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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 05 Issue: 04 | Apr-2018 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Multi Operational Mechanical Machine

Aquib Ahmad1, Aniket Parasher 2, Nikhil Tyagi3, Pramudit Sahni4, Shivom Sharma5
1, 2, 3,4UGStudent, Department of ME, IMS Engineering College, Ghaziabad, India
5Assistant Prof., IMS Engineering College, Ghaziabad, India

Abstract – The concept of Multi-Operational Mechanical radical technological change, industry structure, and
Machine is mainly conceived for production based industries. competitive environment. It reveals a number of important
Industries are basically meant for production of useful goods occurrences and interrelations that have so far gone
and services at low production cost. Today in this world unnoticed.
every task have been made quicker and easier by making use
of technology advancement but this advancement also According to Dr. Toshimichi Moriwaki (2006): Recent
demands huge investment and expenditure. Every industry trends in the machine tool technologies are surveyed from
tries to achieve high productivity maintaining the quality the view point of high speed and high performance
and standard of the product at low average cost. We have machine tools, combined multifunctional machine tools,
developed a conceptual model of a machine which would be high precision machine tools and advanced and intelligent
capable of performing different operations simultaneously control technologies.
at high efficiency. The machine proposed in this project can
According to Frankfurt-am Main, 10 January (2011):
perform tasks like drilling, sawing, cutting and grinding at
Machine tools nowadays must be able to handle all kinds of
one work station. It also reduces the cost of installing four
materials, and offer maximum flexibility. Two highly
different machines for performing each task and reduces the
respected experts on machining and forming from
movement of work and operator. It will also improve
Dortmund and Chemnitz report on what’s in store for
efficiency and reduce cost of the product.
machine tool manufacturers and users. Multi- operational
machines are the declarations of independence. The recent
Key Words: Single slider mechanism, bevel gear, drilling,
trend demands for multi- operational machining centers
cutting, sawing, grinding, multi-operational, bearings.
that are able to handle a broad portfolio of products with
small batch sizes cost effectively. “With a multi-
1. INTRODUCTION operational machine, you’re less dependent on particular
The reason to design a multi-operational mechanical products and sectors”, explains Biermann.
machine is that there is no machine which can perform
various operations (i.e. drilling, cutting, sawing & grinding)
at the same time. This machine is operated by DC motor In this project, we have used two mechanism the first one
and uses a single slider mechanism and bevel gears. This is a single slider mechanism operating the hacksaw and the
model of the multi operation mechanical machine may be other is bevel gear arrangement to transfer the power at
used in small scale industries dealing with light materials different work centers.
like wood, cardboard etc. and domestic purpose. As many a
time operations like cutting, grinding and drilling are With the help of a dc motor power is supplied to the shaft
required in daily life. Industries are basically meant for on which a bevel gear is mounted and three more bevel
production of useful goods and services at low production gear, two gears at a right angle to main shaft and one gear
cost. This project work is proposed where a machine is opposite to the shaft has been mounted. At one end of the
designed which can perform operations namely drilling, shaft, power is given through motor and this end is
sawing, grinding and cutting at different working centers connected to a circular disc through this circular disc
simultaneously. It implies that manufacturer need not to single slider mechanism is made for hacksaw operation.
pay for machine performing above tasks individually. The other two shafts at right angle are provided with
cutting blade and grinding wheel which start operating
2. LITERATURE REVIEW when the power is supplied to the main shaft. All tools of
machine start operating along with main shaft due to
According to Arnold, Heinrich (2001), Talking about last
meshing between them by means of bevel gear. The shaft
15 years there has been incremented innovation in the
opposite to the main shaft is provided with drill bit. This
machine tool industry as old models are continuously
machine is operated by DC motor. This machine is based
being replaced by new ones. And also the integration of
on the mechanism of single slider and gears. This model of
digital controls technology and computers into machine
the multi operational mechanical machine may be used in
tools has affected the industry in these areas. Most
industries and domestic operation which can perform
companies underestimated the impact of this new
mechanical operation namely drilling, cutting, grinding and
technology. The study establishes a connection between

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 4435
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 04 | Apr-2018 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

sawing of a thin metallic sheet as well as wooden model or

body. It is highly suitable for batch production of such 4. SPECIFICATIONS OF MACHINE
items which are composed of all four above mentioned
operations. Movement of man machine and material
involves lot of time and efforts which ultimately results in
Frame of model Length= 475mm
higher per unit cost at the same time installation of
separate machine for each operation include huge initial Width= 475mm
cost, higher running cost and maintenance cost and Height= 525mm
requirement of large space. Our machine is cost effective Material: cast iron
solution of all such problems.
Bevel gears Base radius= 4.2cm
There are only two major principles on which our No. of teeth(T1)= 17(power
proposed machine generally works: transmission)
No. of teeth(T2)= 13(drill
1. Single Slider mechanism tool)
Pitch cone angle= 450 Pitch
diameter= 5cm
Shaft Diameter= 16mm
Material: mild steel
Roller bearing(center) Number of bearing= 4
Inner diameter= 15mm
Outer diameter= 35mm
Width= 11mm
Weight= 0.043kg
Application of single slider mechanism Roller bearing(drill) Inner diameter= 12mm
Power transmission through gears (Bevel gear) Outer diameter= 32mm
Width= 10mm
Weight= 0.034kg
Free wheel Number of teeth= 18
Motor RPM=110, 12V DC
Operations sawing, cutting, drilling,


Arrangement of gear for power transmission Analysis on basis of time:


Cutting= 2min 30 sec (*4)

Filing= 1 min 30 sec (*4)

Drill= 20 sec

Cutting of base= 2 min

Total time= 18 min 30 sec

On multi operational mechanical machine

Cutting= 1 min 10 sec (*4)

Grinding= 40 sec (*4)

Power transmission in machine Drill= 3 sec

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 4436
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 04 | Apr-2018 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

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