source software framework backed by a large ecosystem of tools that
helps developers design, build, document, and consume RESTful Web services.
Apache Apache Camel is an open source framework for message-oriented middleware with a rule-
Camel based routing and mediation engine that provides a Java object-based implementation of
the Enterprise Integration Patterns using an application programming interface (or declar-
ative Java domain-specific language) to configure routing and mediation rules.
Archetype It is defined as an original pattern or model from which all other things of the same kind
are made.
Maven Maven is a build automation tool used primarily for Java projects.
Inventory It is a file that provides the information of an API in core banking terms. It helps in creating
the service implementation by generating swagger specification of an API.
payload The actual information or message in transmitted data, as opposed to automatically gen-
erated metadata.
Deploy- A deployment descriptor refers to a configuration file for an artifact that is deployed to
ment some container.
Note: When you access any API other than the login and logout APIs through an external REST
client, first invoke the login API to ensure that user is authenticated. When the login API is
invoked, the system stores the generated session cookie in a file, which we use in the next API
Step 3 : Verify that the irf-web-client.war is deployed successfully and Workbench is up and running.
l Open New Browser Window & type
Step 4 : To start creating Provider APIs, you are required to connect to T24 to get a list of artefacts for
which you intend to generate an API service. There are two ways to do this :
l First way is using jetty server started from the created container project. For that, ensure that the
setting in the workbench has been properly configured and T24 is up and running. By Default , jetty
l Second way is to connect via irf-test-web.war provided as a part of the IRIS Design time package.
For that you need to extract the irf-test-web.war from the package and deploy it in the jboss server.
Once successfully deployed, you need to configure the WorkBench by adding a new server in the set-
tings as shown below to connect to T24 via pre-configured irf-test-web.war
Each Enquiry column and Version field must have a data type defined.
For Enquiry, this is the FIELD.DISP.TYPE field,
For VERSION the ATTRIBS field is used.
Fields are considered to be alphanumeric unless they are set as Date or Amount. Amount and date fields
must be unformatted, e.g. 20170123 and 1234.56
Each Enquiry and Version must have a description. For Enquiry, this is the DESCRIPT field, for Version the
DESCRIPTION field is used.
This is used to describe the operation supported and should follow verb/resource/subresource, e.g. getAc-
countTransactions, getAccountBalances, createAccountTransfer
Restrictions on Enquiry
The standard Temenos vocabulary exists to bring consistent naming across all API initiatives. Field / main
resource / sub resource names should exist in the standard vocabulary.
Click here to know how the T24 enquiry definition affects the JSON response.
Note: If there is an existing Service Project, you can skip Create Service Project step and nav-
igate to Provider API step.
As a single command:
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.temenos.irf -DarchetypeArtifactId=irf-service-con-
-DarchetypeVersion=1.0 -DartifactId=training-container -Dversion=SNAPSHOT-0.0.1
Using Eclipse
From the File menu, select File > New > Maven Project
Select Archetype
Select the irf-service-container-archetype option from Artifact Id and click the Next button.
Fill in the Group Id, Artifact Id and Version fields, and click the Finish button.
You can now start the server, either from the command line or from your IDE using mvn jetty:run
mvn jetty:run
In Eclipse, right click the project and select Run As > Maven Build
In the dialog box, set the Goals to jetty:run
As a single command:
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.temenos.irf -DarchetypeArtifactId=irf-service-archetype
-DarchetypeVersion=1.0 -DartifactId=training-api -Dversion=SNAPSHOT-0.0.1
Using Eclipse
From the File menu, select File > New > Maven Project
Select the irf-service-archetype option from Artifact Id column and click the Next button.
Fill in the Group Id, Artifact Id and Version fields, and click the Finish button.
Project Structure
Provide the Title, service Key, Description , etc in the Service Definition section
Artefacts may be filtered to aid in discovery. Clicking on an artefact will add an endpoint to the service, and
create a URL based on the artefact definitions. Review the URL and Operation to ensure that this matches
the API design. An end point may be removed by clicking on the trash icon in the top right of the endpoint
Where a T24 VERSION is selected, only the method is required to be set. The payload will be configured in
Swagger directly from the T24 Model. POST should be used to create new resources, PUT to amend and
existing resource, GET for viewing a resources and DELETE for removing a resource.
Where a T24 ENQUIRY is selected, the URL parameters need to be mapped to the ENQUIRY selection fields.
A selection field can be mapped from mulitple URL query or path parameters. In the above example,
fromDate and toDate are both mapped to the valueDate selection field.
Click Next in the top right fo the screen to review the provider API
Step 5 - Review
Click Finish the top right fo the screen to submit the provider API
The result provides a link to download a zip file containing the swager spec, Camel routes, mappings and
mock responses.
Extract the content of downloaded zip into <service-provider> project/ resources folder.
Project Structure
Provide the Group and Key (used in as the Group in the Maven artefact), the service title and the version of
the service.
Artefacts may be filtered to aid in discovery. Clicking on an artefact will add an endpoint to the service, and
create a URL based on the artefact definitions. Review the URL and Operation to ensure that this matches
the API design. An end point may be removed by clicking on the trash icon in the top right of the endpoint
Where a T24 VERSION is selected, only the method is required to be set. The payload will be configured in
Swagger directly from the T24 Model. POST should be used to create new resources, PUT to amend an exist-
ing resource, GET for viewing a resource and DELETE for removing a resource.
Where a T24 ENQUIRY is selected, the URL parameters need to be mapped to the ENQUIRY selection fields.
A selection field can be mapped from mulitple URL query or path parameters. In the above example,
fromDate and toDate are both mapped to the valueDate selection field.
Click Next in the top right of the screen to review the Provider API.
Step 4 – Review
Click here to know how to create a zip file containing the swagger spec, Camel routes, mappings and mock
As a single command:
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.temenos.irf -DarchetypeArtifactId=irf-service-archetype
-DarchetypeVersion=1.0 -DartifactId=training-api -Dversion=SNAPSHOT-0.0.1
Using Eclipse
From the File menu, select File > New > Maven Project
Select archetype
Select the irf-service-archetype option from Artifact Id column and click the Next button.
The result provides a link to download a zip file containing the swagger spec, Camel routes, mappings and
mock responses.
In your service container project, amend the pom.xml to include your API as a dependency:
NB There are several dependencies tags in the pom.xml file - this dependency needs to be added to the
MAIN dependency, below the comment:
<!-- Add any project dependencies here-->
The service container should restart automatically, if not stop the server and restart manually.
Check Deployment
"header": {
"audit": {
"processTime": 9
"body": [
"service": "provider-accounts.service.v1.0.0",
"endPoints": [
"method": "POST",
"uri": "/v1.0.0/provider-accounts/payments"
"method": "GET",
"uri": "/v1.0.0/provider-accounts/{accountId}/transactions"
"service": "accounts.service.v1.0.0",
"endPoints": [
"method": "GET",
"uri": "/v1.0.0/accounts/{AccountId}/transactions"
Select the "LENDING" option under the "Available artifact" section and add it.
Enter Activity & Product Details
Select the product group MORTGAGES from the list and click Product: Mortgage and Activity: New
Select-able payload properties should appear on the screen.
Click the request and response payload tick boxes to specify the input (Request Payload) and output
(Response Payload). In case both of them are the same, click "Response payload same as request pay-
Default behavior, i.e., in case no boxes are selected, will result in all the applicable properties to be used.
Response payload version can be configured by creating AA.ARR.{property class},AA.API.RESPONSE.1.0.0
Click Next and click Finish.
Workbench displays a URL link to download the generated artifacts.
Create Lending API project using eclipse Maven Archetype
Click Finish.
Import and Build the Generated Artifacts
1. Extract the generated artifacts into the resources/services folder of the Lending API project created
from the Service API maven archetype.
2. Buildthe Service API project using maven command
mvn clean install
"header": {
"body": {
"parties": [
"partyId": "100100",
"partyRole": "USD"
"currencyId": "USD",
"commitment": {
"amount": "7000",
"term": "1Y"
<setProperty propertyName="ignoreReplace">
The JWT Token based authentication solution is designed as pluggable and extendable through con-
Click here to go to the Configurations page.
Spring Security Filter Enablement
IRIS web application gets enabled with Spring security filter chains by configuring respective tags in the
web.xml of IRIS application. springSecurityFilterChain Filter should be added to enable spring security.
spring-jwt-iris-authenticator.xml Configuration
This authenticator xml allows the user to extend the IRIS infrastructure based on their token validation
Below section helps to configure the Spring Security Authentication Provider and the Token Validation filter
based on the user requirement.
Out of the box, Temenos provides Validation filter and Authentication provider to validate the JWT token.
The Validation filter uses this configuration XML to perform the algorithm, claim, and Signature validations.
I. AlgorithmValidator
The ‘alg’ value should be the default of RS256 or any one of the values given under Rely-
ingPartyClient property “idTokenSignedAlg”.
The ‘kid’ optional parameter, if present, is used to identify the key for decrypting the token applying
the valid algorithm in the ‘alg’ claim.
II. SignatureValidator
A signed token needs to be validated for the signature to verify the integrity of the token.
Upon successful authentication by obtaining and validating the token, the validation filter builds and
propagates the authenticated principal and invokes the remaining filter change as normal.
Spring Security uses to manage user
information across the application. Once the requests get authenticated, Spring security made user-
Details available as a part of Spring Authentication object.
IRISAuthenticatedUser is the iris authenticated user object used to carry user data as a part of Spring
Authentication object.
On successful authentication of the token, the successfulAuthentication callback sets Spring Authentic-
ation object references in the Spring Security Context. The Security Context holds the user inform-
ation (IRISAuthenticatedUser ) which is available across the IRIS Version and Enquiry processors.
Click Next
Select archetype
Select the irf-service-archetype and click next
Select the publisher swagger definition (swagger json file) that you want to import and then click Upload
Give your service a name in the next screen and click Upload & Generate
Download and extract the zip and place the generated files in the service project
<to uri="direct:published.PublishedPaymentStatusReport"/>
<route id="direct.published.PublishedPaymentStatusReport">
<from uri="direct:published.PublishedPaymentStatusReport"/>
<process ref="FTStatusReportResponseMapper"/>
Save all the files, and build the publisher api project as Maven > Install.
Sample Publisher route for the reference
Additional Beans before CamelContext tag
<to uri="direct:published.PublishedPaymentStatusReport"/>
<route id="direct.published.PublishedPaymentStatusReport">
<from uri="direct:published.PublishedPaymentStatusReport"/>
<process ref="FTStatusReportResponseMapper"/>
<route id="direct.published.PublishedPaymentTransferInitiation">
<from uri="direct:published.PublishedPaymentTransferInitiation"/>
<process ref="FTInitiationRequestMapper"/>
<process ref="FTInitiationResponseMapper"/>
<to uri="direct:published.PublishedPaymentTransferSubmission"/>
<route id="direct.published.PublishedPaymentTransferSubmission">
<from uri="direct:published.PublishedPaymentTransferSubmission"/>
<process ref="FTSubmissionResponseMapper"/>
The request and response mappers configured will have java code to transform from publisher json format
to provider json and vice versa.
Deployment options
Once the service project is build, the user can deploy it using either of the following application servers:
l Jboss
l Weblogic
l Websphere
You can configure the IRIS R18 solution using TAFJ (JMS Connector) or TAFC (TCS and TOCFEE Connectors).
irf-config/ — Contains the following set of configurations to handle retry in case of JMS
Queue or Connection related failures:
l RetryWait=60
l RetryCount=3
l ConnectionTimeout=30
3. Remote Connectivity
This section is applicable only when Interaction Framework components and TAFJ application are
deployed in different Servers (specifically JBOSS).
l Application context configuration
Application Context configuration in applicationContext.xml will be
<bean id="t24ConnectionProperties" class-
The user id and password set using add-user.bat/ in the JBoss environment needs to
be configured in standalone-comms
l standalone-comms
Sample content of standalone-comms is as shown below
JMS Connector will be used as a T24 interface connector in Interaction Framework X where
T24 Deployment mode is:
Deployment Configuration
1. TCS Resource Configuration is required in the Deployment Descriptor
The following resources references are expected to get configured to use the respective resources
available in the Application Server:
l tcs/tcsConnectionFactory – should get mapped to TCS Connection factory Resource.
l Need to start listeners by invoking the TCServer.bat.
2. Application Context – Spring bean Configuration
l Below configuration is required in the ApplicationContext.xml to load TCS Based connector fact-
<bean id="t24ConnectionProperties" class="com.temenos.irf.config.StandardPropertyReader">
<property name="path" value="../irf-config/"/>
<bean id="t24TafcConnectionFactory" class="com.temenos.irf.tcs.TCSConnectionFactory">
<property name="propertyReader" ref="t24ConnectionProperties"/>
TCS Connector will be used as a T24 interface connector in Interaction Framework X where T24 Deploy-
ment mode is TAFC.
[Unknown]: localhost
[Unknown]: IT
[Unknown]: temenos
[Unknown]: Bangalore
[Unknown]: Karnataka
[Unknown]: IN
[no]: yes
You will find a key generated "temenos.keystore" in the same jdk bin directory.
2. Step 2: Configure JBoss 7
Once the key is generated, move the key to the configuration directory of your application
server(in this case \jboss\stan-
dalone\configuration\).Inthestandalone.xmlconfigfile,underthesubsystem<subsystem xmlns-
s="urn:jboss:domain:undertow:3.1">, include a http-listener for "https" as follows : (include the
highlighted line )
MockDataMgmtProcessor & MockResponder are the classes responsible for handling and generating ran-
dom data for a request dynamically at run time.
The MockDataMgmtProcessor provides implementation to insert, update, view and delete entries into
domain specific mock file maintained at basepath specified as a part of mockDataMgmtProcessor bean
The MockResponder provides implementation to generate mock responses based on metadata at run time
, it gets corresponding random data by performing a lookup on the domain specific mock file maintained at
basepath specified as a part of mockResponder bean property, and generating response schema out of it.
If the field is not present in the specified mock domain dictionary file, based on the mentioned datatype, it
is expected to generate some random data for it.
Spring Configurations
The mockDataMgmtProcessor bean should be properly configured with basePath property set to the base
Directory where mock Files folder holding all the domain specific mock files are placed.
The mockResponder bean should be properly configured with basePath property set to the base Directory
where mockFiles folder holding all the domain specific mock files are placed.
2. Along with this, there is a unique field “ref” along with the mapped domain specific mock file, cre-
ated during generation itself as shown in above figure.
3. During Mocking the Request, IRIS R18 looks into the above file mentioned in the “ref” of the mock
json to get random data from already maintained domain specific mock file.
4. If “ref” is not present in the json, it just generates the response same as in the generated mock json.
Step 3 : Modify the service xml, configure the property to set "mockTarget" pointing it to the generated mock file
for reference to fetch metadata and "ref" for dictionary reference at run-time.
Directory Services
Directory based service locator is one of the three, lookup implementation for dynamically listing the avail-
able APIs and displaying the swagger spec. This service locator implementation is available in irf-service-loc-
ator and configurable in Application Context xml file as properties of processor ServiceDirectoryProcessor.
IRIS R18 APIs adopts Open API Specification and defines schema for all services supported.
Additionally users can also filter the services by using below query parameters:
l resource- used to filter based on the resource name.
Example: resource=”account-info”
l tag- used to filter based on the tags specified in the swagger API specification.
Example: tag = “accounts”
RIM Importer is a part of IRIS R18 tool chain, the tool intends to address the challenge of migration of leg-
acy IRIS generated API’s to current IRIS R18. The Tool also intends to migrate 80% of the existing API
involving both manual and automated work process. The tool helps to “Load, Transform, Validate and Gen-
erate” API Services that is compatible to IRIS R18.
Note: The generated API Services is still up to the user or an individual to test and verify for
The IRIS R18 API migration is a commandline based tool that helps in reducing the effort of API migration.
Below is the architectural diagram for RIM Importer. RIM Importer intends to take RIM and generated
properties files to convert the legacy IRIS generated API to IRIS R18 compliant API as Service i.e CamelCon-
text (.zip) files. The RIM files alone is sufficient if the artefact naming convention was followed which case
the generated properties files are optional, though recommended for accurate and reliable extraction of
API’s and is must for field mapping for the ENQUIRY type of artifacts. The tool generates intermediate API
(.csv) files for verification, nice REST compliance of the URL, other details to be compliant to IRIS R18 con-
vention and rules as needed or applicable. The updated API (.csv) files is fed back to tool for API Service gen-
eration harnessing the existing IRIS R18 tooling system. The output of the system is Camel Service Context
(.zip) files which are consumed in the IRIS R18 Service Component which in turn gets hosted by the IRIS R18
Container getting deployed and hosted on the Web Server as Container to host the T24 artefacts as L2 API
Service aka Provider API’s.
API Extraction
The base RIM and T24 Properties Files from the delivered API’s from the legacy IRIS is provided for API
Extraction project wise. The artifacts are used to reverse engineer the API information and to compile a list
of API for the migration. The extracted API list from each of the Project are compiled to respective API CSV
Once the API's are extracted from the provided RIMS, the tool can automatically create the relevant arte-
fact in T24 Server by following the IRIS R18 convention making completely discoverable to the IRIS R18
designer to extend and validate the APIs using the designer. The auto creation of the artefact automatically
updates resource and field description compatible to vocabulary. Vocabularies are maintained by the ver-
tical domain experts and by the API governance team. Vocabulary standardizes the rest api path formation
based on domain terms. The artefact creation step by default is not mandatory but if the naming con-
vention is satisfactory to the expectation then auto creation of the artefact is recommended.
API Extraction
API Validation
The extracted API CSV is then audited manually, the URL and parameters for the enquiries are corrected
manually as required to be compatible with IRIS R18 specification. The audited files are then sent to T24 for
artifact verification and validation upon which the results are saved as finalized API CSV files.
API Generation
The finalized APIs are loaded for an intermediate inventory(json) file generation compatible to IRIS R18 API
Web Service generation. The inventory file is then used to generate API Services(.zip) using existing IRIS R18
Inventory Generation
1. Download latest rimimporter released pack from Temenos Maven Repository Click here to Down-
Link :
2. Extract the rimimporter pack.
Note: Editable Columns Domain, Parent Resource, Resource, ResourceId, Verb, Oper-
ationId, OperationKey, Selections
10. Correct and re-run steps 7-9 until Status columns gets TRUE.
12. The inventory file "imported-provider-inventory.json" will be generated in IRISX service generation
Note: Verify the correctness of import via Workbench & to generate the service using
14. The service context will be generated under folder(s) "out" and "zip" respectively.
15. Copy the service context from "out" directly or Extract latest archive from "zip" to IRF Service Pro-
ject "src/main/resources"
Note: Refer documentation on how to create and build IRF Service Project
Note: Refer documentation on how to create, build and run IRF Service Container Project
Note: In case, you choose Browser then appropriate extensions are installed to view JSON
e.g JSON Formatter
Things to remember
1. Click Download to download the latest rimimporter release package from the Temenos Maven Repos-
Link :
2. Setup Import Configuration
Note: Needed for hand-coded or modified rims not following the IRIS1 naming
GroupID : com.temenos.irf
ArtifactId : irf-service-container-archtype
Version : DEV.0.0-SNAPSHOT [Replace appropriate version]
b. IRF Service Project Archtype
GroupID : com.temenos.irf
ArtifactId : irf-service-archetype
Note: By default this file might not be available and will be picked using classpath
resource. In case you differ from the default connection, it can be edited by copying the
The file is used to categorize application list into domains like party, retail, holdings, etc. The
domains are used to follow the convention of IRISX of URL resource pattern of \ap-
i\version\domain\resource\{property}\subresource\{property}. Ensure that all the applications are
classified into respective domains so that the url formation is done in compliance to the IRISX con-
ventions meeting REST Standards. Another key information that the domains are also used to refer
the right vocabulary file for its resource and properties for validation. Below are some Applications
and Meta information are classified into there respective domains.
Note: ( * ) asterisks indicates that domain is default to any Application that is not clas-
sified or categorized into its respective domain, in above example "party" is default
domain. The application lists are separated by ( : ) semicolon. The file shall and must be
located in the same directory as the batch files.
3. verb.Properties
The file is used to map the IRIS Legacy command with corresponding IRISX methods. The methods are
used to determine the type of the http operation and name of the operation as per the IRISX con-
ventions. The file shall and must be located in the same directory as the batch files. Below mentioned
are few entries from the verb properties file
4. vobcabulary-<domain>.json
The file is used to catalog all domain specific entries like the domain, resource and property asso-
ciated with a URL or exchange parameters keeping the entire exchange well known and secured. The
vocabulary is part of IRISX conventions, any field(s) and criteria(s) exchange must meet the vocab-
ulary. So owners can either update the vocabulary with artifact (VERSION\ENQUIRY) details or update
"key" : "transactionType",
"description" : "transactionType",
"plural" : "transactionTypes",
"insteadOf" : [ ],
"links" : [ ],
"usage" : [ ],
"entryType" : "resource",
"dataType" : "String",
"label" : null,
"generated" : false
}, {
"key" : "transactionTotal",
"description" : "transactionTotal",
"plural" : "transactionTotals",
"insteadOf" : [ ],
"links" : [ ],
"usage" : [ ],
"entryType" : "property",
"dataType" : "String",
"label" : null,
"generated" : false
The Basics
A standard column based Enquiry is rendered as:
T24 Version
This section explains how the T24 Version configuration affects the structure of the JSON that is produced.
The Basics
Version Field Usage in Description
DESCRIPTION Oper- Used as the name of the operation in the API, should conform to the fol-
ation lowing pattern:
TEXT Label to The label to be used in the JSON response
be used in
l The text label provided must match with the entries in the vocabulary
l Add new text label in IRIS R18 Vocabulary if it doesn't exists else reuse
closest matching entry as text label
Where a sub-value is set, the group names are needed for both the multi
value group and the sub value group, separated by a space.